Carolina Watchman. THURSDAY. OCTOBER, II, Jt?83. The Ohio electiou took place on Tne day. There was greater excitement than usual and a lieavy vote was polled. Both parties claim the victory, bat which ts really successful i not yet certainly known. The contest is prolmbly very close, and it may require several days to get at the bottom facts. The Democrats seem to be vi ry ootid nt of a majority ranging from 5,000 ;to 10,000. There publicans think they have pulled through with about 5,000 majority. Rbv. Mk. McKinkox, by appointment, closed his pastoral connection with the Presbyterian church in Concord last Sun day. He has been a very successful la borer in that church for 12 years, and its members sorrowfully give him up. May he be equally as successful at Columbia, 8. C. in the irreat work for which he is so well fitted. 1 We learn from the Concord Register, that Rev. Mr. Hallman, pastor of the Lu thern chuch in Concord, has also severed his relations in Cabarrus and will remove to Pomania, S. C. He, also, has been remarkably successful iu his labors iu Concord and at two churches in the coun try. This seeming calamity to Concord may result in greater good than can now be seen. P. M. Hale's new book, "the Coal and Iron Counties of North Carolina," is on our table, a neat vol. ef 425 pages with an excellent Map of the State. No bet ter book can be desired by those who wish to pitch their tent iu North Carolina. Every couuty is carefolly described, and as onr State comprise a larger variety of soil and climate thau any on the Atlan tie slope, there can be no difficulty in finding just such a place as may be de sired. Especial attention is given to the coal and iron regions, which at no distant day will become great centers of busi- The removal of the Confederate dead from Arlington to Raleigh is now progress ing. Senator Vance has notified the ladies of Charlotte that pecuniary aid from them will be highly acceptable, as money is needed to complete the work ; and as it is a work that appeals to all patriotic citizens of the State, Salisbury should take part in it. Anmnor tlm i n ttii-t i iur rliinfra which will be on exhibition at the State Fair, Messrs. W. H. Wet more & Co., of Thorn asville, will have a part of their shoe fac tory there in full operation, making by machinery, sixty pairs of shoes a day. From present indications the number and quality of horses, cattle, hogs, fcc., on exhibition will oe larger and better than usual, The State Chronicle will have comfort able quarters in the east end of Floral Hall, at the Raleigh Fair, where the pro prietors will be pleased to welcome mem bers of the fraternity and all other friends Ul Mil- 'U(r . f I Ifl WI .MM 1 Mil II IVilll Jt- will be on hand, together with facilities f ii p:i... ..r v. ...i... n.. for writing, Sec, The death of Edward Belo, of Salem, s the subject of niucb regret in that town And vicinity.. Jle was a highly esteemed citizen, and one of the most enterprising and successful merchants of the place. He was a man of Stirling qualities of head and heart, and much relied op as wise iu councjl. Several of our mountain cotemporaries are in the pi act ire of announcing births, which, indeed, is a great deal better than many other items which find place in newspapers. A Glen "Alpine correspondent iu "Mountaineer" talks nhont "onr Mayor, Mr. Bright," and of property transac tions, and all that sort of tiling when did it become a city among the hills. The Western Carolinian notices the musical performance of the Gruber Fami ly lather, mother and four children natural musicians, and aays the father can perform on njue instruments at once. "Charlotte's graded school numbering eleven hundred' should be written schools white and colored we presume. Who is the temti and con afci t n t imml riw. emor of North Carolina 1 This question may appear as silly to some, and to oth ers may afford an interesting subject fi r . constitutional discussion. We had not thought that there was any doubt about the question until in a recent conversa tion with the most learned of our ex Judges, he expressed the decided opinion that Governor Jarvis had permanently vacated