1 I i - r - . ' '''.'!.'"' " I' 5 i . . ' - . . ' 1 ! n .J ..- - i Then Carolina Watchman 7 ; njiitaf) . ifiw Mm au ?sila.T M 1 : . , . . , ' i "r ' " - I ' " ' -4- . - 1 - . . ,- M . V ' 1" V V S A T JSBUli I . . U., Arwu x, 1000. rT : - ' f ' V ' f4V 5V1 j stf aa fi; n-T-.a- V ,i4xhMmkh . . ... . . . .. - - pV & ' - - i-1 i - i . - in - i - .MMBMMMHHii 1 v 1..,; ! X 7. THIRD SERIES Thfe Carolina Watchman, EiTAiilfenET) IN THE YE Alt 1881 I PlflE, tl.M I ADVANCE. Sonpbr Time How worn n theme is that of time ! Then why d I begin to rhyme Upon it now f if , Because to-night the air is ftiled : With Toices that will not be stilled They will not cease. And always sing the same refrain Of Tim that ne'er will come again, Of Time that flies. i l Of all t hat Time sweeps in i$ flight The voices sing to me to-night, Time cures nil care. That fs wliat I wonid fain believe. Mv hi art therewith I do decisive. Oh. voketLsinfiiug, be tu mute, You touch a chord on my heart's lute But seldom played; H I no rffHTO Yet filling all the air around With a tweet uielauchoHy sound, A song of Time. what tHe ereat rwtomtive, Hostetter's dffectioas, general u'i w" ;v huo.lnchp mental aeBDOn- DIV " r . m the peculiar compiamws wu Of Time that was, of days o fair Whey all was young and love was there I aw, nervous Atioation deney, bd peculiar compiai hich the feeble or sae by all Druggists sad Dealers mnuu'"" fubieci j i:9:ly I ; ' Long days ago ! ! Be still ! be still ! that sad refrain ! i I dure not listen ouce again r t i.4. ...... t A o llliu same bum i Maybe I hold those days too high, Aud yield them fur too oft a sigh, Those days long since Yet as they were tho fairest yet Of all my days, then why forget, That happy time! Though if it still should be; my faith To live yet happier days, the date Of that sweet time. April. April comes with fitful showers, Brings spring's sweet, dainty flowers. Now the pansy lifts its head From its lowly ice-lound bed. Peeping up along the hedges, Blossoms fair with yellow edges, And the cowslip's golden Crown the meadows where they grow. Electricity as a Motive Power, W. L. Silver ft American Railroad Journal. It has been said that in the line of elec tricity the world moves with giant strides, yet when we take a sober view, it is real ly astonishing to see the Uttlo real ad vance made in the last twenty years, ine electric light is older than gaslight. Sir ibited the electric 11 u tat aa " ' 7 arc iu London while the streets were dim ly lighted by oil, gas being yet an almost untried experiment, and his light-S-a ver ..i.i. ..tw-tit ami tour inches long was so powerful as to throw our ntoderu clec trie lights of one-eighth to one half inch (.. louuttt ontii-Alv. in the Hhnde. The 111 ivu&w- "--7 -m- I progress of electric lighting lyas been series of spasmodic leaps backwards well as forwards, the only real progress biRt. thirtv venrs being flio IPItuv v w r r - improved machines for generating elec tricity. As an example of the backward movement, I might mention what the iiKwaiiflncra Iirto recently giveu as the I "" "K 1 w inventiou of Mr. Edison, that is, tho use of an incandescent wire, m sheet of pla tb.a'm or iridium, or a -thread of carbon (of which the Swan and other modern ri vals are simply modifications) inclosed in a vacuum. As a matter of fact the vacn um was used by Davy nearly a century J ago, while as to the otltj? piu t that is carbon thread, platinum wue, etc. tliey were used way back in the fbrties" in connection with King's Patent Electric Light, the inventor of which was in real ity an American named Star.who died be fore his inventions were all completed. As to our electric generators, en which so much inventive ingenuity has twni ex pended, little progress has been made since the days Faraday. In fact, when Henry in 1830 made the first compound tectm-niagiiet, and Faraday in kj:il, suc ceeded in luring an electric spark from a coil of wire surrounding a piece of iron the first grand fundamental principle had beeu -discovered, all our .modern dj rnamo or magneto machines bring only hide to do tho same thing in a more perfect way. The inventions of Brush, Edison amt City in the World. A mm . I m.2 s. m m . . 