I lie Carolina Watchman. . j Con; R i l l' SALISBURY. H. C, MARCH 6, 1884. v. "-- - ; : , - v i B,''g'M,g,,M,1''"sssssss- ftsgssftswsslsftsMS VOL XV.- THI23 SERIES Tessman W ise's Kitchen . Jndirmation Excited Among C Umbers of the Virginia LegisL Colored ature. The colored people of Virginia arc considerably stirred over the remark made by Congressman J. S. Wise in j,is testimony before the Sherman in- Text of the Currency Bill. vestigating committee at Washington, that negroes did not "presume" toas iociate wltltjiim, and that when any 0f them had any business with him they "went to the kitchen" where he gaAV them, and incidentally compared them to the "riff raff" of New York. Jn the Virginia House of Delegates Thursday, five co Med coalition mem krs of that body rose to personal privilege in connection with the ref ferenceniade to colored members by Mr. Wise. Delegate Harris, of Din widdie, one of the most intelligent colored men of the State, said in this connection : "As a member of the General Assembly of the State of Vir ginia, I will say that when I go to see a gentleman on business I would like to see him at his office or place f business, where any other gentle man would be received and not be uked to go in the kitchen. If Mr. Wise meant what he said it had no reference to me, for I do not know where he lives. I could not find his house except by direction, and I am not one of tlrat number that saw him in his kitchen." Mr. Bland, of Burry speaking on the same subject, was very pointed, and seemed to wish the House to hear every word he uttered. Said he : "I have never sthight Mr. Wise in his kitchen. y i ' ill warned to see air. wise, i touici nave seen him upon this floor, where he was frequently." The speaker evi dently referred to the last session of the Legislature, when Mr. Wise was often in the hall of the House in con sultation with coalition members about matters of party policy. Messrs. Scott, Dobson and Griffin, three more colored members who rose to a privileged question, also dis claimed any acquaintanceship with the culinary domains of Mr. Wise's house. Each asserted that when they go to see Mr. Wise they will not go to his kitchen. The remarks o& the colored dele gates were. received by the Democrat ic members with evident siirns of The Following is the currency bill j as it passed the Senate Monday : Be it enacted, &c., That upon any deposit already or hereafter made of any United Stales bonds bearing in terest in the manner required by law, any national banking association ma king the same shall be entitled te re ceive from the comptroller of the cur rency circulating notes f different denominations in blank, registered and couutersigned as provided by law, not exceeding in the whole amount the par value of the bonds deposited ; provided, that, at no time shall the total amount of such notes issued to any such association exceed the amount at such time actually paid of its capital stock, and that all laws and parts of laws inconsistent with the provisions of this Act be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 2 extends the provisions of this Act to banks called "gold banks," national banks whose issues stipulate for pay ment in gold, and Section 3 repeals all legislation inconsistent therewith. MONEY Unto Death. XJST X"3F. 3F-03FL XiLUilLJaUd R' ; is t Think just a moment! It may be greatly to your profit To Buy Your KAINIT, ACID, PHOSPHATE AND GUANOS from one to whom you can sell your cotton, &c I have now ready and am selling every day for cash,. or on time to suit my customers, ROYSTER'S Ostracism Even A dispatch from Richmond, Va., says, "Lazurus Bui finch, a colord man, died here Friday morning. He vot ed with the Democrats in the last election, and afterwards was entirely ostracised by his race. They refused to speak to him or to let him visit their houses. Bui finch was a very quiet negro, not participating active ly in politics, but he simply express ed his dctertnii ation to vote with the Two years ago, if I hadl great body of the respectable white people who, he said, gave hu race em ployment and were indeed the best friends of the colored man. The ne groes had been worked up to a pitch of frenzy by the reports industriously circulated among them by the Ma hone agents to the effect that the tri umph of the Democracy meant the re enslavement of the colored race. While the more intelligent blacks disbelieved such reports the ignorant ones were stirred up and cast a solid vote for the Mahone ticket. Bulfinch stood out against his race, however, and voted the Democratic ticket very quietly. Since that time to the day of bis death