ifOL SI? I--THIED 3EEISS . it SALISBURY. U. C.V MARCH 29, 1883. HO 24 The Carolina Watchman, ' F3T V13LlsllD IN THE TEAK 1832. " - ; DEFEEEED ITEMS- . - Loss of Life and Property by Fire. Hartford, Conn., March 15.-Thc house of twojfuaiden ladies named Judson, in East Hartford, was burned this morning. Both ladies perished, in the.flames. ;. ,. " . v ' : "J ' (.-..; : .;. . !!-. . - New York, March 16. The business failures of last week, reported to R Q Dunn & Co., are 225 against 252 the- previous f Atlanta Star; The indications are plain that our farmers are preparing for a heavy crop of cotton in Georgia this year. Deal ers in cotton report largo sales, and the farmers are preparing their best laud for cotton. The area in wheat- and ats is mnch less jUian has been estimated, and tfie indications uow are that provisions will be high in the fall. A correspondent of the Nctr$ cC Courier week. The New Eegland States, had 22; . wrifCs that paper a brief history of a gi- Middlc 37; Western 70; Sou tnern ;4C; Pacrfic 8; New York city 21; Canada 31. i i -a : tnrslidarho are recovering vital stamina, t dtclara -4ij-grateful terms theur apprecia tion of the merita aa a tonic, of Hostetter's gtomaea Bitters. Not only does it impart rtrcnjrtaita the weak, but it also corrects sa irregular acid etate of the stomach, makes the ?bowel act at proper intervals, gives eae to those who Buffer from Bheu jnatie asd kidney troubles, and conquers as well as jMfenta fever and ague. eratir Mi V .' IL 'Rem : ltd ) HslS' 1 ?2 BOOT& SHQS & GAITERS, maae w orten-All( wsrlence.-A3l Mateilul ot the best grade, and work doie laths fetestsiyles trfrt R(1T raaaB won Itinajs u iinuti ' '"" iriv and WiompM v done. Om rs nv mall rromp ly anwi . Teazle. Sll.lSBVT. C BLiKIER&TAYLOR HViNG PURCHASED f OF Atlanta Journal. South Georgia farmers are now paying 16 cents for bacon on time. For the use of 11 cents worth of bacon from March until September -'they pay four cents about 25 per cent above the cash price. If farmers can do this and come out even, then tilling the soil is the mostmoneymaking oc cupation a man can go into. ; . Just think of itt. In the large markt-t gardens outside of Charleston, i the cach and plum trees and strawberry irines arem iantiful bloom, and the crop f spring peas is a foot high. In the ad jactnt country the fly hums, the irog croaks, ana tnc col ored yeutlt siyis himself on a pipe log, and this too wlthfn twenty-four hours by rail of where me arc. Exchange. If John Sherman runs for Governor of Ohio the confidence of certain persons who have predicted an overwhelming Democratic victory in that State will le "badly shook up," for Joliu .retains a Tery 1 edthy gripnpon the people of th t Common weal tit, and can make a rattliug campaign amongUie Buckeyes. Char. Journal. ' ! - f Wilmington Stan The receipts of cot ton at this pott during the last week end ing yesteiduyiifooted np 1,830 bales, as against 2,484 Jbales np to March 18th, 1832, showing n decrease of j Col bales. The receipts during the crop j year com mencing Sept. 1st foot up 120,505 bales, as against 129.0G4 bales up to March 18th, 1832, adecrcase of 8,459 bales. Skobeleff was done to death in the very prime of life by a poisoned chalice of wine and even in extreme old age i appears, the titled Russian finds no ccrtaintly of dying a a naturaLdcatn. There seems to be a general belief that Prince Gortschakofft 85 years of age was'made the victim of sme unknown poison. Chemical anlysis is jto determine whether there ha been an unjtimely taking off of the great Chancellor, j An elder of the Kirk having lound a lHlle boy and hissister playing marbksjon Sunday put ins reprooi m misjiorm, noi juurcwue one for a child: - "Boyi doyqu know w here children go who play marbles on the Sab bath day, V "Aye," said the: boy, "they gang down to the field by the water below the brir." ''No, roared out the eldeft "they go to hell and are burned." The little fellow real ly shocked, called U his sistn taCome awa, Jennie, here's a man swearing awfully.: Dean Ilamsqf. f Here are s me of the features of Northern civilization as presented in a glance at one ant who is a native of Greenville. S. C, but now resides in Texaa. The letter states that Henry Clay Thnrstou is seven feet, seveii and a half inches , in height, has a ftMit thirteen inches long, wears No. 15 shoes, and yei whose head is small enough' to only require a hat 7i in size. Ho has one son who measures six feet, seven inches iu height. Under the jpew postal laws postmasters can issue no.