' T mmmmmm H MHMflBnHr ' " . - LOCAL. - AUGUST 30, 1883. inscription Rates if inn rates of the Carolina '"IS ... amn follows 1 ... r iiniu t Mrs .! Confcfd reod . i. i a ma9 nn m l lie in.? " . f , t del'ed 13 mo'6Z.ou I bay LJ Mr. Ncave's &c. ) T .. 1 A ... ..: jmmm oi we uraaea School. Hintorj , proper No. of copy book , Blank . ise rnonpol is charged with the OK An( tieogrnpby as id in last grade. gwnenu superintendence of the building. Bth Grade. Beading, Spelling, Artth an grounds, the care of the furniture h plate, Gram mar eplote,Pbye and other property ; the arrangement of Googriiphj ; Daily composi tiou , end - - aw,"' -ueciieo oi the teach- writing , l-itr complete. era i the order of study and recitations. Boohs reunited : McG n tt'oy's 6th Bead ana toe entorcenieut of discipline. e!'J Mooteith's Physical Geomphr ; pro- may adopted snch rules and regulations Pr No. of writing book ; other books aa aa be may find necessary, subject to the o last grade. Dictionaries as heretofore approval of the Committee. prescribed shall be need in an v grade that .... . 1 a . . . w Ji. too teachers shall assist the Prin- 1 e ueipei may require. MINING. T. K. BRUXEK, MANAGER. Active operations we learn will be resumed at the Gap Creek mine, Ashe evooty. . .;-.., nation. .1 n. w i Itv & Baruch's Announcement. .... terv will meet at Hof fcSllliy COUUI3, orpi. The Carolii t; a I Bolton Mi the$jq grape-s Vili" . 1. fcuve siruca. burning at o 17 Personal correspondence to Mr. T . K. Brum bb. should be addressed to him cipal in the discharge of his dutioa. he" The annnal term of the School for 1883 07 Dartmomth Street Boston, Mom. rtAA nf Music P"Pt i their daily attendance, and not -84 is to begin on Monday. September uvww - I .W.... A-l. . 1 !l . I a I a w -. . . m m ... - uwm, uieiiiKivei wuuoni leave, except u. uoenron ana sir. w. rregaiiia, or in caees or sicanesa, ana no substitute . Barents and gnardians of pupils are the Gold Hill Mioes, sai led from London viu eoeeui teacner wui be received mvitea oy tbe Committee to be present fo aii(lbnr-, on safardav the 25th An without the written consent of n.,m dnrinir the examination .f tW. phihiren for II8,mry on aatoraay, the 5th Aug., mittee. at the biriiininr nf th bi-m wneu worK win oe iesumeu wuu lue til. AH white children between th AU ther books or atadies than those Colonel in charge. ages of six and twenty -one years, whose 1 000 10 the "rs above are abolished. P" r gnaraian ore resident in .TT"T T" " tu' The Moses Brown tract of 25 acres, five S 2 ,r Ly.tt?,1 miu. " mile, south of town, said by tbe "ele man" uLiuui, ne iivui vuarge 10 r tui I . lion. ....1 t irs us on Tuesday, clock tne ther- Kx position and North itirare iu 11, is uww " w,w 1 am Murdoch, of Knwan, took IV. White children of school aire, whose parents or guardians are not resident witbin School District No. 37 may attend tbe Uraded School on presenting to the rnncipai a permit from the Treasurer, Col. P. N. Heiglig, who shall smut - the permit on tbe pay rue u t of One Dollar and a Half per month for each pupil. The permit shall state the length of time each pupil is entitled te attend, and he will The publishers have bound themselves te furnish the school with the books I..L. the taraoet variety of 1 iLT -T7 T ' 1 V I at a price there indicated, w Utt -uKr uiuMfor ooe yer from gj thronsh or more book stores iu Salisbury : When the Principal, on examination to bo "the boat mine in dose here parts," and gradation of children at the beginning was sold Monday, at the Court House, ei uiw term, snail nna mat as many as for gj26. oue-iuuu 01 auy graae nave oooas wnicn are enillVHlnr tit t hniw unvr nrat&rriVwiil Zs . 7 " -- r . " . ' I rwi T : M : m . . 1 whole grade shall nse the book already in lua "rwgwr nwc uuuuie nee ueeu use ; but wbeu less than one-third hove I compromised. Some money aad o good such books then the whole crade shall f mtock. it in naid. imuI hanrfa. and ooe uie dook now prescnueu. the capitalists from Cleveland are go ing to spend $50,000 on top of the ground at once. .ihited at the last week, patter tH Fruit Fair ia the permit is renewed. V. Each pupil will be reouiro to annnlv . . . . a w sr i himself with slate, pencil, sponge, and sucn next oooks as the Committee pre scribes for the grade to which he belongs. VI. No pupils shall be advance from one grade to another, until tbey sustain one McGuffeys revised lot Reader, aa. ao. xna ao. do. do. 3rd do. do. do. Oh do. do. do. 5th do. do. do. 6th do. cKinge 10 eta. is -SB M SS " 45 ' IS M A laiighad of corn passed ont of town fe JIHato a dinlillBry.. For that believe n is ihmij : ! I ... i . ! n mwmtinm:.. ....:. . . ..i.T..s i Wblut1! new Elmntn Arithmitl( 0 " .... ,r u i r nn nu il niiuiib h o.bi.iuquuu KtiiBiaviui v u i r ut - . : . ..nw c ncv o -- a i . ... .. . 