I TllG i Carolina it "T "1 W atcnman. - ft)L XV. THIRD SERIES SALISBURY. K. C, APEIL 17, 1S84. MONEY DANISH BARQUE HI ALTO, Think just a moment! It may be greatly to your profit Xo Buy Your RAINIT, ACID, PHOSPHATE AND GUANOS from one to whom you can sell your cotton, fcc. I have now ready aud am selling j every uay lor cash, or on time to suit my customers, ROYSTER'S On. Voyage frcm Wilmington, N. C, Towards Tuesta, Austria, Dee. 18, 1883. linn mm m ruii.i, which is the best acid sold in the State beyond -doubt. Also, the ASHEPOO ACID PHOSPHATE, which stands so high in Georgia and South Carolina that they pay $1 p'-r ton more for it than for other brands. But I will sell at a small profit to meet prices of other brands. Also, I have the best GERMAN KAINIT L ON SALE IN THE COU ITRY. These Goods for Composting, &e., arc the very best that can be got anywhere. There is none better. Call at once, get-prices and put in your orders. J. D. GASKILL. TOBACCO If we? you had a showing for fine prices, it is in the crop of Tobacco to be planted this year. X j j j 1 1 I 3 1 1 We keep a store, and strive to have in that store everything a farmer would like to buy, both for himself and his family. We want our customer to be a cheerful man, ami if he has money in his purse he will be cheerful; but he can't be if, when he comes to sell his' crop, it brings him little or nothing. Everybody knows that on the fertilizer he uses, allowing the season to be at all favorable, depends the result of his crop, and this being the case, he hafc-no riht to risk that crop On anything that has not been tried aud proved. The following will show what has been "'tried and proyed," in the fertilizer way, on tine tobacco, and Major Raolakd, of Halifax county, Ya., the great 'tobacco authority, aud grower of gedigree tobacco seed, js the man who tells about it. If anybody ljioic$ what tobacco is he certainly does: "There are several brands of fertilizer manufactured specially for tobacco, differing in composition, price, and merit f and after repeated experiments with, most, if not all the best, the author gives it as his decided opinion, that for fijic, bright, silky tobaccc DTQIKG ECJUAL8 the ANCHO BRAND' On a bright cold morning in De cern ber when a keen Nor'wester was causing the fortunate possessors of topcoats to button them up more closely, a jovial party was clustered around the roaring, cherry stove in the snug cabin of the "Minnehaha," These persons were not unreasona ble pleasure seekers, but were voya gers from Wilmington, to that sandy city by the sea which bears the wild, weird name of Smithville, and thence to lands beyond the sea. The party consisted of a stalwart, handsome Norwegian captain and his pretty Norwegian bride, destined to share with him for the first time the tips and downs (and they are distressing ly lively sometimes) of a sailor's life, a jovial little barrel-shaped German, who looked the very personification of the old adage "laugh and grow fat," and last but not least several rosy cheeked damsels of assorted na tionalities, the daughters of various captains whose ships lay at Smith ville. These damsels, judging from the multiplicity of their parcels, had been indulging in that great feminine luxury "shopping,"and were returning to their vagrant homes. Besides the cabin passengers there was a little knot of deck passengers gathered to gether forrard. These were for the most part truant "Jacks" who had run the risk of their captains' ire and certain punishment for the sake of a parting glass of grog with some charming maid with an extensive capacity for tarry lovers. These des perately amorous mariners were un der the convoy of their respective "old men," and were consequently a lugubrious looking party. In about three hours after leaving Wilming ton, the Ville de Smith hove in sight. As we steam between the monstrous vessels lying at and o there was n ; lusty hailing of ships by the passen gers of the Minnehaha, and a simul taneous dipping of fl:igs aboard ti e j crafts whose commanders u"comman i dertsses" were among our number. ! "Echo ahoy !" Rialto ahoy !" 