The fallowing pafaatre from Mr. Webster's Few experiences are more harsh celebrated reply to Mr. Hayne is now being j than those growing nut of raisqiiderv uooterl against the protectionist-!, and as , standing, lo oe misjuageq wiien one the god-tike Daniel was regarded in Iks 0ay and for his chances as a "njidflling fair" constitutional ex ponder, we think his opin fous are entitled to flfmagt as much respect as those of the average howler lor the p rot pet io:. ot'onr jn tiir industries. Mr. Webster anil); MJ sail then (1820) and said uaw, that as ah original question, the authority of (jongrcss to exercise the revenue power with direct reference to the protection of niaur ufactnrcs is a questionable authority, far port questionable, in my judgment, than the power of internal inprovement," SUBSCRIBE FOR TBr CBAC UNA WATCHMAN, QKI.V $1.50 PER YEA ft. OREION ADVgRTISEMEIvTS. i Aa rnfirr!) New ud poaitiaelr effect! e J Hrsir i. for taa apMOS aaal actauacai I 5 mi s Mm a or Seminal Emi -i; mi -.- 1 1 3J potency by tat a ay, u . Dw. t afcaiaaa. ... mciati Saw ef alt Ikjaaav af aki na. 1, u au.udr.1 a .... ( . at iiiiaanaam. aaa dm onlT Tea ana laaantlaar '- Tear ta im m 9trJ at . 1 1. ... . v) a am ma aaaut Uva ar rr . i rui a j aa ta.i k all - r,- aaaa) at aaa gxllaat I igaaaaii t i ti. ant tali J . at raaihiafaaa atrial laL t.ti .cv.i..i toawla. Tan a. I; aaa a rtt ton 1 aWaiairf .MMMa. N I . matt), pi K 3 faaWa a lHaaM llW la mr No. t(Wuf W Aim m. mmm r-4ur. .law i. bw mm mill $T. Stat a. Ml, aaJai la awjafc.pwiitiaii Saa.aiii ct-. . iwtl a,a.Mlim.aai ilai- aw an m ataaaraw i... . n-hI t. Mrfaa ami iaa vda agaaaai aaaa af aaa. . ii-a a. aaau)kiu. J ARR'S REMEDY CO. KF 8 CHEMISTS, Blr.,l Hia airwbs T. LOtlS, WO. means well, to be caught in an eddy of public condenjuatiou and whirl ed onward by an egcited public, while attempting in all honesty to do the world a servicers enough to ruffle the sftintliest spirit. It is com forting, therefore, to see a noble Christian man whose name has made the watchword for a crusade or here sy, moving on modestly, serenely as though no amount of abuse bad chafed li im. Golden HvU Ma? , 88 ly -ft - M D&BUTTS DISPENSARY. ErtablUbtd 137 it IS W. '.2 Street, DT. tyVZi, Ut. TBM Phjraiciaaa in charge of this old and wall known iuatitutir.n are regular graduates iu medicine and avrgcrv. Taan of Kipertenoo in the treatment ol phronio Mmmm bare made their skill and ability i aiucn aupriur to inat or mo ordinary practitioner, at the; hare aepuirwd a national reputation through ' Prodao, i ins af. with sue Iortrr or Poieonooe Modi does. and thn,,- of middle age who are I sufftrina from the effects af a i mi its victim . sir business or manlaaa. !r cird, t m'"Jerate expense. dt miu and Kxpraae bot where aotubla i FHEE and id vi tad. t treatment witboat oii V ef aaalfioaa to be ui -errd by .at.ei.ts desiring I Ud iraa to mt addraa. on applicarioo. araeaa aaaWlag fraaa Katitara ahaaW aaaa their aiarni.Ta sd laara auawtklarta aaaa Sataaaaaaaa. Coainiu i icatl' as atricttjr enafidential, and iKoald be addraaaia (ML BUTTi. I .Sort- th Sa.. Sc UaU. Ma. MftjS, 81 y UM, KAIMIT ft PLASTER ! Bttilciillt: Lime. Agricultural y Lime, Land Plaster and . Marl. And Very Cheap. Rend for c ircular. FEENLH BROS',, Rocky Point, N.d. 17:3m wrr w MPpBBHBtaaaaaaaBmaa aawal BBs. mtw IT STANU8 AT THE HEAD. THEfOflT-RUNIIIIIII 14 D0MESTIC., That it is tUe acknowledged leader in be Trade i a fact that cannot be disputed I MAi i IMITATE IT, NONE EQUAL IT! Tbe Largest Anned, The Lixhlext Running, The If oat Beautiful Wood-work, AND IS WARRANTED To be marie of the hcl material. To do any and all kinda of work. " To le complete in eterv respect. For le hv ' BERNHARDT BROS.. aliuiiry, C 4j,N'nt. wanted In unoccupied territory. Dumcstk Scicinq Machine Co. 4lv P.oxr iinVT. ? a TUTT'S PILLS SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. petite, Bpwel costive, Pain in with a doll sensation in the roun unaer me