i i r Carolina Watchman. THURSDAY. SEPT. 13, 3883. Goad Doctrine. STATE DEMOCRATIC PPATKOBM JVVT 5TH, 1882. Krtolred, That we are in favor of the I entire and immediate abolition of tlie in i icmal revenue system tcith its attendant corruption. I Wo .think nine thousand nine kindred and ninety-wine raadera out of ten thoo I Mind would road tlie abore and never have the shadow of a doubt as to its meaning. And jet the Wilmiuf ton Star effects to be in doubt about it, or aaye "there is a difference of opinion1 as to j ita meaning. Interesting TitiAL. The trial of Thoa L. Shiela for the murder of J. G. Sitton, elicits a great deal of attention, and the Court Houae in Charlotte, as we learn from the Journal-Observer, is crowded with eager listeners all ti e time. It will be remembered that Shield's shot Sitton on hia refusal to marrj his sister, Miss Mol lie Shields, whom he had seduced, and was about to abandon. The evidence, as reported, sustains the charge of seduc tion. The killinii is not denied. The question of refusal to marry rests on the testimony of Shields alone. The parents of the girl knew nothing of the relation between her and Sitton until the morning of the murder. Louisville Courier-Journal: The whole system of female employment in the De martmentaat Washington is a corruption A number of the women in office are lit tle other than misstresaea of the men to whom they owe their places. It could not be otherwise in the nature of the case. Hence the post of Appointment Clerk, who is bound to know and to wink at, and, in a sense, to becone a party to the rottenness going en about him, canies with it a sort of infamy. Ia thia charge trae ? Another excursion party from Peuusy 1 vaeia, it ia reported, oue hundred strong, will visit North Caroliua this fall. We ahall be glad to see them, and hope they will allow themselves time to scatter around through different portions of the State up and down the valleys of the Yadkin and Catawba, and make the trip from Eaat to West. North Carolina will bear close inspection at any point they may strike her, and we want them to see her well enough to know it. Cold Wave Coming. A St. Paul, Minn., dispatch dated Sept. 8th says, the weather here has beeu very cold during the hut twenty-four hours, and but for the hard winds blowing over the entire State, there would have been severe frosts laat night. The Manitoba Railway Com pany have advices of a anow storm in the, vicinity of Winnepeg to the depth of two inches. A telegram dated at St. Albans, Vt., Sept. 11 say, Wm. Bales, a Blacksmith of Highgate Springs, committed suicide yesterday. He had beeu arrested for big amy and while awaiting his removal to jail he cut his throat with a pocket knife. A Dcsrbxctive Fkost. A dispatch from Chicago, Sopt. 11th, reports the damage by front to the corn crop in Wis consin, Michigan, Northern Illinois, In diana aad Iowa will be at least 15 per cent., and that tobacco, hops, sorghum cranberries and buckwheat are almost a total loss. The Board of Regents of Texas Uuirer aity, of which Dr. Ashbel Smith is Presi dent, have provided for the admission of young women at the age of sixteen years, the same aa young men thua admitting both sex on an equal looting. The late Mr. Jones, colored, who went out at Raleigh, the other day, for murder, departed at 6 o'clock, Monday morning not Friday, 1$ p. m.f aa usual, says an exchange. A Little Romance. The Philadelphia Press has a corres pondent traveling in the mountains of" North Carolina, who concludes hia last letter from Black Mountain with the fol lowing little bit of romance : Black Mountain station, which consists of a amall hotel and little else to apeak of, has been the scene of a romance auch as no aummer resort ueed be ash a used of. It ia an old and threadbare plot in novels, but one unusual iu real life. Laat spring ft young lady from the North came down here for her health. It so happened that' her photograph waa sent to friends iu England aud there met the eyes of a young Englishman, who exclaimed, "It that girl is aa good as she looks I should like to marry her." Coming to America, he, too, seugbt the sunny South for hie health also, and here ju the mountains of North Caroliua, among these primitive people, the aristo cratic Englishman mat the