fOCAL. , vi,ar, paid iu advance, $1.50 Hkanii't delayed 3 mo'2.00 rayiii'c del'ed 12 mo2.50 J I icliool Neatly Appointed JcsTicE$.The fol lowing is a list of the Justices of the Peace appointed for Rowan county ty the Leg islature of lUSii , . I Li-ntin-n Pfltoo. Salisbury Township N. Ileilig, C. F. Ti, tibsci jption rates of the Carolina I L. j Briiiglef Adam Brown, Stephen B. HH,lr . :.. ...1..noo 41 0 I T.- . t . ... " . ' xra-tv iison irott, W. A. Leutz, Julius A. EarnharL . . Unity J. A. Bailey, Jno. II. Rice, Geo. ICMeNeill. . . j . JScotch TrishJ. G. Fleming, Wm. G. Watson, Haywood Harper, J. Alex. Lyer- Steele W. L. Keistler, J. M. Harrisou, Win. Barber, Sam! Baker, Jas. 11. Davis. Jilt. Ulla.J, K. Goodman j J. S. Knox, J. K. Graham. Atwell J. h. Sloan, J. A. I Lipe, John M. Coleman, S. M. Furr. . i China Grove Jno. E. Deaton, J. L. Sif o llieiolico ludian chief passed prof I- A. Vreu has opened a dancing ere, He has -o a large class. i fnr- Ann mrtftift for Easter being made in an uic cumcnes. .1. L o :. . Mr Gp. jfrwiu nud wife have joined ford, John Sloop, J. C. Coriiher, George i adicd greatly to the Presbyterian Lipe. j , r ' ' ' " JOocJce-CU. McKenz'.c, DanU A. Sift Dear Vaf Uulan, Ark. Mrs. Po we was a rlidelt of Salisbury. ; r I -O ' r-f?iol oiiutry butter. there is f a od price. . i - h ' iufehaver is finishing up his ferd, Elijah Miller. Litaler Alfred W. Kluttz J. L. Ren dletnan, Jacob A. Yost. - Gold ffiltY H Manney, LW Coleman, J A Heilig, Moses A Fesperman. MoraanJ J Newman. Wm. A Camn- t.-i. I . T. . T t . . - . i market juai bell, paui c Shaver. V hat little I PjYMu7v'Rtnheii 'A Earnhart. Dr. C M Pool, T M Kerns. f voh on main Street. 4t will be Mr. leady foifoclipancy in a few days. Y VI I o New Editok Watchman : I feell called upon to state, in view of the publication in hrour last paper over the signature of A. L. Hall, that the statement made by me to the Board of Couuty Commissioners at ovvtu has retnrned from .iv - that he lias coming a MINING. T: K.j BRUNEI?, MANAGES. The mining Editor, in company with Mr. J. J, Newman, of Dutch Crrek wipes, is visiting Kocky Biver," and "Pheo- nix" mines! in Cabarrus county. V He may visit others, and will ; probably re port this week, the result of iuves liga tions. - ' . i- Conrad Hill. While the ten addition al stamps are beincr placed at Conrad Hill,' they have only been able to, run their battery ten hours per . day, for the last 15 days. This run yielded 126 ounces of gold. As soon as they get their pans and full battery going day and night, we expect to publish splendid returns. Milling: iu Cabarrus County. . Kocky River Mike. ' Pj-operty containing 350 acres, lies 10 miles S. E.of Concord. Seven shafts, from 25 to 55 feet deep, have opened np five veins of free milling quartz and au riferous sulphurets, The company have only sunk to this depth because of water. They are about putting in r pumps so as to prove the ground at greater depths. - i This ore is .of a wtll defined character, showing free gold very rich near the surface and making to snlphurets as depth is attained. Ihese sulphurets are ot Among the rnins of Pompeii has been Sajrs the -. Newborn Journal : A iea found another human tignre buried in the blossom of the Meadow's Premium vari abiles . and a plaster cast of it from the I ety was sent in on Thursday of last week mould has been made. .The form is that j by Mr. Hamilton. ' . , . of a maiu. The mould was discovered in I iA ' 'u.a. : i.nt ! m v UIMtltlU O A line 18. VII ' srv'111 the garden of a house, rom lU place are iQTigible .urgical iutrumeuts?nn- and position it appear, that the man wa diseJ ble to tbe naked eye Bottfab- try.ngjto escape .e interval that 1f..bloia ofj hnm&HtJt &ia elapsed between the rain of lapilh and do we discover the loss or that of ashes, and at heuaocated by feel tLe ,ting til, afler the misduef, is the ashes and by pestilential vapor, be- donefUld eren tten vecaut gee what fore he cenld reach the station gate. From did it.