The Carolina Watchman, . . . . . . , - i . . VOL XV. -THIRD SERIES SALISBURY. N. C. APRIL 24, 1884. NO 28 MONEY FARMERS Think just a moment! It may be greatly to your profit KAITfIT, ACID, PHOSPHATE AND GUANOS from oue to whom you can sell your cotton, &c.- I have now reatjy and am selling every day for cash, or on time to suit my customers, ROYSTER'S linn (UK PHOSPHITE, which is the best acid sold in the State beyond doubt. Also, the ASHEPOO ACID PHOSPHATE, which stands so high in Georgia and South Carolina that they pay $1 per ton more for it than for other brandy But I will sell at a small profit to meet prices of other brands. Also, I have the best GERMAN KAINIT ON SALE IX THE COUNTRY. These Goods for Composting, &c, are the very best that can be got anywhere. There is none better. Call at once, get prices and put in your orders. J. D. GASKILL. TOBACCO! If ever- you had a showing for fine prices, it is in : the crop of Tobacco to be planted this year. SB We keep a store, and strive to have in that store everything farmer would like to buy, both for himself and his family. We want our customer to be a cheerful man, and if he hap money in his purse he will be cheerful; but he can't be if, when he comes to sell his crop, it brings him little or nothing. Everybody knows that on the fertilizer he uses, allowing the season to be at all favorable, depends the resnlt of his crop, and this being the ease lie has no right to risk that crop on anything that has not been tried and prated. The following. will show what has been ''tried and proved," in the fertilizer way, on flue tobacco, and Major Rag land, -of Halifax county, Va., the great tobacco authority, and grower-of pedigree'tobacco seed, is the man who tells about it. Ifanybody knoics what tobacco is he certainly does: ''There arc several brands of fertilizer manufactured specially for tobacco, differing in composition, price, and merit ; and after repeated experiments with most, if not all the best, the author gives it as his decided opinion, that for fine, bright, silky tobacec ptniRo EQi'AL8 the ANCHORWBRAND' Iobaeco Fertilizer, prepared by the Southern Fertilizing Company, Richmond, Na. And this opinion is based upon seventeen years' trial, and often in competition with the tst of other brands on the market. It is a tried and proved fertilizer, w hich the plant Mean use without the risk of getting something unsuited to his crop ; and therefore I ctnrecommed it with confidence." Messrs. Mathews & Williamson, of Reidsville, N. C, wrote the following to the Company, and state that they have seen nothing since to change their judgment. "From our own personal experience, and it covers a long time, in watching the re wilts from the use of various brands of commercial fertilizers handled in this section, it Now mature judgment that th 'ANCHOR BRANS' stands at the head of all for the production of fine, silky, yellow tobacco. The plant seems to receive more fitting nourishment from the use orthis article than from any other, and we are of opinion that ifur farmers made it their stand-by, we would hear less of light chaffy tobacco, hing some color but no body, and that the farmer would realize the result he ought enjoy from ,,is labr; for low-grade tobacco w-ill not bring big money."- 0V VC Wfint VOll trwlinvn 'lir mnnrv fnr vrmr rrriVa Iwciikp wa nrf rr tt Aaarr Jutoniake good bills with us, but pay for them when they arc made; hence wc han dle 'Anchor Brand,' and will supply you, in quantities to suit, direct from the ctory. We don't want people to abuse us about their fertilizer ; we, therefore, sell 0alJ what time has shown to be the best. So, make no arrangements in this line, until you see or confer with us. You certainly can't afford to take any risk this year. J. D. GASKILL. I will have this Season in larger quantity than ever before, the old relia ble SEA FOWL GUANO Wooi"' 's a.Pjeasure se" brand because it .pleases. And one fact bran i5i ot notice 's that it has increased in sales the last two years, which no other uu Has done in this mnrkft Al . . . h we , i t i i i mi i HYMANS & DANCY'S PREMIUM GUAJNOy whlP.ll in nno nf 4-ha fa Other lirnn,! L? - ... , ... . "ccessfi i f i uims any nigner wun tnem, ana we an Know tnat tney are good and 'ui tanners, and especially raise fine large crops of Cotton. DANISH BARQUE R I ALTO, On Voyage from Wilmington, N. C, Toward Trieste, Austria. 