Never wnsli raisins that are Co be used in sweet disl.s. It makes the Kidding heavy. To clean them In a dry towel, L Little gold pis are wum as or. men t probably because they are stviish, BRING VOIR TOBACCO ALLCOGK b POROUS PLASTERS. The SAW aiT still the Best ! PLANTATION FOd iJAL i L Havtug lU milnerl to o InUi t!ir liBslnf-w 1 '6ffer my valuable plantation for sale, on liBerai I terms, containing at least of wiikli U good, Improve. bottoiq land; :.:uiaU l on S-uiu Ulver, miles 'rtbJ f "rmi irv, Ui J herniiy s.-tioii. ivliinandswel 1 -.ruwr:.! to,- fcooJ B.-Mlmja; school aai cliureli la'-ill- 'i.swv ooJ. Tim 1 filing ja a large two-story i - 1 :..T .k- iu-nf ,.n.iir,l of s aT--S (ill itl.r - soutu Rtver, O. f premlsea-all otn-r iiuniligs In gtl wnrtlti'jn f lurUiLriofoim itlon a i.lress W. W. XilM.KU f ONE OK TWO RELIABIiE, INDUSTRY i OUS MEN I.N' EVEltr TOWN AND COUNTY TO SELL OUR POPU - LA It BOOKS. Offer iilx;ra! in.hicemeiits.' Applicants will please give age, experience (if any), and re ferences as to character ami habits. A I (splendid Chance for men who are not afraid to work anl want to make money. Apply g in person or bv letter to I F. JOHHSOH 6 CO.. 3 (47:3ml 1013 Main -it., Richmond, V a. i i I I mm J7:tf S T IAUHCORSET Increases in popalarit every day, as ladies And it ttc moat COX FORT ABLE AM9 PKItFECT FITTTXO corset cvtr worn. Mer chants mj it pivos the boot Batislactjoii of any corset thoT ove wild. Warrant d sitifactory or aioacy fo funded. For aalo Iy J. D. GASHLL only, Salisbury, N. C. - KLUTTZ S ffAB EHOnSE! i JOHN SHEPPARD, (Late of Pilot Wakkhouse, Winston, N.C.) Bmfines 3Ianoger and AUCTIONEER. INSIST ON If A VINO AI.IXOCKB, THE ; K.N I l.K rOKOUS PI.ASTEB. ONLY O- SALES EVERY DAY. Good Prices Assured. BEST ACCOMMODATIONS FOR MAN AND BEAST. NO SALE, NO CHARGE! jgQ Insurance and Storage Free. Liberal Cash Advancements made on Tobacco held by as for future sale. KLUTTZ, GASKILL & CO. 15:tf One of the most remarkahle'inventionso the present ag; is Ali.cok's Pouous Pi. a 8 TElls. They are t he resuit of years of chem leal study, and only time and experience has brought them to their present peit'ec tion. Testimonials are received every day of the wonderful rprrs of Sprains, Weak Buck. Rhemntjsin. Lumbago, Paralysis and hosts of other diseases Of course the vast sales and great su cess of Allcock's Porous Piasters have causejl numerous plasters to I hi brought before the public which, Ik ing called porous, would give the world to understand that they were a similar article to the genuine. We would most particular ly caution the public against these hum bugs. They contain none if the healing gums that are used in Allcock's, but- are simply a combination of lead, red pepper and rubber, and are vaunted in long wind ed advertisements as an improvement on Allcock's Ponot;s Plasters. Beware of the hazy and untrue statements and never use any of these so-called porous frauds. torCHTS Indian '.'ecetablePills POK THK LIVER r.:l all 8 Hous Complaints Sate lo Kite. l-iiifr purely vege'aMe : no np Ina. l'rkw 25 cU. All UntatasU. WE8TERN N. C. RAILROAD. Of FJCg QKN. PASSENGER AGENT, Salisbury, N. CM Gctobir 12th, 1882 SCHEDULE. ST. Train j STATIONS. I Arrive 5.45 r a " 4.88 " I " 3.09 " S.10 " 11.54 " 11.50 A SI X 10,08 ' I1 Salisbury ....Statesvllle ....Newton ....Hickory : Morganton. I ....Marlon alack Mountain .. .....Asbevine ' ....Warm Springs ....Pigeon River.. I Pass. Train No. X Leave C.10 a a Arrive 7.88 " s.4t " ' .5 " ' 19.43 " " 1L48 u " l.ns ra " 3.00 - R.44 5.4"i 1 Train No. 1 Connects at Salisbury with R. & D. It. It. from all points North and South and from Italeigh. Connects at Stabesvllle with A. T. O. Div. 01 c. c. & A. R