L AL. 5. 1883. Bates: rates of the CWm " mil iTavoce,$1.50 PfB,Sll2mo'82.50 1" sua thrdi irliout tbe coanty are, - . JlL'a milk house wm TIJ into Moadli gt R,m T iro-"" ,..,.,,,, not assesses - - Miiue, the joung peo MM JftiMMM dance at tbe pie p-v of L. 0LR FauMKU men just Invited to re: foe first page l.WU!iileiluu 1 :jf.uan'B Farming," on of Ilia PBIer ? i i) (iJbkill. J- S.McCubbins, ZZ..m J. Saiu'l McCub- Sr . .....Jl from the northern tin. --1 markets wrtu;uj-j .... ,..r.,;,,,- (flirt tried on Yesterday 1 riot of Christmas d5 and are thouj uier, Estj. fWr- ders-reapectally tue fr.mi.nff to Harm are The Wheelbarrow Man. R. Lvmax Potter, generally known throughout the country as 'th wheel barrow man." was found dead near the R. &i. D, R. R. truck, one aud a half miles east of towu, Saturday worniug last. He had been in town the day before, for the purpose of eettiuc permission to ran his wheelbarrow, across tbe Yadkin river on the railroad bridge ; and lett town between 10 and 11 o'clock at night to re- torn to the eastern shore of the river, where be had left his wheelbarrow, pet wolf and "one thousand curiosities." He was quite drunk wbsn be left, which, doubtless, was tbe primary cause of his death. The Coroner of the County, Mr. D. A Atwell summoned a jury and proceeded to inspect hu body, they found him lying on his face, about four feet from the railroad track, his head towards the river, in a pool of blood. There was no appearance of a straggle of any kind, but he seems to have died as be fell bis face in the blood which apparently bad run from his mouth and nose. A careful examination brought to light no wound of sufficient importance to have caus ed death in any ordinary way. lue iorv; however, arrived at the conclusion that be must have been standing near the tract when the train passed, and that he reeled acainst a car as the tram brush ed past him, by which he was knocked down ; and that the concussion was o cnitw.i.nf violence to cause his deatti. Iiru I ' 'V- v - ; - m , icruuaaww The joryan1 tbero gu ty -J8 There was a slight abrasion of the skin MINING. T. K. DBUNKR, MANAGER. Mr. VV. B. Smith has returned from Philadelphia, for the purpose of resuming days for considering publio school mat ters. om!bim1 that the county treasurer pay t. h luihroek. Comity Supt., 100 , for the use of the Rowan Tochers' Insti tutes. 1 A Citizen. Tarboro Southerner. At the last election a darkey, who held a government office at Washington, D. C was elected Register of Deeds of Halifax ... -luliun anfuvinL I ...1. 1 ' ftn tli. Unci If rtn 3 a t? i n IWpmllPr rmiaaelphia, tor the purpose ot resuming i. The report ot me eoniiniMivuv Krv.-- icwuuvj. v -j operations at the Sam Christian! wine, in ed to layflf wpoblic road in Atwell town- the county commissioners declined to in- f . TIiIq sw.n.rtr Waal i - 1 : ,1 nmwam I duct him into office, on tbe ground that be nVUigUUIVIJ UUUIJ . 1UU pi s i mj mimww a gp WHS HUH VW I yielded considerable nugget gold In the Ordered that the Public School fanda was a non-resident of tbe State. The case a a. i.-i: a i. L i. j il a.iuhnrr district be I was tried last week at Halifax court fitable with careful management in the paid into the hands of tbe Treasurer ofj before Judge Philips. The jury found that h waa a. citizen of this State, and judgment i mm . line urauea scuwi """--f i - . , -.i. t f tlii T.PfTislature. was rendered accordingly. The defendant aance wiui nwumv v. 0 i : r- : - nuiin'.Mmintain Mine. I t linonrs was granted to will probably appeal to the Supreme Court. Mr. J. D. Stewart, the Sup't. of this W. G. MeNeely at the Boyden House. The man lived in Halifax until he received mine ha. been employed for some months Capt. Wms. Brown was appointed his appointment He came home every past in opening up and proving the lode standard keeper for the next two years, election to vote, and paid