the office and could not resume It, and therefore that Hon.. J. L. Kobin son was the legal Governor of the State, hia ponition, if tenable, it startling and w ill excite much criticism. Did the vol untary abandonment of his office bv l - .li .l.i iiirvra uiMiuuii v mm irom resuming it w neii ne i ei m neu 10 me Slate T In order o fully consider this question let us un- 1 A i .1 A l.l iiersmiiu ine iucin ami I lien apply to those tacts the coiititutiiou. About a jnonlh ago ijov. jarvis wrote to Lieuten ant (governor Kobinson informing him to come to Kaleigh ami exercise the unties appertaining to the office of Gov t- ii . . -rnor. in accordance wtn tins request .1.2 i. n . . jooiukoii can m; ui ryan-ign and was uillv qualified as Governor by taking the oat'l jt oflii e, and immediately entered upou the discharge of his official duties. After an absence of tour jiir k Jarvis returned to the Stat and returned the duties ot the Guheriujtorhii ohVe. Could lie eon titutioually do this f The State Const U iut ion nay iu tM-fioii J'J of article HI : "Iu case ot the impi arl.n ent of the ilovomor, his h.ilme 4t qiialih , His vb KNC r:n:! tiik Jttatk, his inability to discharge the dul ics of his office, or, i.. as the office of Goveijn,r 8,aj, Ui av. wise become vacant, the powers, duties and emoluments of the office shall devolve upon the Lieutenant Governor until the pjSAHii.iT.ies shall cense, or a new wov ernor shall be elected and qualified." r - ... To an ordinary layman it would seem, upou reading the above, that the consti tution expressly allows the Lieutenant Governor to exercise the duties of the Governor durinjr "his absence from the State," and that the Governor could resume his office upon his return. But learned lawyers argue to the contrary. It is argued that the absence contemplated is an enforced, and not a voluntary one : that a voluntary abandonment of the office is uotr one of the "disabilities' provided for : and that a Governor cannot resign and resume his pleasure. office as suits his I We, therefore, repeat the question, "Who is the legal and constitutional Governor of North Candida?" CJtatham Record. We go for the common sense theory if it is against the law. Gov. Jarvis, Mr. Robinson and every body else understood it as a temporary arrangement, and so it ought to pass. State Fair Its Outleok. The prsspects for a grand success were never more promising for a State fair than for the exhibition to be held at Raleigh from the 15th to the 20th of the present month. The display of machinery of all kinds will be large aud full, com prising many new articles of practical utility. The display of fine bred live stock promises to be the largest ever witnessed in the State, if not in the South. Hogs worth 200 a head are not often seen aud yet that is the value fixed upon hogs now being prepared for ship ment to our State fair. Fine sheep, in the raising of which our people have great need of becoming more interested, will be present in all the best breeds. The trials of speed wiH be very attrac tive for at least four days of the fair. Then come next fine breeds of cattle, in cluding Jerseys, Devons, shori horns aud other fine bloods, in all of which our people are becoming more interested each year. Those fine butter makers will ere long take the place of our scrubs to a large extent, and the sooner the better. Oue man has engaged coops for 120 fowls. The prospects are very flattering for an unusually large exhibition of farm pro ducts of all kinds. Our farmers are showing more of the present day pro gressive spirit, and we trust at their State contention they will infuse the intensive spirit into each other, and spread the same throughout our grand old State, j The side shows, frequently a source of entertainment and a profit to visitors, when they have become jaded from walk ing around, promise to be better than usual. One party with educated canary birds has applied for space; another with a pair of sea leopards and eight alligators; aud still another with a mammoth museum, then another with a three leg ged calf ; and still another with an ox weighing 3,700 pounds. Then last, but not least, there