J i Tlr. Jo!m V. Garrett was elected prcsi uhut ot tin- I'-iltimorr a:d Ohio Railroad Company for the twenty-sixth coiiseeu tive term Wednesday, y III ! VaJual Ittn On? St:6 WaJlly fiata&kl UHDER THE FIRM HAKE OF eiji'.u me k & uono i , 1 u. J . I'm i N i: :. long known na the be) fia an 1 Saddle Maker who ever did busis e& in Salisbury, present hi com pi i dm lit is oW frienda icd patrons wi'.h an invitations U call nr.ii nee Id present flock of new Hrjess, SaJ.lIe,HJollari, &e. lie warrant a!ifaetiii (o every purchaser of New Stock, and also hi repair work. Rales a. low as a jffiv '. article will admit of. Call and gee. PLUMMER & MORGAN. 1 - 1 n . 1- TV ! I Oa, 1 I . a ? i mini i:mias rati oiock, iowcsi prices. Writing' Paper, Pens and Pencils. Envelop, Visiting Cards. Seaside Novels ami Monroe's Libtary. Blank Books, Gold Pens. Autograph and Photograph Albums. Wall Paper, Toilet Articles, Perfumery. Fine Toilet Soap, Combs and Brushes. Bathing ii lores and Towels. 17:tf Xj'S HEALTHCORSET Increases in popularlt every dnyyas ladies find ft the most COMFORTABLE AND PERFEC T FITTING cors t evtr worn. Mer chants Kay it plvcs the beet satisfaction of any corset thny ever Fold. Warrant d p-itlsfactory or inoacy re- nxnura. l or sale by J. D. &ASSILL only, Salisbury,!. C. - :r iiAH ?E3itA3Le.PlliS Ami 3 lioua Complaints .lie i take, tiring pHnMv ve'je'a'de; no np ini;. Prie ii ei. All Driesnsi. I WESTERN H. C. RAILROAD. OFFICE OE.W PASSENGER AOgNT, Salisbury, N, C, October 12th, 1382 SCHEDULE. p Pass. Train Ho. 2 STATIONS. il....SaMsbury. C.tatesvllle Arrive ."..45 p m 4.2S ' s.Oa " -....Newton " 8.10 " ....Hickory " 18.54 " i....Morganton.. .. 11.30 A Ml. ...Marlon " NLW 'Black Mountain ..' ik t.0 ....Asbevlile . -ave a.S ' .....Warm Swings " $.00 ' I . ... Pigeon River . . i Pass. Train No. 1 Leave 8.1 0-4 m Arrive T.tfS " 8.4 " " 9.23 " " 10.43 " " ll. " " l.a rn " 3.00 " " '.W " 5.4", Train No. 1 Connects at Salisbury with R. & D. R. R. fronTali points North and South and rroro Raleigh. Connects at StatesvJlle with A , T, O, Dlv, ot C. C. & A. R. R. Connects at Warm Springs with E. Tenn., Va. i Ga. R. R. for Morrlstown and points South-Wcst. Train Nq. 8 Connects at Warm Springs with E. T.Va Oa.R.R. from Morrlstown & the Sooth-West. Connects at tatesvllle with A. T. & O. Dlv. ot ct. & A. R. R. aud at Salisbury with R. & D: R R. tor all points North and East and for Ralelgli. Through Tickets n sale at Salisbury, StatesvtUe, Ashevllle and th& W arm Springs to ail principal cities. J. B. Maomurdo, PROFESSIONAL CARDS, L. H. CLK.MKNT. KERR CRAIOE. CRA1GE & CLEMENT, Attorneys -A. Xj.7ct, Salisburv, X. f Feb. 3rd,, )m. 1 : BUVCIvM ER & HEN 1 )ERSON Attorneys, Counselors and Solicitors. Sulisburv, N. C. Jan. 22d, IQ U, 1 : J. M. McCORK LE. T. F. K LTTTZ McCORKI.e & KLUTZ, ATTOHNKVS axo COUNSELORS 8ALISBLRV, N. C. OflBce-f)ii Council Street, opposite the Court House. 37:tf J. RIIODES BROWNE, PRES., W. C. COART, SEC. Total Assets, $710,745.12. A Home Company, Seeking Home Patronage, Term Policies written on Dwellings. Premiums payable One half cash a7id bal ance in twelve months. 25:Gu J. ALLEN BROWN, Agt., Salisbury, N. C. HARDWARE. -LSr4 Mi Plated Ware FINE CICIAB.S, FRENCH CAN DIES A SPECIALTY, TROPICAL FRUITS IN SKA SON. PXC'ZU&SS & PICTURE FRAMES, TOYS, DOLLS, VASES AND T O IL ET SETS, AND BANJOS, VIOLINS. GUITARS AND BANJO STRINGS. THCO.BlTERBiii!, 11 SALISBURY, K. C. GEO. A. EAGLE, W. A. MORGAN. Eagle & Morgan BLACKS MITHING AND Wag on-Making. We arep'rt pared to do any kind of arork at our Shops on Lee Street, (W. M. Bilker's Old Stand.) SALISBURY, N. C. HORSE SHOEING and all kinds of Blaksjnithiiir done promptly and with ex pedition. Repairing of Carriages, Buryies and Wagons i!nm promptly and in first class style. Painting; and Hnishin; of fine work will ! dr.e by W. M. Barker. " All we ask i a : rial. Jan. 10, l."js:;. i-j:tf rieTafei 11031 Life. Association C? VIRCiNIA. q?f:jl, stauxtox, va.