LIME, KAIN1T ft PIASTER! Building Lime, Agricultural ime, Land Plaster add Marl. liOftD FKRTILIZEIU Atul Veni mew. Send for circular. FRENCH BROS,, Kocky Point, N.C. 17:31 3 USBS III I ..-ie I Hi w IT STANDS AT THE HEAD. THE LIGHT-RUNNING 'DOMESTIC Tliiit it is the acknowledged leader in thTrtfde fa a fact that cannot be disputed MANY 'IMITATE IT, NONE EQUAL IT!! arsest Armed, The Lightest Running, The Most Beautiful Wood work. AND IS WAKKANTED To be made of the beat material. To do any and all kinds of work. To he complete in every respect. For aale bv BERNHARDT BROS., jsalinbury, Ji. C 4genta wanted in unoccupied territory. Add re, Domestic Setting Machine Co. 42:ly Rich monk, Va. Executor's Notice TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS Alt persons liavtng claims against the estate oi uaiucw nice, ucccaMMi, urenereoy notified to exhibit the same to the under signed on or before the 12th day of April, A- D. 1884. And sill persons Indebted to said estate are requested to settle promptly April 14, 1883. TpotoAs D. Rii B, pd Executor of Cathew Rice, dee'd. . BRING YO UR . TOBA CCO I NOTICE ! KLUTTZ'S ff AB EH-OUSE ! JOHN SHEPPARD, (Late of Pilot Warehouse, Winston, N.C.) Business Manager and AUCTIONEER. Hale of Ens in aial Boiler. I will expose to Public Sale at the Court House door on Saturday the 2d day of June, 1888, at 3 o'clock, P. 25-borse power return Tubular Boilers end one 10x12 Centre Crank Engine with all fixtures complete atl nearly new. The property can be seen until day of j -ft ft ..'!' r1 . I sale on the property Known as Jacoo uru pys Ajjncr Mine, five miles from Salisbury, adjoining the lands of 1 obi as Rentier aud others in Rowan county, 3$" Terms Cash. May 1, 1888. J. R. KEEN. 29:4U k r On Handed Knee. How Georgia Chinamen Approached Their Minuter. -Oriental Senili ty Fourisliing at the Oemdent. O- SALES EVERY DAY. 1 Good Prices Assured. BEST A MODATIONS FOR MAN AND BEAST. NO SALE, NO CHARGE ! Insurance and Storage Free. Liberal Cash Advancements made on Tobacco held by us for future sale. KLTJTTZ, GASKILL & CO. lSstf FOR SALE Y I No. T Iron Gray Mare, eight years old. Wananted sound aud to work anywhere. Will be in Salisbury -every Saturday until sold. For further particulars call at this office. Salisbury, April Jl, 1888. 26:2t PROFESSIONAL CARDS. BLACKMER & HENDERSON Attorneys, Counselors and Solicitors. tJW If Sulisbury, N, Q. Jau. 89d, ?9-tf. , M. McCORKLK. T. F. KLUTTZ. Hi i OHKLi; & KLUTTZ, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS Salisbury, N. C. Office on Council Street, opposite the Court House. a7jtf . , ftERR CBAIGK. L. II. CLEMENT. CRAIGE & CLEMENT, Attorneys t Salisbury, N. C. Feb. 3rd, 1381. J. KBODES BROWNE, PRES.. W. C. COART, SEC. Total Assets, $710,74512. A Home Company, Seeking Home Patronage. Term Policies written on Dwellings. Premiums payable One-half cash aud bal ance in twelve months. J. ALLEN BBOWN, Agt., 25:6m. Salisbury, N. C. BOOTS, SHOS & GAITERS, made to order: All ork First Class Seventeen Vears Ex perience. AU Material of the best snide, and work done In the latest styles " Heady made work always oa band' Repairing neatly and promptly done. Ordf rs by mall prompt ly tilled. Win. J. Eagle. M:ly, Sii.isBLXr. N.C SALE of LAND On 3fonday the 28th day of May next, I will sell at the Court House door in Salis bury a tract of B ACRES OF LAND belonging to the estate of Dawalt Lentz said land adjoins the land of Mrs. M. A. Lent, and others. The bidcing will be retopened at the sum of $1 35.30. Terms of Sale : One third cash down as soon as the sale is confirmed and a credit of six and twelve months will Ik; given on the other two-thirds with interest from day of sale at 8 per cent. J. W. MAUNEY. 