x Carolina Watehmai). THURSDAY, JANUARY 1(1, 1S84. ViottwcB Tiik Wat it WoKs.-.At jzoo, Miss.. Christina eve, John James ndored, Insulted a merchant named Po sey, who, with several Mends pursued in, and were mbnsh?d by the negro vd his friends and Pose v, his brother,11 enter on ne J"r " presidential I ..1.1 .1 .. .11 4 ...if (In. md a friend were shot and inntnntly kill mi, and two or three others wounded. James was killed next day while resist -g arrest? but fonr of his party were ta ken by the sheriff and lodged in jail. That night a mob of 300 men took pos- -ssioti of the jail and shot or hung the confederates of James. Thus, in less loan 48 hours tight or ten men lost their lire all the result of insulting language and a violent temper. It matters little when a man dies if he is ready, for death; hnt to be cut off as these were is a very different thing. -ft m m m Agricultural Department. Mr. Ai ken, of South Carolina, has introduced a hill in Congress, for the establishment of no Agricultural Department with a rfp esentative iu the Cabinet, equal in rank and pay of other members of-the Cabinet, with an assistant on a salary of $4,000 a raar. The present office of Commission er of Agriculture will be abolished if this bill shall pass. Senator Butler, of South Carolina,, was among the first to introduce a bill fur the repeal of the internal revenue system. He says : "My principal object, however, is to get rid of the internal revenue bureau, With its army of informers and blackmail Ari WliiaL-fev nfin lift fov.ul tvitlniut Hm existence of the internal revenue bureau. n f- - t n i 'w mi n i mil j r i 1 1 1 .t i i v Dumxi urn c s imj may put a tax of $10 a gallon on whiskey, but you can do this without the bureau. This is the institution I am alter." The exploring party sent out from New Orleans last fall to explore the eyer- ..-,. r.o.um, .laying escaped ine jaws of abators, the wild" Indians and 1 C 1 1 x .i the saw crass fires, have completed a gainful journey of 300 miles, in some places cutting their way at the rate of a quarter of a mile a day, and now come before the public with a report in which they say the land cannot be drained and is utterly worthless. The report will no doubt prevoke a new expedition. Forgery. The Charlotte Observer of yesterday, relates the circumstances of a swindle practiced on two merchants in that city by accepting forged or fraudii-' lent cheoks passed to them by a young' man calling himself J. G. Leak- an as- j R'.imed name, no doubt. The fellow got ! away before the fraud was discovered. ! Moral : Do not buy checks from Strang- j era who are here to-day and cone to. ' morrow, By the laws of Pennsylvania, the tax collectors are required to publish in some newspaper in their respective bounda ries the names of delinquent tax payer?. The Philadelphia Times of January 4th, publishes a listof over KM'fMl delinquents 1 - e m .si . i . . in uie cuy or r nuaneipnin. n requires 61 columns of the paper, with the names iu small type to present the entire list. Froze Up.--An engine on the Char lotte, Columbia and Angusta I?. II. actu ally froze Jip and came to a dead halt, last Saturday night while coming toward Charlotte. The Conductor knew not whit was the matter until he searched for the cause; and jt was only after build ing a fire under the engine and mcltiui; the ice that the train could move on. The Columbia, (S. C.,) hosiery mill sold fifty-six thousand pairs of stocking to a Boston firm one day recently. I'hat in better than sending the raw Cotton to Boston to be manufactured and then hav ing it sent back to southern consumers, paying all the incidental charges of such a -system of doing business. Fits John Porter is still before Con gress. The injustice done hjm in the first instance has cost the country in the time bis case has consumed of Congress sad committees, thousands of dollars. The Senate bill of Inst Congress for his relief was reported to the House on Tues day. "The Southern World' Atlanta, Ga., is one of thi best family papers iu the country, independent of its liberal and systematic attention to the farm, garden and orchard. It is semi-monthly, very handsomely got up aud illustrated, at one dollar a year. The U. S. Court at New Orleans has decided the case between the Govern, fuent and the N. O. National Bank on the question of-.detaining mail matter i favor of the Bank, which is at the same time, in favor of the L,o. Lottery. . A floating theatre, to cost $250,000 has l'-en projected in New York. It is to J ive 100 tats rooms for the performers, pud the accommodation will be designed J - - , w . ft. joi i,ouu visitors. nwwing urum, iu the most part is manufactured from petroleum. It is all 4 he .work of the chemist and confectioner, and really contains no gum of any kiud". The failures of 1883 aggregate the enormous sum of S17:10(X),000, more than three times as much as in 1880. It. is stutdu ih:t Cmasaas h . gj to railroads since 18) n.i less "than fcKl.fXtyfXx; acres of the public domain. 