onoaider OS n.ft.lT fifttintr nnth a AtmAwm- chnation to exertion of body or mind, of temoer. Low snirit. with Ashcvilfe Citizen It is understood Prof. Wil lough by Reade has leased the Wayuesville White Sulphur Springs for a number of years, to be assisted in the management thereof by Mr. J. C. S, Tiruberlake, of Georgia. It is claimed that the iron horse will soon be at Wayuesville by the first of July. A force of hands is to be at once placed on the line between that point and Pigeon River, brush ing up the roadbed and getting ready for the iron. The Elemen ts ol Success. In nine cases out of ten a man's life will not be a success if he does not bear burdens in childhood. I the fondness or vanity of father or mother has kept him from hard work if another always helped him out at I 1 at i I a a a m the ena 01 his row ; it what was light always fell to him, and. what was heavy to some one else ; if he has been permitted to shirk unti shirking has become a habit, his life will be a failure. On the other hand if a boy has been brought up to do -LiL a a. a- a if - uis part, never awowea to snirK legiti mate responsibility, or dodge work whether or not it made his headache or soiled his hands, until bearing burdens has become his pride, the heavy end of the wood his choice, the elements of success arc his. and at some time, in some way, the world will recognize his capacity. Eton's rKiucitnan. Entertaining- a Burglar. Miss Linda Gilbert is widely known and his hands looked like those of a working man. He seemed sickly, and said he was threatened with hemor- as one who has given years to prison : rhage of the langs. When he coughed J. pushed the cuspidor toward htm, and the next morning the chamber maid told me there was blood iu it. One town iu Maine reports that the tnercttry has marked zero or below on 34 mortdnga during the past Winter. Dukes has been bounced from his seat in the legislature of Pennsylvania. The D jkes you ear. He ought to have been hanged on a sour apjdb tree." WUining ton Star. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. BLACKMER & HENDERSON Attorneys, Counselors and Solicitors. SulisburyNi C. Jan. 22d, '79-jtf. - ; J. M. McCORKLK. T. F. KLUTTZ IflcCOKKLE fe KLUTTZ, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS Salishukt. N. C. Office on Council Street, opposite the Court Houso. 37:tf . if KEKK CSAIOB. L. U. CLKMBXT. CRA1GE k CLEMENT, Sausburt, N. C. Feb, 3rd, 188 J, I Z B. Vance. W. H. Raiia-v VANCE & BAILEY, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS, CnAKLOTTE, K. C. Practice in Supreme Court of the United Stales, Supreme Court of North Carolina, 1 i . a. a . reuerai v ouri, and ounlict ol Mecklenbure. viu.irriii, union, uaaion, Kowan and David . aS.Offiee, two doors eatd of Indepen deuce Square 33:tf reform and has done much to render the condition of prisoners more toler able. On Saturday night, December 9, Miss Gilbert wa aroused by a noise in her room on the second floor of her house in West Forty-third street, New York. What followed a . a she told in her own language to a Herald reporter : 'When I awoke she said, 'and realised what was happening, I thought almost with pleasure, 'Now I shall have a chance of watching one of my black sheep at his work.' He carefully lifted the window sash and stepped into my room, crouching down a little and looking stealthily toward the bed as he did so. A light was burning dimly in the next room, and, as the folding doors were open, I had every opportunity for watching him. He did not seem to me to be an experienced burglar, for he made too much nsise. He wore rubbers on his feet, but he had no tools or wea pons with him so far as I could judge. 1 lie dressing case that one right behind you is close to the window, you see, and he got down on his knees in front of it, fumbled about the drawers a moment, and then he caught sight of my watch lying on top. I wear no jewelry, and the kiine piece is about all he could have bund of value in the dressing case. I slid noiselessly out of bed, and just as his hand fell upon the watch, my own baud full upon his shoulder. He drew baok in surprise aud dropped the watch. 