t . i . If 1 ne oar i ..... .. . ., . . . , olm 4: Pfl ft XIlf,.-f-THIED SERIES (Ha SALISBURY. N. C, AUGUST 30, 1883. 701 NO 46 ? mm J m m 11 a a it a UJiiiiictii. 1 , r- : , " I U .1 f r I I 3 Cvr-i . . ,. a. . ., 4. ft I a&.i, -,. ' I - .. ft . :. . I -l - . . - g Bj M jje Cart) Kma Watchman, ifHU-IN THE YEAR 1832. CE. I A A CH0tERA ! PRQF. I DARBY'S Prophylactic Fluid. . n.owerful Antiseptic known. I ! JNT TH2 CHOLERA. The most power Anti septic agent which chem istry his produced. Its use either Internal ly or Externally renders ;ill It -comes In contact tvifli. nitre, mrtrt itml r.len i. . . . f . . H 1 ! t lii iki-i u t twl 1. ill nf .llu h -ifL. c i 'i il i4-inv ease erins ceases and the s-arc iiitiu feii etl by patient recovers. purification. i,w?11lih r,;f" when used on Hirers. wtdf qui;; clrjlesj i rid Sokks It stops all pain, Tbeyvlls'vWsfrenerat'' promotes the rapULforui- sweetens the parts and -jtagion .ni'i '"f '"I 'Vation of healthy Klesli. 4i srefc is n KKOK, I dkkad TK'; Asiatic Chjlerai rtlrilsnof afestatlig tj,e Kast awl aan -f:r on Its mlvii-.n hi deb Smm; otherfcsroi Purifies the Atmosphere. ine sauif irt ie Dim-, ns PXT)0sUre m a S'ck hema. Tvi-iioiit room. Cellar, Stable pu- SMinPox. MKA-a.Ks. rines the atmosphere and IflW KKVKK, -HtSII-ET.S,arlvtsaw.ay tne germS)f etc. All these Jrenerte (Use.lse and 1,. 3SSB;,DhAf Zw Interaa,,y n r.Kili Kkvkk .le.. arfe' rifir the Sto arh, giving tarn contwrioil wlifE tne and halthy vigor. ef 1 u npless. In- It Is thus that It rr In SSuy" flijui or 4-digestion and Dyspepsia, dcanuess. v.'hen used as a lotion Allihr' iif axfi mii f" it destroy sail Freckle and met (iiily itn ''' ''''; p"" Hloteh-protluclng germs, yrmirti of Mffl-j.-TM 'leaving the skin clear, 'ml ,iftrofi) 'four. white and transparent as n.iAy pruii'fxi. Htrth iof that of a little child, these resti Its at 6 armh,- iWuV'ihv Hit- tisJ of Prff. Barby's prepart -rion &u of Ik.rael'' Arid ;id Chlo rine, known as f DARBY'S 1 PROPHYLACTIC; FLUID. Space les not p nnf us to name many of the uses to whli'li-ilils great Germ-destroyer Is applica ble. Ask yo'ir niuggigf for printed matter descrlp- tlreof in ustif ulaess, of address j. a. ZEILIN & CO., i Manufacturing (ieinis, Meents n-x pottle. PHILADELPHIA. Pint Bottles, $1.00, & TAYLOR HAVING PURCHASED STOCK U F WM. SMITHDEAL, AS WKLIj AS THE INTEREST OF K R Crakrford, of the firm of R. R. CRAWFORD ft CO. c are u w prepared to supply our cnstonitrs wjth all kinds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, addition to the Ih-sfi SeleJted Stock ov II A 1 I i A R E iu the S TjrVT E. I -i jjWe alo handle I I y- p F p S E . line if Mining Supplies. N a fui i i-tj will DttpUcaite Any Prices m i the; State. RU;,kr)iEE US. SAM'L TAYLOR. 50:lj RENT! pissisj The weather- u ',1 v- ?f '' an excellent trarden. corner ! ft - . 4 TffTT.L PE37I I 1 ; i It Destroys I I It renders all itl comes in contact! with pur 3 and Healthy. I WIER 1 J r -. tIhE l' FOR NKAVE, A Baby's Feet. i. baby's feet, like sea shells pink, Uicht tempt, should h angel's lips to kiss, we tnink, A bal3 s feet. Like rose-hued sea-flowers towards tbe heat, They stretch and spread and ,wiuk Their ten soft buds that part and tneet. No flower-bells that expand and shrink, Gleam half so heavenly sweet As trod on life's untroden brink, A baby's feet. "JI. A baby's hands, like rosebuds furled, Whence yet no leaf expands, Ope if you touch, though close uncurled, A baby's hands. Then last as warriors grip their brands When battle's bolt is hurled, They close, clenched hard like lightening bauds. No rosebud yet by dawn im pearled, Match, even in loveliest lauds. The sweetest flowers in all the world A baby's hauds. in. A baby's eyes, ere speech begin, Ere lips learn word or sighs, Bless all things bright euough to will A baby's eyes. Lore, while the sweet thing laughs nud lies, And sleep flows out aud in, Sees perfect in them Paradise, A baby's eyes. T, Their glance might cast out pain aud sin, Their speech make dumb and wise, ly mute, glad godhead felt within j y's eyes. Swinburne. A City of the Dead. Two miles from Man dan on the bluffs near the junction of the Heart and Mis souri rivers, is an old cemetery of fully one hundred acres in extent, filled witii boues of a giaut race. This vast city of the dead lies just east of the Port ftm coin road. Wc have just spent a half day in exploring this charuel bouse of a dead nation. The ground has the ap- 1 pearance of having