27:6t. Commissioner. EALTHCORSET Increases in popularitv every day, as ladies find it the mon COXFORTARLE AJfD .PERFECT FITTING cornet ever worn. Mer chants ;iy it gives the best satisfaction of any corset they ever fold. Warrr.nt d satisfactory or money rc- rniuied. t WasHIKGTOX, May 7. It will be remerubered that the case of two Chinamen who lived in Georgia, aud who sustained worldly damage at the hands of the populace, came on here to have thetr wrongs redressed and J Mastered over with government shek es. The Chinese Minister called the attention of the State Department to the case. The result was that the Chi namen were informed that redress must be through the courts. The claimants employed a regular attor ney here to conduct their case. lhrough him it is learned that in the intercourse between bis clients and (he Chinese Minister, the cus tom of the effete Celestial empire were rigidly adhered to. The Chinese Minister is of royal blood. He is a grand tycoon of three buttons and a royal peacock leather. He is a sacred being to the common herd, a prince of high degree. In short, he is in China what Don Cameron used to be in .the United States boss. The attorney for the aggrieved Chinamen wasj to use his own expression com pletely paralyzed when he made his first visit with his clients to the au gust Minister. He did not know what was goiug to happen. He was taken completely by surprise. The three repaired to the Chinese ICa tionft which is located in the house that Boss Shepperd built and lived in before his collapse. They were shown info'tpie audience chamber. When the Chinese Minister entered. me Attorney acted like aoy other r l ..-.. Meiican nan would under the cir cumstances. He advanced, bowed and shook hands, with the almond- eyed ofljcial. He looked around ex- willing uui itis eiionis woumi iu likewise. At first he saw nothing of r i , t. i i . mem. xmii ne ncarci amigutv otunp- ing on i he floor. Looking down he beheld tje two Chinese prostrate. lUcy were beating their foreheads upon the canet. They did not look up or arise until the Minister bade them, Even standing they showed the most servile front. Two or three times after ihis-ttw- attorney eallcd with his clients ri pun the Minister. livery time the same beating of 4 f. ft i . ft. as m k ft A I - Li ncuun iiTKii me noor was trone through with. Thus right in the midst of our enlightened civilization do the mummery practices of Orient flourish. 11 patients, Cabarrus 4, Gaston 4 Lincoln 4, and Union 4. Since the oueuimr of the Insane Asylum at Raleigh in Feb.. 1856, to the present timej Mecklenburg county has ha fifty-three patients in the Institution under treatment, and, as stated above new has eleven in the Western Asy lum at Morganton. a A California Hero. -The re cent explosion of a gunpowder fac tory at Bcrkelay, Cal., developed a hero. Frank Roller saw the shower of sparks set -fire to a taupaulin on the deck of a schooner lying at wharf. He knew that 50 tons of the explosive was aboard the vessel. The Crew were aVare of it, too, and they scampered away as fast as possible But Holler leaped through the win- dow of his house, ran to the perilous craft and extinguished the flames by throwing on water with a bucket. If fire had reached the cargo the town and everybody in it would have been destroyed. A A clever rejoinder was that made by a popular actress to the unsavory gossip circulated concerning her: "I have uot the time to be half as im proper as people say I am." And nine times out of ten tins is true of all the much abused aud handworked women. , NOTICE. The regular annual meeting of the Stockholders oi tne estern :su;-t a Carolina Kail Road Company will take place In Salisbury. N . C, on the third Wednesday in May, being the l tit h day or me inonm. u. r. jikwin, SaUsbury, N .C, April 10, 1883. Sec. & Trees, Wt 17:tf or sale by J. D. GASKILL only, Salisbury, N. C HOME ADVERTISEMENTS. Jine 0t of ft T A U. VAKCB. W. II. BAILtY. VANCP & BAILEY, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS, CHARLOTTE, N. O. Practice in Supreme Oonrt of the United Stales, Supreme Court of North Carolina, Federal Courtsand Connties of Mecklenburjr. Cabarrus, Union, Gaston, Rowpn and Davidson-, two doors east of Indepen dence Square- 33:tf HARDWARE m :i ft mm SSSJI WHEN YOU WAHT HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES Call on the undersigned at NO. 2, Granite 1tow- P. . ATWELL. Agent for the "Card weUThresher," Saliabnry, N. C, June 8th-tf. Jffiet! ff antefl ! ! : The attention of Farmer and the gener al public is called to the fact that T. J, MORGAN ITas opened a First Class FAMILY GRO fcERY STORp next W to K&JS & Taylors Hardware, where he will krp?a full linerfj fresh good, such aa Fjoyr, Mettl, Racon Salt, Suga, fffee, Tea.-Ac ' ' Also a fresh and, complete stock of lO.FECTIOtlutS, ttd Taney Groceries. Will pay the. highest cash prices for But ter, Egjrw, Chickens, and all saleable coun try products. January 18 1883. U:3m. 'UBSCHIKE FOR rJ HE C1UC LIN A W A TCH WA N. ON I.Y i J. 50 PER YEA II. Fail lire of the lteviscd Bible. T. "i ., A - a i nas oeen botfced for sonietim,e that uothmg is heard of, or said about the revised Bible, which was to take the place of the original old book in all the civilized homes in thecoirnfry and upon inquiry it is found rh-it the revised edttioa is remarkable fr its success as a failure. The bodk' stores here in Charlotte call it ck4fl stock aiid in New York they aifc selling editions of Kite revisetl New Testa ments now for wifateveMt1 will bring in ounces ai d pounds. -It was a stu pendous failure. No one would read it; no.oue would buiit. Booksellers haye had enormou loads f it that they cannot carry, 4ul, as it was not worth a cent iuhe market, it was sold as old paper to be turned into the vats in the paper mill ami soak ed ifctO Dull). A iir COME TO THE NEW STOREr1 when the book was first issued to people who were anxious for curi osity sake to look at it, but as soon as their curiosity was gratified the sale stopped short, and it has never started up again. Half a dozen schemes have been tried by the book publishers to get rid of their useless stock, and a great many have been waiting patieutly in the hope that some genuine interest would !. manifested by Bible readers in the new version i but they have all been greviously left. The bo k is com mercially good for pulp and nothing r rft . - U I more. Hie people who did bnv th t Li COMING IN EVERY DAY AT NBjV FURN1IURE STORE. Main Str. Next Door to J. F. Ross. And pt everftimi yon fait ii tie Furniture line At the LOWEST Prices. AU, MY GOODS nere lnspectea in person at tne Jianuiactories, and bought for cash at the lowest prices, and warranted to be of the latest styles and best quality, and will be sold as low as any House in tue country. Come and get A Nice Cottaje Chamber set for only $25 JIB Rue sets for - $30, $35, aai $40 Fine Walnnt sets, Marble Tops, only $55 Hanflsome Parlor sets for .440, $50 and $75 Cheap Beds at $3.50 Special terniB made with counuy merchants who want cheap Berts in one dozen anil halt dozen lots. will also have on hand a full line of COFFINS. CASKETS and Undertakers' goods all at th. lowest prices at R. M. DAVIS' New Store. oa:ly. WESTERN N. C. RAILROAD. OPICE GEN. PASSENGER AGENT, Salisbury, N. C.r October 12th, 1882 SCHEDULE. EAST. WEST. .Ib111 stations. pTo.ian Arrive 5.45 t u ....Salisbury Leave 8 10 ii 3-w Newton....... k J s " 2.10 " ....Hickory t'S H 18,54 - ....Moreanton.... lo'Is 10,08 " Black Mountain . lS r x . " .w ....Asheviiie..!.. m " Leave coo ....Warm sprlnw " 5 44 " .oo ....Pigeon Mve Train No. 1 connects at Salisbury wta R. a d. R. R. from all points NorUiand Soutntand from Rftfefeh. Connects t Statesvllle wiOa A. T. o. Div. Of C. C. & . R R. Oonnecte at Warm Springs with E. Tenn., Va! & Oa. R. R. for