10 P. M. The moon is just rising m , a . w trom her azure couch. As 1 eaze been devastating the country around and dispersed, some to bunk, others Silver Lake, making saveral intense- j to their respective stations, and the ly dramatic appearance, with flaming voice of the man on the lookout was eyes, dishevelled hair aud the usual j heard drawling out the monotonous dime novel accompaniments of long knife and blood stained seems to have had the hands. She effect of a upon the chaste goddess of the night, stoke of paralysis or an unexpected floodinflr the lonelv world of waters I board bill on the dwellers in that with her silvery light, I realize the region, and made life a burden for utter inability of any human lan- juveniles, tor whom she had an msa guage to give even a faint conception ! tiable yearning. This paper further of the solemn grandeur of the scene, j informs us that the superstitious na How intensely lonely one feels as he tives imagined her a supernatural be stands upon the silent deck and gazes j i'g, and that the blood-hounds, em down into the sombre depths of the ployed to track her refused to quit cemetery of nations ! How huge the their master's side, and stood, with their tails tucked between their legs, trembling with fear. As latest cable graphic accounts from Cabarrus coun ty to the "Datrblad " this terror of the Western wilds was still at large. The same reliable sheet informs its readers that the "Co-operative. Asso ciation of Brigands," in Missouri, has petitioned Congress to erect a monument to Jesse James, who, the paper solemnly assures us, was con sidered tha leading spirit of his age, and whose untimely decease was uni versally lamented. How the tow hair of the Scandinavian reader will bristle as he eagerly gulps down the sesqui pedal ion words in which this blood curdling tale is couched by the mellow light of an eider duck with a wick run through him ! When I again hear one of my patriotic fel low countrymen expatiating on the superior enterprise of American jour nalism I shall know that he is not a subscriber to lha Barn holm "Dug blad" ((Taily leaf or sheet) the exten sive geographical knowledge of whose editor I shall hereafter deeply respect as well as his endeavors to communi cate it in such a spicy manner to his readers. Tuesday, Dec. 25th, 1883. Lat.29 36' N., Long. 60 58' V. A bright morning sun hurling its golden beams down upon the surface of the waters as though it would penetrate the hid den horrors of the great depths aud bring to light the dread mysteries which shall only be revealed when the sen gives up its dead ! A solita ry ship rolling helplessly to and fro in the embrace of a dead calm, blue sky above, blue sea beneath and around us, blue officers and blue men ! All nature seems suffering from an acute attack of azures. And this is Christmas day ! The "Yule dog" of the Scandinavians, the day which the fraudulent old Norse legends would have people believe the Vikings of old held sacred to wassail and hilarious carousals. Any one who can look at a copy of the modern edition of those musty old sea robbers and believe him capable of anything in the shape of a hilari ous carousal must be possessed of a regular Keely motor imagination. My earliest impression of a Dane was a majestic peisonagn with flaxen hair and flowing beard who holding the wassail bowl high o'er the heads of the assemblage, exclaimed in a voice of thunder, "Long live Kings Olof and Odin the mighty." I have since been intimately acquainted with some of the descendants of those ancient bushwhackers and must say that they are not exactly as my fancy had painted them. Many of them convey the impression of having swapped legs with a puddle duck, and bodies with a beer barrel having the gait of the former, and the contents of the latter. "Ynle tid" or "Yule dag" is held very sacred by the Danes, and is far more religiously