The Carol Watchman. ma 70L XV. THIRD SERIES SALISBTJEY. N. C, MARCH 20, 1884. NO 23 1 .. . . , for the Watchman. Johnny lleh. Oh you ne'er-forgotten, figure, garbed in ' ' gray, Johnny Reb, v c on vour cap and buttons, C. S. . on vour oeit-oucKie i doctrine, and the old Colonel was "such an elegant gentleman, yoriknow I and so gritty," that there was no hone 1 of bringing the young murderer to trial. Colonel Cash had declared his intention to kill Richards himself for Ob. you conscript sad and guerrilla gay, insulting his son. And when young jonnny iveu, I Uash returned from Cheraw and told Who. tx- iiiicnufi "1UCB i BKe whipped, to stern fiite had to knuckle ! X7SF X"X- F'On A Texas Tragedy. his father m hat he had done, the old man kissed him and embraced him "for the first time since infancy." The tardiness of thecountv author- Oli a ojl rough, unpolihhed Dixie di'mond, gmnd rfoiiniry Jteu, J ities provoked Gov. Thompson to Tint homespun suit and nnn-Jb-uriit I 1 whjuh v clie.k jour mail-coat, Knight of action. He sent a posse of men Feeling! ; to Cash's Depot arrested Col. Cash freely flashed your maiden sword, heart as an accessory after tire deed to the and hand, Johnny Keb crime of his son. The posse have And the bat tie- wreck and bloody sous ' i ,L n n r yonr simple faith are sealing ! I scoured the Pee Dee swamps for j young Cash, for whose capture a re Oh, you swaiup-fex Marion's son and ward has been offered. He has not Crockett's heir, Johnny ReU, yet been captured. The old man is F"T:!;,d 'SrirTA- " W" at . - : iu:i cmr n pfrnrl tup Ha ro ooc caim juu-i - tt i i Better metal never glistened in the glare, 1 lie has threatened to offer a reward Johnny Reb, j for the Governor's head, has threaten- Of tb. battle-area that lit the world ed to burn Cheraw-, and demeaned Com Siddm. to Alamo ! ( himself in general as if he were the ai. vnn tri i nnn ami f- Monewa - vi uvsmc aiiuy, tutuci tuau -UUi " " ' Fori est colt, Johnny Reb. From the reveille liull Run to the tat too Appomattox On your mettle daring all about to bolt, Johnny Reb, 'Through the Gettysburg fire-fence to I'cnusylfania paddocks ! Gotham's Hall-Gate echoed back your lusty yell, Johnny Reb, Sounding ever the Bine Mountains and the Juniata valley ; Aud your Fredi icksburg hurricane- of shell, Johnny Reb, Swept the Irish and the Yanks to Where ao oflicei coitjd rally! Marching through the Western wild and Southern swamp, Johnny Reb, 'Moiigst the old Virginia pines and down, the old Kentucky shore; On the Waft's of famed Potomac pitching camp. .Johnny Reb ; Pining in the prison pens aud 'mid the cannon's roar. as a citizen of the State. A Terrible Tornado. falling They say your cause is lost and that you're dead, Johnny Reb ; That is false till a white man turnsto a nigger; That is false till a monkey's becomes a horse's head ; -That is fajse till the elephants than maggots are no bigger. reason's rolling Peace's bugle notes and drum, JohmiY Rwb, In the nation's sense of justice thy vic torious march are sounding; Whsn a healthy mind is preaching War is dumb, Johnny Reb, And the suu of Truth will shim; amidst ohl Falsehood's cloud-surrounding. "Peace her vict'iiea always hath, as well as War' Johnny tob ; Constitutional amendments never yet 1 convictions "killed, sir ; Miud invincible will reign behind her bar, Johnny Rob, The storms of the past winter cnlmiua- i tad oh Tuesday, February 17, in a cyclone that laughs to scorn all former efforts of the storm king. Forming in the Gulf of j Mexico, and striking the Chattahoochee Talley, it passed up through Fort Gaines until it reached Columbus, Ga. Here it split, striking east and northwest. The latter part of the storm, which was the most destructive, passed on to Cahaba valley, struck the lied Mountain in Ala bama, and turning east again came back to Heard county, Ga. From here its course was north, sweeping out of exist