Carolina Watchman. ' . alt .ami- TOLflV. THIRD SERIES SALISBURY. H. C, MAT 17, 1883. (W1 l ml M . M J The (larolina Watchman, VE5??W1- PRICB, fl.M IN ADVANCE. For Dyspepsia, Costive nets. imi y d ti Sick Headache, Chronic tar i lio .t, Jaundice, Impurity of the . . : . ol, Fever and Ague, Miliaria, ;n I all IL:eaes cnuited by De- range pjut of Liver, IkmuU and Kidneys. sTiwrirbMS of a diskased t uA Sftrraih '. Pain in the Side, soman IVKK. sometime the pain is fiat under the Shoulder-blade, mistaken lor Khcumatfcm ; general loss of appetite; Bowels rnera?costivc. sometimes alternating with lax; the heal 3s troubled with pain, i dull and heavy, with ctiderablc loss of memory, accompanied with a fcinful sensation of leaving undone setnething which ought to have been dose; a slight, dry cough and flushed face is sometimes an attendant, often mistakcai jibr constmipuoji; the patient complains of wearfniss and debility ; nervous, etsily startled; feet cold -r burning, sometimes a pricUIr sensation of the skin exists; spirits are low and despondent, and, altfcfugh satisfied that exercise would be bene ficial, one can hardly summon up fortitude to in it-Si fact, distrusts every reinoly. Several of the afxTvc symptoms attend the disease, hut cases have tjrreu when out tew oi mem existca, yet i . i . i . . i .1 . exarni n after ueatn BBS suown iue uvtr uj extensively deranged. have It iboUd be nsetl by all potions, nw .ma , j .$.$:, v. iii'Bi'fcr any of tli u'.i. o 1 l(! jirp(atss .tp;if.r. ( Pel a jhifVm vpHtw; or T.lrlr in TJn- ! j li.nlihy l.i-.a!iti-ji. by UiLiiv a 'lo-c :. ision- .. j f 11; u'. d allv K. k !) the Liver iu ru. lii'.y : t-ii. will avoid all AImIui i t, i 'i I' '( :il . iirk-, I nrnics; ! Nau- ir.. llSi-illtss lcprcs.i'ji i pirus. Lit. ii II iii4:J-fale like a pl.i-s of wine, bill is no in- . .1 3. I . r v: . ! . . - - . toxic fiu Uuvt;r.j;c. If Virtiiav eaten anything hard of dls;eston, or feel heavy after meals, or sleep less atiight, take a dose and you will be relieved. Time and Doctors' TMlla will be saved by ala.iys keepiuir the Regulator ' In the House! For, whatever the uilinent may be, a thoroughly Safe puS :r:.t ivc, altratire and Ionic caji never be out of place. The nmaly is Itnrinlesa and dees not interfere with business or pleaiir;. IJtIS PURELY V EG 1TAIU.K, And ha$ 'id I the power and efficacy of Calomel or QuinindLlwithoiit any of the injurious after effects. . A Oovernor's Testimony. Simmbh'. Liver Kcgulntor has been in use in my family itf some lime, and I am satisfied it is a valuaUis id'.ition lo the medical science. H. J. Gill Smorteu, Governor of Ala. Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, of Gs., says: Ifn&ve derived some benefit from the use of Sisssofl I.iyer Regulator, and wish to give it a further 3al. " The only Thins that never falls to Kelieyrj." I have used many remedies for Uys- repsia,jver Affection and Debility, but never ave foad anything tj benefit sue lo the fflflem Simroori l iver Regulator has. 1 sent from Min nesota tfr'f Georgia for it, and would send further for such a rrilUicine, and would advise all who are sim ilarly . flVitc I to give it a trial as it seems the only thing never fails to relieve. if P. M. Jannby, Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. Tfe W. Mason say h : From actual ex pcrience ten the iise of Simmons Liver Regulator in my practice I have been and am satisfied to use and prcsj?ibc it as a purgative medicine. Jfcjjf-'l'.ik" only the Genuine, which always has ou tile Wmnper the red . Trade-Mark ature of J. II. Kil ls & CO. SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. BLAtKMER i TAYLOR HAVING PURCHASED TOOK OF WM.JSMITHDEAL, as Will as the interest of R. R "Crawford, of the firm of R R. CRAWFORD & CO., njtq how premru to sUppIy our ciutomAI with all kinds uf AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, 5" I In mid i' ion to the flfest Selected Stock of 41 D W ARE in the .1 S T A T E. is s Tf Wealsoltandlo Rifle pdBlasting Powder FUSE a t ami 11 line ot Mining Supplies.; ' We will Jgaj Duplijcte Any Prices in CAUl Ind see us. - ana mgn S 1 S1VL TJrtLOt. 