tkh- i : - " .,, . -.- EU ' SALISBUEY. IT. C, HAECH 15 1883. U8 carolinf Watchman ' Tf TTTf VF T?"1 SO PRICE, 51-50 r'K ADVANCE. riflSTiTTIilV iA A U U 11 lis" ' BT MAItlOX BEnXSTEIW. Blest Imj the tonane that .np.V. ;if j Whose wonls are always tree. i nat keeps -the lay of kindness" still, hatever others tlo. Blest be the pars that Will not -hear I Destruction's enrim ti . yriIonI.!: "-ough the lisfnin'tf ear i -I hat falseLeod can prevail. B,,t th.e hcart that knoW8 o guile, That feels no wish unkind, -- f orgetting provocation while woou ueeas are kept in nrind. I Blest be the hands lhat toil toaid I - The great world Vccaseless need i 1 he hands that are never afraid To do a kindly deed. bwlids who re ecoTi ngr vital stamina, declare in grateful term, their apprecia tion of the merited as a tonic, of Xloetetter'a Stomach Bitters i ; Not . only does it impart strength to the'-Weak, but it also corrects aa irrf rular acid etate of the stomach, make the bowel act at proper interrsis, fires ease to those who suffer from Rhen nitic and kidney troubles, and conquer as Weil as pre vents fever and ague. - .- jrorsaie py ii lruisis ana leaiers 29:1 I p?f ST! I 4:; Blest be the thoughtful brain that schemes A beautiful iden! J Mankind grows great through noble dreams Arid timn ...III . i.. .i . niu uittK&iitcm real. j Do good in thought. Some future dav1 i will ripen into sjieech; 1 1" And werds are seeds that grow to deeds xH&ne Know How tar thej reach'. Like thistle-down upon the breeze Swift scattered hern nA tii.M i So words, will travel far, and these .' A fruitful harvest bear. f Where goodness dwells in hrart and mjnd juohi woras ana Ueeds will be Like cords that closer draw mankind In peace and charity. of the hour we shall smwd handsomely iH-cause we have tho natural advantagea as to soil, and equal railroad facilities with any competing town. I do not ad vocate miij fanner making naciifiers on his tobacco. The buyers in , Salibnrv can, tltcy must, and I will !! tlion ; )',. I justice to say that I believe they desire, j to pay the market price. I wMi to say J further that after irivinir our own mni-kr. that intelligent trial that we ought to give it, if it is not to our interest to sup- port it. let it fail, and 1 j to act on the other side of this question. r mw-xxi , vuiriiug; luuuceiiienis for our trade, but they are nuch as will cease as soon as the home market is de stroyed, aud any farmer who will be tempted awny4ccuu he might, under the circumstances, realize a little more just tit is one time. nc.tM with lm iri.1.,.., i of the mouse that is temntid int t ! a bit of cheese he loses his lib- vi ii oi ciioice ever aiterwarus. 11. U. 11. N. C. Agricultural Experiment Station, i Bulletin i. 1883. Pliosnliates have been rntich ch no. e-...1 ;i .t ! ,.t . I cr me iat lew niouuis I nail inev have ever before iu our State.! The mate rials supplying ammonia are cheaper The than I hey were last yearj The figur- sami ITO 22 o eo . I awn : uMkcg iu0se states onlr oolit;. - . BULLRTIX JfO. 3. BOOTS, SHGS & GAITERS, made to onien All.Aork Ifiirst Class Seventeen Years Ex-pertence.-AU Uf!lal or the best grade, and work done In the Utesti es : Hady made w(rlalways on band Rpoairing neatly and pro:nnj-1v done. Old- j-s bv mail nrooipr hJUUT.; if; 0 ! .o ",MJ UL crop,!iittei for the fa i : ii t f(MMl CI l HAViND PURCHASED the For the Waicmnan. South Biter, Felv27tli, 183. Mr. Editor: - - . 1 In an article in the Wntchman, over my incognito ' Fa finer" I endeavored io di rect the atteution of the-farmer to three facts. ! ( I 1 First, that nnder the influence of ii good cotton' market at home that the cultiva tion of that staple was greatlyiicreased. 