ence as it went on, the small town of Ox- moor, and the new manufacturing village of Leeds, anil leaving its usual record of devastation at Birmingham. On it swept stretching ouL-lfs wings, and taking into its embrace Cave Spring, Rome and Car tersville. Once more it turned east and sweeping into Cherokee county, about seven mites to the light of Jasper, Pick ens comity, it passed up the summit of Grassy Kuob, 3,290 feet above the level of the sea, oyer the mountains and out of sight, leaving in its wake twenty dead bodies within the short space of fifteen miles. On it went through Jackson coun ty, into Oconee, S. C, on through North Carolina to the sea. The eastern portion of the storm after leaving Columbus, swept through Talbot, Crawford and Baldwin counties, again divided and passed on either side of the Macon and Augusta road, one branch going through Haddocks, Teunillc aud Davisboro, then And battle-dramas act which hist'ry's scattering iu wild confusion, the other play-house never billed, sir! You're nobody's equal yet black as jet, Johnny Reb ; You're a white man still a gentleman in spite. of Civil Rights, sir ; No Judge that eve; sat could make a fool counterfeit On Nature's Bank ; whose notes are not greenback! d, but black and white, 6ir ! Yet they say your cause is lost and that you're dead, Johnny Reb ; - That is false till Truth dies and Right is not eternal : That is false till sovereign Instinct for gets to be obeyed ; That is false till Nature's Nemesis for gets to keep adjournal. 'Tis the cause of common sense onward wend, Johnny Reb,. Aud your "soul keep marching on" through the Yanhee's growing nod dles ; And you'll beat John Brown as far, in the end, Johnny Reb, passing north along the line of the Au gusta aud Knoxtille road into South Car olina, through Ninety-six and ho dispers ing. The Hon. R. C. Ilumber, candidate for State Treasurer of Georgia, was found under the timbers of his house at Davis boro, with both limbs badly broken, but still alive. On Grassy Knob, Mrs. Levi Cagle and two children were killed; John Nickolsou and numbers of ladies and children perished : in Pickens and Chero kee, W. H. Collier, Mr. James Taylor and a number of other farmers were hurt seriously. In the section of country around Atlanta, from three to four hun dred are reported dead. On the the same evening that this storm raged, a most tempestuous wind swept up the the Ohio valley, bitterly cold, and laden with snow. It struck Clarksville, Tenu., at 12 M., Oweusboro, Ky., at 4:30, Woodford county between 4 and 5, and Louisville Asthe old field rabbit's gallop beats at about 7:'lO. Hundreds of houses in the Hooded distnet danced like empty goods boxes on the waves, and mauy of them were freighted with human beings At this point we have a most efficient life-saving station, and, by almost super human efforts the people were saved from the swaying and floating houses. Such a storm has never been known in the section through which this one swept. . - the weasel's fancy waddles. E. P The Cashes. II. GovenThompson shows Them that Law y Supreme in Soutfi Carolina. I Think just a moment! It may be greatly to your profit To Buy Your KAINIT, ACID, PHOSPHATE AND GUANOS from one to whom you can sell your cotton, &c. I have now ready aud am selling every day for cash, or on time to suit my customers, ROYSTER'S HUH GRADE 1(1 PHI, which is the best acid sold in the State beyond doubt. Also, the ASHEPOO ACID PHOSPHATE which stands so high in Georgia and South Carolina that they pay $1 per ton more for it than for other brands. But I will sell at a small profit to meet prices of other brands. Also, I have the best GERMAN KAINIT ON SALE IN THE COUNTRY. These Goods for Composting, &c, are the very best that can be got anywhere. There is none better. Call at once, get prices and put in your orders. J. D. GASKILL. A Scene in a Texas Theatre Not Down on the