R. connects at Warm Sprlugs with K. Tenn., Va M Oa. K. R. for Morristown and points South-Wcst . Train No. Connects at War$ Springs with E. T. Va. Ga.R.R from Morriitvw ii & the South-Wcst. Connects at tftaivttle with A. T. O. Dir. of C C. & A. R. R aa4 at Salisbury with R. & D. R R. for all points Worth and East and for Raleigh. Through Ti-kets on sale at Salisbury, Statesvllle, Ashevlllc and the l Win fjrlogs to aU priticipal cities. J. R, Macmurdo, AUcock s Porous Plasters Believe Debility and Nervousness. Ai.lcock'8 Plasters worn on the rogion of the kidneys warms the spinal marrow which is a continuation of the brain, im parting new vitality and power to the spine they etregthen that mighty organ and nil it full of foreign electricity or nervous fluid. Thus they will restore to the busy active brain of man or woman, the energy and ability which has been lost by disease, wor ry or overwork. They restore vitality where there has been debility and nervous ness, and prevent loss of memory and pa ralysis. Physicians highly recommend them for nervous debility, whether arising from dissipation or overwork. They are now known to be the great regenerators of the nervous system and are invaluable in all cases of hysteria. Gram: Grower Muxim. The Vine Drpssor lays tlown tin to) lowing rules : 1. Prepare the ground in the fall ; plant in spring. 2. Give the vine plenty of manure, old and well decomposed ; for fresh manure excites the growth lyit does not mature it. 3. Luxuriant growth does not in sure fruit. 4. Dig deep, but plant shallow. 5. Young vines produce ieautiful fruit, but old" vines produce the richest. 6. IVune growth, but fVu'tfulness. 7. Plant your vines before you put up trellises. 8. Vines, like soldiers, should have good arms. 9. Prune spurs to one developed bud, for the nearer the old wood the higher flavored the fruit. 10. J nose who prune lone- must soon climb. 11. Vine leaves love me sun ; me fruit the shade. 12. Every leaf has a bud at the base, and either a bunch of fruit or a tendril opposite tt. 111 autumn to insure in spring to promote J. RHODES BROWNE, PRES.. W. C. COART, SEC. Total Assets, $710,745.12. A Home Company, Seeking Home Patronage, 0T3.ONS-, ; PROMPT, - P.3L:.--SL3, Term Policies written on Dwellings. Premiums payable One-half cash andbal ance in twelve months. J. ALLEN BROWN, Agt, bahsbury, ft. U. 25:0ui. Kidneys Cured. Contoocook, N. H., I March 8, 1880 I have been greatlv troubled with Rheu matism and Weak Kidneys. 1 was advised to try Allcocr's Porous Plasters (had used two other kinds of so-called Porous Plasters which gave me no relief,) but one of yours has worked like a charm, giving me complete relief, and I have not been troubled with Rheumatism and Kidney Complaint since using them, and I consider tnvsclf cured. Edward D. Bcrkham. Bronchial Troubles . 122 0 St., Washington, D. C, ( January 7, 1882. I take great pleasure in recommending Allcock's Porous Plasters. I was in duced to try them by Mrs. Samuel J. Ran dall, and I fiound them everything desired. J V8vd four other so-called Porous Pbmtvrs before proaur ing Allcock's; they were per fectly useless. But immediately upon ap plying two of Allcock s to my chest my cold and bad cough were at once relieved. I want vou to send me one dozen forth with. JOHN T. INGRAM. 13. A tendril is an abortive fruit bunch a bunch of fruit, a promotive tendril. 