been filled with ; - trenches piled full of dead bodies, both man and beast, aud covered with several feet of earth. In many places mounds from eight to ten feet high nud some of them a hundred feet or more iu length have been thrown op and are filled '.with 1 bones, broken pottery, vases of various bright colored flints and agates. The ' pottery is of a dark material, beautifully ; decorated, delicate in finish, and as fight as wood, showing the work of a people skilled in the arts aud possessed of ahigh j state of civilization. Here is a gran uTSeld for tho student, who will be richly paid for his labors by excavating and- tunnel ing iu these catacombs of the dead. This as evidently been a grand battle-field, where thoasaudaof men and horses have f i I Ian ittlnt.if Ii L-b o m I'Dfikin aim m in. I kwit-ii. iiuiiimi: iiFvt tk eiow;iii(iiit wi in- telligeut exploratiou has been made, as only little holes two or three feet hi depth hare been dug iu some of the mounds, but many parts of the anatomy of man nud beast, aud beautiful speci mens of broken pottery aud other curios ities have been found iu these feeble ef forts at excavaliou. Who are they and from whence did they come, dying and leaving only these crumbling boues and broken fragments of their works of art to mark the resting place of a dead nation? Five miles above inaudan, on the oppo site side of the Missouri, is another vast cemetery as vet unexplored. We asked au aged Indian what his people knew of these ancient graveyards. lie answered: "Me know nothingabout tluem. They were here before the red mau' Mandan Da cota, Pioneer. GIi.vestox, Tex., Aug. 17. This city is on the verge of a water famine. The cisterns are drained, gardens are dried np aud the effect of the drought is plain ly to be seen in the products of the vege table market For weeks past many per sons have been depending npou the lib erality of their neighbors for water euough to drink, having exhausted their supplies. Now most of those who were well pro vided at the beginning of the dry season are almost completely without a supply. An indication of the extreme want to which some persons are driven is found iu a notice posted in front of one of the best kuown aud most popular restaurants in the city, "closed, uutil it rains.'' A slight rain has fallen, but uot enough to change tho situation. Pexsacola, Fla., Aug. 20. The total number of cases of yellow fever at the navy yard up to noon to day is eight, aud total u umber of deaths three. Sur geon Owens is better. Two attempts were made to pass the cordon last night one party attempting force, the other of fered a bribe of $200. The guards bonds have been doubled. No alarm is felt in this city. Duly Stormer, a young lady aged 17 , . 1 e ....1 years, was caugni oy tier aju no mm wound around the driving shaft of the engine at the Trackville (Pa.) Woolen Mill on Thursday. The foreman of the V1 ill tore her from the machinery by main force. Her spino was injured and she A Kentucky Romance. The Lore of Two Brot&rs and Two Sis ters: . Fairmouth Independent. In a certain partof our county there lived a family iu which there were two brothers just entering upon the prime of youthful manhood ; a short distance from them in fact in the same neighborhood--there lives another family in which there are two sisters, also in the prime of maiden hood, beautiful, fascinating aud attrac tive. These young people being near neigh bors, and coming iu contact with each other often, almost naturally it would seem, fell in love with each other, the eldest brother with one of the siiters and the younger with the other. All went smoothly for a time, aud these young people enjoyed themselves, aud dreamed bright dreams of the future, aud no doubt in imagination constructed fai ry palaces of love, aud gardens, like Par adise, which should only be filled with beautiful flowers aud fruits of happiuess and unalloyed enjoyment. Then a mat ter of course, the question of marrying arose, which must be referred to the pa rents of the young ladies for approval. The eldest brother had no difficulty in obtaining their consent to his marrying the young lady, and the wedding day was fixed upon. Then the young brother went to the parents and made known his attachment for the other sister and their mutual desire to "splice and travel the road of life together." But the old folks were decidedly opposed to having more ; than one of their girls marry into "that