Watchman XIV. THIRL SERIES 8ALISBTIRY. N. C, SEPTEMBER 6, 1883. NO 47 The Carolina troL w t f: I Beyond the Mountains. The Cardlina Watchman, j t v n'T ISlf ED IN TIIE YEAR 18S2- i Bey the mountains-ah ! beyond 9TAi i invAXCB HftW ftir in faacy gleams PHICI, ADVASCK. Vallev with ftsUVU II CHOLERA ! A Noble Habit. DARBYf3 PRoSpHtLACTic Fluid. I j . TIe,tpot- Antltle War, vill!psvsnt the choleea The moHt newer Anti septic agunt which chem istry has produced. its use either Internal ly or externally renders all it comes in contact with, pure, mrfrt and clean . t.iiiit'ti I !ir iiimiuixUuu ui uio- W lcu.3f rn.inced bylnadent recovers. t . - ttriaartroys I ftfce I I .f Disease! WW . 1 I es aa Tire rallej with its spreading fields. I The glint of winding streams ! Beyond the purple mountains height Stray al! out trappy dreams. . Tiiere's always a ri ver to cross, Always an effort to make, If there's any tiling good to win, Any rich prise to take s Youder's the fruit we crave, I Youder the eharmiag scene ; . ' But deep and wide, with a troubled tide, la ataa. tin. flint Lot mm ww v . . w a i mi w hud wmrnmwm waa. For the treasures of precious worth We must patiently dig and dive ; For the place we long to fill We must push, and struggle and drive; And always ana everywhere i Well find it fn oar onward coarse, I Thorns for the feet, and trials to meet, And a difficult river to cross, i itliat mnny uis- ease genus rausraauu mc putrtn.sitn re- When used on Utcns, The rougher the way that we take, The stouter the heart and the nerve ; The stone's in ear path we break, Nor e'er from our impulse swerve ; There are persons always bel they have troth. They or enlarge make it sound fane whom Tbe Suspender Glrl. Mew who never wore suspenders vnn ran I ii . ihe HAnhniin f v hnr rna iva v timoo si. Tit ieve. because you know are oaying wmm . - -v, ' - "... i A .1 a 1. lull th.i. IrianUl t ho 7J i nt .lit iMott A the habit of telling the posuion. Anu i..j - af, .1 . (,.l.." cinrv MlWHtt it. nn tlieV Utry ailUlliei m uic wmsiuu was UU UUt WIUI oivmj "f ! f . . - , , . J Tr . .... 1 a 11 ... M of iki maiithan lim Hfl Kanrno K mnr ,W .f n nr or to ailtl 1LS ail on aa-uuiu wi ibc "J "T ft- i.i.u of. "Hpr thev are. sir. snc t r runi:i k i n r. i - o7tv - w t Tbe Mayer Impesing Hearty FI Our readers will probably rem cm - arlotte on a mong the a owe raised two coun- trvmen, who created a disturbance 1,000,000 POUNDS OF DRIED FRUIT il There are others whom you hardly said, with a sisterly (wme other fel-, and then aasulted Policeman Mike . : at. 1 i wa Unma in tir nrpft v Ilea v, 1 hev trot awnv from the Cttv. . iiiia ibw a Diaici i viv'Mtv . mm ..-w. r- j j a i trif- lace, "any and all kinds of suspenders, but the police entered their names on otiu Of course you'll take a pair. They'll the blue book. Yesterday the two ?istw kw nnanino through their fit yoa soaglj, and if you've been out Kings came into the city, and .L.lL. WL ab. email factor o'wifirhts they'll brace yon up. were slender bit of news and iad it with lbem three years, an Hi if Wear promptly arrested by the police and they rip, ' carried before the mayor to be tried elf For the glory w. hope to win, Widening fircles.j sweetens the parts and Our labors we count no loss ; These ilNweskenerate promotes tUe rapid form- . ..lotfi 'inn ti ei ini' !.. imn 1 1 iipiiii ii r irnii. KIDUW " -V" - i y ru ill V ird'v'H'- 7,tl7' ' 1 I jtKE K0R, fin Tkhki Asiatic Cholera, w il b I" i"w defrastatlnf Sf Kast anl aBvanclne. i I1MM I It Pwriffaa - the Atmosphere. lis follv to pause and murmur Of the river we have to cross. because the same' sort e Drra-j exposure m a thkku. Tvpho"? "'"'room. thkria. TTruutf ' room, cellar, ggg "T small Polt, Mk4i es-Hiiaevhw atmosphere and ui etc. A"StJDf disease and deaOi. coatapofl; "ITmTj Taken iDtwaany It MtsaJt4NB Apt K. ' ... o,.. 