The - carolin VOL kv.' THIRD SERIES SALISBURY. N. C, DECEMBER 6, 1883. - KO 8 Thft Carolina watenman, ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1882. RIc4 $T.50 IN ADVANCE. I pABBYS PROPHYLACTIC fluid. A Household Article for Universal Family Use. For Scarlet and Ersldicatls Typhoid Fevers, Diphtheria, Sali vation, Ulcerated Sore Throat, Small I Pox, Measles, and U CorilOKwyM Uiseases. rersons waiting on the StobEKuM use it freely. Scarlet Fever has never beln kn to spread where the Fluid was wed Ylllow KeWer has been cured with it after black vbinit Sad taken place. Ths wors cases of 4tPhlliei'a viclJ lo Fevered and Si;k Per-1 SMALX-POX sons jrefreshid and and Bed Sere prevent- riTTIXi of Small e4 by! bathing with pox PREVENTED THrVivilFluii 1 in j u i?e harmksl and airified. For SorelThroft it is a sure cuii. . . . . A member of my fam ily was taken with Small-pox. 1 used the rhnd; the patient was not delirious, was not Contain f7- piued and was about For t rf.stcdi f' The house again in three Chilblains, files, k anJ no othew Contauipn G;?troye(1 Rheumatism iured. , Soft White Co)lex- ions seiureti b its use. Ship Fef ur prevented. To purity tH Wreath, Cleans tin-Teeth, it can't Ifc surpassed. ICatarrh! relieved and Vured. I Erysipelas cucd. Burns relieved ia,tantly. Scars ynfftntei. Bysenteiy cuved. WouiidsfiealeJjrapidly. Scurvy clred. An AntiUpte for Animal or Vege fable -Poisons, Stings, eft. 1 ubed tlft Fluid during our presenqatTiicti' n with Scarlet Fei'er vith de cided aJvJitages It is nklispensaifi ti the sick room. -Vk F, Sami- rhsifinars. etc. had it - J. W. Park inson, Philadelphia. The Jhysicians here use Darbys Fluid very successfully in the treat ment of Diphtheria. A. Stdi.len-.vhrck, Greensboro, Ala. Tetter dried up. Cholera prevented. Ulcers purified and healed. In cases i:f Death it i should be used about the corpse- it wilt prevent any unpleas ant &meil. The eminent Phy sician, J. MARION SIMS, M. I)., New York, says: "I am convinced Prof Darbys Prophylactic Fluid is a valuable disinfectant." VattflerbiU University, Nashville, Tenn. I testify & the most excellent qualities of Prof. Darbys Pnt'iyJii-tic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent if is both theoretically and practically superior tetany preparation with vhich I am ac quainted. p. T. I.inoN, Prof. Chemistry. Darby Fliii I is Recommended hy Hon: AtSxAfSsEH H. Stki-hens, of Georgia Rev. ChXs. f. Deems, D.D. Church of the Strangers, m. Yl; Jos. keC nt K, Columbia. Prof . University, S.C. Xev. A t. Rattle, Prof.. McrcerUniversity ; -Rev. GeI. F.Piehc-, bishop M. E. Church. EDISPI3NS.4BIJC TO EVERY HOME. Perfecty harmless. Used internally or ejkterijalty for Man or Beast. The Fluiij has been thoroughly tested, and we h ive abunjjint evidence that tt has done everything here claimeftl. Far fuller information get of your JJruggist a amfirtct or send to the proprietors, J k. ZEILIN CO.. Manitfacturig Chemists PHILADELPHIA. HATING PURCHASED IBS Me Stock of FQEMEjHjLY BELONGING - - l T 0- BLACEMER & TAYLOR, frill carry on the HARDWARE BUSINESS in all jts branches, including Wagossp . . Biiggies, & Machinery, UIFLE anp BLASTING POWDEK, Dynamite anil all kinds of Mining Sup plies. In shorf, everything ordinarily found f a First Clals Hardware Establisment. ElfMOVE TO THE ely Corner - . ' Ucre I wrii be pleased to see all persons li0 Wsli to jmrchase Hardware JgOg CASK, 1 WILL KBP XO BOOKS or Accounts. lTAU prties indebted to Bluckmcr j-.v: f 4ayor are request (jd to make immediate ttlement. their accounts will be in the ands of W. Blackmek who vvill make ttlemtut. i di tnifmcEti) Octuher- Ib83. 3 Diphtheria Prevented. GOODS .: All kinds of Agri l . cultural lilipleinents For the Watchman. The Modern Prodigial. illed with husks of science and the chaff Of proud men's diction ; ! Castiug away with scorn pure wisdom's Bian s For staves of fiction : Cbasiug the Will o' Wisp of each "new ngnc Thro' all the bv-wavs ! - Of Vanity ; to hide, as 'twere, from sight i ue (Mjuuiai nignways. The "house of manj mansions" built by uou, The Christian's heaven. Creation's week's-work. Moses' nimnV rod, ' The "little leaven" That lifts the vast sin-burden of the race, 1 lie crucifixion. And all the thousand blessings wrought uy grace To him are fiction. Jpou his Father's house his back is turn ed, And holy pleasures : The ancient story from his thought is spurned, And bold he measures ! The works of God with his nniaKnnf square And puny plummet. And castles builds of molecules so fair Uiin8elf then summit. He builds an idol high as Babel's tower Called Evolution ; And bows to this self-built creator's pow er Of execution ; Whilejatau laughs behind flie brazen thing At the emotion Of heathen in this Chistian laud, who bring To him devotion. Return, O modern prodigal, return ; 1 lie ancient storv Will on the stars of heaven forever burn In uudimiued ulorv : And not the slightest vestige of the 1 ruth By vour eftacemeut Will ever fade, but shine in fadeless youth, To your abasement. E. P. H. Mt. Veruon, So v. 1883. From the llowan School Times. -Home and' Its Influences npon Civiliz: uon. My subject is home. If my writing could be as good as my subject, it would be worthy or the most devout attention. 