Morrlstown and polDta South-West. Train No. 8 owhects at Warm Springs with e. t. Va A Ga R R. 5S r0 the South-Wftjat. connects" at oiawaruic Willi A. X. it O. and at Salisbury with R, North and East and for Raleigh: ; Throuajh Tickets oa sale t SSMsburr, StatesvlUe, Asheviiie and the w SPI?H6 to U Principal clUes. J B. Macmurdo, Audr.G.F.: p Avt a atat-esvllle wlih A. T. & O. Dlv f n r . - - - - w v. J. JV. II. u.k R.Jvfallooiiiu GEO. A. EGLE, W. A. MORGAN, Eagle & Morgan BLACKSMITHXNG AND Wagon-Making. We are prepared-to do any kind of work at our Shops on Lee Street, ( W. M Barker's Old Stand.) SALISBURY, N. C. PORSE-SHOEING and atl kinds of Blacksmithing done promptly and with ex pedition. Impairing of Carriages, Buggies and Wagons done promptly and in first class style. Painting and finishing of fine Work will be done by W. M. Barker. All we ask is a trial. Jan. 10, 1883. i3-tf -N O TI C E t JOHN F. EAGLE, JaUUT AND SHOE MAKER, Invites your attention to his shop, opposite Mayor's Office. Repairing neatly and prompt ly done. A II grades of goods made to order Oct. 1st, '81:lf; 1, revised have laid it away and the old fnownljiashc Nathan Brown lotcontamin book holds U l,,.0 ,i .pjono halt acre, more or less. Terms to L DOOR Holds AU place on the himilyf announced on day of sale. n tue pulpit. Journal table and Observer, Land Sale For Partition. Puisuant to an order of the Superior Uourt ot Kowan county, I will offer at pub lic sale, at the Court House in Salisbury, on 1st Monday of June, 1883, bidding to com mence at 1 1,105.50, a valuable tract of land, known as the Old May Place, in Providence Township, Rowan County, adjoining the lands ot Sam 1 Eller, Tobias Kcslcr and others, containing about 110 ACRES, . j it - wiin comfortable u welling and necessary outbuildings. There is a good orchard on the premises, and good indications of gold. TERMS: One-third cash, and the bal ance in equal entailments at six and twelve ... . i . i j . . , iiiwiiuip, im mu'ieM uum uate or sale, at eight per t ent. Title reserved until pur chase money is all paid. J.'SAM'L McCUBBINS, Com'r. VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE ! : I On Monday the Tth day of May next, at the Court-House in Salisbury, I will sell a TRACT OP 125. ACRES, mote or less, belonging to the estate ot John Graham, dee'd. This land U situated in Atwell township, and adjoins the lands owueci oy the hens ot b. H. Hart and oth ers, and is a part, of the old Wiu. B. Atwell plantation. It is as fine a tract of land as there is in Rowan county, well timbered, containing some very tine bottom land, about. six miles from Mooresville. Terms or Sale: One third of the pur chase money ro1e paid as soon as the sale is continued, the other two-thirds in six and twelve months, with interest from day of sale at eight per cent. . Title reserved until all the purchase money is paid. J. G. FLEMING, Adm r March 27, 1883. J of John Graham. P. S. Mr. Goodnight, on the premises; Mr. John S, E. Hart, or Bingham Hart, will show the land to any one who may desire to see it. rf 24-fit SALK OF REAL. ESTATE Jonx M. BjacjWct als, Ei-ParU. In pursuance 6fnn order or decree of the Superior Court of Rowan County, I, the commissioner appointed by the Court, will sell at public sale at the Court House door in the town of Salisbury, on Mondav the 28th day of May 1883, the following de scrilied real estate, to wit i One house .and lot trontmg on Main street in town of Gold Hill, adjoining NL B. McCanles?, F. II. Mauuey and George Walton, said lot being ALLOOOK'S POROUS PLASTERS. The Original aid still the Best ! INSIST OK It A VI NO ALLCOCK'S, THE EN CINE POROUS PLASTER. ONLY if t" ' J One of the most remarkable nventionso the present age is Allcok's Porous Plas ters. Thby are the result of years of chero ical study, and only time and experience has brought them to