- : ; - ' i i I mi 1116 XlJLld J - THIRL SERIES SUM A ta oaifc) 4 ijt bfiif I 4tmm 4 J b-i Ui - JtO 27 Mai 1 ad' fikfHk riHMMM .uf . .-I If. j i.--tt J - - J The Oai'olina Watchman, Ail Echo of Bygone Years. A mnz comes hoelc from T Kn. f - ...v. wjgjuiic J a, lpifirK.il. WIN advance. 1 . . r"tuj never .rows OKI - ? Ana 1 i'sten atrain. tl.roajrh mv smiles and tiWM 1 Though the singer laj deal anU cold. Tis a song so sweet, by a voice so rare, Far purer than any other, And I hear t again, though troubled b? care 1 The lullaby song me by mother. There are I The ginger And I hear her voice in. a monojtnnc, Like the rise and fall of the tide. While the days go by, tHl thfnd of time And the struggle Of life is ended, ' i May the singer never forget her rhyme Till her bliss and mine are blended. nflSTITTEiiv n V CLLtonATEO B r 11. What! firnm:t from i ical ro is. I nervofs atmatiu The Alabama Coul Itcgoi: Irai tre times, it seems, when all aloao, iinger is by my side, thi rreat restorative, Hostetters h Sitters, will do, mast be gathered rhai it has done. It has effected rad resfin thousands of cases of dyspop- ilioas disorders, intermittent fever, affections, general aeDiiity, eon 1 sick headache, mental despon- riencvt aftd the peculiar complaints ana di.-ai''.liu-a to which the feeble are so SUbje. 1 J . ro oaiv oy ail umgK mis hu icmus , Complaint Against the Bill to Open It to Ag- rieulturual Entry. Ne w York Times. The highlands of Alabama abound in coal and iron ore. A glance at the map shows a tr: ct, nearly 100 miles square iu the northeastern part of the State, which is. penetrated by no railroad. Three or tour lines of laudgraut railways inclose it. With in the lines hie millions of acres of public land, and a great piirt of this land is very valuable because of coal or iron ore depsoits. The general law provides that coal lands may be taken at a minimum price of $20 per acre, when lying within fifteen miles of a railroad, and for $10 acre at a greater distance. Manyattemota have been made in the last four .years to secure the euactmeutof law which would allow persons and corpora tion to buy these lands, as agnculrural lands, at $1.25 an acre. Bills have ueen introduced ami advocated under which projected rail- tbe South is Poor. I roads would have, r isped agreat part of these ' lands at this price or without price. Senators auu iveprescniatives nave uecomc eloquent in describing the condition of this seques tered tract, the alleged dojj-in-tbe-manger tendencies of the railroad companies sut5 rounding it, and the grand results which would follow the passage of their bills. But land grant legislation became unpopular, ! and the land grant bills and projected rail roads were dropped. Another plan was it was decided that these valuable ahf y I: , The act, which was passed at the end of the last session provides that all public lauds in ! iLi fi li i.-ii : i .i . Aiaouuia wueiiiei uuueiai or owierw isc. 1 see m a Northeru paper that the South sent up North Inst year, to pur chase such supplies as they cau lajse at home, $55000,000 for wheat, $50,O0O,(M)0 for corn, $72,00O,(KXLfor meat, $25,000, 000 for hay or iu all $202,000,000 for just such tilings as can all be raised in the South as cheap as cau be done iu the Vnrth 'Pi li,nv J.. .1. hi. . -- n unci mc LFiiiuiD i puce we pay for these thinir; I w ill con- , chosen. trust the amount of cotton and grain a mineral lands were practically w orthless for ntau can raise. In all the South where I agricultural purposes, must be transformed have any knowledge, about 3.000 pounds i into agricultual lands by act of Congress. or coaou is an average crop to make aud pick to each hand. This cotton is now worth about $240. or 8 cents ber uouud. ! Now, the labor of one man, making corn 8bAll be subject to disposal only as agricnl ou rich bottom lauds of the South, cau tural lands; that the lands which thegov cultivate 6ir acres in corn, say 45 acres ernment has designated as containing coal planted iu March and 15 acres planted iu or ircn shal1 first l,e offLrca at puWie sale, June. This, at 40 bushels per acre, will Hn1 t,,at nafide entries of these lands, here be 2,400 bushels. This corn has been j tjtle 1!Khi uPon the allegation that they worth 1 per buahej, whiph is $2 400.1 were