2nd, by that, a home uiaiket for tobacco would stiiiHilate-4lie growth of our coun ty town, thereby benefitting nil farmers who raise anything to sell. And thereby me uiu.v oi uie farmer to the ettorts I From the Xdvocact-bT RequeaU j Then and Now. r Iu 1833 the writer was sent to school in Salhsbur-, N. (Xf then, a town of 1200 or 1400 inhabitants, with its small Court House in the centre of the crossing of the two main streets,"half dozen stores iu wooden buildings, owned and . mauaged by elderly, substantial and reliable geutle meii, most of wifoui held their member ship in one of Hie four small Churches of the old borough, through which Gea. George Washington passed (and bieak fasttd) during tlie Revolutionary war, aud where Lreu. Andrew Jackson studied law. A male school taught by Mr. J. S. Johu soii, of about 50 as frolicsome and clever boys as in any school of the same size. A female school, mauaged by a pious aud educated lady from New York, Mis. Susan Nye Hutchison, who taught as fait'4iud lovely a set of girls from liowau and auijoining couutics as ever! graced a school room. Then the traveling public passed through the town on horseback. in carriages and stages, nccoiuuHlated at the two small hotels, whioh have been spared by the hand of progress and the cs used in eslimating the relative pletetl at the station since January 1 commercial values have been modi- 1883: fied to agree with this slate of things. 1924. Acid Pliosphate; Atlantic The following figures are a fair ap- Phosphate Co;, Charleston. S. lirnrimiliim I. ilia. uu.rf tl.. !.. v,t vue. incae in- saoiuieu lai lauriuburtr. contains )hos, acid 10.55, potash 1.23 xteiaiivc commercial value taat -the judicial power of the United Slates shall not be construed to extend Htitr S.. 1' .. . 1 l . ti . "a ve eom- citizens of another State." grediente in our inland present time: r v Hi a 0 I ll4Vlf!rr tll:ul ti-i I.nJll n ra t L .1. . . " w aaasu Ulf u h'UUVVW IJIill KcI- 1 " c T iu inai piace. .tacii ot these propositions : uvrX wiigueu monster that has laid wiste I will trace si lirtlt fmitiof i ! ,i First, then, I am to offer some reasons why cotton as compared to tobacco is not a profitable crop for thi county. The variety of soils with a corresponding va riety of capabilities will prevent any cnp from being a specialty with us. We can produce on the same land a fair yield of corn,' cotton, wheat, oats, tobaccoj, or any of the various root crops. It has loig r: to.- ;;. "' WM. ISMITHDEAL, If ' . AS WELL AS THE INTEREST OF E. E. CJnawford, of tha firm of n nl Inrifitu rnnn a. no lltiWiiHUI UIIU W UUay We aid customer C. f - - - fiow prepared to supply oar fvithall kindof HI I .. 1 J- i ! ; J I - ' AGEIpURAL IHPLEMfflS ! - - i flu addition to tho f .Si - Mst Selected Stock of i Hl4 12 I) W A It E - STATE. in tho i . - i . !. Rifle v::J We also handle aUid Blasting Powder f .FUSE . fauU h;full line olMiniiig Supplies. -mrm . V Sa0 " 1 ' O been au admitted faet that r.iifnn oulj-bo-produced as a surplus ori mouev crop, inter niaKini; nil necessary jsupplies ior uie lamuy anu iarm. it requnes - too much land, too much hoe work iu the oo much time in tho Fall for Time which ought to be-given Ons ill tlm Snrinor n1 t, tUa Liiiiureu oi me ian iu wie lull for school. How is it with tobacco f I makj the as sertion fully conscious of what I say, that any land with us will make hiee pounds of leaf tobacco to one of lint cotton, and for every bale of cotton produced on the farm the ame amouut of leaf toluicco could be produced aud leave two acres for rest, loi hay, or for grazing; and to bacco can with ordinary inauagemeut be made to average as much per, pouud as lint cotton, aud with good care very much more, for there is nothing that! otters so many inducements to skill iu; handling. Much work can be-done in the Spring on the supply crop, before tobaccoj is ilaut ed, and it is off of the laud and safely