1. rr. Lj!i. SfSSotesTSlt is thus that It In- arise rijte Ing So, ready to do and to dare, Should we in our places sta nd, Fulfilling the Master's will, Folilling tbe soul's demand ; For tbeogh as the mountains high '1 lie billows may rear and toss, They'll not overwhelm if the Lord's at the helm One more river to cross. Jo$ephine Pollard. m ' SB MT x I I I IT 'II. A. . . added words, and paint it with high tear or stretch come Dacfc-anu uuy ior u.e x..a j .j: ; u.iv mother oair. Hard stody is making was reviewed, and Mayor Maxwell ndJ gW' . M. ioiplo-r. yoar'U .l,.u.derl Take . ft ut fine of J40 ul A ...poo a i5aio., to of these sasweiMlers daily, and you'll the two men. From this decision of AIIU UUC IIUC9 lll line i m . i ff , . . , .11 I folks when so ranch must be "allowed walk the waters like a thing of life, the mayor they took an appeal. In e Lju SuDoose von oerswre but you're too imposing these heavy-fines for resist- the' niee to thiuk of such a dreadful thing "mg the officers Mayor Maxwell gains : i:i, .iZlZ. -Jt a in this snsoeiider will not be aflected for himself the applause of ousf ueo- irUHI III l I UK" ... ( - -Tf - . 1 - . T7!nl, ...... r f-r)a U'lto v bv it. There is a eeueral wail for pie, ami Irom luture oneiuiers a more .nd ...anal snob as riirhtlv meaa thete goJd plated silk ones. You wholesome respect for the iMjtstj of what you wish to say. Kever stretch wont buy suspenders ? Then it must the law. The mayor is determined a story or fact to make it seem bigger be garters you want. Uloseo, so tne 10 sustain tne iw, aau FFir8 i Strl cri-ttr stnns circulation, induces lame- be his intention to come clown on all or luiunei. imo, ouu v ..... b r f . - ,u:ia loaru to trnst you and respect you. neK shortens your days and makes ot 'em like a bag of shortroui a third ti.: in u uho. iimn hw.ntv a the undertaker blossom as the rose, stary window. X1IIB Will Mw II- fit I T 11 I f r... 4ii:.. lfl mAmm Rikt with this natent eucircular the Charles Jetton and lorn bavage, IlillllC IUI icimiK wiiuii ow. .ww v- r- - . . . i . A. t f tV C A OK U king foolishly or falsely "funny" step quickens, the eye brightens ana ior an anray, were u o.- BERRIES 4T KLUTTZ & RENDLEMAN'S! They have just received anew supply of SUMMER GOODS, which they offer vsrj cheap, with a full assortment of Dry Goods, Notions, ClothinG, Furnishing Goods, SCTToV un-jdlgestlon and Dyspepsia cleanness i ,-,i,t ff it rtpif.iTTsaiirrw. em niv &y ?yfT-!S5S.ll"A.' ' ASw u-upti nted as a lotion i w. (tiw Ht destroys an riwuo-u" C T.X "' -'- Whlteand transparent as Wf Sfc-f Both ofthat of a Utile child. these reftmi-s uc n ;MWlf.UifUot Prof., Wbl"s preparation of, of Borac; Acfd 4nd Chlo- rlne. kiwfwn as 1 TllVRBt'S Space loesnoi permit us. to name many ot the uses to ihlch this treat Gerin destroyer Is appuca- ble. A your irw?si!M. i"i 11 r i H.f lis iisefutbess. or address J, H. ZEILIN & CO., . . niriT iTW'lDIITl ICiniifafturlng Chemist, rnn-Ait.. so cents per Jiottle. Pint Bottles, ma remarks. There are enough true funny things a general joy takes possession of the Jovbtud-Observer. community. And this patent, but j ALL SORTS. pnederTalMiS comes in contact! , with, pure and I i 1LACIMTATL0R HAVING PURCHASED TIIE . t Tbe Poor Boys, i Don't be discouraged because you are poor. Learn something valuable every day. Heap up knowledge of all good and useful things. Be active in tbe performance of duties, faithful and true in all you do; and places, and business, wealth and influence will be your lot in the world. The Youth's Companion says : We owe more to poor children than we think. Columbus was a poor boy, often needing