agricultural lands, shall be confirmed, Now, if this corn was traded for cottou at ' Tuis blU w Pf8 B thc house ,rtt sum thesa prices, it would purchase 60 bales, I nicr um,er a supension of the rules. Special averaging 500 pounds. The premium 1 gents r tl'e government reported that land crop of oars iu Georgia averages gtf ! speculators had for years been engaged in bushels, but I suppose 40 bushels will be ettin Passion of the coal aud iron land a fair general average Now, the labor 1 h-v ncng persons who weretiieir tools of one man for fortv davs. with heln at to enter them under the homestead and prc- luirvest, will put in 100 acres or oata i cnPtoU : agucuitural lands, witnttic which will make 4.000 bushels. Ht 75 understanding that tlse lauds, or at the min- cents per bushel, will purchase 75 bales, c P08118; 8UO' aiterwara ue transier of cottoaf 500 pounds. red to theonginatprs at the scheme. Hun- The labor of one man will raise feed ' '"IT".' euouh to raise and fatten 2f) hous -s-v w uit f !i univ a ivki -n1..i. ir ..,i-T f.. niuioe or cottou at present 100 bales of 500 pounds. BOOTS, SHOS & GAITERS, oraei pprti'm rtnitt' liitlK' l;U t'St st vies Kea4 neat I y trailed. Sl:l Ail wprk Kh'ht lass Seventeen Years F.x- . AH Material of the best grade, and work niad ide wiirK always on promptly 'looe. Orrl- rs asad Rpalri ng s n v mall prompt BL AGKHER & TAYLOR H4V1NG PURCHASED Xeached and Uolcached Ashes. The question is ofteu asked.: What is the corn punitive value of leached ashes t The answeis hare been widely differeut. While some hare claimed that a bushel of leached ashes is worth as much as a bushel ef unteached, others do not value them worth more than one-third as much. Why this difference f Do not cultivators observe alike, or is there a great differ encs in ashes f While, uo doubt , cultiva tors are aireless iu theh- obseTvattons, and there is every leason to believe that there is n difference in the quality of asl.es, theie are other, quite aa iiupoi taut reasons, why lhei)e is a great difference of opinion as to ths comparative value of leached ashes. ' The first is because there are ether elements of value in the ashes besides lidxtm. k ...... ..I ill.,,,. 1,1.1 .41 I l j 1 ' 1 j ntiil . inereiore, 11 leacueu asnes oe nppueu 10 laird already rich In potash and deficient in phosphates, it will be seen at once that the results would be iwoie tavorable than if ajiplied to hind rich in phosphates aud deficient iu potash. While if the uu leached be applied to the first, anil leach ed to the last, the result weuld be verv unfavorable to the bached ashes. There is another cause of litis great difference of opinion, which is a frequent misunder standing iu regard. to the measurement. While oue party uttIIPTB lands a bushel of leached ashes to simply mean a hush el measured of leached, another party menus bushel measured before it is leached ; as it requires three bushels of uuteached ashes to make one of leached, it will be seen at once that such misunderstanding must lead to a great difference of opiu iouastothe value, so long as farmers differ as to the amount ot diuereur tertiiizers the soil con tai us. ' Each farmer, by his own observation aud experiment, must decide what his own soil is deficient in. and iu what k. has a surplus. The best way to do this is to apply different fertilizers and note the results: by applying a bushel of leached ashes bv the side of a bushel of unleached. IT he li nils that the mileach- ed does the best it is an indication that his land is deficient in potash, but if (he leached docs the best it is an evidence that thc potash is not as deficient as the phosphates. Massnchuxetts PlouyhmtXH. the robberies, said: "Whiskey i ..ii ii pi ices, wilt purctiaso : . . .. . , ,, ' i compared to this swmd. He was opposed la it anv tvomfc. tht w nr. n.u.. trlw.,, ' lu ' "r u.v c"I'a" ut corpoiuuons we give the labor of eight men, and often , buUnashohiuH-hesecured evidence which ten men, for the urodSce of oue man in tidf. Uvetnt.v llnients and led the the North! Is it any wonder that we ' Srun Jurv tw make a remarkable report, in live iu cabins aud ride poor mules, have THE f ST O CK r s O F WM. SMITHDEAL, AS WELL AS THE INTEREST OF a. H Crawford, of the arm of R. R. CRAWFORD & GO ft We arenow prepnet-ei to supply our customers; w ith all kinds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, i -I - A MO Y J - J In addition to the iiest Selected Stock jof R D W A R E in tho " STATE. . t: ' Wc alsojhandle Rifle dud Blasting Powder FUSE nnl r full lino lit n..i, piMir lurms ctid wear poor clothes 7 Is it any wonder that the jorth is rich when we have sent to them since the war $3. 