seems to be a general determination on the part of the people of all sections to come to the State fair. The railroads will run excursion trains each day aud will bring the people at two cents a mile each way and bring their exhibits to the fair and carry them back home, all free. So, with the pros pects of a grand exhibition, the liberal rates furnished by the railroads and the people all anxious to come, the State fair this year must be a grand success. There is to be a hotel erected on Black Mountain. A mau iu Hickory has the contract, and a sawyer in Burke has en gaged to furnish 150,000 feet of the lum ber. We have never known an appointment by the Governor to meet with more un divided favor than the appointment of Mr- Merrimou to the Supreme Court Bench- X nacu ar virtue In Aycr's Sarsapart lla Is that eanses and purees the blood from all cor- winie it c rupttons aud impurities, and thereby routs out dis ease, it builds up and invigorates the whole system, and makes one young again. Died. In Mocks ville. October 3d. 1883. Prof. Richard Sterling, in the 71st vear I of his age. Prof, Sterling was widely known and highly respected throughout this aud other States us one of the lead ing educators of his day. He was at one time president of Edgeworth Female Col lege, tireeiiiboro, X, C. He ranch t schools oi nigii graue in miiieaxeo, Indiana and 1. Jt. - a , -.. other Mates, and was at the time of his death County Superintendent of public Instruction tor Davie count v. Prof, rtter- ling had been iu feeble health for a lone . . . . tune. He was stricken with iniralvsis about 4 o'clock TtMtutay morning and died at H oVIock A. M.. Wednesday. Thus Imk parted away oue of onr best and njost -'highly esteemed cit:z u.Ihivie Itmc. A T kiikip-i.k Cotton Gin Accident. We regret to learn that Mr. Kichard A. Torrcnce, a prominent citizen of Hope well hiwuship, this comity, met with a very -erious accident ia hi cotton gin yesterday, by which he had his right arm torn off in the saws of the gin. The gin had become choked, and iu the effort to clean it, Mr. Torrence gut his hand caught iu Hie saws winch drew hi arm iu up to the elbow, badly lacerating it all the way. A messenger was dispatched to the city tor Dr. Uibhon, who went out to give Mr. Torrence such ti eminent as may be nec essary. From w hat the messenger could tell about the injury, it is evident that the arm will have to be amputated. Mr. lorreuce seived iu the Confederate artuv and left a hg ou the i.attlrtield. In this sad misfortune which has overtaken him, he has the sincere sympathy of his many " c,,u cuy auu couutrv. Journal Obserrer. I 0 1 1 u- a go, Oct 5. A eiasy woman ere ated quite a strjr this morning iu the aub treaaory building, aud later iu the U. S. court, presided mr by Judge Bhidgett oy demanding the immediate payment '"rwwww -'r diooi." Efforts to quiet her by promising thjrtiyu million ami the bai.mce next, reek foiled and ""V. . m,!,,'.V . ted by four jUout nan ins w Hum tor a tiue h.. fought des prralely. Gold by the Ton. The Precious Metal in lumps as Heavy as a Strong man Can Lift. From the Amador Dispatch. One of the richest strikes known in the mining history of California was made three miles south of this place last Satur day. A pocket of quartz of almost un paralleled richness was found less than one huudred feet from the surface. in which was contained from $75,000 to $100,000, and about two tons in quantity. Much of this might be termed chunks of gold instead of jrold beat ing ouartz. Some of these pieces of solid gold were about as heavy as a mau could lift from the ground. ti i i l lie luijarst piece was an u ui, si.iirii bv twent v-two inches aud six or seveu inches thick. This gold is almost black and of the same character as the former rich strikes found in the same mine. We have no doubt that this is the richest find of cold ever kuown iu the Uni ted States nt oue time. During Friday-a ton of this gold freigh ted ore was taken out. It is not so rich as the gold streak taken out some time ago, but there is vastly more of it. The value of this bonanza is estimated at from $50,000 to $100,000. The ledge is five feet