'Hallo f I said, 'don't you know that you are robbing uue of your friends? 'N-no be stammered, 'I don't know who you are.' 'Well, I'm Linda Gilbert.' 'Are you V he asked, looking me then straight iu the face. 'I have heard of you, but you uever saw me in prison. I have uever been in prison.' The reporter asked, 'Weru't vou afraid of him, Miss Gilbert ?' o; why should I be?' 'Not a lUtle bit?' 'No ; I am not afraid of the worst man in world. He said to me, 'I must go; 1 haveu't taken anything.' 'No, you must uot go,' I replied; 'you must sit down a Utile while : I want to talk with you.' He sat down as a child might have done, and I declare a a a ne looked as pleased as a child when I offered to talk with him. I turned up the light and took a good look at him. He was a tall, thin man. with sandy hair ; his clothes wore scanty THE BURGLAR'S STORY. 'I asked the mail a great variety of question's, and he answered them all without seeming evasion. He said his name was Robert White, that he had a wife and three children. His wife suffered with ague aud his childreu were sickly. He had been on a . strike, he said, and after that could get no work. His family were starving, aud one day he had au op portunity to steal a watch. He did so, and had stolen two others since. He began to think it was he only way he had of living. It had been his inten tion, he said, to steal enough to fake his family somewhere in the country. He could uot support them in New York. My father vecupied the room underneath this, aud a brother of Mr. Theodore Thomas was iu the house. I was afraid of awakening them. hit. o no thought for the only course that can ever bring them back to honest lives. The only reason why the very rich escape is that they are so well protected. Jay Gould, when he rides down town, has an armed man be side him ; Mr. Vanderbilt the same, and the Stewart marble mansion ia always under the eyas of detectives. I have heard more threats made by criminals against the very rich than against all the rest of the world, and there will be a terrible reckoning some day unless the very rich avert it in time and by proper methods, I wrote as much to Mr. Vanderbilt to day. I have spent all my small for tune in the work of my prison reform society, and I told him that we were at a standstill for waut or money. 'Help send some tbousauds of these to places where they can be self-sup porting,' I wrote, 'and the nouses and property and persons of rich men will be safe.'' . MT. VERNoi lavery n . m stable! Speculation in "Futures." ALLOOOK'S POROUS PLASTERS. The Oripal aM still the Best! INSIST ON HAVING ALLCOCK, TM OKLY j GENUINE POROUS PLASTER. One of the most remarkablein vent ions of the present age is Allcok s Fobotjs as ters. They are the result of years of chem ical study, and only time and experience has brought them to their preaet pertec- tion. Testimonials are received every day of the wonderful cures of 8prains, Weak Back, Rhematism, Lumbago, Paralysis and J and respectfully solicit a W.i iMl bosts of other diseases. Ui course tne vast i tamisment. It is complete i i " & sales and great success'of Alloock's Porous j quirements of first claas busin Mr uTma liava tuuaol niimprnus n ilSIITS to be brought before the public which, be ing called porous, would give the world to understand that they were a similar article to the f enume. We would most particular ly caution the public against these huni- hncrs TIht r-nnloin nnnc of the healini? gums that are nsed in Anxoca's, but are Boarding and keeping horses. ertUW simply a combination of lead, red pepper Drovers will find good Stalls and n anfi rubber, and are vaunted iu long wind- at this place. u 8aj. ed advertisements as an improvement on J .Special accommodation Allcocx's Porods Plasters. Beware .ofj' Commercial Travelers. the hazj and untrue statements and never use any of these so-called porous frauds. M. L, ARE y Present his compliments tr. v. 1,1 r,,u.ntfll. 