young ladv whooe face he had so admired. Novel like, it waa love at first eight. Nr wae the city girl daunted at the prospect of becoming a farmer's wife; for her lover proposed that ihey nettle upon a small Jumi in this selfsame county. Surprised at the gift of a magnificent diamoud ring, she thought it necessary to begiu Candle lectures at ouce, for sure ly such jewels were qnite beyond their means. Finally came the coiifessiea that J)hh so often trembled on the lips of vel Jow covered uovels, That he might first gaiu her love he had deceived her. He waa worth $600,000, A few months ago ahe minister rode over from his home 5 miles away, and the romance ended with ji quiet morning wedding. J lay fver is less prevalent than usual. When it sot so common people had it, then it miicklv gre'.v unfashionable. Cold in the head are about B8 frequent as uau jl! . JSosion Uem Id. Lenoir Topic: We are sorry to lose Messrs. W. I Wakefield, J. M. Wake field, R A Cloyd aad L W Ballew, who left Monday for Dallas, Texas, where they will probably settle. -Mr. A. G. Setxer, who left Lower Creek nine years ava and went to Louisiana, has returned to the Old North State and has come to o I stay. Columbia, S. C., September 10. A singular lawsuit is in progress in tins city. It was brooght by one D. J. Giif fith, administrator of the estate of W. S. Hook, deceased, against the Charlotte, Columbia it Augusta Railroad Company. Hoek, some two rears ago, waa murder- ad by a negro, who placed the body on the railroad track. Three traina ran over it in the night time, before it waa dis covered. Suit is brought to recover damages ir n.juue uuu m wi the plaintiff charging negligence on the part of the railroad company in allowing such mutilation, and claiming that there ia property in a dead body as well as in the clothes it may wear. Ex-Attorney General Yonmans is conducting the case for the plaintiff, and the railroad com pany is also reptesen ted by eminent counsel. Argument waa had before a referee yesterday .J He has not yet made hia report. Los dux, Sept. 11. A dispatch from Hong Kong states that a Chinese mob at Canton burned the houses of several European merchants and also their wharvea, causing great consternation . M ' "A a " M among tne roreign residents, most oi whom sought refuge on board vessels the river. No violence was offered to persons and a force of Chinese troops waa called out which quietly dispersed the rioters. On the receipt of the intelli gence at Hong Kong several gun boats were immediately sent to Canton to afford protection to foreign merchants. Colubia, S. C., September 10. On Thursday a n amber of colored people living on a plantation in Beaufort County procured about a oubuei wi ....up, which they cooked, and then sat down to a big feaat. In half an hour afterwards ie whole party were taken violently sick, exhibiting symptoms of poisoning. Three of the negroes died Friday, and at last accounts seven others were in a precaurieus condition. It is supposed that the shrimps were partly decayed before they were cooked. Crazed by Jealousy. Rocky Mount, N. C, Sept. 10. Rush Hall, a young mail living near here, on Weduesday last parted from Miss Annie Hopkins, a beautiful girl, hia betrothed wife. The engagement was broken for some trivial cause. On Saturday evening as the young lady aud a young man were walking together they were seen by Hall, who, crazed by jealousy, slunk out of sight into the woods. He cut a heavy club aud followed the couple. When they arrived at Miss Hopkins' house, the young man left her near the gate. Sud denly Hall'rushed upon her aud felled her to the ground with his club, fractur ing her skull and otherwise injuring her. she begged pitteously far lite, but her appeals seemed enly to infuriate him and he enly ceased to beat her whan she was unabled to cry any longer. She cannot live. He has lied. Great Forest Fires. A Boston dispatch of the 7th says, the greatest forest fires witnessed iu fifty years are now raging in the New England States. Boston is surronded by a cordon of flames. From the South Shore, stretch ing around to the waat and reaching east ward until met by Massachusetts Bay, there is not a town within fifty miles of Boston that has not one or mere forest fires which are beyond control. There