hou sed before the Fall term of school begins, thus giving ample time for seeding large crops of the cereals. I am 1 further to give some reasons why tobacco offers hope to the farmers of this county f a large town in their midst, and j how that could benefit them. As has been remark ed before on this subject, that jthe ware house is the plaice where tobacco will be Kld, and that the factory must be near by. No manufacturer can go to Winstou from Salisbury, buy his tobacco on the market there, pay at least $1.00 per hun dred to get it to his factory,! and then cempete with men on the market who manufacture half milliou ef pounds right at the place where it is sold. This item of cost to get the Salisbury mau's tobac co iu his factory would be a good clear- ing on a mmierare capital, anu lie cannot . m a . ... so many more costly structures, thou'eh they aic now put to other uses,jfiud three other more extensive modern: aud wel kept hotels have taken their places Then a single letter cost 20 cents to carry it from one State to another, and 50 cents for a double letter ; one sin .ill mail bag upou a horse or iu a coach came on each route eriassed daily or weekly. Now postage Is d cents on rt letter and the mails are carried by the ton, aiid passen- engers ride in palace ears at the rate o; 40 miles an hour ou well conducted rail roads, .and flashes of electricity carry short and important messages over the wires to all pars of the eivilizrd .world. Now Salisbury is a fdwn of nearly 3,000 inhabitants, governed by city regulations with many elegant public and private buildings a graded school for whites, 275 pupils, presided over in the most satisfactory mauuery by Doctor Wilborn and a corps of assistants a voung col lege on its first legs. For the colored peo pie, presided over by Revi. J. C. Price of Ecumenical uotoiiety, bids fair to do much towards elevating the colored race iu this country and also their brethren iu Africa, which is soon to be a Missiouaiy 4i ..t .1 i ; . .... - uem oi great importance, j iiee and a few smaller schools for both races from the educational brigade of this modern city while the dozens of handsome stores and shops filled with every article of ne cessity demanded by our improved civili zation and conducted by young, polite and efficient business men', go a great ways towards making this a commercial mart of considerable importance. There are 10 or 12 Churches some of which are vary neat and commodious, furnish the Christian people with suitable Divin services, some of th pastors of which were friends of the writer in other days and whoee faithful administrationa DlilllU lb. A llv BilIC VI lllgClUaUllilCS OI i ... . .MiiiiuioiiiiiiuuD BIO tobacco in Salisbury will induce its man- I being felt for good as footprints ou the ujiiviuit: uciu uj, uniigiiig a ciass or peo ple wholly dependent upon the farm for siinnlies. And erere investir:iiin(r fif. mer knows too that the whole value of Intwl arises from tho lalmr il irrMv r. pended aud reflected unon itl'froiii nut. Quia tint n dtl'ina Tlin iiitnraetUf tl.a owner or farmer makes all related indas We will - Dujllicate Any Prices in the State. ANI) SEE US. si: tries n neeessai-v nnrt nf hia imlinv. nml f - ....u he loks with favor, and extends encour agement on the diversihcatiou, aud effi ciency of all productive occupations that denend unon his for nrosDcritv. He will look to the fact that farm lauds in the neighborhood of great manufacturitig cit- ios linvA tlifir valiiA innnv timu tin1tii1ial w tliA il(nimi(l inmlA mwiii tliom fif n m m&irr consnmntiou of. snch ! of hi nm. ducts as will not bear distant trausporta- tion. it is suieiy une to tue fact oi con- 1 h V .lllflV fcstv vvuiiiivo IIIUIIIIU Philadelphia average respectively $160, 107 IOK n,wl K .. Wlilli equally as good