his poll tax to the cut by the "Office Shaft." Ho istack- Rev. F. J. Murdoch appointed as a sheriff of the county. -i.. : it.. ion mmnitteemaD in uace ui v,. a-. "v- rr w-T . I Sa TPU.NnigCo. March 90. Thero war which is averaging about two feet rn Baker, resigned ; ana ix. - t -t-; K .t 4i width. A deal of dead work baa been No. 1 Providence, in place of Jas. H. Long, a . TTZl .... i ..1 i , inis oiuruiug. r uiiuvi cr""'" done, but tlie mine is now opened with resigned. LTa w.tiu fUnto Crux prospect for ore to run ten stamp uiiui several muigru " 1 MECKLENBURG JOHN WILKES, Popritor. iTT tit Ammn XT i - MinmgMacMnery aSuecialty Hi is truly We invite the Investigation of Mine Owners and Mill-Men seeking MACHINERY. We can furnish on board at our Works, or set up at the mines anywhere in the southern gold region, on ttmrt notice STEAM PUJOTc, STAMP MILLS, (tor wet or dry crusbiog). H'RVWHRERATORY FURNACES. REVOLVING ROA8TING FURNACES, CONCENTRATING MACHINERY, ROLLS, CRUSHERS, a 41rrk vtwators wm HOI8TOG raSran belt and nmnm hoisiers, n kStorts. BULLION ad inoot moulds, c., e. nuua x.vi-., -.., fe ' 6 prospect tor ore to run ieu sunn j uiiui oeverai iui5 ut t I - - - llhMkioB . . .. . c anai innn r. , .1 - f4l .nd a nnmber county, nine shocks were felt with breaking tor 1U or M montns. oouie ow ur ytw nci oioue jiuiu me ' - tt-Uoo,; I ..-. . r J . , . i tn of crockery, plastering, etc At Hallaati,! . . . . . , mmA nj,H n noted on apphcstion of drifts on vein, and it is estimated ion or county claims paw -- windows tnmaie8 Iuru,8"w "IIJZ-. 1 Ik Atf-amaTIllE.nHarfl I"" - 1 - i i ore enoogn is pi u . u. amMhed and brick buildings cracked nnTmrA irArTr mx stope alone to return 70 or 80 thousand The following appoiuunu C4-u,.- y ' . The streets Q A T Ti"RTTRY MAJ&JUS1. JJiti f wt " i '-t' v - dolL. net. This latter statement is for judges of the several municipal elec- causing a te . , j i. ;Qf u i.i.i fi, it Mondavin were filled with the inhabitants, many oi i ,-,,- ,1V j m. Knox a co. very graniying, auu wo uijo iuo cwvivm. iu u.u - - , , Superintendent may more tuan realize his expectations. He expects to start mill next Monday. A New Furnace at Cranberry, North Carolina. May next For SK.&.T-J. Altai Brown, J. A. , 30.cia. c. Markle ?ACOS BflDuleinaD apd G.J. Long. , rf Pitt.burg For OOM a-H -r. . .n.J, -onn v. -"T Stm which reMntly n.de CHICKENS UUM66D " pnnwtwi weekly by J Salisburt Ground was broken for a new furnace J.IIC1B BO n " " - - - I 1 L lrnuuviljj mwi on the back part of his bald bead, as if aay afternoon last, March 3d, at 5 o'clock i L . i .. a llAsv rkf" OAlilA . . . a Qn he had been chaffed by a blow of some t he k'in son, John S. Wise, and George Richards, train. There scratch upon oner believes nis oouy uu ui touched by any one co. pi truwas caugii .. ....!,. nftaiin. 0W about ffPrTh Were in the neiif o. hood of China Grove, igliym be expiouiuR we"- -o (ii i iwutn.u il It! 1 . - . .a .LI. 1 - . .. . I . a ... m ,-..i,r a r i H . a- .Anr nrnrn f l v Ur A sn.vrtr,-i'5' v lets m a boil ui a uuuimi, - . S I . . . .1 i I . , . ,i another coat aua vesi, weno au uucu somethiuir his pocket book, tobacco, pipes, haudkerchief, papers, &cM &c, and had evidently been untouched by any plunderer's hand. He had on two pair of pants, one colored shirt, two coats I and three pair of socks. It was commonly reported that some ene had seon in the possession ot tins man a larger sum of money than was found on his person, which, if true, would suggest foul play. We have taken pains to trace out the report it is entirely I without foundation. king company have bought 1 But it is hardly proper to dismiss tbe 1 8 I V - . - out E. C Millfff stock ol family groco- i wheelbaiTOW mau without a ptmpmo ries iu order tfebUiB pnsoesMi of tue at llia history, aud some further notice oi room for bantejig porpsca. It iB the ji, traps. His wheelbarrow is