14. A bunch of grapes without a healthy leaf opposite is like a ship at sea without a rudder it can't come to port. 15. Laterals arc like politicans; if not checked, they are the worst of thieves. What is Desired in M It is not to sweep the make the beds ami darn K hnuso and the socks and cook the meals chiefly that a man wants a wife. If this is all he wants, hired servants can do it cheajier than j ,.! lit a i a wite. it tins is an, wnen a voting man calls to see a young "lad v. send him into the p-mlry to tatethe bread ,nd cakes she has mane; stil l htm to see the needle-work and bed -ma king or put a broom in her. hands and semi urn to witness its use. Mich things are important and the wise will quiet- !v look after them. Hut what the true man wants of a wife is her com panionship, symptfthy and love. the wav of life has many dreary n laces in it. and man nee minion to no with him. sometimes overtake. ly misfortune: he meets with failures and defeats, trials ami temptations beset him, and he needs one to stand Iry and sympa thize. He has some stem battles to fight with poverty, with enemies and with sin, and he meds woman that, as he puts his arm around her, he feels that he has something to fight for; who will put her lips to his ear and whisper words of counsel, and her hand to his heart and impart new inspiration. AlrTrturongh life, through storm anu sunsuine, eounici and victory : through adverse and favorable winds man uebds a woman's my tire; etts a eo A m- mau is love. The heart yearnsfor it. A sis Not in Harmony. TUTTSS LS PI La W. A. MORGAN. GEO. A. EAGLE. Eagle & Morgan PLACKSMITHING AND Wagori-Making. f5Te are prepared to do any kind of Mork iU Qif Shops .on Lee Street, W. l. Barker's ,Ol.d Stand.) SALISBURY, N. C. HORSE SHOEING and all kinds of ??lac.ksmithing done promptly and with ex pedition. Repairing of Carriages, Buggies and Wagons done promptly and in first class style. Painting and finishing of tine work will be done by W. M. Barker. All we ask is a trial. imn. 10, 1833. 1 3:t f PROFESSIONAL CARDS. BLACKMER & HENDERSON Attorneys, Counselors and Solicitors. Salisbury, N. C. an. 22d, '79-tf. . M. McCORKLE. T. P. KLUTTZ MceOKKLE & KLUTTZ, ATTORNEYS asd COUNSELORS SALisuLity, N. C. ,Oflee on Council Street, opposite tjhe JJourt House. 37:tf jKERR CRA4GE. f . 0fJgWSKf CRAIGE & CLEMENT, Attorneys eb. 3rd, 188f. i HARDWARE. WHEN YOU WANT HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES tfjfcH pn the undersigned at NO. 2. Granite ft.iw. D. A. AT WELL. Agent for tho 4Ca.rawdllThreaher.M . jMMary, N. C.; Juno 8th tt. TORPID VDWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. Trom these -o?ircc3 arlso tliroc-i'ourths or the diseases of the human ruc Theso sym ptoras Indicate the !r existence : Lo of Appetite, Bovttsls uos'.ivo, Sick Head ache, fullness nftur cnti f vers ton to exertion, of body cr uioi!, Eructation of food, Irritability of tesnper, Low piri j, A fuclinr; ox naviiag liejrlcctetl some amy, JMzzl uc s, J?I.itte vine at tha Heart, Iots before ttie cves.Mjcb! v col ored Urine, c'OSSTi "ATto .v, and de mand the nsc of a remedy that n ts directly on the l iver. AsaLivcr medicine TCTT'S PILLS have no c qual. Their action on the Kidney and Stin la also proa:pt; removing all fmpuritiea tSurough tlicae three ct engcrs of the sv tern '' prodacinff appe tite, sound di-ostlon, rofralar ptools, a clear skin andnvlgorous'bodv. TUTT'S PrXUS cause no nousoa or griping nor interfere with daily -work and arc c perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. SoldeTeryw)er,a5c. MnmivSt.,N.Y. Tun s mm dye.' Gra Hair ok WniSKecs changed in. stantiy to a G Loser Black by a single ap plication of thU DTE. Sold by Druggists, Or sent by express on receipt of $t . Office, 44 ilarmy Stret, Nw York. Tin'S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. Spinal Disease Cured. IIaMMKL's HOTKL, ROCKAWAY liEACH, N. Y., May 19, '82. f Allcock's Plasters have been of such great service to me and mine that I feel it a duty to state the facts, as biietly as possi ble, to induce others to use them. My wife for many years was confined to her bed suffering from spinal disease. After spend f - . 