Bills. San Antonia. Tex., March 12. Ben Thompson and King Fisher shot each other dead in the Vandeville theatre last night. Joe. Foster, trho attempted to interfere with the com batants, was shot in the leg and will ' probably die of hemorrhage. Thorap- j son and Fisher had been drinking to- gether and entered the theatre in com- j pany. They met Footer io the dress circle and seme words were exchang- j ed. The dress circle was quickly i cleared ; the occupants jumping into the parquette below, and through the side windows into the street. No one seems to know who fired the first shot or hew many were wounded in the shooting. Before the theatre was fairly cleared of its occupants, 1,500 persons on the outside were clamoring at the closed doors for admittance. Shortly after the shotting Thompson's broth er put in as appearance, but was promptly arrested. A jury was hast ily empaneled, and it was ascertained that Thompson had received four mortal wounds, and that Fisher had been wounded three limes, two of which would have caused instant death. The remains of the victims were taken in charge by a host of friends and the obsequies have been ordered on the grandest scale, regardless of expense. 'lhe theatre where the affray occur red was the scene last year of the kill ing by Thompson, of Jack Harris, who was proprietor of the place, r ishr er and Thompson were probably the two most desperate men in lexas. They have each killed a large num ber of men. TOBACCO ! If eve:4 you had a showing for fine prices, it is in the crop of Tobacco to be planted this year. m m We keep a store, and strive to have in that store everything a farmer would like to buy, both for himself and his family. We want our customer to be a cheerful man, and if he has money in his purse he trill be cheerful ; but he can't be if, when he comes to sell his crop, it brings him little or nothing. Everybody knows that on the fertilizer he uses, allowing the season to be at all favorable, depends the result of his crop, and this being the ease, he has no right to risk that crop on anything that lias not been tried and proved. The following will show what has been "tried and proved," in the fertilizer way, on fine tobacco, and Major Raglaxd, of Halifax county, Va., the great tobacco authority, and grower of pedigree tobacco seed, is the man who tells about it. If anybody knows what tobacco is he certainly does: "There are several brands of fertilizer manufactured specially for tobacco, differing in composition, price, and merit; and after repeated experiments with most, if not all the best, the author gives it as his decided opinion, that for fine, bright, silky tobiccc OTHING EQUAES the A wo wcvhg ago young W. Boggan Cash, of" CH'a Depot, Chesterfield j coum, 3. v diad a quarrel with the town Marshal, of Cheraw, whose name was- Rich.g Xlie rtsut ()f of the difficulty ws tllat Cssh ()n subsequent day sho jiciar(ls 00 the street and .killed him t t,e game lime an accidental sin ,i.1,1A0rni,cl, I i t i i . . & j an wourmeu a uvMamici "NjoI (Jo ward The Coroner's jury caTleU murder in plain lauguagt amj tle community was gjreatfy exc Hut the county authorities did nc arrest Cash or even make any vigort fort to do it. y Bojigan Cash is a son of the L rious Col. E. B. C. Cash, well kno as a duelist and a desperate charact iu general. He is a hospitable aoiWio" in a sense a cultivated man. ne is a prominent and wealthy man, and has great influence in Iris community. -Buthe has carried the notion of "the code" to that extreme point where a man sets himself and his "honor" up against society and the laws a spirit which thotiffh its onrin was a manly and Uravc self-rehpect, in Jts absurb development has done more than all other causes to retard Southern pt'tg- ress oMonIil!v in South Carolina and Virginia." The Chesterfielif community was so thorough lv impregnated with theCas. Women "wight