-tRmcaA Eeg'uUr, Da. a descrintion of the fiirure in an EnslUh nnnear.. that the man was : would line to see. a bill pass , mat fonnd Iviczr oa his I back, with the headles the whites for white schools' and bent back and the skull perfectly the blacks for black schools. A white preserved. From the cheek-bones down- man who pay. in the State , treasury $15 ward the face is Very perfect, and the ulu Bnrei" : nuueu IO Pore u?"n lips permit five upper aid five lower negro who pays nothing; that this is the tMth J wl.ilft rtiiI Mnal. to be seen. Ronnd J nio oi so mucu uissuiuicviwh, i the body is the belt commonly used by PialJ en by the people ' of eastern L:.i x xi. . I PflrnHna. - WilUnmatoh Times. me aucieuia io cuuuuo iuo tuuir, vriiuouii i -t--. - whsch no one was decently clad. Happy McSiuith 'reached here on Sat urday morning. Ho did not seem to be supremely 'happyfas he found his rau- IFayetteville Observer: Mr.'C. Ll Black. man, living in Cedar Creek township, east side of Cape Fear river, made 31 bales of cotton, with ono mule, on 25 acres of land. This is not a mere matter M. S. I Vmk. an aSiii(lct Moek ot gds iu his lino. . . . i ", A sneaal act of the Legislature has mae Ml. Jas. W, Rumple, Attorney t Law.lji Jlagistrate, and allows him-iol continue i jnrtire t the Bar. Die.V: Ii tliis city, Tuesday morning, guth iustf itoBBiE, son of Capt. James I JJurke, til oper of tho Federal Ceme- 'I . ' f o- their December meeting. Jn regard to a hjg rade . Th have a New teaching m the Halt .School House m X, , t, . ... . , , T, Franklin township, was predicated .upon a convesation nad witu JJir. a. kj. iiost. Respectfully, W. W. Miller. Tasker Pulverizer,' silver plates and How land Riffles. The Tusker mill is sent out by Messrs. Morris, Tasker & Co., for practical test. They have a ; man "Who is conducting the experimental inns. At present they are introducing some recent sic house closed and the parties who 1 0f hearsay, but hffact which can be were in charge "skedaddled." A man by I proved and attested by Mr". A. H. the namoof M, B.j Willis was given the j stocamb and others who know the -facts. management of the house, in this placo nuuui iiu iiiiiiii im ii i' mill 112111 iirrii i : . making "hay while the sun shone," for thJwno.u WMt ,lf winaton. n Welnes himself at least. A wek go .he went day of ia8t week. The cabin in which off on a drumming fur, leaving his wife gbe liTed barned down the SandaJ before several of her neighbors, she sought shelter under a pile of brush, where she died before the proper authorities learned of her condition. tcry. For the Watchman, j Blackmer P. O., March 16, 1883. Jlfr. Editor: Bad roads and the depress-1 improvements in the mill. ed state of our pocket book! had quaran- The outlook of the property is excel- uneuus ai uoHie ioi- iueF iu. lcnt g judicious-management in the Last Wednesday we made a break for . t , 1 . Snlisl.iirv. ami was luckv to find the development, the mine could be made to Wizard Oil' troup iu possession of the produce a huudred tons of ore per day darkies and n large partiof turn white Prof. Hauua has recently examined, and . . . ... ., - i t 1.1 1 1 " ioiks, ami wniie uiey sang aim reported favorably on this property. It to set around without behk dunned for was Purchased last November, by Judge Tuna) ti&vk Station is now a town, if liaYiii" f4'! iiicn pointed by an act of uioney at short rauge. A great (success .1 t -..: ?. 1 hi-.. Vi. ni'c'.llilii tlio t China qve V be next in oi.dci. , T Warehouso. Pireg d - I irnivil GAmnrimoa ftiilicKlll'V iOlllll Upll .Vn'U 0 aAJ V mm SUV'' WJT - - :1 m i- Tliere wllti b Coisinnuiion Services at atjoril to spare some more of the same tt.