1:177 18 10 the Horses, Buggies, Carr;affei tav. a. ' - S, , " ins, wagons, rJbc. aa HE 18 CONFIDENT OF Glvrtn 8ATISFACTlh.. -all Special provision and favAr.i i. . JM A 3C:tf Lee Street, SaHsburr, N. C We live in an age in wh'ch the al miirhtv dollar is deified, and love of cause my father is extremely uervous, money causes millions to worship t and Mr. Thomas hates burglars and its burning altar. Speculation in would either have shot this otie or "futures " whether of.crraiii or of cot have had him arrested. My secretary, tou, is nothing less than gambling a iuy, siept upstairs, and l calkd reduced to a tine art. We are temp I. - ....... ... . I. If. i I . . . ..r (. icr, v c u i iu id. Kitenen and ted to say it is an evil a -g Kantic uiiW iuarh uasKei with itMtigs to ami destructive of all virtuous princi- a J I. . I . T l i . .1 - r cai iwu uucks mat i nad orded pies as u temperance. It has engulfed wr ouuuay s dinner; some vegeta- the greatest mini's in its black waves. Thus they will restore to the busy active A p r.rA QT K "Tl? n' bles, bread, and so on. The basket 1 It has entered the Church of God at.d brain of man or woman, the energy and VJOUU OJUA I tt (jl gave to tne man, together with a live "drowned in destruction ami perdU mmJ wnic ,,Jls ,osr l,y uisease, wor- . AWAY ! 1 I 111 a a I r I ar Al AlMlfirnrl.' Thnit iU.4.MA .tlai I uoiwroii and some advice, and nclum," Sunday school suierinleudenta I thw has been debflitT and ns-l Any person purchasing 50 Cent. Alloock's Porous Plasters Relieve Debility and Nervousness. Alcock's Plasters worn on the region I A FRESH LOT OF ASSORTPn r a. lu l. i i I " ui wie aviuiiejs waruis ine spinni marrow TNTikT which is a continuation of the brain, im-j J ATI Jtv LJ C Vh op pr parting new vitality and power to the spine I vvvtoo, A-'I-tlJ they stregtuen that mighty organ and nil it full of foreign electricity mr nervous fluid. hist Receivf At JXMIS8- Dr ai ..... f U L f. .1 .-JS.I. 1 l I 1 a " . rr ' I vww aa,m..a auu uaaa . wud- ... - n "-ih uuv w y iiiv ii win huui Willi UK I UPMCuna Plilora sutrl utovvu r1u Yon I nm ...! l . i l isiMJIVn or Mi-i ir.uw.c t .. - " I - ' ..... ...... . . v . . . ' , . am I ll CT Villi ItfSB 111 I UI KM V 711111 MIL I " -.m.vjih.o, ivi-. ll L V fl wiwlt in auaaa I:. 1 . I l.'i. .1 .! Til l.:l. 1 j .51 I Ta ..- Ot IH a. . fl ven huf glad a lace as one could wish to see. it has entered the nulnit and drawn ralysis. Physicians highly recommend them Drug Store will be nresento.l ul . J ..e i I. . ., . . K - . I ..- .a..i.xi:. Lll . . ru oi ii next day into its seething vortex of ruin dis- . "Vl v"us UCM,,,lJ wueMer arising imm slate. .a-L. . i uisiuauon or overworK. liiev are now .u poa un, w.. known to be the ereat reirenerators of the nervous system and are invaluable in all When my lather hea he was so excited that he left ;.t - nee I tiuguished lor our country huu e. I tried to hunt were miirhtv in storminir the atronir up the man's family in Mulberry holds of the devil. Speculation iu fu- cases of hysteria, street but I couldu't find them. 1 tures is driving men every day into presume we mistook the uumber he suicide, into incurable irwanitv nd THE MORAL OF IT. beggary unu want. lo a man who I have been greatly troubled with Rheu- . A..J t -a f n:n ti I Stands in the gallory and looks upon matism and Weak kidneys. I was advised .a aaaa a a aa . a. aaaa laraa mm a i s aa . mm. a . rial don't know whether 1 I If .1 . . c. lemng tne story or not. cjotne condemn me, aud say I am encourag nig crime ; but others l nave discovered the. p ought to actuate the world iu its treatment of the criminal classes. Most people are iu favor of shooting burglars, but I'm uot. I have heard of elergyuieu, even, who have shot burglars when their houses were en