3,000,000 for the things that wo can raise cheaper than they can f Is it any wonder that we are the laughing stock of the world, and that the North looks on us iu pity ami calls us "poor white trash." Are we to go on forever in this way 1 Have we no pride no get up in us? Must it be cottou worn out iu poverty and all for an idea? I wish I could have a panorama of the farms and houses of Northern farmers pass before y, way u the Mme firm. The land agent the eyes of the poor declined cotton plnu- r.0 must ; . assisted bv government 1 i... 1.:... .ism 1. ;. which they declared that the most unblush ing frauds had been committed; that poor and illiterate persons had entered these val ubal mineral lands as homcbtcads at home stead prices; that nearly all of these so-called homesteads had been trausfvrrcd to cap italists, aud that the government had been defrauded of more than $7,000,000. A rude log hut and the cuttiug of a few saplings served proofs of residence, improvement, and cultivation, and the poor tools were oaolv i r ' I iwtwi tii uivuir tllaafr t ItAflt n'flfO Tf , cottou, nil all the lauds are i minrRl uepoait8 wdcr Ulig rocky andbar- , auu ou cnutireu are speo. ()nc &maf;uM over ttmr hnnd. red such entries in three years, and forty persons testified that they had been used in ter aud let him see the difference, it is time this thing was stopped ; this dowu-1 ward course. J. H. Moore in Savanna Noes. We think the Air has drawn rather recklessly in order to make out his case, but it contains too much truth eveu after correcting his exaggerated statements. The Crop Situation is considered good aud the result is shown by a decline in the price of wheat in Tjondon and -Chicago. - Tiie California wheat fields have been well watered and officers, became rich and powerful. One coal company acquired bv. these fraudulent entires 2,000 acres and sold the same land for $1,000,000. A speculator bought in thc north a package ot soldier and sailor homestead certificates and by means of t hem secured in one day a slice of land sixteen miles long, in the center of oue of the finest coal fields in thc world. His book-keeper made affidavits to the effect that tlrs was riot mineral land. In one county alone there were fraudulent entries covering 80,000 i cres of coal land, worth $1,500,000 at gov j crnmeut prices The bill was passed by a vote of 24 to 15 It opens to agricultural entry coal lands i valued at form $15,000,000 to $25,000,000, an immense crop is promised. W inter wheat is growing finely and with modcr- even at the goveumen, prices, which are v fm'r te:ithr nimthet' bountiful eron !', t. i . ..i . y 1" 7--1 nominal. 11 uocs noi ioronj uie saie 01 ma v be expected. Ou the other hand the pi ospects for European farmers is bright ening end the yield is expected to run over the late estimates. The actiou. of the railroad managers of India, although lather late, will tend to increase the pro duction of Asia aud may even bring India into the field of competition for the Europeau markets. But if Russia, with its magnificent southern w heat lands, is unable to compete with American grains, it is doubtful if India will stand much chance of success. In the South the planting of cottou has begun, aud, es pecially in Texas, is quite well along. The weather has been w et and bail iu some sections. Mere fertilizers are being usedf than cvbr before."' "this -is particu larly true of North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama, and even iu some sections of Mississippi. Other crops in the South are getting ou well. In Europe the price of potatoes is from one to four times what it was last yearj and the con sumption has consequently fallen off heavily. This bs helped corn and wheat! The demand for American w heat is light, the stocks in Europe being con sidered sutneieut for the season. Economist. New Cottou Pietoer. ,g Supplies.) We will Jfttplifcat Any Prices in the State. I'.