has been no rain for weeks. A water famine is feared and everything is as dry as tioder. Further away among the pine trees of Maine, the granite hills of New Hampshire, the green niouutaius of Ver mont, and the nutmeg groves of Connec ticut, the trees, shrubbery, meadows aud peat begs are many of them iu flames. These fires are set iu a variety of ways, but are most of them the result of care less smokers and hunters second them. In Massachusetts they are very extensive. About 5,000 acres of the meadows in Can ton and Norwood hare been burned ever during five days, with a loss of over $100,000. Organized Incendiaries. Norfolk, Va., Sept. 10. Twenty -three houses were burned in the village of Deep Creek, on the canal of the Dixmal Swamp, 10 miles below this citv yesterday morning. The fire Was the work pt an organized baud of inceaajane wijo iare trod to burn a number of villagea in this vicinity recent ly. Their object ia robberv. The resi dents of the village who have been ren dered honseleas by the flames are in the greateat dUtresn, several ueoule were in jured by falling timber, some fatally. i he damage will exceed $75,000. For the Boston Exposition. Mrs. Elizabeth Warren, of this city, four jars of shrimps, two of them iu their natural state, in alcohol, and two prepared and preserved in vinegar, which were nut tin by her and wii be shipped to the care of Commissioner Worth, to form a part of! ins collection from .North Carolina in the Boston Exposition. The Shrimps iu their natural atato average from six and a half to seveu iuchee in length. They were caught iu the neighborhood of Smith v ille and will no doubt attract no little atten tion at Boston, being remarkably riuo specimen of the shrimp family. Wil. Star. Population qjt Chinese Cities Sir Thomas Wade, after a residence of up ward of twenty years in Pekiuc. be- lieea its population to be leas than half u minion; nun r reucn pnyaieian, who ii. m uinuw siviioiuc oooervawous, esti mates it at 400,000. Yet tlio geography books give it 3,000,000. At the junction of the Han river with the Yaogtsze are two.citiea, Hanjj yan-fu and Wu-chaug-fn, and an ounrmous perpetual fair. Honkow. The population of these has beeu set down at 3,000,000, but from a Wl to the Mt Sir T. Wade estimates it at about halt a mi. lieu. GOV. JAKVIS AT BOSTON. m ' Spealsfor the Louth. Boston Papers. Gov. Jarvia waa next introduced and received with cleers. He apoke as fol lows : Ladies and Gentlemen.-- 1 enly wish that the whole South, which I feebly represent here to-drtv. could have witnessed this kind reception you have given its rep resentative. 1 thank you, air, and I thank this people for your kind words of us and for their kind appreval. I come net from the South to New England to shake hands across a bloody chasm, for thank Heaven into that chasm the peo ple have voluntarily poured all their hates aud animosities, and time has cov ered them ever, and 1 come, sir, to clasp hands with you and the people of New England ever the growing prosperity of a united and prosperoua eountry. Ap plause. Whatever the differences were, or whatever might have been the causes that led na into war, those causes have been removed and those differences have been settled, and, I thank God, settled forever, and in onr day aad generation. Applause. Whatever the causes were that kept us apart in sympathy and in brotherly feeling so long after the war ended, they too, have passed away, and I believe that to-day the people of this eountry can meet in any section of this country, North or South, East or West and clasp eacli other, aud look each other in the face as friends aud as Ameri can citizens. Applause. I have been asked to speak particular ly for the South. I would, my friends, that I were able to do that section of oar country full justice ou this eccassion. When the war ended we returned from the camp and from the field I say we, because nearly all the men of the South were in the war to find eur section in ruins, onr homes despoiled and our fields wasted. But we returned, having pledg ed our fidelity to the Union, with a fixed purpose to remain faithful to that obliga tion. Applause.! We found when we returned to our homes a totally changed condition of things from that which we let t. We found