1 . Til h goes so far to L . . - , a : a a iblime There is nothing wuku8 r. aLebanonj Coelo-Syria and An- ward niacins youngieopicoey..w. ..T.nnil Urines ,. hv French d 1- of poverty as ecomony in the management! . DatDaacus. Abaaa and f honhftld affairs. It matters not wneiu- j " ' , , 4u., v. ..w . . i r iim uai iiotr ni"Jt;M " era man furnishes little or much for about 100 vards wile, down family, if there is a continual leakmgra g.jjj. of wllich tie French road his kitchen or parlor, it runs away he wind8 jte aerpemiue course, the rivers knows not how, and that demon waste i side beiug fringed with sil- cries "more!" Lite me uon-.e. - , and gcented .walnotu V f ' . r 1 TI M.MtM HfhA I 4 4 mm'i ft trd from the - . .i 1 tl.nf nntniilM liaft nO I f 5 . dany iter, unui uc n.v r.,... eastwa niorelgd.ltiBhiband, tM ,iU the great plain of Da to bring into the llionse, and it is the duty j b. a .framework of of the wife to see that nothing goes wrong fully out of it. The hasband' interest should be the wife' and her greatest am bition, to further his welfare or happiness Aofftjhojf jutlulhaL of hat children! should be her chief aim of her exploits, tho bosom of her family, L wealth and fertility far and wide where she may do as much toward ma- tie plain. Those who have gax- king a fortune aahe can in the countiug- on thia scene are never likely, to room or work frliop. forget its supreme loveliness. Its It is hot the money earned that makes buty is doubtless much enhanced by a man wealthyIt is what he saifcs from contrast. The eye has been waider his earning. Self-gratincation iu ureas or i over a cliocoiate-coioreu uuu hwi This aud the theater As brow of masciiH, - . 1 " J A. ewfipeled by a iramewoin 01 oeper., liljer before us. The river, escaped from the rocky gorge, spreads out like a fan, and after a run of three miles, enters Damascus, where it flows thro' 15,000 Houeerauarkles in 60,000 mar ble fountains, and hurries on to tcai Untidy Girls are in the evening genuine ornaments to the parlor, tastefully dressed and "neat as a new pin," are little better than slatterns when performing do mestic duties. I have no patience With this unti diness. It lias always seemed to me as if ClndcreTfa herseif miglttM9 kept out of tlie ashes even if she was obliged to stay in the kitchen and work. , " To look vt while about house work is worth while. A neat calico dress, short enough to cleaf the floorj smoothly brushed hair, a clean collar and a plentiful supply of aprons, are all within the reach of any woman, and I maiutain that she wilt do her work better and feel more like doing it tf so prepared for it. The moral influence of dress is undoubted. TOOtHYLACT A noojrtlclejor uraal I KALABIA. I TUon, Ulcerated 8orThrost, StaaU and mm h Treely. Scarlet Fever has lM.rlence.4All Material of the best grade, aud work MM In X&' latest styles , Km "v .fade work always oa hand -Uepalrlng aeatly ani prompt iv done. OnK rslv mallnrompt n- tilled. I Wm. A . jaBAOi sum I HVI.ISUL JvT. C BLfflKMEMTAILOR HAVING PURCHASED THE On its way the brookgocs singing, Bright and green the grass! is springing: Bees