' . Ine uarolma Watchman. I . j ; - . r-LO-iKv cmu.im SALISBURY. K. C, OCTOBER 28, 1883. Kc a tii jmb i m ii j ma u mm I The Carolina Watchman jpKlCB, 1.50 IN ADVANCE. For Dyspepsia, Coitlrene!, Sick Heaulache, Citron.! e Iiar rlweu, Jaundlca, Impurity f the l . :.o!, Fever and Ague, Malaria, and all Disease iMiiMii ly De- rtngeroent ot OW. iwl and Kidneys. svMrTOMS Cftr A DWF.ASKD MVEK. R.2 Breaia Bain in the Side, somrtimes the ink fit under N Shoulder-blade, mistaken for trail O vc. k" ' wiih coidTalle los of memory , ao .u . iinfi,i n&ati it of teavtac undone inpameo something T.v.. . l-tn done: tiisht. dry o I ! nil for conjA-mptioe: the patkat complai , m . f -.. it s nciimes an ancnuani ii-notion ; the patk'M complain of wear'4 feet cold .-..! A-'iiliiv : nervous. e..il startled: tww 'sometimes a prickly sensation in esii3 pint are low despondent. nd aliHoueh latilfied that exercise would be beae Sriil vet one hardly summon tip fortitude to laiCl, omi j J k svmrfoms attend the disease, bul cases v i r .v - " lr octurreo wwen oui icw oi incm 7 ciamiailK'n aiterjgciuii n have fcein cxtensiely deranged. It should be ned by all pemon. old aad yuMtig, whejbever any of tin above j ayupt4ms appear. Persons Trajrelln;; or I.i vlnS la Un- ealtkV Laeaqties, by raking a die occasioa ally to leep the liver in healthy action, will avoid all Malaria. Itilinus attak. liitzinevs. Nau Ka Lhwsiws,? Depression-of Spirits, etc. , It will' invigorate lik a glass uf wine, but I no In tuxlcatlUK b v. !,:(;. If Tbu have, eatea anything hard of 4Uaeasnn, or fcHU heavy after meals, or aleep leM at night, take a dose and you will be relieved. r e Tiaie and Doctors Isilla will be saved bylalways Itaeptog the Regulator l)i the House I for whatever tht ailment may be, a thoroughly safe purgative, alterative and tonic can atver be .ut of pTac. The remedy is harmless aad does not intn f-rc with busineas or pleasure. It IS PtfRKIIT TKG FT . T? T. K . Aad has all the power and efficacy of Calomel or Quiaise, without any of the injurious after cuccts. I A Governor's Testimony. SiianioBS I ivcr Regulator has Uen in use ia my family Jut some time, and I . am satisfied it is a jaBta adJitmn to tnc medical science. J. fjiLL Shoktkk, Governor of Ala, BesL Alexander H. Stephens, of (ia.. asys: Tlave derived some benefit from the use of Simmois Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a ainaerl trial. only Thins; that never falls to re." I h:.v.c used many remedies tur Dys pepsia, l.i ver AUcction and Uetniity, Dut never aavt und anything to benefit me to the extent SunnKis Liver Regulator has. I sent from Min esota;jo Georgia for it, and would send further for such ajjnedicinc, and would advise all ho are sim ilarly aHected to give it a trial as it seems the only stiag .at never fails to relieve. Pj M. Jannev, Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. T. W. Mason says: From actual ex perience in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator ia ay practice I have been and am satisfied to use aad prescribe it as a purgative medicate. HjrTake only the Genuine, which always fau si the Wrapper the red Z Trade-Mark lature of J. H. ZKILIN CO. R SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. BUpiKlER & TAYLOR S haLin& purchased i I THE STOCK 1 O F UmT rS r t t" TTrT- a t vf nvi. 3ivii i niJEAL, AS WELL AS THE INTEREST OP a- E Crawford, of the firm of R. CRAWFORD ft CO. Ms!' ; I W .,,. a. 1 I X aiv ",,w prepareu co Buppiy our easterners wfth all kinds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, In addition to the 1 Best Selected Stock 01 HARDWARE in the S T A T E. We also linn die Rifl e ana Blasting Powder I FUSE a full line ot Mining Supplies. We will caS Any Prices in 1 1 -the State. CfLL AKD SEE US. ffS BLiCltEB, adn ' I fjj BaaWawsSaa 0 1 I ' ' " SAW TAYLOR. 50: ly r Kim " SnnaanBnnanaaanaaaaa anSS i-a TTTM I I I I IMIIMI MrM Beautiful Hands. Such iWutifrtl, beautiful hands ! 