1 T .11 . . mg a iiiouanu uoiiars in vain enon to ger cured, she applied three Allcock's Plas ters to the spinal column, one above the other. In a few davs all pain left her. She applied fresh plasters every two weeks and in the course of two months she com pletely recovered her health. At first she could fiardly walk across the room; eaicli day she walked a little further, and now she is able to walk five miles without fa- tirne. She still occasionttllv applies the plasters to her back, but she has been per fectly well for upward of a year. LEWIS L. HAMMEL. Mr. antl Mrs. Widgeon do hot fire in harmony. Tliey live in Austin. They fight more or less every day in the week, and we infer from the fol lowing that Mrs. Widgeon is not en tirely to blame, s her husband causes her to become angry every once in a while. 'They attended church last Sunday, and after the service was over and they were quietly walking homeward, he asked her : 'Mrs. Widgeon, you know why the preachers always pray for the widows ami orphans, aud for the widowers ?' 'I don't wonderingly replied Mrs. idgeon. 1 II Uers ami mother's love, will hardly ......I., it... .......1 ..... ... c . . I - .....It mg iiiriher than louftvork. Justly enough, hall ot these get notbiug more. 1 he otffer ltalf surprised abive measure, obtain more than they sought. Their wives surprised them t)v civinir a noble'idea of marriasre . S3 - J llllll H til I llijl IfUISUI V " VUUI.lVj sympathy and love. t'OKEA. The Land which Doesn't Hesitate Sacrifice a Stranger s Head. lo r Corea lies as a peninsula between the Japan and lellow seas, project ing from the northern part of the em pire of China. It is a kingdom, witl :iii area of 80,000 square miles. Tin king of Corea is a isuprerv.e ruler. His word is law, even when it aftVc;s lii'e or death, and he is almost considered a god, and the greatest honors possi ble are naid to him. Three ministers Til tell you. The preachers know institute the kind's cabinet and they are virtually the government. Kuch has his various sub-omcials, and all 1 1 ! . I . I are Honored in Keening witn tne dignity of their positions. The king The red rut t on raspberries is a fungus which rapidly spreads to hca' fhv nlants. Every hill showing signs fit should ie rtmted u; ami bumeil. j It may be avoided on the vanet ;ea that root from the tips by planting only those ti grown the year after eltintr out the plants. At this age all will be healthy ai d remain so. r HALL'S ISSiS8 "Hair Benewer. Seldom does a popular remedy win such ft ttxong hold upon the public confidence aa baa HAtL'i Haib ItoiwEB. The casee in which it baa accomplished a complete restoration of olor to toe hair, and vigorou health to too Bcalp, are innumerable. Old people like it for its wonderful power to restore to their whitening locks their original eolor and beauty. Middle-aged people like it because it prevent them from getting bald, keeps dandruff away, and makes the hair grow thick and strong. Young ladies like tt as a dressing because it gives the hair a beau tiful glossy lustre, and enables them to dress it in whatever form they wish. Thus it is the favorite of all, and it has become to limply tacattH It djtappolntit no one. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE I FOR THE WHISKERS i Baa become one of the most important popu lar toilet article! for gentlemen's use. When the beard is gray or naturally of aa unde sirable shade, BccKutaaAM's Dtb is the remedy. , F SEP ABE D BY R. P. Hall & Co., Nashua, N.H. I Sold by aU Druggist. School Books -Full Stck, lowest prices. Writing Paper, Pens and Pencils. Envelops, Visiting Cards. Seaside Novels and Monroe's Library. Blank Books, Gold Pens. Antograpk and Photograph Albums. Wall Paper, Toilet Articles, Perfumery. Fine Toilet Soap, Combs and Brushes. Bathing Gloves and Towels. very well that the widowers, instead of needing prayers, should offer up thanks.' There was a sound of revelry by night in the Widgeon mansion. h.a8 no ereat standing- anuv. for the Texas Sittings. empire of China protects him against uvusion trom It reign iocs or h orn internecine strife. At one time, the Turanian language was the universal speech of the kingdom, but the Chinese language has largely taken Potatoe Reccpcs by Mfss Corson. Small Potatoes, Stewed. Wash small potatoes of even size, rubhin&r i i .. .. ii i I, the skins oft with a cloth if thev are M8 l)lace- M ouy l,lU0 "Utiuiusni was new, or peeling them smoothly and tc national religion, but Coufucius's thinlv ; not thpoi nvnr tb fira in teachings have largely replaced it "v i - . . . i ."-... water to since tne I4tn century, ana it may Oe suilicient eoquer them, with a tablespoonful of considered the national religion to-day. . - . . i ' 1 I . ..III . A I a. ! salt, and boil them fast, Only until hev are tender enough to pierce with fork; then at once drain them, dust them with pepper and salt, and Unntion is paid to funerals and the tjuur over Lkein two tnbbMiMMiifii auf worsnin oi tne ancestors. l Here is . . .. t I ! iL!. . butter, melted by gentle beat, tor aiso a general uenei m me supernai- ach pint of potatoes : shake them ral powers ot serpents and reptiles. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CRAO LINA WATCHMAN, $1.50 PER YEAR. OURB 554 Main St., IIaktford, Conn., ) April 20, 1879. s Will you please send me an Allcock's PoiiousPlastek, 20 inehes long by 7 inches wide, to use on my bark for weak ness of kidneys. I have worn tliem with the best curative effect, for a weak side near the heart, many years far injury caus. ed by strain and lifting in the army. I could not do without them; I use one about . a. I T '. II 1 every monin. t uave on a lienadonna Plaster and don t like it at all, for it has not the power or strength of Allcock's Pouous Plasters. B. WELLS SPERRY. BOOTS, SHOi oraen Air Work H S & GAITERS, made to Irst class Seventeen Tears Ex perience. AirMatertal of the best irrariH. and work done la the latest styled Ready made wor i always oa hand Repairing neatly and promptly done. Ordt rs bv mall prompt ly filled. Wm. jBk. Basle. 51:ly. auaax7r.2i.0 "A Blessing in Disguise." 484 Adelphi St., Brooklyn, ) March 29, 1881. ( No fatnilv should be without Allcock's Pouous Plasters; their healing powers art- wonderful and their efficacy far-reaching artd lasting. For years past I have seen and known them to cure and relieve the most obstinate and distressing cases of rheumatism, kidney complaint, bronchitis, neuralgia, lumbago, intlamation of the lungs and throat, paralysis, asthma, spinal weakness, and coughs Mml colds. Iu my own case they afforded me almost instant and permanent relief. My friends consider them an invaluable and speedy remedy iu all kinds of aches and pains. They are a blessing in disgujse: and no wife or mother should be without them if she values her peace and comfort and freedom from ner vous exhaustion and other ailments. As strengthening plaster, also for backaches and weakness, they have no equal. I have never yet found a plaster so efficacious and stimulating, or to give so much general sat isfaction. Used in connection with Bran- dreth's uuiversal life-giving and life-heal ing Pills, no one need despair of a speedy restoration to good sum health. MRS. . TOMPKINS. 