'Tolan- dra ahoy !" rent the air, aud by the ! time we reached the wharf a lively ' race was ensuing between the gi-is of j the different ships, trying which j should first reach us. After a good j many ejaculations by the boat's crew, induced by the specific gravity and general unman getblenessof my Sara toga, we pulled off' and in ten min ! utes were alongside the great black hull of the Rialto. This vessel had been ami was destined again to be tor many months my home my pris on, and "guiendube ?" my funeral pyre, ore sepulchre, for as Bill Arp says of womankind, with knowledge gained by experience, ships "are va riegated and peculiar" in their ac ! tious. My hand was srrasned in the cordial but excruciatingly vigorous welcome of "Min Herr Styrmoud" Jargensen. This hearty "velkom men om bord" assured me that I was at home again. All morning we worked hard endeavoring to get the remainder of our stores on board be fore ebb tide. In the afternoon a strong south wester effectually termi tinder the demonstration of feminine rule, u rely it would not be daunted by the absence of feminine apparel. The young "Fro," after much per suasion disappeared - into an inner state room whence shortly emerged, clad in glowing blushes and a hybrid attire which seemingly added more to her confusion than her comfort. After the well being of the outer man had been secured, a diminutive tow headed cabin boy made his ap pearance at the door and disgorged a string of gutterals, "Versagod Fruen og Herreu teen er fardig," (If you please, ladies and gentlemen, tea is ready.) We adjourned to the dining salon to partake of a typical Scandi navian repast, consisting of black bread, white bread, Norwegian smok ed salmon, preserved fish roes, a mysterious and utterly undefinable parcine preparation. Ost, a kind of cheese which smells like Vesuvius in eruption and compared with which Cimburger is aromatic with other dishes too numerous to mention and too hard to spell. Scandinavians never drink tea or coffee at their meals but always after. At the conclusion of the meal we all arose aud bowing to our host, said "Tak fer mad" (thanks for the food,) after which we repaired again to the inner salon. Capt. B. is a B. A. of the Royal Christiana Institute, and the master of eight modern and two ancient lan guages. He is also an accomplished musician, and favored us with a charming selection from his "reper toire." Now a gem from Strauss, now a snatch from II Trovatare, or a bit from I Puritani or La Somnam bula, then the spirited strains of a national anthem. Most strikingly beautiful and characteristic are the Folkgesang, and some pieces from the Scandinavian lieber. One does not require to be told that these heart songs had their birth in the land of the sea kings, the land of Odin and Thor. The spirit of that far away peninsular runs through the whole. Now we hear the sullen Arc tic waves as they break upon that iron bound coast, now the rush and scream of the circling sea gulls, again the shriek of the wintry gale as it sweeps with resistless fury over snow ed by a long line of milky foam. Clearly there was no chance for the Rialto to unfurl her white wings that day. We abandoned ourselves to another day of weary waiting. The next day was as gloriously bright as the most exacting mariner could de sire. All over the harbor was heard the joyous songs of the sailors, and the clank, clank, of the windlasses as uie -outwaru hound" hastened to take advantage of the favoring breeze. Long ere the rosy fingers of the god dess of the dawn had drawn aside the sombre hangings of her couch, the Rialto had spread her snowy wings to the gen fie N. W. breeze, and was speeding toward the land of sunrise. On crossing the bar we found ourselves in the midst of a fleet of vessels. Some eager ones, catching the first