family,' and plainly informed him that j if he wanted a wife he must go elsewhere ; to get her, intimating that he should de sist paying further attention to the young lady iu question. j Llut the young man was determined thai if his brother married one of the girls he wonld marry tho othur So lie to tw young "lady of his love." and told w iii-i.iitnraiiM nf rli aitiinii,.n mm m m mm v. . v. i mm m i j - j v m w i v ft i r j j auti dchired her, if she loved him, to nrov lmr lov v mnninc nff with him. p0 ti,j8 8i,e acrecd and the night was fix ed upon when they should carry out the mutual agreement. But now comes the strangebt part of the story. Tire two young ladies resembled each other very much iu looks, voice, etc., and by some stiango freak, when the young mau went to the appointed place of meeting, he found a woman there whom he thoueht Waa the right one, but she was uot. Un- conscious of this however, he took her to the' place where the mariage ceremony W,9 to have been performed before he found otit that he was with the. wr.Tii-' v. Most wonderful to relate, he thought l licit. lifter Iia hiid irone: to all that tumble i : he would get married anyway, so he asked her if she would have him, and she 1 in order to carry out the joke, said she I ti l , l .1 x 1 1 Willi I . .1 1 1 1 1 IIIPV YYr Hill ' f( r I It 11 nilll there. It appears that she had over he.ud him making arrangements to elope with her sister, and knowing the place of meeting, determined to go there ahead of her aud thus fool the young mau for whom she entertained a secret liking, although she was engaged to be married to his brother. Our informant also states that after they had lived together for some time the elder brother, determining to make the most of the situation, took unto himself the other sister. Wiiistmkxj Fish. One of the most singular of the fish family is doubtless the whistling sucker which is sometimes caught in Walker Lake. The fish when caught emits a plaintive whistle which will almost peisuade an angler with auy tenderness of heart to throw it back into the water. Charley Kimball has one which was caught in n net when quite young. He keeps it in a tank and has taught it to know him and whistlo when it if, hungry. When its master approach es the fish pushes its nose aud mouth out of the water, and, making a pucker with its lips which the human pucker does not nearly equal, whistles some shrill notes It appears to have some of the parrot characteristics, and Kimball thinks that in time he can teach it to whistle part of some simple tune. Iftdker Lake, (Neb.) Buletin. The Republican party believcsiu steal- ing tho Presidency ; it believes in buying the Presidency : it believes iu fostering , aud protecting mouopoly ; it believes in corrupting elections as a matter of per- sooal prule ; it believes in extortionate s . I a a a. taxes nnd in collecting from tho people $150,000,(XX) more taxes each year than the necessities of the Govern meut require. Let it be understood that we do not mean the great masses of the Republican party, but the leaders aud controllers of it. Hon est members of the Republican pnrtj-, should there uot be a change 1 Tipton Times, Two of the best farms inCulpeper county, Va., exchanged hands rcently. One of them, containing 1,300 acres, situ . , 1 1 1. .: ateU on me nnpiauauuuvs n-i, o nurcliased by Thomas B. Nalle for .m nun ensh : the other, containing 260 - f- r Brandv Station, was sold at $10,000 to the county treasurer, S. Rus- "What Negro Voters Have Done for tbe Republican Party. The New York Sun conveys in a very condensed anil interesting shape the effect that the negro vote has had upon the Republican party in five States, viz : New York, Pennsylva nia, Ohio, Indiana and . Connecticut. The figures make this showing. By the census of 1880, the number of colored males of twenty-one years and over in the several States are as follows . New York Pennsylvania - Ohio Indian Connecticut 20,059 no oof) ' - New York was Republican in 1880 and in 1881. A change of 11,000 votes in 1880 and of 7,000 in 1881 wonld have given it to the Democrats. Pennsylvania was Republican in 1880 and in 1881. A change of 18, 000 votes ju 1880 and of 3,500 in 1881 would have given the State to the. Democrats. Ohio was Republican in 1880 and '81. Either year a change of 13,000 votes from Republican to Democratic would have elected the Democratic candidates. Indiana was Republican iu 1880; the