- Matlhifewfai'-Evang. Lutlierau ciiuitii, kiuu ol ruooisn, couimeiicpug ui i - 1, thiscouiittj L .i. ii,..,.!.,.. i.. imil MaiiSIOIJ beHnuiiitipb Saturday before. House and from! thence in an eastward direction. Was jsorry to find that our representative, Mr. L. S. Over man, had not returned from Raleigh f His - 1, r 1 Ya nrJelad to see auionst us again course in the legislature lias maue ior iuo w.nii l nrnv. lust returned"' from new frielids in t us part of the pyiito ri . . , ; ,111. county, and his old ones iook wiui pnue T, ful State passed the wi liter. ; J o - r The cnrf$eration of St. Mary's Church 5 mile B:tli of Salisbury, will take i.Ucn iievH Sunday. Rev. Mr. Murdoch i"" ; f-. - t)f St. Luke Church, officiating. o- ipou solous of our State. ; ! Our new township, Steele, taken from (the old one (Mt.'Ulht) is a faxed fact. Thoroughly Democratic, jwith a clever set of J. Ps.. we exnect to inove ou, vifiht side up with care. Some of the boys (of Steele) think they can detect a slight H nges of Pa. Pnoexix Mine. WorK is proxressniff liere. lliey are siukius No. 3 shaff, and are below 270 feet at present. The vein is a well de fined fissure, average width about 2J feet. They have between GOO and 700 feet oieii on the vein drifts and are hoisting from four shafts. ore is a Heavy numerous iron , containing only a trace of copper. ire working a 10 stamp mill and the Meares Chloriuatiou Process; produ cing from $24 to $30 per tou j and work iug ouly about four tons per day. Their expenses J are about $1,200 per month about 50 hands. The capacity of the mine, and the cost chauge in the atmosphere since we jcut of the plant considered, they are doing Avvi!t-SEastkr Ball. The Young r- - - - I'c.j nu, n.m u uiu.c Bu.mP i;llWi,,Tiiatiou8 to their An- franou US " '"". should run say 20 tons instead of their jn,eu hare jiisueu lnviiaiious ro ineir ah-, jaVge crop of cotton notwithstanding the ' i t :,,i.r.nt&:Ball.ito be civeu at the Boy-' low nrice. Wheat looks! promising for present fonr tons per day, which would 't.., ti ... t.,...i.. Unroh I the time of vcai. aud a heavy crop sown; I reduce average cost and increase the jfi. T , ..I....-;.... onaam linn nimnmnMll lit I 1 .! ' 1 -11 r III 2j . l . t i i. uo piuniiiii tooui uaoiwwiu.m..... i prouuciiuu. it euiuniiiiiioii win pay vn " ' - - - ij; 1 .i.-r-.l'r -1 IIA IJIT'lllfll- IK 111 KV. Hllllll L IK . .... ... i tn nvoi. uu n...... V"v ' - I Mia BiM-ill U mnct nnv noil rlin uifli anniA . f 1 M 1 ' . I I VUW I . V . I I .MM ...... MWH-W energy ! There seems to' be no doubt but that the mine can produce 'much more Clod Kxockeu. ffr Frielld cross-niads trader suns himself leisurely A Frieud iiiforins us that wmie in before his store door, heaves a gcuile! (atnirrus county, a few days ago, he saw sigh aud whittles a goods boxfor couipa- a Jii.r-vniimnn Hihh. TiubMshed in 1720. ui' - "o ' . U'uig lG3iears old, It is the property, of MrsGcoigCline, I -- ? : O Neit M-iihdav Easter is the day set - -a. mf - NoitTH Cauolina Insane Asylum, Raleigh, N. C. The dividing Une between the N. C. Insauo Asvlum at Raliegh. and the West ern N. C. Insane Asylum at Moigauton, ruus from, the Virginia line soutu witn ore than they am using at present. Quaker Cut mine has been abaudoned, most probably for want ol proper management. They have a good vein of sulphurets. Tucker Mixe is three-fourth of a mile from thePhceuix Says the Salem Press: We learri that a white woman diea irom exposure m Gov. Butler has, by a veto message. rebuked in the Massachusetts legislature a fault which more or less prevails in al j legislative bodies, and leads to great dea' of confusion and litigation. He ret u red the Northern lakes and the Bay of Fun dy, and on Friday last his wife went 'drumming" after him. They left be hind several unpaid hills and McSmith in the lurch about $150 so far. There are some few counties yet to be heard from, and Mc. is jdrumming np debtors to see how many have paid notes or ac counts to the non est, not honest mana ger. McSmith thinks that his loss will not reach more (than the sum named with his disapproval a bill, and pointed II... ! 