are humming every where; Fragrant, oders fill the air. Spring has come, and earth rejoices, While the birds with happy voices Sing their praises of the kjiug, He who brouyht them back the spring. Rose II. Thrope, in Words of Life. iudulgsce iu appstite or more company I landscape throughout a weary day; than his purse cafi well eutertain, vauity suddenly, on turning a corner, n rei the second fastens a on Eden. The city is spread out be- doctor's bill to a long batcher's account, fore ymi, embowered in orchards, in ; and the latter bsings intemperance tne the midst of a ptain oi ow mjuuiu worst dT all evils, in its train. miles. Around the i)carl-colored citjt j -ifiret in the world iu poiut of time, Treb Planting in Kansas. Tlie flt in Syria and Western Asia in State of Kansas has wade an encouraging point of importance surge like an beginninir in tree planting. Two planta- emerald sea, forests of apricots and tionsof five hundred acres each iu Craw- olives and apples and citrons, and m j ... 11' ii. tr.it i urliut. IUHV !( "auaW t PPO that is pleasant to the IOIO COUIIIY IUp" ....... - I vwmj " ----- - m achieved iu this direction. One of the sight and good tor loou, wiui an ..i...tina is conducted by the Fort 1 their variety of color ana tiui, accor- Scott and Gulf radrond company, prima-1 ding to their season, sometimes all rily to famish ties aud timber for its own aglow with blossoms, soraeiiraei- gum--Sti. w t effect ultimately den and ruddy with frint, and son.e- 'a aviI bv its enterprise. The times russet with the mellowing tints Western catalpa (catalpn speetesn) ap- of autumn. Coaeny)orary Kmnxw ,.-i C tn l, the tree m-eferred for planting L.i. ..rairis. It is a native of the low- Two or Three New Ones. v i v f - - . lands along the streams in Kentucky, ' '.iitwuiuKi nrwl Missouri. Tho wood is Wall 8trcet New . 1 DIHJVOOVV : " ' I t . f lrt i aflft and indestructa- I it waa onlr two or throe years ago i.i -r,. i, xv I. en exnosed to the weaUior 1 th-t the owner of a grist mill on a creok and has uroved darahle that the far- iB New Hampshire, having a capacity of A. t i . . .. 1 I . . . 1 Aa-a MifaMUl Ml :.. f it ia ay i iib th utuu i. i . ..tut tilt no n ubi rein ihti ut . w . - O U UIIB9UUII, IV I nu.'ui - Vennor says of April : April en ters on a mday, with a March storm, aud the same day of the week is likely to conttmie storm v through the month. The 5th and 6th will More or Less Ffunny. ..a . STOCK She sat in the car on the seat ahead; Her hair was wavy, and I might say red; Her voice had a dulcet tone. Her face was lovely, her look was bland, She had in her pretty and slender hand A savory chicken bone. J Her teeth were pe-fect and white as milk, Her lashes long and soft as silk, And her eyes with splendor shone, Beautiful, jolly and full of fun, With lauyh, with giggle, and girlish fun, She nibbled that chicken bone. Greasy and brown, on her finger tips, She carried the bone to her lovely lips, With a sly glance sideward throw At your reporter, who wished he lunched On the scat beside her, as she munched and munched The meat from her chicken bone. others are only capable of giving a larger .ml .....i nowcrful curreut for a less ex-1 men . . ... JLZa-Ai a-ij lw.ie mtm.r peuditure of power thau tlie numerous in- eiernnnaren uv iixiw-.