It : . I V POL XW. THIRD; SERIES SALISBURY, H. C HARCH 22,-1883. NO 23 r TI T ' km Carolina f f .. ; ' i - - ' ' ' .1 ' Watdiimatt Ihe Ganolina Watchman, rT YBLISIIED IX THE YE All 1832. BRlfcE, $1.50 IN ADVANCE. t jjSTHT tl - CELEBRATED tS'il' STOMACH .(P, InvtlitU who e recovering TiUl stamina, declare ' in grateful terms their apprecia tion of the merit u a tonic, of Bostetter'a Stomach Bitters. Not only does it impart trenetA to the wek, but it also corrects i m irregular acid state i of the stomach, makesthe bowels act at proper intervals, rives else to those who suffer from Rhea maticind kidney troubles, and conquers as Veil accprevenu iever ana ague. forale by all Druggista and Dealers t , ffeneraur. i .2iyft Senator Vance in New jYork. "Physical persecution of the Jews has T : ceased in all nations of the highest The New .York papers contain ac- civilization and it is with unspeaka counts of Governor Vance's lecture blc pride that I aiinonnte that to- there, ajew days since, on "The Scat- night; but there remains among us tered Natian." j As the" majority; of still an unreason ale prejudice of which pur readers have never heard this fa- I am heartily ashamed.' 1 In this age nious d iscourse nor seen so good a re- and i n these Un i ted Stati-s, so boast port of it, we reproduce the New York fid of toleration, there is still evidence tvoria 8 account, as follows :: j that the prejudice ot two thousand At: Chicken ne Half last evenine years ajo is yet alive, tin this, our Senator Z. B. Vance, of North Caro- owu land, where wars have been wag- . s' - . . i I- '' -'' - m. - 'mm" mm-- Jm t una. delivered a lecture before the- ed and constitutions violated tor llie Young ; Meu's Hebrew Association, benefit of L the African negro, where his subject being "The Scattered Na-jlaws and partisan courts alike unite tion." He said, fur manv.ivpara it to force him into equality with those had been his opinion that the just men whom he cannot equal, we hear of oi ina age nau agreai tuny loperiorm je,,?&,e fcyvst uu iwjviu6 in respect to the Semitic race : that men, kinsmen of Him whom we adore great reparation was to be made for as the son of God, ignominiously turn the irrcater wrontr that had I been in- ed out of liotels ot the sons ot men flicted, and the withholding of this so j who have grown rich by the selling lont? seemed to be an nucrnentation of. of a new braud of soap. (Iaughter flip imiiRfir'M "EVpliiK iliii ilnlv " and aunlause.V Let us learu to iudse continued the Senator, "twelve vears Jew as we judge other men, by 820 I resolved to turn aside from the ! his merits alone, and, above all, cease beaten path of the nolilicians and the abomin ible injustice of holding a makn niv rniitriliiitinii na n nnil!n mnn I class reMKmsible lor the sillS of the to! the crreat neonle to whoui ! we are so s individual." ' j much indebted.-. Prof.. Matiry, in his 'Geosrrauhv of - the Sea.' tells' of a " . ' . . . - S i . . n .. .Ml mighty river in the ocean which iafy nans, ana ltomans, tney sun sur never dry. and which sweeps on ever !yjvea- Christian chnrches ar( wall current more maiestic than the And the Times : r,rtMniiorl lv (lift "P.ffV'litinns As- havfi sifrned her name to anything to eotro hpr lover. a3 she i had knot the least sasDicion that abandon her. At the testimony the he was plotting-' the conclnsio thirty-five rr- BOOf, SHOcS & GAITERS, made to iorn-jLH WorK rlt at, ciass-Seventeen Sears F.x i perteno..