n M T The .---A-, Carolina Watchman. ; - T2IRD SERIES SALISBURY. N. C, NOVEMBER 22. 1888. 1 1 "to : b h-n. NO 6 nliXv m Carolina w awum-au L.Tcnrirt T THE YEAR 18S2. PRICE, it;?Q IN ADVANCE. DARBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. i floiuehold Article for VtfWMl Eradicates For Scarlet and Typhoid Fereri, Diphtheria, Sall ration, Ulcerated re Throat, Small Pox, Meaalea, and m rniiicious Diseases. Frsons wining on gSgfSOTS frcdy. Scarlet Fever ha. P S1. ... a.-.-..., ,n oread where the Fluid fU E? bellow Fever has been cured with it after 8k Vomit hl taken place. The wow. of Diphtheria yield to it. Tefered.ndSickPeT- . frHcd and d Sore prevent- PITTING of Small by bating; with ' Pox PBEVENTED Darby Fluid. -H A member of my fam- Iinpure Air .rnaae ,j- waJ uken wi(fc hM.ui.-rox and harmless and purified. For Sore Throat it u a mre cure. J Contagion destroyed. apor iVosted S Chilblains, Pile, 1 Chafinjrs. Ht Vbrumaiism aired. goftrVhit Cortlplrx- ioil secured byffcs use. Ship feer weffeiard. To purify the Breath, Cleanse the f ectu. itean,tbesiirp.ised. Catarrh rclievji and cured. I . Erysipelas cured. BunuirelievidiMftantly. Scars prevented "Dysentery cuid. Wounds healet.spicUy. Scurvy cured. 1 . An Antidote fotAnimal i or Vegeublj poisons, i Stings, etc M , . 1 used the Ftuiffdunng pur present sfllictjbn with Scarlet Fever with de cided advantage It is jndispeniaMv to ffle Mtk room -Wm. Yi Sand- fobd, Eyrie, Ali Sm all-pox. I used the Fluid ; the- patient was not delirious, was net pitted, and was about the house again in three weeks, ana no others had it. J. W. Pajuc inson, Philadelphia. Diphtheria Prevented. The physicians here use -Darbys Fluid very successfully in the treat ment of Diphtheria. A. Stoi.lkhwkrcic,, Greensboro, Ala. Tetter dried up. Cholera prevented. Ulcers purified and healed. In cases of Death it shouhl be used about the corpse it wilt prevent any unpleas ant smtll The eminent Phy sician, J. M A It I ON SiJVIS, M. I)., New York, says: "I am convinced Prof, parbys Prophylactic Fluid is' valuable disinfectant." H'snderbllt Ufiiyersity, Nashville, Tenn. 1; testify to tMimost excellent qualities of Prof. iDafbys Pr 'ijliylittic Fluid. As a disinfectant ape dettrgciu it U lfih theoretically and practically jsupierior 'to any preparation with which I am ac? tQuaiated N. T.;Li cton. Prof. Chemistry. Darbys Fluid is Kecommended by Hon At-uxANiiKH H. Stephens, of Georgia; Rev. Chas. IB' Deems, D.D., Church of the Strangers) N. Y3 Mos. LEC'osTEjiColumhia, Prof. , University ,S.C. i jtrv. A. J. Battle, Prof. H Mercer University; J Rev. Geo. F. Pierce, Pishop M. E. Church. jlM)ISPENUBLE TO EVERY HOME. - Perfectly hrmltss. Used internally or externally for Man or Beast. The Fluid has! le"eii thoroughly (ested, and we tinve abunilantjcMideni " that it nas done everything bere claimed. Fnr fuller information get of your Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, J. H. ZEIX.IN & CO., Manufacturing Chemists, PHILADELPHIA. For the Watchman A Itural Picture. A plowman and Ins smoking team, A roll ill'' gOd. a RllAr'a l.riol.r rrl Smooth acres and a soft blue sky : Bejond, his cottage, yard and barn, r luiiKeu oy a tmcket and a tarn. I A garden's quaint, old fashioned flowers, O ershadowed by deep, vine-clad bowers, TIito' modest palings shyly peep ; A clover field, wbei-e tinkling bell And beeg' low hum in concert swell With lowing cattle, bleating sheep. A sparkling brooklet's waters ponr upon The pond beside lug door, The Queen and tbe Quakeress. In the autumn of 1818, her late Majesty, Queen Charlotte, visited Bath, accompanied by the Princess Elizabeth. The waters soon effected r - ""viivi iinu a Mini, i i . . . , On whoso cool banks his white flocks c. a re8l,!e