1 Jt above. Charley David displayed one of oup lu 11,8 message tnai uie measure nau his inimitable cartoons illustrative of the uefco so loosely drawn as to be eelf-con last sensation. Willis reoresented with tradictory aud absurd. The language o r it a pair of expanded wings' flying through a statute suouid do specmc ana ciear, space laden with musical iustrnments of " it frequently is not j and in vetoing all kiuds, his pockets filled with unpaid bH lause f clumsiness Gov. B tier duns. In the distance is the spire of the "as set a good example. Baptist Church, above which Willis pur- j gix 6inv 8tudents of Columbia College sues his flight, while in front of the mu- get out on Thursday lasto fight duel. 6ic house is the proprietor with a "thou t a distinguished party, albeit beard art so near aud yot so far" expression less, a Brazilian Count and a Porto Rico earnestly, gazing through a. telescope at Marquis being of the number, as seconds. the bird of passage as he wings his way J The young men started" on their sangni- LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST 'It. t I1IIED Northward. Under the cartoon is the legend 'Kiehes nave Winga:" it is one of David's best.-l Greenville (S. C.,) Cor. Char. Journal. nry expedition somewhat in the manner o the deluded readers of dime novels who embark on Indian hunts with sup plies of firecrackers aud toy pistols. They j were overtaken by the police and iguo- Charlotte Journal : Little Frank Stan- niiniously hauled up before a magistrate, sill, the unfortunate boy who was dragg-1 wbere their hot blood cooled on learning so cruelly by a mule last Thursday, died on Saturday night.- Mr. J. T.Tate, of Gaston couuty entered 100 acres of land covered by the waters of Catawba River; beginning at Thompson's Ford, running thence to the eastern bank, thence up the river bank RozzelPs corner,; thence to a stake in. the middle of tbe.sticanv. aud thence down (he middle of the stream to the begin- that their offense was one of the gravest ktadwn te New York's penal code. Since the divorced Sprague married the divorced widow of Connecticut; ne has been nominated for Governor of the IS JUST WHAT YOU WANT! WITR IT you can put out evenly and uniformly Your Stabie Manure, Compost, Muck, ; tSf-ON EIGHT OR TEN ACRES PER DY.J r It is the cheapest and most efficient machine of the kind known, and will distribute broadcast, single drill or in two rows at once any width and in any desired quantity. The farmer will, in one year, get back many times the price of the farm right and ma-, chine in the increased yield of his crop alone, to say nothing o money saved which-ho has been paying for fertilizers, and the permanent improvement of his land. s Read the following certificates from Louisiana planters, where the machine Was in vented and has been thoroughly tested for the last four years : '" t- ; i ft, , OuAcnrrA Parish, Louisiana, July 20th,;18Sl. ; ' This is to certify that we have used Brown's Patent Distributor, and can say EVERt THING in its praise, as it distributes stable and barnyard manure, cotton seed, etc;, evenly and uniformly, in any desired quantity, both in single drill and two rows at once any width. . We further recommend it for its cheapness and simplicity, as there is not a piece about it but wbat can De naa on every iarm,wnicn enables everyone to ie nis own repairer. Signed, ' . . , D C MORGAN, C C SMITH, A B SCRD3ER, R G COBB. V W L DeGraffereid, T J WILLIAMS, W C niNSON, JOS. A POWELL, THOS WOOD, D FAULK, M L BOWMAN, J Ii MEIUDETU,. And a host of. others. - ; tm This Machine took the first prize medals at all Western State Fairs in 1880, where it was exhibited. : . Siiile MacWnes $12. In Cllis of Two or More, $11. . "Agents wanted in every County in tie State. Address, BROWN & NICHOLSON, Proprietors, Charlotte, N. C. B. H. MARSH, Jlgent & Manufacturer Salisbury, N. C. apart