lands in thej West bring lmi (linn St I Tifi nor n ! It ta nlan etim.i. ted that all the lands in New -York State are worth an average of $80, per acre, a value sol el v due to the reflection of value from-related industries. The many cities and towns filled -with laborers engaged in productive industries different from the farmer, but dependent on him for supplies. T;.""' ' ' . A ': ; ' " J : " ' A - i Therere lio industries which give so much life and vigor to cofnniunlties as the tobacco uiterest. Upon; it nloue Win ston, Durham, Oxford aijd Hendei-son depend for life, and it is tlt lesson learn ed from these that Statevil e. Hickory and Asheville lire making vigorous efforts to foster the tobacco tradejiii all its de- neeiitig snores ot time. And as we sat iu those old Churches aud walked thoso old streets recently, memory recurred to the past and compared the Then and now : aud the inquiry very naturally arose where are those patriarchs, active business men, handsome matrons, aitiac tive young men and maidens, and happy children who once enjoyed life so much then 1 Eclto answered where A solitary pilgiiui father is now, seen passing hero aud there on the crowded streets, or worshiping God in those Churches, whose silvered - heads and totteiing steps indi cate their speedy dissolution, aud some younger are in active service while the multitudes are gone to other climes or to their eternal home. Some are doubtless enjoying the heavenly fruits of their early "labors, while others. it is to be feared, were ship-wrecked ou life's tem pestuous sea and weut down under the surging waves to rise uo more. Such is life here ! Who can realize its important work t How hard to realize the difference between Tavn aud now. John F. Foakd. (Mill, N. C, Feb, loth, 1883. .. . . .... -j . : Louisville . Courier-Journal: Among the alleged "infant indust ries loom up the Willimantic Linen Coin pnny which paid 05 per cent, upon its capital in 1882. This is a very tosty infant, but it says it can'i towus at the availabe lipr wnf. Phosphoric acid lOctsL ter lb., wn I SS. lzifts.'Iast vear. Ammonia 221ots I iM ti....i. tt i per lb., was 25cts. last year. Potash John Merrvman & Co., 24 Second Gels, per lb.,' was Gets, last year. Street, Baltimore, sampled at Slielhv l lease bear tins, in mind in con- contains-availahle nh nP;.l 1 1 . . , . - . I t ----" A A 4KJ V ..v.... me uimiysia iu uc re- i npr rvnr ihva l ...i orlcd. 1 he standard is the same on 23.60. ' the a vera ere. lhe Iowpp viilnniinns ioq? a ,.m ri t p ---- ; , jouu, x iiubiinaie, Xj. OC L.S tin mnr niiln.i(a !. tl.A J I r In- . . ' . I -.w aruuiea are loreutz ice Kibbler, 10 South St., Bal- mfnrirtr tn ttrhot tlmir I l. ' . . ..... . ........... . .... .v. C1C Jasv JViir, um0re, sampiei at Wilmington, con It only means that the ingredients lf;.I nS-nl'.1ll;ll)l llwia nnM O OI arechiper. As an illustration ; an ash 1.83; per cent. Pvelative coiinner- animoniated superphosiihate of such cial value $22 08 a composition hs to have given a 1931.! Acidulated Phomih'afP . TC..W valual 1011 of 840.00 1)V last VPJl r')S"l .Toi-cair lio.r I (.. 1 Oft t! u. . , . - . v j iw.svj wiiuiiMi vu., r ruin sir,, figures, would receive ai valuation this Phi la., sampled at Shoe Heel, con- year ot about $35.00; Just so. an tains available nlin.4. fifiil 1037 nsi S7i -J? pyj!.e vaI,ueJ, ,asi ywr al ceut. Relative eoinmercial value$19. 30.00 would be valued at 24.00 by 45. i inesengiires. i l94Sj A1L1 1 he analvses are irivpn 111 the nrvi. I, T?....:i:-:. r- iom n. ' dental order in which they have been str., Richmond Va., sampled at Fre eiUered upon our books and comple- mont, cVint. ins available phos. acid ted. 1 hey are all made on samples 10.37, potash 155 per cent. Relative of new iMXd.s, drawn .liv our inspector oo an ' m A " I WMIIIC 11VJ. since Jan. 1st, 1883. ! 