- Tii-o cu;v8. s : wt, ;-.nd Most Reliable Life in surance n w oI.tjJ tac ;mbile is found in the Val ley Mutual, wnlcb eaaOles you to carry a it.ooo life ' 'iey at an actual average eost of.$s.io per annum. For further information, call on or address J. W. McKEXZIE, Agent, May 20, 1S83.J Sai.isbcky, N. c. TUT i rem inosa b.rzr.c3 ;'..viso tli-ct-ict: Vir c' tie diseases of the Laman laec. TI'cm EymptQmdi:i-:.ca.rc: l'.Touior.cc : .oss ot Appetite, Bowels costive, I3JcIx licad ucSic, fulinosi rif5Pon!r3r ;vevton ta exertion c liody CT iuinj, Sircctatioc Soa, IrritaSJiy cs" tt:r-e" Low spirit.;, A f'c2in3f cT ;jT.vig r-cfrlectej some lint 7, ifczi.e?3,i lattcrfi', tit the Eeo.xt.!jt3 boforc t'o cyo-.li'cii'vcola ore d UrfTic, 1 1rj'ill.lTIO.'.?. and d". manatho use cf a rcnaytUr.t ac t: (Ji.ectfV ontbo l Ivor. AaciUvorir.cdlciucTC fi'3 WhLS hav j r.o c.-rrril. Ths.tr itctJorion tha KUncnn-lstm u also proui.i: ; roir.oving nil Impurities tliroah i'ji j throe- scav engjra cf tha rvctem," prodcoin opps tite.scra tli jocian, r: nuhn- Steele, a cier,r t!cimind,ivit:orou::?:.05V-. n. cTT- PILLS canso no j-auce--c ? si-lping nor interfere with daily wc:k ana au a perfect ANTSTOTg TO AUkRA. kola evrvv.-'i r",Cc. Ci ''''i t.v. .v v. 2 (8 stantly to a Ctxvs;"' 3lcs !yr "llc D" pUcatlon cf this irh. Bc!1 by'DrgioS. or sent by express o i recolpt of s I . OfBco, 44 JHury rw-t, Kw Voik. TDn'S MANUAL Q.;U3S?L'LBGEiPTS iPCE. m-SPJkHA'TERS, n.ade to oiatn Aii woik Hihtt lass seventi 1, - . it ;.-v peilenee -All Material ot the bti mde aM - r done In the latest styles fcrat, ina oil Keadymade wu l always on haa.i: ,Hn -ii:- 'atly and promptly done. or! rs i ; .''.. lie ly niled 5l:ly. lone, or ! rstv mnii nunf X. ( ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS. : Counties. The anil thp Ppctf Ai a m nee, auu wii&iuiu uuu nun iuu uuui ; .f Ifeal P. nwnu-.l ( LKA.V BEOS F.Ii A.VIMAIA Ail Prper1j la North andiiia. I LIM!8 f anil t -k, whelher kept in u stable or in yards, should be pro vided with a cie in place to sleep in IX8I8T ON HAVIXO ALLCOCK'S, THE ONLY GENUINE POUOC8 PLASTEIi. One of the most remarkable inventions o the present aire is Ai.lcoks Ponotia Plas teks. They are t he result of years of cbeni ical study, and only time and experience has brought them to tlieir present perfec tion. Testimonials are received every day of the wonderful cures of Sprains, Weak Back. Rhemutism, Lumbago, paralysis and hosts of oilier diseases Of course "the vast sales and yreat sir cess of Ai.ixock'b Poisocs Plasters have causcil numerous plasters to be brought before the public which, be iujj called porous. would give the world to understand that they were a similar article to the genuine. We would most particular ly caution the politic against these hum bugs. They contain none of I he healing gums that are used in Allcock's, but are limply a combination of lead, red pepper md rubber, and are vaunted in long wind id adveitisements as an improvement on Allcock's Porous Plasters. Beware of the hazy and untrue statements and never use any of these so-called porous frauds. Allcock's Porous Plasters Relieve Debility and Nervousness. Allcock's Plasters worn on the region of the kidneys warms the spinal marrow, which is a continuation of the brain, im parting new vitality and power to the spine they stregtb.cn that mighty organ and till