from pain tn the royal H. i patient that she proposed an excursion to a park of some celebrity in the neighborhood, the estate of a rich wid ow belonging to the Society of Friends. Notice was given of the Queen's in tention, and a message returned that she would be welcome. Our illustri ous traveler had perhaps never before held any personal intercourse with a Where suowy googe its long neck member of the persuasion whose vo- avcra, lanes never vo untan v nnid taxes to . j i Vesuvius in Storm. Mr. Keeler'a Recent Experiences. Baltimore Son. AnAnnli AkJ Ljl 1 il v ' J"6" lu iwr bucks neia across many occurrences that- inU blm : il.e opening, The inside was dear tl.aitSarfi ana we could see Dassaces Slid OJl V . ami hrionn I l tr ... nv. , . , , r" vtstaTia oacn. v,uo taiwminn uuwn to great depths. XT' a I i i. 1 Comity vs. City P.tper. From nthpr nnpninrra unliilin tMLA. a - ''VSII Ilea Oil I I II I II I nillllK H I have just returned from a hard was issuing and the orient Ted hot climb lo the top ot Ml. Vesuvius, r rocks were visible below. The eras hired a guide and horses in Pompeii, I was wafted around by the eddy fug There js a growing' feeling in healthy and started out from that city this winds so that we had to hold our" c6mrauni" morning. 1 tie weather was uaci ; rain ; breaths lroquently, and wait for fresh 1T tne,r 'pecial object to minister toa uei fell every few minutes, and the top of air. , j vertW tast'o 1y seeking out and serI np in a seductive form the mountain was buried in clouds. We rode through the raost luxuriant orchards aud vineyards, the latter heavilv ladeu with enormous bunches Punctuality. ing disgust iuir and revelations. There is giod ietieve that 't lie cjean iiawsoa- per is more highly prized to day than it licentious rea8ofi to The cackliug hens search all the ground; In sunlight Towzers sleeping sound The pigeons wheel around the eaves. A mountain in the distance rears Its hoar j head of hemlock spears And rugged rocks and lordly pipes; Midst wide savannah's waving grain A river sweepg to yonder plain, Aud all the vale with silver lines. While wandering this wide world around, How many scenes like this are found ! And yet no others can compare With these ; their quiet beauty reigns O'er human hearts supreme, aud chains Ihem down to bumble, homely lare. ... , ait. vernon, Aov. lbc3. Iscarlet FeverS I B V. P - 5 "the man George, called King by the Vain ones." The lady and gentleman who were to attend the august visi tants had but feeble ideas of the re ception to be expected. It was sup posed that the Quaker would at least M0 say thy Majesty, or thy Highness, or Madam. The royal carriage arrived at the lodge of the park, punctual to the appointed hour. No preparations appeared to hae been made, no host ess uor domestics, stood ready tqgreet the guests. The pfcrter's bell was rung; he stepped forth deliberately with his broad-brimmed braver ou and un bendingly accOStetKthe Lord in wait ing with, 'What's irtjv will, friend'?' This was almost unanswerable. 'Sure ly said the nobleman, 'jour lady Is aware that her Majesty Go to vour Big Fire at Norfolk. - 4 il mi I we i the western Katiroaa Devtol at Norfolk, TirmiM .VOIMI Rah HnUnn n r,r v,,,'ii' r.. mistress and saw the Queen is here.' er Prmertn. to the Ammm-0f erermdf, T V'"1 ajiAvered the man, it (i Million Dollars. i mm PURCHASED IBS Entire Stock of 'goods FORMERLY BBLONQINQ 1 -TO- i BLACKMER & TAYLOR. I will carry on the HARDWARE BUSINESS ; in all its brunches, including neeileth not ; I have no mistress nor laily, but friend llacliel lrlilfs expect" cth thine;, walk in. 1 he Queen and News and Observer. Noiifoi.k, Nov. 14. A fire broke out at the Norfolk and Western Hail road to day at 11a. m.,at in their