Caroli tin. Wa tch man. THUioSPAY, APRIL 24, rr4. An Eat Trni!fRStf mhim, Wm. Greene, jm Vailley, JJawkius eoiint.v, lias four thousand apple trees just coining in bear lug, which y'uU hiui $1,000 a .vear. He is planting every year and proposes to fill 200 acres with trees, and expects ns good a profit from tlurm as from a planta tion of orange tree Bj the nay, this is just the time to look for apple tree tests. Destroy the tent catapillar, wliosc nests are now easi ly seen, especially in the morning while the dew is yet on them. The apple tree louse, a small greenish parasite, soniev times on the body of the trees but more frequently on the uuder side of the leaves, ia a miiiii ttf.t lullifl ill imr siml Stifkimr the juice oMhe tatTtf and causing them to fall off. They are to be destroyed iu any way possible; Mjuiiting sulphur and tobaceo water on thetn will MoiMtimes do jnuch good ; but th orclinrdtftt will keep up the war iu some way through the sea son, for the enemy is very persisteut. The Codliug moth is beyond control zcept by feeding the young fruit that falls to the pigs. The egg of this enemy deposited iu the bloom by the moth, and when it hatches the worm works its way into the fruit which falls to the ground before fully grown. Feeding them to the pig a preventive means for tl bouefit of the next crop. There are other pests which the watch ful fruit raiser will be apt to see, and de stroy at best he can. The red and black speckled ' lady bug" is not an enemy but a friend, whether iu the orchard or the viaeyard. Aster 16 Years. Four men in. Wilkes county indicted for a murder committed Id years ago. The victim is said to hare been an escaped Yankee prisoner from this place, by the name of Capt. R. Liv iugston. lie was harbored in Wilkes Co., fell in love, and returned in 1867 to see the object which had stolen his heart. It was then that these four men Bird, the two ilatliies and Shoe committed the deed. The wife of Bird gave the atfair away, while iu a quarrel with her hus band. Men should not quarrel with their wives, $oon)an lived in vain bat then the houses in this country are not built with reflVienco to tjie escape of husbands, via the housetop as in the days of Solo man. Seme ef our Republican newspapers affect to be delighted at what they are pleased to consider a sure sign of demo cratic defeat in the despairing words ef a few members of the party who can't see from the beginning to the end. Mr. so-and-so gives it up, and Mr. Weakkness My democratic defeat is certain, etc. say they. Many times have we heard lusty ful)-bellied republicans declare that the democratic party was dead j bub yet they are always on time to serve their PQflntry when the lime, comes. Better wail and see. They have something (Tet ter to think about than the little yelping, Snarling pack of while sneaks whose chief delight is fooling the poor negroes, whom they coax aud drive by turns into the support of the spoils party. Telephoning long distances -has hereto fore beeu attended with insuperable diffi culties. JTlie Boston Journal says the secref of it has at last been discovered, and that itjaid not in the instruments ainployed but iu the conducting wire. Soft copper wije will not answer, but hard rolled copper wire, receutly tested between Boston and New York, has prov ed to be the very thiug required. Con versation between these two cities was carried on without the least difficulty, speaking iu the ordinary conversational tone. Jt is believed there that the tele phone will now answer all practical pur poses for auy distance. There is a man at Laucaster, near Bos ton, who has twelve thousand Plymouth Rock chickeus. He calculates to have 8,000 to sell every fall, and 2,500 laying heas to cany over the winter. He is a poultay farmer, aud makes his business pay him a very handsome income. He began it when ayoqng man, starting with oae hundred lions. Almost auy business diligently pursued with intelligence, and perseverance, can be made to pay. We think A. C. Hawkins has but one iron IP the fire, and watches that closely. The iron ores of Alleghany county Virginia seem to be moreVabundant as investigation proceeds, aud it is predict ed that that county will soon become the great iron centre of the State. It is also claiuied for Virginia that for variety aud superiority of coal, for the number and thickness of (he veins, for advantages in mining and for proximity to both eastern and Western markets, the country draiu ed by the Great Kaualolja river and its tributaries-Coal river, Elk river, New river and Gauley river-is the most valtt pbk coal field in the world. The editor of the Washington, N. C. Gazette, came very near befog assassiua ted a few days ago, by W. A. Potts, Jr., the