whisper of the long ed for breeze, had gone out in the early watches, "while stars their vi gils kept," and were now towering clouds of gleaming canvas. Others, mistrustful of the propitious elements had waited to see what came in Au rora's train. From their decks came the "ohantants" of the slothful mari ners as they "sheeted home the top sails," or shook out the folds of the mainsails. To be Continued.) The Political Side Show Business. The Liberal and Republican Stale ex ecutive committees met at Raleigh the sa me day last week and each issued a call for its State convention to meet the ltif May. The mode of procedure already adopted shows that the pitiful farce of two years ago is to be enacted again this year. Under the direction of Dr. Mott, his obedient servants will meet in convention under ouc name, nomina te candidates, adjourn, meet again un der another name and endorse what they did before. Republicans who are not ashamed of being Republicans will call themselves Republicans. They again, with those who are ashamed of it, will call themselves "Liberals." All will I subscribe to the same platform and sup port the same caudidatcs, State and uational. We suppose these tactics are not designed to fool any one. They are adopted, no doubt, for the purpose of giving those persons lately Democrats, who are ashamed of their Republican A. 1 . . ! associures, me onnominirv to co-onerate with them without taking their name outright. If this is the idea it is un doubtedly a very neat paving of the way Maternal reasoning: Old Mr. Plnggers , . . IjOok liere, Mrs. Snas, find . a....; i , c i ",l3 mice mat oov of thrown rocks at me ! It' yours has about time you ought to know how he ia coinc on Mrs Snnns Vo f.. Ill i . . xi 1 '"Bgrrs, out you know, Mr. Ploggers, there aie other boys who in row rocks! It hurt my boy alone !" $66 a week at home. $5 outfit tree. Pay ab solutely sure. No risk. Capital not re quired. Header. It you want business at which uersons nf plrhfr bt- v.m, or old, can make greatpay aU the Ume they work with absolute certainty, write for particulars to H. Uallett & Co., Portland, Maine. Administrator's Notice! All persons holding claims against the ' estate of D. S. Cowan, dee'd, are hereby I notified to present said claims, duly au-' nienucaiea, ro joscpli u. White, adm r, on or before the 14th day of February. IS85, or this notice will be plead in bar of re covery. And those indebted to the estate 1 will be required to settle as carlv as prac ticable. JOS. R. WHITE, Adm'r. Febr'y 14, 1884. 6w:pd i i i t 1 1 111 'v.it.ij in ti i iii J I lit; "iij capped lull and foam capped billow, j for them il)(o tlie Keil0iicau camp aIul carrying death to the sturdy toilers of the sea, aud destruction to the hearts of those who in their sea girt cottages watch for the coining of their dear ones. At long intervals a bright chord reminds one of a sud den gleam of wintry sunshine reflect ed from the glittering summits snow capped mountains. This is the true music of i attire and of na ture's children. It is the influence of these never forgotten strains that fires the heart and courage of the Scandinavian wanderer, which fans the flame of home love, and strength ens sturdy arms. It is the ever pres ent memory of these songs of home and Fatherland that gives to the sturdy if they are willing to associate with the Republicans upon this basis it is none of our business what the old line Republi cans think of their allies who are ashamed of them. Xiws uv Observer. At Harrisville, Ind., Friday night, masked robbers entered the house of 0fj Carl Schultz, killed his son, beat him auu Ins wile terribly, and stole !j,uuu in gold. Near Rising Sun, Ind., Friday night, maskes nieu entered the house of John Smith and roasted him over a fire to make him give up his money. He was found next morning alive, but horribly burned. On March .'11, the United States treas ury contained $21 1,000,000 of gold, and $103,0M',000 of silver; a