it full of foreign electricity or nervous fluid. Thus they wil' restore to the busy active brain of man or woman," the energy and ability which lias been lost by disease, wor ry or overwork. They restore vitality where there has been debility and nervous ness, and prevent loss of memory and pa ralysis. Physicians highly recommend them for nervous debility, whether arising from dissipation or overwork. They are now known to be the great regenerators of the nervous system and are invaiuaole in all cases of hysteria. Weals. lidncys Cured. Contoocook, N. IL, ( Match 3. lgbO I have been greatly troubled with Rheu matism and Weak Kidneys. 1 was advised to try Allcock's Porous Plasters (had used two other kinds of so-called Porous Plasters which gave me no relief.) but one ot yours has worked like a charm, giving bic complete relief, and I have not been troubled with Rheumatism and Kidney Complaint since using them, and Iconsidei myself cured. Edwaiiu I). Burmiam. Broncliial Troubles. 122 C St., Washington, D. C, ( January 7, 182. I take great pleasure in recommending Allcock's Porous Plasters. I was in duced to try them by Mrs. Samuel J. Ran dall, and I found them everything desired. used four other ho culled Porous Planters before procuring Allcock's ; they were per fectly useless.' But immediately upon ap plying two of Allcock's to uiy chest my cold and bad cough were at once relieved. I waut vou to seud me one dozen forth with. JOHN T. INGRAM. Spinal Disease Cured. Hamhel's Hotel, Rockaway f Beach, N. Y., May PJ, '82. Allcock's Plasters have been of such great service to me and mine that. J feel it a duty to state the facts, as briefly as possi ble, to induce others to use them. My wife for many years was confined to her bed suffering from spinal disease. After spend ing a thousand dollars in vain effort to get cured, she applied three Allcock's Plas ters to the spinal column, one above the other. In a few days all pain left her. She applied fresh plasters every two weeks and in the course of two months she com pletely recovered her health. At first she could hardly walk across the room; each day she walked a little further, and now she is able to walk five miles without fa tigne. She still occasionally applies the plasters to her back, but she has been per fectly well for upw ard of a rear. LEWIS L. HAM MEL' CTJJIE OF SrTLA.I3r. 554 Main St., Hahtford, Conn., ) April 0, 1S79. Will you please send" me an Allcock's Porous Plaster, 20 inches long by 7 inches wide, to use on my ba k for weals ness of kidneys. I have worn them with the best curative effect, for a weak side near the heart, many years for injury caus, ed by strain and lifting in the ariny. I could not do without them; I use one about every month. I have on a Belladonna Plaster and don't like it at all, for it has not the power or strength of Allcock's Porous Plasters. B. WELLS SPERRY Alexander, Alleghany, A I. SOU, Ashe, Beaufort, Bei lie, Jiludt n, Biutiswick, Bunco rube, Burke, Cabarrus, Caldwe.l, Camden, Oilier t, Ca-well, Catawda, Chatham, Cherokee, Chowan, Clay, Cleveland, Columbus, Craven, Cumberland, Currituck, Dare, Davidson, Davie, Duplin, Durham, Edgecombe, Forsyili, Franklin, Gastoi , Gates', Graham, Granville, Greene, Guilfoid, Halifax, Harnett, Hay woimI, Henth ;s, Herl foni, Hvdc, Ircth !!, Jackson, Johnston, Jones, Lcim ic, Lincoln, Macon,, Mailison, Martin, Mcl) OW I II. WHEN YOU WANT HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES 1 oa the undersigned at NO 2. Granite L..w. D. A AT WELL. fftnt fr iJLi '' J&rl.soilTaresA.er." b , i,b .ty4 5fe (',, Tunc 8th tf. i N OTJCE! JOHN F. EAGLE, tiFASHIOIJABLE- Bj BOOT Kf SHOE, Jsfe InvitcRTour attention to his ahot,, oppopit Mayor's Office. Repairing neaily and urS- ? d,n'' ,JiUJsndn f good" nde to order Opt, ist. '81 a f. -'fSfJSS? BUirjsasia sn g. v-.,.J-.T.Fr4. SAva an savor "A Blessing in Disguise." 