-AU Material ot the best grade, and work 1 doneinpe latest styles , , .mrl Readinade work nlwaj-3 on hand- Impairing nently Snl prouint tv rtone. Orrtt rs bv mail prompt W j ' BLtfCKMEB &TAYLOR :Ii- : ' ' '- 'r - " Amazon or the Mississippi,' whose wa- 4-ters are of a deep blue, so that it can be distinguished by the p eye , and whose banks re so well defined that a ship may float one eud of her in this stream and the other out of it, so. reluctant are its waters to mix with the rest of tlieocean. Antl so there is a lonely i river in the ocean of man kind ; the line which separates it from common humanityis plainly visible to the eye. It,is the Jewish race- There is no manwho approaches to the Jew in his influence oil mankind. Palestine, his home, was the central chamber of God's administration. He was the priest and lawgivier to man kind, and in all ages the Jews have been a wonder and an astonishment. As a nation the Jews ha'vje no longer an existence but as individuals tney are scattered all over the clobe. No other nation can claim such a purity of blood, arid certainly hone can as sert such antiquity of descent. The Jewish people, church and institutions still exist. All Christian churches are but offshoots of the I old Jewish Church. The Saviour of the worh was a Jew aud so were alLof the ear- . - 11 A. ters and nine . eitiera prejsem. j unanimoufly that Keiser was f not only of Miss Millers two but also nt falsehood to the , (i He was therfore deposed at i '.' m?ll . Culn enn ' n hail AI las'-All llcr b mu? wnt bov. -was with his mother duri trial. She now liVes with frit rtl ! ILL!. f-I IhuI ill flic l niiaueiniiitt. i "v courts is set down Tor April. J A Deserted Bride. Cincinnati yews Special. A sad story coines from Eril To-morrow the doors of the StaU natic Asylum mil 'ottpw roun? ladv whose! iutellect harl dethronired by the perfidy of ' creant bride-grooni a highly co', ted young man named D. Dullea basely fled on the morning f thej ding day. The parties live at Hi Creek, a country I village about i miles from Erie, and tlie name oi v demented girl is Anna Peterson,dau4 ter of highly respectable resiueuu i that place. Miss Peterson is' riineteA . r a . years old, and is tar above me average P-h-l. About a year ago Dullea, young man of considerable property.'! paid her marked attentions, aud i j due time trained! her consent to wel him. The day was set for the wedding down in Yircinia. who m pp.nirallT pcsulteu by liis out master ou any affair V any importance to both. The old ster was a widower, and when lie he conscut of a young lauj to raarry A he eoranianicated the fact to the old urkj. Mr Lord said Sambo, 'site is i Jo yoang for you Not a bit of it,' nn- werea iue master: im still in my rime.' . Ye,'. replied Sambo, you are V y oar prime now, bat wait till alio get .ii: ner prime, men where will yonr prime iVLoMuville Courier. A Ixndon correspomlcDt . writing of the rimu F Wkl . . .1 XT! 1--. Vonth, sajK "The- friends with whom Tie consorted were chiefly Americans. Preham it is because Americans, be in? stran- irs to royalty in. their own country, are foot so observant as other people of the vamriffirhafc tiffcfrpmrn5nl that la nrnnpr in. i tercourse with princes,that the heir appaent is so .fond of the -company of citizens of the United States. Be this as it may the fact that he generaly associates with Am ericans when on the Continent is not to be denied." . DAEBY3 PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. ; ' ' A Household Article for TJnlrertal Eradicate HAL Am. For Scarlet aad.l Typhoid Fe-vers.