The Carolina Watchman. tfOL XlV. THIRD SERIES SALISBURY. N. C AUGUST 23, 1883. ; i 10 40 - 1 f t - TTT i. , 1 Tin- rm . y i : '(3 Vjctl ViLLlci jy u uvniuan , . i aouieiiiiiigr 10 jry uver. rmir Aicimni b jhhxhus. i j f&iiii . r " - ' a - - - a . v a a a a a akiiBki-k l. i a j v h m s w-. a x m - s 1 - y v I 1 1 t 1 I 111 IW'iaVt Bill & IITIl'll'l il v f . " . . - w . & .- . . '. HBMA BSTABtlED IN THE YEAR 12. IfE.fl.50 IN ADVANCE. - L' PEOF. DARBY'S Proiuiylactic Fluid. Xhe most powerful Antiseptic known. ! I ,1 .r. I I . i WILL feBVENT THE CHOLERA. The most power Anti septic' ageiiHtfliien chem ist: -y lias produced. its use either internal. ' i or Externally renders all It comes in contact; .vitli. inire,irert and clean it. ta a lai-l eai)iisuei - me production of tils- htlsSenbettoit many (lis-ase germs ceasesandthe : WS by recovew. putrid'-Hi-arddacOi n "f'SiiSXS$i, -weKen" thWaruSi . aiu scii.vso.tgeneiaie romoU!. the M f eaatoKtoo an. i iip 1,1 atlon ol healthy blesh. " i". -Fi . . . .. i lie air-... . ...... -t.n...... AphWera, 1 it Farifies wtii. b ts iio fhy.istatinjf' I ' the Our aid buI S Atmosphere. WKits ini--"' f,f deal n a raid lly t i-a ?l f 11 r the inie son imii its exwosurc In a Sick- thkki.i. J"W1?. room. Cellar. Stable nu- r EliLn e .. j ' ftc. Alf tflese'igeneriUe,,, " ' , ', lt.,.;11il inw VcVKKf EHFUPKUUi. ,ii .. .... ...I L contaglonrftliit'hseasts"''"""""- r;rufc F.TtX'ari;', iivinrr trom ooutprti wucb MMninn ; coiilcs of 4miesK. un-it isthusthat it aire In-: . . r , i'ii niprna v ir ), 1 heultliy slMU8 or nn-'dfeesllon and Dyspepsia. eHanaeas. ... i wiien ued ns a lotion . All tki Hfa ra". '""It destroys all Freckle ami curat oly tAmting the Hlotch-producing germs, ifridiirtUm i -""'.''-"""leavlnjr the skin clear. Hibf ,,n'rrf.! ytitof at- wlilt e and t ransparent, aa r.'ii pndjkeJl li't!i of t hat of a little child. these results iir , iilithtil bv tlfc u.' of I'rof . MTOfflfM ! I renders ail it hup. kiiowit!is s Icomes m contact! DARBt'S 1 with pure and PROPHYLACTIC Healthy. .Spaeo ilnel not permit us to name many of the nses to wiiliHi tls gre it Oerni-dcstroyer is applica ble. Ask your nigrLst for printed mat ter descrip tive of Its usefulness, or address I J. H. ZEILIN ft CO., Manuf.ictujflnir hieiuist, PHILADELPHIA. ' rteentiperlBottle. Pint Bottles, ji.oo. HAVING PURCHASED THE rt STOCK o v Wty. SMITHDEAL, I AS wel as the fxterest of Rr R (Criwford, of the firm of R. CRAWFORD & GO. We ire lim propaied to supply our 1' . . . i'S eith all kinds of CusUitu AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, X . , y u addition to the . Selected Stock ot A E D W A K E iu the j" S T A T E. . We also handle Powder FUSE ami a ful line ot Mining Supplies. I We will J IlJUcite Any Prices in ; the State. AND SEE US. LICK ft ER, 5, i sis S1FL TAYLOR. 5a:ly . Oct! P RENT!, bosrrliii i . s. r, witn an excellent eartlen. corner b . 1 T . ' con.. Vpply tu W.ll. NEAVE, u' ' uutt-U uia Ksber streets. 4:tf CHOXiFRA ! 1 1 i 1 i' f ' I It Destroys lcrms of Disease? BLAGKMER & TAYLOR 1 ' : i THE Washington C. Kerr, State Geologist. Tfc Jfc fVlUlirtu responds to that of Northern and middle Italy and Sonthern and mid dle France, being tempered on one side by the Atlantic ocean, and on 'the other bv the hioh table lands of the Appalachian moun tains. And as the Slate has so great a length from east to west, as well ns j so considerable an elevation towards the interior (3,000 and 4000 feet), 4 I - - 4 1 . mic range or climate is very great, from subtropical on the coaM, within the influence of the Gulf atreamto cold temperate on the table lands of the West. The isothermal in the one case, (at Smithville, the ! extreme southeast,) being 66 degrees (that of Alexandia, in Egypt) and in the .. ;? IX. t?J. .' . r T Other It Uoone. the llr her mmintniti ..i.., ' ... . L pi; in toe w aoout OJ Qe- erce8 w,ic, j8 tllat of Nnv Ynt.i. aiHl lW France; that of