for shing and picnicing, by white and blaclf, recaidless of consequences. Golds; soil fUiroats and pucumouia are the western boundary lines of Rocking- Capt. W. H. Orchard is Superiutendeut thegM eatl results SeudVourmctiier-in- ham, Uuilfoi-d, Kandoip, aionigomerj whose iiucss for the last thirteen weeks , . - and Richmond couuties to the South Car- , . . . . TT. law aud stay at home. olina Vine. I - r Las caused suspension of work. His it- o I The lollowiug rules nave been auopieu ueaiiu is i"i'iuwuS u, JO j.v-vu tue xsortn that work will be resumed within iu Tinker! Large quantities of Hickory, by the Board of Diieetoipof Carolina Insane Asvlum : j .... I,. . , , . n 1. All applications now on file, to be ped lioiulus point and Chiua Grove. reuewed ufnler the uew aa of the Gener- Land or lifers should make" sure of good aj Aseiubly and . recorded as received, pay for lleir valuable woods; for once statitig name, date and cciunty, and what gno theylWUl never 1m restored. I disposition isiuade of th4 same, and the , Q ; . correspondent of the applicant uotraed. TUfrri rehearsal of this session, of ."ZiL ii ud the protection of society Mrs. Kunrple's music class, came off last Friday evening. She has some fifteen or more very promising pupils, and their first rehearsal was an enjoyable surprise ' to parent! and friends present. Mr, J. W, days. They made a test of the Peattncr Chloriuatiou Process, which did not prove satisfactory. Thty have UOOO pouuds of roasted ore, leached aud precipitated, but not cleaned up, which it is thought will givo better results. The property is developed 100 feet in .i . . . .. rvf T?lwir1 Talntwl IlV tllA flflvn a distance oi two nines to i j csitesof a reform iu suffrace. In Uiatl State, as iu Massachusetts, ouly certain classes of whites are allowed to vote. H . . . .l' 1 lit 1 iiiiiff. These mc fes and bonnds includes The ncU ami nonue popuince tui iu States. Gov. Butler sars there uiiif iiuij. vi mo uiuuwua xviver iui u uis- i - - tauce of two miles. It is understood that 4 130,000 white men disfranchised in a similar entrv of the other half corres-Hlassachusetts. But if a man J cannot itktitl I ti rt ia doa ttAan mi1n in floe. I i-oto he can cet a divorce, and that l'jfcjviug ibu lute, una wvu uiiuiu ias vuo i r w tnn rmnitr ' It. i i nnArttu tlmt. Mr. brines comfort to many a highly educated Tate wilf use this part of the Catawba for pay State denizen. WW. Star. a nsnery. a pycicie wiiu novel pro pelling machinery has made its appear auco on our streets. It is called the Facile' is owned by Mr. Charlie Cres well, and is said to have beeu the second machine of that make purchased in Amer ica, l he novel leatures m us structure ire to be found in the relative dimeurions of the wheels and tho working of the treadles. Tho I large wheel in front is much smaller and the small wheel some what larger than those of the bycicle now n common use. Instead of the feet o the rider following the revolutions of the SALISBURY MARKET. Corrected weekly toy J. M. Knox & Co. - Salisbury, March 22, 1833. 3. Acute cases, w ith good prospects ol Jcnth ulaut consists of a teu stamp bat cure, to be admitted promptly on apphca- . - I tery, &c. Cabarrus Gold and Silver Co. tiou, making room Dy uisciiarge, n nec essary, of some comparatively harmless and incurable case, from the same or some Rumple assisted, rendering two Baritone other couuty. , Solos. J 4i All other applications to tie reieireu to tho Board of l)irectoi;s or Liecutive rm . . - ... . ii ili mM a ...v.. www.. . - - - . . l upre is some complaint of rudeness taiuil,K to tHe same as may be of service from which a crosscut was made, cutting ou tlio paj;t of Ziou College fetudenta (col.) to said committee in deciding as to the al eeVeDrfeet a vein, on which they drift going to and from church and Sunday admission of the case. Such admissions eJ tJje N 5Q feet) p.lg8iug through ecnooi, tqBuiall white children. It js to! UD cou," four 0tiier veins-averaiiiuff four feet . - . ii a nnii l mi tin. in Ainu inaiiui;i ci o i . 