- - r- ventions which preceded them. It is no neS8 to secure it for fence posts. It -is wonder that electric light is now so com- aUo an cxecfdiugly rapid grower. A mon aud successful, when experimented block of one hundred thoasaud seedlings with aud backed by the best inventive planted in the spring oi iow ob thjh takmt. assistelbv the example of inven- in the Fort Scott forest already ranges tors aud discovers for nearly one bun- from ten to fifteeu feet in height, while did vears. Immediately after the dis- the individual trees vary in cisou inference . . V I ... ! vbi v of the electric magnet by neury, froul eight to eleven mcnes. aud tho discovery of its prouigious lining power when its coils were circulated, bj$ an electric current, iuveutors legau to look iu that direction tor n motive power for the future, and in ft short time Jacobi was navigating the Nova in a boat driven by electricity ; but the great impediment with all others until Yellow Fever ha been -cured with it after vomit had taken place. 1 r worst i of Diphtheria yield to k. Fevered and Sick Per-1 'BmATX-FuX MM refreshed and . Jaad Bed Sores prevent- PITTING of Small bathinc with bv I'rir FoSrT'Thros'tU MSB cure. Coutajrlon dfUoyd. For ft-o.ted Feet, OhllMalna, Pile. Sheomatlfin cured. Soft White Complex ion tcamd by Ss Shin Fever prevented. To tmrify the Breath. CleaJkse the Teeth, it can't be surowed. C atarr h . relieved and cured. Pox r KEVESTKl) A waaliiffcy am By a taken with Small-pox 1 wed the fluid : the patient wai not deliruu, -w not pitied, and waa about the house again in three weeks, and no had likelr prove strtrmV in lake regions and lower provinces, Newfoundland probably coming in for heavy gales. The 10th and 12th are probable dates of severe frost. These were exper ienced in 1882. The 20th and; 21st stormy andwet in majority of sec- tions. The month will end cold and and stormy and May day may be ushered in with snow and sleet in northern and western sections and cold rains at others. There will prob ably lie some unusual terms of warmth during this month, but altogetner u will partake of its average character and be of a favorable description. There is always hope in a man that actual I v and earnestly works, in idleness alone is there perpetual de spair. KrjralpaSM cared Buras relieved i: instantly. scare . atery cured. Diphtheria Prevented. The physicians here use DareyvVMI very successful! y in the treat ment of D.phtheria A. STOtl.KNWBaCK, Greensboro, Ala. VeStar dileirep. eaTpaerand healed. la caaea of Death it Bwanwk fwua BtaBLSBBBBH taxed about the corpse it will pw.tm any Sfcple-u- lOflOI. 1 1 ' ' Prwligals KeturiiiiifT. will as The Knoxvile Tribune of 18th inst. saja 'Yesterday the Nashville express bad a board about 00 pasengers of all ages, sires and conditions on their way back to Wythe .,nrv v.. from whnce they emigrated tiy, was the great cost of supplying && tQ T(.xa Most of them ri. i.it batterv power which made the , .r(J .n oflr ;n thcir Vinrieia as int- v oiiiu, -i v-. -.- -v almost pen- re- than iu his way, as ecu sufficient battery power electric motor more expensive steam motors. With the recent advance made iu producing large, powerful elec tric currents the old expensive battery could be practically discarded, while the electro motor is free to move. In fact it will soon be a powerful rival to steam, owing to its greater safety, the possibili tv of supplying power to cities from a central station, or to transmit power to home, and now they go back I iron down in health. Anoth- er moral directed to the western emigration fanatics." "Experience is the best teacher." The Vwxvp li'sson should not be without effect on others who may be inclined to sell (at a rrreat sacrifice! their homes and stray to other States. They should recall the fate of these uufortunate people, returning to mill oue morning and said to his son : "John. I've been thinking.'