r k M I he Carolina Watchman, i T f 3? i .mat SALISBURY. M. C, JULY 19, 1888. THIRD SERIES 4 - NO 40 - ... trtrir fTfll K I i V -1 t :. - . .;. . . , . . i m t f -TheC SSTABj kdlina Watchman, JSlfeD IN THE YEAR 18S2. 2 im'iVPIT lot -Kyspi-pwa, CotlTenii Sick Headache, Chronic Diar r!i:i, Jaundice, Impurity of the L j'wwl. Fever and Agiui, Malaria, and ail DineMf cautiil ljr le- geLent of LiTtr- lowt and Kidneys. flfrioMSAF A aHSKAfKl IJVER. lESIllreatbl Pain in the SWe, somcunws the " h t fffil the SlwuUWr.Ua.te. mistaken for P,DX I-n Liewl l of appetite; Bowels r2 . troablcd with pain, is dull and heavy ,h eMsiderafcle ! memory accompanied SJSSndXi ..of leaving U...W something SS S : l fovc been U.e; a 4ig:.t. dry Coi.gE t 53forBP: p:.Uc on.plain. SSJUf anil deiiiuty ; nervous, easily .tarried; fJ2 , t,r h-HUS, prr mpil j) h ef L cxs:.spir. -. low and WPfent. w ! e.l ...a i 4i ,l eaeicisc would taMjene- ''"Fri s i:.. ...... trmr . Several lov syiitptoiiis attend the disease, but casts it lew oi irieiii num. ti shown the Livor to rcrsons Tfavpline or Uvinj hra OM i.ixStltics. hv tal iiu a dose i 2 q kctp thf L''vr in healthy ..cthn, v .' M:tlarin. Ilittoas attack, l:zzim tave Murreancn . .,.,,n nfker death has have eeu extensively deranged. It sllnnld Wuscd by all peraorm, old And jjitnt- whenever any oi sue aine sjiuplilit! appear. or Wvinsr In TJn- oc:asion- will avoid ; M riu mis attack. U:z7iiiess, Nau- . 'in.. DeoreiiB of Spirits, etc. It will Ll-ratekt a of wine, but is no in toxicating bevei-ago. Iff You have eaten anything hard ot dirMtion. or feel heavy alicr meats, or aieep- 1 An.) M . fill 1 im VMllSUAyl let at nigni, jaxe a uux - Tlnie and Doctors' It ills will be saved, by aln-ays keeplnjr the IU-gulator I in the Houae! Fori whntevVr the ailment may be, a thnroughJy ujtt pure;atlve, alterative mm tonic can m l out of pUce. The r-ntedy is barinleas am does not iaterferc with buaineaa or plejixiir.-. t it IH tURELY TEGFTABLK, Anjh:is all the power and cllicicy 1 Cdomel or Quiine, wilhiut any of ihe injurious after euects. I A irtvemrr' Testimony. Simmons LJrer Regulator lia Uenin use in my fbnly for s"ife time, and I am satisfied it is a callable additjicn to the medical science. t 1- G".l Siiorthh, Governor of Ala. jlon. Aleitantler II. 8tephena, of 6a.. lav: Have derived some benefit 'nm the use of Siiniuiis IJvlr Regulator, and wuli to give it a funher Uial. ! fThe only Thine that never .'ails to ilievc." T have used many remedies for fJys- sia. l.iverAffei:tion and IXl.ility, l.ut never : Tounu aaythmc to tenant me to the extent Situiurts I.ivir Regiilalor has. I seiit from Nrin- suta to (Jeoteia fr it. ;.nd would send 'urther lor such a mediciic, and would advise ail who are sim ilarly .Tirmed-io give it a Uial as it seems the only tntng mat neyir fails to relice. fp. , U. Jannlv. Minneapolis, Mine. T. Wl Mason navf : From actual ex- ence in thi nie of Simmoi.s liver Retilator in ; practice I ltave been amf a:n f alisficd to use 1 presci ioe ias a purgative mcuiciue. fiTakel only the Gennine, which always has uti the rapper the red Z Tratie-Mark iaJ Signature of .J. II. K1I.1N A CO. I FOR sltK BY ALL DRUGGISTS. The Farmer's Hen. A famons hen V my story's theme Who ne'er was known to tire Of laying eggs but then she'd scream So load o'er every egg 'twould seem The house must be on firer. A turkey cock who ruled the walk, A wiser bird and older Could bear't no longer ; so off did Stalk, Itight to the lien and told her ; "Does nothing to the matter; . It surely helps the egg no whit ; So lay your egg and done with it, I pray yon, madam as a friend, Cease that superfluous chatter : You know not how 't goes through my head!" "If limit, very likely!" madam said, Then proudly putting forth a leg "Uneducated barnyard fowl, Yon know no more than any owl The noble privilege and praise Of authorship in modern days; I'll tell you why I do ft, First, you perceive, 1 lay my egg, And then review it ;" . I ' 1 12.. OS JL ! Those who aim at something great, Never yet were found