-,. VLi,;Avn m& tt a 1 I ' . ' 5,1882 The Tarboro Southerner describes it as follows : "The machine is about eight feet lemg by fbnr bread and is arranged so that it runs over a row ef cottonthe stalks of which without injury are passed through the mouth between two revolv ing cylinders thickly studded with bristles. The shaking which the plant thus receives, together with the bristles, does the pickiug. On-each side are bags into which the cotton is thrown as it falls out of the pod by the revolving cylinders. It is to be nulled by two horses aud can trr iiidiiiiru vjr vuuu i "From the little model which MiTj Savasre showed us we are inclined to think that it will be a success. Mr. Savage assures us that he has tried it and that it worked like a charm. Senator Ransom spe aks highly of it. Mr. Savage is now I making his machine." fi v SAX'tJTlUOB. - ' 50:1 y nond, Va., is colored, and is a heavy draw back on the prosperity ot the town. Most of the grown up darkies are ignorant, and take to loafing as naturally as the planta tion darkey docs to the watermelon patch. these lands in tracts so large that no person except wealth capitalist and corporations can complete for them. It may be held to com firm thousands of fraudlent entries and to legalise a system of robbery w hich the government has exposed, vv itbin twenty- fonr honrs of the passage of the bill, Con cress appropriated $100,000 to bcio protec ting public lands from illegal and fraudu lent entry. It is not probable the mony will be expended m Alabama. 1 i m i j Packino Bran. The Western Miller's Association some time ago offered a prize of $1,000 for the best method ot packing wheat bran securlev in a small compass. Our read ers should know that this bran, of which im- immense quantities accumulate all the large mills, is worth three or fonr timesas much in Europe as here, but on account of its great bulk it cannot be snipped to advantage. Mr. H. Q.Hall, of Fayetteville, being at traded by thc notice of the Millers' Associ- tion, immediately set himself to the task qf finding a solution of the difficulty; and he has produced the model of a proposed machine which, to our unpracticed eye, seems to possess merit. It a tube and rod which packs the bran with enormous fbree into barrels or other vessels, which close with a valve when tilled to the utmost cap acity. Mr. Hall intends applying for a pat ent for his packer. Fayetteville Observer. ftew Orleans,April 7. There was a heavy rain and thunder storm this morning, and rain water covers the rear of the city. The races have, consequently, been postponed. During the storm a break occurred in the levee just below the Texas & Pacific depot at Greensboro, nearly opposit Louisiana av enue. The break is 150 feet wide, and seven feet deep. The wind during the storm dreve the aUrrthecrbit tljb LvwcHBtmo, Vs., April 7. In the Notta way Circuit Court yesterday $4,750 damages were awarded the plaintiffs in a suit against the Richmond & Danville Railroad Co., for Clover Fertilizer. Two or even three crops of small grain cau be raised in succession to advantage ou any piece ot laud, provided clover is sown with every crop of small irraiu. Then a crop of clover is turned under for every crop of small grain except the first, aud upon this hypothesis wheu a faruicr wants t enrich his laud with small gram for two or three years iu sue- cession, always sowing clover la the spring aud ploughing in the fall, and then if he chooses to pnt the land in corn he can do so .for oue or eveu two seasons, and then put it back in small grain and clover. Afters field has had clover sown in it for sav, six or eight seasons, it w ill seed itself; ami after e very crop of small grain a crop of clover- will spring up from the seed in the ground exposed to tho actiou of the elements by ploughing for the crop of small grain. Another fact well known is that a crop of wheat grown on fallow grouud is greater and the grain larger than that grown on com grouud. 