1 believe there are three things of uni versal interest among mankind. Moth er, home and heaven. In all ages and in all countries mother has been a sa cred word. It has laid on the heart of childhood like a dewdrop on a rose, sweetening and refreshing it. We all love to think of mother, of her watch ful care, her tender vigils, and her un fading and undying love. It is to her our souls turn for comfort and consola tion, when wearied with the unhallow ed toils of earth. It is the hist and low est ingratitude of a human heart not to love its mother. Not in angels' hearts beats a sweeter, richer, deeper feeling. Not all the theologians in j the world can convince me that the natural mother-heart is not holy. Though she may be wicked in other respects, in her ma ternal heart lives a erm of the tree of life which an never wholly die. All mothers are alike. The wise and the foolish, the idiotic and philosophic, the rich and the poor, the cultivated and the barbaric, are all the same in love. The same beautiful, tender, for giving spirit of devoted affection, dwells in all. Behold the loving mother as she gazes fondly upon her child, as she watches by his sick couch, as she counsels him to virtue and goodness, as she weeps over his waywardness, and toils for his happiness. AH the arching glory of the moral world bowrs in reverence before a mother's love. Take mother out of home and home is gone. Heaven is an other word pi universal use and power. In every human heart there lives an idea of heaven-dim and shadowing sometimes, bright and glorious at others. The Arab wsmderers, the wild men of the forest, the South Sea Islanders, the bluck Ethiopian, the cultivated Chris tian, till cherish the thought of heaven a home a final resting place from all that wearies and troubles. It seems as though God in goodness has implan ted this hope in the hearts of mankind, as the germ of eternal life, to cheer them in the shadowy hours of earth and time. Thus we see that mother, home, and heaven convey a blessed trinity of ideas in one glow of spiritual beauty. They are parts of the same golden whole. The higher men rise in the scale of being, the more important and interest ing is home. The Arab may care little for his home, but the Christian man of cultured heart, finds 'no! place like home." For he knows home is the planting ground of the seed of morali ty, the gaden of virtufe and the nurse ry of religion. He knows that souls immortal are here trained for the skies: that private worth and public character are made in its sacred retreats. "Mm." All who would study with advantage in any art whatsoever, ought to betake himself to the reading of some sure and certain books oftentimes over ; for to read many books produceth con tusion, rather than learning, like as those who dwell everywhere are not an v where at home. LuTBJiii. MORM ONISM. Some Popular Errors Corrected by One Who Has Been in Utah. The Mormon question lias been dis cussed from every standpoint by the press for the last few years, aud it is noticeable that the further away the writer is from Utah, or the less he knows about the subject, the more ready is he to make assertions which have only a grain of truth for a basis, and upon which -lie proceeds to erect a chimerical argument. The writer of this article spent some time in Salt Lake City last August, and a part of the time was the guest of Gov. Murray, the present Govern or of the Territory of Utah, and of Mr. Goodwin, the editor of the daily Salt Lake Tribune, the organ of the Gentiles, in that portion of the coun try lying between the Rocky and Si erra Nevada Mountains, and between the 38th and 44th parallels of North latitude. It is popularly supposed that Mormonism is confined to the Territory of Utah, but such is not the fact. It is true it was originally lo cated west of the Rocky Mountains, at what is now Great Salt Lake City, hut it Ikis spread over considerable portions of Wyoming and Idaho Ter ritories, and is said to be extending further and further each year. We are not au apologist for Mor monism or Mormondom, but there are a lew popular errors which, we would like to correct, but before we proceed we desire to state