too late ; Be iu time. Life with all is hut a school ; We must work by plan ami rule, With some noble end in view, Ever ready, earnest, true; Be in time. A Story of the War. Death of Gov How Two Suppoted Dead Soldier Met and legh News-Observer. . Bcuclier. - Recalled an Incident of Battle. "Gath" in the New York Tribune. The ex Confederate General Gordon told me an interesting story about two interviews he held with General Barlow. At Sharpsburg Bailow was apparently mortally wounded and fell into Gordon's hands. Gordon took a liking to him and asked him if he could uot do some tiling for Barlow. "1 thiuk not, General," said the young man. 'i snairoe utmeu neie. no tioutti. I do not expect to live. But yon can do political field as a Democrat, he was for Here inn nacknee of many years a conspicuous ugure in pon- m:n:um:i items. One third of Edisto Island is now own- from Chanel Hill announces that the Hon Abraham Bench er died iu that v ill iage this morning. The intelligence was not unexpected, as the distinguished gentleman had long been in failiug health, and was so great a suf ferer that death comes to him as a friend bringing release and rest. Gov. Readier was born in the county of Wake iu the year 1798. He was edu cated at the University at Chajiel Hill, chose the law as his piifeion, atd ston made his mark at the bar. Entering the tics; was a member of Congress from the Chatham distiict for a number of terms one tlnug for me. Here i a letters from my wife, which I wish yon to destroy before my eyes." Gordon, who was then a young man, ok tne letters and was- aUnat to destroy them when Harlow, will u -nib ble at his throat, murmured : Would you, take the trouble to read one of them first f Any oue will do." Gordon opened one of the letters and i nil respects a stnmj read it to tlie dying man, his last frieud- mind and will, strong The Time of Beauty. Says a receut writer: "Woman joins in an insurrection against the uni verse when she acts as though her lite were all involved in those few years covered by her personal beauty. Phys ical beauty is only one of the gifts of heaven to the daughters cf earth. That form of worth may fade away into beauty of mind and heart, but it should be as dawn passes up into morning, and not as evening passed down nto night. Woman, is fully authorized by nature to make her fif tieth year as noble as her sixteenth, her learning, her conversation, her taste, her matchless purity, her infi nite friendship, which has not enough worlds to conquer, being more than able to atone for tints that may have 1,000,000 POINDS OF DRIED FRRIT AND DER IES AT Tvler. Presidt him Governor - - u 1( Lv, and minister to Portugal under President j fade( fvom her cheek. When physical mt Bud.anjn appumteii. j beauty- is made the aim of being life of New Mexico, and he jfi limited to about twenty years. Thus are fifty years left without an adequate reason of being except that a part of the period was the aprroach man ; strong- in I Df beauty, the other part, the retreat, in character and fuj uf mucn humiliation." was residing at Santa re when the war between the States broke out and ho re turned to his Southern home. He was ed by negroes. Abbeville coutitv has 804 miles of highways, worked and maintained by the public wiMi an average of five bauds to the mile. A mortgage of $100,000 has been plac ed on the C. & L. Railroad to secure bonds for that amount which arc also endorsed by the C. C. & A. Railroad company. Clias. M. Booser, charged with placing twobarsof iron on the track of the Air Line Railroad, near Ayerville, Ga., oh Satur day morning, thereby causing a serious accident to a tram, is a native ot urange burg, S. C HoKG Kong, July V. Cholera has broken out at Swatow and is raging violently. IKIMTAYLOR HAVING PURCHASED Nkw York, July 9.