Democrats," however, needed less than 3,500 votes in order to win. Connecticut was Republican in 1881. A change- 1,500 votes would have made the State Democratic. All five of these States were Dem ocratic iu 1882. The Sun inclines to the opinion that the negro is going to quit the Republican party. The conventions that are to be held are called for the purpose of making the negro stick. The Presidential contest will develop whether the country is practically controlled by this element. A Problem in Flying-. A London letter says that an interest ing discussion at present going on among jscientilie engineers in regard to the flight of birds, which has considerable bearing upon the flying machine question. It U a matter of observation that birds, with out any movement of their outstretched wings and without any apparent muscu lar exertion, are enabled to rise iu the air and move latterly even against the wind. The modus operandi of these move ments is a mystery, and scientists are trying to discover the secret. The most plausible theory is that the wings may be placed iu such a position as to divert a current of air from its normal course O , ii ii t d i lAVii-n. hi. t.i I ir ji oi'ilaa i . f ,i(i amlA : i .. ..... . . . . the bird s hoi v. It that He the ease sav ,i. ,.i i. ..,,.. . ' e . . ... v'liicnis t'l iiii u'liiin!: in (million cii iiic , rf M sure upon the body of the bird at that noiut. urging it forward with a foree far greater than on first thought might be supposed. The smoothness of the feath ers in but one direction reduces to a min imum all opposition to a forward move ment. Experiments are now being car ried .out with mechanical contrivances to demonstrate the correctness of tho theory and it is stated that the investigators are in a fair way to a discovery of the phe nomenon, aud also to a solution bf the flying machine question. ETIQUETTE. A point of etiquette rcceutly decided a law suit in a queer a I . 1 l the edge of his knife which he was a v JTn ciwul tho rtniiinani.' 1111 lining. AAV. i3UV.ll fcl. IVflllUUIll i i.i- i c. . rhimnirns hut his aim wms not sus - tained, on the ground that it is a breach of etiquette to eat with a knife. The Same Old Programme. Now that the fanners throughout the country have been induced by reports of bit; crops to sell at comparatively ow prioes for future delivery, and the -'futures" have got into the hands of Chicago speculators, reporis are com- ' ins in that crops will not be above t,e Average, and- stiff prices may be looked for. This saice old pro- pram me is cone thoiu?ll with vaer af- O O O ter year, and will otfnijime to be re- pcated as loujj as money can be made - - at it. According to the New York Her arid the United States Government is to be sued in the Supreme Court by certain holders of Georgia bonds, to recover the amount. The holders claim that they were issued by a pro- visional government, established by the Uniled States, and that therefore the latter is responsible. It look so Success to them. When we. were ten years old we i.:..u " U- uocu iu immik, wiiiic guying 111 mc of a candy store, how much Id like to work in Mich a place, ! are affected .with a similar window we would Mow we feeling while gazzing iu the window way. A uerman traveler on a ran-j cvm- " road train attempted to eat a lunch j taxes. A surplus revenue only pro while on the journey. While putting motes extravagance, and the way to a piece of Bologna sausage in his dispose of the surplus is to raise no mouth the train stopped suddenly, ! more revenue than is needed. The causiua&U cheek to be badly cut on j war tax must ga.Phila. Times. of a bank. ALXi SORTS. IS aU The man who rides horseback ways takes a back scat. Burlington Free Press. It does not follow that a man is a journalist because he has a free tick et to a picnic N. O. Picayune. An Englishman bequeathed his daughters their weight in one- pound ba notes. One of the girls received 54, and the other 59,&44. The liars mnat rrn "Trnv TimL -- I " r . i uj. two 'ira 21 70fi Goolbye--Roche8ter Union. Wouldn't in7q ! lt more sociable if yu lw gentTe rf' men should go together.oson Gtobe. The favorite perfume of the Em press Josephine was musk. People who blame Napoleon for divorcing her should stop to consider this. Boston Post. Moody and Sankey have never touched a dollar of the $400,000 pro fits on their hymn book. The money has been paid by the publishers to a committee and devoted to charity. A