the most Wwe frinerl -cupiod by i hco. Duer-i ailapidated thing of tbe kiud ever seen inggs aud Jas. JenoHj an assignmen by reason of his withdrawing For EnochviUe-3iu labour, Aaron an ,gnm by r . at Cranberry, North Carolina, on Satur- Borf0 h8 and Th6. c, Clampet. at theBurnette House as Ar.n Wttrl,3d.at5o'clock. . . M ontm. to He was arrested to-day. He says he nas ABuu.B.n. -rr- . . nhjM!r. and St. Louis, and has been drinking heavily. Mr. Lippincott, as signee of the firm, is here, and has identified him. $8,400 were found on his person. Among the gentlemen present were Gen. ,. . , t tt1B different townships rT L r amo, auu ueuw iu wuviow- ..... a. raruee, jr., ijrenerivi iio.c, v. . .-a- county . I oiul explosions, 8iuiti 8tajTge,ea against me swuuy sou, juiiii u. "in, v-. R" 7. rsansuurv. y . ij. iiuut ,... -i km I H A . I V 7 ' were no other maiK or T H cira,)SOn and August C Lanheld, T,1rt,f . TTniv a R. MeNeill : Scotch Irish, him. There was nothing f Dover. when all was in readiness loaaA pwln ; Mt. Ulla. Jesse Miller; t a .1 AAilk;., I - a 11 a.KI l in the appearance oi nis oouy or Mr Ricliard8 wa8 requestea w nu uie Steeie w L. Kei,tier ; Atwell, Jos. Mc- PTPPnt . lao, Nobodv every has to suggest murder or robbery, the corn t of llonor ju breaking ground, where- LockGj C. H. McKenzie; Cbiua J . . ever will accuse him - - l. - -I nr.A leA tUa first . . . -r .- t T7i cs.Sl.. ' ii i itiii i c twm c M.... - i.riivii .innii miifiii : ljilii&ci tf a. . ins numerous ih,c- eavt,, Mr.lfTac,ot l'liilaiieipiiia,was voiru EGGS COTTON CORN FLOUR FEATHERS E ODDER HAY baled, MEAL OATS WHEAT WOOL April 5,1883. 11 20 to 25 20 to 25 AtoH 56 2.25 to 2.40 50 60 35 KLUTTZ'S WAREHOUSE'. Old Ben Butler says he . has been called ltM.t withHIn accideat ou aionuay . ..1st , . ..... ii...- ..r i,u ...I. li.U ll'lll III IP IMI1I K J 'l last by .wnfJH " -T 4'rm ernslifttr broken, MHe was nu- . . IciSt ha moment wnen no piin ftwcoii the bumpers. L0, 1 inn it IS ill BOfrsioU litis The uifcrgi roek, with NY- .Ul.u A. lledrie w Fraley, John Sloau and Esq's., presiding. No iaipurtaut casqsn the uock.i, fcw iuvelvi fiuos and short terms of iSasr a i J lnt liu the oratorSKe occasion, and delivered an appropriaflBPeech which o11"'0 t,,e following nlat allusion : "This," he said, "is an exemplification of history repeat ing itself. When Solomon stepped down and placed the iron worker upon his throne he said to his assembled courtiers, Behold a man (here the orator pointed significautly to Mr. Richards) than your king!" Providence, S. A. Earnhartj Morgan, J. W. Miller; Gold Hill, A. W. Klutta. large For the Watchman. March 28th, 1883. On April the 7th, there will be a r.tiw.i-; i,rr nf npiuilc to witness the C e'""1 ' "'o " X 1 , l a, Uknn. T.avitK mill iiir breaking, at s bMfc v,...,i..Ti.iir:il Lutheran Church li greater Kowan county, near the Gnld Hill road. I m If O a. 1. . K av- The pastor, itev. i . xi. !jhwiwmii- of a lack of sense, and one of the most sen sible of his recent deliverances is this: that it is neifher the duty nor the interest of a State to give its children a classical educa tion; that it should give them theeicmeniary principlesvlay in them the basis ot an eau ration, learn them reading, writing and arithmetic and then let them and their pa rents look out for the rest. Land Mark. Zbe Legislature of Tennessee has fol- e a iniDi'isoiiiueutJ rfaley rathBlbad health , 1 Tbe new bail 90 35 Satista! Tobacco Market -o- r n n nnA tH if marin into iignii" "'F " . . , . , 1 tnan places wuere oi ore w Ancui,nU " : .ije year when all tlie vegetable worm is - pig, and it turned out a first-class Besse- g.)vingiUg into life. The new church frame the LwlljWtiem, mer pig which caunot be excelled iu the is upi with self-supporting roof, a niche terpnsekeef pace . mm t i. .u-t ft i . 