that our ideas are derived entirely from contact with the Mormons themselves and their Gen tile fellow citizens of Salt Lake City. While we remained there our eyes were wide open and our hearing was good. First : The Eastern idea of Mor monism is that every follower of Brig ham Young must have half a dozen wives. The very reverse is true. Possibly not one married man in fifty has more than one wife. A second wife can only be married upon the consent of the first wife. After the first wife (and this is applicable to all subsequent wives') has given her con sent for her liege lord to take another "rib," the applicant for polygamy must go before certain rulers and el ders in the church and make an alli- davit that he is able to take care of the new family which he proposes to start, and that affidavit means a good j deal in Utah, for it must be verified by a confmittee appointed for that purpose, after which, if the "returns" are satifactory, the new wife is hi ought into the "Temple," and in the pres ence of a large congregation she is "sealed to the man of her choice. Second: The Mormon women are to blame, if blame there be, for polyg amy. In order to crush out polyga my the wiseacres of Congress passed a law which gave the women of Utah the right of suffrage. Under its pro visions the women vote there in all elections. What is the result ? At the very first election, (with every Mor mon disfranchised who was known to have more than one wife under the same law that conferred the right of suffrage upon the women) polygamy found itself entrenched stronger than ever before, and that by the vote of the Mormon women themselves. The framers and advocates of the Edmunds bill calculated on a very different re- suit. Third : Polygamy, which has bce:i antlv slvled as our meat "National sin," has much less to do with the j it, and the temple is a -success in both spread of Mormonism than most of particulars. Ho told his people that the readers of the Observer would sup- j he was inspired by God to built! such pose. To find the true reason for its ' a temple as had never before been existence we must study the history "built on earth, and he did. Thirteen of mankind for many centuries in the thousand people can be seated coin past. Mormonism resembles in many fortably in it, and it can be filled or respects the Mohamedan religion, ! emptied inside of three minutes, there which, if we remember correctly, al- i being eight side and three front en- lows its male devotee to have as many as four wives, but Mormonism goes still further. In ail ages, classes and conditions of mankind he has felt the almighty force cf the truth of an ex istence after this life, and that the fu ture life had both 4ts rewards and punishments. His hope has been to receive the one and avoid the other The rules bv which both may be done in a lose way may be styled religion. The devout Chinaman lias his book of Confucius, the Mohammedan the Koran, the Christian the Bible, and Mormon "the Bjok of Morniao which claims to be a revelation direct from God himself. To follow the Christian religion involves many cros ses, trials, doubts and fears, because every conscience must"- be its own judge. To follow the Mormon creed involves no such difficulties. All the virtues of Christianity are taught, but if any of the Christian laws are vio lated, there is absolute and immedi ate absolution upon au appeal to the elders of the Mormon church. The Mohammedan is taugiit that it he will rise at a certain hour of the moruii g and say his prayers, then at twelve o'clock with his fare towards theeuifet and bow himself three times while he utters his prayers if he will do this, and fight for bis religion when called on to do he is safe iu the next world. He can do anything else he pleases so he doesn't marry more than four wives. The Mormon religion is very much what we know of the Mo hammedan religion. It requires, per haps, more obedience to its church rules, but its immunities and indi gencies are very nearly as great. If we will go back far enough to get conscience out of tjhe way, we Jd not have trouble in getting converts to any religion that grants wholesale in digencies in this life and absolute immunity from punishment in the next. The Mormons are a priest-ridden people. Most of them are ignorant, and it is the purpose of the leaders to keep them so. Their system of church government is peculiar. Church and State are one. The power that rules the one rules the other, and the rule of the State includes the rule of mu nicipalities and counties as well. The church is governed by twelve elders, who call themselves the apostles of God. All mandates that go forth from the council of the elders are proclaim ed