-Dlphtbrla, ' Sail. ration, TJleratd Sor Throat, Small i Pox, Measles, and all Contagions Diseases. Persons watting oa tb Sick should bn it freely. - Scarlet Few hss aerer beea knows to spread where the Fluid was ased. Yellow Frr hu be cured wilh it svfter black womlt had taken place. The worst . of Diphtheria yield to it. HAVING PURCHASED THE i Si i ' I! I -r ' L ? - , i - are offshoots from Jewish stock. Strike out all the ! elements of Jewish faith ;rom the Christian religion aud no thing butsuperstith n is left. We owe . ' . l . .1 ! o t tie dew, u not me coiicepuou, at cast the retention of the principle of monotheism. For sixty generations he heritage of the Jew was, shame and despair. The manner hi which they were persecuted shows that there is more of the diabolical in the human breast than ever was hatched j in the councils of hell. All this they have survived to become the leaders of the world in politics, trade, and finance. It is a notorious fact that the Jews live longer, are more prolific, and are less liable to disease than any other people on the face of the earth. The average duratiou of human life among us does not exceed 26 years, the Jew lives 37 vears. He suffers little from tho most universally fatal of al diseases, consumution. He is three inches shorter than we are, and his length of arm is less, but his trunk is longer. What these peculiarities have to do with his length of life I Innvo in nli vKinlnoristH to determine. . i... r. ........ ti,aUtnrp. A few minutes i-i... .i : xr... v.,u.i I airan'oer rani? the bell and handed, are lew in liikiii hi lien o o , . ly Christians. For our conception of siuce they Have no cnance m me lanu : a God we are undoubtedly iudebted ot wooaeu nm megs auu ieu-nauucu tottiedew. ! igiunwio. The lecturer next spoke of the pe culiar characteristics of Palestine, its BRING YOUR TOBACCO mi TO Iff 771 Feveredand Sick Per. on refreshed - sod Bod Sores pre rent ed by bathing with Darby Fluid. Imparo Air made harmless sod purified. For Sore Throat it is a sure cure. Contarlon destrored. For Frosted FM vnuniatas, a ties. Channf. ate. Rheumatism cured. Soft White Complex ions secured by its use. . Ship Fever prevented. To purify the Breath, Cleanse the Teeth, it caa't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. Erysipelas cured. Barns reliered instantly. ' Sears prerented. Pyaentery cored. -Weoadi healed rapidly. Scurrr cured. x An Antidote for Animal or Vegetable Poisons, ottags, etc 1 used the Fluid during our present sfflictioa with Scarlet Fever with de cided advantage. It is indispensable to the sick room. Wt. F. Samo Kis, Eyrie, Ala. S1IAIX-POX . sod P11TLNO of Small - Fox rRlEVEXTED A mea:lerof my fam ily was taken with SmaU-po. , I used the , Fluid : the patient was not delirious, was not pitted, and was about the house anin in three : weeks,- ana no others had it. J. W. paa insom, Philadelphia. Prercaled. and (the little village was "all toi mi" over theeveiit. Inendsand rel. lives from all over the State were vited to be present at the ccremoi Kn fine wsa more zealous in maw preparations than the bridegrol Th mnrninnr came, and Anna Pc j i. i e .. . l.. son beuecKeu nerseu iu gar robef. Trains brought hosts of loj friends who, as the hour drew if assembled in the parlor whenj minister was in waiting to perv the ceremony. The bridesmaids! attired as elegautly as theyounff and the parlors were profusely A rated with floral and otner ornai; tal designs. Tlie marriage was t j solemnized at rioon, aild at 11:54 hrideerroom had not arrived. fthirm was it was kn lint h Itnfl n nminle of miles to d. and some allowance was made for, out of consideration for the ordeaj before nooa Dismissed from the Pulpit. unequalled richness of soil and its salubrious climate, -making it essen tially fitted to bethehonieof an agn I cultural people such as the Jews were iathrst. .a lus people, lie saiu, grew n tcttor nilrlrtsed to the bride. au( the well-knowii handwriting of lea. The bride was up stairs waii for her lover to lead her to the offici tino- clergyman, but her anxious p rents were afraid to give her the lette! The Rev i Mr, Keiser Found Guilty of Fifteen minutes passed and then Mi Breach of Promise andFalsehood, Reading, March 13.