50: ly Oct. i ' I For the Wiftchman. Conner Mine. --ft ii h ' WKWGATE PRISOX. CONNECTICUT. the 'Watchman, sny : you 4The fii Rt copper mines opened iu the Ilnifetl Atntet cut.0 I u early times copper mines were work ed At the town of Sinisbnry, Conn., abont 1 5 miles north west of Hartford. The dis covery of the copper was made in 1705 ; aiid ore was dog there for a long time. At first the mines did not smelt the ore ; but at length the proprietors made a con tract with three clergymen to reduce the ore and cast the metal iu bars fj t for trans portation. One tenth was given to the town, and of this two-thirds were to sup port a school, and one third was to go to Yale College. "Wealthy capitalist from Boston and New York and Europe en gaged in the work, and furnished funds fur the purpose. The operations were cariied on extensively from J713 to 1737, and on to 1775. Iu 1723 it was stated i that these mines had brought into the colony 10,000 pounds. The works most mproved and where the greatest excava tions had been made were purchased for t State prison. Two perpendicular shafts tad been dug through rock, one 70 feet, the other 35 feet deep. From the bottom of these, tunnels were carried iu tli tie rent directions, some of them 500 feet. Some of the copper was coined into money of the valne of 42 cents in paper currencv with the inscription on one side "I "am good copper," on the other "value me as you please one of them is preserved, dated 1737; but they did not circulate af ter 1783. Iu 1773, the General Assembly of the State took measures to establish a peni tentiary at these mines. By blasting rocks they prepared a lodging room 12 by 12 iu the caverns, and fixed over one shaft a large iron door; there were no buildings on the premises and the other shaft was left open. The prisoners were employed iu digging the ore, and appa rently kept under ground all the time. It was called New Gate prison. The criminals were those guilty of jburglary, horse stealing, conn teifei ting coin or bills, or making dies for it. As one shaft was left open, and other passages not se cured the early prisoners all escaped through these. In 1775, three escaped and then they secured the other shaft and built a block house over one shaft this was destroyed by lire in 1776, when a new one was made, and a dwelling house for the keeper. This was burnt iu 1779, and new buildiugs were erected ov er the mouth of the cavern suitable to keep the prisoners at labor in the day lime, up to tins time lliey had been em ployed m mining: now they were put to mechanical operations. P1I me 4. i mere was no wan around tne .prison till 1781, when a picket fence with bas tiaua was put around it. But in that year when there were 28 prisoners, they rose ail the guard, seized their anus locked tbein in the cavern and escaped a good many of them were tories It was thought to be a very strong prison. Gen. Washington sent them some men for confinement from Cambridge. He said : "Gentlemen: The prisoners which will be delivered you with this, bavin been tried by a court martial, and deem ed tube such flagrant and atrocious vil- lians that that they cauuotrby any means be letat largo or counued in any ttkice near this camp, were sentenced to be sent to simsbury in Connecticut, loa wil therefore be pleased to have them secur- w - i . eu in your jail, or iu sucn other manner as to you shall seem necessary, so that they cannot possibly maker ("Heir escape The charge of their imprisonment will be at the continental expense. I am, &c, George Washington." In 1781 Congress proposed to make these mines a place for the reception of British prisoners of war, but this was not cariied'oot. They were for a time disused, but 1700 a new act was passed constituting them again constituting them a State prison, called as before New Gate. A large work shop and a dwelling house of brick were constructed. Under one ead of the house was a room secured by mas sive stone walls from which led the only passage