tered, as if, when the Lord made Christians, He put guus iu their bands to kill sinners with. Rich men who have been robbed will have uo mercy ou the robbers, not a mo ment's consideration for the causi's which have led them into crime aud LAtaPS AND LAMP GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES, A WWVIooi rv Vflau Pillar l stands in the gallurr and looks upon matism and Weak Kidneys. I was advised iAn,iHrv 1 ihhi Miss Gilbert, I oe of lhoge wln ifalu& to try Allcock's Porous Plasters (had Ja"UHr-V 18' md' 1 am wise in i...i.. i ,i. .. used two other kinds of so-called Porous li i cai v uuuuiiv . 1 1 vi ouiu, tiirj an. n l a uiort; I ni a i 1 . .. will ... r mj i Plasters which gave me no relief.) but one IV !TI?n Mike a menagerie of wild beasts turned of vours has worked like a charm ivi Ai 1 j U. ( )ninn aa v. i v. vi i vi " - .r. a . .a. a .. - " r O vuivii will see that SC 11 ooluPany mtelli- me complete relief, and I have not been q i . .i . gent human beings. Unless some- troul!ed with Rheumatism and Kidney oGlS, "3S1 Lu. thing is done to arouse public scnti- 1! nxT.Ti.n, - J v-uivju. xuu Altu u, DtllMlAX. n V XI I W ' llnnir II..-. SCHOOL BOOKS at meut from its sleep of spiritual death, there is no telling how this dcmorali z.ition shall culminate. It is th pressing duty of pulpit and press and platform to hurl thunderbolts at this I gigantic evil until a reactiou shall set in. If these couspicuous aud alarming ! I examples oi stealing winch have Edward D. Buunham. Sroiicliinl brought disgrace and shame upou the t? Alj, cocrs; they w fait v .rv J . av itaiulCUIIllUIT UJ Alabama aud fen- pying tWo of Aiwjoca'a to my cl Trotitoloe , 1 .a 1 aJ II? . JJT., Y ASJIJNGTON, U. U., January 7, 1882. ( I take ereat measure in reeommpndinrr Allcock's Porous Plasters. I was in- COST AT dnced to try them by Mrs. Samuel J. Ran- 1 U .lull, and I tound them everything desired ued four other to called Porous PLtdert ere per- Upon ap- HOME AD VERT1SEMENTS. tnir rr-1 hi t ! I i, vtw "Fatwraiai wa umuaiiia uu a Wl- In Tllltr t W1 lit Alimvflu'a r. ... which were the result ol cold and bad couh t r,,,", .. r..i;..v..,i speculation m "futures," glial I open 1 want you to send me one dozen forth- llOrih GarOlina Rpilrnarl ii.- ... r 3 . Ti with. .loux T ivfiRi vi waiuuua naillUdU, mu ctcs ui uu uuvei uuieiiL ici nif i , ,, ... . evil of this refined form of gambling tney win uot have occurred iu vaiu. Texas Advocate. DEFERRED ITEMS. Jftttt The recent mjateriobs tragedy iu Wa- ouly murder ev .1... .. iuti limits or ine settled iu n;:in. A tliout a bloodstain is certainly a remarkable record. '4 i iaai oVT?rftvi 1 ' HEALTHCOR8ET Increases in popularity every dar, aa ladles find it the most COXFOKTABLK peek part. blade. ftiUne 17:tf PERFECT FITTING corset ever wora. Jfor. chants "ay t plvcsthchrpt satisfaction of any oorsct they ercr Fold. Warrr.nt d fathfactory or moTtcr re funded. For sale hy 'J. B GASKILL ealy, Salisbury, N. C. ft JtTav ... Jtm .aaa - . . Slot of gm Mxwxhn BBS I career of 250 years witli COMING IN EVERY DAY AT NEW FURNITURE STORE. Main Str, Next Door to J.F. Boss. COMIbJ TO THE NEW STORE Ud jet evBryftiJi yon want u tie Furniture line At the LOWEST Prices. uroci. Hammkls Hotkl, Rock away Beach, N. y., May 19.J82. f ALLCocKs Plasters have been f such - - . - a 1 .a . . . great service 10 me ami nunc that l leel it a duty to state the facts, as briefly as possi- uic, 10 inuuee oincrs to use them. My wife for many years was confined to her lied. s aa . . aunering irom spina! disease. After sinaid- CCNDENSEO SCHEDULE TKAIN.S (iOlNG EAST. Lljiie, A nr. 3o, 1&82 No. 51. Daily. Leave t'hariuUe... Salisbury .... Iliali Point A rr. i ret-tlx hi in i . ing a thousand dollars in vam effort to tret Leav treeniborij mm . . - - -.- - c ured, she applied three Allcock's Plah-1 Arr. UilUUro. ters to the spinal column, one above the other In a few Daily. lays all pain left her She HmilSnd fruli .v...