he became a pariah in their midst. He had no companions. His nearest relations had nothing to pleasur. At times they were greeted j do with him. Two weeks ago he was with loud laughter from that side. I taken sick and a lew ot Ins colored The four colored members who made I friends attended him. The most of no explanations seemed to look their the negroes, however, would have approval of their course. nothing to do with him, and he died on Mr. Wise's flnfortunate remark Friday. His funeral was conducted has alio elicited a reply from Mr. W. by the Rev. Dr. Hatcher, a leading N. Stevens, the ablest colored mem- white minister of the Baptist church, ber of the Virginia Senate. After ex- and was attended almost entirely by pressing the earnest hope that Mr. j while people. Wise .has been incorrectly reported, I Mr. Stevens says : "While it is true j Washington Critic: The resolution that during an intimate Acquaintance introduced in the House in the early part PHI, which is the best acid sold in the State beyond doubt. Also, the ' ASHEPOO ACID PHOSPHATE, which stands so high in Georgia and South Carolina that they pay $1 per ton more for it than for other brands. But I will sell at a small profit to meet prices of other brands. Also, I have the best GERMAN KAINIT ON SALE IN THE COUNTRY. These Goods for Composting, &c, are the very best that can be got anywhere. There is none better. Call at once, get prices and put in vour orders. J. D. GASKILL. The authorities of Georgia have for ten years steadily refused to furnish re turn to the United States Adjutant Gen eral at Washington concerning her mili tia organizations. Got. Colquitt rsfussd to allow as y report to be made, aud Gov. Stephens said the United States had nothing to do with it and they got no comfort from the administration. The smartness of some girls is only equalel by the stupidity of some men. : foot, aud the other boys do so When Yeast's girl made the remark rifice myself." a number of times at a public receo- tion, the other evening, that she felt like going through a hole in the floor, Yeast little dreamed that the restau rant was just beneath them. States man. "My son," said an old negro, "now dat you's on ton de penitentiary try ter keep out, an' arter dis doan steal, leastwise doan do lack yer did befo', steal a pair o' boots wat was too big for yersef and too little for yer ole daddy. Ef yer kant pick up sumthin' dat'll do yer some good be honest. "Ah !" exclaimed Fogg, as he en tered the store of the man who never advertises, "do you knw I always like to come in here?" "Do you?" asked the delighted shopkeeper. Yes,' TOBACCO! If eve; jou had a showing for fine prices, it is in the crop of Tobacco to be planted this year. with the colored members of the Virginia General Assembly during the past fifteen years, I have seen no particular demand made for social recognition, it is equally true that I have not seen one among the whole number of colored men that have occupied seats in that body wbo of the session by Congressman Wharton J. Green, of North Carolina, to raise a special committee to investigate the adulteration of food and liquors is cer tainly a most important question. Col onel Green gives this subject much in telligent study and research. There is no man iu Congress better prepared to Would so far fomet the r snect due tuk. rliniM of such an investigation than , o - , . . ft j - - to himself as a gentleman, as to seek ; the gentleman from North Carolina who a consultation with anyone under offered tin-important resolution. It is the humiliating conditions implied iti reported that Speaker Carliss Jul vised the statement alluded to. This is against it, aud therefore the people have written wiUi the hope that if there is beeu deprived of having au opportunity a mistake, Capt. Wise will correct it of knowing what they eat and drink. The and set himself right or name the adulteration of food aud alcohol and malt men who have visited his kitchen to liquors has become so nlariniupthat it is consult with him ; but if he is truly now titt Congress should do something reported, then it is right that the col- to check it. ored people of Virginia should be I - apprised of the gratuitous insult thus! Another Great Flood. offered to their representative men Here at the capital, by the man, who N Shrevepout, La., Feb. 26. -The river by their votesvhas been honored : higher than it has been since 1849, and with a seat in the National LegisJa- j 8ti11 "' Steamers are bringing in ture. I people from the submerged plantations. Mr. P. K. Jones, another colered j The whole country for 100 miles above Virginia