1 hey are neither white nor small, And .von, I know, would acarcelr think That they were fair at all. I've looked on hands, of form and hoe, A acnlnter's dream mirht be. Yet are these aged wrinkled hands Most beautiful to me. Such beautiful, beautiful hands ! I When her heart was weary and sad, These patient hands keep toiling iu That the children might be glad. L I often weep when looking back To childhood's distant day, I think how these hands rested not, When mine were at their play. Such beautiful, beautiful hands! They are growing feeble now, And time and toil have left their mark On hand and heart and brow. Ata ! Alas ! the nearing time, 1 ue sad, sad day to me, When, 'neath the daisies out of sight, These hands will folded be. Rut 0, beyond these shadowy lands, Where all is bright and fair, I known full well these dear old hands Will palms of victory bear. When crystal streams through endless years, Flow over golden sands, And when the old grow young again, I'll clasp my mother's hands. THEMpSS ROSEBUD. BY MARIA GIBEBT. t Dum spiro spero !" was the ex- clamation of a young man, as he de- scended the steps of a pleasant house in one of our Southern cities, and with a lightened heart bent himself toward his place of business. He had been striving to conciliate where cause for offense from himself had never been given. "For,1 thought he, "she is unfortunate in this particular: onlv a little jealous now and then, which goes to prove her love for me, aud if her trials are imaginary, mine, the respect and love who, having gain- reconstruction legislation utterly ais result of tltem, shall be transitory, ed will be able to retain their p'acc regard it. They made no pretense of for what were life to me without Mary ?" Scarcely had he thought thus, I i . . t si t a when a little nower girl met his w. hold i ns? forth for sale a bunch of rich exotics, in which, with the ' a i hcliotrope and japonica, were bound, aido Uv uiilp twn lioniiiifnl mo rn- j -" ...ww buds. teniDttn the Touncr mora izer to-purchase at once. Arthur V. gave his address to the little girl, charging her to ask the ladv with whom he was a boarder to preserve carefully 1 . 1 . il he nowers until ins return, and : . . . . I continuing his route, he congratula- led himself as he thought of the nleasure his eift would afford the b ved one : for Mary loved flowers, and those buds were beautiful and rare. A few minutes after vouncr V. had passed into another street, the nerson of fair Marv met in her daily ramble the girl with the flowers, Attracted bv the uncommon beauty of the buds, Mary learned from the . .; l bearer the destination, which she ,.;litlv iodtrpd wms. in die end. for 9 &"v " her own en ovment. During the bright June morning, a merrv. light hearted, teasing girl O D ' set out on her tour for pleasure, and turning a corner, she espied on the trroiind a moss rosebud twin to the on in the nurchased bououel. and carelessly dropped by the flower girl which she placed in her bosom, d.pn took her course to the house of a - her cousin Mary, the betrothed of - Arthur V., designing to chat a while with her. after she had spent an hour with a fiMPntl n the wnv. Alealiwhi e a young Arthur hastened with a lover's earnestness to present his floral offer- ng in person, where it was only equaled by the bloom of her to whom he had devoted his best gifts of a true and ardent spirit, a loving ana launiui ueuri. j . '.i. i i a mi . -. w ai - : in le aominng ine iragrance or hia hnuouet. Marv suddenly exclaim- w mf af 1 - . . . a .a i lAtl e(i Ktit where is the other DUU7 That there had been more than one was a fact which had escaped his no- tice ; and while the lady frankly told him of her previous admiring scrutiny, he as frankly assured her that he had presented his gift entire, as. he found it. That there were two uuus on tue uvuuuei a auun, viuie before, Mary was right in asserting ; that she saw but one then was an incontestable truth, and the only dark impulse in Mary's bosom rose up to doubt. This was the spot that, like tne neei 01 pennies, was uwuu- ed to receive the arrew which pow- 1 . . oned all her peace- 00 witn tins tee ling smarting iu ner near, con- - . . ? 1 : 1 ceaiea uy a amiuug up, auc pucu with her iriena, wue engagenieuia, prevented a protracted stay. . . , . 