to'the cavern. This was through a solid rock ; the month of this entrance was the one leading into the guard room above ; and well secured by a trap door with lock and heavy bolts. Th prison ers were lodged iu the caverns. At day light they were taken up to the work shop where they took their meals, and at 4 o'olook p. m., were returned to the caverns. Each one had a fixed amouut of work to do every day. At first they made wrought uails. Then after 1820, they made slices, wagons, and other arti cles, but the prison did not support itself by convict labor : it drew from the state treasury, ou an averge of $7,000 a yeaiv The convicts generally enjoyed good health no contagious disease had ever occurred here. The caverns ijrete condu cive to health. Thoso aiflicted-tvith cu taneous diseases were ofteu cUied. The temperature wasunil'oi in at all seasons of the year, about 52 degrees. In 1827, the prisoners we're removed to the new prison at Wethersfield on the bonk of the Connecticut river. These facts are taken from the history of New-Gate, by Noah A. Phelps, Hartford, 1845. E. F. K. The Horrors of Solitary ineiit. Confine- Mw-; ) ii 'Oft'1 t '..-i. k t m,.i n tm iri niuuciH ui uic ni. liuuin uiuw M l, ... 1 , . . ... 2t. Democrat, describing Joliet, 111., State penitentiary, says the system of solitary confinement merits some description. At a point within the prison yard, at the extremity of one of the great cell houses and far removed from the noise aud hum of the workshops, is a stone buildiug, iu which are arranged iu two galleries forty; solitary colls. Each is about 10x10 feet iu dimensions aud 15 feet iu the clear. A long horizontal window, perhaps 6 feet in width by eight inches in height, loca ted near the top of the cell, admits light and air. It is sank in the heavy walls, and rarely do the sun's rays penetrate the interior of the tomb-like apartment. The floor of the cell is of stoue, the ceiling is painted white, the walls are a glaring white. The two bits of color in the cell are the black irons of the inner grating and the red wooden bucket iu the corner of the cell. That bucket is the only piece of furniture. The prisoner to be punished is led to one of these cells and handcuffed to the inner grating, his arms being at the natural elevation. A heavy wooden door shots off a view of the corridor. He is alono amidst a silence as profound as the grave. His own voice, should he raise it in protest of his fate, is thrown back to him by the cold, pitiless walls, aud the echo causes him to start. He looks around and nothing meets his eyes but the glistening white walls. At first he does not notice this. Ere long his eves. used to the moving life of the workshop, begin to weary of this monotonous glis tening, blank view. The feeling, at first irksome, becomes paiuful. Ho tries to look at the window above, but it is soar- ranged that he sees nothing but the flood . ot light. 1 he blue sky he remembers on-I ly as a thing of beauty never heeded be- bu e. A glimpse of it now would be a boon inestimabh. He tries to shut his eyes, to relieve them of the glistening, blank impression, but his disordered impression, but his disordered nerves cause strange lights, and an an- noying pnaiuasiuagona oi grotesque anu i . . .. . , ever-changing figures to dauce through l.'s If 1... la , . ' .... ........ ......a. I illO Lllllill. XI IIU 13 Ui till 4tUlC UCI IVIID an acute nervous formation, this soon becomes torture to him, aud he fears that he is loosiug his mind. Some of the most rebellious suii- its have been quelled by a brief retire - meut iu these merciless- white cells. A Item a ikable Bed. mere uas ueen ou view in runs a bod of rare aud singular construction. made to the order of an Indian prince. The bedstead, which isofsutiu wood. with large plates of silver repousse work, is very beautiiully carved, and has cost upwards of 812,000. The ... . ..c .i.:. u.j . i. . - " ' vs..u. p iu t ucu .c mattress, which has been fitted up as v a i.. ,i .... aTTi rr 7ZJtr rrrr S i Gounod's oueras. At the four corners