more food than he could get. Luther sting ballads in the street to get the funds for an education. Franklin used to buy a role for a penny and eat it alone. Dr. Living stone learned Latin from on his loom while at work. Emily G. Judson used to rise at two iu the morning and do the washing for the fatrily. Gambetla was poor and slept in an attic. Lucy La'com was a factory girl. Dr. Holland was poor and a schoolteacher. Capt. Eids wasbear fm.t and nennilcss at nine years old. None of these people have been idle, their time on street w ....w r . corners, or iu -games of cards or bil liards. They were too busy. lvi mipiii no in the world, and thev are pardon me a moment most entertaining when told just ex- "And yon are back again." she actly as they come to pass. One has beamed on an old gentleman from out ivpII an id i "Never deceive for the of town, "how many pretty things sake of foolish jest to excite the laugh- ; you've bought. Let me tie them up off on lim tlf) jo0 f staying in tor nf n few com minions at the expense ior you. 1 here now you have them. toB and iDfr a COvcrumeut. "Thank you, miss," smiled the old , gentleman. "I'm coming back on ! V en you fret and fume at the pet- W' . . . ? i i 1 ,. : I 1 ..T I i I', ramam ior t Umt III Urhonla the 27th to the agricultural snow, anu "f - . - I'll call to see you, sure," and lie which go around without creaking Greaham being the "green" mantqf the Cabinet, the others have contrived to tuck Waahing- of a friend." Be Social. A young man comes to your church; he is a perfect stranger to the majority of those he meets ; his home is tar away ; his church he has left behind. He lisleus attentively to the service, and is pleased and profited by what e hears. The service over he goes ... . 'i i .. out. Although many Know mm to be a stranger, yet no one exleuds the friendly hand or iu any manner no tices him. He is somewhat uiscour shook her hand warmly. She literally rained good humor and eloquence ou the visitors. Courier-Journal. Charity Among Birds. last longest. A man who puis aside bis religion because he is going into society re sembles a person taking oft his shoes because he is about to walk upon thorns. Their Stock of Family Groceries is large and complete. They still liar the best Flour, Oat Meal. Meats. Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Rice, Meal, Bran, Shorts, New Orleans Molasses, Syrups, Pure Lard, &c. A full assortment of Family Medicines. FRUIT JARS cheap and all kinds. Table and Qlassware, A Oood Stock. Agents for Coats' Spool Cotto. Still have a plenty of Five Cents Tinware, fyCome and sec us before you bay o sell, for we will do yon good. W. W. Taylor, ) July 4th, 1883. D. J. Bostiah, ,wen- In this city notice was recently! A Maine girl didn't want heij lover made of a robin that went to a house to name a boat after her, becautec she to feed one of its young that some didn't desire to read in the papers feovs had carried oft and placed iu a that "Matildy Slocum is up for repairs, aced a little homesickness steals over ; cage that was auoweu to uang u u i mauioy oiuvuiu ... t... him, but he resolves to go there once oors. a hub. imi, u..w .vm.vo sv.aj-, -.v. m.ire. He goes, with the same result. Carson River, above Dayton, tells of j Northern Chey- Discouraged, he seeks another sanct- a circumstances still more singu ar i Arapahoes is named Wild uary where the warm grasp ot tne , ne says a pu.r u. . u,u . ()f the tribe is his information about he even ,ng u a . . . daughter, ami ahe b known as Miss invitation to the Dunuay- u a . nenr y p.t r . H,r7 This entirelv wronff. Her lhe two pair ... 