warehouse spread rapidly and inside of fifteen min utes the two immense warehouses, Nos. 2 nnl were enveloned in fast d von i i n j flames. The harbor tugs and the flie de- . auM eiresh thee ami Uiy people betore partments of both IjMTand rts- I f owAld W hat could mouth worked uiiccasingly until about "e ba,u .l bucn a P" T ome con- 2:30 n. m.. when the fire was reported to ue.iioi. weie auempiea implying Lack of nu net na lit v on flio lirr nf . -.t k . a m i J " "" l'v w i ., or ripe grapes, sso wonder the loot ot farmers, as well as on hthor hrnr.t,M w r or five years airo. It'ia nlan sjif the mountain is inhabited' in ipfte of ( Gf industry, is the fruitful chnse of to p,ect as leople'in all ranks of the danger. 1 I mttch trouble, vexation, and uersonal VI, s ii i . i i t f fa foiAlt0 rm I lnt 4 It i 1 1 rr I ! 1 rt 1. T a i i. c uut am iinmu-M, "6'' uiracuity. it a has an account to of life who protect their own, at least irom contamination, become mure coo- several small villages, then un. over a settle with B, or has a debt to pay Murasof- the pernicious influence of a field of finely powder! lava, until and agrees to attend to it ou a certain tertfli chiss of journals -called enter- theroad became too rough f5r the day, it should bVfaitJifully attended Prisil,S because tlicy are ambitious to horses. ..-We dismounted and walked to. Or if he has a note or interest I se,ve P "i-fy scandals-they will be tor about halt afJJ when we fallmg due on a certain day, it iat"1 " .'iee that Ofiejpurnars (hey per- came 10 a stream cp-wvarmig oowu probable U stays at home specialty on Tnf" ' rb tTie famify circle are the the mountain. Venwi.,W;inft actual- that day so as to be certain to 'meet neler forget the proprieties of 'j iai .nniMii'vw.t uis iiieuci. it irav be A went tn at. Aireauy men and Wo 111 en nf ra.A. few places, where tttfe$enjjwas too tend to the business a dav or twp be- meut autl hea.thy morals have had their steep for a crust to form.- 'TJis crust . forehand, and not find' Bit home, liep'ttention called to tho; pernicious influ is so poor a conductor of heft that we concludes to stav at home an? wait I'ehefeW bad ltrernViiV nn.f 't.J.. climbed for a quar(er of airile upon ! for B to come to Hm. 3ut B, nJijcoinineBaaWe efforts tcouujeraa "the tftls sffeam, over ,jrmgli Jlocks and knowing the determination of A, stays same'by'fcausing sound n'tciaW? to serpeutine curves off uvaftets, where; at home to waft for hi n.. gets out of" ptfoHshed ffiid-soTd at no,mlar mirea often a few inchesluWthe surface" humor at his not coming, and con-fThege'erToiU are !worllmg" a f silent hat - & j ; -"i wj a-iivt- nit; account, or noie note ue revolution. Tlie best are mmV rfnl erally read to-Jayjthan tU any, preAioas arty, nie sickly aeutuuental aiaaw nn.i f.i sm it. ! Jiliti lrow-lo-f? fi tne wnd' ranirer and mmin arraa-u Vesuvius without ioetiHtV.Mmbeddeir irciirlibors are alienated forever ' Aj.wl 'nrsloUh.Wr .rTXw --iLih-JZ'.i... . & L V I - " W T" i T -7 ti i v i V IvIUIUL: Illtf ill coiii. After cl.nMiVtfll have this all growing out of aVabtf toyp.fcT cfaima.Ass.:. JSZ74 said, .weani e to fta-nnhfckenn of t his nrroeHLiUis. A -n 2X Uteii- f v.-J hU'J-&j$ ' T I f - " rj. a V. . , i v s iiicm, aui4 caiHf- vciia, nc Bji.iit;r, u niav. lie. SMI(i that IrerstAam of rocaUiUlWthe mid- cially farmers, have necessarjTy '(oV1 WeVe' it has a place in The family, and die the lava was still-'Doutinu-.un Irom ' absent from lwmi nianv AfAJ ti kw. t..- ' ' ' ' x ue vv,ueen aim . . . ; r t: i - i iij vi.ua m a , u cu mm eais ov voting as wed Princess were handed out aud walked-1 ne n,ter,or 0u,e rn.. . We sat year, there is great necessity for them, a'rf we'llas old, It has "develied sucfi 1 up the avenue. At the door of the uu V ! " -T??