total of $374, 000,000 of precious metals. The assets of the treasury were 841)6,000,000. The bank of England held at the same time NOTICE ! Parties having claims against, or indebt ed to the China Grove Co operative Asso ciation, are notified that, by Power of At torney, the time to settle is limited to Jan uary 1st, 1885. J M. GRAY, Att'y. 14:tf 3 J. RHODES BROWXE. Pkks.. W. C. OOART. arc Total Assets, $710,745.2. A Homo Company, Seeking Home atronace. STEONG, PSOMPT, B2LIASLS, LIBEEAL. Term Policies written on Dwcllinga Premiums payable One halfcash and bal ance in twelve months. " Salisbury, N. C. 23:6m. WrilCMTS iRDIAN KEGETABLEPlllS FOK THK LIVER And all Bilious Complaints Kate to take, ln-in? purely veffetabte; noirriD-IiiK- Pnctf a cU, AU OriisKists. obiblron if flio Nurlh thfit . i j i r ' ! about $rjj.000,000 of coin and bullion. nHanaiuiinna inn iiniv nt It 1 i . V - I lllll W 1 J I V IIVV Ulll xj . I - I -J I and inspires respect for them "where e'er their wandering footsteps turn.5 Tin.r nr. vor i-ooco tn Invo tlipir Itil'lil ' . i ...... I 11.,. ' , !,., .,...1 n nntiul 1 .. place, and never abandon the hope j i f iVU""'"3 u,,, Irtrtll i Jl I V 1 vl i IV VUiii:ica3 inmi Hit Funny. Everybody knows that the Internal Revenue influence de- This Space Reserved FOR SHEPPARD, SWINK & MONROE, PROPRIETORS KLUTTZ'S WAREHOUSE For tl be Sale of LEAF TOBACCO, Salisbury, JV. C. f PURGATIVE And will completely change tba b!ood ia the entire system in three months. Any person who will take 1 Fill eccU sunlit from 1 to 13 wceka, may be restored to sound health, If such a thin be possible. Tcr rVtuilo Complaints these PUls have no equal. Tbysicians use tbctn for tha urc of T.IVKii rnd KliJNEY diseases. Sold every v hero, or sent by mail for 25c, in Gtatups. XivoaUrs fi-ec. I. S. Joilsso.S ti CO., Boston. M-ss. PARSIil PILLS ,A ratiirninrr i t 4 h i f v no ; nilfl sfill'!!! i JM ILL A E 111 llkl IIJUL OIV.III , o - cursed land so dear to them. We had ordered our boat for 10 P. M. While merriment and ood nated our chances of departure for fellowship re.gmug within the J , Tobacm Fori ;i; or i.m.or,! i. fiw. 3.. iw...v ; i : ntr fnmnanv Rinhmnnri v lbot.l.. r .nn.ti.!i.n : JScptuoc alio liorcas were inarMiau- a smx. a y v 1 ' J bllv UUUIIIVI S4 O. tlllllblllg VValS4Jt AttVlllllliU, A M Vl'Ut V I i ? s And this opinion is based upon seventeen years' trial, and often in competition with the j better we best of otl amonor the dsnP,.l1.ni nf Virkii,r I creaking of t tie snip s timueis auu ; Knowixg, AS1) Teaching. Those bold" and "Norsemen brave?" A I "t,,ud f t,l,e waves against her who first t to look solelyatthe the neat little ew i 8 war,,c uo studies. They try "to pass an exami- tlM wavAi elements naa uegun in earner. vr.o , if uccessful consider It is a tried and proved fertilizer, which the plant- v oil i . n i . . : , i i .1 i-i. . 4;. .i " - i . i " j .1 r t I . vu use nuiinui uie risK oi gelling someiiimg unsuiieii 10 it is tiop; huh inercioru i can recommed it with confidet ce." Messrs. Mathews & Williamson, of Reid s ville, N. C, wrote the following to the Company, and state that they have seen nothing since to change their judgment. "From our own pctsonal experience, and it covers a long time, in watching the re sults from the use of various brands of commercial fertilizers handled in this section, it our mature judgment that the 'ANCHOR BZL2L2KD' stands at t he head of all for the production of 'fine, tsfll-yjyeUott tobacco. The plant seems to receive more fitting nourishment from the use of this article than from any other, and we arc of opinion that if our farmers made it their stand-by, we would hear less of light chaffy tobacco, having some color but no body, and tliat the farmer would realize the result he ought to enjoy from his labor; for low-grade tobacco will not bring big money." Now we want you to have '"big money" for your crop; because wc not only desire you to make good" bills with us, but pay