- l. CiiarLkstok, W. Va., March 24. James 1 and in the course of two months she emu ' uraham, an old farmer, shot and killed R.T. pletcly recovered her health. At first she Smith, a schoolmaster, near Alderson es- -'ou,ll hardly walk across the room; each .erday. Some time ago Graham suspected ?,2 tll SJa? "T LI !f. .1 !..) r. ... . I . uuiea wiuioui I ll ..... .,..u..y we . ,macy wim umitli, and tiirne. She still occasionallv nnnlir. h. shortly after that the school house was I plasters to her back, but she has been per- " Ukirhuui .. 41 Kaleiah .... Lv. Arr. Gohlnhoro 79 4.10 a.m. 6.05 " 7.20 M 8.10 9.30 " 11.47 " 126 " 1.40 p.m. 4.05 6.30 4.3o p. a, 6.26 " 7.50 " 8.83 14 9 10 " 11 28 44 12 0811 1 20AM 130AM. 3 50 ALL MY GOOPS Were inspected in person at the Manufactories, and liought for cash at the lowest prices, aud warranted to be of the latest styles and best qualltv, ami will be gold as low as any House in the country. Come and" get ourned dawn. Hiding that Smith failed to leave when out of school but still had 'a .a aa a smtf interviews witli ins wile, Graham took his gnu and compelled him to take the train and leave, npd afterwards hearin-r that Smith would return, Graham pitted nH ces upiu the neighborhood warning him it be valued bis life not to come back to his fectly well for upwjird of a year. LEWIS L. UAMMEL. CURE 554 Main St., Hartford, Conn., ) April 26, 1879. ( Will you please send bio an Allcock's Porous Plaster, 20 im hes Ions bv 7 inches wide, to use on my bark for weak ness ol kidnevs. I ar .... : t. 1 : io. iu Liaiiy except Saturday, Leave Greensboro 6.80 p. in. Arrive at Kalei;b 2.45 p. su. Arrive at Uoldsboro 8.00 44 No. 51 Gonnectn at Saliaburv W. N. C.B. K.. fur A .-In viile and Warm Sprint tt Greensboro with R.& D. R. K. for all p4dU Aortli, fcant and Went, via. Danvi le. At Goldsboro with W. & W.R. K. for WihoiM- ton. No. 53 Conn ecu. at Salisbury with W. V. C, R. R. foralLnoiiitsin Western N. Carol iai; daily at(ireenloro with R. & D. R. R. for all jKiints orlh, East and Went. a before the area. Yell ow Skin . HARDWARE Heart, Dot gwiavjoe generally over tne rlgnt eye, CONSTIPATION. TTTT'S PILLS arc especially adapted to uch cases, one dose effects such ft change ptreeltnfr as to astonish the salrerer. m-i.h.ll 7 1 mtiT Tcanle Aetlcm on the ar j ry AON." 'K -a, H 1 1 TUTT'S HAIR DYE. a Dr. TtTTS BaaXAL af Vi vU a , a- 1, WHEN YOU WANT HARDWARE T LOW FIGURES Call m the undtbigned at NO 2. Granite D. A. AT WELL. Agent for the ' !aiweHThrealver.M Saiisbun, N. C., June 8th tf. . "-IS tXJU v . a. i. auJUH Writ- After ft thoroui? h trial of IRON TONIC. I take pleasure u stating vcai x oare ooea gToauy Den on ted Dy its mae. Jauniatera and Pub lic Bpe&Kers will find it or the great-st value where a Tonic is neces sary. I recommend it as a re li able remedial asent, possessing nn doubted nutritive and restorative properties. I JUmUriiU, Kg., Oct. 1881. mra X' amBBay PURIFIES of Iron, JVar LOOD uu J. 1. TOWOTB. industry, 111., the debilitated vital It would cry like a child. This kept Smith away qntil yesterday morning, when he returned and attempted to enter Graham a house, when the latter came out with a shot-gun, and as he step- ltflll 1111 tft. flu. iwtrrlv cknt .1 mi arr I - "'l-aw uiii) huh ii, je JOO Sun was loaded with riqe balls and small shot, some eight or ten of which took ef fect in Smith's neck and breast, Alnuit thirty years ago Graham was pros a a . , . a . J a" at. .1 OAlltAl a ! tlwi Ml rnu i I ' , , . . T . s . opecial terms made with eonntrv mm-hnnis hn a-.m i t. j : . I ...vv..u,,vv.,.iuiinroeiouni i.i5 i i . . . . , . ... . - - tt . i avii5 ii uue iizen nnu kaaf haa. E"I will .Imi Bar. on h.nd u foil lino i.f COFF1K8 CASKETS an. Undcrtnkcre' guoda-all nt llu unreal prion a ' ' nl1 A Nice Coltsje toiler set for oily $25 oo Rue sets for - $30. $35. and $4fl mm, rrr a " - T fine want sets, Marble Tops, only aa- . Haniisome Parlor sets for - I -iio tsi unit m T J x taaata y v Cheap Beds at $3.50 have worn tin in witl house any more, and when talking of the the best curative effect, fer a weak side, wav his wife treatnd him tr, l;. i: i near the heart, manv vears forininrv rnno. Msajsnsai. . . '., ,:A:-. . fx..