torn-millions of people that had been slaves suddenly made free- men. i nay uau oeen laitntui to us ia slavery, faithful to our wives and chil- dreo and daughters, and all at home, when we were in the fieid to continue them aa slaves. We felt that this new condition of things ought to be adjusted u in il v mill rilintM nnull o.wl l jll8ted properly and justly te them, so that we had no amail task before nr. But we commenced the work iu good faith ; out, oefore we naa scarcely begun to progress, Congress, iu its wisdom aud I do not say it complaingly laid down its scheme of admitting the South ern States into the Union and readjust ing our relations to that government : and, in their wisdom, they adjusted the relations of those who had been slaves. t .-. ii f However patrieticauy congress may have acted, it fell iu its results with crushing effect upon the South, because we saw 11 i . . M our state auu county go vera men ts pass into the hands of people who did not manage for the interest of the section il . .. . 1 T . . . . wiey represenieu. u is out ttue, in my opinion, to the boutii, that 1 should sa? even here, that the desire to develop the resources of our section, and te bring our interests in harmony with the interests of the Union, was what rande the South solid, not from any dislike to the gov eminent, but from the fact that we felt that our own interosts required it. For 1 am sure you will agree with me that there can be no prosperity in the North or in the South, or iu any other section or btate where the people do not live under just and wise laws, equally and faithfully administered. Applause. boon alter that came the pauic of 1873, so that the development of the South iu her material iuterests has only com menced within the last ten years I might say praetically within the last five years, but that development has net only been gradual, but it has been steady, and it affords groat pleasure to say it to you here to-day, has beon great. The State from which 1 tame-for 1 can speak of that more particular v. North Carolina iu her material prosper ity, in her wealth, ia her peace, iu her aws, in all that goes to make a State great aud the people happy stands to .1 i i i . . . - . uay uiguer man sue ever stood ueiot'e in all her history. Applause. Her agri culture has been multiplied, her manu factoring interests have been largely 2 l llT!.i a . e increased, witmn tne iat nve years over twenty uew cotton factories have beon erected iu the State and the old ones enlarged, till this year we consume ia our State manufactories twice the amount of cotton we did five years ago. Our factories iu wood and irou are alae largely increased and the mineral in terests are developing, and all over North Carolina to-day there ia a feeling of contentment and happineas among the people, and prosperity and peace is abounding. Iu some of the other States the development has been quite aa re markable. We felt in the South, and we feel to-day, that not only onr desires lead us to an absolute and complete n coucilia tion, but our interest alike requires it ; and it is with pride and pleasure that I say today that whatever the leading citizens of North Caroliua and the South hare been ahla tn da thv h iv rrlail I w done. Patriotism has had ita work. The .spirit oi oar iatuors nas fallen upon us. The centennials that were held, begin ning here in your own section and going to Philadelphia and King's Mountain, and to Cowpens and to Yorktown, had the affect to bring our people together, to let them look each other in the face, and the spirit of the fathers was revived among them again. Applause. But, aa much as that haa contributed to bring about thia feeling ef absolute reconcilia tion and brotherly love among our peo ple, J do not think it haa been equal to the personal interest of our citizens. The magnificent exhibition at Atlanta two years ago brought many of the people of the North down to the South, and the people began to feel that their business interests required all these animosities and bitternesses, and remembrances of the ast, to ue iorgotteu. auu wnen your committee from this society visited Ral eigh last winter, asking North Carolina to come here and join in this exhibition I gladly welcomed the oppportanity for us to come as business men of this coun try and shake hands with you for the material interest of our common country, oyer which noata but one nas. f Ad- wmcii noata but oue nag nlanoe.l And I annrehnd. mv f..llw citizens, my friends, that the common sentiment of all this country now is, that our personal internets as citizens, in the business relations of life, require aud de- manu mat no more snail mere De any harsh language used by oue section of our country towards the other. I Ap plause. 