-Policemen Jno. O'Donovau and Charles Reynolds were seriously wounded while attempting to arrest a burglar in Jersey City last night. The burglar was fatally shot. He said his name was Frank Brown. Alkxanduia, July 9. The provisions have given out at Damietta and the peo ple are starving. A uumber of the Eu miimii lf'Hidents made an attempt to break the cordon around town and sever al of them were wounded. Hni.TKN. Nkb.. July 12. A tornado j , ly words perhaps from home. Then the letters were destroyed. But the incident touched Gordon so that he made a site-' cial exertion to have Barlow sent thro' the lines or to hae his wife admitted to him. This being done the two armies fell apart and these two men saw each other no more. Gordon considered Bar low to be dead. Barlow had also seen that a General Gordon had been killed somewhere. They met again at a friend ly talde in Washington, but did not know each other through the changes of time. After some lapse Gordon iid : "Gen eral Barlow are you a relative of that Bailow who was killed at Aulietnni 1" "No," said the General, "I am the same man. Are you any relative," inquired Harlow in turn, "of that General Gordon who was recently killed on the Confeder ate side T" ' "That was my cousin ; I am John B. Gordon." Then at the request of the persons who overheard, Barlow told his tale, amid tears and emotion on every side. steadfast in his convictions. The new la.y taxing saloons in Ohio bids fair to redue general taxa tion at the same time it promises to nut nearlv all the saloons in the Among ,the Albany (N. Y.) families which have lived longest on Capitol Hill are those of McNab and Cniuming. About thirty-five years ago two young tuen be- iaJjJ 0f t,e big brewers and distil longing tothe two families, who had erg The Mocrlin Brewing Company long been intimate friends, and as full of amj Windisch, Mulhauser & Co., of spirit and activity as most persons ot Cincinnati have paid $44,000 in the their age, retired into lifelong seclusion, sl,a,)C Gf taxes under the bcott law each in his own house, apparently m already. This sum was advanced by pursuance of a solemn compact. M X;il jhosc iii nis in payment of taxes for dird about five years ago. Once in a 220 saloon-keepers who were unable while the neighbors caught a glimpse of to p,lt , tie necessary $200 license au old man walking up and down in the fee. The conditions were the execu izaidcu behind his house, but he never lion bv the saloon keepers to the was seen on the street, dimming is brewers of a chattel mortgage on all still liviug in mysterious retirement. ' their fixtures and a written agrec llany years ago a neighbor looking out ! nietifi that they would purchase beer KLUTTZ & RENDLEMAN'S! They have just received a new supply of SUMMER GOODS, which they offer try cheap, with a full assortment pf Dry Godtts ifotions, eiotMn5V Ptttnisliing Goods. Their Stock of Family Groceries is large and complete. They still have the best Flour, Oat Meat, Meats, Sugars, Teas, Coffees. Rice, Meal, Bran, Shorts, New Orleans Molasses, Syrups, Pure Lard, &c. A full assortment of Family Medicines. Table and Glassware, A Good Stock. Still have a plenty of Five Cents Tinware, sell, for vc will do you good. Jnlv 4th, r8S3. FRUIT JARS cheap and all kinds. Agents for Coats' Spool Cotton, Jiff Come and see us before vou buy or the scuttle of his house, saw the hermit's head bob in at his owu scuttle, a few .rods away, bat since then no one outside of the family has seen John dimming. His brother William, ft grain merchant, '.told the census-taker in 1880 that John I was living, hut ho invariably declines to apeak of his strange existence. A Buggy with hut One Wheel. Chicago Trtbnne. of none but their "benefactors." A Canadian "infant industry" has been wrecked it appears by the ope ration of the new tariff in this coun try. The duty on barley was reduced from fifteen cents ten cents per bush el and the tariff on malt raised from twenty per cent, ad valorem to tweu- One of our good citizens came near ty cents per bushel. "Under tins having his earthly affairs wound up night tariff," savs the Toronto Globe, "it is I 1 f...... Lit., r.uiliinr ni'itmwl his OWU inuwiccililu f',n tlto ( 1 1 ! 