1ST O TI C E ! JOHN F. EACLE, -FASHIONABLE - BOOT AND SHOE m: aker, Invites your attention to bis shop, opposite M vor'a Otliro. Ren.-iirino noallv .iwl iiMmJ. ly done. All grades of goods made to order IM. let ,'51:lf. 4 ...... l A SURE CURE FOR BURNS, CUTS BRUI8ES AND LAMENESS. West Becket, Berkshire Co., Mass., Jan. 23, 1882. We could not keep house without Vllcock'; Plasters, for 20 years we have used iheui and found them most effective for Burns, Cuts Bruises and all kind of Lamenese. JULIA E.SHAW rj.elicf for KTcxiralgin. Hastixgs Minn., ) Jan. 3, 1883. , I am troubled with neuralgia in the back of my head, neck and spine, but I find by apply ing one of vour FOROCS 1 lasteks to the bac 01 my necic ana one across tne small ot my back I have almost instant relief. I take pleasure in reecommending them to the ifllicted for they have helped me so much. J. F. BEE BEE. Pastor M. E. Church Hastings. Plated Ware FINE CI9ARS, FRENCH CAN DIES A SPECIALTY, TROPICAL FRUITS IN SEA--. SON, PICTURES 6L PICTURE FRAMES, TOYS, DOLLS, VASES AND T O lb ET SETS. AND BANJOS. VIOLINS, GUITARS ANU BANJO STRINGS. over actualy boiling 1 here are still many superstitions extant, aud tliere is a great belief in the power of evil spirits. Great at- .1 1 1 .1 ently to uisiribute tne butter even- y, and then serve them very hot. Fried Potatoes. Peel and slice a quart of potatoes quite thin, and drop them into cold them into cold water ind sliced : nut two heaping table- rhe women cut a small figure in the kingdom. They have neither a legal 1 1 . nor social status. i,oncu outage is recognized as a universal practice and marriage is considered a matter of family policy. Education is looktd upou as a necessity, especially in pub i 1 l . : I ui.... o . ... j. . irA . lie life, and no official can noul n o a in ck irv intrnan. i en tu t in . . . omce wi MT. VERNON LiTery Stale! ! .i -in M. L. ARE Y Present Itis compliments to the nju d resjHjetfully aolk it a triIt r iiu p oiisiuuui. ii m complete Tji ..n ,, (juirenients of first class business. Horses, Buggies, Carr agei Ph8Btonsf Wagons, &c C"HB 18 CONFIDENT OR GIVlxo M SATISEAfTION. Sceial provision and favorable rateifc. Boarding and keeping horses. "f Dnivers will find uood Stalls and ail 1 r th'M nhir-n ""Jl Secial aceommodatlons fur o' Uomnipmial I rave ers. Leo Street, Salisbury N C 36:tf - 1 te hettft- Fresli Turnip Seel Turnip sji just received a Fresh lot of - TURNIP SEED j of all the different kinds, CIIEAPEIt iilu ENNIS8' DuicStoiw, ever at WIZARD OIL, The Great RHEUMATIC CURE of tlu rhj also for LAM BACK, at ENNISS' Drug Saowh SIMMON'S LITER MEDICINE AT REDUCED PRICES, AT ENNISS'. T71 T TTTm T t t-. AND RUBBERS FOR JARS, At ENXISSL SAVE YOUR EKUIT! Scarr's Fruit Preservalive! Without the use of Sealed Can. Tb CHEAPEST and ONLY SURE "KIND KNOWN. Pekfectly Harmless. Call and try it. At ENNISS' Date Stokk. l:tC ii THKO.BDERBillH, SALISUUUV, X. c. 1 he potatoes without draining them, season them with pepper and salt, put l cover over them, ami cook them or about fifteen minutes, or until thev are tender, stirring them fre- thout first having passed a public examination. The abodes of the lower classes are miserable hovels, 11 I r one story uign, teo or twelve feet square, built of wood, clay and rice straw, with a thatched roof. The floor - . t la t , a i a . 