the plateaus oIm)uI - Grandfather mountain forty-five decrees, which corrpsnmuls to Outu- no, Canada, and Snscutchewan ; the o m 1 middle- region falling under the line degrees, which is that of Nagaska, I I a. r : I I . p. . i Athens, Gibraltar, fec. i he average fall of I winter is six inches. snow for the The average number of days of fog for. the year is but two. No nart of the State is ..l.s J i mm. . cunjcvi iu mc uwuiifiivc gaies. X lie average number ot tair days per j year is 132$ of rainy days 100, leav-i , . f V ' , j a- , . i insr loo to be classed as partly cloudy. Raleigh is very nearly of the tem perature of Florence, Italy. Bcoufort is almost exactly of theteiiiperature I i i I lit.iiM I M I 17 1 1 1 I 1 I t 1 1 1 1 I i ill i I t t'l VJI LUV Uj HUM . I 1 in v v ' I I lliv . j . 1 . , i mgton) is al- O - sea coast below Wilmin I most identical with that oi mcolosr. 0. ., . , ... .i . Sicily. Asheville (in the mountains), J v ... ., . na1 :t lemperaiure very iikc mm or Venice, Italy, and Iioiuuaux. Thus it will be seeii that the range of climate in the State is the same as that from the Gulf of Mexico to New York." The influence of thiscircum- a h uji si v I I. m i.i,l . i mm i . bin lift: i Bern in me w nic i anjic ji . i. i t nature and agricultural nctB from tno Hnlmrtli niul Mnomnll'l ...... ...v. ........ v . .... grantliflora to the White Pine, Hem hx'k and Balsam Fir, and from the sugar cane and rice to Canadian oats and bin -k wheat. And while the cold of winter is not severe, 10 degrees (of Far.) be rarely passed, except on the highest plateaus, the temperature I of midsummer is not so excessive or i trying as further North, in New York for example. At The Fire. It is strange how absent minded some people become when an alarm oi nre is given. Lne proniiiieni ieai dealer who rooms near where the fire originated Sunday night, on seeing the warehouse on fire, got up, bathed, J shaved, put on his buuday-gO'to-meet- ing clothes, parted his hair in the middle, put on his kids and walked out to view the ruins. Another young man got up locked, his door, threw 1 the key out, called up his "pups", and attempted to train then, to catch rats. An old gentleman put on three t pair of pants, two coats and his wile's night cap. Another one Wi'S so frigh- 1 tened he only put on his slippers and hat, which made him look very much 1 like a ghost. One of our young bloods ' thought it would be real nice, diked I out in his best suit, white neck tie and wore a large button hole bouquet, 1 marched down to the scene. He be- 1 come a little too careless and got in J front of the nuzzle of the Chemical engine hose, he was soon whitewashed and all the starch taken out of him. ! He left for his room a sadder and wiser man. Durham Recorder. fitTxivrr A. what ix ( lovroiirv- A verv serious cutting affray occurred at the ' depot in Concord last Saturday night in which Mr. Dock Coizine Was badly hacked up by two brothers named John and Joe Orthage, two factory hands. 0km - parties, .became involved ui a r quarrel, when the two brothers jumped ou Coi zine and stabbed and cut him in four or five place. CorziueV injuries were dress ed by a phytician who pronounces them serious, but not thought to be fatal. At last accounts the officers had not succeed ed iu arrestiug the twa Orthage brothers. Jou rmtl-Observer. In the economy of a well regulated family nothing should be allowed to go to waste. Aud the Spanish government acting 6u this assumption, lias issued a proclamation that says : "All articles in the shape of wine, groceries and provis ions, which npou examination and analy sis, are proved to be injurious to health will be confiscated forthwith and distrib uted to the different cluuitable institu tions." That is something like a certain Sunday school festival committee, which upon finding the oysters they had pro vided were bad, ordered them to be sent to the Home