-The Classi3 of the Reformed Church of this dis- - OF ! SMITHDEAL, tshVKLL AS THE INTEREST OF m i Crawford, of tho firm of '" . ; r . H. R. CRAWFORD & CO., Iyi arenowrprepared to supply oar cNtoiiiers with all kinds of rich in suite of themselves, and grad- trict, after a secret session lasting all ually abandoned theirs agricultural yesterday and Jast night in the mqui- pursuits. He next spoke of tlieir in- ry into the charges ot breach ot prom- stitiitious and the peculiar tenure by ise of marriage against the Rev. Alex, which the land was held, coming back S. Keiser, agreed upon a unanimous at the end of each half century to the verdict at daybreak to-day. xne ltcv. heirs of its first possessor: .Their gov- Mr. Keiser was lound guilty, n s n- ernment was in form a! theocratic de- cense to preach was revoked, and his mocracy; the civil aud ecclesiastical pulpit taken from him. He is twen- functions were kept apart. Their or- ty-six years old, and was one ol the ganic law, although given to them by handsomest and most talented young Uod himself, was required to be rati- rreachers in the State- . Wi,etl a 8tu" frr, ttmo t tin.o hvrhft wliiile dent he had paid attention to an or- t....v. .w L 7 I . .11 ' tjr a.llil ' .1. 1 peonle. Their legislation in regard pnan gin, lizzie xv. luuier, meu to nrrlitiflrv si ffairs -as founded on the 17. They were recognized as lovers .W . . , I . . . " T . M I by the Kev. U. iv. n urn oert,oi w nose household Miss Miller was a member. Mr. Keiser went to Ursinus College Unary most radical democratic principles; it was in nil its branches thoroughly representative. Each tribe was inde- pendent ot all the others, although an united to form the nation. Their code of criminal law was most remarkable. at Collegeville, and during his ab sence Miss Miller became the mother of a son. Mr. Keiser implored Miss GBICULTDRAL IfflPLEMHTS, In addition to tho . ' . Best Selected Stock of II A It D, W A R E iu the STATE, I S',' "We also handle Rifle and.Blasting Powder a 1 Only four oflences were punishable Miller to Dear uie aisgrace aione m by death, and some of, the most hu-. oruer mat ira iuigv uui. wn iu .o -mane and enlightened principles of fort to euter the ministry. He prom modem jurisprudence had their ori- ised to marry her just as soou as he cin in the laws of the Hebrew tribes, was ordained. -rw . 1- O .I ! Ik 1 T . KIM Inn nwmln1 in OO lid beuator Vance-then spotce ot tiieuis- wi xuin jjiwu pension of the Jews and of their hero- requested, and remained true to him. ic courage and constancy to their re- She furnished him partot her savings Hgion. With their dispersion came a to help defray his college expenses, change in their pursuits, aud from an He finally graduated and was ordaiu- aricultural they have become eini- td, but instead of marrying Miss Mil- nentlya commercial people. In spite ler he courted and wedded a girl in of all their persecutions, the Jews are Pottsville. .When Miss Miller heard .ii . ' i- a! cfia liv iKo firlvirp of friends. SliirnumerouSjjiuu niey- are uow j - ' creasing and their estimated numbers brought a suit for $3,000 damages, are now from 7,000,000 to 9,000,000. The young minister denied all the The lecturer next spoke of the phys- charges, but the church ordered an ical peculiarities of the Jews and said investigation. Miss Miller was on it was a fact that, as a-rule, they were the wituess stand five hours. Her more healthy than the Gentile race, testimony was not shaken. About 425 Crime is less frequent- among them love letters were shown to have pass- thau among Christian communities; ed between them. Her reputation their education is far ahead of the was proved to be ! iu every other way n...:i i Thai ntrM.ntP l.mrn- highly respectable. 