06 ' lionpd thnt iht'X tvill riinliirt. tlifiii-l . r . Capt. Orchard is also superintending this property ; which has also beeu idle during his sickness. The miue is opened by a 50 foot shaft, selves in Uuch a manner as not to briug about any trouble. 7 .-; O "StekueP Towxship. rhis new town - ship, recently created Jy an act of the I -Legislatuie, ou the petition ofa number of the citizens of Mt. Ulla, was so named i honor If Gen. John Steele, a native of tliit town'jl and a man of grearpromiuence jn his day:, not only in his own county and State but in the whole country. He n j led many important positions in the in sucii manner as ro equalize th benefits of the institution among tlie various counties. 5. Each admission or rejection of an innt ti be a matter ot record in a special book, signed by tivo or more mem bers of said board or copimitiee. E. Gkissom, Snpt. - i ca .. r - Wo sincerely regret to hear of the death of Prof. Thomas B. Bailey, which sad vent otcurred on the 15th instant at Columbus, Miss. Mr." Bailey was a most estimable, and accomplished gentleman, n-lm was well known ih this, his native service of XJuited States government as gtat HerWas the oldest son of tho late j wen as tnat ot iNorth Carolina. t,i,. R-ilAr nlm wn one. of the nnrest and best men who ever graced the Bench wide. Assays of these ores run as high as$200. There was no 'sulphurets at 50 feet. Machinery will go up at this mine iu the spring. While mining does not seem to be very active in the county, it is moving steadi ly nud cautiously and when pushed vig oronsly may be expected to yield fair re turns Iu rcidv to an enquiry, we have the following statemeutaau regard to Tub Ore Knob Copper Mine op Ashe County. The property was opened in 1873 by Mr. Jas. E. Clayton, of Baltimore, and has worked steadily ever since, at -times The product - A scnooi eutertaiumeut was given at I i, iir(1Hr f em nlojiusi over 1000 men Sl'cmwelKi-Sihool House, Providence "v "H ., ' 7L,,: ,itr " i fif ofoopper has exceeded 10,000,000 iM,unds, UownsHitf a few davi aroAt which Mf Bailey , Esq., of this city, and of offt alue of over $2,000,000. The mine liuthf n , T $'t 7m Mrs. Wm. Cain oHillsboro. Peace to paid it8 6harcholders in 1879, $210,000 ItOUirneki. IrmitiTV Kiinnrintphilmit IIV- . . . .... . . . ; " - ..o , oble rrentleman Char, cash in dividends, it lias beeu more id au address to pupils and people, j It T . larirelr worked than auy other minein proposed to build np a permanent I . the South aud has proven ! that our home school at that iihiee. On this occasion 1 The Aie of Steel says ; " The following mines have great value when properly thd pupjU acquitted themselves with curious puzzle is-said to :beat the celebra credit. The school is at present under ted 13-15-14,' and is well wortli iuvesti the cout6l of Mr, C. R. Qwens. -o t- gatioir : Take a strip ol paper or caru- invr ii.rhes lonrr rind 5 wide, ! thus ir vino n. Rtiriaee oi oo mcues. 0. . . develoied. The ore is of ordiuary rich ness, a sulphide of copper and iron, but large quantities are jniued from 40,000 to 45,000 tons yearly. The plant is ve ry extrusive, consisting of some twelve r.-;.ii i-.- r -t m ..f.,.fi.,i.i,.. Tnw riitl ftmeltinir lumaces. rennery auu oiner viajiyLr. riuuiux uc dir. j. .giving buiicui vf -j- 1 - . ,i.i ...i, .. uv.e,ivs siore tue stuaed sum oi wuac tins snip uuifiuuiij, w; j for;dovelopiug and improvements cost was called there a catamouut, we werelgiviug two pieces iu tue snape oi i in-1 orer g()o mo , all of whicli was paid for iuforiuedj that it was captured in Unity aiide Now measure (exactly 5 iiickcs fruni profits, except $200,000. Tlie mine townihil only about 12 miles northwest from the la.getud of each strip aud cut is now ff-UO. .ace. It isabout 2d inches' in in two