1 Democratic 151 tin dors. Mi . E. S. JafTi ay, a Republican mer chant, says: "I am an out-and-out free trader, but I would rather ha ve a bad tariff for twentjr years than a new one every year." Our able representative, Abram S. Hewett, and all his fellow congressmen who think that a revision of the tariff is the oulr issue on which the Democracy Jt m a . Cilll IIHI1III, WOIIIU mi ncu Ml lUV mm remark of the New York merchant and paste it inside their bats. The present tariff is not one year old. It is full of imperfections and unjust dis criminations. It is framed for the benefit of special interests which has influence enough to control a Republican Congress. It wa passed by substantially the pres ent Senate. It was approved by Presi dent Arthur. Neither the Senate nor the Executive will nlUw it to be changed. It is a "bad" tariff. Granted. But the business voice of the great commercial metropolis says, "We would rather have a bad tariff for twenty years than a new one every year." If it were wise and expedient to change the tariff this year it would be impossi ble. In the attempt the Democrats would run their heads against the solid wall of the Senate and Executive, and would only prove their capacity to blunder by alarming and disturbing the business interests of the country. The Democratic party has suffered too t frequently from the follies and mistakes tf its leaders to desire to repeat toe ex periment this year. Ju lobO Uencral Hancock, whose pa triotism and integrity recommended him to the people as something more than "a good man weighing 250 pounds," was killed by the folly of "a tariff for revenue only." VVe justly denounce the Republican party for its corruptions, its prodigality, its subserviency to corporations and monopolies, its failure to punish official rascality and dishonesty, and its defiance of the will of the people. We should pot f?rSvt xhM these evils conl.1 not 1 have been continued thus but for Demo- I era tic blunders. Are the Democratic masses willing that the folly of theorists and enthusiasts should again renew the Republican lease of powei f Mete York World. If this Coiige8 could accomplish a repeal of I he internal revenue system, it mig,,t iest tW , hat until the democrats could eloct plesi(lcnt and ain com. plete control of the government. It is very probably truo that do important re vision and ehanixo of the present tariff can be made with the Senate and the President a-jainsT if, and there is there fore, veiy litile use iu talking about it. 558,000 foreign ituniigauta landed iu this country hist year, a considerable falling off as compared with other years. The Concord Ecgiskr reports an at tempt by prisoners to break jail in Con cord, new years' eve. The Columbus, Ga.. Female College was burned yesterday morning, a loss of about 30,000 -about $5,000 above the insurance on it. No lives lost. "Hall's Journal of llsulth" is one of the best periodicals for the general reader n the subject of health in this countiy There are fourteen democratic senators ' whose term of service expire 4'h March, 18d5 among whom Senator Vance is one i TI.... I l.i! . I Here are eleven republican senators whoso terms expire on the same day. Chicago, Jau. 4. This has been the coldest day of the present winter, the thermometer being 14 degrees below zero atV a. m.j at 11 o'clock it rose to 12 and at 1 o'clock it had fallen again to 14 below. At Omaha, Nebraska, the thermome ter is quoted at 17 below ; at Dubuque, Iowa, it was 20 below at 9 o'clock this morning, and at Minneapolis, Minnesota, at u on u to-day is registered ."JO below zero, the lowest point at that hour for twenty -tire years. There were a series of accidents on the mountain section of the