-K w.wmi iier as wen as those Who have dea 1 digs Healthy tone," afi'tTWfi a discrimiuatiii-r at the footef Main street hou$e stood the plainly-attired jfcichel a w lu le becajire9gtt0ils4at we-were them, to be exact and punctual in .all. tnites that thtfUWaWfe or t1,e Jams ha use No. 5 The flames i who without ;evei a conrtsey, but r," -"!TOIT ; i ".p 5g"6Viepsu. xne exciusy. to no aumirers. Fortunately Hie number witl? a cheerful noJ, said ": 'Hoy's thee do, friend? I am glad to see thee and thy daughter; 1 wish thee well J Uest be under control, Five thousand bales of cotton were con- that her Majesty came no? only to view the park, but to testify tier es- ; 4n..a Aa alt JLitirt tMk!l. f I . . snmed and two trains, twenty-three cars 1" ",c "5wl which wim, each of walnut logs, and two other large Wls gouged. Cool and unawed, trains with cargoes of soft coal were s ,e answered, 'Yea, thou art right t nol tlia m riandti u a io I I 4 Iw.n.r h t burnt, The total loss is estimated at that it may be left here for a permanent exhibit of the resources of that wonder ful State." - Wilmington iStor.- A car load of Western (N. C.) apples arrived here yesterday, consigned to Mr. R. Mc Dougall. A great ileal of fruit from the West now finds its way to Wil mington. A genuiue white shad, and a fine specimen t that was cauglit in Messrs. W, E. Davis and Sons fish traps yesterday. A white shad on the 2nd of November is something remarkable in the annals of fishing in this part of the couutry. Governor Jarvis has succeeded, whatever may be urged against bkn, in giving the State a fine and pros perous administration ; and o far, his last days in that capacity are his best. He has not only becUmeHcnbwn and admired at home, among his own People, but has spread his influence abroad and sown seed that must turn out his State an abundant harvest Edenton Enquirer. $515,000: The loss op cotton will reach 250,000 and ou railroad material, freight aud roll ing stock about $365,000. The railroad property was fully insured by Philadel phia companies. The cottou loss is cov ered by insurance with about fifteen com panies the loss about equally divided. The fire is continually breaking out yet, aud it is feared that warehouse No, will burn. In this city the freight and pas senger depots, with vast trestliug work, will also be destroyed. Two reports are current as to the ori gin of the fire. One is that a spark front a passing tug caught in a bale of cotton, the other report is that a tiuner at work on the roof dropped a spark from his fur nace. The latter is the. in ore probable of the two. The Ducktown Mines. Buggies, All kinds of Agri- cultural Implements We noticed the other day the telegraph ic report of the sftle of this famous prop t-rv r mi Kind i ah eomnauv for $600,000. rTT I O- ' Wagons The report is confirmed, with the addi tional fact that a large force is to be put to work on a railroad to connect the mines with the p. T., Va. &Ga,, railroad at (Meavelaud. Tenn., a distance of 40 miles. These mines have beeu idle gince 1858. They have always beeu considered the richest copper mines in the United States except those on Lake Superior, hut they have always labored uuder the great dia adrantage of difficulty of access, great cost attending the transportation of the ores, which were geut we think, to Balti more for reduction. A wealthy company, coming into posseagion of such property would never consent to the expense aud plies. In short, evcrvthin" ordinarily found delay of such operation, and hence their determination to uuuu a ranroau. This purpose will tend to solve a prob lem connected with the completion of the Western North Carolina road. The Mur phy branch is often erroneously