484 AoELrm St., Brooklyn, ) March 29, 1881. ( No faintly should be without Allcock's Porous Plasters; their healing pow ers are wonderful and their efficacy far-reaching and last hig. For years past I have seen and known them to cure and relieve the most obstinate and distressing cases ol rheumatism, kidney complaint, "bronchitis neuralgia, lumbago, iuflamation of the lungs and throat, paralysis, asthma, spinal weakness, and coughs and colds. In my own case they afforded me almost instant and permanent relief. My friends consider them an invaluable and speedy remedy all kinds of aches and pains." They are a blessing in disguise; and no wife or mother should be without them if she values her peace and comfort and freedom from ner vous exhaustion and other ailments As n strengthening plaster, also for backaches au.i weakness, iney nave no canal. I have never yet iounu a plaster so efficacious and stimulating, or to give so much general sat, isfaction. Used in connection with Brax- dreth s universal life-giving and life-heal- mg i ills, no one need despair of a speedy restoration to good sound health. MRS. E. TOMPKINS. Value of Proertv. '976865 at 'ght, unci in winter with plenty 5 '8,886 warni clean bedding. Animals 2,181,098 1 are usually just as particular 1,370,275 about such matters and eniov a clean oo fl'SS1 a! uu,c,, !,H 1,,eir ow,; a" if 7 ! i ....... . .-..in ...... 1 .. . . I. .. ..... I . uitj u"c uuiiui!' il ne suouiii iry a bundle of black filthy straw, aud then one that is clean and bright, bright, aud see how quickly the lat ter will be selected for a bed. A sick horse that cannot lie induced to lie down in any other way, will often take to a bed made of dean, bright straw. The farmer who de sires to increase the size aud quality of his manure pile should use plenty of bedding under his stock; besides the increase of fertilizers for his land, will add much ts the comfort uf his stock. Meek lenburg, Mitchell, Montgomery, Moore, Nash, N cw Hanover, Northampton, Onsfbw, Orange, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Pender Perquimans, Person, Pitt, Polk, Randolph, Richmond, Robe.son, Rockingham, Rowan, Rutherford, Sampson, Stanly, Stokes, Surry, Swain, Transylvania, Tyrrell, Union, Vance, Wake, Warren, Washington, Watauga, Wayne, Wilkes, Wilson, Yadkin, Yancy, Tola!, Increa.-e in vr.'u.ition $32,613,100. 1,162,714 975,234 4,014,441 1,081,131 2,762,353 1,204,196 583,092 717,474 2,336,039 2,641,948 3,134,531 752,043 950,928 331,966 ,291,175 1,667,196 2,504,183 3,032,77 698,73 224,795 2,832,005 1,473,968 1,724,944 3,200,836 4,453,125 4,046,185 2570,09 2,932,788 1,083,493 260,44 2,710,336 1,717,202 4,594,17 3,773,400 1,082,324 1,559,897 1,301,541 1.803,022 591,344 3,735,327 733,891 3,982,427 734,819 2,369,493 1,998,663 923,933 1,1 40,1 (5 1,859,068 821,248 7,294,153 536,935 1,044,032 2,220,677 2,635,242 5,383,514 2,939,264 1,133,078 2,045,951 533,533 1,371,254 1,303,000 1,159,456 1,751,488 2,984,222 780,000 3,150,269 2,336,303 3,458,335 3,203,081 3,861,878 1,605,049 2,294,797 1,770,432 1,302,997 1,683,200 467,029 599,451 676,760 3,137,956 1,817,224 10,522,390 1,872,675 866,358 1,121,693 4,494.696 1,409,147 3,403,745 1,299,121 482,724 200,351,745 since 1882, A SUJLE CURK FOR BURNS, CUTS. BRUISES AND LAMENESS. est Becket, Berkshire Co., ... ,. , Mass., Jan. 23. 