1 1 i I II mfllt.HtPI A reporter yesterday investigated the . - - ...v. . 1 " " ' 1 I IT ...1 ... tlia OltV fit 4- ,..,.n(n nirnni.l 1 mni'IP'lll nilfl "Chicago Single-wheel Buggy Company" , i" "v - w '"l " f " llic uuiinciiucinc ia ihmv "i I ..1.1 . 1 .. f . 1 II I'M. IllilllUIUtlUICVI CAI"1 11 ....-.. blow. Some hundreds of men and . i. . ... . i . . i . . ... .i , .... tin. ' I ...... I ..-,. I ..t mucn u ilc nt ilfi u .1 ,; weni at once to t u cui t iui - mimucu? ui imn. .un.o .v. the incorporators, to be the smiling dis-, " uv U,1VC xv v ... , , . c i ... 'IV Z ... . ' chickens, for the night. His next door be throvuout ot employment on lo- peuser of amber lager beer in au Adam . " , , i . 111 l. : .1. .. ........ I. .,(,.. I i.nnln .i niin nelgUUOl IlCailllg Hits ISKSCt vuuhuuuu hhhu UIUIIVi J. It. KEEN, Salisbury, N. C. Apt for PHIENIX IRON WORKS, Emcines, Boilers, Saw Hills, AND TURBINE WHEELS Also, Contractor and Builder. Ja 25, '83. if whose r,icorporation. with a capital of 2 o'clock that night from Concord, brmg $1,800,000, was telegraphed from Spring- j ig ith him, a lot ot hue spring chick Held. He found Mr. Fred Binder, one of .'. '" ,,,s street saloon, and through him became trying to rob his i . i i 'r.....i..v niirhr iWuiliakKd sl iinmber of I ,u.nnaii.tl with Mr Vii'kI. tlt iii- that souieoouy was a mrviVM'j a v " .- i -a t w a o " , . . . ClilcKeu rotsr, ami opening wiuunn, t luiildinirs at Salido City, killing three pen tor of the siucrle wheel buggy. IJoth w omen and one child, and injuring fifteen gentlemen admitted that they were inter m -a . I . other perstius. The storm passed direct- ested iu the f 1, 800,000 enterprise, and did not deny that they expected to mountains of money with Mr. Yogel'a in ly from north to South. Paris. July 12. M. Loms Pasteur, a French chemist, has offered to organize a mission with the object of origin of vetitiou. 1 he latter consists oi a which will be attached to a horse by means of a pair of buggy shafts, STOCK of this new contrivance absolute safety iu driving is secured, as the wheel can only tip or turn over iu case the hoie does the same thing. Besides, he claims that his new vehicle can get anywhere a horse can get, and that the horse will bo able to make greater speed in this con trivance than in any sulky of the old pat tern. through the streets of Chicago in his sin- 0 F M.'SMITHDEAL, I AS WEIiL.VS THE INTEHBST OF :..i-..uiirii!nir tlm iisitni'M and ,l,e cIh.1, EgJ .... 1 " S'e t n - the chick,,, " ixwi.iii im.4 endorsed t he scheme, ami v. I III icoioii " ma- .--. - Pasteur has applied to Lord Granville, the British Foreign Secretary, to turuish him with facilities for carrying ont his mission. Lima, July 12.-Gen. Moore, the Aiuer MViil nt ("alia, died last night of 1 1 (to a J U a me ------7 w yellow fever, flags are at half mast on all shipping to-day out of respect to his memory. The message of tlie president of Chili on the subject of pcaco with . wheel uext Saturday. Gen. Iglesias lias fallen into ft uiunoer bolt iu Bolivia. The conduct of the Pe ruvians is bitterly commented on. Maye ViLLE, Coi.., July 12. Yester day Denuis Hagerty Heury Dowling, two desperadoes, met James Lynn and a Swede, 3 miles from town. They shot with a club The Idaho Jail. Trie jail of Na ples county, Idaho, is a hole in the ground ten feet deep. The prisoners are dropped in with the significant warning that the guards have each killed their man, and positive orders to put a hole through every head that . i At f; .1 ,.l...n ilm L.ii.f.ii.n Tr 1 1 T 1 1 . i ..,..1 i in. hiiiiet missetl Wie citizen nunui ii.in ;t i juuib iiwii- oini-. ...v... . . .... i. i- i .... .t. i.i :.. vard and passed through both sides be isaru to enmo out, as me -uuic rer. larger at the bottom tiian at tne top. ! VVIipii k oriiuiiier is wanted a wire 1 held his pistol in the direction of the ' noise and tired. Instantly a yell from . .I... ,.ti ...... fijl il,u mi ,1 h linr that a ma ice ; o--- mistake hail lieen made and lie put m . . .. i i : !.:..!. wheel h's pistol to bear tne explanation, which i -i i of course was simple and easily inane. fefe STOMACH Notim" Plioul 1 1m h.st if Uip etr.raarli, hr ana lw N :: n.n cti il , t aili t tli s'tre rented e, liosft iti-r's stmimch Uilti-ra.. Dm easesoftlie organs n.iiiud hj;a others far more serious, iunl i d l-.y is, tiierefore, haz- ui-.L.iw iivso. n.!:i. liver coniiiiuini, ciuiia .....I r.