9 i no no i miiiMa nn jn ilMijU long for bread, which U rather Q " f11 tndiea of the grade from Harrey revdefenjt-y neededlfW ine . I which they ore to be advanced. o do Engush ...M'n i:i IO Ullllinu "ic iiiau rtiiia Til III n T 17V. in - -rss s Complete do. Grammar, ao 40 96 17 cents 90 4S M 60 " TJ - 86 14 80 " S " 4$ - key VII. Pnpils who fall below tbe rank of their elos may, with the consent of the principal, be sent into tbe class next 1 1 1 lai 1. 1 hat Dr. M. White- www- WD w . 1 III Il..:i a. in e I mar a ,-i itv. has wonderfully im- . Ti"' 5 " "oi perruiueu co en- morgan s " tor tne School grounds before ha f nast health during his stay at Con- ei ht 0clek riectee of the first having gaiuea six aim a oell. tl We a?i bead. M k proved! i halnofeilJB iu flesh in three weeks, and 3 v in strength. He wui remain till about the 10th of We also learn that be F. J. Murdoch. Sec'y Salisbury Graded School Committee. A New Discovert. We ore informed toot Mr. Adolphus Heilig haa just struck a rich fiud on his place 10 miles south of Salisbury, near Heilig's Mills poatottoe. Aa reported to us, tbe vein was discover ed on or near the surface, about 4 met in width, bearing beautiful, rich ore. Mr. Heilig ia now busy with a number of la borers opening up his dew mine. For the Township ing. very T 11 TY P;i -k.i. ; l i in pursuance oi mo can ruaae t -" """ Justices of the Peace ot their 4th of Ao- fhTaaltirSa SSt U -eoting, for the people rf the.Tow.. habit, and nrdarW in d... 'oil MCmDl Morgan's shall not use tobacco, nor profane nor made by the at fliesM p"Ugs Sflitfeiilben next. reeardJlw water of tUe Prin8 tbcre M b If -11 ..i nossesaliJig nieuiciuai proiiuwi vi v.. liighestfrier. o from a gentleman who re- several counties We lfi cently ffaleled through boyoudff Jsheville, that bwn aij severe ieclioiii? there will scarcely crop ttfwow- Ten iD lLe cDeat bottom lauds i Tfill CQt ,,rt the UP" lands wall yield almost nothing. There is an .i lahdant fruit crop, aud wheat, oats an J re were never better. to assemble at Morgan's Muster Ground precinct, en moose, for the purpose of looking after the people's interests and wishes as regards the Stock Law, &c, about one hundred and fifty citizens re sponded to the call. Mr. H. W. Miller called the meeting to order, aud on motion J. J. Newman, Esq., XI. Pnpils absent or tardvraay be pun- was elected as Chairman and P. C. Sha- ished, unless they bring to the Principal ver, Esq., Secretary. ta lirkfaa Oil fTOaul w flftei naiont iioeSen I Rar i-oniinof Mi" Vonrmon vefiilltlia Iowa 1 a. I a i.1 ' . JT I 1 aB S f a B a obscene language. X. Separate play grounds shall be as signed, and tbe pupils of neither box shall be allowed to go upon the grounds of the other. The Revolving Mule. John PAoei' Invention thr Wear Department. MECKLENBUEG Sim HKIkja! Baltimore American. "The last time I was in Washington a veteran array officer to the Amer correspondent, "those fallow in K iNavy department were in quite a hnff over an enort looking to a change in their uniforms, ana there wee as great a com motion as the one that existed dnrinir President Pierce's Administration when they talked of changing the stvles of nni. form in the army. That event was at. tended by some very amus.ng'4 ncideuts out tne most laughable wits the part ta ken in it by the late Contain Derbv . or John Phoenix, as be was known to Jonr- ...i:..:- i u. i tt uaiiMuu auu iiierarv circles, tie was a L,ieu tenant at the time and stationed in California. Jeff. Davis, who was Secre tory of Wor, issued a general invitation to officers of the army who were skillful draughtsmen te send in suggestions for tbe new uniform which it had been do cided to adept. One snch invitation was sent to each officer. Lt. Derby was very ready with his pen a really ingenious artist, in reply be sent to Uie War de partment, not exactly a design for a new uniform, but a peculiar addition to the lr1 nnifnnn r aaaanlMaN Ar . v - sava aaj wiv IXI v LI Vi l II v U V WUBIBICU - , . . i .Mi. - ... - .i. . l mom. w. r. rooL lieao. tnzaoein STZ 'SZX "l'"JJZZJr5-Z City. August 25.