10 ,,! fnt. th nnlfiit. ardied Will- iKi!nn. Uauiu, as Upos. anu 3tore. lit 1 m o - Queen Victoria has twenty-eifrgrandchil-J , ... i ..on.omH Whiles dren, oi wnom omj v i nearly all the other royal families in Europe are dying out, the Guelphs are increasing. - ... friritSi toTnv "Xour lowed tb7o.ampleof the Legislature of The great mine at Cranberry , which hj ple in general, who Missouri andLSJsed a law making gamb- we before described, is looking good, aud fe(jl di8po8ea to be pi-esent. A dintfefU-j.. ,on i i - nnn nf rm nn 1 11. -Ill U. citi-uofl oml nil Mia llUUCTrV fed I t ier nave aooui .j,va- wun w . Ut3 uC F, , ra o. BB. i l:i.. .... .1 -1 : 1 I .1U tAn. I 1U1T I Tll 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 IIUU VUKI M"W" 1 W 1 til IV " ' o I band, l hey recenuy ouippcu ------ . . ... BMCrwi of . ' . 3 . thus does modern en with the demands of ci klllCU I'SUUUt uo cailuvu I IS up, Willi BJii-auft T I w..ld be an impossibility to t bm letter nig iron from any of the foreigu ffBTA- u ft Aree eold (silt) cross Jrt:icy grocery lre The wheel was bound up and held Qres imported to this country. Iron Era, g fJ& tnn auj . feet wide; above the cross together with cords in the most wonder- Pow, X J. iKroriaV-"KUS Jul way, and every part oi mo uiiub nu . . ,r3ji.ii- S. ..H.ed in honor ta l an ranees. A woman Inferior Cofc for the County has been been repaired as if the owner was resolv- The coke-making business of 1 eunes- w w p D of p,liladel- ' f 'ket book in her hand just a Itl . .1... mm.,. lia1 a I . . tifc forATer. 1 has mnilft n woanderfnl lucroase. Iu "'32V f ti. niiiritf nf rBU w" J 1 . . i iu sossiou si son . mvuurtjr. i vj - - eo on ireaomiig phia, TTOB-i tuoiucuk w.v -- ud v when it only coniains two uoiw null docket jutU oomlapon-Wedno.. lt ,nd it, Cont.oU weighed in all i 1870 there s one iron in M.eu?jiJ,,,aj alw a tirLe 1Ild . latc.kej as wheo foil o( .T - B.xden U.th. - , ,,, CooteoU - ,oafroao . for theft, twof.. fears ; anu in un itroog nu oouo wroj w - m,.u.v. uuu w tao, " - uia,ie theological books, and regaruea in ... i p ... I - n.-,a.in r nn i nniir aaani a in - itat inn ton v t'liKn li e. iu w-v i - . . m .1 a Alia n 1 Jim .Miller fior. luiuurruua nowmv 1 to a working jjubiuuu , " .. .. . .:iJIla !. f'..,...c- .iil fin-tnrn I 1M1- .1.... ol.nnl1 nilAh RI1C1I ft lliai-n nrA BAVfn RtaClCS in UlilSt, Sll U81IIC Nine liosuitn.f w vuuu.j ju...-. creumm wm i x. - ungi.aunt ...... i j Rtl - 1. . , 1 4. ilia i. .,,i .iw.ro oin rnin nvpiis nun;-1 .antiira Hi lii iviitu library uumueieu III loau OQ8UCU. . F r tT. . " ! e A u o,,.i ; t-h fMM) volumes. A Southern man common roads ot tlie couuuy. - ing inruaco iuuuu.j v,;? . Death of iTHT Rick. Kowan lost a atao tame wolf, which it is saiu, nau CoKe is roaue in jmu.. 0'upo lMW"' jjve for tie land of his nativity, soon valuable citiiei on Tuesday last by the bpen taught to sing, aud perform various i 425 more ovens are oemg erecieu. after his deathv whch ccuncn wa oSth of Mil lathy Rice. He was for fuony auU surprising tricks. Altogetlier, BgBoggo ntbs ago, one Keutlemtt Mqwjt MA , u t tt:I . r. , t7 m.ri-. nnm n l a xr rmmc manv thousands of .doilaa to en xiow n many years oiie me mcis u. p-v the "wheel narrow muu . . ur.,viuvr i.o. a ...v.. ..rofesKorshin in the University of lhila- ill . I. A"! a . rm n. 1 II 11 T 1 1 VI llllllfMI 11111- 1 1 I - .. n A- n . T" Tn I' (I I I I OTUMl I t VB n n I - A ... ...-v,,,,". Tl II (1 I II I - mm I L mil rn, in Linn wunii t awMAf 1 sunjoei uwv bwv v COBBECTED WEEKXY BY JKO. SBEPPABD mH 3.00 tO lUga, COU.UI m w Lugs, good to fine, Lugs, fine to iancy. Leaf, common to med. Leaf, med. to good, Leaf, good to hne, Wrappers, com. 10 mcu. Wrappers, med. to good Wrappers, eooa w uuc, U7pa nnora flnP Wrappers, fancy none offered. Breaks this week were the largest of the season. While there was no improvement in quality, prices ranged higher and all to baccos were taken at the above qotations Planters woujd do well to market their to 1 wk?ip thfi nrices arc stiff. Any change ill ..4n,l in the market win oe 4" S JOHN SHEPPARD, (Late of Pilot Wabehouse, Winston, N.C) . Business Manager and AUCTIONEER. 