for them when they are made; hence wc han fc the-'Anchor Brand,' ad will supply you, in quantities to suit, direct from the factory. We don't want people to abuse us about their fertilizer; we, therefore, sell 0Iily what time has shown to be the best. So, make no arrangements in this Hue, until J"hi see or confer with us. You certainlv can't afford to take any risk this vear. J. D. GASKILL. . k w ill lieu 111 PUIIICllI I llii . i . . riM l I C e went visiting. May I tell i . Jhr 1,,fmek f r an afternoon J spent wind through the naked spars, the ' I Mr 1. a ntm I in allin'a lllll !llll iStatesville District, and it really did sound funny when Mr. York an n ou need from his scat in the House of Representatives, the other day, that he was in fa' or of abolishing the Internal Revenue. CItarlole Democrat. over of the men on the lookout announc- Sl- their troubles over. This autumn a OTTON mi I will have this Season in larger quantity than ever before, the old relia ble SEA FOWL GUANO Worii s pleasure to sell this brand because it pleases. And one fact 'thy of notice is, that it has increased in sales the last two years, which no other rnu has done in this market. Also, I will have HYMANS & DANCY'S PREMIUM GVA.1S O, which is one of the favorites of Cabarrus farmers. suecfi'i111 stan any higher with them, and we all know that they are good and lssiui tarmers, and especially raise fine large crops of Cotton. And to accommodate my friends and customers, I will keep on hand a fullstock of kt ll0Ur' rD' Mea1, atS' COttn SC -d Meal' Bran Ship Stuff' Dacon' Classes, Salt jt,mt 1 wU1 sel1 for cash or barter very low. Ahso, will sell on time, HTHave a small lot of prime CLOVER SEED. - , ,ull J D GASKILL. ; luvr.i L'y.iv ci.i. jit i uuiio v areiiuubv in iojad ni'ur i.oijiu- w iuni short pull in which flew swiftly inn. L ii ini 1 lit? ( I n 1 4 mm c-l i'i i I a i i ticaio iiic y inu iipi atiutsro ui , . w . I 1,, . - mm, 11 iM ft Ifr.CLftl t''IU four sturdy "blue Jackets," brought Mi wilh 'wUiM ,ig,l!g. Upon hundred thousand persons will begin us to the Norwegian barque 'jEeho, S hiformed us their teaching from this point of view. oounu, iiKe t ie rt.auo, ror i r.esie. - - ur boat's crew was with them They have answered certain questions We were cordially received. by Capt. I , , , ,-i .1 , , . c . J i . H and his bride whom we nrevail- i and wou,d rema,n unhl liet 1 ,rn , ul m arithmetic, grammar, geographj, H., and ins uride, whom we prevail- .d Abjut 12 t, invested with a cer- ed upon to accompany us on our vis- , . . j . , eiL" inimvcu v itorial round. The breeze had fresh- U8 a,m.08t 'ff tificate and the work begins. Now one i 1 1 i 1 nnil th ' 'liifrrv f'i i'i iu cnt p1 '"S agdlllS ie I B , insf lc admitted : not all " ' . . . :r . I liompward trio contained all lue ele- i' " ...... waves were beginning to roll threat- . rJ. r T. , .i u j j- i ments of discomfort, it was pieic- eningly across the bar and distrub . , , ., , ... . &, i . -4. r i-..i ing cold, the waves ran nigh, the placid waters within. Our little ! s ' a . . . ., r utll..!. ... 1 . 1 .... flncsli.iirr tlir, null tll( boat laden to the gunwales with hu-i l,,e" 7, W " uiyni, man freight began to indulge in some surprising antics ; now dancing gaily upon the milky crest, now making an exploring dive into the dark trough of. the waves th a manner far who know a thin ran teach that thing. True, it is the common opinion that you can teach a thing if you know that thing, but this is a mistake. To know a thing is one thing; to possess the art of teaching that thing is anoth er iiffiiir Tf a man owns a boat it E3 3 gjfiXn !T? KS: :: r : C-n. Ar.ltn. Bronchitis; Ncnral- A r4 H fa Sa Sj H k! . ... -- t iiluiuiaoiim. Johnson s axo- nlafii M D ;- s i-.k i.!M3:KNT(rerrrttri -1mm 1 LI r- '1 . 2 rsX ' ' ,-' ? ' " W,H ,!l"!,:'t:,n-,,u,r rtiune n. t.. t.-mui 1 Sa K -tr tfVi I J ( -5 C t L 1 1 " - ' ' u'"1 PUvely care nine cues j F3 r3 M H fe.1 M H Ti t - ' . - ' '..