- "Yes, dad." 1 "Floor is too low." ! "She is that." "We are all grinding too much." "We are." "If we grind less flonr the market stiffeu up and prices will advance. "That's it dad your head is aa long j - " it a mill race." The mill was shut down for fonr mouths and at tho eud of that time Hour was just as plenty and the price was no high- "John, I've been thinking," said the aa ma. aa he wMicluded to start up VIU aaa again. inr Low Wat 111 I AS (Vl it." "Exactly ; you s-e my idea f shutting down was all cornvct, and calculated to i n.- E. im.lv- and lucrease the ue- maud, aud 1 couldn't think what ia Hali; Sx was the matter. I've got er now." o nools.0 will be opened In the town of Salls- D bury at the Store of X- P. Gaskiix, tor sub aertpttonsto the capital stock ot "TiiK BANK OF SALISBL'KY," troni tlie 2d to sunset on the Md day of March. 1883. Shares, SMeacn. STKPllJiN W, UU1.1S, MUSM L.- aayfcaino, JOHN P. GA8KILL. T1IEO. F. Kl.UTTZ. JOHN M. KNOX, LUKE ULACAHEH KEU. J HOLMES, 1. FRANK PATTERSON, KEKR CRAIE, PAUL N. HB1L1, CorHrtr. Salisbury, March 1st, ISS3, "What r uvvhx- iit about the v. ...ill ho cinan t h it innnr of mir bUSlneSS IllCU SS well as those proverbial for prtHlenee, mifralUf aoa financial skin, are lnieresieu iu hub . "r ' believe It will be a success. One thing is certain, the Charter offers a better guarantee both to afcare holders and depositors than any Bank la toe state, National Banks not except cu BraeDte: Searvv cured. An Antidote for Animal or HnctibU Possyaa, Stingy, etc. I used the Field dtutnc our present affliction with Scarlet Fever .with de cided advantage. It is indaxpenaafale to the aieV room. - Wa F. aao- FORD, Eyrie, Ala. The eminent Pin ieleJan,J.MAJMON SIMS, M. D.t New York, sava: "1 am convinced Prof. Darby Prophylactic Fhaid is a valuable Qitinfcctant." Vanderbllt Univeralty, Nashville, Tens. I testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof. Darby Prophylactic Fluid. As n disinfectant and detergent it is both theoretically and practically superior to any preparation with which I am ac quainted. N.T. LJ rroM, Prof. Chemistry. Darby's Fluid la Beeommraded toy Hon. Alexander H. Stbfhbns. of Geatcia ; Rev. Cmas. F. Deems, D.D.. Church of the Strangers, N. Y. ; ios. LrContk, Columbia, Prof., University .S.C. lev. A. J. Battlb, Pre., Mercer University ; Rev. Geo. F. Pi stick. Bishop M. E. Qujrch. INDISPBNSABLK TO KVERT HOME. Perfectly harmless. Used internally or externally for Man or Beast, The Fluid has been thoroughly tested, and we have abundant evidence that it has done everythi isaed. For fuBer inJorsaation get of vo . a passphlet or send to the proprietors , 9. H. ZEILIN CO. ung Maiiufc cantesg Cb lists. PHILADELPHIA. I aniei VBB A WanteQ n EGGS FROM FULL BLOOD Plymouth Rock Chlckena for sale at 75 cents er dozen. Apnljto O. W. AT WELL, 2l?3t-pd. SaHakmry, N. C. The attention of Farmers and the gencr al public is called to the fact that T. J. MORGAN Has opened a First Class FAHTLT GRO CERY STORE, next door tMsakmer & Taylor's Hardware, whew 4 Will Keep a full line ol tresh gooas, sucryisj! iour, atc, Bacon, Salt, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, jbL Also a fresh ana complete stock u and Fancy Groceries. Will pay the highest cash prices for But terEggs, Chickens, sad all saleable coun- upper rooms of high buildings for running thoir old ilomc9 au,o8t peuuiless and bro printing presses, etc., nuneitu Ken down in health. a - . a : i : i ; . . aim tne poaaiuunj 5- O F Solitiulo. ble to steam power, of utilixiug the power of falls, rnpitls, tides and rivers for driving our poudei- ous mine and factory machinery. It now nossible to take up the power wind and water and eouvey it to He IMdu't Tear it Down. time wo shut a. 1 . . . . 