1 U IMS W ATEIfcpr .J, , There! antluog' MMtteential to health and comfort as an abundant baplityf' mire, fresh water 4 we par take of it more abundantly tban we .i ka. Zr JOTTr u y oMr Buusmncf, since, in addition to that taken in various forms to allay thirst, whatever enters J the stomach as tooth 1 largely satu rated with it ; indeed, four-rii'ths of the weight of our bodies is water. If the source of supply is con tarn nut ed with decayed vegetable matter,, hp cess-pools aud sewage from, defective drainage, which is more frequently the case than is generally supposed, such water is certain sooner or later Mature seems, in some unaccount able manner, to tolerate abuses for a loug time; henqa 4tfajmrtilL most difficult undertakings iu the world to couviuce the average man that all well water is not. pure and wholesome, even though his well may be filled to overflowing, after a heavy rain, with the washings from a barn yard. There are but few opou TiHt throughout lt"lriry where thc cjeptji of water. is not increased in pro portion to the amount of rain-Tall., Nearly all this increase consists of surface water that is impregnated with whatever the soil contains fur a considerable distance around ; not to mention the drowned inserts aud worms that are frequently carried albng in quantities sufficient to ren der the water putrid with their de caying bodies. I believe that this poisonous water supply, is the chief source of all forms of malarial fever, and that that bete noir called miasma, which is suppo-ed to emiuate from the decaying vegetation of marshy ground, but whose form and sub stance all the appliances of modern science have failed to detect, may have less to do with these forms of disease, than is generally supposed. I kuow of families that have resided near marsh lauds, in a so-called "lever and ague district" for many years, that have never had fever and ngue, while others supposed to-be more favorably located have buffered greatly from the various types of this malady. I have m several instances inquired into the causes of the immunity from sickness in one case, and its causes in the other, and the views here stated have been invariably confirmed. jl know of a house, located near a marsh, and where half the families in its vicinity suitor from malarial fevers. Two families bad occupied the house at different times, and both left NEW SPRING GOODS! ,-5 Sfci-4jt win 1 a tuA'm eir entire Ftock of Spring and Summer Goods which have been & RENDLEMAN yc now received inoir entire Ft .,..1 .1 Ci. - i- - . . . . . Mjicvieu wiui srreai care to suit llie whieh they offer aft cheap a the cheapest. varied wants and tastes of their numerous customers k. Aliotuuit TL I. n. . ": how in ocore tlie is LARGEST ASSORTMENT OP JLX X GOODS , -WSi iili' ;4- i; r-;x CLOTJIIKG, FURNISHING GOODS, SHOES, Ladies' and Men's HATS-, A Km F awtt v nrrnT?TJTTci many seasons. PA new stock of TABtE and GLASSWAKK FUU ASSORTMENT OF FIVE CENT TINWARE. We stiU have tl best FLOUR. OAT MEAL, MEATS. SUGARS, TEAS, wrraM,-iuci!i, uamacu V liVll B, 42 GI.IK8, LARD, BHA N- MEAL, New Orleans MOLASSES and SYRUPS, die. A full assortment of MEDICINES. -Agents for Coats' Soool Cotton. Aimnt f,r K vupthu wuawu, wiucn is tci? rtrsi ciass, ana wnien we oiler lor 400 lbs. of Liut Cotton. tJ Come and See us before you buy or sell, for we will do you good. Aprif 12,-193 ?a FAMILY W. W. TATLOR p. J. BOSTIAN, Salesiacn. Sharper than a Lawyer. A wag of a lawyer was sitting in his office the other day deeply engaged in unraveling some knoti y question, when a geutleuinu euteied aud enquired, "Is thi Mr. Z 1" The student ef Hlackstoue raising his eyes from the legal book before him, replied. If you owe uie anything, or have any business in my line, then L is my name ; if you hare a claim to present, I am not the man. If you called simply for a social chat, you may call me any name Ton choose. "I propose to present yon with some business iu your line. 1 have a note of $25 which 1 waut you to collect." So saving, he handed the lawyer a note, and departed to call again the next day. As soon as he was gone the lawyer ascertained that it was one of his own promises to pay. The next day his client again appeared, and inquired, "Well, what success V "All right ; I have collected the money. Here it is. less my fees," handing him $15. "Good f" said the client, "I have made $2.50 by the oerntioa." "How so I" said the lawyer. "Well," replied the client, 4.'I tried all over the city to sell your nolo for $12.51 and couldn't do It." "The State