19051 Ammnnhifml T)ICnlen.l Ru i A ttn I... o M 1 QT" Cl i 'll-w . w i i ijunijero lOIV OIUIIO VCIII I .1 Mil. A Arrvmnn ' I OI ,1 . hosphate, Siomo Phos. Co. Charles- Baltimore, saninled at Shelhv non- ton, S. C, sampled at Raleigh, Cou- tains available, nbo fiphi ) 1 nmA ?.,mm.! ?!f citizens against anether na- ta.ns; Available phos. acid 11.10. monk . 2.46. potash OKK ' H .! "i6"8 fjeruIves have ample After disposing of that aspect of H.n csise, the court. passed ou to disenss a Vtxr orKed the argument, which we presents interesting. It puts a quietus u mo " lire proceeding. rue Chief Justice deliveriug the opin- 011 says "It is "con tended, however, that not withstandin the prohibition f ti. ftnienduieut the States may prosecuted suns, oeeauan "ustee of its citizeus the State lidnthMl with the right and faculty of miklmr'.. imperative demand upou another inde- peuueiii oiate tor payment of debts which ft owes to citizeus of the fonner. Th-i his no doubt but one nation mav if it us uemauu or another nation pavment of a oeuc owing by the latter to a citizen of l"e "ier. But States are not nations, either as between themselves or towards foreign natious. They are sovereign with iutheir spheres,but their sovereignty stops short of nationality. Their politicals ta tus at home and abroad is that of States in the United States. "But it is said that eveu if a State as sovereign in trust for its citizeus did surrender to tho Na tional Government its power of prosecu ting the claiWof its citizens against an other Stale bv force, it nrfc in lion constitutional right of snit iu the natiou- ui com is. i nere is no principle of inter national law which -wakes it Mia one nation to assume the collection of potash 1.60 percent. Itcl. Com. Value Relativfe commercial value S31 35. , t 1872' 'els;,a,,,' Ammonia- 1923. Amnoniated Bone Super v -r""-r H'";'M"": x en. Ksu. ppospnate and Uibsolvcnl Bones, E. FJ Aew London, Conn., Royster t Co. Co., 10 Biirlings'in, N. Y.. sampled uenerai Agents, jNorfolk, Va., con- at . La'uriiibiir, contains available laius: Available piios. acid U.5G, phos. acid 9.57, ammonia 2.61 per ctj 91 f II 1 11 1 II I O J Si. i Ivitou,(U,, jvao.. per eeiu. lveiatiye commercial value 30.88. On samples drawir ht Wilmington, 1890. Ammoniate.1 Snl,.bl Vv Rel. Com. Value 34.48. 1 874, Star Ua Guano, Navassa Guano Co., Wilt a i . ,,r ' mingtbn, k. u., sampled at Wilminjr Auilison, Kichmoiid. Va.. sampled at tun. m ,na - i U i, contains :-AiIab!e phos: 6.33, ammonia 2 55, potash 1.26 per ..,.,..,.,,- jhhjimi cent, ueiative commercail value 2. l,e0(!l"' Vma value 1925. Arlington "B" Ammoniatetl 3u.00. 1870. bea iowl Guano, Soluble Phosphate, Dam biuan Bros. j - . ..., .-., xj. vo., xxix io, xJiitimore, sample F. LlltiieL- A.rt in -r,l..a R 11 i . - ' .,' . i - - - a . , ' vo. kji. at xjauriiiiiurg, contains available liau. Ma., sanip!eI at U ilmiugtou, phos. acid 9.78, ammonia 2.48, potash rit I t no . A .... ! I.. Iv l I . .. 1 o l n I - i . . 'I w...-.w.-n,uiiu.iis rm. uciu o.5a, KW per cent. Kelalive commercial ammonia z.oo, poiaii 1.0 per cent. Value 33.63. illative commercial value 31.82. 1903. Ashcpoo Acid Phosphate, 187. Bradley s Patent Supcrphos- Ashepoo Phosphate Co., Charleston, nhate of Liiuie fMfer and at'e:!t nmp Is O en as last) samplwl at Wilmington, N. available phos. acid 1 126, potash 0.43 w...a...o. puns, uciu j per cent. Relative commercial value o.o ammonia a.b, pmasli 1.77 per 23.04. cent. net. commercial value 32.10. ; 1878. Biker's Dissolved Bone 188U. Ei m tin, contain : Available phos. acid pled at Wilmington, coutains avail- T.Uv, .u.wu,a xV. it, p iam o.i x: able puos. acnt 1U.Z4, per cent. Itel valuation, using same figures as for ative commercial value 20.48. ! mauiuiiiaied ieriinzcrs. a ..ix. Am- ioqo o. i..,i n. ...' noma is cheaper m Peruvian Guano Chemical Co. of Canton, 32 and 34 however, than in any other forms. Charles St., Baltimore, sampled at 1881. .Cotton Brand High grade Acid Laurinburg, contains available plLos. A ""-"'a-) v,..... ix. oumii oi v,o., acui y.U, ammonia 1J4. potash 3.83 sampleU at Uilmington, N. C., (also pCr cent. Relative commercial value address ot the Mt'cr.) contains: 31.54. Available phos. acid 12.77 per cent. I 1090. "Rah. finrinnfW A,;,l Piie. Rel. com. value $25.54. ISMn Hv. n..ii:..