-Hon. W. F. Pool died . . L....i r i this morning at 7 o'clock, greatly loved and lamented by all classes, lie was one of our beat and ablest men. and his mf Ibt.lfco JOHN WILKES, Proprietor. CHARLOTTE, V. C. M dfctu i - - Minma Machinery a SDecialty We invite the investisatioa of Mia owners and Mill Men seeking MACHINERY. We can furnish on board at our Works, or set up at the mines anywhere in the southern gold region, on short notice STEAM PUMPS, STAMP MILLS. (for wet or dry crashing), REVERBERATOHY FURNACES, REVOLVING ROASTING FURNACES, CONCENTRATING MACHINERY, ROLLS, CRUSHERS. CONVEYORS AND ELEVA TOKa, HOISTING ENGINES, BELT AND FRICTION HOISTERS, WIRE ROPE, RETORTS, BULLION and INGOT MOULDS, AC, &C. itimates furnished and prices quoted on application. SS.-tim officer waa to carry, instead of o sword, a long pole with o book in the end, like a sheppard's crook . The pole and the ring enabled officers from running away ia battle. Fngitivea could be eaaily caught by it and brought back ; stragglers could be kept in line. Moreover the ring wonld be very nsefal iu tbe cavalry service to fasten soldiers to the saddle, to prevent the drought h there as in this showing that the absence or tardiness was explained the object of the meeting in o- E - ,-. T . 1 Ro vm County High school. iu tne sunouiijfeifent made last week concerning this schloi it should have been stated that stJets tuust.pureue either the Lat- iu or Ststeiice course, ( i -uiiosopuy, viieui I i i .i f . . be a half W1U cne consent oi tne parent or guar dian. XII. Corporal punishment will be in flicted when necessary ; but no cruel. unusual, or disgraceful punishment shall be allowed; nor shall teachers apply any insulting epithet to a pupil. XIII. Wilful or malicious injury to the .,JTTVT' ihE .vrv f ti. .i,rw.i i.ii i. .-:i. - i lall abide by the decision of this property of the school ahull be made good by the parent or guardian of the offender, within ten days after notice thereof, in W a . m . i- . m . mm aemnit oi wnicn the frincipai shall sus pend tbe offender. XIV. The Principal may auspend a pu a f a . mm few remarks, stated the bearing of the law as it now existed on the people of the towuship, and concluded with a short speech of a few appropriate remarks. speeches were then made by P. C. aha ver, Esq., James A. Lisk, Esq., aud oth era, alter which it was Resolved, By a unanimous vote that we meeting. Then it was further unanimously Resolved, That we all unite in building the fence provided for iu the Amendment passed by the General Assembly at its laat session for the benefit of our town ship, and that noue wonld hereafter go bevoud the bounds thereof. ii I mT A pupil BUS- IlMtnlveA. That Jaa. A. Tiak. Chan. pended shall not be allowed to return lnnr:in I ,vi Priuiar Kli Wvutt. nnJ P paid on admission is the only during that half of the yearly term, unless r. Morgan be appointed an Executive ;. .1 h.i..r .. K nMl nnt ....lei P11 ,or wrniooo oaeuce, or one who IS nu v. v,v..wOJ , inrrririhlw hnH a nun ... ' -.1H:L j . ... uu i.t. I - rr Itiey CII0O!c IO UU Si, I'Uisuo wui. awu( that tlie fus fee of ay Kind required for the first year, ending icfober 1st, 1884. Persons desir ing to b ad in 1 1 ted should apply to the Preideiil df the Examiuers. Those pos first-class teacher's certificate thin the six months last past, resioieu oy cue omminee. Committee to iret permission from out- XV. Whenever the Principal sue- siders te build the fence : to have the pends a pupil he shall immediately neti-lfeuce built and to solicit aid, coutribu- fy the Committee. No pupil shall be ex- tioos and work to bnild said fence. pelled except by order of the Committee, j Iietolved, That P. C. Sharer, Esq., be XVI. Visitors shal 1 nlwavs be welcome 1 reasurer of the fund and that he at tbe school, especially the parents and committee solicit subscriptions imar-diaiis of the nuoila s hut the ret-nlar to build the feuce and gates. dailv eTeiriM will not: hm i t,r.i-mi 1 1 ai! I Before the close of the meeting other therebv. speecuea were uiaue uy squires newman, I r. it l ril t 1 1 T , . j , . Vanipoon, auu ouaver, ante, on a can stiidii-a aaaiirnMl r. tha ......il- anil r r-nt "V. . u, " M J "J . : i rr : ' ' ! KnliBlinrr. mailn an niii. i.i.ri.it. iul.lra riown t ik nnihlyir nf m-uil u nil .I.i.nn. . . 1 1 ........ . w. w...... , ...... ......... .- K.i.M i.. ........ .., . .... ........ noticed a sad far away ish tho cart of bnoka, the following courae rf t h wUhed success to the . . , . wo.k nri i inn.hi it wmiiiT to Jet Grade. -Reading on charts and books, (OICb a neonle into a thiuir thev were ae . iiz a i . a. a m - opening uy leicer aim oy euuuu ; a run-1 unnauiiuoualy opposed to. metic, to count, write aud read numbers After reaueatino the Salisburv Watch- to WO ana the four rules with uumbera hooo and Examiner to publish the pro up ro ten ; rnnung ou siate auoweu nrst I ceding the meetiuc adiourned. sessing a grantedw will be ad (nit ted without any other ex amination: Arrancements will be made for the Rumination of other persons. o Mr. Bliuks ou the street a day We nitet or two 4gq Jook on Hijs face, lie said crops were lettei1taj he expected, but that he had got a itti iide backset on his ideas of the bsnkind business. He had heard that the-newj Salisbury bank was ready for ! ami he came to town supposing tlio oflicei 4 wiiuld hand out a number of bills of virions denominations to start their circulation. Instead of giving him sny hilll tf auy kind, they began te talk about diuntt., days of grace, endorse ments and-protests, and a lot of such non -B'msiral uitl." He said he became dis gusted aU left, believing there waa a eouspirai or a ring at the whole concern. But we & n inform Mr. Bliuks that he ia iu error aud that if he does actually want moiiey the Salisbury bank, will deal with hiru tairNjand squarely every time. On ly this : 1 auks de net distribute out their bills nor coin free a rat is. in. ' half year: Writing. Books required : MeG nffey's first read er and Appleton's first, if tho other is completed in time to make it necessary to use another this year 2d Grade. Reading; Arithmetic, read and write to 100000 additiou and sub traction, and multiplication table, mental arithmetic with numbers less than 100. Oral Geography (of the home) ; writing P. C. Shavuk, Sec. J. J. Newman, Chiarman. For the Watchman. Stkklk Towxsiiip, August '27, '83. Dear Watchman : A few notes from Thyratira, the old time-honored spot so sacred in the hearts of all our people. 1 he annnal Suuday with leaa pencil L.anguage lesson daily School celebration on last Friday was Si !. rm . iu snort sentences. uteiigiitrui. l he grove aud church was Books required: Appleton's and Mc- filled to overflowing with happy hearts Guffey's 2d Readers : Tracing oopy book, and smiling faces : and that long long ta aud at the Principal's discretion the ele- ble but I hold aud tell first of the beuu- -o- STARTLING. While 'jbusy making up the items for the outaUe niorurugUte subjoined note dropped out a lelti' to hand. We Of ndly disposed and amiable towards the itDiyersaffbrotlierhood and sisterhood of aaa andjwouuan kind, and wanted to how thefij all the good things we could tin .1 41 JU. . a ... m 'uu auBg inroiigh the sea of newspo- meatary arithmetic ; writing books. 3rd (Miffs. -Read ing: Spelling: Arith metic numeration aud rotation to 100,- 000,000 addition, subtraction, and mnlti plication by one figure. Mental Anthme tic; Geography , oral, general geographical defimntions : Geography of North Caroli na ; Map Drawing ; Writing and language lessons ; daily learning nouns. Books req uired : Complete the 2d Read er and nse Appleton's 3rd ; Writing books of the proscribed series, and the Principal may require at his discretion the nse of same for the spelling book. 4th Grade. Reading, Spelling in blank book, Writing (luk first allowed), Arith metic, fonr rn lea completed ; Geography, tiful singing rendered by tbe Suudav School children, led by their worthy pas tor, Rev, J. Alston Ramsay, a man uni versally beloved by his congregation was there a heart present so callous, so cold, that waa net warmed with emo tional feeling whilst these children war bled forth those beautiful carrots T If ar . . .a a so, l pity tne person wnose breast con tamed it. One of Salisbury's prominent sons was ou hand, J. W. Mauney, Esq., and delivered a brief suitable address to the audience assembled, closing with a UIIQ C. U tl ID UITC.OV.VU III Ufl- VI . . . c , . .. . lMI 1J l last grade, and also McGoffey's mttm iu P.iu.ti,lf,. t the ,raat fron, various scenes iu Palleatine, to the great delight of all the children and edificatiou of the old folks. Now for tbe table which was about 150 feet leug loaded down with the beet that our maids aud matrons (ao noted for good cooking) could fix up Tliia 1 q vat. fmw inwiri.. .. jli.l mat ai.d w ... ... fi .. . ' I .w.&v . m. .it w . . . .w.w 1 1 . fi...i i . , . ... I j-. i.i : i . m .. . 1 I m. . . mill niHue us i eel very sooer inaeeo. -e ui apuais, penuu, lutengauou paiui , tjed and a great number of baskets flll- ers.buf the following woke us to the I .u 'nta (mutLLk. fJ,..u danr....