1 1 11 was noiiiiug yJ . A I ... . ... . ah- s a 1 I n n r at Cliei SUOUIU wci a sw&m mw i i i iii lonnx n u 1 1 1 ii 1 1 in nor i a 11 B 11:.. II bosom, or that, on questioned during Ls I . '.. ' 1 l.j her call on ner cousin, sue buuuiu ' . . ,l.in Mt sfvinea curiosity at U wheuoe it c.m, It was natural for Mary to doubt herself, and for that reason her faith in others was weak. It was from mirthfulness alone that Kachel con- t ealed the truth of having found the bud. and without dreaming how deeply her words stung the ear that received taeni, sue leit ner cousin impressed with the belief that Arthur had deceived, and Rachel had tri umphed. It was in vain Mary reason ed with herself. The token of re gard too plainly worn by Rachel wa a mindless rn.so when U visit lie enough to satisfy even - .a a suspecting than her ow Arthur V. made his next found the following note awaiting ha im : "ITn. cl :r. with another, or to accept a divided heart, and feeling mvself to be more arbitrarv in my requirements that can possibly coincide with your lion or and truth, I write to release you from an engagement that will leave j one of us free, and the other, 1 trust, haoDV." Springing from his seat like one nierced throuirh tho heart, he Uft the house forever. nd Pi.emrliie a situation as supercargo on board an troow ws ma(Je by Mr. Lincoln, and India ship embarked for an indefi- , afrerwards conscript laws were enact nite length of time, after leaving a e1 thousands of men forced into note as follows for his unjust, though tl,e nrn,.v against their will. North still loved and never forgotten, j ern States .outside of the line of batt le Mary : j were place under martial law, and 'What is he to Hecuba ?' notli- ' provost marshals became supreme over ing an unsightly excrcsence to be , State authorities. Democnits who dis shaken off. Farewell, my dearest 1 approved of the arbitrary acts of the Mary. Peace and happiness attend , administration were arrested at d held you. I will not thrust myself upon ! as prisoner in duugeons, tried before your attention, will not weary you 1 military courts. Democratic papers with mv preseuce. Thank you, gentle ! were suppressed and their editors seut one, for past favors; for beguiling !to jail, free speech was denied, and mauv a wearv hour for that benevo-! the writ of habeas corpus suspended. lence that prompted so great a sacri- fice for one who now feels that he had a place in your heart, and can 1 therefore better appreciate your kind- ness in yielding him your grace and countenance, purely for his own good, j May he on whom you next coinle-1 scend to smile be more worthy of you, ! more like, and bet er ab'e to make von an adequate return for all vou give. Many there are whose endow- meuts will recommend them to your in your attection. May it be yours wog governed uy it. j. ney were in to find such friends. Think some- tent upon holding power, regardless times, will vou not, of the ruptured of the methods In violation of the . a a la a . a tie? Wheu new ones cluster around you, think of him who gave his all, and had not more that he could nive ... whos offering was rejected." Ti was said bv those who know - j - i iiiiu that Mr. V. would re'ui u at the . end of the year; but twenty years rolled by, aud with them came no news from her lover to Mary, nor did they give any outward signs of l .? I . 'IV - I I I. reieniiug: our, nine, as ne urougm . . . .... .. his annual utlenngs tor tlie accept- ance ot his child each season a thread of silver for her hair, or a richer experience in the discipline of lite Time always found her single, true to him. Twenty years it was a long while to remember, but Mary was lust seventeen at the time of her engage- ment, and she was one of those whose ' heart never grows old. Late in a gloom v autumn, while C3 J W t hp husbandman wasl.dimr that. ...". ; : . . :i 7 while he wipued his brow at the gathering ot his harvest, he was .. " . . . . l IJ " being baptized and purified in the approval of his Master's smile for his industry aud toil, while an In- dian Summer nroclaimed itself more beautiful than its nretlecessor and the spring beside our single sister Mary Jbund herself seated one day at the av end of a loner table at dinner with - , several friends, who had requested her to accompanv thera to I Hall, a fashionable resort for Strang- "V r.4 of p sore, and where, at the oiiuo- site end, sat a group of dark com- plexioned gentlemen, merrily engag- ed in discussing some point ot great "And what kent vou single long?" said one, with his tintasted I i i i. ...u i i. : glass upraisen, as ue auuresseu ois . i at- rr . mm j: .1 vis-a-vis, ine iaee oi wnou irxary uiu not see. I - ..mm ah . a "Me 7 was the reply, in a voice that went to the ear of Mary, through that long hall, with a cadence never forgotten, now melting into her heart, "Me? why a rosebud made me a bachelor7 "Then let ua drink to the rosebud, said his questioner, and reaching for warn to nil ins gins, tne eyes 01 ar thur V. rested ou