to feel a little proud of the record made this week. Mon day night last a drunken hotel wait er was proceeding homeward in Chi cago when a ferocious woman, with a revolver hi her hand, halted him in out-of-the-way street and com pelled him to deliver his watch and the few cents that he had neglected to spend for beer during the evening. Tuesday, while Dr. Mary Walker was at work in a committee room in the capitol at Washington, a negro messenger came in and took some liberities with her sacred silk hat. She rose in her rage and smote the ne:ro uuurr tne eve witn He isav1' clenched fist. He fled in dismay jily this is leap year. Jews and yrver. Mishnro Patriot: A child which was , , It T r nd wu .Drown and wnsW?8' week in Washington " bis coHBtv. was t lie cyno sure oi a v v c ,.M yes. xi uau iwo iaces, four ejes, v 1 was H.., .. it diP1 tne l,me ot oirtn, . tli,, i l 1 nffai it. nil A . i' unci no uvi- vent. A ueepx . J .. - .. i I jnilf nf imr lino hp- i ween tlie neauw- , . " h the c lv ...... v j n P dary or either ANCHOR BRAND Tobacco Fertilizer, prepared by the Southern Fertilizing Company, Richmond, Na. And this opinion is based upon seventeen years' trial, and often in competition with the best of other brands on the market. It is a tried and proved fertilizer, which the plan er can use without the risk of getting something unsuitcd to his crop; and therefore I can recommed it with confidence." Messrs. Mathews & Williamson, of Reidsvillc, N. C, wrote the following to the Company, and state that they have seen nothing since to change their judgment. "From oor own personal experience, and it covera-a long time, in watching the re suits from the use of various brands of commercial fertilizers handled in this section, it is our mature judgment that the 'iiLETCSOR BRASSD stands at the head of all for the production of fine, silky, yellow tobeteco. The plant seems to receive more fittin nourishment from the Use of this article than from any other, and we are of opinion that if our farmers made it their stand-by, we would hear less of light chaffy tobacco, having some color but no body, and that the farmer would realize the result he ought to enjoy from his labor; for low-grade tobacco will ?iot bring big money." Now we want vou to have "bir monev" for your cron ; because we not only deairc you to make good bills with us, but pay for them when they are made; henee wc nan die the 'Anchor Brand. and will sunnlv vou. in Quantities to suit, direct from the factory. We don't want people to abuse us about tiieir fertilizer; we, therefore, sell only what time has shown to be the best. So, make no arrangements in this line, until you see or confer with us. You certainly can't afford to take anv risk this year. J. D. GASKILL. From the Baltimore Manufacturers' Record, we glean the following indus trial items: J. AMver will erect a uew flour mill at Gulf, N. C. A railroad to be built from Gaffney City, S.C., to Rutherfordton, N. C. J. T. Finger will erect machine shop and agricultural implement fac tory at Newton, N. C. Philip E. Hedick, near Lexington, Davidson county, N. C, is putting up saw and grist mills. T. B. Parker, Goldsboro, N. C, will establish a steam factory. Ulysses Holton is putting up a saw mill at Bay boro, N. C. The Durham Cotton Mill, of Dur ham, N. C, previously reported, has organized, with a capital stock of $150,000 of which 190,000 is already paid in. President, James A. Odeli, of Greensboro ; vice-president, J. M. Odell, of Concord; secretary and treas urer, W. H. Brandon. Work on the building to be commenced at once. Will also build a cottonseed oil mill. ns it receded t,nv,rd the mill, and finally int., ,e As (h m over the wheel they filled the buckets and put it in motion. There were so ; many of them that they kept the mill running a fortnight. Clinton Gmca- Give Him the Cake. We are informed by one of our county offi cials that the water in a certain mill pond in Sampson dried up last sum mer. The mill is run by an over shot wheel. The tarrapins in the head of the pond followed the water The Old Shell Which the Cibvern meut Purchased. New York, March 12.