as the edicts of God Almighty him self. It matters not whether the edict may be for the assembling of the territorial legislature to look after the interests of the Saints, or whether it may be a decreed that John Smith be elected constable in Weber Canon township. We beard of one case where a man with two wives, and, of course, two families, who Was the own er of an express line. from Ogden City to one of the mountain towns, which furnishes us a case in point. He had made money after long years of toil. A message came that be had been ap pointed a bishop, and that he was or dered to go to Europe, at his own ex penset to preach the Mormon doctrine, j and can almost always be induced to He turned over his business to the talk about them. This study teaches man w ho told us the story, (includ- them observation, and how to accu ing the care and support of his two rjttely describe whatever they see. families), and went without a murmur. When stories are read to children they Another, and younger man, had work- : should be obliged to reproduce them, ed himself up to be the superintend- j using as far as jiossible the language entofa factory, which paid him $2, ' of the book. The memory is strength 500 per year, tie had struggled long ' ened in this way, a habit of attention and hard to reach the porsition. He formed, and the power of expression had climbed from (the lowest round of increased. If such plans as these are the ladder, where all was dark, and systematically carried out, they will had just reached the sunlight of sue- ( prove a wonderful help in the thor cess. An edict was sent down that 1 ough education of a child. Thecou he must travel back to the State and stant, careful teaching and kind sug- preach the Mormon religion at his own expense and he went. He threw up his situation, and left a compe- teney, but he obeyed the edict of Uod (V). And it is in just such things that the power of the Mormon church rests. Polygamy is but a drop in the buck - jet, to use a familiar expiession. It is a system built up and fashioned by Uligham Young, who possessed one of the greatest minds that ever exist- ed on this continent. Of course we did not believe so until we went among his people, and saw evidences of it. We will relate just one instance of his own accomplishments, and to show what power he had over his followers: According to Mormon law one tenth of all u mail makes belongs to the church. Originally the t;ti;cs were regularly collected by a tithing officer, but this custom has been abol- ished, ab hough the devotee is sWltx- peeled to pny,um is not in good stand- j iug in the church if he reins-. With the income thus provided f. r, Brig- : ham 1 oung many years ago, conceiv ed the idea of erecting a temple which should at once worsliipfor his serve as a House oi n pco !e aud a moral - meat of his own I ureatness He did ' trances. Within, the arrangement of seats attracts attention, while the in side of the building resembles the in side of a colossal egg shell. The acous tics of the building are absolutely per fect. A pin can be heard to drop, or a w hisper can be heard fzoni any part I of the auditorium to any other. We saw it tested and neaiu tne ngtu ruo bing of the hand on a broad-cloth coat 333 feet, or 111 yards distant. Brigham Young knew and followed the laws of acoustics. The.e isn't a Mormon in Utah, ten years of age, that hasn't been in the temple, and who did uot come out of it fully im pressed with the idea that there is" but one Gqd, and that Bngham Young was his prophet while he lived, and that his mantle' lias fallen upon his successor. We could fill this page with siate ments like these, but what is the use? Mormonism in the East nuans polyg amy, whiie Mormonism in the West menus the worst priest-ridden people the world has ever seen. It. is true polygamy is a part of Mormonism, aud it will never be driven out of Utah except at the point of the bayo net. It is a cancerous sore on the bodypoliiic of the nation, but it is not as great an evil as the other teach ings of the other false doctrines of the Mormon church. This is a free coun- try and every man should be allowed to profess any religion he chooses, but we do not believe that the clause in the Federal constitution guaranteeing that right, gives the right to any man, or set of men, to own their followers, body and soul, and this is what the Mormon elders do. Charlotte Obs. Good Lang-iinge. As soon as a child begins to lisp its first broken sentences its education should begin. Habits are formed which will exist to a greater or less degree throughout life. Such being the case, the conversation of the ol der members of the family should be carefully guarded, lest the little