spoken of as the Ducktown branch, probably be cause a road authorized by tbe State might go to the State line, twelve miles or thereabout, to within three or four i 5 RIFLE and BLASTING POWDER, g Sup- Dvnamite and all kinds of Mi of by most folk, but they need not the praise of the world ; lor the rest, mauy strangers gratily their curiosity by going over this place, and it is my custom to conduct them myself; there fore, I shall do the like to thee, uiy friend Charlotte; moreover, I think well of thee as a dutiful wife and mother. Thou hast had thy trials, and so Irad thy good 'partner.. T' w,ish thy grandchild well through hers' she alluded to the Princess Charlotte. It was evident that the Friend meant kindly, nay, respectfully, that offense could not be taken, She es corted her guests through her estate. The Princess Elizabeth noticed in her hen house a breetTof poultry hitherto unknown to her, and expressed a wish to possess some of those rare fowls, imagining that Mrs. Miljs would re gard her wish as a law , but the Qua keress merely remarked, with charac teristic evasion, 'They are rare, as thou sayest ; but if any are to be purchased, in this laud or in other countries, 1 know few women likelier than thyself to purchase them with ease Her Iioyal Highness more plaiuly express 1 ed her desire to purchase some of those she now beheld. 'I do not buy ami sell answered Rachel Mills. Perhaps you will give me a pair?' persevered the Princess, with a con ciliating smile. 'Nay, verily,' replied Rachel, 'I have refused many friends; and that which I denied to mine own kinswoman, Martha Ash, it becorueth me not to grant to any. We have long had ir To say that these birds belonged only to our own house, and I can make no exception in thy fa vor,' Home Journal. d was burstiiig. fourth in a new .place, meet an engagement is the : right one of snch aihittes is increasing iu the land where We were, AMy slowK, the , not before and not after. Nearly and as they increase the joun.al that de- cakes cracked and parted, aud the la- half of all financial troubles among votes itsdf tb sickening revelations of va was forced out. It was a novel neighbors, and vexatious lawsuits, immorality w rft be compelled to find its sensation to be sitting on top of an grow out of want of puutualil-jt o support solely among those who practice eruption. I was alraid it might go I If you have promised topuy adelny IkUemdoiMto lean. i it i' it I i a bun o I 1 1 1 t t I i i v n w o a n 1 1 1 if nan Ln , - ja - a . tl iAl1 .... - .. . . i ai if lit. J a 1 v,.a .a., wrua.g, uuu s.aa, ' n jii u.ic iuicici or note hi pay, go to lolIOw such way s. -Pi-in tcr's Circular tiw, w wtrsnjcu mere umir lire inn punctual ly, uoi go Straying in a ISW wasrrimiiing out. -be vera I other out- . days before when tlie man you want lets were fdrtbeu around us at the to see is not expecting you, and is not same time. There is a railroad up Mt. Vesuvi us which carried passengers up to the level where we were namely the old day to receive them. And then it is crater or great surrounging rim, but j when the -debtor should meet him. the great central cone, the hardest eft Farmers frequently have no credit at all to climb, is still ahead. When j banks owing to their loose nations of there is no eruption of lava, as at 1 punctuality, and are consequently do- ' m a a a . I . tki 1 . 1 f I a I. . a preient, one nngut as well remain! in i pnveu ot temporary accommodations v ' .j 2 alii j, it . Naples excepf rof the wontitul view of the bay and the surrounding couu try. My arrangement with the guide " jm. mm m J3L m ; . t ' ill owl v as lar a the old crater; '-..".I... - a- .... a.