observed in Den mark thau any other Christian holi- relaxing climate lead a "dolce far day. No shops or buildings are al- black hull of the ship appears as she silently steals o er the placid bosom of the deep ! Her tapering masts seem to pierce the azure vault, and yet what a mere speck on the surface of the vast Atlantic ! But why rush myself iuto adjectival bankruptcy ov er an Atlantic moon-rise, when we are bound for the birth-place of beau ty and romance? When we will see the sun at morning tinge with rosy light the shores of classic Italy, and sink at close of day behind the Sa bine hills, his last rays gilding the domes of the Eternal City, the moon rising o'er the Albanian hills, casting her silvery shafts o'er the fair isles of Greece, the gleaming columns of the Parthenon, and over hill and dale of the land of Sappho and Hel en. The 11 o'clock bell is ringing for lights out. The ship is tumbling uneasily in a confused sea, so characteristic of the Gulf Stream. The silver streak in my ve racious thermometer has already as cended 15 since entering this great adjuster of climates. Monday, Dec. 24th. Lat. 30 13' N., Lon. 62 02' W. Mingled clouds and sunlight. At length we draw an extensive sigh of relief. Not because the sands of time which mark the interval between Christmas past aud Christmas future have nearly run their course. Such things are of little moment to us. There will be no stockings hung up here, unless it be wet ones, and no benevolent St. Nich. but a supera bundance of his uncanonized name sake. The prodigious sigh then was not in anticipation of joys to come, but in the consciousness of dangers past. To-day at the meridian, aud subsequently at the P. M. observa tions we found ourselves East of the Bermudas, the lbete noir" of the At lantic pilgrim, which have written above them in sombre characters on the chart, "Stormy region of the Gulf Stream." This group, lying Lat. 32 N., 64 56' V., is one of the most isolated portions of the globe, being 690 miles from the nearest land. From year's end to year's end thro' all the changing seasons "Ye storm vexed Bermoothes" is the favorite haunt of the storm demons who in cessantly lash the surrounding waters into a r.iging fury. Li a despairing little rhyme, well known to all sail ors in this region, it is said "If Bermudas let you pass Theu look out for Hatteras, Aud if Hatteras you should fail On the coast you'll get a gale." In which it appears that to the har rassed mariner's mind the chance for immunity from aerial carousals is distressingly small. When you enter the charmed circle which Prospero, like the fairy in the "Sleeping Beau ty," has drawn around this lonely little group you find yourself in a haven of rest, into which disturbances aerial or mental never entered. If on earth there be a Utopia surely it is here. The inhabitants in this soft, "Eight bells and all's well ! Lights all right, sir !" and Christmas might never have existed for all the traces of it which remained on board the Rialto. (To be Continued.) Definitions. A rich joke the w 1 1 w. one 1 played on Brown. A foolish and witless piece of folly ine one one that Brown played on me. Am V.-4 ! ... . .1.. n.u uusLiiime cuss me man wuo will not yield to me. Proper and self-respecting firmness my refusal to yield to him. A well-trained child the one that belongs to me. An ill-mannered brat my neigh bor's. A crank the man whose views do not coincide with mine. A very intelligent person the man who agrees with me in everything. Life. The dead-letter office gets over 4, 000,000 letter a year. The most appropriate pastry for a free Inch counter sponge cake. The Star says : Bereaved. Wilmington has been greatly bereaved in the deaths of Major D. J. Lfevaue and Mr. Alexander Sprnnt. They were both men of singularly pirr lives and manly motives and principles. Tw good mn, both Presbyterians, have fallen before the great reaper Death ; the one when the sun was in mid heavens : the ether when the shadows were lengthening and the westering sun was near the hills. Wilmington could ill spare two such men. But &od knows what was beat and He doetli all things right. THE VERY BEST. Ft ! The "F. F. Y.," from the patent roller mills, of Virginia, at $3.50, equal to the best in the market. A trial is all that is necessary to convince you. I also keep Wilson's Extra Family Flour and all other grades of flour. J. D. McNEELY. 