noliticial. writes : "I was a 1 and below here is reported to be under niernber-of the Legislature from 1868 water. Great danage is being done. to 1876, and during that time I never ; river is filled with 60 much as earned where Mr. VV lse S UeaU cattle. residence was. to sav nothing of his We keep a store, and strive to have in that store everything a farmer would like to buy, both for himself and his family. We want our customer to be a cheerful man, and if he has money in his purse he will be cheerful; but he can't be if, when he comes to sell his crop, it brins him little or nothing. Everybody knows that on the fertilizer he uses, allowing,thc season to be at all favorable, depends the reanlt of his crop, and this being the case, he lias no right to risk that crop on anything that has not been tried and proved. The following will show what has been "tried and proved," in the fertilizer way, on fine tobacco, and Major Ragland, of Halifax county, Ya., the great tobacco authoritj-, and grower of pedigree tobacco seed, is the man who tells about it. If anybody knotet what tobacco is he certainly does: "There arc several brands of fertilizer manufactured specially for tobacco, differing in composition, price, and merit; and after repeated experiments with most, if not all the best, the author gives it as his decided opinion, that for fine, bright, tilky tobaeec OTHIKG EQUALS the A Good Old Bible Name. "My wife h?z jes' present roe wid de fines' boy in dis 'country," said Black Bill, entering a Little Rock magistrate's office, taking off his hat and slinging perspiration from his brew with a crooked forefinger. 'Yes, gen'lemen,' he went on, 'de fines' chile I eber seed. An' I'se jes' got a $20 gold piece right heah ter gib ter de man what can guess what I hez named him. Ter keep yer from spredin' ober de whole universe ob names I'll state dat bit's a Bible name.' 'Abraham ?' guessed some one. 'Nor sah.' 'Paul r 'Nor sah.' 'Job?' 'Guess again.' 'Nicodemus ?' 'Keep er cominV 'Abimelech ?' 'Try me again.' The guessing ceased after a time and finally Billy remarked : 'I'se named dat boy Judas Escarut.' 'What!' said the magistrate; 'Ju das betrayed. our Saviour!' 'Can't help hit. Dat's de boy's name. Judas hez been slighted. No body hez eber had de immoral cour age ter name a chile fur dat man. said Fogg, 'it's such a releif to get But dat am t de main reason why I out the crowd, you know. Hartford names him Judas. 1 se got de Bible rost. ter stain me in gibin de chile dat name.' 'How does the Bible sustain you in desiring to perpetuate that name?' asked the magistrate. 'Hit's dis fack. Chris' in remark in' ob Judas said dat hit would hub bin better fur dat man ef he hadn't bin born. 'Well.' 'An' cousiderin' how many raoufs is open at de doo' when I goes home wid a side ob meat, it would hab bin better fur dat boy ob mine ef he had neber seed de daylight. I knows what I'se a talk in' about. I take de Scriptur' frtim de references. Iu de futur' ef I fiinds dat de boy haz made a iniprovcnt on hisself, den I'll change his name ter Jim. Mrs. Emily Price, writing from Mexico to the Advance, tells this curious piece of news : "ftome seventeen miles before reaching our journey's end, we passed the Pueblo of Ces, noted as being a Pro? testant town, in the bean of Mexico. It is likewise tho only Protestant town in the Republic. Named for one of the dis-- tincuised Mexican Generals who took part iu the early Texan struggles, it con tains a lares Presbvtsrian church. The city government is eutirely Protestant. With a population of over seven thou sand inhabitants, it presents a stiking contrast to other Mexican towns, in the comfort and prosperity of its people." A burr in the bush is worth two in the hair. Judge. Wisely improve the present, is good advice, said the newly-married man, 88 soldad u plicate wedding gift. "Yes " said the boy, "I mgWt just as well be at the head of my class as nui. JUl i oon't minrt ,o ,w, . fc I sac- lyself. An irresistible desire came over a Dakota man to kick his daughter's beau, nud forgetting that he had but one leg, he attempted it. He sat down so hard that his head had to be pull ed out of his neck by the hair. ta marck Tribune. :. THE VERY BEST. I The "F. F. VV from the patent roller nulls, of Virginia, at $3.50. equal to the best in the market. A trial is all that is necessary to convince you. I also keep Wilson s Extra Family Floor and all other grades of flour. J. D. McNEHLY 20:lni $66: a week st home. $-5 outflt free. Pay ab solutely sure. No risk. Capttsl not re lulred. Reader, It you want business at Which Demons Of either bat vnnnr or old, can make ureat