-The Brook lyn Cnwn says : Commodore Un?hur settled the hill for th- mM'n... '- 1 1 LKII jyesterelay. Payment was made, thro' i the Seleicrm.m Umd ti. o ""Ncia, x ne gov- eminent paid $101,500 for the vessel, and the price is considered large by those who are iudiron of nrdi mntfoi... - j a iiiuuci.i, ! Uue of the constructors at the Navv xaiu aiU to-aay mat the price was :in outrageous one, aud the govern ment had been mitramwiuclu ...1 1 ...l I ... . 6vwuaij snniuieu. i 1 lie boat, he said, is an old shell, and I MI I i i we win oe obliged to completely re build her. The Bear was porchased by the Government from Walton Grierve, of GreenockScotland. Death of Henry A. Tilden. A disptatch from Hudson, N. Y., of the 13th instant, says: Henry A. Til den died at Lebanon last night, aged 62, He was the youngest brother of Hon. Samuel J. Tilden. Civil Service iu Mitchell. A correspondent of the Statesville Landmark, at Elk Park, Mitchell county, N. C, says : "I will try and give you a little hint of the outrages of the Kepublican party in this sec tion. Since they are beginning to see they are losing ground in Mitch ell, they have begun to use the petty (4th class) postoffices as a means of reward aud punishment, having ap pointed one Lute Banner, a rank Re publican "Liberal," or iu other words more easily understood, a petty brin d!c tail, in place of Wm. C. Walsh, postmaster at Elk Park, (a Democrat and you need not forget it.) What an outrage upon a free people for one man to have the power to remove men from thee petty offices and appoint others in their places for no other than for political purposes and elec tioneering schemes! I think that the Uir.g of the hill country is now pre paring and getting his brindle tailed understrappers whipped into ranks for the coming campaign. "The Republican party is now on a very shaky foundation and they are making their death struggle. They are becoming alarmed and know that it stands them in hand to railey their forces in time for the coming storm which will doubtless lift them out of their hidiug places and expose to the world evils that have so long been practiced upon us. How can a man with common sense ever have the au dacity, under these circumstances, to even entertain the idea of voting the Republican ticket? A Democrat." A Pretty Girl's Grim Humor. This Space Reserved FOE SHEPPARD, SWINK & MONROE, PROPRIETORS KLUTTZ'S WAREHOUSE For the Sale of LEAF TOBACCO, Salisbury, jY. C. In IIP BP SI gg v ana ki ti h w wm EJ IB am u& V.' r HiiPf PURGATIVE m -A I v..' at. - i? JS" PILLS Why a Lady-Killer from Philadel phia Changed Cars at Jackson, Miss. am thoturh it I will have this Season in larger quantity than ever before, the old relia ble SEA FOWL GUANO FOR COTTON. It is a pleasure to sell this brand because it pleases. And one fact worthy of notice is, that it lias increased in sales the last two years, which no other brand has done in this market. Also, I will have HYMANS & DANCY'S PREMIUM GUA1NO, which is one of the favorites of Cabarrus farmers. No other brand stands any higher with them, and wo. all know that they arc good and successful farmers, and especially raise fine large crops of Cotton. And to accommodate my friends and customers, I will keep on hand a fullstock of jglPFlour, Corn, Meal, Oats, cotton seed Meal, Bran, Ship Stuff, Bacon, Molasses, Salt. &c, &c, that I will sell for cash or barter very low. Also, will sell on time. jST Have a small lot of prime CLOVER SEED. J D GASKILL. I saali Ka Hive coaipioUM the moat coavcaioal. Guana Warsteass In f ownnear Holmes" Tan Vara. Detroit Free Press. Talk about pretty girls but she was a wild flower and no mistake! She