their present perfec tion. Testimonials are received every day of the wonderful cures of Sprains, JUT eak Back, Rhematism, Lumbago", Paralysis and hosts of other diseases. Of course the vast sales and. great success of Allcock's Porous Plasters have caused numerous plasters to be brought before the public which, be ing called porous, would give the worlcHo understand that tliey were a similar, article to the genuine. We wonld most particular ly caution the public against these hum bugs. They contain none of the healing gums that are used in Allcock's, but are simply a combination of lead, red pepper and rubber, and are vaunted in long wind ed advertisements as an improvement on Allcock's. Porous Plasters. Beware of the hazy and untrue statements and never use any of these so-called porous frauds. -, Allcock's Porous Plasters MT. VERNl Mm Ti . . . i-rosen. nit comiplinte,,. . .d respeetfully SIT? iHiuisnient. it. . . l"inrk; ' uirementsoffir; ia-oraes, Buereiea n PhaBtons. Wo ""SOUS, fc, ' HE TO -ox-,.... ' -wenr of tafttaJ pATIBPACTlox ,TttG - Special provision and'X BoaroUnff and knu i 'ttVo HE 18 rnxvn... . . .i.r.M- QV i i ft L and keenini. ru Drovers will findr "'S P at this place. N Special accoinmodationt r f C6n.mercial TravS W th hi Lee Street, Salisbn Relieve Debility and Nervousness. Allcock's Plasters worn on the region of the kidneys warms the spinal marrow which is a continuation of the brain, im parting new vitality and power to the spine they stregthen that mighty organ and fill it full of foreign electricity or nervous fluid. Thus they will restore to the busy active brain ot man or woman, the energy and ability which has been lost by disease, wor ry or overwork. They restore vitality where there has been debility and nervous ness, and prevent loss of memory and pa ralysis. Physicians highly recommend them for nervous debility, whether arising from dissipation or overwork. They are now known to be the great regenerators of the nervous system and sre invaluable in all cases of hysteria. daeys CurecL CONTOOCOOK, If . H., ) March 3, 1880 J I have been greatly troubled with Rheu matism and Weak Kidneys. I was advised to try Allcock s Porous Plasters (had used two other kinds of so-called Porous Plasters which-gave me no relief) but one of yours has worked like a charm, giving I . I r a v " . mo complete reuei, ana i nave not been troubled with Rheumatism and Kidney Complaint since using them, and I consider myself cured. Edward D. Burkham. Broixolila,l TrouTolos . 122 C St., Washington, D. C, January 7, 1882. f I take great pleasure in recommending .i.lcock"s Porous Plasters. I was in-r dnced to try them by Mrs. Samuel J. Ran dall, and I found them everything desired. I utd four other so-called Porous Plasters hfore procuring Allcock's : they were per- ivi-uy useivss. oui immeu lately upon ap plying two of Allcock's to my chest uiv cokumtu bad cough were at once relieved. I want you to send me one dozen forth with. JOHN T. INGRAM. Curocl. Hammel's Hotel, Rockawat Beach, N. Y., May 19, '82. Allcock's Plasters have been of such great service to me and mine that I feel, a duty to state the facts, as briefly as possi- oie, to inuuee others to use them. My wife for many . 3'ears was confined to her bed; suffering from spinal disease. After spend ing a thousand dollars in vain effort to et cured, she applied three Allcock's Plas ters to the .spinal column, one above the other. In a tew days all pain left her She applied fresh plasters every two wH.