-. ha jr.. i rrr ' ) , liHlhUANX KiKANCIAL aSTIiOK. A' I .a ... . . . at home. If the man has correct no- Cnein.iu ri(iii.AaUM.g the. road sear Uei tiona of business himself, if debts are: , Irw H shUUe Uvkmx fellow seat due him. he will stav at home on that Fa uu.tire top rail of a fence whittling, . ' J " - l i... : i i uuu nu. uiii to iu in.: i- "See here, my ftiend, you ought to be at.wtfi k, not sitUiig therp on the fence nhiWW&e i . :-- : "I imide $3 here yesterday, and 1 reck on that pars. , ; "Made $5 whittling, yn a fence. I would on that account. If -you can or caiirj not pay, go punctually and meet your creditor on the day. xuiiv. punctual ity will make confidence, aud like to. Know iiow you did it." Why, yoorseevCarV, if I hadn't leen here jmjj.g I'd have gjrine to Austin and; got? drunk. but T wanted so much to go to the top I your credit. Too many people think liArffi lhf .wond havad uiu $5, so I Bernhardt Bros. A JtF XO W EEC EI FT XG A FLL AND CUMPIMJG . LPSE OF ,rRY coon, NOTIONS, SHOES 'AUD GROCERIES, And desire to call attention to their NEW DEPARTURE. r In this the; offer to the Farmers a good, .-election of FARMING IMPLEMENTS, SUCH AS Wagons, Plows of alLDescrip t ions Cast, Chill and Steel; PLOW-STOCKS, CULTIVATORS, SULKY- PLOWS, &C., AC. Tbey also have the Best Sewing Machines. They are Agents for the i Plof-Brani Um FOR WHEAT As good as can be bQght in tire markets g"Call and be convinced That "their house is the place for Farmers t get whata they need. Respectfully, BERNHARDT BROS. in a First Clasfe Hardware- EstabMsment What To Read. REM O V E TQ f I K McWeeSy Comer Are you deficient in taste? Read the best English poets, such as Thompson, Gray, Goldsmith, Pope, Cow per, Coleride, SCott, and Woods worth. Are you deficient in imagination ? Read Milton, Akeuside, Burke., and miles of Ducktown, w ithiu the State of . Shakespeare. IWIL Tennessee. But the State extended to its own limits, aud no further; and there- 'Iwrejl will-be pleased to see all nprsnns fVo l dependence was placetl Upon an- . . - ra . . Aa.t..., ...i.n.i.nlmiia taa ..ill . OtlieV Slate Vncl iuiiwiiih"m " - nect the Murphy branch with the reu- ucssep syU?ui. The purpose of this English corpora tin simplifies the problem. When they build the road to Cleaveland, there will then be a gap between Ducktown aud Alt parties indebted to Blackmcr Murphy of yut more than twenty miles. We believe it is -rather less than that. The work on the W- N. C. R. R. is bciug niosecuted vigorously on the .Murphy h to purchase Hardware cash. KEEP NO BOOKS or Accounts. .i . . . "owtent i. hands fof w- ettleiicnt. II ' 'Jor arc requested to make immediate Their accounts will be in the S. Bi.At KMEa who will make Arc you deficient in powers of rea soning? Read Chilling worth, Bacon aud Locke. Are von deficient in. judgment and good sense in the common affairs of life ? Read Franklin. Arc you deficient in sensibility ? Read Goethe and Mackenzie. deficient in political Read Montesquieu, the Federalist, Webster aud Calhoun. Arc you deficient in patriotism ? Read Demosthenes and the Life of Are knowledge you 9 LIKE BLACKMER. branch; and we suppose the syndicate Washington. now controlling that road will very will- , yol teficjent j conscjlbee ? htgly embrace an opportunity to make a Read gume of president EdfWard's . & it.... ...... a 1.1 i3 desirable connection on lerma uiumwiiu wnrks - - ave them the time and cost of making such connection at their own expense Are you deficient Read the Bible. iu anything of that central cone that we star .ii " i a a r the loose cinners. we were per three-ouarters of the wav up when a a one of the most outrageous storms burst upon us. We took shelter in a ... ii if i i j nan cooieti oh aim raisea me gtiuies old umbrella. It rained most vio lently, and in spite of the umbrella