of Georgia cannot Fortv percent of the population of Rich-1 $10,000. The suit had origin in the killing of Jas E. Kudd, a colored boy, who fell asleep on the track while miuding the cows aud was fun over by a traiu. A demurrer was cLtertd in the case. be car ried bv anv uartv under anv leader ship iu 1864 upon a free-trade platform If the Democracy declares for free trade it will break up." Macon Telegraph, Item. There is net a riinn in Georgia, suppose, and we are quite sure there is not euc iu North Carolina, whe favors a free trade platform. All men of infor mation know that under the cireum stances free trade is an impossibility The Democrats will not declare for free trade, for the Democrats have never favored free trade. But neither will the Democracy adopt a protective platform It would go th pieces iu the very act. ITu. Star. There were never so many elegant resi dents being built in Bnmingham, Ala., at one time as at present. . ' j i - There is in a marble yard si Anderson South Carolina, a box tomb belonging to a ladv who lives in Abbeville county, which was ordered mid fbr by herselfl It has her name engraved on the slab, a blank space beins left to be filled with the date of her death after she dies. Geo. W Davis, who committed suictd in New York Wednesday had $30,000 of the funds of the town ot rew ttocneue in uis custody, being acting treasurer of thc board of education. Financial embarrassment is believed to have been thc cause of suicide. . a Um e a Hj inwf ai iflfl f-WtT Vafli BjL-nBwriE J, R. KEEN, Salisbury, N. C. Apt ftr PHIKNIX H6I WORKS, Emiies, Boilers, Sat Hills, TURBINEN WHEELS Ja . I D..IIJ . 'n.-ty time as the work proceeds, to drive soma two or . three It is best feet after EGGS FRO FULL BLOOD water is reached, but not to go entire- PI v nioul h Rock Chickens Kr sale at 75 eeut per dozen. Apply W tTW. AT WELL, ULiit-pd. Salisbury, N. C, . - ' ' "" : ELECTION NOTICE ! I .1 l. ' tin . iy inroiigu n. vv nen the pipe is thus driven down it is really an opep well, it matters not if it be 1 inch in utameter or o ieet, it is an open well nevertheless, and no man can contest l your right to make such a well. tr ; ii . .i amiiiik uuw Wc, gci in roe quar- Notice is hereby given that Municipal ter incu galvanized pipe, attach a j Elections will be hejd for the towns of pump to it, and put it in the well. ! Salisbury, Gold Hill, Fnoehville snd Third Pump out the sand, and you have a YFign MomJay' th nh of M,v A j well into which impurities Cannot en- I The nlls wiU he onenod in each of those ter. By making the well of 1J inch I towns from 7 o'clock in thc morning until pipe, an inch pipe could be used with senset, and no longer. Each qualified elec the pump : but I believe the well de- XoI wUl peruiitted to vote tor municipal RPP Af nf BliHiP Aiif t ba cimn V vui.o, ii tuv S ' fifty families. In places where a it a . on account ot sickness. All tue wa-) jr;v.n wall id imnmMKU - ter they used was supplied from an ! :g desimble to utilino an nn W1L open well, 10 feet deep, in the lowest eitncr of the following plans may be portion of the door yatd. A third adopted : Clean out the well, theu get family purohased the property for less , a galvanized iron pipe 1 inch iu di than half its cost, made a driven j ameter and long enough to reach to well" 25 feet deep, from which they witlia a foot Qf the bot om of the get all ttie water used tor drinking weI, anuattach a pump to it. Plug and cooking. They have occupied : up iower ed of pipe with a piece of the premises over four years, and en- :ron or iiart woo.i Drill 20 or 30 joy almost perfect health. quarter-inch holes through the pipe HOW TO GET PUKE water. near the lower end, to admit the wa in some sections of the ountry it ter. Put a large stone iu the center is not possible to get good water ex- j at the bottom of the well, on which oept at great expense. In that case, to stand the pipe. Pack large round rain water may be saved in cement . or "cobble' stones around the pipe, cisterns or iron tanks, and kept pure up 3 or 4 feet ; then smaller stoues, ftr a long time with proper care ; but, and next gravel and sand. Then pack where it is practicable, no water sup- in clay until the well is filled. This ply is so safe as that procured from becomes practically a