wide and the whole face of was held together, as it were, by spikes of solid gold. Altogether, three thou sand pounds have been taken from this bunch of ore and the end is not yet. The very rich streak from which tins mass of free gold has been taken ranges from an inch or so up to twenty inches in width. The previous seam varied from the thickness of a kuifeblade to three inches. Commenting upon some observations made by the Scientific American upou the use of copper for roofing pur poses, the American Architect says: There are in Boston many copper roofs, put ou about forty years ago, which show no signs of deterioration aud the metal is still much employed in that city for cornices, gutters aud rain-water pipes, as well as for covering bay windows, and in mauy other ways iu place of galvanized iron, which is much inferior iu beauty and durability, and not very much cheap er. The copper has the additional ad vantage of needing no paint, so that the delicate lines of artistic work are in no danger of being filled up, and the metal increases rather than diminishes in beau ty, by the slow formation of a bluish pa tina over it. For flashings, as well as other portions of roof-work, copper is much superior to ziuc or tin, aud with the aid of a certain amount of lead the most difficult problems iu roofing can be successfully and permanently solved. A Cotton Picker. The Tarboro Southerner says: Dr. W. J. Lawrence brings us the pleasing news that Mr. Ben 0. Savage's cotton picker is a success. He has seen it at work. In rank cotton be fore the leaves are off it is at present of little account. The leaves cover up the bolls so that the bristles do not reach them. When the leaves are olt, the cot ton is picked out cleanly. Asa pea pick er it is a complete success, doing its work rapidly and well. It can pick at least five acres of cotton or peas in a day. Dr Lawrence now thinks that it is only a question of a short time when it would pick any kind of cotton. We were informed the other day by one of our prominent planters that the corn which is now being harvested iu his locality is full of weevil?. Said he : ' uever saw so many before, but you can say to such of your readers as may have grain infested with these insects that the weevil will leave if they will sprinkle salt on their corn. This is a simple and cheap way to get rid ot a very destruc tive insect. Hatekinsville (Ga.,) Hews. st. Petersburg, uct. o.--serious so cialist disorders have broken out at tin mines in the Lral. During the recent demonstration the troops made a sudden descent on a large body of socialists and dispersed them. So savage was the at tack that many socialists were killed. Qi'ixcy, III.. Oct. 8. A full blooded Indian medicine man, who has been plying ins profession by incantation union" the people of this neighborhood for seveial years aud was married to a white woman this morning murdered his wife and then killed himself. Hannibal, Mo., Oct. 8. Fred D. Hill, aged 14, in attempting to jump from an engine on the Missouri, Kansas aud Tex as Kail road fell beneath the wheel aud was instantly killed. Lima, via Galveston, Oct. 8. Ad vices from lea state that the. Chilliaus evacuated Chiuaca on September 28th, aud that preparations were being made for the evacuatiou of Pi sea on the 4th in- stant. Peruvian papers state that the sol has risen in valne one penny and is now worth three aud a half pence. Boston, Oct. 8. Twenty-five members ot the North Carolina Press Association and a number of distinguished gentlemen from Connecticut were royally enteitain ed at dinner by the proprietor of the Bos ton Commercial Bulled u at the Parker House ou Saturday. Washington, Oct. 8. The case of ex Senator Kellogg, charged With accepting bribes to influence the postothce othciaht in awarding star route coutracts, came up in the Criminal Court before Jude Wylie to-day. A plea of not guilty wra entered, and the trial was ?et for the 2i:d Monday in December. Providknck, R. I., October 4. Alex- auder J. MacDonald, about 30 years of age, fell 85 feet with the Skinner laddei while exhibiting the ladder on .hxchangt place to-night and was instantly killed Jefferson