we were soon wet through. Then hail was added with thunder and light ning. The rain failing o;i the lava generated vast clouds of hot steam, tiid our shelter became a perfect a r t steam-box ; we could not see ne teet. Streams cf water poured down into the cracks, aud coming in contact with the red hot rocks, made a hiesing and roaring noise which was quite alarm ing, it certainly was an infernal kind of a place. The storm gradual ly passed away and we emerged from steam -box, only to take refuge in an other a few minutes later. After this, however, wc were favored with blue sky, and climbed to the top of the great cone. A magnificent panorama lay below us, which we stopped for some few minutes to admire. Ahead of U was still a small cone, perhaps fifty feet high, in the middle of a rough, hot stretch of ground, emitting steam and stifling sulphurous vapors from the numerous orifices and cracks crusted with yellow sulphur. From this central coue, at short intervals, violent explosions threw clouds of dimt ami stones into the air. with black smoke, w hich floated off' to lee ward. 1 he guide said it was very dangerous to go further, but I was bound to look down into the very throat of the monster, and as the stones all seemed to fall on the leeward side, vvp rdiruhod tin the loose, hot cinders and reached the very highest point At our feet was a vast shaft so fillec with sulphur smoke that wc could not see into it, and from it every few seconds, stones, dust and smoke were ejected high over our heads, but for tunatelv not falling on them. As wc looked a terrible expolsion occurred filling the air with debris, and the o-iiidc. shouting "Come on I come on ! started down the slope as it the whole infernal regions were after him, and I was not far in his rear. We reached a safe place, and watched the grand spectacle at our leisure. Then we wandered around the smoky track surrounding the cone. Here were several circular orifices, crusted with sulphur, from which nothing l ut hot air v. as issuing,, but that hot ted up ! it is no discredit to let a hole remain consider .that J am jut. that much ahead, LM haps over-due. If it cannot be paid, bpn- ds.'t yo.?.' - u . or requires that it should. be renewed , fffj rft'i? nm or amicably arrauged in some way ".von keep right on' at iht. rate and yon w ith the creditor. But be sure to go. l,e a J?y QoidV UfHP i'Ou kuow it.' depression of the stream of lava not to him on the day he is expecting j Jr bhtftvtfj. you and is probably waiting for you. . . . E- .' i 1 I . Without punctuality, all is trouble,. ociiKSTKita Y rNev.; Early confusion, dlss;itlsfactlon. , A man this morning the went shore railroad con - wdio pays no attention to lus notei strnothm train was tln'fVfvn from the track when it is due is far gone in financial and ' three' bhx'ca is loatU-d with workmen honor or hopeless uaniiniptcy. auu i yere sent. Uivn an uiUiipVnitnt M teet manv a niah has been financially ruin-J iiiih. All weie reported niore or le?s ed by mere neglect, when if he had I hurt flirirseteyHrl liad-'legs and arms hro- golie to his creditor, promptly and kerf and sklillis fract ured. One" man was airly explained his case, might liave horribly mutilated. The cause of the saved his property and his credit. This is not an idle subject nor an ab stract question. But it is all about us in every day s business, and aeep- y involving the prosperity ot every community. accident wan a broken journal. men iu all were injured. Thirty A Prison Picture. Bishop Turner, of, the African Metho dist church, wants hit head put ou ice. This is how he laves over the late decis ion of the Supreme Court ou the civil iidits. bill : . t Mai k m v word, there will bo bloodshed , . a j eiough over the