1 lie defense was Peterson betrart to wonder what ke Dullea. Not Without forebodings o ri;l her father nrCsent her witl V a - f th letter. She took it hastily from hi hand, tore it open, hurriedly glanced - . I A at its contents aud then with a uearr.- piereing shriek dropped to the floor in a swoon. The fatal letter was pick ed up and was read to the wedding guests. It was a curt, heartless epistle, and in it Dullea said he was going to travel abroad.! When the bride came out of the faint she astonished her friends by quietly readjusting her wreath of oraiige blossoms and taking the hand of an aired neighbor she ad dressed him liv her lover's name and announceu uerten icuvijr iu ivi.. words that should make her his fond, lovinr wife. Then it flashed upon the minds of all present that the shock had deurived her of reason. They led her away Mike poor Ophelia, smiling o,l .liaitinff in an artless innocent wav that was heart-rending to wit ness. The house of rejoicing was turned to one of sorrow. 1 he guests departed and left Mr. and Mrs. Peter sou aloue witli their demented child. During the night violent paroxysms attacked her j and they were succeeded by periods of insensibility. To add to the infamy of the affair, the unhappy parents discovered that Dullea had been a greater vidian than even his base desertion proclaimed him to be. A secret that had been Kept from her . a a 1 mother was disclosed by the niinu rlispnsed daughter, and now it would nnf mini risL the neoule of Harbor iFthe 'minds of the pareutssmk ttiirlot tliA iwpiirht of sorrow aud MUVVWB, skovw ' O shame that has fallen upon them. I VTKrTrmnaii. Camden (S. C.)Journal. JIBE HOUSE! !jOHN SHEPPARD, (Late of Pilot Wabkhocse, Winston, N.C.) Business Manager and AUCTIONEER. SALES EVERY DAY. SPECIAL Sales every WEDNESDAY. Good Prices Assured. BEST ACCOMMODATIONS J OK MAIN AND BEAST. 110 SALE, HO CHARGE! Insurance and Storage Free. Liberal Cash. Advancements made on Tobacco held by its for future sale. KLTJTTZ, GASKILL& CO. l&tf BMI NOTICE. o r-olsj will be opened In the town of Salia D bury at the Store ot J. D. Gaskiix, for sub 8crlpt4ons to the capiWl stock ot "THE BAM K OF bALiIsdUKI," irom vuc zu woukuii wo ..v. .j ScarletreYer '. Corel The phrsiciaas hers use Darbys Fluid very saocessfulfy ia th treat- ' ssent of Diphtheria. -c -A. Stollilhwebx, - Greensboro, Ala. !' Tetter dried up. Cholera prevented. Ulcers purified aad ' healed. In eases of Death It ; should be used about, 'the corpse It will' f pre Tent any nnpleat ant smell. The eminent Phy sician, J. MARION SIMS, 1L IX, Maw York, says: "I am. eonrioced Prof. Darbys ProphylacUc Fluid U s valuable disinfectant We have not yet learned of the success of of March. 18 SSft holmes, JOHN D. OASKILL, THEO. F. KLL1U, tAUM l K()Y I IIKK HL.ACKMr.ri. BRlV j ilOL.MES. 1. FRANK PATTERSON KERR CRAIJE, PAUL N. 1IE1LIO, Corporal r, Salisbury, March 1st, 18S3, 0:3t It will re seen that many of our business men as well as those proverbial for prudence, frugality and financial skill, are interested In thia Bank, and we luiiu. it win ru mivpK5L One thins: Is certain. the Charter offers a better guarantee both to share National Banks not excepted the party who were to hunt down and cap 1 :u ,..nnn Rha ia said to be rure me whu t go powerlul that most of the people are afraid to tackle her. We, were miormcu w.. Monday last that three