5.00 to 8.50 8.50 to 12.50 4.00 to 5.50 5.50 to 7.50 7.50 to 13.00 9.00 to 11 00 11.00 to 14.00 14.00 to 35.00 35.00 to 55.00 Conoord Msarls.t. COBBECTED WEEKLY BY CAKKONS FKTZEB " .,, f! TToro T'cA iwen talking ior nan an umu. America ana across wiw --i . j the greatest intellects ol the uiaeteenm exclaimed an auctioneer, - anu a nau Bv ., A. . . , ...ir lllim liAAl'Pfl 1 ..mm m f 1 . ;.wJnH 1" 1Y 11 r,nffp" "Ha l an nour, ihuctui "- v rpirrpt havinff to announce the death . .!,: w known as tbe Krautli Pro f.,;.ur .? i2.inir irooil . :ip ODDOl lunitv I f.n liintalf. or liis iiiiiiil v. (livius ID l a xi.: o ,w"i nrnmlainir l)iiiip?s man. I fAaocnrgtiln And hero 11 naiuir iam ifc O D - I uwiiiivi , . a - - j 1 oi 111 - . . ' . ."AV' SB il 11 1 I -m, f . . 1 1 ... a a-v V I snd his abill-j would enauie uira. -o- Wo iiivit&lhe attention ot miners ana mill owuerslUi the advertisement of the t 'r 3 ... 1 .. ll'lll...- Mecklenburg fi on w oras, oy juo. iifc, Esq,, and allfie more earnestly because we are eonfbiiut that those wautiug ma chiuery caud no better elsewhere, north pir south, f : The 0 rtffill Jury of Stanly County, found a tiffbill against Dr. R. A. An derson, who ik accused ot the murder of young Charlie Cox, committed myste riously a sfioMt time since. Dr. Andenou iik.nv N Y. or niiT one else ; but fliwniijj ti f I f . ' . J 1 a nn bissingularity. Letters were found amoag Tuesday morning, aged about 27 J . ... i.:..i.i anH loaves a dec his stuff from his family begging Inm to come home, and tolling of dear ones who he delated. But . j i.mii'iiocc it, on if ..1.1 a ml Imm in Knnau COUUtV for nr nnrnWsia. at his residence in this place, ti10 nanie of this good ana "tea and is . J J !... nrr 11 a n ao I i I C, (tliA riirlitmis llO llOUl- gave bond 10,000 for his appearance at next terinlld' court. The easeful David H. Frnley, for the hoinkide oT'alker, the revenue officer, it as moved to Cabarrus county. ill 0- Miss EwBuehler, of Gettysburg, Pa., is tlie gnoiiij of her sister, Mrs. L. II. Clement. Ilfl fhlm . Hiss JoViigon of Lincoluton is at Mr. Jl, A. KudM : : could not hold out it thev seem to have been in vain, for he was. traveling in the contrary direction towards New Orleans thence somewhere else, ever proud to be noticed a vain ambition to be talked about and uotliiug move. The California poet shall tell the balance. DEDICATED TO R. LYMAN POTTER, BY SAMUEL BOOTH. 17. He was honored. Surely "the rigMons do rlimi - hisfblf esteemed, and leaves a deeply strick- a8 the green bay tre,7 for theirgooa en wite ana iiiree cnuuieu. uo aeeus auu iur,umiu ,. . --. i ber of the Presbyterian church and had oroU8 growth even after their bodies' are . ,.: ,i.i. ;..... ..1 ii.o mavfi. This new church, "" " I . .r ...ui..at UntfUw'. St. 1 etcr s, lOgeincr mw wn. ... a.. l.niiiLniiiii front , i whicli now prearuiB ii i'"""v - ' Tobacco Trade. I X nlX admiration, have both been The tobacco interests of our town are i erected within a year and are an nouoi . A Mnaaak mill I growing t the indications are, with our central r ener and l r l n iu wu: mwv i w" - Bacon, Hog round, Butter Chickens, Eggs, Cotton, Corn, Flour, Feathers, Fodder, per 100Rs. Hay, Meal, Oats, Whcatt Wool, Concord, April 3, 1883. m 15 to 20 90 t o 25 10 to 124 to 9i to 55 to 2.50 to 40 85 50 to 60 to 40 00 to 100 25 to 35 6i 50 2.40 30 55 35 SAN FBANCISCO, CAL. You've heard of ope Boytop the swimmer per Who swam over the channel from England to France Twas a famous exploit though in length but a span Compared with the tramp ot the W heelbarrow Man. vou've heard or the man who attempted to lly, BUt tumbled beiore he got very high ; . .. He had better have stuck