-tal notes in denominations of $5, and the fee is three cents This bill authorizes the issue of money orders in de nominations of 1 1 00-or less, but none for more than $100 can be issued. The following fees are fixed to be charged for money orders: Fr orders not exceeding $10, 6 cents; from $10 to $15, 10 cents; $13 to $30, 15 cents; $30 to 40 20 cents: : $40 to $50. 25ent $50 to $60, 30 cents; $60 to fc, 35 ce"nt&f $70 to $80, 40 cents; $S0 to $100,45 cents. ! . During arecent vret spell in Georgia? n body of earth one hundred and fifty feet long and forty-eight feet wide slid from ., -Wilkes Into McDuftiu county, 'or rather, it slid into tle river and changed the curreut eutiiely. The most of this slide ijiiitact noMf aud the eutiro'river.is ou this side of, wheieas,it was. before on the other side. This slide parted from a field that was planted in crn last year and it took ott twelve corn rows ana eight or ten good sized trees, one of the trees measuring two feet iu diameter. Most of the trees are now staudiug erect, but they are in McDuffie county. Such is the statement iu the Atlanta Consti tution, j AVhen meu talk about 'standing ou the platform with Washington, Jefferson and Madisou iu favor of a Protective tariff, they fail in their historic informa tion. The tariff favored by these patriots was positively the lowest tariff ever levied in the United States. The duties barely averaged 7 per cent. The preseut tariff averages, wo think, about 4G per cent. Some differenco! The Louisville Courier Journal it doubtless correct in this statement: "Since the Walker tariff of 1840, the Democratic party has stood squarely on the doctrine of 'reve uno only,' going in 1856 so far aa to declare in its national platform for prtgrcssive free trade. Mrs. Vaiulerbilfs Chamber. The chamber was bathed in a soft, rosey liht that burned in a - perfumed censer. The bed, raised upori a sort oi aais, was canopied and curtained with lace-edgea pink satin. The lady was supporcca in n half-sitting position, amoung laco-trimmed pillows, and was partly covered with dow ny blank eta of rose pink, licr pmK shk night robe was garnished with miles of Valenciennes lace, and a maid saf lowley at her side performing the omce oi a mani- cure. Mrs. vanucruin. " of delicate features, dark hair and complex ion, grey eyes and exquisite figure, that in attire was not lost uin here visitor, wno sat down at the foot of the bed in her damp waterproof, feeling in the surrounding splendor like a tramp. And she toad Known the occupant of that princely bed, minu you when there relative positions were reversed. not that she ever received in like-manner, although this is not an unusual occurrence in New York. It is the setting of this that makes it remarkable. The visitor .had been in many of the places of Europe but n.mr siiw Kuril ma!mificancc in any of UV1 VI - o them. - is w -a 9 ness. llow l longea to see . mm ; .now i yearned to put my head on his breast. My husband became addicted to druikV He abused me. I wrote to my faflter asking him to let roe come home, but; the answer that came was "I do nut know yon!" My husband died yes, cursed God and died! Homeiess and wretclied and with my little boy, I went out Into the world. My child died and I bowed down and wept oyer a pauper's grave. I wrote to my father again, but he answer ed: 'I know not those who disobey (ray commandmeute.'