1882. e could not keep house without vlluock's Plasters, for 20 years we have used them and found them moat effective for Burns, Cut bruises and all kind of Lameness. JULIA E.SHAW. Zl.eU.ef for ITcirnlgin. Hastings Mkn., ) Jan. 3. 188. ( I am troubled ith neuralgia in the back of . inu. nccR ami spine, but I find bv apply ing one of vour Porous Plasters to the back or my neck and one across the amallof my aek I have almost instant relief. I take pleMiire in reecommendtng them to the ifflicted for they have helped mwo much J. P. BEEBEE. Pastor M. E. Church Hastings. T.vu C .ri us Needles. The K'ng of Prussia recently visi ted a needle manufactory in his king dom in ord r to sec what machinery, com bin id with the human hand, could pro luce. He was show n a num ber f superfine needles, thousands f which, toetker, did not weigh half an otui , and marvel led how such minute o je.-ls tould be pierced with an eye. Put he was to see that in this respect eva.i something still finer and more perf ct con hi be created. The Urertbit is, the workmen whose business it is to here the eve in f Knaa i.AAlljt. . I I t i mvoc i.ccuits usseo ror a hair from the monarch's head. It was readily given and with a smile. He placet! it at on-c under the boring machine, made a hole in it with the greatest care, furnMied it with a thread, and then handed the singu lar needle to the astonished king. The second c rious needle is in the jiossession of Queen Victoria. It was made at the celebrated needle manu factory at Redd itch, and represent the column of Trajan in miniature, This well-known Roman olumn is adorned with numerous cencs in sculpture, which immortalise Trajan's heroic actions in war. On this dimin utive needle, scenes in the life ot Queen Victoria are represented in relief, but so finely cut and so small that it requires a magnifying glass to see them. The Victoria" needle can, moreover, be opened, it contain a number of need lea of smaller size, which are equally ador led with scenes i.u reljef, Sharper Than a Razor. The Wall Street News says that a long waisted man with the nose of a fox and an eye full of speculation, walk ed up to a second hand clothier in Buffalo the other day and said : oee mat overcoat hanging out dow n there P 'Of course.' 'Well, Ive taken a fancy to it. It's rather cheeky to ask you to go down there, but Pit 'make it an object; I wsn't give but eight dollars for lhaf, but I'il give you one dollar to buy it for me. You are also a Jew, and know how to heat him down. Here is nine dollars. The dealer took the money and started olf, and in five minutes was back with the coat. 'Good !' chuck fed the other. 'I reckoned you'd lay him out! How much did vou make for your share?' 4 V hell, as. i dot is my branch sthore, anil I only ask six dollars fur de coat, 1 was about tree dollar- ahead !' J M GPv AV, 1884 T B BEALL 1884 The Boss Warehouse For tte Sale of LEAF TOBACCO, SAUSBURY, N. C. The Brick Cor. Fisher & Church Sts. GRAY & BEALL, Proprc. THOMAS S. GRAHAM, (OF WINSTON), AUCTIONEEH, a gifted and successful professional tobacco salesman, carefully trained to the business at Bkown's Warehouse, Winston, by Major -uosk.lt, tlte prince of tobacco auctioneers. Mr Graham has the reputation of beinsrone of the very best auctioneers in North Caro. lina. For these reasons he has been enya ed as chief auctioneer for THE BOSS WAREHOUSE. CaptT B BEALL, char-c of floor & books. J M URAY, Business Manager. DAVIS & WILEY, Treasurer & Cashier. This popular Banking House will nromntlv cash all checks given to Farmers for tobac co at Tuk Boas 'Warehouse. Farmers! Tobacco Manufacturers and Leaf Dealers are at Salisbury waiting for tnl wanting to buy your tobacco. Daily Sales Big Breaks Best Prices and Boss