- r.. o :....i mans aud Dancy s Peruvian Guano, 34 SX'harles St., Bait iniore.vampled at H.& D. iorfolk,j Va., sampled at LaUrinburg,coutains available phos. Wilmington, contains : Available acid 11.49 per cent. Relative value I1HO.S. nnin I ll. . ninmaiiia V Zl'A ip Onono 1 'vi 1 fi.yo. ctnt. Relative commercial value 30.- J927. Bone & Peruvian Guano, Up 10. iqoj. Attiiuers rrieuu reriiuzer. 1 ciivp f4nnn f x..rr,.iL- v c.r.. means of redress without the tion of their ; Goverinuent TTn-ir ti.. Constitution as it was originally coustru ed4he citizen of oue State could sue au other State in the coarts of tho United States for himself, and obtain the same relief that hia State could trut frtv littn if it should sue. Certainly when he can sue for himself there is no necessity for power 111 his State to sue iu his' behalf, and we cm not believe it was intended oy 1 ne namers of the Constitution to nl ForDysprpsU, CoatiTcneaa. McU. Headache, uuroaU Dlar. rlwca, Jaandloe. Iiairuillj of tbe I:I(kmI, I-'ever and Ajrac, JIalAri. &a.&UDkawi miSemeiU of liver, UuWni and KJdlieya. STJTPTOara of A DISrRASTCB I.1TEK. Pin la Ut under lhe ShouUler4iUde, nisukea for theuat; general bss of appetite Bowels eeneraur costive ainetimca alternating with lax: tr0T',Uc.a ith Pi. i dull ad hear, wah consrferaU Ipsa of nemory, accompanied and .inUied face a aomc.inv?. an attendant oitU f ,I.r n'"'Pon: the patient complain. tlrT. und dcLl!"y' ' ou, e.ily .titled; fcet coW or burn;ng, sometimes a prickly aensaUoi and. aknouKh aatisfied that excise woiddbe benc f" -Tf rd!y cemmon up fortitude to y. v Uct' dtftrusw rery remedy. Several of the aoore tymptoms attend the disease, but catea kava occurred Wnen but few of tbenTesistedTel ' examination after death has shown tlttt Xivar ta bare been extensirciy dtranjcd. It should be used by aU pcrsoM, old and yoans, vheneTer any ot the above . . j jmptoms appear., . Penons Traveling? or Urlnsr la TTn-. A , V "K.,n 0l ccasioa. lan- whtckb, Lnsuness. t7'.rDW,nc. Impression of Spirits, etc, - LTOorwe uae a glass oi wine, but is no In. toxlcaUns beverage. - , If Tou have eaten anythlnr hard of dlceaUon. or fed heavy after meal or sleep. leas at night, take a dose and you will be relieved Itmo and Doctors Bllli ni be saved 1 , by always keeping the RepUator. : In the House I, . " , ' F, whatever the ailment may be, a thorouehlr' sale punrative, alteruUve and tonle cai never be out of place. The remedy is harm Una pUa.u'r?. no'i"trf;r wUKSTo? a-a i." PU?U5I'Y VEflETABtR, And has all the power and ericacy i f Calomel or ! Quinine, without any of the injurious after effects. A OoTernor's TeaHinony. ' Simmons Livers Regulator has been in use la my i tamily for some time, and I am satisfied it is a valuable addition to the mcdicui science. J. Giia Shuktxk, Governor of Ala.' I Hon. Alexander II. ftepWns, ofdiL. ' says : Have derived some benent Irom the use of bunmons Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a turther trial. - nUiR? 2n,7.Th,ne falls to xleUevc." I have used many remedies for Dys pepsia. Liver Affectioa and Debiiity, but never nave found- anything to benefit m K. ...... low both remedies in such a case. There- . - , mi tier vjriuiiiu uo., uriuiK, va., niui Keail cS Co., ewilork, sampled at pletl at Shoe Heel, contains ayaila- 1 1 mi ton. contains : Available uiJ . f ' I is i wo e JJm ii uiuiiia v. vvi plios. acid U.zl. ammonia 2.62. not- I o qo puu;..a . J g w I IfUlfUOil eeCfeW U(l Will AVVIdin VWIU" asli .4U ner centi LCelative cummpr. ...,i ismi . . . ; uicii;iii vniuc uu.uv. c cial value 33 09 f877 Bradley's Patent-Superplios-. 