1 t. r. aklmK aft ) 4ueuiiy iu manic even iuumiik, uijvi .i .i i . p . , ' ' . I la motlipr Piirth. and thA tnrnu hmpn urmug : then serve them K" . . j i M , prevent hot. a is simple. Ihe dude would have little show there, tor the fashionable Fried Hashed Potatoes. Peel half costume consists of a pair of coarse dozen cold boiled potatoes, slice cotton cloth and very buggy breeches, them tbin, aud cut them in small and very long vests. As for head dice ; put two tables pooufu Is of but- gear, anything will answer, from a ter or sweet drippings in a trying pan rice straw to a palm leaf hat, aud over the tire, aud when the fat begins when that is not procurable, the peo- to sinoKe put 111 ine potatoes ; season pie go bare headed. The punishments them rather lightly with pepper and for crimes are severe and tortures salt, stir them occasionally to pre- frequent. Harakari is a mild kind of a a a a a I vent burning, brown them quickly, punishment. Men are put to the tor- and serve tliem not. Oman oits ot ture, and are frequently condemned cold ham or bacon can be fried with to lose a leg or a thigh, an ear or an . .lit . " O J the potatoes, to vary the flavor of the Lye, and sometimes they take off the scalp just under the ears, omitting to leave any portion of the head. When THAIS, Wi M ! Our M Constantly Replenished. UNDER THE FIEX NAME OF PLUtl.tlUK A. iUORCiAIV. Wm. J. Pluaimeh. long known as the hei Harness and Saddle Maker who ever did biifii ness in Salisbury, presents his cumplimtnl to old friends and patrons with an invitations to call and see hs present slock of pew Harness, Saddles, Collars, &e. He warrants satisfaction to every purchaser of New Stock, and also his repair work. Ratea as low as a good article will admit of. (all and see. PLUMMEK & MORGAN. A Great Water -Power FOR SALE! dish. Mashed Potatoes.-wPeel a quart ot potatoes, put aim slice 'I a .1 a them over a man commits treason, tney not only ih fire in sufficient boilitn? water to punish him by cuttiug off his ears or cover them, with a Ublespoonful of hia leS, but they do the same thing salt, and boil them only until tender; t0 his w,fe aod his wife'8 relations, then drain them ; add to them the The climate ot Corea is said to be yolk of a raw egg, a tablespoon fu I of vel7 temperate and heathful. Rice, butter, a palatable seasoning ot salt, and final tt r of a salt snoonful each of ? 1 i.i! nuiHit'.i lw upa aui J t r oluiiwl n wnite pepper anu nutmeg, ana eitner 7 ... icaw a it a.a I ink Aioi nil masn tliem smoothly with a potato f,u,ubwm smasher, or beat them wit-h a fork then put them lightly on a dish and serve thein hot. Saratoga Potatoes. Jeel and slice the potatoes, put them into cold water containing a tablespoonful of salt, or a bit of alum as large as a Intelligence of Ants. Each ant in an ant-hill knows its compan ions. Mr. Darwin several times car ried ants from one hill tp another, in habited apperently by tens of thou grain of com to eaeh quart, and let sands of ants : but the strangers were them stand over night, tor several invariably detected and killed. Think- hours. Heat a frying pan half full of ing that there might be a family fat ; drain the potatoes, and dry them on a clean cloth towel ; when odor by which they were recognized ft w he put some ante from a very large the fat is smoking hot put in the nest into a bottle strongly perfumed potatoes, fry them golden, and then with asafcetida, and restored them take them up with a skimmer and after twenty-four hours. At first put them into a colander ; sprinkle they were threatened by their com- them with salt, stiake ttiem thorough- panjous, but soou recOguized, aud Iy,rhU then serve them. j allowed to pass. North Carolina Railroad. CONOENsiiTsCHEDULE. TK A I NS OOINO EAST. Dale, Apr. 30, 182 Leave Charlotte " Salisbury ...... " High Point .. A rr. Greensboro.... Leave O reennboro . Air. HillsLoro " Durham M Raleigh Lv. " Arr. Goldshoro No.,51. Daily. 4.10 a.m. 0.05 " 7.20 " 8.10 9.30 11.47 120 " 1.40 p.m. 4.05 6.30 S 11 11 Pail;. 