for the Friendless. Give close' personal supervision to eve- mAzl uiL. ' iy. department of your ousineRS ; "ine master's eves are worth laith his hands." Tr. John Hall, in an article en titled, "A TWng to Cry Over," j touches in a pathetic manner the the common habit of laughing at' drunken men. Dr. Hall stood on a boat in New York harbor. Not far off was a well dressed but tipsy young man. Beside the doctor was a plainly dressed man. When Dr. Hall saw the people laughing at the dunnkard, he saw in his neighbor's eye such a sad, pitying look, that he said to him : "They should hardly laugh at him," Said the man : "It is a thing to cry over." Then he told Dr. Hall of his own wife, who took to drink in Scotland, and who promised to re- I form if he would come to this coun-! try, but did not, and died of drunk- j en i iess, and when the doctor honed that he had comfort in the children, he said : "Oue, the second, is ; fche is a good child. Th oldest is not steady ' I can do nothing with her; and the youngest, a boy, cau't be kept j from drink. I've sold my place, and am going to a town iu Ohio, where, ' I am told, no liquor can be had to I trJ t0 avc ,Vm-" Dr- 1Iul1 closes as follows "Wlin u-iHild IWfct tvish fur follows: "Who would not wish for abstinence societies, tracts, books, ministers, sermons, young people's pledges, humane laws? Oue almost cries out for anything that will stop I his slow, eniol iiiiiriior nf homi 1mm . , ' n men, oi wuiiiuii, 01 nine cmiuien, of home, of peace, of immortal souls." A London (Ky.) scientists, accord ing to the Electric World, sings the praises of the frog, and accitlentally 1 . .. . ii i . i.!. lo I A Tim .. It. inaklit I ... I , . , . , iClitan has played iu the development 1 K . ot electrical science: "Even iu the benighted age in which Galvani lived it had been discovered that frogs' legs were good to eat. He had a pair of them hanging on a copper hook, and occasionally the wind would blow them against an iron .. - . . laiiiiiii. uiiu uiey wuinu km k euniii- whenever contact was estab- . . . . . . ... : i : .. iibiu-u. vjruiviiui iiuiiueu 11, uiiu Met his wits to find out the cause. Every body knows the history, although it is a long one, and everybody knows that from that simple occurrence, and through the defunct frog's instrumen tality, we have the telegraph monop oly, the telephone, (with the wires crossed half the time and the other half something the matter with the transmitter,) the electric light, which doesn't burn on cloudy nights, and many other blessings of life. The world owes all those things to the simple fact that a frog's hind legs are rtMMi to eat." Tlic Sweetest Joys. Very many of the sweetest joys of Christian hearts are songs which have been learned in th bitterness of trial. It is said of a little bird that he will never learn to sing the song his master will have him sing while it is 4ight in his cage. He learns a snatch of every song he hears, but will not learn a full separate melody of its own. And the muster covers the cage and makes it dark all about the bird, and then he listens and learns the one song that, is taught to him, until his heart is full of it. Then, ever after, he sings the song in the light. With many of us it is as with t lie bird. The Master has a song. He wants to teach to us, but we learn only a strain of it, a note here and there, while ve catch up snatches of tlie world's song and sing them with it. Then He comes ami maues it dark about us till we learn the sweet melody He would teach us. Many of the loveliest songs of peace and trust sun? by God's children in this wwl(l have been taoght in the darkened chamber of sorrow. - Christian Weekly. It is reported here npou what is con sidered good authority, that a short time siucc a party of four were seen playing cards upon the banks or near Cane river, in Yancey. But little was thought of the circumstance at the time, nud it