1881. Cotton Brand High Grade" phite of lime, Bradley FerlilizingCo., Acid Phosphate E. I. Powers, Wil- 27jKilby St., Boston, sampled at Wil mington. N. O.. Rrimtifed sit Wil minor. I I .. 1.1 .11 o 7 -j ... ........ q iiiingifiii, uiuiiaiiis a vuuuuie puuM. ton, contains: Available Plios. Acid acLl 8.9G, ammonia 2.G8, potash 1.77 11.7 1 percent. Keia'.ive commercial percent. Relative commercial value f AAA r f t 32.10. Soluble Bonei iQ7-i RriiUli Aflvfuro "R n WI.W value 520.50. 1968. Diamonds - xiio. xHiusii luisuue, rj. x. i nit- W al ton, W han n fc Co., Wilmington, man, 104 S. Charles St., Baltimore, Del., saninled at Salisburv. contains r . Oct ill i r i v va C4 v a ii I a iii y vwu iui i u Available Phos. Acid 11.79 per auje pl,os. acid 7.85, ammoivia 2.41, cent, llelativecoinniercial value 823.- pntabh 2.53 per cent. Relative com- m ,.- l;,7 . . . , L' ' ' e mi 1 'J iiiiaui, uut 11 sup 11 can - ' I What is to lie done in our caseT There I " - x Iw i. vlii f)Q I'L TAYLOR, in a mutual tlejpeudence n,ion seller ami wa,k Jet and L'T 1 a.TC foresutei- a ue .gy bo3er,and if each will do duty with j lj Poor little thing! Only making a - '. . ' . Jj . C0:lv " a conecioUM sense of the needs and peiila profit of 05 jwr cent., and yet complaining, mpiac l1ertili 58. 1915. Dissolved Bone l'hosnh&te of Lime. John 8. Reese & Co.. ID rs . a f-u 1 a .... ooutu ot. iSijtimore, sampled atbhcl hy contains: Available Phos. Acid 10.55 potash 1,07 per cent. Relative commercial Value 22.39. 1904. EttwaniAcid Phosphate. W. C. Bee & Co. ajrents, Charleston. S. C, sampled at Concord, contains: Avanaoie moss. Aciu IU.3U, potash 2.55 per cent. Relative commercial value $23.26. , i 1940. Excellenza Stiluble Phna- iihate, Lonjr &Dudale, 37 S. Gav tSt Baltimore, bampljd at " Wilson, contains : Available Phos. Acid 10.49, ammonia 2 50 ier cent. Rela- . e d a .V.-v ive commercial value 16. 1889. Fa im.Ts Friend. Read & Co. Box., 3121 iS'eW YorK, samplctl at Raleigh, coiitai ns Available Pinw. Acid 9.21 ammonia 2.62. Dottish . . . i . . . . ; ' 2 40 per cent jmercial value ? 29.58. The Special Tax Bonds. 1. The iudirement of' tho Sunrcma Court of the United States, iu the cases of the i i StJatea of New York and New Hampshire iigauist Ijouisiaiwf, is ot great importance, 'Had the court given its assent to the scheme at the bottom of the legislation on which those suits were based, porth Carolina would have been brought before tlie court on a demand for the payment of the special tax bonds. But the danger is now happily terminated.. We had but little apprehension from the first tk.-tt the court Would hold adversely to our idea k the constitutional inhibition, but yet appreciated the grave consequence that would ensue from an unfavorable? decis ion. Until the dual auiiouiicemrut we therefore were uaturally auxioiis. j ! The States of New Hampshire ajhl New York had dii-ecteil their reiywctivq attorneys-general to bring suits in the name of the State, as tiustee. on defaulted " ta v a rore rue special -remedy granted t the citizen himself must be deemed to have been the only remeily the citizen of one tate could have ander the Constitution agaiust another State for redress of his grievances, except rucIi as the delinquent State saw tit itself to grant. In other words, the giving of a direct remedy to the citizen himself was equivalent to ta king away any indirect remedy he might otherwise have claimed through the in tervention of his State