decision to Uown every "Dood bye, papa, laughed a little -f- 4lf Slllll,;Ilie (;umt in l 1 1 - uil ..! il.i I . .1 .Ii .: a . . .'J ( ... cnini as ner mouicr neiu uer up niiiw she might kiss her father through tire grated door ot the city prison HOSit'EIQ jaf -' 'm -Tmmrmmm ' W al "Dood bye, wild hurry and turn back. What all m men dour with my papa?" she continued, gr..ing in on the rough looking prisoners who were crowding near the door; 4fif oo is dood, everybody, you can turn right back and sec your little girl, too." Then she clambered down and ran away, while the big iron door closed after her as a . sullen cloud darkens the sunlight. This little child with her innocent prattle, looking iu upon ami talking to a group of hardened men was a pretty scene. As she put her little face against the bars ami kissed her papa, the w retched w ithin that prison could not i c tr ain heir tears. Men wcie there whose lives hal been on the darkest aide of existence, who would hesitate mi a a reel v anv crime, whose chaiao - j j thau two years'. It absolves the allegi ance of the negro" to the United States if the decision is correct. The United States Constitution is a dirty rag, a cheat, a libel, and ought to be spit upou by every negro in the land. .More, if that decisiou is correct and is accepted by the country, then prepare to return to Africa or iet ready tor extermination. -AJ i ,U .i :.. c-rr .i-.iiii nn1 lilat-T "Mh I .nr:i.-. i-.- In .a rt mill, lit, htr . !, fi . i'.! ir. m in- in .litf . i;ii iln.-!fil-r s.i.inacli 114- ! , u.. .-: at u" ,iui 11 ana l. k .t. 1.1 mill .- .-.-ia:..ht. witich is 1 ii ii.,. .. .-in 1. 11. rniity' for livr 4(1 11 . i'i -1 ij.i.r 11, 'I . .-in, (Miill- ii.. inn i!kii, kiilmj ti-oitlilt'S ant '. !trt iiilin 11I0. fcur .tt. itj iil r'iiiK.i-U aad Oaalvra 'in-rttliy. Washington Critic, Rep : It was real ly not amch of a victory in New York, but the Republicans are making the nu-t of it. "Thank God !" said the old lady CHILLARIE ! CfflLLARKI! CHILL VRINK. the Crest CHILL CURB of the day. W.i:riAXTKn to CURE every time or the moxkt ukfcndf.o. For sale only at FNMSS' Drug Storft ASTHMA CURED! Magic Asthma Cure. Persons af flicted with this distressing complaint should trv this Medicine. A few hoars una I --..'. .. : JaU. when she fell down stairs and broke her ! will entirely remove an oppreiy. , Asked why she "thanked God," arm. "Because I didn't break my neck." So the Republicans rejoice that the Demo cratic majority was no larger. patient can breath and sleep with perfect a m a " r a A T." ..1. a case aim trceuom. iticc i. iwssn ENNTSS' Drug Store. The Boston Advertiser says : "The DRS. J. J. & E. M. SUMMERELk OFFICE: I ........ . . . t a . . am iv-V CTI)PrT magnificent exhibit of North Carolina, orlnaUn aih au i a considerable portion if it, will probab- I office hofbs 1 ....I . .... i lar l.A r. . t , i . , ,.,1 in Hnstoii Uw the ex 111 n- 8 to 10 A. M. anil i lO .J F. .. f ,oj i ; a ... ..li I.l.l ! 1 ,l laa, UOIIOI ICO-l.ailO Uls.lt.VUtil.1 lllipiooiiuie lei were nu uciiuti ,.iaj t,iiiiivu j sin and de mnc'.ierv ; yet a simple litllo scene like t e above, a few brattling words of a child, reached down through every covering and touched the t better emotions. It kindled within them lingering memo- 6n ries of otlwr and better days, a .d stirred up the little remaining senti ment of manhood, huslraudbood, fath erhood. The visit of the child left an impression on those nieii and en ed their heart to letter rr 1 es. However, it was only ouc of the J. B. KEEN, Salisbury, N. C. Apt for PHIENIX IBON WORKS, Mm, Boilers, Saw Hills, AND TURBINE WHEEL". Also, Contractor and Builder. 3 to, s?.. ly Askm'He Citizen. ' Br j

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