to the old fashioned plan, Traveling on toot like the Wheelbarrow Man. tion, railroads and other advantages, the place may soon become a large cen tral mart. Gray & Bkall Warehouse. As was announced, the opening sale at Grav and BealPs took place on yesterday, the fourth. The break was a large one, the full capacity of the floor, 42x120 feet was taken up aud 23 lots sent to Kluttz's Warehouse for lack of room and time for immediate sale. The large majority of the tobacco was of low grade and the prices ri..;,i.. f.nlttir.a make the wilderness Viiiiiauuu ....... - ail aud the barren fields to bloom and blos som with all the beauty ot tlie limes. PlLGlUM. A Kace for Life. (Asheville Citizen.) fin Tnnff Branch, in Madison county lives Mrs Levi Metcalf, has a daughter named Jane, who is about 15 years nld and well grown for her age. On ILCO 1 - I . . . -1 i x. 1 icl nnl lr T116- He start.ftAnnyflyejths ago, M were goyel ncd by the quality ; and ia 3 f mH runuieu a w ueeiuui ivn oicuuj au"oii'i . i- , n !. i fiirr were waMiiii nwv lastormaud in sunshine, through dust, wina ana were sat,slactory as a ruie. onu-iuvi. . standing with Four tSsand odd miles trudged the Wheelbarrow I ble interest was manifested ; the lions e towards tile fire, clad iu cotton v m.,ri,d aneld.rlv maiden: "what's halt an . . hour to many long years, and still no nope Of an offer ! Boston rmmpl. "The BakersvUle Voiee tells of a Mrs. Car con living on the Toe. who, in returning fv viittf s neighbor, was bslated un .:i .a. ..s.hfwn .nd waaohased for half a mile bv a panftier, only reaching her home a little in advance of tlie pursuing varmom. The Only dagerons classes are those lm are encaecd in amassing colossal ior- tunes-the giants who tread ordinary men under their heel and care not now muen u.c people Sofler." And yet how many there ate striving to become one of that cless. lltt.fr. CTltymOfN. T. Times o bv turns. What would have been thought of a Supreme Court decision .1 nofrnotinn fin. ten Of fifteen ..ra bto. that was no power in theFedera J"-o ' ... - . . -..ICll ... Government to oblige a State io iu.u that we are sot coniraci&i .,.. coercing so much as we were. Two of the oldest and bestremediesare All cock's Porous Plasters and Brandeth's Pills. They are celebrated household ne vnr enrains. rheumatism, pains in the side, oack, or chest, or any suffering fi,or orASMble from the exterior, all cock's Porous Plasters are prefection, whilefor regulating theblood, Brakdreth's Ptt.t.s are unequaled. Always Keep inera on hand. 18:ly. - T?.a ... oaii, kfarcb. .lames H ... a v ill . i iima mm tim m v m m 111 iuwto) .. e ... . .1 aj:.. naalU Masten. ot tna fierce anu wioo a. , city. Miss Wfl guest at 3ti Misses SQd An ng of Catawba county, is riff Krider's. Man. He traveled through cities and vilages fair, And long, dreary marches, where houses were rare; Crossed creeks and deep canyons, where swift tor- renrs ran, ie McKenzie, Lam a Fraley I That almost rolied over the Wheelbarrow Man. :i Kiucaid. are the guests of Miss ballfe lUruner. , J Ami was smiled ou by the ladies, who waved him a : II I fan, If 1 " r HuMPTlf IwUMPTV. This show was met xueiatage-drlver shouted "Good .luck,as he passed; byatairlfience, in compliment to the JgSlwIffi iiionanaJa : .. ai. i i e ai. I whii tiip nhiidreii ran after the Wheelbarrow 1 management heiiifr in thn li-nds of the ( Schloss los well remembered by the 'uiu oioijuismirv. There little to attract in the per foi niauce, The omj woman was a tignit r head ; taig no active pajrt. The chai acter of Mentertainment was perfectly imiocenBsut with tlie exception ot a 'short mfdfty o the violin deviod of in 44 . - terest. if Demi If Shei iff. M A -of the pftijje' officers of this place,' captur ed a notorious negro thief from Cabarrus coButy faied Wm. Meeks, who is wantct in Condbri for larn that Meeks. wlm has been dodgiug about 1 1 a . S . tnis piapefor some month was the thje that Jail J committed several hen-coop rsbberie,gbut he is now asife iu Concord jail and fits titer developinepts will show whethef li is tlie reail Salisbuiy chicken While the children ran afterthe Wheelbarrow Man. The Indian looked out from bis dark forest lair, 1 . . . . . - - ....... I1filn Vila hul.. Anu let mill piUJO Ull w uquui iun una, , a ni i he Road Agent smiled with contempt on his van nUU ' 1 ........ , 1, Wlw..H.. .,. VI ., r. There Was lllllC W oicaa uum , umuui iu mu. ot a sods. iilnntr ; The inluer looked up from his pick and his pan. 1 . " ,i, haarti tlin WkAtOnai Man. ABO gilW luufc" k- j He was chased by wild cattle, while crossing the Bv ooFsouand sickness bope nante pains ; But nothing could klU the bold Wheelbarrow Man, i- n,i u-pci- nut hp was Rt ill on the road. O'er Moaatatn and Valley propelling his load ; u footsore and handsore, all freckles and tan, ..'i . t . ... n ,'l..uil-.o iM-rtic VT n r Still OOUnU tur llie WtSinCUl Ui ,, ajvawua.. ........ ad so through all perils and dangers as passed, Xrrivlng in Frisco, In safety af last. Where thousands of people were watting to acan, And welcome the wonderful wheelbarrow Man . .... hnmoa nf .- ir tiipre arc Hprnci nf neace. i nprr ill v lat . . ... . ...... . .. . : m llicici"' , w ..ilk.miKinlCnini'P' There were oiu nuuiuu uciura, auj imiwoi,( But never since t his old world began, Was hero made out of a Wheelbarrow Man, rao,irhmiirti throutrh all perils this hero has past. I Vus flight o rHhe Yadkin has counted his last ; Krom whence uetrampeaaion wiiuiiucuiyij ........ When fate scaled the fifs of the Wheelbarrow Man. Watohman. beiug visited by large numbers of people. Kluttz's Warehouse. At this warehouse the break was very i.. i.l tlita tnlmcco on tlie floor was l.llfca., of fair grade, from medium to good, with an occasional pile of fancy bright wrap pers. Mr. 11. C. Bost, and the Messrs Foard of South River, having the finest tWi- on the floor. Prices satisfactory to all. There was a good corps of buyers present at both sales. Mr Eugeue Jonhson, for a long time ei -gaed iu Daeie county, has moved here and taken charge of a new factory to be conducted in the old jail building, by "1 a W Messrs. Smithdeal and Jierniiarur. Mr. Johnson is a good man, and he lias go a backers. We commend them and wish them success. They were heavy buyers at the sales yesterday. o- MARRIED. BUSINESS LOCALS SALES EVEBY DAY, GOfi Prices Assured. BEST ACCOMMODATIONS FOR MAN AND BEAST. NO SALE, NO CHARGE! Insurance and Storage Free. Liberal Cash Advancements made on Tobacco held by ni for future sale. KLTJTTZ, GASKHaLACO. 15:tf FARMERS Loot to yot Interest ACID PHOSPHATE For (tomposting, Cheaper than you ever heard of Come at once, and Make Your Own Fextilizers. FERTILIZERS thief uil n -f Men lb think w their chaiacter by wh Khable. atutoy M Ion-raising for Northern markets is experiencing a boom this season iu florir da and Southern Georgia. The Boakd of County Commission s-if held their regular sessiou last Mon day, with all the members present, when Am following was ttieir action j A report of the stock, law election ot a Unreh 20tb, held at the house M. V , Stackleatber, was approved aud the clerk ordered to issue the usual notice to stock owners. A. M. Brown reports 21 paupers at the twior house Ordered that tlie 1st .mod days oi June her back towards tne hre, clad in conou Rh wns rubbins: clothes over a nla Tier dress cauuht lire and in an in stant the flame warte the top of her head a moment all was a frenzy then a sec ond thought, and the girl flew to a branch hundred vards awav, with two gates to . . i. ,1 tKri. but all ner uniaieu. oc ninmu ...