upon anv principle of the law of nations. It follows that when the ameudment took awav the spe cial remedy thre was no o'ther left. Nothing was added to the Constitntiou by what was thus done. Tho power tak en away by the grant of a special remedy was not restored by the ameudment. The effect of tlie amendment Was simply to revoke the new right that had been given aud leave, limitation to stand as they were. The evident purpose of the amendment was to prohibit all suits against a State by or for oilier States or aliens, without consent of the State to be sued, and in our opinion one State cannot create a controversy with another State wil bin the meaning of that term as used in the judicial clauses of the Constitution by attuning the prosecution of debts owing by the other State to its citizeus. Such leing the enso we are satisfied that we are prohibited both by the letter and spirit of the Constitution from entertain ing these suits, and the bill in each of them is consequently dismissed.1' aijuiniu iu Dcneui msou to Georgia for it,-smd would wind further for such a medicine, and would advise all who are sim ilarly affected to give it a trud as it-seem the onlr Uung that never fiils to relieve. K P. M. Jannbt, MinnespoUs, Mimv Dr. T. VV. Mason aaysi r'rom actual e Ev1 Simmons' Liver KrUtor h y practice I have Leen and am satisncd to use and prescribe u as a purgative mudicuie. 8Take only the Genolnn, which always has on the Wrapper the red 2 Trade-BIark and Signature or J. n. ZJJIL1X A CO. ; FOR SALE BY ALL DRtTGClSTR - Feb. 3, Weil!. Wei!! The attention of Farmers and the gener al jjublic is called to the fact that Has opened a First Class FAMILY GRO CERY STORE, next door to Blackmer & Taylor's Hard Tare, where be will keep a full line ol fresh goods such nFl our, Meal, Bacon, Salt, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, &c. r Also a fresh and com plcie stock of G O JV F E CITIO IV E R I Ei89 and Fancy- Groceries. Will pay the highest cash prices f,r But ter, Eggs, Chickens, and all saleable coun try products. ' j January 18, 1883. 14:3m, I NATIONAL HOTEL, SALISBURY, N. C MUS. Dli. REEVES, Formerly proprietress of this well known-" House, has again leased it, and will be pleased trr gee her many patrons When they visit Salisbury. ' - Citizens wanting the Omnibus may leave orders for it at this House: - Jaii'y 15, 1833. 14m. The One-Price Store ! IIOIIZ I BE ME1I LEADING DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING AND GROCERIES J FULL STOCK OF FUnillSHIflG GOODS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALITY! LAKGE STOCK OP RUBBER COATS. &51ES( Agents for Coats' s Spool Cotton. Filll Assortment of 150 Bushels EARLY 1T0ETHEEN SEED-POTATOES. Jmst ia. "Best Flour, Meal, Oat Mel, Buck-Wheat Flour, Meats, Supar, Coffees, Trss, Rice Hominy, Grits, Pure Lard, Corn, Osts, Bran, Syrops, and four kinds of New Orleans Molasses, &v. Coffee Roasted or Green st 10 cents per pound.4- 3 lb. Cans Tomatoes at IB eta- Best 10 nt. Rtioat TWTt. We mean to sell you Gootl Goods as cheap as anyone in town. -We buy and sell al lrmlo ... r i r: ii . tr nr m. i kiuiu ui vuuim i mhiu'x. une u a trim. . it. iaiiiUU. f D. J. Rohtiav. VMR NOTIC1J. Salesmen. All ifr'iiii intfldil to ns lwfnr Jan. 1. IftftS liv nnt nr nrrinnf ari hrrrlir nntSflArl ' " I r -, t i j ? - -" r-j . that they rail at once and srttle. Wcdo not want to add cost on our customers, out we uiuft have our iuney. . , KLTJTTZ & RENDLEMAN. Feb. 14, 1883. . v t Xiclative commercial Bone & Ptah, Quin- iier Co, New Lomiosi, bonds of other States owned by their cit- --i J J. Ti. KEE3ST, Salisbury, N. Ci . Agent for PHffiillX IRON ORKSj Eniiies, Joilers, Sa? Ml, ; AND. TURBINE WHEELS, Also, Contrcc!r and Bailden Jxr.W,tC.-ly

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