ones hear and learn ungrammatical ex pressions and slang, which, sad to say, is so rife among our young people of the present day. The servants, with whom children spend much-of their time, should be chosen with reference to this matter. A mother should feel it her duty to point out any grammat ic mistakes made by them, and insist upon their language being correct, re spectful, and devoid of slang at all times. It is exceedingly difficult to break children of habits once formed, and care in this direction will save much trouble and annoyance. Oue wajr to cultivate the use of language, and at the same time to learn of the occupations and companions of her children, is for the mother to eucour- age the daily narration of what they have seen, heard, anil enjoyed, and telling of their little experiences. The study of pictures, moreover, in which every child delights, may be used as a great provocation of language. Chil dren always love to look at pictures, gestions of parents will accomplish ai work which can never be performed j by study, and in after years such ear- ; ly home training will show itself in j a ready command of language,and an ; easy, graceful power of conversation. 1 ra.o. r ; The Prudence of Cowardice. There is nothing more short-sighted than the prudence of those men who take counsel of their fears, and abandon the cause of right aud justice for the reason that its fiii uds are few and its foes nu merous aud strong. He who tights against wrong lights for himself, as well as for otl iers: hr- who countenances wrong nour ishes :i monster which may devour and destroy those who aie most honored and dear to him. He who will not contend in b half of others against wrong, may soon he under the necessity of suffering wronc himself: for iuinuity, arown bold i,y sufferance, will assail those who have i, jts progress with indifference, and w ho have beeu silent when, by an earn- est riotcKt, tliey uiight have staved its comsc. Resides these men forget what forces are allied with those who from the wrong doings of others. Every wrong and in justice inflicted upon a man puts'God up on his side, and arrays Him against his enemies. The arm of Omnipotence fights for the weak and for the oppressed ; aud however mighty an evil or wrong may be, its downfall is asgured. The sons of Zeruiah were too atrong for Dafid ; lie found himself entangled and controlled by them. But they were not too strong for God, and the time of their destruction came. They may be' foes with whom we are utterly unable to cope, bat tho day and will come when light slfall triumph aud wrong shall lie prosrrate in the dust. Then those who have acted the coward's part and been unfaithful to their highest convictions, will find that tliey have plac ed themselves on tho losing s'de, that they have been ashamed of right and truth in the days of adversity and con flict, and can never bear nloft the pain: of triumph in the days of strength and vic tory. The wisest couise is to stand ever for the right even though we stand alone beset by a thousand foes j for he whom we follow has been victotious o.i every field, and will make us more than con querors through him that loved us and g;ie Himself tor us The Christian. BkKCURH's OlMNION Or TUB AftCICAX. 'You might sink the whole continent of Africa fathoms deep into the, With perhaps a little rim at the north and a little spot at the south, and yon would not lose an idea. The bubbles that come up are worth just as much as the men ale that made tbem going down. Actually the cheapest thing in the whole world is man. A dog, a horse, or an ox is worth much more. Yon can kill him and sell him, lowf, horn and hide, but you cannot even lealirw that value out of ..." u a. i. M i ERONEY & Have Largest and most Complete Stock $f DRY GOODS A XTTv "XT r. m t fcf found in tuo A Splendid line of black and colored OASHMERS, from 12 to 83 cents pr yard. We have the cheapest and largest lot of SILK VELVETS, VELVETEENS and TRIMMING SILKS, to be found SPECIAL BARGAIN. All-Wool-Filling Worsted in the latest shades at 10 cents per yard. This Goods is worth one third more, and cannot be Had at tins extremely low pnee out side of our House.g-J Cloaks, Grata, Dalmans ui Jackets, Are Pretty and Cheap, from $2 to $18. -Also, a nice line of JERSEY JACKETS, SHAWLS, KNIT JACKETS, Ac. CARPETS, RUGS, ALL SELLING BOOTS and A nice line We American, Mi All of We can and will sell A Jack Knife Genius. darting a Uiaatnre World Out of 180,000 Pieces of Wood. St. Louts Dispatch. Willi am Yohe claima to bo the chain- 1 pion jack-knife ai list of the day, although he was horn iu St. Louis aud not in Van- . keedom. A Post-dispatch reporter heard ; of this professional laceratorof pine