-ka and in the course of two months she com pletely recovered her health. At first she could hardly walk across the room ; each a ay sue walked a little further, and now she is able to walk five miles without f- tigne. She still occasionally applies the plasters to her back, but she has been ner- fectly well for upward of a year. LEWIS L. HAMMEL. nof T WBl reived A FRESH LOT OP ASSORTH) w GARP.EN SEE1 A Good SLATE GjJ sAny person purchasin-r mcu BOOKS or Medicines, &o., Si Drug Store will be Dresenisi "uitj slate. LAMPS AND LAMP GOODS, at reduced prices, At ENNISS' Drugst unuunry 10, looa. WANTED. -Cio, bets, at . EiNJNISS' finj stl SCHOOL BOOKS it COST, at - ENNISS' Dm Irtf. North Carolina Railroad, CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS HOI NO EAST Dale, Apr. 3u, 1&82 Westeru X. C. Ineaue Asylum. We are authorized to say that pa tients carried to the Western N. CL Insane Asylum, at Morganton, with out irsi? obtaining perniissiou from the Superintendent .to be carried there, and complying with the law and regu lations, will not be admitted. The law requires that about 10Q patients, who have heretofore been confined in the Asylum at Raleigh, shut I be first to receive accommodations at Morgan- ton, After that number is properly provided for the authorities ot" the Asylum at Morganton wi4l ue every exertion possible to take us many of the outside insane as t'uev can. The Superintendent and Directors syiu thize very much with the deui made upon them for admission they are doing all that it is puj to do under the circumstances. remember uot to carry any one to the Asylum, expecting admission, with out first making the required arrange ments with Lr. Murphy, the Superintendent. There are now in the Asylum at Morganton about eighty persons from counties West of Guiltord, removed from the Raleigh Asylum ; aud there are about 20 more yet to be removed to Morganton belonging to the West ern Division of the State. At Morgan t..n, -Mecklenburg has But! J. W. RUMPLE, Conimissiauer. ix the supe rior CO CRT. NORTH CAROLINA, ' ROWAN COUNTY ' i Nancy L. Boyd, Plaintiff, ) against V Suit for Divorce Henry Boyd, DtfoVt. ) It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Henry Boyd, the defendent above named, is a non-resident of this State, It is ordered that publication be made in the "Carolina Watchman." a newsnnner published in Rowap county, notifying the said Henry Boyd to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior Court, at a court to be held for the County of Rowan, at the lourt-liouse in Salisbury, on the 9th Mon day after the 4th Monday of March, 1883, and answer the complaint which will be de posited iii the office of fhe Clerk of the Su perior Court of said county, within the first three days of said term, and the said defen dant is notified that if he fail to answer the said complaint during the said term, the piHiuuii win appiy to tne Uourt for the re lief demanded in the complaint. J. M. HORAH, Olerk 24:6w Sup. Court, Re wan County. Malaria, chills and Fever, and BllUoua attacks positively cured with Emery's standard Cure piis -an infallible remedy : never falls to curethe Lmt obstinate, Ion standing canes SSS all other remedies had tailed. They are prenaml expressly for malarious sections, in double boxes. m&5m of Pills, containing a strong eatUarUcaSi a chl'l breaker sugar-coated; containing no oulnine y-usADgvogTiMnor purging ;t&ey ire mild and efficient, certain in their actions nd bam. less I u aU cases i they effectually cleanse the nyHt em and give new life and tone to the bly. T, a bout, hold reined they are tinequaled. Kor Liver "com plaint their eiu:U I not known ; om boa win a s msmmma effect on the worse caw. Tbn in PK IP prescribed fby pb)ml-laa. a ad wdd bv druggists everywhere1, or seat by mall, s and M cent boxes. Emory's Utile Cathartic Miu J5 F0I S AU BY J. H. ENNISS. 1 554 Mais St., Hartford, Coxn., ) April 26, 1879. Will you please send me an Allcock's orous Plaster, 20 inches lorn? bv 7 inches wide, to use on my back for weak ness oi aiuneys. l have worn them with the best curative effect, for a weak side. near the heart, many years for injury caus ed by strain and lilt ins in the arinv T could not do without them; I use one about every mnfh.I have on a Belladonna Plaster and ddtTt like it at all, for it has not the power or strength of Allcock's Pouocs Plasters. B. WELLS SPERRY. "A Blessing in Disguise." 