- At . ... . . I -TT .77"" B - - vf uur posniou wuu a sauaen- i sons daily ; learu all the parts of speech ; An interesting discovery was made few day a ago near the present lead of tbe Lanier mine. There waa naticed a mound of earth on which were crow ing shrubs and vines, and near it o sunken bole in the ground. These led Mr. Lanier to the conclusion that some one hod been work ing there before him. He went to work on the mound and soon brought to light o quantity of what be thinks ia very fine ore. Pushing bis investigation further he found that the ore had, perhaps, ages ago, been token from the hole which, when opened, proved to be an old shaft, and in it was found a lot of old mining tools par tially destroyed by decay and rust, as well as a vien bearing the same kiud of ore found in the mound. There seems to be a mystery here. Can any old citizen in the neighborhood ex plain it. Boston, Aug. 25th, 1883. Work is progressing as rapidly ae pos sible here, in preparation for the grand opening of the New England Manufac turers aud Mechanic's Institute. It is only proposed iu this paper to remark on the large aud interesting exhibition to be made by the State of North Carolina. A large portion of our Exhibit is still on tbe rood, but there is enough here to keep our force exceedingly busy iu tbe work of placing the articles. The dis play of timbers and building stones will be full, and interesting. Already, a great many of these articles hove been placed. The display of gold, silver, galena, copper and iron ores, will be very extensive, embracing specimens from the most prominent mines from all sections of our State. These are now being placed. There will be long Hues of couuters filled with the average speci mens gathered from the dumps, while lines of show cases equally as long will be filled with fine cabinet specimens of nil our ores, aud also of all our numerous rare minerals and gems. The grain, cotton aud tobacco display will be fair. As yet, no cotten has ar rived, but all our small grains are here, and a pavilion is being built in the cen ter of the North Carolina Exhibit, which will be covered entirely by small grain in the straw. One of the Florists of the city is superintending the decoration of the pavilion. It will be an attractive place, and will be lighted by four electric lights during the evening. This is neces sary, because the light outside, (all elec tric) will make a shadow under the grain pavilion. But it is next to impossible to say much in the way of description now as the whole building is iu the greatest dis orderthe exhibitors from all direc tions are here setting up their various displays. Arrangements are already made for a grand opening ou the 5th of September. Lord Chief Justice Coleridge, of England a party of ladies and gentlemen from Loudon, also a party of the New York City Bar Association, Gov. Jarvis and Hon. M. McGhee, and a party from North Carolina, most of the New Eng- death creates an irreparable loss with as. (JREECT. The chief dependence of the Republi can in carrying elections is money. During the past ten or fifteen years especially. Iu.nl tha flrat nneation which the Re- tbem from falling off, aud in the artillery pnblicau lerders have asked themselvess service the rings were to be used for -hen considering the prospects in a draught purposes, in the absence of mules, doubtful State ia. hew much money can mi . jaa w i nose specifications were accompanied oy i we nuse " the most grotesque pictures, representing officers hauling back cowardly recruits by Vienna, August 27th. Violeo the serviceable nag, cavalry securely fas- against the Jews occurred at bgenezcg, tened to the tops of their steeds by the Hungary, last Friday and Saturday same device, and artillerymen harnessed nights. Two hundred peasants took part to cannon, drawine them through narrow iu the outbreak. They wrecked all the defiles or up an activity inaccessible to houses and shops of the Jews in the mules. On another sheet of Bristol-board place and shouted "murder an tne jews. was an illustration in gaudy colors of Troops were called out but were unable "Derby's Botarv Mole Howitzer" aeeom- te suppress the violence of the mob until NEW GOODS, CHEAPER to EYE ! they were reinforced. The rioters also released a number of prisoners. A force of infantry and cavalry hat. lieeii ordered te proceed to tugenezeg from inula-resin. The riots lasted, three day a. The peas ants were armed with muskets and stoutly resisted the trovps. It is repor ted that 20 