- I turned away from the letter hardened. I embraced 'sin. I rushed madly into vice. I spurned my teachings. I was time and ngam arrest ed. Now I am hsre.1 j , Several lawyers rushed forwards A crimson tide flowed from her lips. They leatietftier lifeless head back against j the chair. The ofd m'agistrate had not rais ed his eyes. "Great GodT said a law yer, "he is dead." The woman was( his daughter. ! Yaiidcrbilt'A Wealth. (New YorlCvrrespondcnce San 'mFrancUco Coil.) M A Bad Kecord. Inits recent report the committecof Tennes see Legislature appointed to investigate the office of State treasurer calls attention to the fact Mthat out of five State treasur ers since 1865, a period of seventeen years, page of the Phi ladelphia Timet for Wends- during the administration or four or them day: A scoundrel named Duke ruined a the State has suffered heavy loss by defalca- girl and then refused to marry hen a dis- tionsandothcrwisc.RL.Stanfordwasthefirst honored father named Evans (daughter treasurer after the war, and during hif term ruined) takes his own life and escaped uiur- of office the State was plundered of t he re- derer is arrested in Wyoming; burgulars use mnants of her pnblic school fund which had pjilarform at New Castle. Delaware; a defaul- been preserved through the war. He was I Bnnolml hv J. R. Ilenrv. and he by J. R fir aircasuici uiaronug "-" . . - - . .- In Boston; U. S. Senator Tabor's marriage prononnccd invalid. He had another wife. Cincinnati Times, j i Raleigh Netes Observer : The companies Tn-nii rkarts of the State are full of vii-or IM I' aince the passage of the new law giving aid to the State Guard: -What we saw yester- Rust, and with neither of those officials was the State ever able to1 secure a settle ment and suffered heavy loss from fier treasury. J. E. Rust was succeeded by Morrow, and in 1877 Morrow was succeeded by M. T. Polk, and the treasury was again robled and plundered ot nearly a mimon ft . rf . nn in vhnm the nconle had lmnli was a setf twelve cups, saucers and custaTd u.rJ - wa3S8ei,iiwut , . 1 cit confidence. There must be some radical ..ti., .11 r lolifAt.A cream colored China 1 C11 cu,,,,ucuw .. ... SMITHDE AL, madeinNew Jersey of kaolin fro. Mm,: Caro ina; a l in moncco ? se Eaeh or of our reT'cnacs by public msqtsh.ed J- t material arid well consid- signs being marvels of delicacy and grace should be made in the laws Birds are poised alnivO Dowers; xypicai - . - . ji i tI ffAVArninn' iir auinc - hrtMlncta or the Soutn are at-iycieu, huu , d-"-'-o bits of charming foliage are made realistic. This beautiful set is the property of Mrs. Governor Jarvis, being presented her by Mr. Marghall Parks, of Norfolk. A Well as the interest of 1 E. Crawford, of the firm of B. CRAWFORD.a CO., Ills Lust Court. "' H Arkansaw Traveller, .j . : .m- m M . '"'si1. 401d Judge Grepson, a justice ottno peace,' was-never known to smile. He came to Ark'ansas years ago, before the carpeVarbaggers" began their reckless sway, and year after year, by the will of the votersHield Ji' idace tas , magistrate. TTie lawyers whoVOed tri his court never joWed w;ith hina,bccause every otie goon learned 'that thoolu man never en gaged in levity. jEvery morning, no matter how bad the weather might be,tUe old man took his place behind the bar, which, with his own bauds, he had made, and every eveuing. jnst at a certain time he closed his books and wsnt home. No oue ever engaged him in private conver sation because he would talk to no one. Jfohfe ever weut io his home, a little cnttara nnuHiC the! trees in the eity's out skirts, because he iiad never shown adis- miln n-Mlrauio the visits of those who even livd in the vicinitv. His office was not given throuirh the influence of "electioneering because he never Ksked any man for his vote. He was first elected because, bav- w m mm 1jsfkn Si ri 111 ITl nnod in a case of jug unto wvtu - i arbitration, he exhibited the executive side of such a legal mind that tho pejople iinmiuated and elected him. He soon tyjiiued the name: oi me -nam juoi, and every lawyer in Arkansas referred to Hi rnliuirs were never if rersed bv the higher courts. He show mI no sentiment iti decision. He ftood upon the platform of a law which he made a study, and no man disputed him. . ... Several days ago a woman ciiargeu wnu misdemeanor wfts arraigned before him. "The old man seems more than ever un steady," remarked a lawyer as the magi tiate took his seat. "1 don't see how a ... ... 