was soon forgotten, till several young men went to the river to bathe, when they discovered the body of a young man. The corpse had a withe tied arouud the neck to the nd of which there was or had been at tached a weight and the body sunk in the stream. There were nine stabs on the body. The body was recognized as that of the young man who was seen playing cards. The others have fled the country taking with them or secreting the goods belonging to the deceased. Wo withhold names till the truthfulness of the reports can be ascertained. Hakcrsrille Ikmt crat. We suspect that the amount of hides tanned at the Tewkesbury Alms House, aud which have been disco vrred by Gov ernor Butler's off eye, has been the means of break i nt; the market and the immediate cause at the numerous failures :.. l .1 m i II" ki F . in hid usniiti uiiir.-nriy x rwtj Sheet. God helps them that helps themselves. Sloth, like rust, consumes more than labor wears, while the used key is always blight, A little neglect may breed great mis chief. Drive your business ; let it not drive you. A fat kitchen makes a lean will. It von would be wealthy think of saving as well as getting. Kewnre of little expenses; a smaJJ leak will sink a great ship. There are no gains without pains. Diligence is the mother of good luck, and God gives all things to industry. If you would have your business done, go ; if not send. Not to oversee workmen is to leave them with your purse open. If you would know the value of money go and try to borrow some ; for he that goes a -borrow ing goen a-sorrowing. Pride is as loud a beggar ns want and a great deal more saury. It is easier to suppress the first desire than to satisfy all that follow it. If yon will not hear reason she will sui el v rap your knuckles. The Apex of Honesty-. At a party one evening, several contested the honor of having done the most extraordinary thing. A reverend gentlemau was ap pointed judge of the respective preten tions. One produced his tailor's hill with the receipt attached to it. A buzz went thro' the room that this could not be outdone, when a seecoiul proved that he had jnst ! r:m""K remainder ot the Confeder al rested hit tailor for money that he had ! ate ? Baltimore American, lent him. "The palm is his," was the ! eP' general cry. Then a third put in his ! Mr. Davis witnessed one or more claim : "Gentlemen," said he, "I cannot ofll,e batt,e of war. He was on boast of the feats of hit predecessors, but tl)e fie,1( at t,)e first batt,e gf Manas 1 have returned two borrowed ambrel-!"&. Vf reg,mout of Mississippi j Wiles did magnificent work at Buena "This is the very acme of honesty," Vista an(1 tl'ed 'the tide of battle, as exclaimed the arbitrator, "it is an act' of 1 fa" S,,T 1 Jen7,is,n0t afraid virtue of which I neve, new one capable." , of gnnpowder, we may believe, or of H,.i,ii'tMi.f. i, uti i ,ni! any foe. But Davis has shown his miiu it luiuiii. i mi) v uoui mill more than that." " Impossible, " cried the company, "let ns hear." "I have ta ken my county paper twenty years and always paid for it iu advance." lie took the prize. Exclusion "IHsted." The excursion under tho nuHpiccs of the colored M. E. Church authorities to have gone from this place to Columbia, S. C, last Satin day was a disastrous failure. A sort mortgage was placed u pon the eh arch property to raise tho money to pay the forfeiture, $600, the managers obligating themselves to pay $000 more before the train started. Thia last $GQ0 they failed to raise aud after trying in vatu all day finally had to give it up losing of course the forfeit of $000, which the railroad pocketed and the church or some one loses. The Roads. The magistrates, at their meeting ou .Monday by a vote of 17 for and 13 against, adopted the road law passed by the Legislature last winter. Let "well dono" lie said for them by every progressive man in Cabarrus coun ty. The Commissioners will meet again