4 aswn r ilo vr a thev must have starteu u my three new six-barrel mills over in var mount and hence the market continued overstocked !" Electricity has long been threat ening to displace gns as an illumi- Tt. ia now entering: the held against tiie horse as a means of trac t.n Two eminent electricians claim ELECTION NOTICE ! Nntifi. Is hcrebv civen that Municipal v.i-.t;m will be held for the towns of Salisbury, Gold Hill, Enochville and Third Creek, on Monday, the 7th day of May, A. n issa . - - . . . .a The polls will be opened in eacn oi inose f. a. aa k 9 a 1 , unit! towns from 7 ociock in tne iuuiuiuK sunset, anil no longer. Each qualified elec tor will be permitted to vote ior municipal officers, if duly registered. cj. vJ. jviuur.it, on ti Rowan County. Match 28, 1883. lm try products. January 18, 1888. 14:3m. is of where- WM. SMITHDEAL, SiVELL AS TIIE INTEUKST OF R. B. Crawford, of the firm of A R. CRAWFORD & CO., VW are nowpreparod to supply our custoiiiers with all kinds of AGlGBLTURAL IMPLEffiEim, I In addition to tho I Best Selected Stock of (Ella Wheeler, In the New York Sun.) Laugh, and the world laughs with you Weep, and you weep alone For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth, provemeuts which make the storage hat- i- .LI, to bottle hp twelve-horse H xv Pviflentlv from the north. ,wxx0r in a storawre battery weighing ..... ii -.1 C J:.. T i 1. .....I i nrnm. and his hp was curieu wiui a uueuis- three huntireti weignv, r I i i- -ii si.:.., SLMxtboptx H.vpn - i0 in n ti'w inontiis a per' ever it .J b. Je.l. W. make. tt. T " v r-wr - . r-" " fc , l)U L I . " n .. . I I . n A i mi I OS . rLivnrnnr SPM 1PI1S tor it WUS UIC U Q n ril Mil 1111? niieeil ui ixxcnij funeral day did not soften him. The without recharging the accumulators, electric motor no longer a pigmy powerful rival if not an overpoweriug nti-nt to steam. Since the recent iiu- But has trouble enough of its own. Sing, and the hills will answer, Sirh, and it is lost on the air. The echoes bound to a joyful sound, But shrink from the voice of care. Rejoice and men will seek you, Grieve, aud they turn and go; tery practical, currents may be,storetl for future use, or wlven turned on our electro motors may be made to give out more power than if worked jj continuously. Electricity is undoubtedly the future mo tor, for it can turn our mills and factories, drive our care, crnsh-oar quartz and ores, refine our metals, in fact do man's nam Theo. Buerbaum & W. T. Linton, Partners under the name and style oi iueo. uuer baum & Co. PlaiutiBa, Againd, r 4 TXT Itf JMUinfvntl ITonrr S Hotter K V. TV. XT rilIllliiK" Partners under the name and style of Potter .fcWriiriitinsiton. Defendants. It appearing to the satislaction or ine Court that licnry d. rimci . ... Wright in.rton. partners under the name and . I . t K ..caH in iP li I P 1 . t .1.. nt Vottir X, YV ri"lllllisiii bent on correcting somen ng. . ! I ry foot gearing rTTZr jr T", . VViTu state. It is ordered by the " VY hat's this T' he suaoeniy nsaet , eiectro-motor wnen u e - b- ir " , nnincatioa be made for six sue in front of burke s The weight of batteries win no. ;cs8ive we;ksin the "Carolina Watch ceed the weight ot a second riuer,aim MAS" a newspaper publishad in earn coun missionary spirit of the yankee and au(j ftble to ascend all such hills as peevishness of the pie-eatiug dyspep- Rre now possible for theUoot tricycle, tic was abroad in him und he was ana even steeper gradients it angrily, stopping book store. thev want fall measure all jour pleasure, j wepk more perfectly than any steam me : But they do not need your woe. Be glad, and your friends are many; Be sad, and. you losetnem all. There are none to decline your nectarcd . . . wcum"". - Mtttt I-."" ."I'. . i j-fant. r h- anel 'That slowly replied the propne- it will run at the rate oi seven My, iiotity" 1 iJL..: .miuii llio nrsrsri, I a. il.a nw molor Will never apiiear betore the .uuei r tor, WHO was icuiimg B' i nour. ao s ---- - . Court at a Court to t na ior tne vwibij wav. 