-. fcVli. 1. IAH dm irj Pimm nun iiuiiiz in ine aiinv. 1 j could not do without them; I use one about every month. I have on a Belladonna Plaster and don't like it at all, for it has not the power or strength of Allcock's Pokous Plasters. B. WELLS SPERRY. TRAINS GOING WEST. "A Blessing in Disgruise." 484 A dkl nil St., Bkookltn, March 29, lb81. No family should be without Allcock's Pokous Plabtehs: their healin? nowers are 1 - I 1 . a a c,. V 1 Tv M r. . a . . . . a i A wonuerim anti tneir etneacv far-iftchinr L- , iiiy ex. 5undavL.T.Goldsho.4VMi ay r-A I - . ty for killing his sister with dogs hut was acquitted. Jh, 52: ly. R. M. DAVIS' Kef Store. WESTERN N. G. RAILROAD; Op-PIOK GEX. PASSENGER AGENT, Salisbury, N. C, October 12th, 1882 SCHEDULE. Pass. Train No. o Arrive Ml r a " 4.98 " 3.09 ' " i.10 " " " 1S.S4 " a a " . ' . -Leave 6.00 STATIONS. ....Sa'tsbury ....statesvllle .. ....Newtoo Hie: ory , . ...Vorr:intn.. ....Marion Black Mounlaln ....Asbevllle.... ....Warm Spriaga ....l igeon mver Pass. Train No. X Leave 6.10 a m Arrive T.js " " t, " tjs " " 1. 13 M " 11.41 " ra " S.tM " 5.44 - "4 5.4 - rsrrmi bi tsz dr. hakter attaicnra oo., ..p. Train Tfo. 1 Couaects at Salisbury with H. D. R, R, from all ' .... 1 1 1 1 .i ini ui 1 11 auu rrotn Unietn Connet ts ai statesviiio with A. t. & o. Div, or' v. c. t a. R R. Coanecis at Warm Sprintrs with f.. Teiin vn Ga. at R. for Morrlstown and points Soata-West. Train No. 2 i Connects at Warm Hprimrs with R t v no u 1 from Morrhviown & the South-W eM. conneeiB at stalesvUle wlib A. T. A o. Dlv. of ct'.lt k. tt ana at SaUabury, with tt. a D. tt. r, for ,11 points North and East and for Raleigh. 7 ' Through Tickets on sale at 8. illsbury, Stateaville, Ashevtlle and the Warm Sfiilqgs Jo. ajl principal ciUea. GEO. A. EAGLE, VV. A. MORGAN. A New Plan for Kecpin;? Roads. Petersburg Index-Appeal. It is a well known fact thai the nresent system of keeping the oounty roads is both inadequate and expensive. That it is ina- oc-quaie, every road in the commonwealth lears indubitable testimony upon its everr mile, and almost every rod. And that it is expensive, count the pay of all the over seers of the roads, and two days' work for every citizen over sixteen years of age, and see what the aggregate will be. A pretty sikiur sum, aureiy. 1 he present system does not keep the roads in even tolerable order for winter travel. It is time, then, to try some other plan. lNow, it seems to us that the keer- l r . 1. a 1; . .1 . r anjx 01 ine riincis,nKe 1 lie carrying ol t he mail and manv other tliinos. shnnlrl K. TTr.Tcr cnrvrviw, . . .. .1.1 ' ..... .T 1, r ' "ut aavn ninrjiiijr ;in(i an kinds of 10 Ine lowest oidder under a fixed maxi Blacksmithiiig done promptly and with cx- ,num rate ad that the contractor should be ivi.l.A. a a a a . . ara I I m a. 1 w ,w'P",r,n t-nrriaycs. Busies required to keep his road up to a certain and Wagons done promntlv and in first- standard of excellence, or forfeit hia tfi B Ml tigie m morgan BLACKSMITHINQ ANP Wagon-Making, We arc prepared to do any kind of work at our Shops on Lee Street, (W. If. Barker's Old Stand.) SALISBURY, W. C, class style. I'niutiag mid finishing of fine work will lie dune by W. W. Barker. All we ask is a tritil, Jan. 10, 1883. NOTICE! JOHN F. EAGLE, --i ASIIIONABLE SOOT A-Nt SHOE M Jm. 1 KU, ! aaSlX 1 invites Von r attention to hi ul.,. J. B. Macmnrn. I Mauror. Oifir-e. Repair! equ ally and uromiit- v s. . r it aon. A 11 szraites of i:oi.U in-..l-1.. ...ii 1- . a: :.: : ' ar" . T7T . AudrsG. p. ti p. Airt. Oct. 1st. 8Mf : , 7 U4BH"f"" w should have the 1 ' ' "rr " higt stretch of mad -. rr s The county Boar-d of Supervisors should have the oversight of the roada without additi onal