Auctioneer at THE BOSS WAREHOUSE. GRAY & BEALL, Proprs. Dec. 20, 1883. tf The Old Mullein Plant. While na ture has been sparing in giving us an abun dance of her v a 1 uab le minerals, she has by an All-wise provision been gener ous in the grolific dis ibntion of such vegeta tion she has given for medicine, and science in its eager search for the rare ones, has overlooked this fact. How many of us seeing the common Mullein plant in the old fields and waste places; the beautiful Sweet Gum tree bordering our swamps, have thought that in each there was a princi- Iile of the very highest medicinal virtue, t is true that the Cherokee Indians knew of this vears ago, but not until re cently has it hegan to attract the atten tion of the Medical world, and now the long forsaken Mullein plant ranks among tho first, and all the medical journals are heralding its grand effects. In TAYLOR'S CHEROKEE REMEDY OF SWEET GUM AND MULLEIN, the mullein tea is combined with the Sweet Gum, and by its use Consumptives are relieved aid mothers made happy in curing tbeir little ones of Croup and Whooping Cough, and nil suffering from Long and Bronchial diseases arc troubled no more. For sale by all Druggists. Price 25 cts., and $1.00 per Bottle. Manufactured by Walter A. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga., Pro prietor Taylor's Premium Cologne. ' Gash naid for Sweet Gum. Dec. 13: 9:6ni. A Great f ator-Piw er FOR SALE ! ML VERNON JiTery State! M. L. ARE Y Present his coninlimonte . . ' and respectfully solicit a tril ,,r i! tablisment. Tt i cnm.,lt,. :.. ,. a - Ml ; .1 uuuements of first clnas 1 a vuoiajv as, Horses, Buggies, Carriages Phgrtons, Wagons, &e. tUE IS CONFIDENT OF GTVtKG SATISFACTION. Special provision and favorable r.t. , Isosmini and k(iin(r i, , I(,r ... l)riiira will ttn.l .1 ..... uill. Olil S Mil M .J at this nlace. " "Mi Ol Cooiniprr-il Tmr,,!,,.. 't Lee Street, Salisburv r 36:tf - ,- The most extraordinary unimproved Water Power on the Yadkin River is lot sale at low figures. It is situate at the head of the Narrows in Stanly county, 8 miles from Albemarle, the county seat 1:! miles from Gold Hill, and about 28 miles from Salisbury. It is one mile from the public highway leading to Salisbury, from which road it is easily accessible down to the water's edge. The peculiar feature of this property is that it is a natural stone dam which makes about a six foot bend ol available water. The dam runs at an angle of about 20 or 25 deg. up the liver nearly all the way across, gradually diujinisliin-; in height as ii approaches the opposite shore. A race of 400 feet in length will add from 12 to 14 additional feet of head, mak ing the grand power of 18 or 2!). rl here i any quantity of building stone and slate of excellent quality, on the premises, easih transported by Water. This excellent power may be used for GRIST AND FLOURING MILLS, COTTON & WOOLEN FACTORIES, REDUCTION MILL FOIt SULPHU- RETED ORES. It is conveniently near" the mines ot Montgomery, Stanly, pulsed' Cabarrus, Rowan and Davidsitn Counties to make it a custom mill, tor the reduction of ores, with the great advantage of being in the centre of the mining districts nana d above. The ores within easy reach could not be worked out in a century.- This water powcr-with 10 acres attached is offerred at g2,.)O0. with the option of 100 acres at $3,509. The hinds are valua ble for farming purposes; the situation healthy, the society good, and church and school advantages very good. Persons wishing, further information may address "Watchman," Salisbury, or Mr. J. R. Lit tleton, .lbemarle. N. C. Map of place furnished on application.! 