pieces. Take these slips and put KfJ i.Kui,not count lug tho tan. a uerce inem iuio mu ou.ipMj . i""v 1 0f the South for many years ro come. looking fbiaKt it utust have been when and it will appear to be . jut H luciies liviug. It Wa8 not supposed th&e was each way, or C4 tquar iuches, a loss of ui.h art! animal in many miles of itliis 1 siuar6 iudi of 8aieiUcial measurement. pJaee Ml wo have very lit tle'doubt it with no diminution of surface. The tiues tame diftvi. f roiii tlie mountains. I 'tiou is, what becomes ol tllat iuch'f A'our truly, J. F. McKee. .Morgauton Advance: We understam that the Asylum will be i opened -for the recei)tiou of patients next week. MARRIED. BACON 1H! HAMS 15 : BUTTER . 20 CHICKENS - 20 to 25 EGGS 12i COTTON 6 toH CORN 56 FLOUR 2.25 to 2.33 FEATHERS 50 EODDER 60 nAY 25 to 30 MEAL 55 OATS 35 to 40 WHEAT 50to 1.00 WOOL 35 Ou the 15th. near Old Bear Creek, itanlv countv, by Rev. W. Kimball, Mr. G. A. Culp and Miss Ellen J. Lyeny. Salisbury Totaco corrected weekly by jno. sheppard. Lugs, common to med. o.OO to d.oll I. ii tr m pd to jrood. 3.50 to 5.00 o-i ; ' Luus, good to fine, Lu2s. tine to fancy, Leaf, common to med. Leaf, med. to good, Leaf, good to line, xuil.v. r,f nanilr&ia ou the I Wranuers, com. to med. Aaaavw j w - mi 19th inst.; at Boons Foard, Davie couuty, Wrappers, med to good . i On the 18th, in BethelcChurch by the r i:i.i.:.. .,.t lfnrtl.i finme. Air. James vx. ivucuio uv iAoii. Misenheimer. DIED. FARMERS Loot to pur Interest PHOSPHATE N C, aced 5.00 to 8.50 8.50 to 12.50 4.00 to 5.50 5.50 to 7.50 7.50 to 13.00 0.00 to 11 00 11.00 to 14.00 14.00 to 35.00 35.00 to 55.00 Cheaper than you ever heard of. Came at once, and Make Youi-Own Fertilizers. 85 vears. Dec'd was born rappers, eoou io une, WraDDers. nnc. , . e - Mi..u.u,i , . ,lflrArn,i n.. .,..,1 t;..rn in ctvn no. ilietl ' Tc' a ""J 1 "y"" owlfa.. j I i f hnmo. nMr Linwood. in David- r.; a rl ulnHv -Pafhpr. the i 1 1 l il ' . . W i 11 Li VKJ V4 1 V auu . ' v in rear oi me axie oi me large wneei.i n ennii..T ui Ut. at 91o'elock . i, i.n v,rht Prira of pneumenia, Mrs. Mary T. Mearee, onchan'ed except for rich waxj fillers, and pelled reuders it possible to spin along I wife ol Vr. William u. Mttm,;sgi C' good smokers and cutters, wnicn are uigu with crvfor inPd than would he obtain- years, ane oeciui.e paiieuh m,.. er and la demand. t - . n uiui iv n a iiftrict 1CI I1JL CU.l IIV1 & Asleep in Jesus, Uiesscu sieep. i Twoofthcoldest and best remedies are All- rBtiilLlABno ed on the old bycicle. Tho smaller di mension of the: large wheel brings the ri der near the ground and renders locomo tion thereon less dangerous. Itisjhought it will entirely! supercede the bycicle now in common use. It begins to appear probable that the child is born who will enjoy tho privi lege- of walking over the East River bridge. AfterlfourtecB years of hopeless waiting the public is iiiformed that the trustees have appointed a committee to arrange for a Celebration ot the opening Mrs. Einilv J. Karriker, wife of Wm. rrtrK'R Ponors Plasters and Brakdeth's A. Karriker, of pneumonia after au illness Th celebrated household ne- j of six days. , Vr.r Rnrn;na. rheumatism, nains She fell asleep m Jesuseany in me - --. -r -- , . morning of the 19th of March, leaving in tne siue, dsck, or cnebi, ur U) u' her husband and five children to mourn tnat j8 accessible from the exterior, All- cock's Porous Plasters arc prtfection, j whilefor regulating the Ulood, Brakdreth's have just received my Spring supplies of SotionTobaGeo Fertilizers, their loss, and rejoice at her gain. She ville on the 30th inst. Annual Meeting ! consisting of Pills are untqualed. on hand. 18:ly. Always keep them , BUSINESS LOCALS Fresh lot new Mackerel, Bids., i Bbls., , aud Kits, at A. TAKKtii's. i Salisbury, N. C, March 15lh, 1883. Th Annual Meetineof the North State Iron I . .n . . ? r .... ; 1 1 k aI1 at sessed safScicnt hardihood to suggest a . H of ADril. 