'n- name shouiu oe ansa rig. J. R. KEEN, Salisbury, N. C. Aleut for PHIENII IRON WORKS, Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, AND TURBINE WHEELS Also, Contractor and Builder Ja S5, '83. ly had built tlicir nest. STOCK e OF M. SMITHDEAU AS VfELt AS THE INTEREST OF r -r nr-nf.iH of the Arm of R. R. CRAWFORD ft CO.. We are aow prepared to supply our customers with .ill kinds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Iu addition to the Bet Selected Stock ot HARD W A K E iu the STA T E. Boat's Boss Corn in Boston. Capt. R. A. Bust, of Newton, says theiiickorv Carolinian, is no worse a farmer Oian a Hotelist. He knows as well how to raise good corn as to nrovide trood eatnients .. f i ; r He has gatnereu irom m sent to the Boston Exposition a box containing 168- ears of corn which weighed 160 lbs nearly three bush els. But for filling the box he could have seut a dozeu or so less and had all to average one pound each. It is the Bost Improved Mammoth White, and beats any com we have seen car ried about and sent through the mail at fabulous premium prices. u - fiu. RnK We have always V 11UI1B w -ww. r " . I hand, meeting. I I 1 - - - l.l.nn 1 ir lIlA OVUUUII .ww ' w l - . -i r .1.- in his we fare, ot bii-ls hatchetl out tneir young II1CII1 UCIO Ul W.....W . Ill A III . - . . W . I at once decides his course. The re- , about tne same nine anu an weiii wcu Tlie grealest heat ot tne air in me suit is a zealous worker is gained by , tor several day, then tne caimros 9nn probably never exceeels 140 ue- one church and lost bv-tlie other, and j were seen no more, prooaoiy uaviug greas nor the grralest cum oo c simply because the young men were been shot by some ot the beekeepers gree9 beoW zero. About 13jD le gocia of Dayton. I grees above and 40 degrees below Young men and young women of The young catbirds Were evidently zero are tlt extremes for the United our churches, never let a stranger go starving. When the robins came with 8tates ad very unusal. away without a notice ; never let that j a worm or other insect tor their young cJiilline feeling of loneliness come they always alighted on the top rail over any person in the house of God. j of the fence before hopping down to It should be your pleasure to make ' their neat. Every time when a robin -Li ., Iimiiw Trv it and so came the catbirds opened their CVCt atiaiiit" . w - . , i i ' V ... '. i rr. ' ,i ... l.r,iot nrv llw.i- liiMfl Mllf! IIIO.Illl, .III UOt niv. il ..v....v. w..-. made a grent outcry. They were beg ging to the best of their ability ir food. 'IM. I.! m.I u Miuluivlatul i ne rooms n icati-u - , . . . o, .ti .,,.,l ,IT lint o ii' r the appeal, and begun feeding the is an your me hungry little catbirds. They did not do what they had undertaken by Washixoton, August 30-Ex-Chief halves. Each evening the female Justice Moore, of Texas, died suddenly robin sat on her own nest and warm- iu this city to day of appoplexy. ed with her body her own young, I New Orlkans, Aug. 30. The grand School Books Full Stock, lowest prices. Writing Paper, Pens and Pencils. Envelops, Visiting Cards. Seaside Novels and Monroe's Libiary. Blank Books, Gold Fens. Autograph and Photograph Albums. Wall Paper, Toilet Articles, Perfumery. Fine Toilet Soap, Combs and Brushes. Bathing Gloves and Towels. V. , V J .-"- J r your reward will be speeily. Zion s Watchman. An Iutercstiuir Bible Puzzle. Athl to the age of Abraham when ho died the uu roller of foxes Samson sent into the Philistines' com ; sub tract the age of Joshua when he died; bv the number A young city fellow, dressed in a faultless suit and a pair of shoes that tapered into a point in a most mod em style, was visiting in a rural dis trict. A bright little boy looked him all over, until Iub eyes rested ori those shoes. He looked at Iris own chubby ftet and then at his visitor's, and then looking up, said, "Mister, mi ii ! i i ul v the amount TrllStZ.iH 7ul L.o.1 r J..U1. bni.nd ed with her body her own young,! New Qrlkans, Aug. oi uunis mat jw.. - i , ., i , ,. tnixb ... , .. . ... . . ..... number of Wl,u l,,c u,"' ...w - jury in tneir report iugsmi ....... Samson with, and add the of the catbirds. measure thnt a crematory be established 1 7.. n.i... i i Ion ini I ante, mm. I ;IU II V M rill V llll III III'Vll i. . lik.d.: divide the product I" "','f "V bu'" br(,""' under tl,. direction .f .l,.otacer.fCl...