4.11 nan einn-i 1 tho vexatious of a man ou ui" -" a coun inucii itfufevi. "I am uot well to day," said the Judge turning to the lawyers, "and any cases jou may have you will please despatch them to the beat, and, lei roc uuu, est of your ability," Kverv one saw that the old man was tllOU "lit Of uiiusuaiiy irewv " - ,i a schome.to prolong a discussiou, for all the lawyers had learned to almost rever- llilll. ! j "la this the woman V asked tho Judge. "Who ia defeuding her f" "I have no defence, Your Honor," the vrnn.an reblied, "Iu fact I do wot think iL... i , fnr I am here to confess Mlilb ""J - mr irnilt. No man can defend me, and she looked at tho magistrate with u enri- ona iraze. "I have Wen arrested on rharo of disturbing the peace, aud I am willinfr to submit my case. I am dying f ronauniDtion, Judge, and I know that any ruling made by the law can have but with the body, a circle " making theV uavci iu wuire win lust iaKe in ine . ... . - . . . . head, the hoger euds and the feet. The distance from top to toe is pre cisely the same as - that between the I ins of the fingers when the arms are extended. The length of the.bodv ia nst six times that of the foot, while the distance from tho eJge of the hair on the forehead the edge of the chin is oue-teutu the length of the whole statue. - Of the sixty-two primary elements known in nature, only eighteen are known in the human body, and of I these seven arc metallic. Iron is found in the blood, phoaporus in the brain, limestone in the bones and dust and ashes in all ! Not only these eighteen . . .... .. human elements, but the whole sixtv- two of which the universe is made. have their essential 'basis in the four substances of oxvgen, hydrogen, ni trogen, and carbon, representing the more familiar names of fire, water, saltpetre, and charcoal. And such is man, the lord ot earth I a spark of fire, a drop of water, a grain of pow der, an atom of charcoal ! Frank Les lie Magazine. For Dyspepsia. rsZtibSZ . rl Chroale DIar-' rhrca, JatuMUce. Ilu-purt:; of h i:iod. Fever &n4 v ranitcu uy I- rangemcnt of liver, liuwcla and ZUdlieys. SYMPTOMS CT A DISEASED LITER. Bad Breath ; Vaia in th Side, (onetimes th pain is lilt under the bhoulJer-Liade, tnuukea lor Kneum; general lots cf appetite ; Bowels in iu; teaTyr- vtth ctmkkrable loss cf mcfnory, accoir. ponied BRING YOUR TOBACCO Popular estimates of Vanderbiltls wealth range all the way from three hundred to six hundred millions. There can be no ex- k "T arTcratoin in the lowest of these figures. and may be but little in the highest. Speak ing to a Timet reporter the other day; as to reported retention of bounds by thclNew York .Central, Mr. Vandcrbilt stated in cidtntly that he himself held betweensixty and seventy millions ofjt he stock of the New York Central, which pavs regular dividends of 1 per centa mounth; that there was about one hundred millions in the Yanderbilt family, and that besides this he was a large bolder in the bonded debt, of the company, which ranks at over par. Add this to'the sixty oda millions ca reg istered United States bonds that stand in 1 JjUSinCSS Manager and ins name, uuu inc cumuiuus huvudi. , s known to hold in other railroads, his real estate and properties of various kinds, and the asarecates must be semethragcn-I . O ormous. makeimr him beyond doubt the w vita a patnlul censaaon of raving undone societninff wnicn ougnt to nave been doue; a ui:.t, dry Couga and flushed lace is sor.;etimes an atteutlant, fftca , mistnkea for consumption: the patknt contpLtins ' of weariness and debility: nervous, easily startled; feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation " of the skin exists; spirits are low and despondtint, and, although sati&iied that csercitc would be bene ficial, yet cue can hardly summon up fortitude to try it ia fact, distrusts every remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the diseaaenit cases have occurred when but lew of them existed, yet examination after death has shown the 11 ver to have beca extensively deranged. It hould b used by aU persons, old and young, whenever any olLtho above symptoms appear. Femons Traveling or Living la TJa liealthy Lncalitiex, by uking a dose occasion ally to keep the Liver in healthy action, will avoid all Malaria, lUIlnus attacks. Dizziness, Nau sea, Drowsiness, Depression of Spirits, etc. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but Is no la toxica tins beverage. . If You have eaten anything: hard ot digestion, or feel heavy after meals, or sleep less at night, take a dose and you wdl be relieved. Time and Doctors lulls will be saved by always keeping the Regulator : ' In the IXoaset: - For, whatever the ailment may be, a thoroughly - - - - I AH MOUSE! JOHN SHEPPARD, i (Late of Pilot TTabehocse, "NV'inston, N.C.) AUCTIONEER. safe par-cat ire, ailerallve and tonle can never lie out of place. The remedy is Itarmleas and fTooa not uuertcro wttu UObiacss or richest man in the world. Nor is there 5 SALES EVERY DAY. I t..i i ! iL. 1. 1 - . .,k. I nrmni T rt 1 TTTTITMiTTnnTV 1 TT immediate I prooaoiy uui auuhvuuuu, . uju .LijiAlj isaies every W liVaLaUA.1 him 1 ,1Tes on a sm,,er proportion oi uisqjicome i millionaire. For a man of than does this his wealth he is exceedingly economical, and irrespective of stock speculations, in which I with his immense command of capital, he is always winner, and the growing apprecia tion ot all his properties, he must, out of - sheer saving from bisv Income, be adding millions every year to bis already enormous fortune. r ' i Marvels of tho Iltimau Body. "" aaWss-Sssnssr--- While tho gastric jrtice h a a nilU, bland, sweetish taste, it possesses the power of dissolving the hardest food that can be swallowed. It haiuo in fluence whatever on the soft and del icate fibres of the living stomach, nor upon the living hand ; but at the mo ment of death it begins to eat them Good Prices Assured. BEST ACCOMMODATIONS FOR MAN AND BEAST. 110 SALE, HO CHARGE! jggy Insurance and Storage Free. Liberal Cash Advancements nra.de on Tobacco held by ns for future sale. . KLTJTTZ, GASKILL & CO. 15:lf Mil NOT CE pleasure. IT IS PURELY Trf5KTAIH.K, ' And has all the power and efficacy uf Calomel or Quinine, without any of the injurious after effects. A Governor's Testimony. Simmons Liver Regulator has been in use hi my family for some time,, and I am satisfied- it is a valuable addition to the medical science. J. Gill Shxtbb, Governor of Ala. Hon. Alexander II. terhena. of Ga. says : Have derived some benefit from the use of Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a further trial. . i "The only Thlnp tliat neyr fails to Relieve." f have used manv remedies for Dys pepsia, Liver Affection and lability, Hit never have found anything to benefit me to the extent Simmons. Liver Regulator has. I sent from Min nesota to Georgia for it, and wtvJJ w.d urther for such a medicine, and wouldadvise all who arc sim ilarly affected to give it a iriul it .n:is the only 'thing that never fails to reliee. P. M.-Jankby, MinneapoIiSrIina. Dr. T. XV. S2asonsnysi From actual ex. perience in the use of Simmons Liver Rrirulator ia my practice I have been and act satisbed to use and prescribe it as a purgative medicine. SSy-Take onjy the Genuine, which always has on the Wrapper the red Z Trade-Mark and Signature of J. II. ZEILLN CO. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. I - n . i - .i .m m t ii ! i. in i i I . I l Wei! Wefl!! The attention of Farmers andj the gener al public ia called to the 'fact that' Has opened a First Class FAMILY GRO- CRY STORE, next door to Black mer fi? Taylor's Hardware, where he will keepa full line of fresh goods, such us jrioar, ALeai, Bacon, Salt, Sugar. Coffee, Tea, &C Also a fresh and complete stock i ' COIVFECTI Q&'jijLXiE'S, and PancyGrecsfieif r Will pay the highest cash prices for But ter, Egjrs, ChtCkens, and ail saleable couu- try prwducts. January 18, 1833. 4 t- tf-kia? a trill be oDened in tbe town of Salla- rS hiirv at tne store of J. D. Gaseiix, for sub scriptions to the capital stock ot " THE BANK OF are nowJprepareJ;, to supply onr - custMiers with all kinds of Man's Image in the Veins of Earth. m ICuLTURAL IMEMEHTS, In addition to the 'Best Selected Stock Jof ' II A R I) V A It E in the ; STAT E. We also handle Many a manvfould notjhave been cast out of the Church had his ininister first con sulted his Master. 