1 hero were in days past and gone the most intimate relations Between .Nvw England aud North Carolina. Many of our most distinguished scholars in the early history of our State came from New England, and many of our most distinguished families trace their family origin directly back to New England. And you remember that wheu the Boston harbor bill was passed, all over the colo ny of North Carolina public meetings were held, and delegates appointed to a common meeting, and when that meet ing was held they passed resolutions declaring that the cause of the people of Boston was the cause of every American citizen. I Applause. And they gathered op from the colony shiploads of provis ions, and brooght them to your harbor and emptied them into the lap of your people. Applause. We think down in North Carolina that your people are suf fering again, aud we have come to your relief. We understand that you are suffering with too much money and too much population, and we hare gathered up our shipload again, aud we have brought it and put it upon exhibition, and this time we want you to pass reso lutions and that those resolutions be that the cause of the people of North Carolina and the entire South in the struggle for development and prosperity ia the cause of every American citizen. Applause. There may be, my friends, here aud there, scattered over the South, seme man now and then who sits by the dead ashes of the past to brood over them. There may be now aud then at the North a man who will point to such an individ ual as the representative of the South. But I declare hero to-day that neither of this class of persona represents either one of the sections. And I aak yon to turn with me your backs upon the past aud leave all such things behind us ; and let us look forward to the future, with its bright hopes and with its rich re wards. And here in this magnificent building, dedicated to the mnterial inter ests of our country, as a representative of the South, 1 bid you ioin me in this sentiment, "Onr uuited country, to thee we cling. And here upon this sacred sou, watered by the blood ot our natriot ancestors, we kneel at thy shrine aud place our choicest ottering upon thy altar aud pledge our best service to thee. Thy people, one in sentiment, with the flair of their lathers above them aud the God of their fathers to guide them, shall work out for thee boundless possibilities, and make thy destiny the grandest of all human governments. Loud applause. Territorial Lands; There i one error which has bsceme a very general oue, and that is, that all the best laud iu the Territory of New Mexico has been covered with land grants. An examination of the subject shows this to be very far from the truth The area of land embraced by the Terri tory is 77,000,000 acres, of which vast domain 53,000,000 acres remain still un surveyed. The 24,000,000 acres which have been surveyed include every land Kraut in the Territory, so that more than three-fourths, aud a largo number of acres besides, of the immense area remain to await the settler. This land can all be put to practical use and ia by no means a desert waste, for wherever the ground can bo irrigated its productiveness is un excelled. Those portions of the Territory which can net bo watered sufficiently for agri cultural purposes have yet enough life sustaining power to feed herds of cattle and sheep the entire year. The mountains are covered with magnificent timber, which is waiting for mills to utilize it, and, iu addition to this, they cont iiu all precious metals in apparently inexhaus tible quantities. The eastern and middle sections of the Uuited States are fast becoming overcrowded, and what this ever increasing population needs is room. New Mexico haa land for all who choose to come. There are 50,000,000 acres