- L tlie nnnlcr o f king, that went to ' h.tle or.ilian, growmg ..p , Uw-ptfl for th. of b.mi. Hi e Gideon , add fhe n,m,ber of ftrong and l.v.1, as hoegl. they had of fmm wfco dl. ,f coot... divide the wee" cwrco ior .i t...w6.. ; gious diaeaae. . Aj'I.I uniUHe aiw www signed bv the number ot loaves that own larent8 thought there wa. a large dea. wUb Gil- krJ& goin hi-. d now we begin to . aJd t, gJFJTfSm, .ceit. was the total hy the .. -,K .:, ' S-t . ...I I. - f in. tla note i.w Hard to Kill. Mr. David A. Coon, of this county who is familiarly known as -'Honest David," is about as hard to kill as a man general lv eets to be. At the battle of Gettysburg he was wounded nine minutes. nn witn ineir own r kind. Virginia City Enterprise. Boston, August 30. The Boaten house of Geo. W. Bellow & Co., acknowledged the correctness of the firm's liabilities nre between 11,500,1)00 and 2,000,000 iu stead of $750,000 as first reported. L . SrnmTfiv. Pa.. Anmist 30. Tlfe uv" j j con fi.xo ;., on then nine miiiiites. i lliuc tiiuca iii i vow ... - -- e - , He was shot thrugh the right foot, with. The answer will be the value th-Ano-h th riirht lew tust above the .ot a coin in cents. aee ot unrisc wnen e wc i vw Temple with Hi8 motner ; aua me number of years Solomon took to the Temple; subtract the num ber of years Solomon took to build 1 iha numlmi ! it in ex livtllL'fk U I 111 -ti ill l" l ill an. , i - . uwu tyie., 7 . . rv.i V..-U-., ..tnnia bed his .t wkiU Mm tn m wan nine been deatl when - iw .- - --- - - ,,- number of audience by suddenly urawing h-i at the rate of thirty nines an uou. under the table a weapon wnicn ne fn onder Uie wheel and was lustauny i .1,1 ;,.cf .ran i it trnin ieisre ami I Ul' I llie wa is Durino- a recent lecture in London ductor of an excursion train from Scran before an assembly of army officers tou tw Mouutain Park to-day, put John 11 arms and other ex- itmim. nired 19 vears. who badMatiex 1 li ,IU' n .Vl wj)"J O " 9 of days Lazarus had raised to life, and add the loaves Christ fed the 5,000 Plated Ware FINE CIGARS, FRENCH CAN DIES A SPECIALTY, TROPICAL FRUITS IN SEA SON, PXCOTRB3 4L PICTUKE PltaMKS. TOYS. DOLLS, V.M'r AM) T () IL ET SETS. AND BANJOS. VIOLINS. GUITARS AND BANJO STRINGS. THEO.BUERBAUH, 44 SAI.ISBI KY, N. C THAIS, THEY (OMR i Oar Stcci Constantly RtplBiisliei UND2R THE FIRM NAME OF via u m il x mum x. Wa. J. Plummbr. lone known as the 11 Harnemand Saddle Maker wlio ererdid huxia new in Suliftbin v, reenn liin toniplimrnt to old friends mid patron with an invitation, to call and see a present Flock of new Ifarnew, Saddles, Collar, Ac. fir warrants HatufaHiun lo every purchaser of New Stock, and also hi repair work. Rates aa low aa a good article will admit of. Call and are. PLUMMER & MORGAN. people We also handle Bjifle ai-d Blasting Powder FUSE find a full line ot Mining Supplies. j WewiU J&t j Duplicate Any Prices in ankle, through the right tligl twice, iu the left leg, twice through the left thigh, iu the left side and in the head, and was captured. He theu lay in a grove, near the field, eleven days, with only an awning atreicnea auuve him, and then lay three weeks in a tent before being takeu to a hospital. Yet he lives and is physically