sponge measuring eight feet in circumference was recently discovered at Key West. It had several fresh newspapers in its hand and a borrow ed umbrella, and wore white breeches and silk coat. Burlington hree Press, Wise men tell us that a mau weight ing 150 pounds on this earth, if trans ported to Jupiter, would weigh 45,000 pounds. Let us hope that David Da? vis will not go to Jupiter. Did you ever think what von would do if you had Vanderbilt's in come?" "Well, no; but we have of ten wondered what Yauderbilt would do if he had our income," says an ex change. It is rumored in Washington that ex Senator Kellogg will shortly make a statement corroborating Dorsey's story as to the pledges that Garfield made and the means adopted for carrying Ne$ York in 1880. Carp raising promises to become one of tho most gigantic industries iu Georgia. It is far from inconsequential already, and the stories of fabulous success set afloat by those already in the business will doutbless draw many into it. An experiment was lately made at Par is to determine the power of a crocodile's jaw. The animal was fixed on a table with its upper jaw connected with a dy nometer. An electric shock caused liiiu to give a sudden snap, and 308 pounds were marked on the instrument. It was' calculated that tho contractile force of the muscle causing 1,340. the movement was, J. J. Newell is telling some talis which cause eminent statesmen to 1 1 quuKe in their boots. He claims to have the facts and figures to show dollars were paid to that a million Congress to secure the charter of the Texas Pacific Railway. If the reve lations continue, Uie next House will have its time pretty well occupied in exposing Radical rascalities. Char. Dan. The internal revenue system was established to aid in the war. The war being over and the war debt more than hall paid and the balance luml ed out ot immediate reach, there is nod ' I n itikH v i i m r V . iniiftf(itfti v i A contemporary reminds the coun- 1 , , try that forty-six year-; aj:o, ; J - J -0' n the United States Senate, Mr. CalhounJ said, in referring to the abolitionist of the North : "Emancipation itself will not satisfy these fanatics. That gained, the next step will be to raise the negroes to political and social ..- ... , .. ,1 at nan tnere was u .urn. n.-inis, mm m ility with the whites. At thet eon time of this utterance it was consider ed almost the raving of a madman, but history verified the prophesy. The Prince of Montenegro, who some tilue aTO closed all the cafes and 'drink- 1 iIOD- M1 jds dominion, recurdurg i ci...i- e Ai,....iiv. Miwn- tllll' 40 OVMWia v ft i mi m , " ' " ! gnuce aIld corruption, and abolished all ; titlA an that while former v every other I man in Moutenegro was an 'excelleucy,",i now even the ministers have to be con- tented with plain "Mr." has recently is- - . - . II sued an interdict against all "luxurious wearing apparel," including cravat,'' gp;r;,,rtlw liquors was presentetl to gloves, walking sticks, parasols and urn- f he col,Ilty( orumissioneis of Randolph brellas. - at their last meeting, and it having WiU gome 8(jlul gentieman Couiiected!ibeeii shown by counsel that the law witll the Georgia Press Association-sayr as amended by the last legislature . Mf Waterman or Mr. Raudall tell us, leaves the board no discretion about j jt -s tIiat A man cau't nrear a hat' granting license, two commissioners with a small indentation upon it, witho u. immediately resigned rather than 1 attracting attention and arousing adverse' grant license contrary to the dictates ,.ui.im wh n woman can nar.ule IJio, . - streets all day with a hat on that au cle- phat couldn't make more hapslM it he slept on it a week T Do not say that a woman can do as sue pleases we've heard that before. 1,000,000 POUNDS OF DRIED FRUIT KLUTTZ & RENDLEMAN'Sl They have just received a new supply of SUMMER GOODS, which they offer very Cheap, with a full assortment of Dry Goods, Notions, ClothiaG, Furnishing Goods, Their Stock of Family Groceries is large and complete. They still have the best Flour, Oat Meal. Meats, Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Rice, Meal, Bran. Shorts New Orleans Molasses, Syrups, Pur 3 Lard, &c. A full assortment of Family Medicines. FRUIT JARS cheap and U kinds. Table and Glassware, A Good Stock. Agents for Coats' Spool Cotton. Still have a plenty of Five Cents Tinware. f3rComc and see us before you buy or sell, for wc will do you good. July 