men went up to ner last week and attempted to arrest her when h anddenlv turned on them- and soon thrashed out the whole party, putting them and depotdtore than any Bank la the state, to headlong flight. Her haunts are sam io be between Blakeney's bridge and Young's bridge not in the Tiller's Ferry section as Wnorted in ur last issue. It is thought that she is the woman who created such a pnRation in North Carolina a few months ago, and who left there when she found that she was being hnnted down. Here retreat is in a swamp that is almost, impenetrable for men, and it is aimcuu io iw However, the attempt will be macie anu we hope to report her capture soqn. Vaaderbllt Unirerslty, Nashville, Tnn. I testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and ' determent it is both theoretically and practically superior to any preparation with which I am ac quainted. N. T, Lvrrox, Prof. Chemistry. Darbys Fluid Is Recommended by Hon. Albxajtdbr H. Stspmns, of Georgia ; -Rer. Chas. F. Deans, D.D., Church of the ' Strangers, N. Y.: os. LaCoirrs, Columbia. Pron.Unirersity.S.C. ter. A. J. Battle, Prof., Mercer University ; Rer. Gao. F. Pi kkcs. Bishop M. E. Church. - ZZTDISPENSABUfi TO ETOBY HOHB.' Perfectly harmless. Used mternally or .- externally for Man or Beast. The Fluid has been thoroughly-tested, and we hare abundant evidence that tt has doneeverything ' . here claimed. For fuller information get of your -Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, - J. BVZE1XIX A CO., .i Manuiactnring Chemists, PHILADELPHIA.' Feb. 8, S3. - - - " " T -' Wanted !J antefl ! ! The attention of Farmers and the gener al public is called to the fact that T, J. MORGAN Has opened Fiwt Claw PAjnLT GRO CERY 8TORE, next door to Blackmer & Taylor's Hardware, where he will keep a full line ol fresh goods, sucn asi iour,aieai, Bacon, Salt, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Ac Also a fresh and complete stock; or CONFECTIONERIES, and Fancy Grocoies. Will pay the highest cash prices for But ter, Eggs, Chickens, and ail saleable coun try products. January 18, 1803. - ;oui. NATION Al. HOTEL, SALISBURY, H. C. y MRS. DR. REEVES, Formerly propfietresa of this well known House, has again leased it, and will pleased to see her many: patrons when thov visit Salisbury. ( Citizens wanting the Omnibus? may leaTO orders for it at this House: - Jan'y 15, 1883. -f- l4-3- The One-Price Store ! RLUTTZ k HI nil 1 1 it ! I- RUSiE laod a. full line ot Mining Supplies. y We will I a ' Duplicate Any Prices in the State. " i ; . V- - . . ...... ". -. "... ,.. . . .?;;.-- -V ciu:"XND SEE US. o : SAU'LTIYLOI. - 50:ly Ik One Lifetime. Some one has writ ... t nm imt m nld man i ret io mate rial thines I hare seen Hie creation of new world, i am contemporary with the I railroad, the telegraph, the steamship, the photosraph, the sewing macnine, wai low. the friction-match, gaslight, chlof m ;1 .SHM tn.mirAr til A j . . m - i wAfnFm tiiTrnfrivrHriur. 1.1117 niviiaw is unknown. If a Jew tails in nis sign uie paper utuf? . - . ; tf California gold discovt ivo:oa l,; hrpthr.rtRet him ud acrain it was necessary ior inni to uaye u ue- , . - wnr.A t-r: Ui""w " " I . ,. . ...I.I - and his bread. nrtienns thev are I merchants; tlioro i more of averaee wealth and 1.. Vil OontllA hniiltiM. hot seldom that the girl had signed a paer prom ask outside help for their own. Pov- mg to, releasMkeiser ior ijouu. one erty is raremohg tliem and ieuury lesunea mat BI aiuw w Ki l,l lC.nrr1nihMl. The monev eriea, tne ou-weu . 