awaiting occupants. The fertile valleys of the Kio Grande and the Pecos have not yet been made to yield as gen erously as they are Capable of, aud there are at the same time, many other stream aloug whose b inks no civilizing influen ces have ever vet been lelt. Sale of Valuable Land! On Saturday, the 18th day of October next, 1 will sell, on the premises, a tract of land belonging to my wnrd, Charles E. Karriker, boiiig a part of the David Fouts plantation in Atwell Township, adjoining the lands ot Jacob S.oop, George Ivarriker, D. Cooper and others. This tract contains Sixteen Acres and was allotted to Charles E. Karriker in severalty by order of Court. Terms of sale: Cash as soon as the sale is confirmed. By order of Court. Jacob Bost, Guard'n of Chas. E. Karriker. Sept. Gth, 1883. 18:5t State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. In StPERion Court. J. C. McCanless, Adm'r of ) Samuel Steidifor A S1t Hi v Petition to sell real estate Elizabeth McCanless aud John T. Steidifor. J for assets. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that John T. Steidifor, one of the defendants in the above entitled case, is a non-resident of this State, it is order that publication be made in the "Carolina Watchman," a newspaper published in Rowan County, notifying the said John T. Steidifor to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Rowan coun ty, on or before Monday the 5th day of November 1888, and answer the petition, a copy of which will be deposited in the office of said Clerk, within ten days from this date. And the said John T. Steidifor is notified that if he fail to answer the peti tion within that time the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief demanded in the petition. This the 13th September, 1883 J. M. HORAII, Cl'k Sup. Court 48:0w of Rowan County. SALISBURY tale ACADEMY. The exercises in this Institution will be resumed on Monday next, September 10th, under the control of Miss Belle Jordan and Miss J. A. Caldwell. The same gen eral rules, rates, &c, will be continued as heretofore. Peisons wishing to enter pu pils may apply to Mr. S. II. Wiley or to the teachers. By order of School Committee. J. J. Brcner, Chm'n. Sept. 5, 1883. WE WANT ONE OB TWO RELIABLE. INDUSTRI OUS MEN IN EVEUY TOWN AND COUNTY TO SELL OUK POPU LAR BOOKS. Offer liberal inducement. Applicants will please give aire, experience (it any), and re terences as to character and habits. A Splendid Chance hr men who are not afraid to work an l vant to make money. Apply iu person or bv letter to; 3. F. JOHNSON & CO., 47:3ml 1013 Main St., Ku hinoml, Va. SALE OF LAND I In pursuance of an order of the Superior Court, made in the special proceeding, en titled Missouri Rufty, by Jacob N. Kepley, Guardian, ex parte, the undersigned will sell for cash, to the highest bidder, at the Court House door, in the town of Salisbury, on Monday, The 1st Day of October, 1883, a certain tract of land situated in Rowan county, adjoining the lands of J. N. Kepley, Mrs. Margaret Kepley and Mrs. Mary Kuox, containing Twenty-four (84) acres. J. N. KEPLEY, Com'r. Sept. 1st, 1883. 4w -1 Sale of Land ! In pursuance of an order of the Superior Court of Rowan County, I will sell at the Court House in Salisbury, on Monday the 1st day of October, 1883, at public sale, a Lot of Land in China Grove, containing If acres, known as the Casper and Cook Black smith Lot. Terms One-third of the purchase mon ey to be paid when the sale is confirmed ; one-third in six months, ana tne remainder in twelve months, with interest at 8 per ct. on deferred payments. J. Jtt. hukah, u. . u. 45:4t THE NE AVE MUSIC SCHOOL WILL BEGIN On Monday, 10th September. The branches, to be thoroughly taught, are piece and orchestral piano playing : ' " Voice Culture :" " parlor Cornet " Mu sical theory," separately or combined, ac cording to conditions ofagreement. N. B. It is best for teachers and pupils, J-$fthat all intending to enter this school should do so on the 10th, or eery soon there after, especially those intending to enter the vocol class. 