pay. A small tax of say fifty cents to the head on the voting population would it is presumed, be ample to pay the several contracto r, and the roads would be in good condition, and travel casv and pleasant all the year through. By this plan, failure to keep the roads in order would result ia direct pecuniarv loss, every citizen would bear an equal share af the tax, without annoyance of being dragged out to work the roads w "en ue nas something yery important to do at home, and there would be no shirking of a disagreeable duty, as is now frequently done with impunity. There is no dni,r we would get better roads, for there would . 1 I .1 aa . r . 0 hm lusting, ror years past i have seen and kuown them to cure and relieve the most obstinate and distressing cases of rheumatism, kidney complaint, bronchitis, neuralgia, lumbago, intimation of the lungs and throat, paralysis, asthma, spinal iv mi Irnnaa aia.,1 aa..La. J i i w vaautso, aim liiuHS UnU Col (15. In hlV own case they atmrded me almost instant and permanent relief. My friends consider tneni an invaluable and speedy remedy i all kinds of aches and pains. Thev are u blessing in disguise; and no wife or mother should lie without them if she values her peace and comfort and freedom from ner vous exhaustion and other ailments. As a strengthening plaster, also forback aches and weakness, they have no equal. I have never yet found a plaster so efficacious and stimulating, or to give so much general sat isfaction. Used in connection with Bban dreth's universal life-giving and life-healing PILL.S, no one need despair of a speed v restoration to good sound health. MitS. E. TOMPKINS. No. 60. Dnilv. Mo. 52. Built. Lea x e i olds horo Arrive Ituleigh Leave M Arrive Durham ... 44 Hillsboi .... 4" Greens! ro.. Leave " Arrive High Piont 44 Salixlnirv.... 4 Charlotte.... 1 A ai lu.uu a. m. 12.15 pm 4.15 M 5.32 44 6.H " 8.30 44 9.15 " 9.50 " H.12 44 1.10a. m - "a 10.11 a. 10.50 44 12.15 44 2.10 44 A SURE CURE FOR BURN8. GUTS. BRUI8ES AND LAMENESS. WEST Becket. Beukshire Co., AUss,, Jan. i3, 1882. We could not keep house without Vllcotk's Plasters, for 20 yearn we hare used ihera and found them most effective for Burn, Cuts Bruises and all kind of Lamenear. JULIA K.SIIAW. Ar. Raleigh 8,39 Lv. 9.10 m A r. Greensboro 5.40 pai No. 50 Connects at Charlotte with A. C. Air Line for all. points in the South anJ8oula west. No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with CV C. & A. with allpoinis Sooth and Southeast. BI UI aa n aiii aaia wi nt u. naiLnUAUi No. 52 " Going West. No 50 Dajlr, ' Daily. ex . Suatlay. Lv. Greensboro 9 25 pm Id 25 a m Ar. Kernersville 1041 44 11 35 44 Sa If m 1110" 12 09 p ai No. 51. Goiko West, Daily. No. 53. ex. Sun. Daily. Leave Salem 6 20am 6 10 par. Ar. Kernersville 6 46 44 6 50 44 44 Greensboro 7 45 44 8 00 " STATE UNI VERS! fY BAILROAP, Going North Leave Chapelll ill Arrive Univeraily... No. 1. Daily ex. Sua. 7.30 a m 8.32 a m Going South. olicf for 2r Hastings Minn., Jan. 8, 1883. f I am trout. led with nenralcia in tha halr aaf ray head, neck and spine, but I find by apply. '"6 awr i unuvS l LAsTr.KS lO tile back of my neck and one acrosa the small of ray back I have almost instant relief. I take pleasure in reccom mend incr thorn the afflicted for they have helped me so much. J. P. BEEBEE. Pastor M. E. Church Hastings. Leave University.... Arrive Chapel Hill No. 2, Daily ex. Paa. 5.40 p m 6.42 p aa Pullman Sleeping Cars without Chaag On Train No. 50, New York and Atlanta Washington & Danville, On Train No 52. Kiehmond and Dan"" Washington and Augusta, Gs.., via Danville t&T thronith Ticket on sale at Greensboro, Raleigh, GoldMboro, Kalisbtiry and Charlotte, and at all principal points South, SouthweKh WesffKorth and East. For Emigrants rules to Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas and the Southwest, address A POPE, Gen. Passengei Agt. 21: ly Bichmond, Va.

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