Western N. C. R. I. as we leaiu Horn the Asheville Citizen, commencing on the 21st Dec, aud Christmas day, and continuing several days iu succession. Strange to say, although some of the accidents were frightful aud involved considerable loss of property, no person was seriously hurt. COXGUKSS XX TO 53 HOUSE. Under the c ill of States a number of bills and ivoiitious wero in trod need and referred, among them the following: Ry Robiusou, of New York, a resolu tion calling on the Secretary of fctato for information as to whether our ministers obey-iho law of March 27th, I$7. This law forbids United States ministers to foreign co u n lies from appearing in pub lic iu court dress, and retpiires them to wear the ordinary apparel of Amwrjcan citizens. Ry Beach, of New York, proposing the following amendments, to the Constitu tion t 1st. Uniform laws on the subject of marriage aud divorce. 2nd, Giving the President power to veto one or more items iu an appropria tion bill. 3rd. Creating a stututo of limitations to all claims agaiust the United States. 4rh. The credit, money or property of tlie United States not to be teued or giren to private corporation. 5th. Prohibiting the granting of exclu sive privileges, and forbidding legislation on appropriation bills. Also a bill to repeal section 2771 of tlie Revised ..Statutes. This bill win flllftW fdkl'Ot.ktt A.. 1 -.-vm io asceau our rirers ami unload. At present they must u n- loatl at point of entry . . 1 lie H inir law i a " ! m .i I ( I III! eoinuiei ei ny muhani and Randall, f IVnusj l vania, each one bill, tendering the thanks iff Congr.a. and couferring additional rank upon Chief Engineer Geo. W. Mel ville, of the Jeannet te, DeLoug's vessel. By Mucker, of South Carolina, for the erection of a public building at Beaufort, S. C. By Pjerce, of Tennessee, to enable planters to sell tobacco raised by them free from internal revenue tax ; also to admit sugar and salt tree of duty. By Warner, of Tennessee, abolishing the duty on Bibles. By Voting, of Tennessee, authorizing the construction of a bridge across the Mississippi river at Memphis, Teun. By Balleatine, of Ten nessee, to repeal the iron clad oath. "j The total number of bills introduced to day is 674. The Murder. We regret to announce that uo cine has yet been found that is likely to lead to the detection ef the mur derer of Mrs. Gunter and daughter. The little girl, who was so horribly wounded is improving so much that she will prob ably recover. While she has regained consciousness and is able to talk yet she cannot tell anything about the murder. She has no recollection whatever about it not even remembering that she spent that night at her grandm other's house. All the circumstances connected with it now seem a blank in her mind, but may vet be revived and the murderer thns made known. A great fear has seized upon the women and children in all that section of country in the nighborbood of the murder, and a feeling of uneasiness orevades the entire community. That such a crime should be committed and the perpetrator remain uukuowu ie. suffi cieut to make all persons feel somewhat uneasy as to their safety. VVe hear that nearly every person iu the neighborhood i i. a has nought a pistol aim every House has become a small garrison, which it would be daugerous to approach after dark. Chatham Record. Kail road Progress and inont. Improve- The Richmond &. Danville Railroad Company having decided to reduce the running time of their passenger trains between Danville and Charlotte to toui hours, have set about putting the track mine proper couuinon and nareinveii their oiders to the rolliim mills for large lot of steel rails, to take the nlact of what iron rails there are at present in tue track between these two points. Tin gap to he tilled is only 30 miles, and the Richmond and Danville will then hnvt au nubroken st-el rail track from Dan ville South. It is already one of the hest and safest rondheds in the South, nix with the new steel rails will he perfect When the four huur schedule is com menced no Northern road will excel the Richmond and Danville in speed, com fort ami safety. from Capt. V. E. McHoe, we learn that the entire Western North Carolina track is to be laid with steel rains, anrl that besides the large amount already laid, a force of hands are now engaged in 1 .n In,. , I , . ... . . a 2 k