Bailey who was a dozen feet further down ou the ladder when it fel escaped without injury. AYER'S Ague Cure contains an antidote for all malarial dis orders which, so far as known, is used in no other remedy. It contains no Quinine, nor any mineral nor deleterious substance what ever, and consequently produces no injurious effect upon the constitution, but leajws the vysteai as healthy as it was before the attack. WE W AREA NT ATER'3 AGUE CURE to cure every ease of Fever and Ague, Inter mittent or Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Bilious Ferer, and Liver Com plaint caosed by malaria. In case of failure, after due trial, dealers are authorised, by our circular dated July 1st, 1&, to refund the money. Dr. J.C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists, FALL AND OF NEW ARE COMING : -AND- John Bostian, Thos. B. Marsh, Frank Young, David Gaskill, or any of us will take great pleasure in she wins: you THE LARGEST, Lovliest, Host Stylish and Completest Stock of good GOODS to be found in Salisbury. Truly, J. D. GASKILL. Washington, Oct 5. The last day of the bicycle tournament here drew a large crowd at Athletic Park this afternoon. The one mile heat race won by J no. S. riuce. Keen, the Englishman, won the first heat iu 3 minutes 6f seconds; Prince won the second heat 3 minutes 7 seconds, Keen passing the cord second laer. rinco also won the third heat and the race iu 3 minutes ftf seconds, Keen J of a second behind. Highan, the English champion came in 3d each heat. The five mile race between Hanna aud Bor den, of Washington was won by Hanna n 16 minutes 47f seconds, Borden cross ing the line iu 16 minutes 47 J. seconds. Niiw Yokk, October 3. From the fact that over 500 letters were deposited iu the postoffice on Tuesday for dispatch to oreign countries, each prepaid by a two cent stamp, it would appear that a con siderable portion of the public are under the erroneous impression that the foreigu as well as tiie domestic rate of letter pos tage has beeu reduced. 1 his is not the case, the rate on letters to foreign coun tries of the Universal Post union (of which nearly all civilized nation. and their colonies are. members) remaining as lerelotore. at hvc cents per half ouuee. Industrial democracies ate never given to war, although tney are sometimes dragged into one by t lie reckless action of their leaders. The proviso of the French constitution, which renders a vote of the Chamber necea'ry before a war can be commenced',' tit oue that we should do well to adopt. "It is owing to this pro viso that the French fleet had to steam out the harbor of Alexandria when we suggested a joint bombardment. We spent a few millions in Kg v pt, i he French spent nothing. Who was the wiser? London Truth. The diptlicria is prevailing in Burke count v. Bernhardt Bros. ARF XOW RECEIVING A FLL A'JU,t1 llihAttinli ' LiH iliJLKTNK ' COMPLETE LTXE OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES AND GROCERIES, And desire to call attention to their NEW DEPARTURE. In this they offer to the Farmers a good selection of FARMING IMPLEMENTS, SUCH AS Wagons, Plows of all Descrip tions Cast. Chill and Steel ; PLOW-STOCKS, CULTIVATORS, SULKY- PLOWS, AC, &C. They also have the ' Best Sewing Machines. They are Agents for the Plow-BraM Guano FOR WHEAT As good as can be bought in the market. Call and be convinced that their house is the place for Fanner- t get what they need. Respectfully, BERNHARDT BROS. 51:lyj HALL'S T$SrB Hair Renewer. Seldom does a popular remedy win rooh a Strong hold upon the public confidence as haf Hall's Hajb Rexiwee. The emaea in which it hat accomplished a complete restoration of color to the hair, and rigorous health to the scalp, are Innumerable. Old people like it for its wonderful power to restore to their whitening locks their original color and beauty. Middle-aged people like it because it prevents them from getting bald, keeps dandruff away, and makes the hair grow thick and strong. Young ladies like it as a dressing because it gives the hair a beau, tif ul glossy lustre, and enables them to dress it in whatever form they wish. Thus it is the favorite of all, and it has become so simply because it disappoints no one. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE FOB THE WHISKERS Eat become one of the most important popu lar toilet articles for gentlemen's use. When the beard ia gray or naturally of an unde sirable shade, Bcouxghak's Pn ia the PREPARED BV R. P. Hall & Co., Nashua, N.H. Sold by all Druggists. WINTER 1883. IN EYERY DAY, Administrator's Notice I Havimr Qualified as administrator of John M. Marlin, deed., notice is hereby given to all creditors to present their claims to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of October 1884, and all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment. This the 28th day of September, 1883. JOEL P. MARLIN, Adm'r of John M. Marlin. - COTTON SEED! GINNERS AND FARMERS WILL Be pleased to know that I have made full arrangements to buy all the CottoarSeed that can be delivered at Salisbury, China Grove and Third Creek Stations. Will pay full market prices through the season. Call and see me, or write at once for full particulars. Truly, J. D. GASKILL. 50:1m SHERFF'S TAX NOTICE. I will meet the Tax Payers of Rowan county, aftihe following times and places for the purpose of collecting the State and County tax for the year 1883. The law is rigid and Tax Payers are earnestly requested to meet in the townships and settle their taxes. I will make but one round, as the law requires no more. funlt y , at Bice Bally '8 store, Monday Oct. 15 Scotch Irish, " Mt. Vernon, Tuesday ' is Steel, " Davis store, Wednesday " IT lit mi " Husflns' House near u LUU' Dr. Houston old Place, Thursday " 18 Atvveil, at Coleman's, Friday " 1 do. EnoclivHle, Saturday " 20 China Grove, " China Orove, Monday " 88 litaker, Bostlan's x Koads, Tuesday " 23 Gold Hill, " Gold Hill, Wednesday " 24 Morgan's " Morgan's old place, Thursday " 25 do. at Root Miller's, Tuursday evening " 25 to ten o. clock " a Providence, "at Hatter Shops, Friday, 12 M. " 26 SaUsbury, Court House, Saturday " 27 Franklin, " Franklin Academy, Monday " 2 Locke. " Gibson's, Tuesday so Scoteh Irish, " Rowan Mills, Wednesday " 31 C. C. KRIDER, Sh'ff of Rowan County. 50:4w flTTTT T 1 TiTlTD I flTTTT T 1 TIT1TTI I mm aj CHILL. I RINK, the Great CHILL CURE of the day. Warranted to CURE every time or the moxey refunded. For sale only at FNNISS' Drug Store. ASTHMA CURED! BSagip Asthma Cure. Persons af flicted with this distressing complaint should try this Medicine. A few hours use will entirely remove all oppression, and the patient can breath and sleep with perfect ease and freedom. Price $1. For sale at ENNISS' Drug Store. . ' DRS. J. J. & E. M. SUMMERELL. OFFICE : CORNER MAIN AND BANK STREETS. OFFICE HOURS : . 8 to 10 a. m. and 3 to 5 p. m. 37 6m Norti Carolina, Rowan County. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, October 3d, 1883. HANNAH DOUGHERTY, Plaintiff, ABAIHST Ann Grimsley and husband, Wm. ) GriniBley ; Elizabeth Hicks and husband, Win. Hicks; Andrew By ard, Mary Millsaps, Caroline Har niet and husband, SanTl Hamet ; & Eliza Byard. heirs-at-law of Eliza beth McBryde, dee'd.; Thos Benton McBryde and EKzabeth H. Mc Bryde, heirs-at-law of James Mc Bryde, deceased; the heirs-at-law (names unknown) of John Mc Bryde, dee'd.; the heirs-at-law of Win. McBryde, dee'd., viz; Rachel McBryde, Susan McBryde & others (names unknown;) and the heirs-at-law (names unknown) of Thos. a e a Im .O a 93 McBryde, deceased. Defendants. J It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Andrew Byard, Mary Millsapa, Caroline Hamet and husband, Sam'l Ham et; Eliza Byard, Thos. B. McBryde, and Elizabeth H. McBryde ; the heirs-ut-law (names unknown) of John McBryde, dee'd.; the heire-atdaw of Wm. McBryde, dee'd., viz : Rachel McBryde and Susan McBryde and others, names unknown ; and the heirs-at-law (names unknown) of Thos, McBryde det;l., are nrm -residents of this State: It is hereby ordered that publication be made in the Carolina Watchman, a weekly news paper published in the town of Salisbury, for six successive weeks, notifying the above named nnn resident defendants to be and appear nt the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court'of How an county at the Court House in Salisbury, on Monday the 3d day of December. 