next Monday, to appoint supervisors and put the machinery iu motion, so that, the repair of the roads can commence ns oarly as possible. Concord Register. They Feel Insulted. Among those who are in a foaming rage over the shib boleth, "Turn the rascals out," a dozen or two stalwart editors who hold offices are making themselves most conspicu ous. Is it not possible for them to find consolation iu the reflection that "Turn the rascals out" does not apply to any body hut "rascals?" Or is it this reflec tion that makes them howl f Washing ton Post. Xo C 11018 ix the Cyclones Wakes. It is stated as a fact, aud is a matter of study for scientists, that the corn and vegetables planted in the path of destruc tive cyclone of May 12 will not grow. Farmers along the line of its travels in Morgan county dechire tho statement to be true, and say that corn and potatoes planted iu the "cyclon ground" will not even sprout. St. Louis Globe Democrat. The Royal Yacht. Admitting that Mr. Arthur has the royal prerogative to seize and use government property wherever he finds it, what right has he to turn over a vessel belonging to the navy to the pleasurable uses of his daughter and sister? There is no great amount of money involved iu this, but there cer- mi iily is some Dispatch. principle. St. Louts Post Oh ye editor, who worketh night and day for filthy lucre nud a reputation, both of which by oue bad article, can bo sent higher than a cow kicked Chicago. Why do ye not '-knock somebody out" aud start a "gin in ill" in the puritanical city of Mbrown bread aud baked beans," o la Sullivan, aud by oue fell swoop upward mount the pinnacle of fame. Use your credit sparingly. It may serve a useful Uunporary purpose, but iiiir-dnv is snratarmiiHsuil vou should you should ;tl ways be pie pa ted for it. It is said that t ho Weehawken dueling ground, on the west shore of. the Hudson river, at one time so much frequented by those of sanguinary in tent, is now hard to identify. There it was that Hamilton fell. Oliver Li r i f i . i. x urry aiso lougui a duel on or about this same smt with Marine Captain Heath, 1818. Alexander i Hamilton s son fell there two years ueiore Ilia lather, in a duel where he was, if possible, more the aggressor than his father; young Hamilton ad General Hamilton were shot in near ly the same portion of the body, on the side just above the hip. Aaron Burr had fought on the same ground four years before he killed Hamilton, with the latter's brother-in-law, John B. Church, for slandering him: Church's bullet went through Burr's I coat. De Witt Clinton fought John owartwout on or about the same dueling ground the year before Ham ilton was killed, and shot Swartwout, who was Burr's strongest hencfimen, twice in the leg, and even then Swartwout wanted another shot, and Clinton had literally to leave the field without completing the satisfac- tion demanded, lliese are bat a few of the duels fought on this famous Weehawken ground. Jeff Davis sneers at Judge B.'uck because "like Job's war-horse, he snuffed the baltle afar off." Du Mr. Davis himself, asks the Boston Her ald, get any nearer to "the blood and smoke of battle" than when he ran away from Richmond, clutching the i . heroism. Wilmington Star. The Padncah, Ky., Journal coutions its correspondents not to give the names of i business firms when writing, thus avoid I ing the giving of free notices ns reading matter. Some do so unwittingly and to help fill up, bnt-it is to advertising that a publisher must look to get something to "fill up the mouths of those dcjKsndent f upon him for support. It would be well to bear this hint in mind when writing for your local paper. Proof Sltcet. Rli.k to Measuue Corn ix a .Cum. Multiply the length of the crib in feet by the height of the crib in feet, and this product by the width of the crib' iu feet, thru take five-twelfths of this product and you will have the number of