7.50 " 8.33 " 9 10 " 11 28 ' r-'odlT 1 20AI 1 30aM 350 " No. 15 Daily except Saturday, Leave Oreeusboto 0 30 p. ra. Arrive at Raleigh 2.45 p. ra. ArriveatUoldsboro 8.00 " No. 51 Connects al Salisbury W. Nj. C. B. R.. for Aslu-ville and Warm Spripg (ireensboro with R.& D. K. U. lor all:u North, East and West, via. Danvilk (Joldsboro with W. & W.R. R.for W M ton. . 1. J No. 53 Connects at Salislmrv with H.? C, It. R. for all points in Wel-rn N.Cwoli! daily at Greensboro with K.& 1. K. K.wriu points North, East and West. TRAINS GOING WEST. Date. Feb. 19, 1882. No. 50. Daily. No m bail. The most extraordinary unimproved Water Power on the Yadkin River ig for sale at low figures. It is situate at the head of the Narrows in Stanly county, 8 miles from Albemarle, the county seat ; 13 miles from Cold Hill, and about 28 miles from Salisbury. It is one mile from the public highway leading to Salisbury, from which road it is easily accessible down to the water's edge. The peculiar feature of this property is that it is a natural stone dam which makes about a six foot head of available water. The dam runs at an ansle of about 20 or 25 deg. up the river nearly all the way across, gradually diminishing in height as it annroaches the nnnosite snore, a race 01 400 leet in length will add from 12 to 14 additional feet ot head, mak ing the grand power ot 18 or 20. There is any quantity ot building stone aad slate ot excellent quality, on the premises, easily transported by water. This excellent power may be used for GRIST AND FLOURING MILLS, COTTON & WOOLEN FACTORIES, REDUCTION MILL FOR SULPIIU. RETED ORES. it is conveniently near the mines of aLontgomery, Stanly, parts of Cabarrus, Rowan and Davidson Counties to make it a custom mill, for the reduction of ores, with the great advantage of being in the centre of the mining districts named above. The ores within easy reach could not be worked out in a century. This water power with 10 acres atrnrrw.,1 is offerred at g2,50O. with the option of Kill .. f r-,.c ... 4kO r AJ rr I .ww au mm vvuv. 1 ne tanas are valua ble for farming purposes; the situation healthy, the society good, and church and school advantages very good. Persies wisuing iurtner information may addref? uatcuman , aalisburv. or Mr. J II tleton, Albemarle, N. C. Map of place furnished pn application. 33: tf. LeaveGoldsburo ... 10.00 a. m. Arrive Raleigh .... 12.15 m Leave " .... 4.15 " Arrive Durham 5.32 " " Hillsboi I Greenal ro... i Arrive High Piont M Salisbury.... Charlotte.... ii 0.11 8.30 9.15 9.50 11.12 1 1 10.11k. 16 50 12.15 1.10a. m.l 2.10 v i r..:i o i t r.nlikb'oii v. , is a 1 1. v a . uunuiij ui . v- leal p.. 1 mm Ar. Raleiah Lv. A r. Greensboro Nn ."() fnniippis ! t'bs.rlotte will Air Line for all points in the Sou K.. RO Cn.,nia ..i fM...rl(,tle with A. A.K.K. with :, I Inning South and South N. W. N. C. RAILROAD. Gqjno WK8T. No. 50 Daily Lv. Greensboro 925 p m Ar. Kernersville 10 41 " " Salem 1 1 0 No. 51. Going WfiST. Daily. ex. Saa. Leave Salem 6 20 a ui Ar. Kernersville 6 46 " " Greensboro 7 45 " ' SefW Dal?. thaavS H3r" 1( vf 1 t '.!. tiW?m 6o ; STATE UNIVERS1 fY lAILjjAi o-i-; Going North' Leave Chapel Hill . Arrive University... Goikq South. Leave University Arrive Chapel Hill - ... !... SUB. Daiiy5i55 I 5.40 pP .... b-UVf, . L. ithoatlCi Pullman On Trail a'.l: i j. r : 1 1 ii muiiiiuii Mt iaiiiinvi On Train No. 52. Richmond ana Washington and Augusta, Ca., JL EST In rough Tickets on Atr Kaleigh, Qoldsboro, Salisour '""t Till e i ni i. i "i - . su and at all principal points hpum, : Wet, North and Eat. tor ' Louisiana, Texa?, Arkansas and tiH?r iLnMl MP! lien. r7""j.i fl address 21:ly

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