C k 1 rw-i "V '"o '" h m-cuuii oi owmiirs. I lie construction force of the Ducktown division, are also laying down a contiuu oils Hue, west ot tlie Pigeon river, i-i the direction of Wavnesville and Charleston which will be continued until the road is completed lo the mouth of the Nantahala nver, connecting therewith the Rabun Gap railroad. This road under the con tract is to be completed by the 1st o July J6ti5. The work will be pushed vigorously forward until every foot of rail on this road is of- steel. Charlotte Observer. lmrnam Recorder : It is a source of pride to every true North Carolinian to witness the rapidly increasing demand for our bright tobacco grown in North Carolina, which has a peculiar and ideas- ant flavor, different from that grown in many other States. The rich irolden color and l he flavor render it very popu lar with nil lovers of the weed. Mr. Mii ler, of the Catliu Tobacco Co., of St. Louis, Mo., was in town a few days ago. looking for North Carolina tobacco. In conversation with him he stated that fire years ago he only used 5,000 pounds of N. C, leaf, while last year he used '1,500,000 pounds grown in N. C. lie pronounced it the best grown for smoking tobacco. This is only the testimony of one flrm and gives the outside world a little idea of the superior excellence and popularity of our tobacco. Thaw will always be a great deuiaud for N. C. tobacco. The market cauuot be glut ted. The smoking people will have it. Cairo, Jan. 7.-3:30 p. m. The Egyp tian Cabinet is iu sessiuu at the residence of Chiref Pasha, Prime Minister and Mini-tor of Foreign affairs. The Khe diTe is not present. The ministers per sist iu. their their determination to resign and will tender their resignations to the Khedive to-day or to-morrow. London, Jim. 4. The Paris correspon dent ef the Times summing up the situa tion in Spain says : It is doubtful wheth er King Alfonso in the event of the dis solution of the Cortes eonld depend for support upon the Spanish arm v. Mean while the Zorilliat and Carlista are at work. The correspondent concludes that the alternative will soon be presented of a choice bet ween anarchy and absolutism with the probability that independence and freedom will succumb. Washington, Jan. 8. A Democratic member of the committee on ways and means at the close of the session this morning said that the actiou of the pro tective Democrats of the House was still a matter of doubt, but iu any event the nctioq of the Democrats of committee would be conservative and calculated to onue me party iu favor of tariff form. re- A Prize; Send six eents oostac-p. and receive free, a costlv box nr goods widen will help you to more mojipv rlo-hr. nwv than auytblns: else la mis world, au t Jtthc ci D.. ceed from ttrst hour, The fcroad road" to loi tune opens before the workers, and Is absolutely sure At once address, Trck & cq., Augusta, Maine, ' Administrator's ISTotice ! All persons havinsr claims acrainst rh e. tate of Sarah Linstcr, dee'd, are hereby noti " n.cwi tw iuu ujiuersiuneil ue- r.,. t ni. i t ",c Ui4 January or this notice will le plead in bar of their reeoverv; and all person owing the said estate must make immediate payment. Mo H. 0. BOST. Adm'r loruwj of Sarah Linstcr. HOG C HOLEjlAI Farmers, save your Hogs! nv rivinr Morris- Vecet ble compound durine the Spring and Summer, yoa will nave no steJtness among your lios. It wUl prevent and cuie Hag Cnolera, and an diseases or swine, it win prevent Trtcblme, and will put your Hogs In a tnrlity con dition, cleat lag the kidneys and liver ot worms and parasites. It will put nogs in sucn a conaiuon tnai luey will fatten In one hair the time, thus saving one hall the ieed. This wonderful remedy Is man ufactured from native Hoots and Herbs discovered In the forests of North CaroUna. Farmers try it. For sale by J. H. B'I8, uniggist, 13.-3m. Salisbury, N. C. SALE NOTICE 1 I will sell at auction, on Tuesday the 15th day of January, for CASH, the following articles, to wit : Two Valuable Horses, One Milch Cow, a lot of hogs, a good two horse wagon, 1 one-horse wagon, single and double harness, wagon harness, plow gears, farming tools of every description, a lot of Corn, Wheat, Oats and Forage Ac, and other articles too numerous to mention. Wilt sell privately, a valaable Farm, con sisting of 206 acres more or less good mea dow and creek bottoms. A first-class dwell ing, with all the modern conveniences, with good barn, grainery and other necessary out-houses. There is a fine prospect for gold on the place, with prospect shaft be gun. 3T Sale to take place on the farm 3 J miles east of Salisbury. R. V. LANIER. Dec. 31, 883. 