-..v Jii-K- iliumaLie twiir'ea. kidue v..-.kns.' bri.'iir serious boililv trouble if trili t with. bo?o no time iu uaiuu Una effeeuve lilltl safe medicine. I'or sale by all Dru(nrt-tJ aud Dealer feucrally. EALTHCOR6ET Increases In ponnlarit. eve ry day, aa ladies find ft the ms COXFORTABr.G ASD FFRFWT FITTING core t eve r worn. Mer chant) my it cives thebcf t tntisf action of any cors't thoyever fold. Warrant d saturadnrr or money re funded, lorealoby 17:tf J. 2. 3ASEILL only, "Salisbury, N. C. ft I I iiled to a free delivery ' rope is droped down, and the man is r. This is considered iu pulled up. Ool. Springs hep. Raleigh is entii' of her mail matte tl,..r nlawa ii "rent advantage. It is i .... !.1w..,.ti,1.,,t. of thocitv and renders Of the 272 periodicals published ; .iaimuio K ii ol.u-H of resilience, at St. Petersburg and Moscow, 249 To secure it we will have to nundier our are printed, in Russian, nine in Ger houses. Even Mint of itself will be an man, BruuswlcksChampion Rattlesnnke "R. P Cax?A fhn flm of l. vim and beat the Swede with a --v vi ct w t. ji a. j x tiiu xx . xxx w i r and then robbed tnem ooiu ot ic hi lars they possessed. Hagarty and Dow- were arrested in the evening ami R R. CRAWFORD & CO. Hug V.'e are now prepared to supply our feustoraers with all kiuds of JiGRICULTORAL IMPLEMENTS, I Iu addition to the liest Selected Stock oi II A;R D VV A R E in the I STATE. locked up, but were afterwards takeu from jail, and hung by the citizens. Lynn aud the Swede will both die. We also handle Eifle ana Blasting Powder j jF U S E al a full liue.ot. Mining Supplies.' - We will duplicate Any Prices in ' f. - Pakis, July 12. The French press warmly approves of the agreement be tween the British goveiumeut and De Lesseps for the construction of another Suez Canal. The Temps says the agree ment is a defiuite treaty of pence which the business world cannot fail to applaud. LaBourse says that conflicting interests have seldom beeu arranged so satisfacto rily. LeParis declares that by this agree ment the seeds of discoi d have been de stroyed. i o Tl. V.rtli fifirm.in Gazette again iudirectly attacks Sargei the Americau Minister in an article rela tive to a late report of Sargent on Amer- : Th nnzpfte m same article le.tii wi - " quotes an article from a Cinciunatti pa opr relative to tlie discoveries of adnlter utiou in American lard. A Times Berlin dispatch says the Bunderath when in re assembles will probably pass a iaw tor . A . ; .... . i.:.ia;...r tkn imnortation oi Aiiiriit.in "'""ft - -lard. the State. r'AIX ANI) SKE US. Ua'tTATWl. 50:1 v However things may seem, no evi thin' is success, and no good thing is a failure. Nothing is more dangeroas than a fricm S. A. Swain, Esq., writes us from Smithville that the champion snake ot Brunswick was killed by one of his "dip- a. ..t!.. aa w 1 m nns l1 pers IU HIS turpriuino wwii Gravis' Creek on Wednesday of last week. When the man saw the snake he was so four in French, two each in . i and in Hebrew, one caeii m tat 1.1 a..!. ... zens will ue eiau o nave 1 ' n 1 . i , 1 1 j iri-niv til I S II biiuiiod to the world. Armenian. e I P 1-...,. H. I cnni.i-l' i tho substantial bene- are eutireiy nee iroui uuiwa. Tr. rhfl svstem of sion ; the remaining it ate urnua . . . - : i ... i a..:.... ' : ...,.,,f W t-iL-t. it Unit itiir eitl. 3tr. vogei expects to .v .u.i -""- - ... ...... ; p;,,,,;,,!, ,! ; tat 11 i 1 al.... . . t M.lirrilWII 111 I U l? . Ill IIIIIIOii uaa W,,!., , , , . Ut tliee. aeain. oniv ioi w aud ghul to enjoy fits accruing from it C ompost vs. C:innercial Manure. Everybody who passes the farm of. Mr. (.). .McLdlantl, ot I'oncttrti towusuip, ie- marks upon the exc. Hence ot his cotton. It is a uuilorm height oi irom Knee to half thigh all over the Held. A gentleman from Mooresviile who passed that Way the other dav, said it was the best lot ot .1 ' lf.. .....Lit cotton ho lias SL-en mis year. talkht" to Mr. McLelland about it NVed- uesdav. He .