pay all the time they wort, with absolute certainty, write tor particulars to H. Ualuett A CO., Portland, Maine WSmJ SBkjO "WSwvlkB'l P ANCHOR WBR AND' The floating debris aud kitchen." A party of American travelers were on the railroad platform at Heidel berg. One of the travelers happened to crowd a Heidelberg student, when be drew himself up, scowled pompous Jy, and said : "Sir, you are crowding; keep back, sir !" "Don't you like it, sonify?" asked the American. ''Sir!" cowled the student, "allow me to tell you, sir, that I am at your service at auy time and place." "Oh, you are St lUV Kfrvi-a nrn mi unlal the Cairo, Feb. 25. Great uneasiness is 1 felt here at the report that the powerful Beshareeu Arabs have revolted. They occupy the territory between Khartoum nud Wndyhnlfa and eastward as far as Berber. If this is true, Gordon, with the Khartoum aud oilier garrisons, is cut off. Mahdi's emissaries are busy throughout Egypt. They go from village to village bearing the simple message : "I am com ing be ready." This passes on from mouth to mouth, aud the situation is be coming serious. vou 'American, "rhen jus', carry this atchel to the hotel for me !" Puck. The Fate of Tokab. Suakim, Feb.. p Another refugee from Tokar has ar rived. He left Tokar on Thursday. He Bav6 that the majority of the garrison wjled to surrender but 200 insisted on continued resistance. It is uncertain therefore whether the surrender has ac tually been made. Bufk is strougly bf lieved that the majority prevailed and that Tokar is now in the bauds of the Kebels, Levek Breaks. Vicksburg, Feb. 25. The crevasse below the delta is now 1,500 feet wide and 5 feet deep. No news has been received here regnrdingthe caving in at Greenville since that given two weeks ago by the government engin eers and telegraphed at the time. Glass mentioned in the Bible has beeu supposed to be a proof of modem author ship, but glass has been found in a tomb which dates from 2240 B. C. In a tomb at Pompeii, a little later iiudnte, there is a representation of glass-blowing. Tobacco Fertilizer, prepared by the Sputhern Fertilizing Company, Richmond, Na. And this opinion is based upon seventeen years' trial, and often in competition with the best of other brands on the market. It is a tried and proved fertilizer, which the plant er can use without the risk of getting something unsuited to his crop; and therefore I can recommcd it with confide. -ice." Messrs. Mathews & Williamson, of Reidsville, N. C, wrote the following to the Company, and state that they have seen nothing since to change their judgment. "From our own personal experience, and it covers a long time, in watching the re sults from the use of various brands of commercial fertilizers handled in this section, it is our mature judgment that the 'ilZTCHOR BRAZtD' stands at the head of all for the production of fine, silky, yellow tobacco. The plant seems to receive more fitting nourishment from the use of this article than from any other, and we are of opinion that if our farmers made it their stand-by, we would hear less of light chaffy tobacco, having some color but no body, and that the farmer would realize the result he oeght to enjoy from his labor; for low-grade tobacco mil no bring Wig money." Now we want you to have "big money" for your crop; because wc not only desire you to make good hills with us, but pay for them when they are made; hence we han dle the 'Anchor Brand,' and will supply you, in quantities to suit, direct from the factory. We don't want people to abuse us about their fertilizer ; we, therefore, sell only what time hss shown to be the best. So, make no arrangements in this line, until you see or confer with us. You certainly can't afford to take any risk this year. J. D. GASKILL. Before measures could be taken to re lieve the sufferers by the late cvclone at Rockingham, Jno. M. Robinson, Presi dent t . C. K. K. t o., from his home in Baltimore, telegraphed General Manager Jno. C. Winder to forward to the Mayor of Rockingham $100. It will be remem bered that when the poor of Raleigh were in irreat need of fuel last winter, this same gentleman ordered his General Manager to load his trains with wood and go to the rescue. It give us 'pleasure to chronicle such evidence of christian chari ty on the part of capitalists owuing pro perty iu the State. TTt7. Star. This Space Reserved FOR SHEPPARD, SWINK & MONROE, PROPRIETORS KLDTTZ'S WAREHOUSE For the Sale of LEAF TOBACCO, Salisbury, N. C. PPURG1TIVE (III A rlLLO And will completely cUance tlio blod In tlia entire eyptem in three months. Any person who wiU tako 1 Fi'i each nii;i.i. from 1 to 13 weeks, may be restored to sound health, If such a thingr ho possio. ;. or i ttacio worr.paiaia tuese run nave no cqsau Physicians cae thorn for tuo rn of JL.IV Cli end liI!N'EY discatoa. Sold everywhere, or sent by mall for ZZo. ii sUun;. t:rc.