equal to almost any man iu North Coral iua, The Nashville American wants to know "how it would do to elect post masters by ballot in each oommtioityT" The immediate occasion for the ques tion is the immense patronage wield ed by the Post Office Department at Wnahino-tnii. and the impossibility of any one, who does not belong to tlV dominaut party, gelling a poaiuvn leU a "oauy a nmit 30. Tbe Cenaol w. I 1 t 1. . lorirml I II 3ni.iU'-'l gun. ' it cou.u nt - " ' nnnX United State, at RnmeT.a. until brought id con.ieci.on w.u. iw -3 - Denertmeht with an roe of electric one, but .TT; outt. u. Italy be- it could be wnrKeu wu.i .--- -f. . . , Wnditt-mA. Mr l'ieiMir. ot tween couiuiucu ir"B c notwithstanding he carries around iu ja t office It will proably be I. 1 1 a .n.t n I - . 1,1 Itl his anatomy euougn ieau shot factory. Lincoln Press. I the State. 1 ALL AND SEE US. Pittsburg Telegraph : "A good pro rwimial bass ball player flats $1200 r . ... admitted that as a rule the post omces nf the eountrv are supplied with good postmasters, and that the post office business is conducted systematically eeel mA iafiietorilv. It is extremely l.v. -m . . .1.... ..f,i I It fliA American a 'jlail would UWUUtlUI wmrm mm n m. . .7 " . .T. !.L I. tin a vear. and earns most 01 11 wun ma - th,I nnlitios 1 , , i . ne an ioiiwjw www. 1 . a irnnfi iirpaiiiier una iu nun t , . . . , brains. Drain iwhw IO ; these degenerated days. 111c i'l nai a sine-; fl. BUcflEI, Oct. 5, l32 SH'L TAYWR. 50:ly the most competent FOR RENT!, . . - 1 i i... aU,kf have addeil that a slue- v Kveu 11 win- er.. r ' . j i.:Oa lieint-a Miia fa . that ciicutn- wer 1 ke CMillivan can give mi cauw w. rr e us-i m,A.mZ 1 ifipfttioiia .tanee would not detemame the elmca tion oi ins .iiww-w"".. it: - . .. . : :...i; ha all aimatioil. 1MI oiimb w tad mst .... , . j .kleJi I. on ImI a "babv electric M II I L M mm-omi j killed. rapidity, its inventor, manufactured in several countries w y i e ,i,.0 IvnTAi-n tirpfl ' chines l.iege, naving a icw .w . eJ gtatet tion i m - M heir aii eiirne r i4hii u"- am nkt III more luuucj m " -" r . .... 1 : l..-;.,o ire irmwn n,io. , ...eonr ,h. ke average clergyman can .... tV. ' nm w-1 nntnW,. f " - 104 rounds in two minutes. ". Fosbery exhibitetl its mode ot ojiera- tion by means of a small electric ac cumulator secreted under his vest, and minute cartridges containing only nowder and a wad. Various speakers afterward expressed the opinion that electricity would again revolutionize the manufacture ot small arms. Nearly all the Java coffee consum ed in this country is produced in the island of Sumatra by the native, unf der the supervision of the Dutch Government, which buys the product at a low, fixed price, and sells it at auction cither in Batavia, Padang or Amsterdam. Some of the plantations are very large, oue of these compntv ine over 20,000 acres, upon which, riur, and Hrah streets. Apply to W ifriMTof eaSM an'l Fisher Streets. :t. NKAVK. in half a life time. aary to tbe Democrat, rm anccesbful. The trials were severe The ground being in many places marshy or stony, hut the result clearly showed tiu.-,.nrioiitv of the American machines. Tk.n. m hnt two prizes offered and 4. It V a W vw - - e both were wou by Americans. Lonikix, August 30.