4iNay,"j the. .Lord saia, "lest ye root up the wheat." This is of ten dene. Many a bruised reed has been broken. Many a sickly blade of wheat that might have been nursed, and strengthened, and Saved, has been root ed out and cast away forever. Better let ten blades oftarcs giown than one of wheat piliExcommunjcation is a dread- Daniel Reese yesterday exhibited at the HegUter Office the image f a human. face alludeil to in the Academy of science report Thursday morning, but which was not ex hibited there. t was found at k "distance of one hundred and five feet below the sur face of the earth in a coal mine at Angus, more commonly known as Coaltown. in JJii las county, in September, 188L.TV is about half the size of a4 ordinary human Bills andBlasting Powder head thVshape of the nose, month and fore head bcW almost perfect in formation and sours heavenly citizenship h"ml hands not and not a mere jrea pi naiuro. uc iuiKr has no ears whether it ever had is not known as the back part of the head from :f f;us;e , r. aid a full line ot lining Supplies. We will 7 i . . ; - ' - - r - . i the State. cJlll and sei: us. .,1 htfit ffftrftil resDoniibility. It is ta- UI VHIUqI TV i i i kins away a some men VushTin where angels " dare tread, thrdugh our is llie more mercifnl work of seedsmeandXhercl? readers. Rev. IS. o. lurreu txruiwn vijn. n gentleman of ndoubted veracity, teUs nlTthe following snalc: Stbry .i In Morgan the I little effect on me;" and. she coughed a hollow, vacaut cough, and drew arouna 1 i,i i,i..nL- aiiittrl that she wore. IlCr ill! UIU W"v The expression 011 the face of tho niagis ...:...! niiolifinrrAll. DOt IllS e J n aio iT3uiciinc4 ""- "0 AnnntA ami he did not raise them, when the woman continued : "As I say no mau can defend me. I am too near that awful annroach, to pass which we know is everlasting death to soul and to lwvlr. Years aso I was a child of brigut mi nromise; I lived with my parente in Kentucky. Way wani ana iigiiviiwu t ... ti. ft(lmirl of all the cay society rlibornood. A man SDUnU iu came and professed his love for i me, J dou't say this JudUe to excite your sym been drawn befoK a line running the ear is missing, nothing the front part of the head. parallel with the front of fore Bpoke of j my past life SUo couglr remaining but 1 the reptile behind his boggy and draped ! it temniles, leaving the snake that night VfS. BLACK :ER. S1TLT1TLCS. 50;ly P1 inn :Sfe.tilt the ced.r woo,Iwork of the snateanu c , -r 7r - f A at Ulica was ln a peril Jstateoi" preservation after two thousand year. The statue of Diana of llic En ??shn9 was formed of ceda r, ... - . . a ? I ani enduretl toriraany ceniunes. 1 ne ,r.ionr Krvnt i:us cxlraclefl an oil to cr, wliich;they rubbed over the reayes ot tne papyrus 10 ;-nrocrve them ironrorms, and which was al so used for preserving their mummies. N tied behind his buggy, j The iiet morn- k t. r...,. tua iiint-A of the ratneaoaKe lviV. beside the dad snake, liavingrol 1 flWPlI V trail for ten I miles: The live . a (rain and caucbtaflow of blood ou hankerchief which she prcsaca 10 uer upa. t .raL- f it now beanse I know-.tha that this is tho lastcoart on earti before which I wiU bo amfgned. I was -.1.1 i,.rr1 - fll in love w man. My fatheV said he was-badbnt I 1 a 1.;.., ii camaacain "S"'" and no My STEPHEN W, COLE, MOSES L. HOLMES, JOHN 1. GASKILL THEO. F. KLUitZ, Jnnv M KNOX. LUKE BLACK M KR. REU. J. HOLMES, I. FRANK PATTERSON KERR CRAIiiK, PAUL N. HE1LIO, Corporit-r, Salisbury, March 1st, 1883, W:3t It will be seen that many of oar business men as well as those proverbial for prudence, irugautj anu financial akllL are Interested ln this Bank, ana we hitv tt. will tw a rancc-ess. One thine la certain. the Charter offers a better guarantee both to share holders and depositors than any tans, in we own;, National Banks not excepiea ... - f.i . . 1 scnoiionato ine capwaisiocK 01 daik wp away With the power Oi the Strougest j 8AI5SBi;ry," from the 2d to sunset on the 2d day ,i0 of March. 