lies now n il i :ivs i ii ii es se U'ci pi l irnm of the bed are four statues, renrnt- cast tnese statues tne eyes nave been . .1 .i mi tnmm..., i.o rMain . mm m 111 i v - i i i i i . . is iiss v a mm. ssmss. . i i f - nit. nprnnnp on t hesp vnnncr IsitIipk i. .... . , . .1 - r hpJcrl.tPMPr? l.v Hip ndflitimiof m... wigs in four shades of color, supposed to bc tipical of each nation. The -arms of rajah are carved at the head of the bedstead, which, though in shocking bad taste, is a marvel of workman ship. A Home-Madc Telephone. The American Farmer gives the fol lowing directions for making a cheap home-make telephone : To make a good and serviceable telephone, good from one farm house to another, only requires enough wire and two cigar boxes. First select your boxes, aud make a hole about half an inch in diameter in the center of the bottom of" each, and then place one iu each of the houses you wish to connect ; then get five pounds of com mon iron stove pipe wire, make a loop at one end and put it through the hole in your cigar box and fasten it with a nail ; then draw it tight to the other box, suppoiting it when necessary with a stout cord. You can a" easily run your line into the house bv Loriuf-aholetl.rouirhtheirlass. Sun- port your boxes with slats nailed W. - C7 LI across the window, and your tele- 1 i . phone is complete. lhe writer has one that is yards long and cost Mm . i i m X-l J "Il O V VylJ I O L I . ly U UI LUi I J II J llO 1 U wheothe organ is playetl thirty feet Tii,Tn' nn T a 1 1 1 o r ro i ontni w i away in another room. V H - I Goldsbore Messenger Tho Confeder- ly to be unveil- ate monument is now ready cd on Thursday. The statute of the Con federate soldier is perfect aud too beauti ful to be desciibed by our pen. m ,. i i ( . i a I'-a..- i l lie uraaeu dcnooi uas received an other contribution of $450 from the I'ea body fund, making $900 received this year, for which the school and communi ty are truly grateful to Dr. Curry. I c . I yt . I ivrwl It inn nFi id mnnno mAirthrsns ai win ue very rainy, u iu su miner, nuu Avani MO,i ing young gins or opanisu. ureek, v' " i. .Ml k. . Mi i I :rr " . J TtTi;., o.wi;t i.:-1 that noint. We have never tound a "V: "wm " ..." . irrain eamblinsr. Jiis testimony v onlv ornament beimr a irold snnke remedy that so promptly relieved this u between - and 4 o clock, p. m., follows: bracelet twiited around fhe wrist form "f constipation as NeUiton's Sup- changeable in summer-fair and mild -Are you a comniission merchant which holds the fan they are waving Pnf' Thi treatment alone is r. "J0!?'"- over the sleener Rv an inrrpninnt sometimes sufficient to cure such , peiween 4 ana o o ciock, p. ra lair A dealer?' over tne sleeper, rjy an ingenious . . , . both in winter and summer. . , contrivance of ttie art st emu oved to cases; and where the trouble is more . in , , , . sir. Constipation. Constipation is the beginning of many diseases. It is the most prev- , 7 M :. e alent of all atftfclions among those not accustomed to oat-door activities. It frequently commences in infancy through the neglect or ignorance of parents ; and the health sometimes becomes permanently impaired before the cause is discovered by the physi- cian. There should be at least oue free aud natural movement of the bowels every day, and when that is not the case, ail proper means should be promptly employed to bring it about. Nature intends that the waste materi al, after digestion is completed, shall bo passed out of the system within a certain time, but if that time is ex ceeded ft commences to be absorbed, thus the blood is poisoned and the vital force is impaired ; hence the body becomes an easy prey to disease. Dvspepsia is generally the first dis eased condition caused by constipation. lhe liver soon becomes involved as a result of indigestion, then the kidneys. It is evident that a long continued derangement of either of these impor tant organs must result most unfortu nately. All experience proves that habitual constipation is a very unsafe condition of the system, and one