20:1m TIIEIU Ml "And to accommodate my friends and customers, I will keep on hand a fullstock of T 'OUT Com Mr...l ri. 1 .-i . t Tcr isi: n. t -! n.n . vio, v-uuuu setu .ucai, unrn, onip oiuu, nacou, jnoiasses, oau. that I wilt sett for cash or barter very low. Also, will sell on time. W"Have a small lot of prime CLOVER SEED. J D GASKILL. are conipieted.the most convenient Guano Warehouse in lown near Holmes' Tan Tard niente -life, seeemintr never to think of the troubles and turmoils, the strife and struggles of that tumultu ous word between which aud them the elements have placed a barrier of raging sea aud roaring gale. To the storm tossed and weary mariner Ber muda seems a veritable heaven ouearth but like the oue above, straight is the gate and narrow the way by which one enters in. The mariner must "keep his weather eye skinned," as he phrases it, or he will find himself hung up on the celestial gate post otherwise a coral reef. Christmas eve, with not a whisper of the joyous revelries on land, borne to us on the breeze ! No suggestion of the all-pervading fire cracker, or the jubilant small boy! The dark rolling waves bring not a murmur of this on their troubled bosoms. Noth ing under the wide unbrekeu horizon to remind us of that period of good will, save the anxious geese on board which seem ever apprehensive of an anachronism ou the part of the bloody minded cook. By the way, it seems rather strange to glean news from the Old North State through the columns of a tiny newspaper published' on one of the islands of the Danish Archipelago. To-lay I read a piece in the Barn holm "Dagblad" about a Wild wo man said to be roaming through the jungles of Cabarrus county, ineffectu ally pursued by four hundred men. This strange being it appears had lowed to be open. Business of every kind is compelled by law to suspend At 5 A. M., which is pitch dark at that season iifthose latitudes, churches are lighted up aud services are held. The day is devoted to quiet family gatherings, and much feasting is got ten through with. As we had no churches to light up, no buildings to close, no family gatherings to attend, and no very alarming amount of faasting to get through with, we did little outside of necessary ship's duty but lounge around in the shade, smoking innumerable pipes, spinning yarns, aud anathematizing the weath er. In the evening a grand dress ball took place ou the gallant fore castle given by numerous breezy old salts, in honor of numerous other breezy old sal i ues. The boatswain as mas ter of ceremonies was mounted an the capstan, belaying pin in hand, re splendent in a braud new pea-jacket. The weather beaten ladies wore sou' westers to distinguish them from the gentlemen, who were attired simply but elegantly in short clay pipes. All went merry as a marriage bell or an animated dog fight, when suddenly "ding-dong, ding-dong !" eisht bells struck and the voice of of the officer of the deck was heard shouting, "Starboard watch below ! Port watch to stations !" The party broke up as suddenly as Tain O'Sh a li ter's witches at Auld Kirk Alloway, J. S. McCUBBINS & CO., Having been unable to close out their entire stock as heretofore ad- vertised have determined to go ou again and have just returned from the NORTHERN MARKETS with a full New Stock of desirable GOODS, C0N8I8TIXO OF Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Straw Goods, Clothing, GROCERIES, Drugs, Qnsensware, Fish, Bacon, Lard, Corn, Flour, &c., all of which they offer lower than ever before for cash or first class Chattel Mortgage. FERTILIZERS They have a full line of the highest Standard Fertilizers. If you want the best Cotton and Tobacco fertili zers be sure to call on them before buying. No. 1, Murphy Granite Rom. Salisbury, N. C, April 3, 1884. CM. AT WELL, AT FBONT WINDOW OF TJavis' Fxinxitvirc Store Mai Street, Salisbury, N. C. - Will repair Clocks, Watches. Jewelry, etc. All work warranted. Will also keep a full line of New rirst-Class Clocks. Try me and save money by having good work done at living figures. " March 18, 1884. 