'is a draped picture of Alec bter RO ianie, or shy, or break its knee, tiH. Qot House in Salisbury I . ... . ii tin " iu Mi ll 'HILL VI I An I1C P 11 11,11 I . ' I nn t 111 MI I 11 Ql LCI iia - iihniK iv ii uiuiciiviuiv I in rai i i o uvm , ww inv - NATIONAL HOTEL, SALISBURY. y.C. HKS. UR. REETE8, 1 Formeriy proprietress of tliU wc41 known House, has again leased it, and will be pleased to see her many pauoua vrucu thev visit Salisbury. Citizens wanting the Omnibus may leave orders for it at this House: Ju'y 15, 1883. lm HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE! Having determined to make our home hi Winston, N. C, we have concluded to sell our House and Lot in thegreat West Ward of Salisbury, N. C. House has 8 rooms, a oood kitchen with iooms; wen oi goou water in the yard. A good garden and sta ble an the lot. In tlie best nesnuornoou iu the city, on the corner of Monroe ana Church streetB, adjoining J. M. Borah aud others. For further partoiuiars sec aitsro. D. A. Goodmsn, 8. W. Cole or B.t.t raiey. H. F. S M. U. UUAtlAJl. 10:m. ... SALE of LAND Por Fartiticm. rii L B a W " - . 1 arms vaav m clmniiin. Tlie futnr. of electricity r j j crutsed a!jovB . k , rove a d,ger18 rival jn XUrck lm. n : Mivflui itss mi .mi into i .xx-u i,.4'l.- n iiiurrmoA in til is i - uiinn i nag survivcu '" v to oii,hiovo O I eves, II ARD WAKE iu the S T A T E. We also handle Ritxe and Blasting Powder -i ' t i T T"2 ffl " FUSE and sl full line ot Mining Supplies. We will Duplicate Any Prices in wine, But alone you must drink life's gall. n - Feast, and your halls are crowded; Fast, and the world goes by. Succeed and give and jit helps you live, But no man can help you die. -There is room in the halls of pleasure For a large and lordly train, But one by one we must affile on Through the narwW aisles of pain. sinks, by comparison, into insignificance. t country, and it ought to be torn not lear extinction by electricity. Nothing can be more probable than that p arflW QazOte. plai coal will be burned at the shaft, the pow- t. t.-n.,tiiiirtil to cities over a wire El IV w ... " t . : & A . r i the State. VU AND SEE ' I W.'S RLACK.ViF.R, US. 0 S.i.'L:TiL0B. A Continental journal states that there r now mvriada of4ncndieants wandering over Germany. In some districts the soldiery i.ed'tohe used to intimidate tnem. U.l.v. .. I . Their misery U so great that the prisons at lord manv of them a welcome shelter. In Baden, a most prrtwicToW part of Germany t... i.- r f 1870-71. and in Wurtera- ih:iui " - -s ' burg the violence and robbery of mendi cants arc so threatening that many persons have to keep guard oyer their houses and isrir.h lnaded euna. Such are tne jli.'ni'' " - v results of Bismark's militaiism. f X 1 ' insteatl of the expensive way oi naming coal t our factories as now universal employed. Instead of putting steam en gines at eur mines for compressing air, etc., tlie near future will see us utilizing the nower of mountain streams ioi uuv- i i ing generators, the power coineveu to tlie mines by a wire, there to ue recon verted into power by electric motors thus, stopping the practice of hauling coal to tho engines, an expensive and unnecessa ry practice which necessitates the build ing of expensive roads, sometimes" many miles over the mouutains. Electric pow er is so easily transmitted many miles over a wire that the man who will em ploy it first in a commercial or general way will be truly a public benefactor, aii that is now needed is theco operation of capital with inventive talent to make the transmission of electrical power a snre and paying iuvestjuent. down l don't think so.' I do, sir T l ixn't M Mil furthermore, a xiwis v - . - it IS tear none of your business, if it W Til make it my busiuess 1 H it down, sir.' 