2w-pd Admini strator's Sale! Having qualified as administrator of the estate of George Cauble, dee'd, I will sell the persona! property belonging to his es tate, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 22nd and 23d of January, 1884. The sale will be at his late residence about 5 miles from Salisbnrr. There will be sold 1 wasron. 1 rockaway. Cattle, Hogs, Bacon, Hay, Straw, a wind-mill, a set of Blacksmith Tools, Farming Tools. Household and Kitchen r urniriuv or an Kinas. ly'Tirais c.l Mile Cash. DAVID D. PEELER, Adm'r of George Cauble. jVoliee to 2e!tors and Cred- i t ors ! .- All persons indebted to the estate of Geo. Cauble, dee'd, are requested to make immediate sen lenient, and all persons hav ing claims ngamst the estate are notified th.it they must present them to me on or lx fore the I -t da of January 1885, or this notice will he plead in bar of their recovery. DAVID D. PEELER, Adm'r. Dec. 31, 134. hv Stale of North Carolina, Rowan County. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. U. E. Miller and others. Plaintiffs, Against D. L. MPler. Leroy liurgcr and wife Cth crinc E. Barker and Theodore E. Miller. Petition to Skj.l Lands for Partition. It appearing to ihe satisfaction of the Court that I). L. Miller, Leroy Burger and wife Catherine Burger and 'Theodore E. Miller are non residents of this State, It is ordered by the Court that publication be made in the Carolina Watchman, notify- ing the above named defendants to appear i at the ofbee of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the county of Rowan, on the 13th day of February, 1S84. and answer the complaint, a copy of which will be deposit ed in the office the Clerk of the Superior Court for said county, within ten days from the date of this summons, aud let them take notice that if they fail to answer the said compliant within'that time the plain tiffs will take judgment against them for tlie reliel demanded in the complaint. Given under my hand, this the 1st dn day of January, lbfyt. J. M. DORA IT. Clerk of Sup. Court of Rowan Co. 12:6w McCU Have the best JONES, witlioat any Exception IN SALISBURY. and TRIMMINGS ARE tukir THE MOST (GOmiPILlEfE Gents and Ladles' FURNISHING GOODS Cannot be Surpassed. THEY CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANYTHING WANTED. a IVE Q-REJI -fi OJLL. Nov. 22, 1883. rum And wlU completely change tho blood person who will take 1 PU1 each night neaith, trsocb a thing: be possiblo. For Female Complaints these Pills have no equal. Physicians use them for the euro of LIVER and KIDNEY diseases. Sold everywhere or ent by mall tor 25c la stamps. Clronlars free. I. s. JOHJiSOK CO , Boston Mass. 1 I a m m illt?h?PfO APIODTWaT LINIMENT cures mtloenz.. Bleeding at the Lot. Hoswe. ttl . Ir"? Vi0' Whoopin mrh. Chronic Dfirtnata. ByKnte-.y, Cholera MorliO. Kidney Troubles and ness Diseases of the Rnlne. nM lyu immbm ' It is a well-known fact thst most of tlie Horse and Cattle Powder sold in this coun try Is worthless; that Sheridan's Condition Powder is absoliife'vpare and very valuable. Nothing on Earth will make bens lay like Sheridan's Condition Pow der. Dose, one teasnoonfnl to mo-, ntnt nf Dec, 90, 1883.10:ly LAND FOR SALE! By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of IN) wsin couury, in the case of J. C. MK'auh'ss, administrator of Sam' Steidfor, dee'd, against Elizabeth McCanless and John F. Steidfor, I will sell, on Monday the 4th day of February, 1884, at Gold Hill, in Rowan county, a lot of land adjoining E. Mauney. L. D. McCarnes and others, con taining seven eights of an acre, known as the Christian Bringle lot. T Terms Cash. J. C. McCANLESS, Adm'r. Jan'y 1, 1884. 