soldiers and many i 'inters were killed. Riots against the Jews have also occurred at Churgo, Kesztshely and Kauioouogy. At the last named place trops had to be called out to sup press the disturbances. MARRIED. panied by a written inscription to this offset : "Upon tho back of a yonna and vigilant mule strap a mountain howitzer, the muzzle pointing toward the tail. A similar piece of ordnance is fastened with iron bands under the animal's abdomen, the muzzle aimed between his forelegs to the front. There are four gunners two to each piece and a "persuader," as he is called, whose business it is to persuade the mule to stand firm and not retreat by stuffing him with oats after each dia charge, with a tin sausage-staffer. When Indians or other illegitimate game ap pear in view, the mule is, by a crauk movement on the tai 1 , brought to the front. It don't make much difference which way the mule faces--aud here is where my patent comes in one gun is always point ing towards the front. At the command 'Fire!' the top howitzer is discharged The recoil throws the male en his back bringing the second gun into position This is discharged, which suddenly throws the mule on his feet again, when the gun ners swab out the mule's throat with hay and reload." The illustrations which accompanied these directions in brown, red, bine and gold, and still on file in the war depart ment represented the rotary mule in seven dinereut attitudes, looking con tented and happy all the time. This was felt to be outrageous audacity on tbe part of a subaltern . Tbe clerks in the depart ment laughed at the funny letter immod erately, but their superiors looked serious. Jefferson Davis, the secretary, was terri bly indignant aud resolved to defend his ier-11 t-stj-ki i t rwt it if i M i I'irnc on1 ana..AA. W VHIUll.U 4 I I I I . J . V. Hill O nUU DWVIUVM- I . n mm- m -w TT Tl fT tions were drawn up against Lieutenant SAXilOJD U xv X JVL ArtX-i. Hj 1 . Derby, and the others were actually unm- August 23rd, 1883, by W. A. Campbell, Esq., at his residence, Henry L. (joodnmn to Miss Mary L. Holshouser, both ot Mor gan towuship, this county. By the Rev. R. L. Brown, at his resi dence, on the 20th of August, 1883, Mr. Henry S. Walton to Miss bailie L. tori, both of Rowan county. BUSINESS LOCALS f Advice to Wives." u eB the newspapers can't rest without so vice m wives' "advice to girls," and tlmt sortfiof thing. For my part the niouient J see such captions I open my aS';-ibd let the paper drop as I wld if i t were osnake. What business nave thfy meddling with persons and lungs which don't concern them t Who "Sieves hey are capable of giving any jecent Ooman advice on any subject f fj had better, a great sight, study ur ewi business aud thus prove a fit opacify! for the high and responsible position fliey fin. Let wives, aud girls Jee : with the Bible in their bauds they - tUei advice of no up-start editor of I" "r fuutry to instruct them in regard 1! .fnfHr, in ven above or iu the earth befeatb. Please uublish. Phkbk H . ft Now. faring thei ein. lere It is, so plain that a way- pau tfiough a fool, need not err Dr- U&iilteu ' Ba S that, at .mmf. nni V,V "31 giris should have their halters off. Jinil li . , .... 1 ..-h.. ... . IE I'iMl.u VUI IIIVC HUk llit. ..i I . . w . .-it in. ....-. , . T-Hl-II 1CB irh ,ln tat W in tlClBf lour KinuB oi sentences. mith -. a . .ln ..n Afr Uooks required : McUuITey s Jrd Head- ,.;., hciIIu addraM era tlaliaar. er; Blank book of prescribed kind for Ld by Rev. Mr. Barriuger, Pastor of tbe spouiiikj , arnnwoiM iiweu in graue oeiow Retoi oied ( hurch. uaar China throve, and m m er Tv I r . I v ' v eery BMBee wry ueograpny ; writing th6 Rdience dismissed from the chnreh book and pen and ink. to 8DIMi romainder of the eveniuo iu oth Graae. Ksading, .polling to 15 1 pleasant conversation and social enjoy roras, Aiunmetic inrougn neeimai irac- ment iu the heautitui grove that sur tions; Geography half of the manual : rounds this graud old church. Map drawing of county and state; Gram- Among the pleasant things, was the mar half of elementary grammar : daily meeting together for the first time iu 45 composition; Writing. years of a sprightly old Mississippi wid Books req uned : Mc Or uttey s 4th Header; ewer ot bo summers, and oue of our wid- Blauk book for spelling ; Maury's Menu- owe of like age. They had been lovers a! of Geograph v ; Harvey's Elementary iu their youthful days but the old folks Grammar : White's Elementary Arith me- said ao. Clod Knocker. tic ; copy books, and pen and ink. 6th Grade. Reading, Spelling fifteen words ; Arithmetic ; Geography Manual tuple ted and reviewed : Daily composi tion : Elementary Grammar complete ; Writing. Books required: Appleton's 4th Reader; copy books of proper numbers, and other! books same as iu last grade. 