18b3. at 2 o'clock p. m., for A-.v wlipn tlna rclbi-;if inn should take I i,a oWi'inn of three Directors, nndsuch other place, but S8 (I,e commi.U-e U app-iated Ww tlTL MULrORu! S',. 1C is io ue noppeu it win occur ui g i 22:1m the lifetime of its members at least, il lie nneStion of tolls is also bejrinniuc to be discussed. The weight of opifffous ex pressed were in favor of free travel to -rue ODderslned are prepared w porcnase ores ti materials- AciD 1'uoM'UATES, pedestrians and rates for vehicles and &c.. and eloper than ever be- " To Minn Oner!! aai MMm Co's. COMPOST! COMPOST ! ! I havenow on hands a tock of com- nivmp.nfs. mi ' . r . .1. 1 - line citizens oi eT x oi tk. i years. ' PnLll I . 1 ! .. . ' . cattle- something less than the present way suon, .., ... I yajiucui . ...v- I far l,jrt Cil Vt K. i; I t VJl.KAIA ivai.Ml (or German Potash Sail), an excellent and popular fertilizer itself, as well as a number one com poster. Call early and secure or leave orders for what you want, J. ALLEirBROWif. ferry rates. and Brooklyn will be justified in having the biggest kind of a celebration when the bridgo is actually completed. The Newbern Nutshell say : Mr. Jas, Jarvis, of Washington connty, died a most horrible death, from hydraphobia on Uimnrkl VflWKR COMPANY. tendon and Swansea. En&rlaBd. an mrtor shnnid be addressed to M. Parry nt- ThomasvUle. Davidson CoV. O, sole Agent mr t.h r: mted SUtea. - sotiypu ""GOLD riilfUE For Sale drliease By AARON BARNS the 7th inst. Mr. Jaryis was the owner Q milca Wegt Taylorsville, Alexander co oi a smaii puppy which uuuiiud civ few weeks sihee and appeared to have fits. While endeavoring to give the ani mal relief Mr Jarvis was bitten, but did not "rive much attention to the circum- stance r at the! time, not thinking for j a moment the dog had hydraphobia. After the dog died, jbowever, he became alarm ed, and in a few days he found to his sor row that he had cause for alaixi. ! Malaria, Chills and FeTer, and Bullous attacks Doaiuvely cured wltli Emory's bt;ttuid cure Pills an Infallible remedy : never fall to vre the most obstinate, long standing cases wliu quinine ana au other remedies had tailed. They are prepared expressly lor malarious sections, in doable boxes, two kinds ot Pills, containing a strong cathartic and Of this Mine Prf. Kekk, State Geologist, ...fc "The nackaire of brown ore sent I rr.lli snrl Piiictent. me contains a yeijr s"' Heffiin aUtie;tuey eiTectu.Uliekiu the system "free gala. a iu; ,ciu x" w..... ana gtve new iBHoar w j . "rable size it will pay well to work it.f , UpM rS5SSJfX Vh a chill breaxer sugar-couteu; c"nuiiuo uu wuuuuc or Mercunr. csuslii!? do tfriynszof ptirsmp; they are ceruu m tuclf ncan and harm- As a house uver Com- ' f V . . i j .1 . I th-irVtiui is ci in.on:osie bt;x will have As far as developed tne ore seems f- w -oenat ekeci- tl worae cf. They are nKnnflant S ' ' ' I used aaU prem;n!oa oy payaiviaiisj, nu sci ujr aDUntiauu - I i ..r ..t..,tw. mill -JS and &A Fur information apply to jicmiosn, u. V";7iuta teiiue fini besi m. . M lW rm ' - - ' Tavlnrsville. or on tue premises, to I xasmide.osl- i- cents, btandora cure co. m J ' t IDi iWIATVO I , .. ui. uut its Vtu-L-. AaU1 I M.UHVV.,... " 20:ot fOR SALE bYJ. It. fcHnliS. Taylorsville, Feb. 27, ItS'i. 3:iy MERRYMAN'S Amoniatea Dissolves BONES, which has been in ufCtfn. this country If 16 yar?, and has never failed ogive entir satisfaction to all who have used it. Ah fate's losii . 1 r For Cotton,) Walker's Phosphate for tobacco,; NEW JERSEY For Gotten ait Tito. . All the above high stakdaki Ft-rUi;;'- will be sold as Igfcheap as the-cheapc ' . - v-. i- i. 1 Havingjosed on my own plantation fit ly all the different brands of fertilize! s. de not hesitate to say that the above na ed brands are the best in use. Don't . until you sec mc. J. 8. McCUBBINSS - No. 1, Murphv's Granite Row, ) Balii Vary, March 8t 1883. -21:1 i