those of Mary, who had sat almost paralyzed by that voice she had never thought to hear again. It is needless to attempt describing tne meeting which was soon ionoweu . . . by marriage. N. Y. Daily Aetos. Fo8ter JWi. maM D,UQrraa in t . Oh n nam. ... - . by m &ck of monev. A ,ack of woul1 kuock the bottom out I m- . nr Renublican sm in a little while. I 1 i e I mi l. .1 f .1... O 1 nrougn me ojjeuu ui me oupremc 4 . Court nd the Oemocretic nsrty, per- hap. the conelilution of .he Uoiled States may be considered to amount to something after awhile. hx. Sunset Cox thinks "you might as well try to ruu a powder mill in hell as to ruu au honest government with an overflow ing treasury." Mr. Cox moves about ou this mundane sphere with his optics open. Unconstitutional Legislation. The recent decisionoftlie Supreme Court of the Unileti States on theeivil I a 11 al . ..a a 1 a 1 . ngnis oin recall ine tact, mat me rfreat bulk of hc legislation of the Republican Congress during and for several years subsequent to the war was unconstumionai. curing ine lour years of strife between the sections I.l ..... ... I me consiliunoii was uiit-ny lenumi, antl w,,cn t,,ey wantel to pass any measure they never pretended to ay any res teer, m us provi-nm. a iwy justified all their acts, However illegal, arbitrary or despotic on the plea of 'military necessity" and, in their own parlance, to "save the life of the na tion." The war itself was begun by ,i i . t i il t,,e Federal administration without any constitutional authority. Willi- out its authority the first call for Slaves were enrolled as soldiers in the ro,7 anl the property ot Southern people confiscated and sold. Aud hn- a'y as ine grand climax ot arimra- ry proceedings, came the eraancipa- M" proclamation, justified as a war measure, outside or the constitution, after he backbone of the Confederacy bad lieen broken, and its defeat inev- naoie. As they trampled upon the constitution during the war so did they subsequently in their despotic constitution they divided, the Oouth- ern btales into military districts, ami i , , . ... placed them under military coinman- ders whose power was supreme, the so-ca lied elections were held under f. m - ; . ne supervisions ot these satraps and the result decided by them. The rreeoman s bureau was established as a part of the despotic machinery to control the States. Thousands of the Knot in ill. .. ! . 1, O I 1 ... A lo wm: men in mc outuu wncma f I S ll . i ... irancuisea, win le tne negroes were en irancnised. rrovisional governors were appointed, governors and other t;tte officers elected by the people ousted, and Senators and members of e riouse ot Kepresentatives elected by the people rapped at the doors of Congress and found them closed. And even at this late day there are South- ern men who are deprived of citizen i ... .1.. snip and test oaths encumber tnestat ,lte books. .... - . . 1 Ill8 IS btlt a hasty glance and Ohl V . . a partial record oi me nnconsu union I I I . 4 . I T" . ai legislation ot ine republican pany, a . . . . mm ot which the civil rights bill, was a sort ot appendix. 1 he-truth is that nine-ientns oi tne national legislation while the Republican party bad tin limited sway was purely arbitrary and without constitutional authority. m an mis time tne iremocrauc pany . - true to its trust stood Dy the constnu - t tion, defended it and protested against us violation, tnougii in a minority battling bravely and hopefully against " ill I 1 superior numbers iea oy doiu, unprin cipled and unscrupulous leaders whose respect for the constitution was shown in me accepieu anu approeu ucviai it 11 deal ii 1 .1 Charlotte Observer, Ohio in 1884. New York Star. It will not do to be over confident. Ohio has a habit of casting her electora vote for the Renublican candidate. In 1856 the vote of tbe State went to Fre moot, the Pathfinder, who lost his path to the White House and never got within gun shot of it afterwards. In 1860 Ohio voted for Lincoln, and increased the vote iu 1864. In 1868 and 1872 that State supported Grant. Iu 1876 she voted for Hayes, the nearest approach to a nincom poop, who got into tlie White House ; yet Ohio elected this same Hayes Governor over Thai-man in 1867, Pendleton in 1869 aud William Allen in 1875. Still we stick faith in universal suffrage. In ' im ' u. . . . . Bonieiiiiuu aj niakA a decided break year8 8acoeMion. Tbe r.h.hiiitv that the State