- " ' l"''ntwn tfial r.il f.ivr maiiT :i ia Letter than cure. JOHNSON'S ANOOYHa l-5?a5b:ir;T rw-s. wmxz. ciwdint at the Uum own. ness, llarkiur Coiiirh, Wiior(iir.T' t'hn.;.ie li.'i i ios!. lt'r-rr. ! ;!rra ?!'.irbu. Kldnrr IrouUc, aud l)iseasc of Uie Spine. Sold everywhere. C irrttliirs fre-. I. S. 'oi; NSoN ,k Co.. Ucston, Mais. It Is a w Eorsc and try is worthless rowuer is aosi pli-knnwn fact that nt fho m fTJ S'i F V rZ f-CJ Cattle li.wilr S..I4 in this rmiii- LJ.j f' I 1.1 f. 3 $1 hless; that Sherldan s O.nnition S4"." J,', Lrf l gfl (Xg Ta b sis W n PI m-m mmW mm Nothing on Earth will make hens lay like snritian suonainon row. Amr. Don. one teaanoonfnl to each Dint of food. It will also positively prevent and care I D"? Cholera, &c. Sold everywhere, or sent hy mail trV. la mmmj MBM fu mwm, m. i stamps, r uriusnea in isnre can,pnc. uy man. ai.JU. VnlVIVbll Wil W mm nni I cucuurs tree, I. & juujj. s cu, outum. Dec. J20, lss;. 10:ly Oi l Kit SPECIAL BARGAINS ! niKAP Gave to the eager, training eye A wild and shifting light." Our little egg shell ef a boat was tossed about in a most unceremoni ous manner. After two hours of does not follow that he can sail it; an from assuring to nervous constitu- pHnpr:ite rowim? we reached the nrtnr hoonrv is not a phvsician. There tious. She suddenly capped the cli- pace where we had left the "Echo." j trreat ce between knowing and max oi tier iau oeiiaviour liy pre- Mirabile dictu! bhe was gone! Uia-gea j teachin(r.7V(,, 's Institute (X. Y.) seiuing ner uroaosiue 10 a great green jier anchor? ana ariltea iar oui niio monster which speedily rushed in, 1 tie durkuess ! Here was a nice state thereby dampening the ardor and at- 1 0f affairs. A bride to go out for an tire of the occupants. Fortunately ; afternoon call and find when she re the unwelcome Neptunal salutation turned that her house had drifted was made when we were near our oft'! When we did come up with destination. In a few moments after : the vessel we had delicate manuver the whole party was snugly enscous-' Jug to get alongside without being ed in the warm cosy salon of the hurled against the ship. After safe Tros. The hospitable commander J y disposing of our fair passenger we was soon exploring his marine ward- joyfully laid our course for the Rial robe in quest of suitable attire for to. his bedraggled guests. Unfortunate- j Xhe first sound which greeted our ly however the mystery of femine ears the next morning was the roar drntu rv was one which (rood Cant. nf(l.a KnaL-r Turning our eves . j o 1 VS. W I.Ij O . . . t 1 l i it .1 . t-: ;..c,4- ..n n-Iwirtr is osirnoi ' JJ. iiau ue-.ei suiviu, uu w ueii grawaru we COUIU seo meiu uasmiig wacmiis. juoi, " o it ilOttOlli" PHC his eve fell unon the driimioer bride anirrilv on the bar, piling up the aiomr bv the mighty under-current and 1 4 r , j B . Pwrovat. TxFi.rEXCE. If vou hold some perfumery within your hands and clasp them ever so closely over it still some will steal forth and be felt by all about you, In like manner every per son has a moral power within him he cannot hej exerting. He cannot shut this within him so tightly that it will not escape. It is not what a person tries to be that influences others; it is what he really is. He influences by j his character and not by his outward 1 Elias Howe Leather Machine, - - - $15.00. 2 18-inch arm for heavv Leather, (good as new,) 40.00. Original cost $125.00. 4 New Family Singer Machines, - -'t $10 to $15. 3 American No. 1, - - Jt $10 to $15. SlZanctflo. $5.00. - - - $12.00. some but" warranted to do good 2 Wheeler & Wilson. 2 Home Shuttles, -1 Weed, - - -The above have been used work. We also sell the New Davis, es- his countenance lengthened visibly, gleaming froth, and casting the spray j8 As his bold spirit had never quailed high in the air. The bar was defin- quailed high but slightly influeaced by the sur- ice flow. American and Hoyal St. John's warranted for 5 years and guarrantced to give SATISFACTION. 4