-;iil there v as no conimer- ial manure under it ; lie doesn t use it, . . it-. i 1 .1 but. makes. his own compost. Ills ileitis i : l. 1 . .. ... .Ik i i .... t i 1 1 1 1 1 n iii ifo p' !li.M Willi a i.UIHIHit llilavi vf. ti i v . - - a acid, cotton seed and stable manure, not only much eiieajrer man .1 I.I . i U..i.n)!iiii,wiru nnn. I whti'h is nninheiinu oar houses Ue at once put it. nenuy wuijai to . , flM tilizel.s but is a far better sure. oi i cici""'b , practice. News Observer. How to makk ito.--The New Sun of this morning says: "In UtniUlMaii nartv anneals to be ready to go oat iu J834." is ivneblips and (53 monthlies. The A. J Iff vtaass'j - hironst ri roti lat ion of al! is said to be 1 l M ' " H. " a word the 7 1 ,000 co pies j the second largest only afterwards. On the I ;,.a 25;000.iL.eo.n.8t, alone This is true, boasts oi i,avx icinmivai.7, v. ...v,.. a con- ... i :.. impressed with its size and appearance enough and only oue tiling can si.iuo .u that he shouted for assistance, when two the way ot its going, ami mat is .1 1 . . ......... fl.A tli vr. I I more men came auu u.-ir:u the reptile was despatched. Upon beiug 67 arc political dailies. measured he was found to be between six and seven feet long aud about twelve inches in circumference, and had twenty- seven i attles. This was undonbtedly a large snake, hut considerable behind the Pender cham pion rattlesnake, a portion of the skin of which, without being split, was kept on exhibition our othce tor a year or more. It measured sixtieu iuches in circumfer ence. Wilmington Stir. . . , ii i ... .. . ... ...r ... . . l x uu l ir ,, n ii.ttii i il .ik...w tmt iiiHin tit. nolle v oiner man ui ' r-i . , , . , "turuinfithe ra'scals out." If we next printer who, whenever asked to dr.nu 4' ...I..t.. 1iu I..IUII ail iihiinlv that beer, laid aside iu a 1111 lUIIUHllllO IHO I I . .1 111 .......n,,! Lverv voter can con.piehend them, there the exact amount he would have spent I.. i i ti.r iirobablv will . for the drinks. owiiL ma w.., . not b, any doubt of our success. I at.... i.ittnv iiiMiiiur. Iior O II 111 UliiL it in mm m o,ivi . :. : . . -1 - thn iriMiinn crops tue vt-it-r n i l'1" IJ -s but lireiiiise its i:ootl enects lire tumiuiieu On the field in question, .flJ compost were used to avo a irood deal to s.iy i . , .. i i .it i tn vonr nanci. eam .-., "about fanning matters. Y ny don t you tell the people to stop using commercial fertilizers and make more compost f1 lAindmark. He did this for live II .1 1 l..l l. la I'll! .- years, ne men iwucu ai n.o rniint. and found that he bad laid up $521.86. In the five years he had wit hict. a dav because ot sicuness. The Greek study is a humbug, main tained through professional superstition, and in order to provide occupations for ft few Greek professors, who seldom know anything else but Greek. It should be abolished as a study except for divinity students or fossil -hnuters. it snotiiu not I... iwMtiiitttu! to bar vou U2 men froai A Ift 3a J B-1 A' S MM m s i -a s w o a ill 7 i X- 1 '.. O , . . i. " - a The San Francisco Bulletin of the 27th of June, publishes the distressing iutelli- enco that there has been a "fearful mas sacre of Christiana within the jurisdiction of Lung-kang Hsien, a few day's journey west of Ta-li Fu. A young French priest aud some scores of native converts have fallen victims to the fury of the mob, and all houses belonging to Chiistians be tween Lung-kang aud Ta li have been destroyed by fire." In some places the Christians nindo a vigorous resistance and prevented further outrage. Cyina, with its hundreds of millions, will be Christianized through commerce if it is eve'r Christianized. That is to say the missionary and trader must go hand iu hand. God is ususing the commerce ttf the world for the spread of the Gospel. Wil. Star, The OniEii. 