will irive its mr m mm - . - ' ! " ... k- n 1 w aaaarv umm a aau 1 vntH to the Democratic canoiuace next year is decidedly encouraging But will not do to build calculations .1. .. It a il,nnrK it imrB a.ttlo. A ! " . . " , f 2T ZTmTSSLZ crats of that State do with the victory they have just won. It would be the ea siest thing in the world to fool it away, aud iu the matter of fools Ohio never plays a second fiddle. A Pittsburg man suicided because he bet ou the wrong horse in a race. A Fitting Tribute. Norfolk Virginian. j. Never have the cities of Norfolk w-a. ami fortsniouth witnessed such impressive scene as that presented to I both communities on the passage of the remains of one hundred and fiftv ofJSorth Carolina's noble sons through onr afreets, tn transitu ir iK. - . - . . W . v.ill'iiwi ,,t .nr irninrj ,1 Sifoi ,l Jare to be interred with all the honor jdmt a chivalrous people can bestow upon their hero c dead. The great out-pouring of our neo pie; the tolling of our bells; the min-J ute guns ; the emblems of mourning displayed ; the vast procession, conW posed of our military, the veteran of the Confederate army, and also of those who wore the blue; the floral tributes of our noble women, their preseuce all these were evidences that our noble deid, who gave their life as a sacrifice on the altar of their country, are not forgotten ; but that their memory lives fresh in the hearts of our people, and that their deeds will be forever treasured. A Real Boy. A real, trae, hearty, happy boy is about the best thing we know of, unless it is a leal girl, and there is not much to choose between them. A real boy maj lie a sin cere lover of the Lord Jesus Christ, even if he cannot lead the prayer meeting, ior be a church officer, or a preacher, but ke can be a godly boy iu a boy's way aud place. He is apt to be noisy aud full of fun, and there is nothing wrong about that. He ought not to be too solemn or too quiet for a boy. He need not cease to be a boy because he is a Christian. He ought to run, jump.play, climb, and shout like a real boy. But in it all he ought to show the spirit of Christ. He ought to be free from vulgarity aud pro fauity. No real true boy chews or uses tobacco in any form, and he has a horror of intoxicating driuks. The only way lie treats tobacco is like the boy who was jeered aud laughed at by some old oues because he could not chew. His reply was, I can do more than that; I can esehrw it." Aud so he did all his life. A rod boy is also peaceable, gentle, merciful, geuerous. He takes the part of small Doys against large boys. He discourages fighting. He refuses to be a party iu mis chief and deceit. Above all things he is never afraid to show his true colors. He need not always be interrupting, hut he ought not to lie ashamed to say that he refuses to do any- hiug because it is wrong and wicked, or because he fears God, or is a Christian. A real boy never takes part in the ridi cnle of sacred things, but meets the ridi cule of others with a bold statement that for all things of God he feels the deepest reverence. And a real boy is not asham ed to say "father77 or "mother will not like it if I do so aud so." Jt is ouly your sham milk-and-water boys that arc afraid to do light. Every one respects the real boy, and every one despises the sham, too-big-for-his-pnrents, smoking, tobacco- loving coward, who is afraid to do right for fear of a little ridiculed The Lookout The City of Refuge. Just after tae close ot tne war an ex cellent widow was left with four girls and nothing to support them, near Wood - ruff, in Spartanburg county. S. C. The husbaud aud father fell in the war ap holding the cause of bis people with gal huitry. sue had nothing to live upou r rear these children as she desired, and as they would have been trained if the ca lamities of war had not come upon the desolated household. She shrank from putting her precious girls iu the field with a gang of negro laborers, and to subject them to such demoralizing influ ences as at that day characterized tbe lately emancipated slaves. So, she weut to Biviugsville in another part of that county aud put her children iu the facto- ry. i ney serveo diiicuiij n uu iiunrnij . .... . ii j i i With their earnings and what she made hoi-aelf a tract ot la ml was bought and a uew home established. One by one the girls were educated at a college and came out cultivated young womeu. niey were attractive and intellectual aud two, pf iluuy war hanuilv married to graduates . . i af f v..if,.!