1883, and answer or demur to the petition which has been filed in the above entitled action; and it they fail so to answer or demur, the Plaint iff' will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the baid petition. Jobk M. Hokah, 01;Ct Clerkk S. G. Rowan Co, ft ft fl ft ft IT IS CERTAINLY i J 1 JONES, MIBfflS & CO Have their JSew (Spring Stock Complete DEPARTMENTS: T 11 .1 9SV an- DRESS G0CDS,-u an -:DR7 GOODS, WHITE Pronounced by all who have inspected tnem as the Prettiest Gents: Furnishing TO SUIT ALL, AND CAN NOT BE Give us R. 1H. - - -r-i TP nrm lire AND VI an a aaavia PARLOR SUITS, 35 to CHEAP BEDS, $2.50. Sewinsr Machines weed and Hartford. Bead Frjof of Wonderful Cnres: Charle8ton. 8. C, July 88, 1883. Da. J. B. Kendall & Co., Dear Sirs: 1 purchased at Louisville, Ky.. a very line bred colt, and in ship ping Ue got Uls hock badly burton the outslJe of the joint which caused it to swell three or four times the natural size, which made him very lame. I tried a great many liniments which ruled to benefit the injured part. At last when disgusted, and ready to give up the colt as ruined, 1 happened to see your ad vertisement ot "Kendall's Blister and Spavin Cure," and thought I would give it a trial, 1 first applied the "Blister" to the hock whlch'by this time had calloused, and to my surprise found It worked like a charm. In twenty-four hours the part that was hard became soft and the lameness began to lave. I then jot some of "Kendall's Spavin Cure" and ap plied it according to directions, which has made a perfect eure, and tue eoit Is now ;i:s sound as any horse alive. I merely write lid.s letter to you, as I think tt a duty I owe to you. and also for the good of the p in lc at large. Th" foregoing statement I will flidaitto, and can also have the same writicd oy the best house men in our city who saw tae colt before and after treatment. Wry Hespectfully , 1 Chapel St. Jonic Tt. A:nold. Beunonl N. H., July 85, 1883. Dr. Ji.J. Kt-n.lall t- Co., Gents: U Is with the test pleasure that I wish to say to you that ve used your "Kendall's spavin Cure" with very best results, having entirely cured a horse af flicted with splint, also another that had a spavin. The cure found to be permanent. I have used tt many other cases aud find that it does all claim tor It either for man or beast. Pkok. Jri. Cillet. Galveston, Texas, July is, 1888. Ir. n. J. Knt lt ,(. Co. : I hereby certify to hav ing used "Kendall's Spavin Cure" on a valuable horse for a curb with entire success and take pleas ure in recommending it in all confidence. II. KOSENBEltG. KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE. Modesto, Cal , Aug. 9th, 1882. Ii. J. KnulnU & Co., Gtuts: Before coming to this coast, and while at home, in Longmeadow, Mass., I had occasion to observe the benefits resulting from the use of your Kendall's spavin Cure. My brother had a young horse which developed a bone spavin which he cured and at the same time removed the enlargement. A Mr. A. K. Mathews also cured a valuable stallion of a spavin, as well as another ac quaintance by the name of B. Combs, both of which came under my personal observation, being in my own town, and a gentleman wiih whom I was well acquainted, and in the Interest of the horsemen In this vicinity I offer this my experience. Kespectfully yours, James Qcink. KENDALL'SSPAVIN CORE Col ton, Cal., Oct. 3rd, 1882. B. J. Keminil Co. .-While In the employ of C. C. Hastings, the well known horseman, of San Fran cisco, In the year ending lsso, we had a young horse two years old that contracted a bone spavin and seeing your liniment known as Kendall's Spavin Cure advertised, upon my own responsibility I com menced using it and within thirty days from that time and after having used only three bottles the spavin was removed entirely, and therefore I natur ally have the utmost conddence In Its merits. I do not hesitate to recommend it to aU who have occa sion to use the medicine and should any one desire to confer with me I shall be glad to answer any com munication relating to the case in question Respectfully yours, John Roaoxan. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Drug gists have It or can get it for you, or It will be sent to any addr.s on receipt of price by the proprietors. Dr. b. J. Kendall & Co., Knosburgh Kails Vt &SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 35: ly Sale of Valuable Land! On Saturday, the 13th day of October next, I will sell, on the premises, a tract of land belonging to my ward, Charles E. Karnker, being a part of the David Fouts plantation in Atwell Township, adjoining the lands of Jacob Sloop, George Karriker, D. Cooper and others. This tract contains Sixteen Acres and was allotted to Charles E, Karriker in severalty by order of Court. Terms of gale : Cash as soon as the sale is confirmed. By order of Court. Jacob Bost, Ouard'n of Chas. E. Karriker. Sept, 6th, 1883. 48:5t TARE BtfiM. BoM laa triO. WarrutW mm. Tlllt llllll JONES OF BIN8HAMT0N, suuuaToi, a. V EVAPORATING FRUIT and (renenJ sUhrticn. frrr. AMERICAN M'FBCO WAYNESBORO FKAKU COt.M'T, P f j - now s aoa GOODS AND NOTIONS:- m the -o- Good s EXCELLED BY ANY. a call you will be pleased. I i IliVls 1 Ti y 1 - ' ) fia fir upholsterer UNDERTAKER His WALNUT SUITS, 4 U)ttage5uits,20,25ait: Woven Wire Mattresses, m FINE LINE OF CARPETS, WHAT NEXT? YES, THE nnnrin ar i tt tit n . j n iiiiii in ii ii iiiii iii it i ami in IkAiA- in u a I IV It 1 HKllhr -A T- Wittkowsky & Bartcii raiace Ot Atfrnrimm IS NOW IN OPERATI0BV The Public Will Always PUBLIC BENEFIT ! :W. & B: i uio tuts "in t i ih'uoju i j vf I Ii i a ' no t in nn I t t!k.Li:.fl,t L . , . ' avion 1 o i i , i i r. i i . . i . t . . . . , ., . .......... 1 l i . ... . , terminea to supply. Tins fact is now torn. Uiuu.uu vt. a ii v- i inn!,' lCim Vile aufyUulGI outlay was unlimited. Deparmrat afters palnneut has been added. The capital re quired for such of these deparuumi would make a handsome bunk tt. But 'tis done, inspired by an abla tion that our city should stand ti to none, we have felt that td brlngour Immense estallshmt on an equal footing wlthNeti lor-, 1105JHI1 or elsewhere, we had to place belore our patrons a stock of such magnitude.eontaln'gfull ASSO U THEM'S of Dress Fabrics, silks, Sfltlns, Velvets. Milli I the In 4- nery, &c. we have made our selec- tlons from t h e rrcdacts ot Lvery Clime on use w K have also add ed a Ladies'. Missis' and Chil- f dren's Underwear Department nevt-r be fore attempted Id the M South. This Department occupies one of the raiiseof magnificent galleries which are reached by four stairwajw The entire establlslimeninrtlhv antly lighted bvtlfty chandelier, presenting a most beautiful pletuj? We have also added at the earnest solicitation of mitnv friends a vifii long and very much felt in this sect, namely, a Dressmaking DeparuatM- e tneretore Deg 10 lniorm me uw North and South Carolina that we oje i--.n.i ti.u .r.pvo..iw.f no wL Hi-! nnlsUV . v . viae- otl itri wi l n (i o.t .mne md have ever catered to the tastes of the laa arustic taste nas long w-en known in mci tonable circles of N. York, Philadelphia, 1 and Chicago. 111 nnt a 0s 1 a r m 1 1 r a 1 n 11 (In n r. WK fin Vn N n In saying to the Ladies of North i " 1: 1 ., o Virst V i III II II W 1 1IUW "JT Dress Makinsr Denartiiient. where') can relv on their most particular W ui any ireaas or lapuion wm r We have fitted un in excellent sttw ar..:..j. .. T i,,iL-inU ment, supplied WITH EVERYTHIN6 npeessnrr fur it a rnniiiriinentS. and ' now mny prepared to guarmi fr tion in fittinjt, style and workmanship .. . . .. . .... : wc solicit the favor 01 vour ir- in person or which shall have our most prnWp' careful attention at all times. -Ve are Yours Very 7 mmmnt ...ul MORGAN'S CIGAR S1A" TS m 1 I r US8 . . . .... .. ..rtles-'" Keeps a seiect stoc k oi-au-iue and good. lie cunit. one of the bus rm ' do ws of Davis unf, call V" can suit you to 1 I ', tb valley iitm m as . , T ' P. 1.1 OF VIRCINIA. HOME OFFICE, STAl -STt VA ' .. u.w RollahK' rue uncappgi. Biwa,""- ...ii? lev Mutual, which enables you to earn policy at an actual average cost of V? "JI, For further information, call on or -riyj - - se - III! HAy to, 1883. mu;

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