4b:2t FOR SALE! One Second Band Buggy ; Quite a number of Spleudid Books Theo logical, Church History, Commentaries, Text Books, &c. Call at the residence ot A. W. Owen for the above articles. Mrs. F. P. Harrell. Aug. 29, 1883. It CHILLARIHE! CHILLARINE ! CHILL4RINE, the -Great CHILL CURE of the day. Warranted to CURE every time or the money refunded. For sale only at FNNISS' Drug Store. ASTHMA CURED! BEaglC Asthma Cure. Persons af flicted with this distressing complaint should try this Medicine. A few hours use will entirely remove all oppression, and tne patient can breath and sleep with perfect ease and freedom. Price $1. For sale at ENNISS' Drug Store. FOR 7 Steam Engines, Saw mills, Cane Mills, & Evaporators and all kinds of Agricultural and Mill Machinery, and first-class work at reasona ble prices, write to ' W. W. GIRDWOOD &CO., Asheville Foundry, Asheville, N. C. 43:2w FRANKLIN ACADEMY. Male and Female. The exercises at this Institution will be resumed on the 27th August, Snst., under the superintendence of Mr. A. W. Owen, with competent assistants. All the English branches, Mathemacsaud the Classics, will be taught, together with music. Jobx C. & H. Q. Miller, Trustees. 44:2t plUtationfor SALE ! " Having determined to iro Into other business I offer my valuable plantation tor sale, on liberal terms, containing 1"Z1 at least 90 of wblch is pood. Improved bottom land; situated oa Seutb Yadida River, miles nortbwest of Salisbury, tn a healthy section, with lands well watered by good springs ; school and church fact li lies very good. The dwelling is a large two-story house has an excellent orchard of 8 acres on the premises all other buildings in good condition. For further Information address w. w. miller. 44:2m South River, N. C. FOR SALEI An Upright Grand Piano Of the Ftnest make and most tastefully beautiful Qnlsb, at lowest price. The "Upright" Is now most popular since Its mechanism was recently perfect ed, Apply to MBS. W. H. N B a vk. ALSO TWO SPECIMEN CORNETS One is the cheapest Fine Instrument : the other Is of the Finest cheap kind. 4.':ir W. H. NJAVlf. OALEM ACADEMY, U HATRUT NT fl W.JJMi, -1.-1 V . 80th Annual Session Begins SEPTEMBER CTH, 1888. For new catalogue containing requirements for Admission, Courses of Study in the several departments, Terms and Expenses, address the Principal. 43:4w GOLD MINING PROPERTY ! An v person wishing to bnj or bond Cold Mining property, will consult their interest by calling on the undersigned, y$ miles South of Salisbury, and 4 miles east oi China Grove depot. Title guaranteed be yond a doubt. MILO A. J. ROSEMAN. 43.1m DRS.J. J. &E. M. SOMMERELL. OFFICE : CORNER MAIN AND BANE STREETS, OFFICE HOUBS : 8 to 10 i. M. and 3 to 5 p. u. 37 6m tnm bit . I Brtas. r ' jmmixm, not tm MMkat Warraata j aA jarei of inwHAWTs, jjBMirrwa, a . r . a aa u law. m 9J -tJ 'mi i!TDJ 51 IT XS UiiAminijX sqi 1 JONES, Have their New Spring DEPARTMENTS : -4 S at DRESS GOODS, In all :DR7 GOODS, WHITE Pronounced by all who have inspected Gents' Furnishing TO 8TJIT ALL, AND CAN NOT BE Give us R. M. DAVIS Fiiriiitiire Dealer Upholsterer, MB AND PARLOR SUITS, 35 to $100 CHEAP BEDS, $2.50. FINE LINE OF CARPETS. Sewing Machines Weed and Hartford. U SALE OF Real Estate ! IN pursuance of an order or decree o4 the Superior Court of Rowan Counly, the undersigned commissioner, appointed by the Court, will sell at public sale, at the Court House in Salisbury, on Monday the 27th day of August, 188:, the following de scribed real egtate to wit : "A tract of twenty-five acres of landT in Providence Township adjoining the lands of Mese Brown, Jane Brown, and the Lot belonging to Brown's School liouse,'1 being a part of the Mosc Brown tract, on which there is supposed to be a raluable Gold Mine. Bids will open at $113.30. TERMS, one third cash, and the re mainder on a credit of six months with interest from dati of sale, at 8 per cent. JOHN M. HORAtl. 