6m ml week at home, f outm free. Pav ab V IL-ut-y sure. No risk. Capital not rt kflf ll liulred. Reader, if yon want business or old, can mate great pay all the time they work with absolute certainty, write lor particulars to ' H. Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine. 13:ly Administrator's Notice I AH persons holding claims against the estate of D. S. Cowan, dee'd, are hereby notified to present said claims, duly au thenticated, to Joseph R. White, adm'r, on or before the 14th day of February. tH8u, or this notice will be plead in bar of re covery. And those indebted to the estate will be required to settle as early as prac ticable. JOS. R. WHITE, Adm'r Febr'y 14, 1884. 6w:pd NOTICE! Parties haying claims against, or indebt ed to the China Grove Co-operative Asso ciation, are notified that, by Power of At torney, the time to settle is limited to Jan uary 1st, 1885. J M. GRAY, Att'y. 14:tf 3 T Vry-vvn..- - unuutN BROWNE, Pkk.. W. C. COART, 8C Total Assets, $710,745.12. A Home Company, Seeking Home Patronage. STEONG, PEOMPT, EELIABLS, Term Policies written on Dwellings Premiums payable One half cash and bal ance in twelve months. J. ALLEN BROWN, Agt., 23:6m- Salisbury, N. C. r.iT 3 mm ?'ecseta3le Pills KOU THR 5 R And i ll 3 Nous Complaints ' .tie to t:ike, Itoijijr itiiHr veireruMe? nnnta. nti. rrii 25 cu. All ir.i.r.rf. " r This Space Reserved FOR SHEPPARD, SWINK & MONROE, PROPRIETORS KLUTTZ'S WAREHOUSE For the Sale of LEAF TOBACCO, Salisbury, 'N. C. fmm I PURGATIVE o Cv V S o -y a o PUIS And will completely change tho blood la the entire system In three months. Any person who will take 1 Pill each night from 1 to 13 weeks, may be restored to sound health, if such a thing- be pogsibl?. For Terzlo Complaints theso Pills havo no equal. Physicians use them for tho .-urn of LIVtit and KIDNEY diseases. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail for Gc. in 6tam;o. Circniari. free. I. s JOHNSON & CO , Boston. Mass. in "Vu-i f. M H i.'iii t'M m 1-iMMKM (for Internal and Exit r--- ,"-3 1 I i t-f) win !!!aiitancul relieve llirio ter Ll VI f . -' ;, i i lisvu i. a...l ill positively cure nine e F Ml L'J f ': ! j ' t' it c; i.u. Ji.. rm:.!ion thai w:l! avr n F y f '-' i t' ' i'rt- l."faenrfrw l-y null. IVin t delay a laoa bJ Li lv. J C L". J V 1'rcTeaiinii is teUcr than cufa. JOHNSON'S ANOOV'NS LtJiilV-iiT ''W lnr:j?m. Biimir at the I.nnr non nets. Hacking Cough, Whoopii; ""avh, W-r.itiio ii..rrrca. Iv..-nterv. rhoiera Morfitis,- Kidney IroaUes, Diseases of the Spiue. Sold everywhere. Ciroilar imp. I. S. .l.Jii VS'iN & CO.. Boston, Mass. Crosp, Asthma, Bronchitis, Keural- Rla. Kheutuatism. Johnson s ano- I'lM. ia.M3ll-.NI (lor Internal and External rrriblo cases r nuny t that most ef the Q H fi '7 kP F 3 2 old in this rnnn- 1 f, M -. ti l eridan s Condition iUn 1M VJ1 H i t f 8 andvervvslDable. $i 63 h 5 U.W 111 make hens IStJ f fi a ft E l&dl Q It ll a well-known fact Horie and Cattle I'owdcr i try is worthless ; that Sheridan'i Powder Is abeolute'y pure i Nothine on Earth will lav like Sheridan's Condition Pow der. Dose, one teaspoonful to each pint of food. It will also positively prevent and cure Hog Cholera, fcc. Sold everywhere, or sent by mall for Metal laflsf CM sfUOl ETDA I stmpa. Furnished in large cans,price.O0; ly mail. S1JQ, sll iwiassil w lint lucmara xrte. i. o. juiusuj a cv., uosioo, , Dec. 20, OKKKR SPECIAL BARGAINS! CHEAP 1 Elias Howe Leather Machine, - - - $15.00. 2 18-inch arm for heavy Leather, (grnxl as new,) 40.00. Original cost $ 125.00. 4 New Family Singer Machines, - - $10 to $15. 3 American No. 1, $10 to $15. 2 Wheeler & Wilson, - - - - $12 and $15. 2 Home Shuttles, $5.00. 1 Weed, ------ - $12.00. The above have been used some but warranted to do good work. We also sell the New Davis, American and Royal St. John's, at bottom prices warranted for 5 years and guarranteed to give SATISFACTION. 31

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