got on the train to go over to Meridian from Vricksbtirg, and she was all alone. There was a sort of side long movement among five or six men, but a drummer for a Philodelphia saddlery house got there first. He grabbed up his grip and walked square up to her seat and took possession of half of it without asking a question, and in ten minutes he seemed to be perfectly at home. She answered his questions briefly, and he had the hard est kind of work to keep up conver sation, and as the train approached Jackson, she suddenly said : "I want to telegraph papa from here. Will you help me? "Oh, certainly. 1 have a blank in my pocket. Write youl telegram and I will run into the office with it." We missed him when the train started, but by and by he was found in the smoking car, his hat crushed down and his nerves all on edge. When asked what had happened he drew forth the telegram which the girl had requested him to hand in. It read : "Bring your shotgun with you to pop over a drumuwr who has dread fully annoyed mc. Shoot to kill." "To think," he said that one so fair could be so murderous!" And wlU completely cU;njo tLo fclr.ixl in the entire system ia three months. Any pereon who will iako 1 PiU est a uI.t-U from 1 to 12 wjc'lh, may be restored to soond health, If snch a thing: be possible l or l emalo Complaints these Pills have no equal. Physicians uso tLom for tiis -i o s.! L.1V1111 and iilUNEY diseases. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail tot ?Zo. ia f tan.--.. Circtt'.ara fc I- S. JOHNSON 4c CO., Boston. Mats. FX PI n SSTn T-", ' : : fi Cvonp, Asthma, Bronchitis. 'N- ural- t'fw ft tynSLSi 3 ' fi i ' i . . t-i ku. xthcutuatism. jounsun k ano- VA CT 1 1 M V Va N f S P ' -A A SK UMi'tNT (or Internal and External H fe M irivi vUi ,7 !. - v ... ' '. I'v) in.-tan:ne.nsly relieve these terrible. f 1 A t-' i t-i? f L ' ' . j. , v ( 1 T j.j;i5. u:iJ will puiiiiiveiv core tune rates H fi S3 h - : ? I J V ' '. tj of ten. Intimation that w-U-tave many f'! ''! ' ?H 6fi ' M r; ,': isci:' free iv mail. l'i ni iTrlnjr miinn k4 H tAZi U M t : , i'i .-Min.tubencrthsii core. JOHtfSO?i"S ATiODYf. Bess, Hacking CocKh, Vh.'.pir.a d u , C.-n Diseases of tha Spine. 3'13 everywhere. Cir ; I' Tir Jvnumrs. Pl"fiin(f at the i.nne imarae- . iv,- i, 'el--. . ( ! 1-ra ?,fiirtiu.. Kidney i roubles, sad . J S. v-r''X & CO., Itosten, Mass. It is a well-known far fat mt of t'.a F"i 1 1 ' " f f ST S Horse ami Cattle l-ov.'i'-r si. !il in iI-.k eoi:r- kj,,. ; ; vl .. . H t i i 3 try is worthless; that Sheridan's (V;:,1iii.n f ' fV t7A WW HlH Pnwileris atwoliite'vr.arennd vcrvvainab'.a. W. A f -, il ;.. U- fv"?N .,Xneral byil SS5: iraSSSSv' pre?vcrand core 1 Hr Cholera, &c fiteld everywhere, or. en, XrZTlS eBaVlaSxe UI rjQ A . stamps. Furnished inlarge cap,pneel.; by mail. $1J0. CHICKEN CHOLERA, Icirciaarilw. L 8. JOOSSOli OO Boatoo, Usss. Dec. 20, 1S83. 10:1 y ' M ER0NEY & BRO. Have Largest and most Complete Stock of DRY GOODS AND NOTION'S To loo found in tla.o Town of S .lToiAX-y . A Splendid line of black and colored CASUMERS, from 12J to 85 cents per jerd. Wc have the cheapest and largest lot of SILK VELVETS, VELVETEENS, and 7 r w.a , 1 c i : 1 , t U nmr quo SPECIAL BARGAIN All-Wool-Filling Worsted -in the latest shades at 10 cents per yard. This Goods is worth one third mere, 4 cannot be had at this extremely low price out side of our House.53 Cloaks, Mrs, DaMans and Jackets, Are Pretty and Cheap, from $2 to $18. -Also a nice line of JERSEY JACKETS, SHAWLS, KNIT JACKETS, &c.g CAEPETS, EUGS, DOOR MATS. BOOTS and SHOES at lo w prices. o A nice line of Ladies' Collars, frogi 5 centa to 30 cts. J2ir- Handkerchiefs from 5 eta. to FT - tlJ O 4SVM.M -w- American, Davis, & Royal St Jala, Sewii Macliies s u f which wc cuj r.uit e for live years. We can and will sell cheap. Call ami be convinced. M. & IL

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