-..rs froc. I. S. JollXSOS fc CO . Hostoa. llasa. S3 w a fa w 3Ti T5 r f Xi is Hi ' j . i y JOHNSON'S ANORYKS WK , Harking tiniirn, h'i t-U'.'ti, tt t..:i. Diseases uf lbs Spina. S M rv.TvwW' ,rn Crotip, Asthma, Cronchltit, NcutoI- r-, : . . i rA.'i r,la. IVheutnatlsm. JuUNoS- ASO K .1. iY NE 1.1M.V1.N C ( for liilerual ami tMnwl J v t . t'i: wiU i,.-:.i.itiiiienU relieve ll.es Irrrllite ;"; f ' r' r-. -cr. u..J posltivclv. ciro nii.o cases iv ' ' I ; "i (.i f ct i .i. Jul' rtcatton ths' svc many r ' , !. t '-.'. if" ! y m.ul. iMwi't dulaj a, Bii ; 't ' I'.- 'vcii.itiii is bctur lUan cure. '.' 7 T'.ns :nr..t.-'',?:a. Rlwllns St Oic I.nre MBM ,r insniirv. hub-ra Morbus. KWncv 'i rottUkS, ad t, .... j JO.I.N & CO., ItoslfaU, ilass. Lieutenant Diek, of the Russian army, has discovered a new luminous powder which has three colors green, yellow and violet, the last-named giv ing the most powerful light. , Mixed with water in a glass vessel, an illu minating liquid is produced which may prove very useful in mining and military operations. The illumination lasts for eight hours, when fresh pow der must be added. mi : 1 mmm, XT. 'ii VP r. b 8 H WMS It Is s rvcil-ltnoim fuel li .i' nvrtt .f iltcs Bono awl Cattle I'ow.ii-r nU In this ri,i try is worthless ; iliat Sherrtlan's OmAuioa Powder is sbsoiute'vnure and vcryvaluao'.e. Nothine on Earth will makn hnns lay like Sherldan'sOonditlon row- Dec. 80, 1883. Khly M I will have this Season in larger quantity than ever before, the old relia ble SEA FOWL GUANO FOR COTTON. It is a pleasure to sell this brand because it please?. And one fact worthy of notice is, that it has increased in sales the last two years, which no other brand has done in this market. Also, I will have HYMANS & DANOY'S PREMIUM GUA1NO, which is one of the favorites of Cabarrus farmers. No other brand stands any higher with them, and we all know that they are good and successful farmers, and especially Yaise finearge crops of Cotton. ISP'And to accommodate my friends nnd customers, I will keep on hand a fullstock of 3"Flour, Corn, Meal, Oats, cotton seed Meal. Bran, Ship Stuff, Bscon, Molasses, Bait. &c., &c, that I will sell for cash or bai ter very low. Also, will sell on time. gf-Have a smali lot of prime CLOVER SEED. J D GASKILL. I shall soon have coaipleteJ the most eonvealcnt G jato WarcUouse In town near Holmes' Tan Yard. We note how fast all the waste places about town ate being reclaimed. Go where you will, east, west, south or north, for several miles aud you see plainly the marks of improvement. Houses are be ing built, woodlands cleared, new fences put up. Every thing that indicates life and progress. FayettevilU Ob. Every man is born with a mentor. That's his conscience. When he gets older he often gets a tormentor. That's his wife. Sleigh-ftidiugr. Iuqaisitive Miss : "Well ! Mr. Blank, what was the result of your sleigh-ride with Miss "Take ThatT" Mr. Blank : "Poetry I" Inquisitive Miss; "Poetry! didn't think voe could write poetry. Let me hear it r Mr. Blank : "No, you shall read it in the Watchman. "So there now, Take That! you giddy creature!'" THE RESULT OK SLKIU1I-KIDK. Mj dear little Mias, Yon owed me a kiss, For that Shnxh-iide I gave you ! Oh ! who kuof s f Imagine the bliss, To make doable that kiss ! For another, a Sleigh-ride I'll give yon, When it saows ! Salisbury, Jan. 10th, 't?4. ER0NEY & BRO. Have Largest and most Complete Stock of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS Msl To Too found Ixx tlx Town of SMltoxiry. k Splendid line of black and colored CASHMEKS, from 12i to 85 cent, pt r jard. We have the chbapest and largest lot of SILK VELVETS, VELVETEENS, -ad TRIMMING SILKS, to be found in the i lty. We offer as a SPECIAL BARGAIN All-Wool-Filling Worsted - in the latest shades at 10 cents per yard. This Goo.ls .s worth one tnirora.re, ana cannot be had at this extremely low price out bide of our Ilouse.jg Cloaks, Circulars, Daians anil Jackets, Are Pretty and Cheap, from $2 to $18. nice line of JERSEY JALKrs, auAnw, , CAEPETS, BUGS, D00E MATS. ALL SELLING CHEAP. BOOTS and SHOES at low prices. A nirc line of Ladies' Collars, from 5 cents to 80 eta. Handkerchief from 3 cts. to $2. Wc arc als Agents for the American. Daris, & Royal St. Ma, Seiicn Wm Allot winch wcuaranwerornve year-. We can and will cll cheap. Cull and be convinced. J37"Alsa, a

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