lia ble at any time to develop incurable d iseases. Various plans have been devised for the cure of this distressing com plaint; but we do not believe in re stricting the treatment to anv one remedy, lo secure success various metyods must be employed, and em- ploped persistently. Some will after a while lose their effect, and others , must be substituted; no quarter should be shown until this great enemy to health is overcome. The habit of ta king purgative medicines to relieve the bowels often increases the trouble; that is. the system becomes accustom ed to this remedy and there is no re lief without it ; the remedy debilitates, i i i . r anu ii uecomes oiny a question oi time how long the treatment can be KaIMIA UUIlit, Dome. - As in this case there is always a torpid liver, we should commence the treatment witn a miiU cathartic as .... two or three liver pills : and then pay especial attention to the diet. Bread made from cm shod wheat or oat meal should be used ; wc should not restrict the patient as to other iood?, except as to quantity. He should eat enough, but not overload the stomach. A tumbler of cold water with a teaspoon- fill of table salt dissolved in it and drank every morning half an hour tvpfhre hrmkfiut often acts like mniric . o - a O ,n restoring the bowels to their natu- i i . ir 'ii i i hi ponu i on. mere are raanv eases - . p H1118til)ation wi the ot obstinate constipation, vheie the whole trouble exists in tne lower part nF .m bv of &1 i v j . ... b er, due to feeble action of the ninscles, and to a congested and dry I nanara Ilia simiuwilnl'V i I . I I I " II l WniM II ! II I II II I'llH'k II. 111.. Ill I Ik I Cl 7 " "T, V JZA.f. if the wind is north I IHOSl VllUUUie IOUIUOI1 lO UIC UI i. i. iwiwuw, t.t1 , t I I I QC? Regular and vigorous out-door ex- erc8 all imjortant. Kneading the bowels with the hands lias been re commended; alsoy the drinking of water frequently, to which we should always add a little (able salt. The frequent use of a syringe should be avoided, for much the same reason that cathartics ought to be avoided. No harsh or very active treatmeut is required in these cases; but mild rem edies may be employed persistently ; in tact, they should never be rem it tea until the bowels become regular and the health is restored. We believe that a majority of cases are curable. .... - mm We know ot one case ot great severi ty that lasted twenty-two years, and was then cured, although the general health has never been fully restored. HaiCs Jouanal of Health. Kindly Counsel. It would be more creditable for Gen. Arthur and better for his party if he should keep aloof from further office seeking, luru a deaf ear to the insidious parasites who are urging him to seek renomi .. i l . T. T r.i i ..i: ,,a ,tm 5J NT W V u,e vlMg. F"JI" t,c,al' and llot to Ue to ?n if I I A . AinAi S m on.uloi 4 t.iL-n ransison crrm mi Oimuiu IV wn w ft "I . . ; ii - 1 t Tl 1 t I i-l IV 1(1 W ! 1 I 1 s I V I Ir1! l I I I M I illll III I K J. . ' r ,. T " , " 7,. " roW8 . MXmmmtLl Iiochaster Union, mp.) m it s - sasis mm lis a w w . i t i ss s . s ak 1 7" ft- Senatar Butler, of South Carolina, will fie vote this summer to a svstem- ati6 gtudv of the public roads of his State. He will also investigate the road svrtem of other States, and pub lish a series of articles upon the sub- I joot. Char. Dcm. We need an able man like Senator Butler to do the same thing In this State. There is more enduriug fame ; iUn : .,; n r-r,rc iu sw hiiMM sao q'm a w vvi'iviwi Evebett A Wheeler. The fight over the collectorship in tne fifth district of this State still continues. The following in reference to it we clip from the Washington correspon dence of the Baltimore Sun of the 8th inst : Journal-Observer. Dr. Mott, one of the coalition bosses of North Carolina, accompan ied by Mr. O'Hara, the Republican colored Representative-elect from that State, and others, occupied some por tion of his valuable time with rela ting the progress of the coalition movement in North Carolina, and urged him not to remove Internal Revenue