'Stop there.' 1-1 a alorxtxPtl. I don't want to stop you in the tn I n Il k pursuance oi wau you w - and answer the complaint the office ot the l f rhH Siinener Court oi sam ummi Uveas i r-- . - al,, Tl,rm nrlthin the nrst tnrec uaj I " . ... ; .1 A . I,.,f iF thov tHll TO aiisxxi-r siu wsm Pall MM Qato. iint . dttttjia. - -rj ..mill in ine i uuit iui i" "ffJ , 1 Iia namnlnint i u mi u fir breach ti, dofpndants are furt her notified A bill 10 auo.i... --""-;:: T,... J.,.. w7 i, A.tachment ajtainst their of nromise to marry uaa r "7. .' ' i,SUed to ; the British rarlianient, anu -r-- - x- u. Hanover. and madere aa 1 11 v Iter Court will probatjly lhe act t0 Tlut0 turnable at the same time ami , place as v .Asxr the flrst of next Jan- 8ummons t-w it : on the 9th Monday a eftCC Wo think tlS Would be a good "Sh Monday in March 1883 at the Ci uary. W? q 8 House in Salisbury. i-s f adont iu thiscouniry, ior uu, .Ipinoralizine from any UCUUIIS . ""is- .x;rxf rxf view. The knowieuge u.- adtttv.' continued Jiurke, speaaoig relief ot a - i t . . 1. .. i ill 1 nmi 10 v-w - . . very slowly, 'but 1 niusi aay u. kild to speculative iemaies you toucH. that picture I "will .HCftiS" their ardur, aud it ton of your hcau on uu j - . time. mm m a I. V ' I WlIUHIa IS BV"W 'l a restraiuing influeuce upon the imp, u ,Ul in their intercourse wilh gay Lo- tpVm Mtvereien panacea ln;rr:'uL . be" redre-cl by V 1 IB cvMfc"" 1 breach of pm f3?!5r5 irou auva caii- t 1 1 ,.,1ih All .i ,tiiii w 110 1 tinner suui J. M. HOKAll, i;erK Sup'r Court Rowan County. Feb. 6th. 1883 19:6t. lling yu across that railroad track ! Now, that'u just tlie way with you southerners,' said the stranger, edging away from Burke, who had conftout tu I 1 1 I 111 I Yon are so hot headed that V. V. ui.... . , j a mau can't even talk to you without a . . . oti nff mail. 1 never mxv JVUl &vw.Mfc ' it : ..,.; 1,1 Iiovp mint l people. A si 11 t gwfc s - a . f A 41.1 ui i er word to say to you, sir.' Atlanta CoiidHution. nuu- a- , , jpou ud eali swell I rueoi . , I .iiront llf tllC ctimstanccs oeconira u.. highest civilisation. Ex. ymmm Bsm. ' A jW W ttfLL "vaaB-. I Ktai -iBaT- Br Stttt-..iaB1 Ba. ttStt IS .aaaBST sJass iVaia " 1 sx ill' MliMaiMsl IS Iss ttWtttttiaat to an order of the SuperiM Court of Rowan county, I will offer at pub lic sale, at the Uoun nouse m omnuurj, - 1st Monday in April, 1883, bidding to l irin with f737, a valuable tract of land, known as the Old May Place, i-Proyidence Township. Rowan County, adjoining ttio lands of Sam l iMier, louia others, containing about 110 ACRES, with comfortable dwelling and ueccsaarj outbuildings. There is a good orchard 01. the premises, and pood indications ot gob.. TERMS: On J-third cash, and the bal ance ip cqtnfl enstallments at six and tweh c months, with interest from date of sale, st eight per cent. Title reserved until pu: -T chase oonev is all paid. j" SAM L McCUBBINS, Cnm r. a-it-lttirv N.C.FcVv 14. 1883 18:6w sw"Jr Jt K j It. Tt. KEEN, n "! T , XT P oaubuuiv, i v. Apt fir PfiEMX IROU WORKS, Emiines, Boilers. Sat Hills, 4 km axtx . . ' ' TURBINE WHEELb Also, Ccmtrsvetor and Builder. Ott. 5. 1SS2 50:ly

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