4w WnTKOWSRY&BARUCfl. CHARLOTTE, N.C. OFFER EXTRAORDINARY INDUCE r MENTS TO PEOPLE WHO ARE DOJNG THEIR TRADING BY MAIL. OUR MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT 18 SO ARRANGED THAT "SHOPPING" BY MAIL IS RENDERED EASD3R AND IS OFTEN MORE SATISFACTORILY DONE THAN IN PERSON. LETTERS OF INQUIRY ARE PROMPTLY RESPONDED TO. SAM PLES SENT, AND ESTIMATES GIVEN. WE GUARANTEE SATIS FACTION DELIVER PACKAGES FOR OVER TEN DOLLARS IN AMOUNT, FREE OF EXPRESS OR MAIL CHARGES. WE KEEP EVERYTHING THAT IS NEEDED TO CLOTHE MEN, YOUTHS AND BOYS, LADIES, MISS ES AND CHILDREN, INCLUDIMG A COMPLETE LINE OF LADIES' AND vrWc li:,-l!';5 UNDERWEAR, AND IT AVE THE BEST DRESS-MAKING ESTAB LISHMENT IN THE SOUTH. SEND US A TRIAL ORDER. WITTIOWSKT S BAEDCE ALL. INS & Co. stock of THE stock of PURGATIVE nil i n MM7NLL5 la tho entire system In three months. Any from 1 to 18 weeks, may be restored to nn,i C?ronp, Asthma, Bronchitis, Neural Bia, Kheuiuatlsm. JOHNSON'S ano. m NE LINIMENT (for Internal and External lie) will instantaneously relieve these terrible diseases, aud will positively cure nine eases out of len. Information that will save many lives sen t free hy mail. Don't delay a amfleisisl . . . .iw ... uvmvs ileal i wun. t a i,nvd,r t. rT . . u""i ano ..r uvih.,j u. v.u., ousioil. 1 I CtocalaiBftM. 3D O . V) -NEW GOODS KLUTTZ AND Have Now Received One of tie Best Fail aafi Winter STOCKS OF GQGn 3 EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, WHICH WAS SELECTKLVj in Person, with Great Care as to Prict s, Customers, and which we will sell as cheap as the cheapest. Our Department of ' Dry Goods, Notions, 'Clothing, Furnisning Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoe, hare been largely increased. "We have a complete Stock of Groceries, and we m feed you with the Btst Flour, Meats Sugars, Molasses, Potatoes, Meal, Buckwheat Flour, Jj roni, Cheese, Canned Fruits, &c, to be had in any market. A full assortment of Family Medicines. New Stock of Table and Tin AVare Large lot of Cagging and Ties. Agents far Coats' Spool Cotton. We buy and sell all kinds of Country Produce. Be sure and see tts before ve bD or sell, as we will sell you good Goods and save you money, W. Wayi.or, ) Oct. 1st, 1883. D. J. Bostian s Salesmen & J. A. Neely, ) lie Fmittre Dealer, Upholsterer, ASO UNDERTAKER MI TALHDT SOFTS, $5 Cottage Suits, 20, 26 and $30 Woven Wire Mattresses, $7.50 PARLOR SUITS, 35 to $100 CHEAP BED 3, S2.50. FINE LINE OF CARPETS. Sewing Machines Weed and Eartfor(j. , gH wpek fit home. $" outOt free. Pay ab 1L tL tsolutely sure. No risk. Capital not re klinn i'Unnl. Rearter.lt you warn business ml0 J J a which persons of either sex. youne or old, can mate frrrat p;y all the time thev work with absolute certainly, wrlie for particulars to H. 11AU.K1T 4ut'o., Portland, Slalne. 13:ly The most snecessfnl Remedy ever dis covered as it is certain in its effects and does not blister. Read Proof Below. KENDALL' j SPAVIN CUBE. Denveu, Colorado, April 22nd, 1882. Dr. D. J. Kendall & Co., Gents : Four years ho while in the employ of A. P. P r ley & Co., Danvers, Mass., we had a horse tnat became spavined dnrinj' the hrst year of my stay with them, and remained so Tor four years, though we used every renredy we knew or could hear of but no avail. Some time during the tifth year, (tori was in their employ between five and six year.-). we were recommended to try Kendall's "Spavin Cure, and after using it two months the Horse was cured the enlargement hav ing been entirely removed, and thus believ ing it to he a valuable medcinc I fully re commend it to all who have occassion to use it. Respectfully, P. II. Lyons. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUBE. Fremont, Ohio, Sept. 24, 1883. Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., Gentlemen - Having had an opportunity of seeing your i icause on me Morse" mis Summer tor i i. . : . t ! , mc uibi nine i was tnuuceo; to try your Kendall's Spavin Cure on a valuable horse that had been lame since the first of April. iroin a none pavln. 1 had blistered it several times anil concluded that my horse would never get over being lame. Five weeks ago to day I commenced using Ken dall's Spavin Cure and after using it three weeks the lameness entirely disappeared. It has been worth $80.00 to me. II. II. House. Mount Prairie, Minn., Sept. 24, 1883. Dn. B. J. Kendall Co., Gentlemen : Last Spring I had a valuable young horse that from some cause got a very large lump about half way on his shoulder and was very lame for a long time. I had the best horse doetors examine her, some called it one thing some another, one said the shoul der was broken but none could cure it. After I had tried the cure I went and bought one bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure, I