-.l . mid are uow honored, respect a I..- . !...- ..iU f friends fjaj " o - and acquaintance. .,.,.,.. ...... ... nluir mill IMfllf from no condition use.77 but are gaiued by fidelity to duty. Biviugsville as the n.iiv nf n-faw" to this poor i idow of tlie dead soldier. A thousad other de- feuceless womeu are walking iu the same .,!. . A hhmmtUM ( ti. V.. I MedlHIU ID ,1 ' " Paper is now made in Sweden from; tbe bleached aud blanched remain of mosses it that lived centuries ago, and now found nrtnn'i.i annriiious otiaulites. The paper is , s turned out iu all degrees of excellence, v. mi tissue to sheets thiee-foui ths ot au inch thick. Harder Than Steki. Adamascobite ia the name of a mineral found only iu the State of MissouiL It is remarkable for its cutting power. With a fine edge, at! is cut by it very rapidly, the sharp- ness ot tne wmwmm ' Good Judgment. Coleridge relates a story to this effect : Alexander, during his march into Africs, came to a people dwelling in peaceful huts, who knew not of war nor conquest. Gold being offered him he refused it, say ing that his sole object was to learn the manners and customs of the inhabitants. "Stay with us," said the chisf, "as long it plcascth thee." V as unring the interview with the African chief, two of his subjects brought a case before him for judgment. The dispute was this: The one had bought a piece of ground which after the purchase was found to contain a treasure, for which he felt himself bound to pay. The other refused to receive anything, stating that he had sold the ground with what it might be found tseen4saWs sntniruatsir conceal ed. Said the chief looking at the one: "You have a aon," and to the other, "you have a daughter ; let them be married aud the treasure giveu them as a dowry." Alexander was astonished. "And what," said the chief, "would have been the decision in your eountryf" "We would have dismissed the parties aud seized the treasure for the king's use. "And does the sun shine in your coun try f said the chief; -Sloes the rain full there, are there any cattle there which feed upon the herbs aud green grass f" "Certainly," said Alexander. "Ah !" said the chief, "it is fort he sake of those innocent cattle that the Gieat Being permits the sun shine, the rain to full aud the grasM to glow in your coun try." I The Heal Home. The real home is iu the country and it is something mo e than a dwelling ; the field and trees around it are part of it, and the views from it of the landscape, and of distant mountains, perhaps, make it uulike any other place iu the world. The country home with its fixity of sur roundings has usually some memoire of permanence, and the social life formed there is under the favorable conditions of old family associations. Some have the happy condition of living in the home of their fathers, aud are surrounded with obitCt8 of cious memory, daily memen toes of parental attection and instruction. The home which it makes is the best thing of farm life. There is a ucces&ily of permanence, and as there is no sudden or great accumulation of wealth, or lar.fjc increase, the family is free from that dis- content which usually comes with sudden or great acquisition. It is one of the com pensations of their condition that the far mer's family is in that "fixity of surrouud- iugs" which favors their highest culture. Country Gentleman. The "Singing Beach," at Manchester, Mass., is exciting considerable attention among scientific men. They have taken sands from the beach aud subjected them to microscopical exa mi nation, and have found that the phenomenon which gives rise to the name of the beach, is confined to that pori ion of the sand lying between the water line aud loose sand above the reach of ordinary high tides. The sound ing sand is uear the surface; at tlie depth of one or two fret it ceases, it is thought because of moisture. The sound is pro duced by pressure, and may be likened to a subdued crushing, is of low intensity and pitch, not metallic nor crackling. It occurs wheu the sand is pressed by ordi- uaiy walking, increases with a sudden pressure of the foot, aad is quite percep tible upon mere stirring ef the band or even plunging one finger and removing it suddenly. The sound can be intensi fied by dragging wood over the beach. There are singing sands on one of the Hawaiian