-r- i..4i.M pr in ashes above her waistband . ci. riion in the branch, with sickening M IU1IV - . i: mnnnttiins rintr. Her screams. mRiug .ai,r hvinr recovered sulticicnuy irum her fright of her child being.burnt to death fnl lowed, and with aid got the girl back to the house. Dr Hardwick, at Mar cKoii w mion the spot as soon as horses i a a I. oim- mllps. He says the ff.11 f nriRV II1U1 B1A AI a w. . v'Di'i . . qase is doubtful, in the extreme, slie being burnt all around save about one men. me skin is all off where burnt "a fearlul signt. She was alive at last accounts. Ti,n brut handed sons of toil are iovad um riomains of old Dismal Swamp very iAr anA ronvertinir this morass into fer- litlJivttj -ww.- . c tile fields. It is penetrated iy cuiD aH tram roads in every direction, and soon Lake Drummondwill be drained, and civilization willconqaer the last impediment tome entire territory being brought under sub iection to the uses of man. a nnlator in futures Mr. Mahome illustrates the ultimate degree of rasbneio hn h contracts to deliver his Deai ocratic following to the Republican party in 1884. Annual Meeting ! Salisbury, N. C, March 15th, 1888. TbeAi and Tranf the office 18ih day i i ieit a. may Tbefore the meeting. bu,.ne vYs M. MULFORD. Sec'v. 22:1m TO farmers; FERTILIZERS , imrina fresh lots of Pacific Bone Phosphate, - - nrices (How does 4uu ios. vuu ,. -Srike 'you t) These are tbe oldest and most siriKc jiu s; mrv,, ftnd are cuar- reliable brands on hub - -an teed If tou prefer new brands and cheaper grades, I can furnish joU, but wi nofgJIraatce them, until tried in a small u B. T -i kaan the German Kai- ,'U,i U,;; . .Tre. pre.eu.ive of rust, and much used in composting. Tdme. Lime! Havln secured me a large new w arenousc , near the Depot, easy of access, no railroad i near the uepoi, j .k besides my 1 track to cross;, x , -ri , f - ?to "fJ h- in use in this country fo best v ir?iu. a,lA west- a . r.; wi .o iv nu on band, uvuiw up - - i jq years, aua ",v" - . or elsewhere; uontraciom am ill now have an opporiuimj aaiisiavtiuu a - than heretofore. LV to ueiiei uiaui6 . , , Orders and correspondence solictted. ( (25:tt) Aiaii I have just received my Spring supplies o CottonTobacet Fertilizers, consisting of MERRYMAN'S Araiatei DissolTetl BORES, i aa aaa White O.ik spoken, , W Allien - - . , good priees-spoi ea,n . . ' i addrei8 or can on vj. a. 25:31 pd. . f i liie Owoi aii IWu wi ! ini are nreDared to purchase ores TOuuuni-- . alMi sulphur, in un of uold, silver. Lead, Copner, aoa - raU. limited quanaei -" ;rt CaBn SiSboSSS enVrto for unev to tfteea JUCHAHM n" vv-.-f .. ,, ntlftf-kS InnrtrtB auu snauoi. ' . . j . ,...ul anil KPVIT. auu - 7ii !hiKi i un mi a in wt - ..,n oninine ano l for the ldjicu 3iii sutlypd tvisi i i v n.i - " . obstluate, long Kan ling cius wurrr two 'kinds ol : PWa.eontn- iSSla all case i" HlTtTa uequied. For Liver Com- SSint their ecTua'l .Is not known one noa w. , - . wonderful w by drusts even when, or snioj . cent boxes. JB' cure Co. Ill Kaamaoe, ows j-rit aud December be set apart as special I Wash Tost Dem. COLD MINE For Sale or Leafee nv A A RON BAItaoi 8 miles West of Taylorsvillc, Alexander co Of this Mine Prof. Kehe, State Geologist "The packa;e oi uru-u il JITWt-New York : rotate J l? F?r."0"L' r.r.air BYJ. H. tHU. ca e if tne vein i ------- i - - hot - .--. .n to work it," "tPoreseemstobe ab?m.tion annl, to A. C. Mcintosh, Tsylorsville,oroothepmist Taylorsville, Feb. 27, 1883. 20:3t n.,if nun? VCAl THE CI. AO Dl 1KLV - UN A WATCHMAN, OaNIJ .S0 l'EH YEAH, Walter's Plospliate, For Cotton, Walkbe's Phosphati for tobacco, for Cotton ai Tstacco. a il the abve men standard afW.i .i?. will be sold as "chesp as the che f.!. .,,.! n mtr own niantanrtn re tlAVlUK uot.a j " f-TT-r- . . . , . . r r txxi. . ly all the dmerent oranos m ierim.cie do not hesitate to say iqsv me buotc w ed brands are i the best in use. T6't until you see me. it 8. McCUBBINS, P No 1, Murpby'a Granite Row, ) Sali?ry, March 8, mZ. 01.1 A.a.a

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