484 Adelphi St., Brooklyn, March 29, 1881. No family should be without Allcock's Pouocs Plasters; their healing powers are wonderful and their efficacy far-reaching and lasting. For years past I have seen and known them to cure and relieve the most obstinate and distressing cases of rheumatism, kidney complaint, bronchitis, neuralgia, lumbago, infiamation of the lungs and throat, paralysis, asthma, spinal weakness, and coughs and colds. In my own case they afforded me almost instant and permanent relief. My friends consider them an invaluable and speedy remedy To. all kinds of aches and pains. They are a blessing in-disguise; and no wife or mother should be without them if she values her peace and comfort and freedom from ner vous exhaustion and other ailments. As a strengthening plaster, also for backaches and weakness, they have no equal. I have never yet found a plaster so efficacious and stimulating, or to give so much general sat isfaction. Used in connection with Brax dretu's universal life-giving and life-healing Pills, no one need despair of a speedy restoration to good sound health. MRS. E. TOMPKINS. Leave Charlotte... . 4 Salisbury M High Point.. A rr. G reensboro .... Leave Greensboro . Arr. HillsLoro " Durham ...... " Raleigh Lr. . " Arr. Gohlshoro No. 51. Daily. 4.10 a.nT 0.05 " 7.20 " 8.10 ' 9.30- " 11.47 " 126 " 1.40 p.m. 4.05 " 6.30 So. a, baiil. o.2S ?sa a- 8.38 9Mt' II 28 " 12 08)1 I 20 A M 13011 o0 No. 15 Daily except Saturday, Leave Greeusboro 6 30 p. m. Arrive at Raleigh 2.45 p. m. Arriveatlioldsboro 8.00 " No. 51 Oonneets at Salwbury W.S.C.I R.. for Asheviiie and Warm 8prinjhi Greentboro with R.A D. R. R. for all fit North, East and Went, via. l.nui!!f. H Goldsboro with W. & W.R. R. for Wileurl ton. No. 53 Connects at SaJisburyTritli W.I C, K. R. for all point- in WeMern N. Carotin daily at Greenxboro with R. & I). K. K)ints North, Last and West. TRAINS GOING WEST. Date, Feb. 19, 1882. No. 50. Dailv. 'No. Si bailT. LeaveGoldHboro Arrive Raleigh Leave " Arrive Durham ... " Hillsboi .... ' Green! ro., Leave ' Arrive High Piont Salisbury Charlolle.... 10.00 a. mJ - -12.15pm ' " 4.15 u I - ; 5.32 " i - 6.11 " j - -i 8 30 " ! 9.15 " 10.11a. i 9.-,o " 10.50 " 11.12 " lilp " I 1. 10 a.m. 2jLr No. 16. Dailv ex. S ii 1 1 f v -1 . v . C j oldeb'o 4.4J' I A p. Kaleich Lv. A r. G reeiwborpfj5 No. 60 Connecls at Charlotte wiij" A- Air Line for all points in the South audbtw . west. J & A.R.R. with allpoints South and Souuk N. W. N. C RAILROAD. Going West. Lv, Greensboro Ar. Kernersville " Salem A S4!5 CURE pO BURNS, CUTS. BRUISES AND LAMENESS. West Becket, Berkshire Co w tJ Mass., Jan. 23, 1882. We could not keep bouse without Illcockl's Plasters, for 20 yearn we have used them ri j I s . a an -ft A BW . - - 9 - ft A ""'" .netn mw enective for Burn Cut Ksiil.a. H .) ..II 1. : I '"" aim ai ft i ii u oi juamenesc JULIA E.SHAW. Going Wet, Leave Salt m Ar. Kernersville " Greenaboro No. 5! No. 50 om, Daily. ext I 9 25 p in 1025 1041 " H35 in io" jjwjLl No. 51. -Daily. No. ex-Sun. JL 6 46 " 5 - 7 45 " lift--' UAH uiivERiifY WKfr o. i m Daily tJ Goino North Ieave Chapel Hill Arrive Univeraily.. 7.30 m 8.52 H M I.M.ft lflKX i Jan it tnaai ? I am trwuhlecl with mmuim im tkmhdmk . t "l or your roauts Flasthi n' L 1 -it armai tlir hci I nave a I mo j I take ks Um ftllli.'tai Lr ikaa Got no Bornt. Ieave Univeriiy j Arrive Chapel Hill ...... I Daily 5.40 p .4ipV 1 Pullman Sleeninsr Car mm Hi Jrmlm No. 5. Nvw Yotk Waahinatoai A Inil. liftTtift M Usa t iftftWrv at ft H aftftft mmmM A M- !- -- a tft ft at kTeVwiIf 1 1?k4 'f, Tea-ay A?!?0 U :

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