did not use one half of it before it was all smooth and clean. Lameness all gone too. As a horse liniment it is invaluable. Respectfully, Andrew Orr. Tawas City, Mich., Sept. 1, 1883. MesshsB. J. Kendall Co., Gentlemen: Please send me a package of Prof Flints Condition Powders. I have used Kendall's Spavin Cure a number of years on a good many horses and never saw its equal on man-or beast. I have given away many of your Treatise on the Horse but if I could not get another would not take $25. for mine Yours etc., F. Rollins. Alderson, West Virginia, Sept. 1883. Please allow me to speak in the highest terms of Kendall's Spavin Cure for what it has done for my son, in fact it cured him of a bone affection about the knee that baffled the skill of two of the best M. Ds. in our city, Schenectady, New York. D. Van Vrajjeen, Supt. of S. & Y. D. Greenbrier, West Virginia. Send for Illustrated Circular which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such unquali fied success to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. Price $1 per bottle, or six battles for $5. Al Druggists have it or t an get it for you. or it will be sent to anv address on receipt ui price uy ine propnerors. UR. tf. J. Kendall & Co., Enosburgh Palls, Va. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. NOW 13 THE TIME TO SUB SCRIBE FOR THE CAROtlif, WATCKKCN, $1.50. ! BlUil - From New York City Quality, Beauty and to suit tin; tastes of CANNED FRUIT! BY J. D. STEWART. Home canned, very select and very supe rior, for family use at J. !. McXEEU D:lm NOTICE!! All presons indebted to me. tntlier on account or note and mortgage (for Guano) are hereby duly reminded of such indebt ness, and are earnestly requested to make settlement promptly, otherwise the-ac-counts will Ik? subject, without further Be tice,-ro collection by legal process;. Respect till I v. Dec. 6, 183. J. D. Mi NEELY. Administrator's Notice! Having qualified as administrator of tbt estate of Joseph A. Pool, deed, I herety give notice to all persons having claiqis against his estate to present them to inen or before the Gth day of December and all persons indebted to said estate art requested to make immediate payment, David L. Pool, Adm'r ot Jos.' A. Pool, dee'd. Dec. 4, 1883.-8:lm. Notice to Creditors. All persons having claims against the estate of Edward Pool, dee'd, are hereby notified to exhibit the same to the under signed on or before the 10th day of Decem ber, 1884, or this notice will be pleaded bar of their reeoverv. This December tin 8th, 18:3. JOHN C. POOL. Adm'r. of Edward Pool, dee'd, 10:4w DBS. J. J. & E. M. SUMMEBELL OFFIC CORNER MAIN AND BANK STREETS, OFFICE HOURS : 8 to 10 a. m. and 3 to 5 P. M. 37 6b PATENTS jrrjwx A CO., of the Sctenttfic America, s ttnoe to act as Solicitors for Intents, Caveat. Tn Marks. Copy rights, fop the United 8taU. CMS In n land, France, German j. eta Hand Book I Patents aent free. Thirt r-fevpn jean' expert . Ptenta obtained throusrh HUNNs CO.reo"l In the SciKN'Tiric American, the largest, hest. at mst widely circulated scientific paper. $3.MJ Weekly. Bplendtd cnirraTlnps and interesting formation. Specimen copy of the Scientific Aag leain aent free. Address MUNN A CO.. SciEWfl American Office. !W Broadway, New York. i BULLION GOLD MINE 4&id Iffacliinery For al! Tliis mine h well situated in Rowtf cnunty, 6i miles southeast of Salisbury, Carolina. The machinery consists of 2 Engines, J B1lcrs, a Ten Stamp Mill, a Cornish pump a Steam Hoister, and an Ore Crusher. Also a lot of Mining Tools of variom kinds. Mst of the machineny is but iitti worn, and is in good order. Any -person wishing to purchase will apply to M. L. HOLMES, 12:3m Salisbury, N. C SALE gLANflT On Mondav the 4th dav of February. 188? T will Bell tn thn hierhpst lnddtT. at th (nurt. Hotisfi loor in thi town nf Hftli at the hour of 12 o'clock, a tract of Lai known as the Polly Hartman Land, it ing the same devised by the said P'.f Hartman to Solomcn Eletclfey anil other containing aeres more or less, ivibh and situated iu the township of Litaker FifThis is a valuable tract of la"ttJ well located and within a few miles i Salisbury. Tkrud nv Sat.k One- half cash, the otbH within six months from date of sale. Tn deferred payment to be secured by bond sf. good security. By order of the SuperU" Court ot Rowan. KEKR CRAIGE, Cotnr. January 2d, 1884. lm