bushels. If the corn is extra good, divide by two, which will give the number of busfaels of shelled corn. ALL SORTS. Never fail to take a receipt for money paid, and keep copies of your letters Do your business promptly, and bore not a business man with long visits. If you post your servants upon your ailairs they will one day rend yon. t In seeking a situation remember that the right kind of men are always in de mand, aud that industry and capacity rarely go empty-handed. To make good bargains yon must Ihj well posted in the market value of the articles you wish to buy or sell, and-their I qualities and conditiou. Teach your daughters that God made them iu his own image, and that no amount of tight lacing will improve the model. Leather medals, will be scarce and high priced tjiis Fall, and the country editor who gets one in return for "puffing" beets and pumpkins at his couutry fair will have something worth keeping, Proof Meet. The speaker who alluded to his candi date as "the war-horso that sniffed the battle from afar," climbed up to the com position room with a club after reading it in the paper ns "tho ward boss that snatched the bottle from the bar." Durham Recorder : The Grand Jury t the last term of the Inferior Court nt Ox ford presented every supervisor of public , roads iu Granville county remembered that the Justices Peace are the supervisors To change the air in a room, open the windows both at the bottom and top When opposite wind indows will not produce c..,ed and open., rap- a current, a door idly or usi-d as a fan is very efficacious ; or build a fire in the fire-place. Since its commencement the New York Society for the prevention of Cruelty to Children has entertained over 11,800 cases involving over 103,XI0 children, inir the last vear alone over 3.000 , 1 r. 1 10-4 , were looked after and l,8o3 nud dur children piaceu 111 nomes anu mmnmiwmm ... nothing of its prosecution of 1,(B3 easee, to say nothing of its prosecution of 1,033 ease, resulting iu 1,000 convictions. 1,000,000 POUNDS DRIED FRUIT Al BERRIE ft KLUTTZ & RENDLEMAN'S! T,cy have just received anew supply of cheap, with a full assortment of Dry Goods, Notions, ClottanG, .Furnishing Goods, saossa -ivr:D iiatb Their Stock of Family Groceries is large and complete. They still have the bct Floor, Oat Heal. Meats, Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Rice, Meal, Bran, Shorts, New Orleans Molasses, A full assortment of Family Medicines. Table and Glassware, A Good Stock. Still have -a plenty of Five Cents Tinware, sell, for we will do you good. Julv 4th, 1883 -:t: School Rooks Full Stock, lowest prices. Writing Paper, Pens and Pencils. Envelops, Visiting Cards. Seaside Novels and Monroe's Library. Blank Books, Gold Pens. Autograph and Photograph Albums. Wall Paper, Toilet Articles, Perfumery. Fine Toilet Soap, Combs and Brmdies. Bathing (Jlov.'s and Towels. Plated Ware FINE CXOARS, FRENCH CAN DIES A SPECIALTY. TROPICA L FRUITS IN SEA SON, PICTURES dl PICTURE FRAMES, TOYS, DOLLS, VASES AND T O If, K T .SETS. AND BANJOS, VIOLINS, GUITARS AND BANJO STRINGS. THEO.Rl'ERBlin, 44 FAI.ISIH'RY, N. C. Iy Britxs. Cover the surface immediate ly with varnish, mucilage, or any other substance that will "effectually exclude the air from the injured parts, When this is done the pain soon ceases aud healthy action begins. Ou one side of an ordinary postal card a French stenographer has written 44,031 -words. They :im coutaiued in 275 lines, an average of 100 words to each line. Thus every line contains about as much matter as a page of a l2mo. volume ! The space for the words had to be calculated, aud this calculation farms a frame to the wonderful card. Says the Monroe Enquirer and Express: On Sunday last five boys of this place, aged from 15 to 18 years respectively, ran away from home, their avowed des tination being Texas. They walked up to Charlotte Sunday evening, spending the night