33:tf. J FrestToroip Seed, Tori M Just received a Fresh lot of TlftXIP SEED 1 1 (' :l ! 1 t lie ! i tY, r.i) f L-;.,,1.. flip . ...... v nr,.u t.l! ;14 EXNISS' Dnio bToit ever at WIZARD OIL. The Great RHEUMATIC CUBE ot also for LAME BACK, at ENNIS8' Dnuo Saobe simioh's wm Mai AT REDUCED PRICES3T ENXISS'. FETJIT JA1IS AM) RUBBERS FOR JARS At EN3Uf$$p. SAVE YOUR FRUIT ! scarrs rru i KrpQp.rvp liunii - - v w a f M U L ' ? mioui ine use ot oca let I Cans. Tin CHEAPEST and ONLY SUliL KI5B KNOWN. Pekfectly Barulcss. Call and try it. l:tf. At ENNISS1 Drug SveM. North Carolina Railroad. CONDENSED SCHEDULE, TUAIN.N tiOlXti.KAST. Dale, Apr. 3o, J;82 I .No. hi. i llailv. Valiiable 1 FOR SALE. Bsa Estate Leave Charlotte.... " Salisbury 44 High Point .. A rr. (ireensboro Lea veC reensboro . Arr. Hillsl.oro 44 Durham " Raleigh Lr. " Arr. Gohlsboro 4.10 a.m. 0.05 44 7.20 " 8.10 y.ou ' 11.47 44 1 20 44 1.40 p.m. 4.0) " O.oO " Daily. 4.oA p.jp.J o.2li " 7, -SO Ou U 10 " 11 28 J- OS M I -O A U 1 oO A M LUMBER! LUMBER ! ! - I have on hands, securely nacked near the line of the Western N. C. Railroad, be tween Morganton and Icard Station, about 180,000 Feet of Good Air dried flank. I am also prepared to furnish all kinds of Framing Lumber on short notice. Can furnish the plank dressed and toninie.d and grooved at reasonable prices. Address, B. A BEKRY, Morganlon, N. C. Dec. 11,, 1883. 4w To Mine Owners aid Mining; Co's. un.lerslsned are Di-enarrd tn of oid, silver. Lead, Copper, and Sulplmr, in un- uumcu quanuurs, 10 oe aeuverea at nearest rail way station, aceordlng to market prices. Cash iuynipnls. Contraets entered Into for one to nfuf n yeara, Kicuakds Powkk & company. London and Swansea, England All letters should be addressed to i Parr (Mfeet, Tbomasvllle. Davidson C:o..N.P.. for the United StAteH. SU'ivni i mllE subscriber having .determined to A change his business will sell on easv terms some of the most valuable, nronertv in and adjoining the town of Salisbury, viz: The House and Improvements where I now reside house of brick with 10 rooms 18 feet square, well finished : two brick out-houses with two rooms each, used Cook room and smoke house and dwelling; also, fine brick dairy; good barns and other buildings; good garden and an orchard of nice fruits containing from 8 to 10 acres of land all in good condition, Also, two houses and lots tn Salisburv land about thirty good building lots of one acre each, or any size to suit the purchaser. These lots arc- as well located as any in the town. I will also sell two or three suiall farms of from 25 to 100 acres within 1$ miles ot the Courthouse. Also, one farm of 182 acres, about 3$ miles from Salisbury, on the W N C R R, which has in cultivation about 50 acres of as good bottom land as can be found in the county. Also.seyeral valuable OOLD HIKING PROPERTIES. For information in regard to the property or myself. I relet tt) Messrs. Luke Blackmer, M. L. Holmes, S. II. Wiley and J S Mc Cub bins, senior. S. R. HARBISON. No. 15 Duily except Saturday, .Leave Creei:sboio b 30 p.' tnT Arrive at Raleigh 2.45 p. in. Arrive at Uoldsboro 8.0Q " No. 51 Connects at Salisbury W. '. I'. K.. for Asheville and Warm Snrin Greensboro with R.