Islands, where tlie sound re sembles distant thunder, and Hugh Mil ler cites similar instances at Gebel Na tions, in Arabia Petrea, and Beg Bawan, near Cabul. where tbe sand eives a sort of humming noise. In Churchill county, Nevada, a like phenomenon is described with regard to a sand hill, resembling the sound of telegraph wires wheu the wind blows them. Forney's Progress. The biggest mortgage ever registered in the court house in this city was yes tonlav recorded bv Esq Maxwell, the .t ' , , - resistor of deeds. It was a mortgage deed fr $2,500,000 given bv the Southern I n'.U.n anll ( 'nnillADV tO the Farmer's T ..,.,1 iiiatl nniMIIV OT . t. W IIIIU I " . ... M Cjar Observer A savant lias discovered that man descended from the bear. We have heart) before that man ascended from the bear and have been shown the tree where it occurred. Maratiian Independent. j ' mmmmrsm" "vmmm Administrator's Notfue ! Having qualified as administrator cf John M. Martin, derrl.. notice fa hrnl.v Sfiven to all creditor to present tMl claims to the undersigned on or befoie tiw 5tk day of October 1884, and all persons indebted to the estate are- requested to make immediate par ment. This the 28lf day of September, lffi3 JOEL P. MA RUN. Adm'r of John M. Marlin. u AYER'S lr-Ai Ague Cure M 001. talus an antidote for all malarial dis orders which, so far as known, Is used la no other remedy. It contains no Quinine, nor any mineral nor delatertoas rabstaaas want, ever, aud consequently produces no injurious system as healthy as It was before the attack. WE WARRANT AYER'S AGUE CURE to core every ease of "ever aud Agwe, Inter mittent or Chill Favor, Keadttont Fever. Dumb Ague, BiUona Fever, and Liver Com plaint caused by malaria. In case of failure, after due trial, dealers are authorised, by oar circular dated July 1st, 1882, to refund the money. Dr. J.C. Ayer& Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. &it7es m chronic dyspepsia and liver eomfla" ., and in chronic constipation nd oihi-r thiate diiii-iuts. Hosletter's stom . u bi -tera is beyond all t-omuarieoii tne a remedy that can bo taken. A a men nf restoring the streuirtli and vital enervy i f persons who arc Muling nn-li r ihe debili tating effects of i:iii:ful disorilera, lliis standard vegetable invigorant is conf. -1 edly unequi l d. ior bale by all Druirirints und Dealera geucrallv. CHILLARINE ! CfflLLAfiUii! j CHILLARINE, the Great CHILL-CURE I of the day. Wakuantkd to CLKb every tune or only st the money rkfukoeo. For FNNIS6' Drug Store,. ASTHMA CURED! Magic Asthma Core. Persons af flicted with this distressing complai L should try this Medicine. A few hours will entirely remove all oppression, sad; t;u patient can breath and sleep with in ut t ease aad freedom. Price 81. Forsu! ;ti ENNlaS' Drug Sto-.s. , DBS. J. J. & E. M. SOMMERELL OFFICE: PCOBNEB MAIN AND BANK IfREETS: office nouns : 8 to 10 a. M. and 3 to S p. m. 37 Cm bagging & ties Gixxf.hs will note that I now have hand and will continue to receive thro' the season, in order to furnish ALL, I-91 ging and three different kind of Te, t., I will sell st very close prices. Orderb v, maiMlled promptly. Troly, J. D. G ASKILL. 50:1m State of North Carolina ROWAN COUNTY. In Scruion Coi J. C. McCanless, Adm'r of Samuel Stcidifor Against Elizabeth MeCanless and John T. Steidifor. Petition to sell real es i for asset- etc J It appearing to the satisfaction of il-.o Court, that John T. Steidifor. one of rhr defendants in the above entitled esse. i. !t non resident of this State, it is order Unit publication be made in the "Cahoj.i. . Watchman," a newspaper published o, Rowan County, notifying the aid John V. Stcidifor to appear st the office of tltft Clerk of the Superior Court of Rowan w.t ty, on or before Monday the 5th d November 1883, and answer the prtitL a copy of which will lie deposited office of said Clerk, within ten day fro this date. And the said John T : ei lit- ; is notified that if he fail to answer : ptti tion within thst time the plaiutin will ho ply to the Court for the relief dent in the petition. This the 13th Scpicm !e: 1883 J. M. HORAII, Cl'k Sup. Court 48;0w f Rowan County. J. R. KEEN, Salisbury, N. C. Apt fir PMN1X IRON WOfiO, Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, AND TURBINE WHEELS Also. Contractor and Builder, ja s, 'sa,- ly S Baa. LaaMassssn - at jWBEasa raPHit . Sa i 1 I

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