Collector Everett, of that State, and reinstate W heeler, which United States Marshal Keogh, with tears in his eyes, besought him to do when here last week. What WasPut Back" at Chicago. Now York Tribune (Inspired by Mr. Conk ling'tf Speech.) Several things were, indeed, "put back'7 as the result of the Chicago Convention, but the country was not one ot them. The third term conspiracy was put back. The boss system was put back. , The snap primary plan of turning out "instructed" delegates was put back. The attempt to throttle district representation was put back. The machine iu New York ami Pennsylvania was put back. The idea entertained by sundry gentlemen that they carried the party round in their collective breeches pockets was put back. lhe impression that was rapidly making headway that "government of the neoDle bv the neonle" was played out was put back. lhese are some of the leading things that were put back as a result oi mat great convention. Ami by so much as they were out back, and , b . . ' m 07 ! th f50Illltl.v hraa nAvaniJi lUiilllJ . - - I since the dav wIipo the hAnv and IIVvs 1 I VIVIA III nfim:pari na.-fiolrl Q llftm;n,u i ... The Weather, in or aw i-.ii i in r. How. Il wilt Change After the Moo Changes. The following table was construct ed by the celebrated Dr. Herschell, upon a philosophic consideration of the attraction of the sun and moon. It is confirmed, says an exchange, by the experience of mauy yearn' obser hion and will suggest to the observer i i i t . i I I il I tar liot LplttI r t w t linn t ill imIiA I i I ; " "v W1 ' ,a n,M i l nil in i 1 1 or iiiiiini r i :i ii rr i niu ;i i i - - j of her quarters. As a general, rule h it J-u , r. .",v. .v. " found wonderfully correct : , t , . " ." s"i5K ; " ' ' . .. . west ; rainy, if south or soutlr.vesL In winter, fair and frosty, if the wind is northwest ; rainy, if south or south- WCSt. Between 10 and 12, p. m., rainy, in summer and lair anu frosty in winter. .. . .. . Between n at iiigui anu ojv r . in l o ii, a . m., tair iu summer ana irosty in winter unless the wind is from the south or southwest. Between 2 aud 4 a. in., cold and very showery in summer, aud snow and storm in the winter. Between 4 aiid 6 a. in., rainy both in winter and summer. V Between 6 and 8 a. m.f wind and rain in summer aud stormy in winter. Between 8 and 10 o'clock, a. m., showery in summer and cold in win ter. Between 10 and 12 o'clock, a. m., showery in summer and cold and win try in winter. A New Hampshire paper says that the country district school in tn State is far from being what it was crpnprflt on aeo. riencnes which were nrowdetl then are nearly empty now, ; and in the place of merry groups of i anu m nhSldn I k.M , rcn scaiiereu niung and there a solitary scholar I I l takes UD I w v his lonely walk to school. 1 II The towns very generally raaae no eir scnoois, out I 1 I tliev Idren to send. -Someone has -suggested a method to alii .LdTion mi's pr&nd-da'ugliter. Let u.v. O . every admirer of the hero send her a portrait of1 her illustrious ancestor as it is issued by tiiegovcrumeiii. iue portrait adornSg two-doiiar oni, anu sxs there artV sfflions of Jenersonians in the counttf to whom this nnja cm,, sum. t!ie lauv couia repur- . I,.- -u ,,,i i; tin titnrn f rbiva. and at her death the property to belong to the United 'Statefi. Uiarioue uuserver. - NEW SPRING GOODS! L M Mm llUlllllHltUSltBl pjArrmj KLUTTZ ft RENDLEMAN Have now received their entire stock ot Spring and Summer Goods which hsve ...... K.iai "wc i Mm i ii l varit'u an oi w men tney oner as cheap a the cheapest. They have now in LARGEST ASSORTMENT F DRY GOODS NOTIONS, CLOTIIING, FURNISHING s . t- ..