1U1 W v a mr- ----- - mf I m. . rrm I littt (T9VA lir she used to defrav her t inej are no r - ,".t -iK.... - teleuhoue. etc. 1 rhildren do! not want for nnf. mpfthftnics but I exjMjnses and those of their son. t -i Miuu1 frnita. the electric lisht. the Ulrt) v.m' J ( These are some ot me r. ; i ..1 .... !. ..1. iootuniuu t 0 - ( there is more oi avemgn wcanu r: ,T " - r r .-i .rjresent eeueration. Vo you hhuk uie intelligence i.Lthe Jewish people than name had been forged to a f t , reuuli,, the same aa. bel in aother equal njunber of peop a S "hatSsociety will remaiu nnailec i the world. Wot only iias:ine worm .t ? jj rl br these ehanceat If you do let me iriven the Jew no he I is" he lias made for h I.i . ..!.! Tl.n rrc i knt llP hlfi eV- tne wunu, jluc iww -- - cr asked certainly the most he has ever received was to be left , alone. only has the world ten the boy by the mothers name, so ielp, but all that he that the paternity of the, child could ;"b ' himself, in spite of not be discovered. SmJSJ LEADING DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING AND GROCERIES 1 FULL STOCK OF FURNISHltiG GOODS. A vPffmftT lTY I ROOT Ai SHOES UlljUlIliJlI 1 The Laugh of Women. A wo man has no natural gift more be-1 witching than a sweet laugu. 11 w like the sound of flutes on tne water. ttbPT5 rrhrpo 9, QII41KS. It leaps from her in a clear, spark- LAKtrHi bTUUJi V? ttUOM ww. - TV a a w . a. . ks iai i w ling rill, and the neari um feels as if bathed in a cool exhilira ting spring. Have you ever pursued a fugitive through the streets, led on by a fair laugh, now mere, uuw 1 A.nr1? We have, aud we are nursuine that wandering voice to this . . !a ...a in no in Agents- for Coats' s Spool Cotton. Full Assortment of 150 Bushels EARL? N0STHES1T SEED-POTATOES. " Jnst fa..,.. . x Oat Meal. Buck-Wheat Flour, Meats, Sugar, CoffecHTeas, -23-nne Plnnr Meal. Oat Meal. lUCk r-av MM,aw m mvmmm 1 - day. .Sontetimcs it .coma "jr; lb. Cans Tomatoes at 16 cts. .1. a Mra nnii auuijiiiui .... lUe IHIUUic w ' Hominy, GrUs, Pure Lard, Corn, Oats, Bran, Syrups, and four kinds of ew , Coffee Roasted or ureen at w r j Orleans Molasses, &c. . . , ... .. . ..i than wf turn some Dnsiness, t - . -..ii i;rit of the mind. away u.c- -i"-;r- . How much we owe Mia wi. r. r,rnP to ioetrv: it brings sun- the darkness of suine iu mjv.i-, j the wood in which we are traveling ; : snAi1Aa with liaht even our sleep, i i. mnM tlinn the linage ot WHICH la HU m - o death, but is consumed with beams that are the shadows of immortality. v,. Wives vok Olu IIcsbanos. Bv- a frie.d loaned . ...! .1. MminlMnCM book eontaiuiHE In it he aya tliai ne i . a l.Ma SB n l CXal We mean to sell you Good Gds as cheap as anyone in trial. if 1, D. J. Bostian, J Salettiien. kinds of Ceuntry Produce. Give us a: - pair WOTIC'E. Jan 1. 1883, by note or account, are nertuj uw.- We da notwant io auu v.w.yi , si! n.ra,,na indeltel to u lefore that thev innat raH t oncc an1 8etl,u but we must hare our money. KLTJTTZ & RENDLEM AN. Feb. 14, 1883. yon. nr attention to the fact that the . i.... iiy.ii lit nltolitioii of . i mmn Lrenerauuu to Aaiumbcr of plots were exposed u.." ou acrand scale, the oieniiig of. i mm . A ST mf . f.-a.a.f - . that had been tormea agains iuiss china and Japan, tne msiuuuou w ofau i0d jky Miller. In tears she swore she would world's fairs! j me," coutmncd nw, OI a ; tne a .r tlonrv A. Wiae. 4.iin,r out one eveniug with Presi- !. Tvlrr. who iuftirmetl hhn that he a mn to iret married to Miss Gardner. Whv.n said Wise, ahe ia to yoang for - .. M . i i..;iiii . NAt at all. reimeu m . - . . i 'That reminua 2- J. R. KEBIST, Salisbury, N. 0. Apt for PHEHIX IMI VOBEf . - EmiDBS, Boilers,' Saw Sills, I'm still iu my prime.' - iiciv 4 TURBINE WHEELL, Also, Cohtraclor ana onaacr, i V I I - r --4 ,4 I H K r'"ti - . i i .. m ;! Oct. 5, 1892 ; i-