7tA Grade. Reading, Spelling twenty New Yokk, August 28. The Suu this morning prints copies of twenty or more letters which passed during the Presideu tial campaign of 1880 between Garfield, Doraey, Blaine, Allison, Footer, Morton, aud other republican leaders, and the Republican National Committee. The letters from Gai -field are to Doraey and Gov. Jewell, aud relate chiefly te tbe words; Arithmetic to banking: Gram mar, conduct ot the campaign in ludiaua. Hie emu i.Ufe half: Gcorrat.li v reviewed : dai- Sun asserts editorially that these letters " " a Z 9 . . . I i . 1 EJ L. J a . lr roniMta tion. and writinir : History of prove wiai ureu. n.iu.wi urinai oy . mW ' I . mp . .'II a a mar he verv gso- the United States, nrst nan. "-oy. ""ut" 'WkMrs. "hut one ia ti.M .i.i.r Itik ii.iited ; McGuffev's 5th Read- ludiaua and elsewhere with the kuowl the substance, of hta.thful tx- er : White's new Complete Arithmetic ; edge of Gen. uarneiu and the managers Harvey's Practical Grammar ; Derrye w uw eowposgH. land Governors, members of Congress, and members of the Legislature of Mass., and members of the City Conucil of Bos ton, will take part. A procession to escort Gov. Butler aud the guests of the Com mou weal th from the Revere House to the Institute Building, will consist of the 9th Reg. Mass. National Guard, the Lancers, (the cracked cavalry organize tion of Mass.) and tbe Jackson corps of Albany, N. Y., with Bands of music. The ceremeuies will be the most im posing yet held at any opeuiug. Gov. Jarvis is to reply to the address of wel come for North Carolina, and the "New South," while Lord Chief Justice Colt- ridge will respond iu behalf of the Eog- ligh guests. It ia confidently expected that the fair will be visited by 800,000 people, an excess of 300,000 over laat year. J . K. a. Oscar Wilde has come back aud has had hie hair cut. In fact, he has done the Groaveuor of Patience over again is. haa become a very common-place youug man. Indeed, he may not be as big a fool as tbe public took him to be. He places great hopes on his new play, " Ve- w inch is iu Miss Prescett's bantu. Duke's Cigarettes wholesale and retail at Factory prices. Fresh Mackerel (No. 2 Shore), Fat. Lemons by box or dozen. Best Leaf Lard on hand, at A. PARKER'S. ed for his court-martial, when William R. Marcy, Secretary of State a man of con siderable sense aud self poise said to the Secretary of War : "Now, see here, General Davis, don't you do it. This Derby has undoubtedly n superfluous de velopment of humor, but he is shrewd and ingenious aud really a fine draughts man. He has valuable qualitities. You can organize a couit that will convict him, but you will be the butt of ridicule on account of it all your life. Better tile the suggestions of the crook-and -ring aud the lively rotary mule aud say nothing." And he did if. Poor Derby subsequently became an inmate of an insane asylum aud later died by suicide." Corrected weekly by J. M. Knox Co. Salishukv, Aug :M, 1J.83. 10 Bacon Butter Chickens Eggs (.'ot ton Corn Flour Feathers Fodder Hay Meal Oats Wheat Wool J to KH 20 to 25 1-i 9 to 94 70 to 7") 2.00 to 2 2") to 50 t;o 20 70 to .370 to 104 40 We have received our new Spring and Summer Goods. Our stock is Large and Complete, consisting of DRY GOODS GROCERIES, BATS AND STRAW GOODS Boots & Shoes, Drugs and Medicines, QUEENS WARE, - CLOTHING, A.N I) everything kept in a First Class Store all of which wc offer rs CHEAP as the cheapest for Cash. Good Produce, or First Cl:is Chattel Mortgage. If vmr would SAVE MONEY, do not buy ' untiryou examine our stock. FERT I 1 45 32 7.") Batavia, August 28. The eruption of the volcano on the island of Kratestoa, continues. North Batavia. in Java, is covered with ashes, mud aud stones. The crops are ruined and roads aud bridges are destroyed. Tbe European quarter at Anjier and the Chinese camp at Merak have been swept away by the overflow of the rivers. A tidal wave also swamped the lower quarters of Batavia. The shot toar in Baltimore is 217 feet high. Ou the top of it is a sleuder staff 25 feet high. Monday hist a lightning rod man went up the tour aud climbed ud to tho ton of staff, creat i nc no little excitement among the crowd of lookers ou underneath. While iu this perilous position the staff meau while swaying like a willow he adjusted certain light ening red glasses aud renewed the flag halliards. The climber stated that tbe air was so full of electric currents that he waa com Del led at one time to slip quickly down tbe pole some six feet, and iu doing so lacerated his hands. In completing Ins work he will be compelled to go do wu the lightning rod outside of the tower auu re pair auy detects wnicn may appear. FOR SALE ! Salisbury Totoo Market. CORRECTED WEEKLY BT JXO. BUEPPAKD. 