1883. Shares, sso each. There is dust on sea, on land, in the a 1 . 1 ' . - ' ii valley ana on tne nrouutain-iop; mere is dust aiwav'S and everywhepe ; the atmosphere is full of it: it penetrates the noisome dungeon, aud visits tne deepest, darkest caves of the earth, . 1 . no palace-door can snui u ; oui, no drawer so secret as to escape its pr- ence; every breath of wind dashes it upon the open eye, yet tne eye is 1101 blinded, because under the eyelid there is incessantly emptying itself a fountain of the b I ami est fluid in na ture, which spreads itself over the sur- face ot the eye at every winning aim washes eyery atom of dust away. But this liquid, so mild and so well adap ted to the eye, itself has some acridi ty, which, under certain circumstances becomes so uecuieu as vo oe seaming to the skin, and would rot away the eyelids, were it not that along the edges of them are little oil manufac tories, which spread over their surface a coating which is as impervious to NATIONAL HOTEL, SALISBURY, N. C. MUS. DR. REEVES, Formerly proprietress of this well known House, lias agaiii leased it, and will be pleased to see her many patrons when thev visit Salisbury. Citizens wanting the Omnibus, may leave orders for it at this House: Jan'y 15, 1883. 14m. The OnePrice Store ! KLDTTZ i S ' 1. I REMI1 j 8,,ake waTt.01 siie of :thrdead reptile. -which was a very ltrge pecimen,1 aild . r .iiaitfttehed wtthont I trouble. Craw- He cameagain r.iti .r sfil nuM cemei. uc IT"; ... .... -i ...f c"irr;?r!Tsr. fatter W.i ' Si.! "m, ..kftB . . 1 1 . - hiu-i hit rtri.ia jiuu i" --s . again. 1 -uuu r - .... - . j-ftrtie Uiveu IIIIM mu , "rf 1 finished oraUr. ir ..nll.mirlo mtiii Im pxtenilctl on mnst never again come to his ome-my . -ronnajLUrn.8 at right augl'w w the home of my youth andf happi- lllil1 , , LEADING DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING AND GROCERIES! FULL STOCK OF FURHI8HIHG G00DS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALITY ! SiTiTJ.,''j!,3!2 LARGE STOCE OF ETJBBER COATS i SHOES varnish is impervious to wat,er. . Aqents for Coats' s Spool Cotton. Full Assortment of j. The breath winch leaves tne lungs has bt-en so perfectly divested of its life-giving properties, that torebreathe it unmixed with other air, the mo ment it escapes from tfnji mouth, would cause immediatevdeath bv suf focation ; while if it hoveredklKUt us, more or less destructive influenceover health and life would be ocicasioned. But it is made of a nature o much lighUr than the common airj that the instant mat n esoaie iuchjohm nostril it ascends to the higher regions . . . ... ... 1 'zv.11 wer above the breathing point, there to ue 1 bat the mUHt vM at oncc ana wiile. rectified, renovatetl, and sent bick J but we must hare our monry. again, replete with purity and life. How rapidly it ascends is fully exhib ited every frosty morning. JJut, foul and deadly as the expired air is, nature, wisely economical in all her works and ways, turns it to good account, in its outward passage thro'gh the organs of the voice, making of it the whispers of love, the soft words oi tender, loues-oi numau Tvswecttst strains of rav- e persuasive eloquence r 150 Bnshels EAELY 1TCETHEEN SSED-POTATOES, Jest in. K-Best Flour, Meal, Oat Meal, Buck-Wheat Flour, Meats, Sugar, Coffees, TeasRice Hominy, Grits, Pure Lard, Corn, Oats, Bran, Syrups, and fourkind. of New Orleans Molasses, &c. Coffee Roasted or Green at 10 cents per pound; 3 lb. Cans Tomatoes at 16 cts. Best lOct. Sugar, Try it. r. n n.i n...ia ma rhoan aa an rone in town We buy and sell all f f C ill CUll SpVII J -Ml Wm r.rim " 1' - f kinds of Ceuntrj Produce. Give us a trial. ' w-Tatixii - Jj. J. BOSTIAK, y Salesmen. srP PAIR NOTICE. '-.s,, - ..... 1 1 . : c - 1 All persona indebted to ns before Jan. 1, 1883, Uy note or accoum, are uercuj nowueu V C UU UUl is nuw ir v.. -- . KLUTTZ & RENDLEMAN; Feb. 14, 1883. '1 J. Tt. lilCUJN, Salislrary; N. G. km for PHtENIX IROII WORKS, Enjiies, Bote, Saw His, :. AND wav i rpjJBINE- WHEELS J j -Also Contractor and Builder, !ct. 5, 1812 - ford, Ga., Weekly. " -

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