4th, 1883. -:t: Seliool Rooks Full Stock, lowest prices. Writing Paper, Pens and Pencils. Envelops, Visiting Cards. Seaside Novels and Monroe's Library. Blank Books, Gold Pens. Autograph and Photograph Albums. Wall Paper, Toilet Articles, Perfumery. Fine Toilet Soap, Combs and Brushes. Bathing Gloves and Towels. Plated Ware FINE CIGARS, FRENCH CAN DIES A SPECIALTY. TROPICAL FRUITS IN SKA SOnIpICSUASS & PICTURE frames, toys, dolls, vases and T o 1L E T SK'i'S, A( COR DKONS AND BANJOS, VIOLINS, GUITARS AND BANJO STRINGS. TSlEO.m EftBA UiH, CAMSBCnY, N. C. 41 1 V t.r"!5ll A Boston Man Kntikkly Over come. "What do they have that fish 1,,...,. c.. " asked the visitor at 11 j 1 1 1 1 vri v- in . the Stale House, looking at the an cient cod that hangs from t he ceiling of the House chamber. "It's an old superstition," replied the Boston man, "that the fish has a sort of rcpresent tative influence over the legislators." "And yet," suggested the visitor, "if I am not mistaken, all of your laws are codified." The Boston man fell into a swoon, and when he came to heT promised never to try to gull a countryman again. rfil. .n ... w. A ti i 1 .01.111 nm mn A j . f . newspapers which are talking about the Daily News attempting to boom Mr. Ar thur into the White House for the next fterm are talking sheer nonsense. We cannot 1cmui Mr. Arthur. No power ran boom a mau into the White House. Gen. 1 Grant was boomed to death. Mr. Blaine ;is boomed to death. Mr. John Slier- man was boomed .to death. We think 1 Km much of Mr. Arthur to start a boom which would be certain to boom him to : death. Journal-Ob. j . ,.p,:t:on r,r .. i;t.enSe to retail .01 meir cmwiei.ueT. ouvi an tiou of devotion to principle is of rare iHSctirence, which makes it more com- j ,weiidable than it would otherwise' be. Davidson DisfHitcfu AND I 4 W. W. TATi.on, ) c . D.J.Bostian, ESalesraen- BERRIES IT J. R. KEEN, Salisbury, N. C. Agent for PHQSNIX IRON WORKS, Engines, Boilers, Sat Mills, AND TURBINE WHEELS Also, Contractor and Builder. Ja 25, 'S3. lj- THAIS, TIF .0NR1 Oar SltCa Constantly ReplenisM UNDER THE FIRM NAME OF Wm. J. Plummkr. long known r.n the hej If anient and Saddle Maker whoajrer did buaia net in Salisbury, presents his eomplirat nt to old friends and pa! runs with an invitations lo call and see id present stock of new Harness, Saddles, Collars, 4c. Hp warrant satisfaction lo every purchaser of New Sim k, and also his repair work. Rales as low as a good article will admit of. Gull .hi I see PLUMMER & MORGAN. fcfc STOMACH 0 ITTERS rjotrt trr's Stomach Bitten, by increasing yi ml power, and rendering the. physical functions regular and active, keeps the system in good working order, and protects itapain-t disease. For constipation, drs prpsia and liver complaiat nervoosaesa, kiilnev and rheumatic ailments, It is In valuable, and it affords a sure uerence ngai all t ainst malarial fevers, besides removing I traces of sach disease from th system. For sale by all DriifnnMs and lealer generally. HEALTHCORSET Inr-reascs is every day, as ladies find ; tire most lOXFOBTABLS -is- FKRFEC T FITTnCO- corMt rv'f worn. K rr clwuO sy it gives th i-'t sat.:.'t:o:i Sjr -rv t'v-T.'.- roldr Warfi tH -ff -r--t .ry or re-s r' GrA3ILL only. SalUburv, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE of LAN PI In pur-msmrc of a judgment of the Supe rior Court of Rowan county, in the speci. 1 proceeding of James P. Tflexlef and ( W. Stewart, administratori of D. A. Millc , ra. Nancy Miller and others, Iteirs at-law )i"tl ? said D. A. Miller, we will sell at puldi' out cry to the highest bidder at the Court house door in Salisbury, ' On Monday, the 10th of September, 18S3, the following described tract of land, sit uated in Franklin township in Rowancoui) ty, being lot N. 4, in the division of t! I lands of Jehu Foster, Sr., and being the hit i assigned to Launi C. Foster, anil by hti conveyed to J). A. Miller, by deed dated i4th day of January, 183, and duly Terris ! tered in Book G2, page 3f78 P. 1L office of j Rowan county, containing Ouc Hundred ! and Forty-three a-res, more or IcmT j TERMS of Sale: One third cash, one third i in six month, and the balance iu twelve i months. Title retained until the purchaM money is paid, and interest hargi d np-n r IJJJ,1' 'C rtC t pC' Jas. P. Trexi.er & C. W. Stewaet, Adm'r of D. A. MiVer Cjutn 'tmuaatn. Dated Auj'at Jth, 1883. 43:4t KflSJIFElis J. D. ch and 1 she r Streets. cannot survive. - ' sell Smith.