- T it AND FAMILY they have bought for aiany seasons. F"A FULL ASSORTMENT OF We still nave the best FLOUR, OAT MEAL, MEATS, SUGARS, TEA 9 COFFEES, RICE, CANNED FRUITS, JFLLIE8, PURE LARD, BRAN MEAL, New Orleans MOLASSES and SYRUPS, Ae. A rail assort men t of FAMILY MEDICINES. Agents for Cats' uuamu, which is tJrnrst class, and which we otter Tor 400 lbs. of Lint Come and See us before you buy or sell, for we will do you -v Apru is, laoa The late Gov. Swain was Judge at 25 and Governor at 31. Judge Badir- er aud Judge Strange, were Judges at Zi. J in I re Jbowle was but htt!e older. There is not a Judge of the I r -s. . m . I P! KXTVUtl except Judge bbipp over 45, most of them not 80 mac' The large majority of leading legislators since the war have J beeu men under 40. Senator Vance. Senator Merrimon and Senator Ran soni are all instances ot renutation i .. achieved and services rewarded at ages when they all might be regarded as very young men. Young America has its reward in store. The old clement dies away all too rapidly; tor we do miss the staid, sober, safe wisdom of the Grahams, the Badgers, lne Ruffins. Let youtnr America ore- I o I a I .1 t f pare 10 emtiiato tnose men. Asru- i i j t i"- vi. Grain Gambling. U Evcrhart, a member of the "regular board," in Chicago, was of as "les, sir.' 'Did vim fv-pr luiv anv m-i'm pv pjgw- to 0W1, ;t ? 'No sir.' fftvor l 9 Tn :.. i i What nronortion of the deals are I s 8UC, as y0i, made?' It is estimatel by Mr. Storms, I believe, that 97J per cent, are ficti- tious. 'Did you ever discover any difl'er- ence between a bucket shop and the regular board ? 'JNever. 'Do the commission firms all specu late?' 'All, more or less, I think.' 'How many solely speculate?' 'One-half 'Is speculating dijlerent from gam bling?' 'Not that I can see.' 'Is it as safe as poker ?' 'I think not.' Before Judge Tall v. in the Circuit a Cmrt ftt chicag0j on Saturday, certain heirs contested the payment of .i bequest to a Roman Catholic Clinreli to reimburse him for saying masses for the repose the soul of the testate . The point uied by counsel for the heirs was that the money was expended for a superstitious um. Ths court held that the objection could not hold, and that the bequest was valid uuder the State statutes. A jiear orchard iu Thomas county, Ga., was sold five years ago for $650. It was next sold for $1,UU, tne $650 haviug been recouped from cut- timrs in the mean time, a moiun afterwards 12,8UU was ottered lor it aI)u now it could not be bought f'oi a $25,000. Tim hi 'iiinis-il nark i in MotiLina will Vive an area of 12,000, square mile nearly teu times that of the whole nnooe isiauu. wants ana tastes ot tneir numerous 4 V o . GOODS, 8HOE8, Ladies' and Mea's HAT, mm. Jr:S '' 'A-JI i JtA. Mfc M- GROCERIES new stock of TABTJg and GLAS8WARB FIVE GENT TINWARE. Spool Cotton. Agents for the BMPTRB good. W. W. TAYLOR D. J. BOSTIAV, rr Sal J. R. KEEIST, r . Salisbury, N. C. Apt for PHffiNIX IRON WORKS, Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, AND TURBINE WHEELS Also, Contractor and Boildos -i Ja 85, '88. lj 51 s ill! g?o(3l lt gyp " 3 m S iaai S S A GOOD COW and ( ALI' FOR SALE! A ;ood Cow, of medium age, and a young calf, will be sold at a fair price. Cow ( givinS milk. Apply at this OtlteC 30:3t pd. When Mrs. F. a-Ued fur a new bonnet Fogg promptly refnatnl. ' A man and wife aro oue," he said, ''and it is m efaty to practice self-denial on all poooiblo oa. casiona. The London Globe says there is a tone in the vicinity of Merlin on which wao found recently the body of the seven teen tli saicide who bad resorted ta that spot to end his misery. Tho ought not to spare that tree. j No longer must we say, Lo, tored red Indian! for there aro in the Indian territory University of are studying bennan, rrench, Greek, geology, moral philosophy, politi cal economy and other Won chop of tao college course. The rose crop of Newport, R. L, it worthy of attention, oue bosh having produced nine thousand flowers in a year, sold at ten cents each. It is per haps superfluous to remark that lies are el reaper than roses at Newport, "Mother Goose," according to tho latest authorities, (ar from being myth, was the wife of Isaac Goose, and lived iu Pudding lane (now kuawu. as Devonshire street), Boston. She was born in 1665 and died in 1767. or, I he first edition of Ik r nursery rbr pf i was piiiuisncu uy tier son-in-law. i l I I a , Thomas Fleet, in the year 1719, 1 ' L