there. On Monday night four of them returned home, one only con tinuing his flight. Several of these boys are said to have been inveterate readers of dime novels. The Egyptian census has just been completed! The total population is t ' - I li , hw. ... r..v , . r 7na O'M ..f ,. ,,,, o oa' v. It ilHje,8'veu MG082VrniQirr I ' ibices of the'981 are ma!os an1 344,312 females, I Cain, has 868,108 inhabitants A I- andria, with-its suburb?', 208,o: I, ., ,r -rri a' iiiai! Port ban I, 16,ObU ; trr, 1U,J1.5; Tantah, 33.725; Damietta, 34,04G ; 1 Roselta, 1G,671 ; Mans-irah, 26,784 ; j Z .gazig, 19,046. The Valley .Mutual Life Association of Virgiuia stands endorsed by snch men as Jude A. C. Avery, Rev. C. T. Ilailey, U. T. Gray, and other promiuet Men of this State. Judge Avery says of it : "I have held a imlirv in 'The Vallev Mutual Life AssiM iatimi' since the tall of IdS'K and consider mvsclf fortunate in f,;,' H.UtMl ,M, i,s solvency. TIk-cont wlll never amount to more than torty jm t rt.f. f the pmuiutua charge by regular rent, of the premium charge by companies ou tho ar.tna ri-ks." OF n - - x't im .til '! i . . i I SUMMER GOOD3, which they offer Trj Syrups. Pure Lard, &c. FRITT JARS chenp and alTkindi. Agents for Coats' Spool Cotton. IrCome and see us before you buy or W. W.Tatmw, )Q fag-; D. J. Host ian, Simen. i m ill R. KEEN, Salisbury, N, C. Agent for PHfflNIX IRON WORIS, Mm, Bote, Sat Hills, AND TURBINE WHEELS Also, Contractor and Builder. Ja 20, 'S3. ly i - - THANKS, TOY COir Our Stock CjiMJj MtMtl UNDER THE FIRM NAME OF PLUJIttttU iV MORGAN. VVm. J. Plummkr. long known en the bel Hariie and Saddle Maker who ever did binds nee in Salisbury, preneni hi mdim nt-. to .old friends and pairon with an invitation to call and see Ids present Hock of new ILirnes, Sa lJIes, Collar, Jtc. lie warrant salisfaetion to every purchaser of New Slock, and also his repair work. Kites t low as m good article will admit of. ('all and see. PLUMMER & MORGAN". flOSTJIJE . STOMACH rio tfttrr 's Stomach Bitters, by taereaataf vital power, and rendering tH physical function regular and active, keeae the ysu-m in good working order, and protect it against disease. For constipation, dys pepsia and liver complaint nerronsn-s, kiAney and rheumatic ailments, it is if valuable, and it affords a sure define e against malarial fevera, besides rewwviag all traces orsucn neas from ine stem. For sale by all Druiritists generally. EALTHCOR8ET IncrYaMS taj t.- . every usy, a ia:e li tin most COXFOSTAM. POIFtC'T rrTTIKii ccrs't cv r wora. M--chant -jyr Itrrveathek' ' aatfsfr.ctU.ii of aT eons' : th'V'v -r !!. Warr-at C .'.-.-tnrr or mos&y e fn id. r ri!!et J. D. CrASILL only, Salisbury, N. C. 17::f ADMINISTRATOR'S SA.T-.Ebf LAND! In pursuance of a judgment of the Supe rior Court of Howan countyviu the Pjycial nrocecdinz of James I. Trexler and ('. W Stewart, administrator? of D. A. Miller, t Nancy Miller nnd other, beirs st-lsw of 1 1 - o-;,l A UUlr uu will ncll at iniblii' out saw u. a. .inner, a mm w y to the highest bidder, at door in SalUlmrv, OUI'I av- -ww ---- - ----- - , ' lite Court-b' ie 0n jjiay, the 10th of September. , ' : , .. . , . r 7 - the following dcscrilK-d tract of land, UHtc(l ;n Franklin townahip ill Howaacouu tv. being lot Ho. 4, in the division of t!i& linds of Jehu Fmter, Sr., and being the!. .!, i 4th day ot January, anl luly reg;- I tcrej in 63 JWJC 373 p. K. office . : i Rowan county, containing One Hundn 0 ! and Forty-three acres, more or less. j TEItMSof Sale : One third cash, one thi in six months, and the balance in tweh months. Title retained until the purchar money is paid, snd interest charged up. deferred payments at the rate ot eiht p cent, per upnum. .. J.s. P. TrkxI'ER & C W. Stewart, Jl mWjP afcBaD LBPMa aifcVWLflj U Adiurt of D. A. Miller Cirtucionrrt Dated Aui't 9th, 18Hi-43:4t ' ' i. t - J r 11 f. I

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