& L). K. K. for all pint North. Eist and West. via. Danville. A Gohlsboro with W. & W.ii. R. for-W iimins ton. No. 5-5 Connects at Salisburv w ith W. N it. R, "for all pointoin Western .N.t arolin daily at Greens toro with K. 4v D. K. tl.W points North, East and West. TRAINS GOING WEST. Date, Feb. 19, 1882. N. 50. Drrilv. No. Sj. liaill. &0LD mm PROPERTY! Any person wishing to buv or Ixmd Gold Mining property, will consult their interest by calling on the undersigned, 9 miles South of Salisbury, and 4 miles east of China Grove depot. Title guaranteed be- )ouu auouut. MILO A. J. LtoJanl The Valley Mutual Life Association of Yirgi nia stands endorsed by aqch men aa Judge A. C. Avery, Rev. C. T. Bailey, R. T. Gray, and other prouiinet meu of this Stute. Judge Avery says of it : "1 have held a policy in 'The Valley Mutual Life Association' since the fall ol 1880, and consider myself fortunate in having relied upon its solvency. The cost will never amount to more than forty per cent, oi tne premiums charge tv re" November 1, 1883. Illl MUU Li , No party in politics, nor any sect in religion. The Greatest and the Besty The large Double Weekly, Religion and ectilar. MVUJ VHD17 nllCli Establhtd 18.) No naper In the country has a more exprrineel and able cor pa of -,l tor. Dr. S. lreiueus Prime stands at the heacf ot the editorial traternlty and tils letters and editorials still enrich the obskkvkk Others among its editors have had the training of a Quar ter ot a csntury tor their work. H The Correpowtence ot the Obskkver Is from all lands ; and the news carefully prepared from letters and telegrams, furnishes a complete view of the condition of the world each week. The Departments ot Agriculturt Butine, Sun-Viy-chool, Teaching and lleligiuus W.rk are conduct ed by experts, who write clearly and to the point The Obskkver does not ail Its columns with lone essays and old sermons but alma to be A Live Newspaper, giving every week a Religious Sheet full of Instruc tion, encouragement aod truUie; and a Secular 8heet, containing all the news, vigorous comments upon current events, aud a great variety of choice reading. The price Is tt 15 a year. For bona fide new . uft--rtW we give one Dollar com ml-sion. or a cony of the -Irenaeus Letters," an elegantly bound volume of 4Q0 pases, con talnlncr a nortmo nt n... per I Sample copies of the Observer will be sent to anv nlar address free. A.ldrew. ' Leavetiiddshoro . Arrive Raleigh Leave " Arrive Dnrhair ... " Hillsboi .... ' Greensl ro. Leave Arrive TT i t l Piont ' Salisburv.... 10.00 a. m. ..12.15 pm .. 4.15 " .. 5.32 " .. G.ll " . S 30 " 9.15 9.50 . 11.12 10.11 ( HO " 12.15 " t'harjotte 1.10 a. ni. .10 Nj 16, Dailrex.Smxlav-Lv Gohisb'o4.4 Ar. Kaleixh l.v - - - Ar. lreenilK)rog No. 50 C'onnecls at Charlotte A. Air Line lor all points in theftoiilh ablSl west. No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with C & A. It. It. witljalljoinls South amSst N.W.N. C RAILROAD, Going West. "No 50 llaily. . Lv. Greciudtoio 9 25pm Ar. Kernersviile 1041 " " Salem 1 1 Hr " No. 51. Going West. Daily. ex.tMin. Leave Salem 6 20 a m Ar. Kernersville 0 40-" " Greensboro j 7 45 " ex.ftut lo,25' s 1 1 J-) J209.fl No. JJndjr liiOp S00 a mm a mm . a...M.. - . Mill nntf) blAIt UN Vbho T KAiLfiOH") No. 1. Going North Leave Chapel Hill Arrive Universitv Going South. Leave Univeraity .. Arrive Chapel Ilill Daily ex. P 7.30 a ui r 8 .: a t No. 2. DailyrV 5.4U t" 6A4 1 o tiani'! Pullman Sleeping Cars without C f- 'n.: r -.. v..i. ,t AiImIi sii i ram io-. oo, xkiiv auu nfon A I -i ri i- 1 I 1 - II H.-ll I Mi,lOII V V A 1 ('IV , On TrainJS'o. 52, Richmond antl Dm Wrihirtolun nn.l AllullBtn. da . VIH l'all1' frJif Plir.muli Tli t-Hi on snleat (ire1 u. . . . - - - Raleigh, Glddoro, a lisb.i ry and 1 "Pf m-nil .1 ..II ii.innlnil iuiinl Si Hi 1 II . OU' .i.ii n. . . ....... .i y....' W. ... V-... L i f. U.r KiiLiiTallt"' r -i'., ..o rL.i.u. Mini iheS'"1 I- . nnr A rurx .oid res iJ, . - i (Jen. I'asMiiLd companies on the sumo risks.77 t 8-3w v ' i w rarn K0y, 21:ly . - S WMM' -- 1 - iu . ""I

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