sticks j and sought him out. It was not till the inside ot 'an unused Methodist church at Kirk wood, in this county, was reached that Mr. Yohe aud his knife were corner ed. The kuife was slashing cigar boxes to pieces at railway speed when the re- j porter opened up with: "Arc you the' man who is making an automatic world's fpir and Sr. Louis Exposition with a knife !'' "Xo, that isn't what I call it. I am making what I call the Missouri Pacific and Stratsburg Cathedral Automatic Wonder, with the Golden Ark of the Covenant. It will contain over 180,000 pieces and will have 1,100 moving and Working figures." All around the gaunt and dismantled (hurch were piles of cigar boxes and laths and myriads of nicely carved little pieces of wood apparently portions of the mod els ot nuiluiugs. 1 no whittlcr was a Small man with keen eyes and ready tongue and about thirty-six years of age. In the course of an hour's conversation he said in substance : "I didn't know that I was anyhing extra of a whittler until about l&'A), when in a small way I made some models. I was in Texas mill -wiighting. The first model of a large piece I ever made v:s a model of a Ber inuda castleT Afterwards I made Balmo ral Cast!, Belgiu Casile, Miramar Cas tle (in Egypt), the steamer Blistol, Solo man's Temple and the Texas Slate Capi tol at Austin. Solomon's Teinple con j tained 12,'2GJ pieces and had l.tfOI) win dows. It is now on exhibition in Texas. The Austin Capitol building has 72,844 pieces and 501 moving people. Every room and department in the building was given, with all the officers aud Leg- islators. tveiyoouy was leprcscnieu, down to the man sawing wood in the basement for the furnaces. All the fig ures were moved by a wooden engine, which was run by sand fallii g on an overshot wlieel. 1 made this piece at odd moments in 1881. "I have just hired this church and be gun steady, work. I shall sleep and eat in this church until mt ereat niece is done, which I expect will be about May Tt next. The mateiial? Yes, it does take considerable. I have already used up W7 cigar boxes 000 laths and 500 feet of lumber. The cigar boxes I get at one cent each. I use no tools except my knife." Cincixxatti, Uhio, Shov.v7.-A num ber of leading capitalists of tins city have called a meeting for Friday to organize a stock company with $"AH),(HH) capital to establish a Mammoth Cotton Mill w ith capacity of 1,000 looms for the manufac ture of sheet iocs and muslins. i An Iowa man has figured out that the dogs of that State eat enough annually to foed 100,000 workmen, and cost $V 000,000, counting the sheep they kill. BRO. 4 Toxm or JS.-xliislxTxy. in the city. We offer as a D00E MATS, CHEAP. SHOES at low prices. of Ladies' Collars, from 5 cents to 30cts. Handkerchiefs from 5 cts. to $2. arc also Agents for the & Royal St Join, Sewini Machines, which we guarantee Tor Ave year?. cheap. Call and be convinced. M. & B. Bernhardt Bros. ABF NOW RECEIVING A ELL AUD COMPLETE USE OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES AND GROCERIES, And desire to call attention to their NEW DEPARTURE. In this they offer to the Farmers a good selection of FARHi-JG IPLESSZKTS, SUCH "AS Wagons, Plows of all Descrip tions Cast, Chill ancLSteel; PLOW-STOCKS, CULTIVATORS, SULKY' PLOWS, &C, AC. They also have the Bost Sewing Machines. 1 i They arc Agents for the Plow- Branff km FOR WHEAT As good as can be bn.ught in the market. J3?C;dl and bo convinced that their house is the place for Fanners U get what they need. Respectfully, BERNHARDT BROS. 51:lyj H " CELEBRATED Q STOMACH SlTTEBs As an invigorant, Hastettcr's StomsAh Bitters has received the most poaiiiTe en dorsement from emincift physicians, sad has long occupied a foremost rank among standard proprietary remedies. Its- prop erties as an alterative of disordered condi tions of the stonuu-.h, liver and bowels, sad a preventive of muiarfat diseases are no less renowned, and bifvc been accorded emphatic professional recomraehdatipn.' For sale by Druggists anil Dealers, to wbohs apply for llostetter's Almanac For 1S84. CniLLARIHS ! CHILLAR1UI ! CHILLARINE. the (Jreat ( HILL CURB of the day. W a x u A NTctr To CUKE every time or the mun;;y ukfi x:k:. For safe only :it FlTSilSS1 Drug Store. A8THIfi CURED! 2Mteg:c Asthma Cure Persons af- flicted with this distressing complaint should try this Medicine. A few hours use will entirely remove all oppression, and the patient can breath and sleep With perfect ease and freedom. Price ?1. Forsale at EX NHS' Drug Store. j. rt. KEBiSr, Salisbury, N. C. Apt for FMIX 1M1 WORKS, Emiies, Boilers. Saw Mills, ASM TURBINE WHEEL! Also. Contractor and 3uildcra J.. -:. lj " j 1

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