5.00 to 6.25 to 6.25 7.50 7.50 to 12.25 12.25 to 17.50 G.50 to 8.00 8.00 to 11.50 11.50 to 18.50 12.50 to 15.00 15 00 to 27.50 27.50 to 40.00 40.00 to 65.00 Lugs, common to mod. Lugs, med. to good, Lugs, good to fine, Lugs, line to fancy, Leaf, common to med. Leaf, med. to good, Leaf, good to tine, Wrappers, com. to med. Wrappers, med. to good Wrappers, good to tine, Wrappers, fine. Wrappers, fancy, none offered. The breaks for the past week have been good and prices have ruled high for all grades. All tobaccos have t'ouud ready sale at the above quotations. Quotations are changed whenever there is any advance or decline in the markets. Our manufacturers require over one million pounds of loaf tobaceo which they desire to purchase on this market and will pay the highest mar ket prices for all manufacturing stock. Wrappers, cutters, smekcrs are in demand and high. Lcord B-Cesxrlcot CORRECTED WEEKLY BY CANNON? FETZER. Herald of Music. The undersigned offer at private sale, for h nTt ThirtT Dars. the DroDertv of tbe GRAYSON MIXING COMPANY, Golden Vallev. Rutherford County, N. C .onsistinc of 244 acres, farm and mineral land, on which is located Three Houses, Barn and Large M ill Willi Ktww Jf "if " I uM . T 1 ! I "O'l 30 horse-power, z rerans jwuers, oats, 9f hrvrap-rnnwe-r each, and rOOm Wheat, and Dower for a twenty stamp mill; also one Foster Crusher, ojne Stevenson Pan, 60 inches; one 5 Stamp Battery, 600 lbs. stamps each Becket & McDowell's best. Also Shafting, Pulleys, Scales, Tools, Ac.; Two Horses, Wagon and Harness. Enquire of C. C. Wilcox, on the premises, or address The G akyson Mining Co., riA-iml JMenden; Uonn. i j Concord, Bacon, Hog round, Butter Chickens, Eggs, Cotton, Corn, Flour, Feathers, Fodder, per 100 lbs., We k.-pp ccnstantlv on hand THE VERY BEST BRANDS of COTTON and TOBAC CO Fertilizers. SctfWe have a special propitiation for To ht-'o that we warrant to give entire Satisfaction. Don't lail to got it. Last but not least, is the large brick Tobacco Warehouse in rear of onr Stcrr conducted by Messrs. Gray & Bell, whet you can get the highest prices for your, tobacco, and good accommodations for man and beast. Give than a call. No. 1. Murphy's Granite Row. J. S. McCUBBINSrSr. Salisbury, N. C April, 1888. To Mine Owners and Mining: Co'.. The undersigned are prepared to pwrhase ores of (.old, Silver. tad, Copper, and sulphur. In un limited quantities, to be delivered at nean-st rail way station, according to market prices. Casb payments. Contracts entered into for one to fifteen years. Kicharm Powek Oomtaky, London and Swansea. Knglaad All letters should be addressed to M. Parry nosset. ThnmasvlUe. DavlUfcon Co .N.C, sole Ayent for tbe United states. S0:lypi EVAPORATING FRUIT Fall treatise on Improved AMERICAN ITFQ CO MKHI.rt Wool, Aug 10, 1883. 12 to 13 20 to 30 15 to 25 10 to 12 6J to 9 00 to 65 2.25 to 2.50 30 to 45 75 50 65 to 75 40 to 42 90 to 100 25 to 35 1 Two of the oldest and lest remedies are Allcock's Pokous Plasters and P.ran dreth's Pills. They are celebrated house bold necessities. For sprains, rheumatism, pains in the side, btck, or ehest. or aay suf fering that is accessible fro.n the exterior, Allcock's Porous Plasters r.r perfection, while for regulating the blood. Brandrcih's Pills are uneoualed. Always keep them on hand. 18:ly MEDICAL BOARD of EXAMINERS OF NORTE CAROLINA. Tarboroimi, May 14th to 17th, 18S i Dr. E. Mitchell Summerell, of Rowan County, having passed hi; ap proved examination before-the Bonn! h;is been licensed t practice medicine iu all ol its branches, according to law. see chap. 258, p. 356, Private Laws of 1 858- 50. P. E HINES, M. D., prc't. H. T. Bahnson, M, D., Sect'v. 37:1m GREENSBORO Female COLLEGE, Greensboro, N. C. The oth Session of this flourishiin' In stitution will begin on tbe 22nd of August. 188?. Borne Comforts, Oood Fare, Vborn oufh Instruction. Special care of health, manners and n:r als. Charges Moderate. For particular . pply to T. M. JONES, Pies. 38:2m-pd - L