driven well, "driven wells.' But, after thousands The second plan is, after cleaning out of driven wells were constructed, ahe well, to line it with glazed earth pateut was granted unexpectedly ; en pipes. Put the pieces one ou the and as some think unjustly the vita other, packing outside with clay, and claim of which is for "a well, to the putting cement around the joints until lining of which a pump is attached." , the top is reached. This will exclude In plain words, for a well made by the surface water. Pipes of any di d riving dowu an iron pipe to the ameter may be used from 6 inches water, and screwing on a pump. For to 2 feet. If people would heed these this privilege the patcutee claims f 10. suggestions, much sickness and suf Fdrtunately, there is an easy road fering might be preveuted. HaW around this obstruction ; and a far Journal oj tleaun. letter well , in some resDectB J can be 1 - . - C.C. KKIDEH. ShfTef Rowan County. Match 88, 1888.-1 mad outside this patent. If the soil is tolerably free from stones, a well can usually be made for a few dollars A steamer iu California keeps a sheep thai is trained to go out ou the on the following- plan : Get enough gang-plank when a flock ofaheep is to galvanized iron pipe, of one and a be loaded and show them the passage quarter ificb calibre, to reach the wa- over is safe, when they follow him as tpr Have it Cut in lengtua wuvcu- tueir ieuuei mw me uuai. ;nr to drive sav 6 to 8 feet and couplings to screw the pieces together. Then get a piece of plain iron tube, Nashville, Tennessee, is scourged with small-pox. Thirteen new cases I . WW i . inn 1 C P . i, I Viiihn-i ,' q.lfl HtlD same size ana z iees long. were rejiuneu uh vukiuj, an. u; about 100 quarter inch holes drilled patients are in the pest-house. One through this piece of pipe,to admit the school containing six hundred pupils Water and Baud. Then have a black-'. has been closed nr two weeks, smith weld a piece of irbla 6 inches ' long, and size of caliber, into owe end The missing Balloon "Saladin. of this short piece, leaving about 3. which was lost last year with Mr. inches out, which he must hammer Walter Powell, M. P., has been found down to a point, not sharp, but blunt in the mountains of the Sterna del and strong ; have him harden it so( Piedroza, Spain. Tfe car is still at t aat it will split and penetrate quite ; t ached, and the remains of the balloon large stones on its passage down. ' are to be forwarded to England. Screw on one length of pipe, anl , then, placing. he point where yon! A Washington sn nanied Kmg want the well, have one man hol4 has in veoied a suimda pellet. They wooden beetle ohe upper end of are of the sice of a capsule, and are the pipe, while another naau strikes flavored to suit way taste. When the beetle with a heavy sledge ham- j swallowed by the victim tjie moisture mer. It will take from two hoars to of the stomach causes them to explode two days to drive down twenty feet and the man is hlam In aUmss. of pipe, depending ou the nature of. the soil With a small piece ef iron A hot spring, which swells up trough a or lead attached to a string, soundings bed of -ravel and iron ore, has been diacov for water can be made from time to cred at Richmond, Va. 5 . g!9 Si goir4l Jill Mot lis fiil i ffi B'Siisiil" avwaa vvvmi, mncy L.Beyd, PUwttt, ) aqftiiut Suit loruivoreo Henry Boyd, Deftfl. ) It appearing' to the satisfaction of t ho Court, that Henry Boyd, the defeadeiit above named, is a non-resident of this State, It is ordered that publication be made i.i the "Carolina Watchman," a newspaper published in ltowaa coeaty, notifying the said Henry Boyd to be and appear befote the Judge of oar Superior Court, at a court to be held fbr the County of Rowan, at the Court-House in SalisbufyTon the 9th Mon day after the 4th Monday of March. 4 88. and answer the complaint which will W tip posited in the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said county, within rhejirst three days of said term, and the said defen dant is notified that if lie fail to answer the said complaint during the said term, the plaintiff will apply to tbu-4ourt tor tue rer uci uemuuucu in me t-Hiiiiiam,. J. M. HQRA.H, Clerk 34;8w SuprCourt, Rowan County,

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