37:6w. Commissioner. The most successful Remedy ever discov ered as It in certain ia Its effects and does not blister. Read Proof lielow, SAVED HID 1,800 DOLLARS. Adaxs, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1&82. Dr. B. J. Knuiall, fe Co., Gent's: Having used a good deal 01 your Kendall's Spavla Cure with great success, I tnoujjui i wouia let you Know waatiinas done tor me. i wo years ago I bad aa speedy a colt as was ever raised In Jefferson County. When I was breaking uim. he kicked over the cross bar and ot last and tore one oi nis niaa legs an lo pieces, employed the best farriers, but they all said he was spoiled, lie tua a very large inorougn-pin. aad I used two bottles of your Kendall's Spavin Cure, and It took the bunch entirely off. and he sold afier wardsfor $l,soo. I have used It for bone spavins and wind galls, and it has always cured completely and left the leg smooth. It is a splendid meoicine ior rneumausra. i nave recommended it to a good many, and they all say It does the work. I was in Wltherlngton Kneeland's drur store, In Adams, the other day, and saw a ve ry One olcture you sent them. I tried to buy It. but could not ; they said If I would write to you that you would send me one. i wisn you would, and l win do you aa tne goon i can. very respecrruny, a. s. ltmak. Kendall's Spavin Cure. Cincinnati, Ohio. June , l&tt. B. J. Kendall t Co., Gents: Being a sufferer from rheumatism, I have tried a great many remedies for that complaint, using everything that I beard of or that my frtenes knew of, and being treated by the best physcians in this city without effect, I had become discouraged and had concluded' there waa no help for this disease, when 1 fortunately met your agent, Mr. John Fish, who told me It was un necessary to suffer any more, as Kendall's Spavin Cure would do the business, and as I was of the same profession he presented me with a bottle, which I used, and I must say without any faith, In one week I am able to walk without a cane or any otner arttnciai help. i don't know tnat tne spavin Cure did it, but this I do know, I will never be with out Kendall's Spayia Cure again, as I thoroughly believe It deserves its popularity, and has unquall- fled, merit. l write tins entirely unsolicited. Yours truly, Ii. B. 8now, C, T. Kendall's Spavin Cure, on human flesh. Vevay, Ind., Aug. IS, 1881. Dr. B. J. Kendall A Co., Gents : Sample Of circu lars received to-day. Pleasesend me some with my Imprint, printed on one side only. The Kendall's Spavin Cure Is In excellent demand with us, not on ly lor animals, but for human ailments also. Mr. Jos. Vorts. one of the leading farmers in our county, sprained an ankle badly, and knowing the value of the remedy for horses, tried It on himself, and it did far better than he had expected. Cured the sprain in very snort order. Yours respectfully, C o. Thieband. Price $1 per bottle, or bottles forts. All druggist have It er can get it for you. or It will be sent to any address on receipt ot price by the proprietors. Dr. B. J. Kendall & Co.. Enosburgh Falls, Vt. Send for illustrated circular. Sold by all Druggist s. 3&iy The Valley Ifflal Life Association OF VIRGINIA. BOMB OFFICE, 8TAUNTOX, VA. The Cheapest, Safest, and Moat Reliable Life In surance now offered the public is found In the Val ley Mutual, which enables yon to carry a tl,ooo life policy at an actual average cost of ss.so per aanum. For further Information, call on or address j. w. Mckenzie, Agent, May SO, 1S83. Salisbcky, n. 7 KEhMlIslM SFfflIN CUREiM MWm & CO. Stock Complete oil tke New Skies and Materials. Hi :o: GOODS AND NOTIONS them as the Prettiest in the lf.,w act -O- Good: 1 EXCELLED BY ANY. a call you will be pleased. UNDERTAKER. Ml WALNUT SUITS, ffl Cottage Suits, 20, 25 and $30 Woven Wire Mates, Ui,v WHOLESALE ANN OUNCttENT -OF- Wittkowsky & Ml CHARLOTTE, N. C. We hereby inform the MYholesale Trade'1 that our AEious-iaras comprising the Wholesale Branches of our business ARE NOW COMPLETE, i and we invite our customers to give itidw consideration. To those wishing to ENGAGE IN BUSINESS we say that there is no Houe j I NORTH OE SOUTH, tbat lias tetter facilities than out, and that we can and do DUPLICATE any bill of goads, no matter where boojfM GIVE US A CALL- j Respectfully, WITTKOWSKY & BARUg- NOTICE ! North Carolina, Rowan County InJJ bate Court: All persons indebted to tueo of A. Varner Cowan, dee d, are hereby titled to present their claims for P? to the undersigned, on or before ttie day of July, 1884. All persons owing wr estate are requested to make prompt ment. Dated, this 34th July, 1883- . W. L. Steele, Sen'r, Ad de bonis non with will annexed oi a. Cowan. ilM MORGAN'S CIGAR STAND Do yon Smoke? Chew? Gr Use Surf 0 MORGAN H Keeps a 8elect stock ot all these ffJf Jjkr and good. He occupies one dowsof Daris' Furniture store can suit you to a T? Call and