-The Government and the Llojde have telegraphed to for eign "poits wandng veaacla that the re cent volcanic eruptiou in the Straights ef Suuda hare rendered navigation of those waters exceedingly dangerous Twenty new volcanoes hare apjeared and he coast line is constantly chanaiug. New islands have arisen and the old soundings !..r,r tn lm relieil noon. Three : iiiv ii i.ti'. x thonaand persons hare heeu killed in Bantam, the district of Tanara. and the viUaee of Krataat by these erup- tions. f A Great Water Power FOR SALE ! -H-O-- The most extraordinary unimproved Water Power on the Yadkin River is ftr sale at low figures. It is situate at the head of the Narrows in Stanly county, 8 mile from Albemarle, the county seat; 13 miles from Gold Hill, and about 28 miles Irom It is one mile from the pubhr highway leading to Salisbury, from which road it is easily accessible down to tin water's edge. The peculiar feature of this n,niwriv i that it is a natural stone dam odour a. ix foot head ot WHICH lunnw ...... ... available water. The dam runs at an angh f ., iMmr 20 or 25 dec. uu the river nearl ll the wav across, raUUHiiy uiuiinMuii in neigui as i-. iummciitn -n ---shore. A race of 400 feet in length will add from 12 to 14 additional feet of head, mak in the grand power of 18 or 20. There is any quantity of building stone and alate of excellent ouality, on the premises, easily transported by water. This excellent power may be used for GRIST AND FLOURING MILLS, COTTON & WOOLEN FACTORIES, REDUCTION MILL FOR SULPHU- RETED ORES. lffErtS ical rinatPttrr'a Stomach Bitten, b vitnl nnwer. and raidcrina the nhya fonctiuna rcgaUr ana active, aaepa na ay stein In good working order, and pretests itagainat diaeaae. For conatipation, dys pepaia and liver eomplaiat aerroaeaeaa, kidney and rheumatic ail men ta, it ia in valuable, and it affords a aura defence aaainet malarial fevere, beeidea re mo ring all traces of each diaeaae rrom in ayeieni. For sale by all Druirieists and leaiera - . . w EALTHCORSET TBcrraaea tn populvtae every day, aa I sales See tt tbe nvoet COMron'TABLS r PFKFECT FITTIK0 cor t cT-rreta. Use. chanta r.r it civ paths bet t nnti-.:.v of ay cor (ft U"Tsvr aold. Wrmnfd rttlJt'Uirr or isoar re fu .rffd. lVr i!e ir J. D. aASEILL ouly-a Selifhary, If.'O. ADMINISTRATOR'S - SA.LEof LAND! In pursuance of ajudgment-of the Supe rior Court of Rowan county, in the ;nca( proceeding of James P. Trexler and C. 1?. Stewart, adininistratore of D. A. Miller, ra Nancy Miller and others, heira-at-law efths said D. A. Miller, wewiliaellat public out cry to the highest bidder, at the Court-house door in Salisbury, On Monday, the 10th of September, 1883,. of . the following dcscnlied tract of laau, sit- r. ....,... ;.,n't l v n,r tin- mines r- 1 . - l li., - .Kin in llnu un rnnn. Min.,nii.rr. Stanlr. narrs oi uaoarrns. . uatcn m r i . ww -.. Rowan and Davidson tounues in maac u as c s. 1 .1 . i s a! dftm a custom mm, ior ine iwwhw a ... with the great advanUge of being in the centre of the mining districts named aliove. The ores within easy reach couki not ue worked out in a century. This water power with 10 acres attached is offerred at $2,500. with the option of i no ...rea at SJUoOO. The lands are valua ble for farming purposes; the situation' i i.i..- ii... uu ir-tv "ikwI. ano rnurcii ann iiv.ainii. j g. - ty, Iieing lot No. 4, m the division of the land of Jehu Foster, Sr., and being the let assigned to Laura C. Foater. and by her conveved to D. A- Miller, by deed dated 4th diiv of January. 1883, and dsjy regis tered in Book 63, page 373 P. ft. office of Rowan county, containing ftae Hundred and Forty-three acrea, more or less. TERMS of Sale One-third cash, one third in six month-, and the balance in twelre months. Title retained until the purchase a a a I . 3 I 1 . . . . 1 . a ..... m. 1. . mmm at 11 i r school advantages vcrv gooti. ,-erfwiis . notacj v '". "v wishing further information may address ; deferred payments at the rate ol eight per .-Watenmnn' Salisbury, or Mr. J. R .Lit- can,, aer annum r w aiiwmrii. . u. w-'w v " .. i r t .1. I MnliallAr. 1 . I Map oi piace iiiriiisiio' w ...... j 33:tf. Adm'raofD. A. MiVerOmm'mftTiert. Dated Attg'M 9th, 1883.-4d:4t i