'Moses, I heard that m . . . I l.aaaMnl Mltf ' your brother in UMffi na . - - - . f ,. " . - piinM or wa8te the time of stu- Yes, Isaac vhas all purneti ouoi. . xmee uta wi - . rolle-e Neither -.ii i ,i...t ..... lirP did not stmt1 K.l ?r, Gm meantime become dents aftel they entei cornet. ""' .mi 1 ii. ni iii.iv ...'v- in his own store.' No ; it vhas next door.' Well, that is st range.' Strange ! How vhas dot T' Why, that the Bie should start next door.' 'Vhell, I doan' ace it dot vhay. Dcr pecsness next door vhas shust der same, mid der man who run it was my odder brudder, Abrahaui YWall Street Sacs. nipn tail in Hie mwiim dUnvlrards. The water drinker then va a aa aa a -- - the printing olhcc, and nm t ie tunc ne his niouev lie had ; bought out ! iii twenty years liptr.m to out a way ! laid aside many thousand dollars Clifton Tex.) Sentinel. Independent Coloked Voteks. It is gratifying to observe that the political signs iu the South iudicate that the colored citizens will uever vote again solid with any party. Iu Tennessee aud Senegam bia the split promises to be a permanent one and iu Mississippi the Democracy are steadily gaining negro Votes. The same is true of Georgia and other Southern States. Southern politics will be more tfmce satisfactory and safe when the colored A Bank Robbed. Albany, N. Y T..i.. ti. Rink of branklin was i w - a t iv. - robbed early this morning of $800 in I silver. Two families living near were bound ai d gaged and alter two noun, work the burglars blew tneeaie ope... rim PTIl losion tore out nearly mo front of the building and et W lltiv a- , firo ihe naners. The money of the u . . . . . c ;.. ..n,olwr safe. Ihe rob a aa it i. it . l i ii aa aa v - - bers were traced a considerable dis- should any community be taxetl on ine pretense that Greek sliould U- taught in on. common schotls and academies. Mr. Adams has done well to attack this out rageous abuse. Cuieago Tribune. A white blackberry is an auomoly as far as the name is concerned, and a cari osity as well iirthis part of the country. It is ealitnated ll.at $30,000,000 English capital was invested iu Ameri can cattle ranches last year. I hen are now inthe West agents from sev eral large institutions in Englan laml Holland buying np water privileges and it niav be satelv estimated thai an equal amount will be invested tHis vear in the same way. Already tm lartreat ranches in the country a. " controlled by foreign capital. The many cyclones of the curr -year areas nothing to the furw fire storms that have leen whirlii. t . I ! - I i , , . . . ,. , , m . t a a rvMiilol J ft. C I I'flL'e showetl us a nuncu yes- over Hie sun. vue wna- ui rum muii terJav that were grown iu bis garden. A , energy is now reprcsentetl by a spot few i i 1 vears a:o tne oeu was fouud grow- 55,000' miles iu diameter. It is co i.' iu a brier patch uear Silver Hill, aud , tain that these sun spots arc to SOpk has sinee been cultivated to some extent, extent correlated with meferologiC:: : DavUUon Ditpaleh. phenomena on tne eann, out tne or - . . I eise deirree and direction ot tins in- . . .1 . .. i ....... 1 I Home is tne eeuireoi invmnni line is entirely wiped out. Death is the highwayman who demands Until money aud life. Better ft soft heart and an iron hand than and iron heart and a soft hand. Perfection is attained by slow degrees. svstem. From it protrccds the best and purest influence felt in the world, .in. toward it :rvavitate the tender- e?t hopes ol I men la nor w it.e humniiity. For it all tli.i'f iiiii-L-1 1 or C'd incit lawj. .viii.i- i. v.. days' last, and around it their thoughts linger lovingly when tliosc days arc gone. fluence remains as yet a -mystery. The water of tlie holy well nt Me ea has been fount I on analysis to r, -tain 57(J grains of solid matter t ti.e gallon, ami worse than the sec? -age of Loudon. This probiibiv plaiu t ic prcxa'ence of h '.era an on pilgrims. i M l - x ' . K 5, lsS-2 without discretion. snt