standard keeper of the county, whom he had denounced as officially dishonest. Potts came upon tnlitor Smalls, uuob served, aud was aiming a pistol at him wiieu some one near perceiving the intent threw up the pistol hand juntas the weap on was Bred. The shot, aimed at the heart, went over Mr. Small's shoulder Potts in in jail lor lack of bajj. The peaiiftt crop of Virginia is claimed to be ir.vck more profitable than cotton or Su,o..e,o. t.inu'i farmer in that State f);; m..dc fine fut tunes raisins them. Resist It, The tendency of political centralization in the government of the United Slates Ibr the last 20 years has been and is yet very strong. The party in power has seized every opportunity to Create at Washington a "strong govern ment, and iu the same ratio to destroy State government. The people of this country are warned as they love the in stitutions established by their fathers, to resist every encroachment on the rights ot me stales, aim to i;eeti a (sleepless watch mn their rulers. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. Mu, P. P. Vkhablk, Gliemist of the University of North Carolina, has careful ly analyzed the blood like matter which came down as a shower from a cloudless sky iu Chatham county, en the 25th of last February, and tiuds that it is iudeed blood. The questiou now to be solved is, where did it come from. There was a slight wind from the southwest wheu it fell. "The market value of humbug'' is only determined by the particular humbug under consideration. In some cases there are millions iu it take the venders of patent medicines, for instance, who build up princely mansions of polished stone aud live like mouarchs out of the pro ceeds of a business whose greatest cost is the advertisements they net uu and send out. The Mississippi river is like a great elephant. Powerful and profitable if well managed ; but if left to itself with out restraint, fearfully destructive. We Jiavu it on our hands ; it is going to stay with us ; and unless we take good care to hold it iu check, it will desolate the rich est territory iu this fair land. It is a Subject for Congressional management The county iu which Birmingham, Ala., is located had, in 1830, $3,000,000 taxable. She has now $8,300,000. This comes of iron ore and coal lying side by side iu that county. The product of iron aud the output of coal have increased in the same ratio. "How does the South look now," asks a wi iter who is contrasting her condition of 20 years ago with the present. It was night then, with almost a ray less sky and desolation covered the laud. It is day now, with the sun of her prosperity rising gloiionsly, shedding over all the geuia! beams of peace and prosperity. 8. I). Maxwell of McDowell county. was run over and killed r a freight train near card, last week. He was de capitated, and his body scattered alonsr the road for 50 yards. It is supposed he had fallen in a fit. Leather, or raw hide railroad wheels have lieen made iu France. They had better accept the Yankee trick aud make them of paper, which must be a great deal cheaper and equally as good. A Morgantou girl has crippled the leap year bnsiues by breaking into jail and marrying a singing school master, who is held forjarceny. Lynch her. A French metallurgist is credited with having discovered a process by which iron ore can be reduced to pig metal iu fourteen minutes. Col. Coke, Chairman of the State Democratic Committee has resigned. Personal reasons influencing his action. R, H. Battle, Esq., has been chosen to fill the vacancy. Basket Willow a small thing, re quiring not much attention, but pars well as a fiilo crop. -Mr: P. M. Halo's Bidciah Register is a splendid paper. THE TOWN FINANCES. Report of the Finance Committee for the I ear Lading May 11, 1888. To the Honorable Mayvr and Board of Com miioner$ of Salieiry, 17. C: U ex TbEJfEN, We your Finance Com mittee, have made a careful examination of the Books, Accounts and Vouchers of the Clerk, Treasurer and Tax Collector for the year just ended, and respectfully submit the following report: T. H. Vandertord, T. T. C, in account with Commissioners of Salisbury Da To General Tax Book 1882 ' $6285 92 eoi - j 8Si unlisted taxes for 1882 special tax 44 dog tax 44 " 3.00 9.00 1843.22 55.00 18196.14 Cr. 0255.41 1759.37 113.46 59.75 8.15 Total . ; By am't pd Town Treas pd Treas Crad'd sch'l am't of uncollec'd tax H U .4 4 erroneous tax credits of claims Total 88196.14 H. M. Jones, Treasurer, in account with Com. of Salisbury ro casn on I. amis 44 am't ree'd from T T Col 8 41.33 6255.41 48.02 140.30 48.00 .40 44 hay scales 44 cotton 44 for graves " lumber sold II I. u Total $6533.46 Cb. By Cash paid, per vouchers. 1882 F i ranuenora, (st uaJds) 35 60 Aux 2 44 Victor DavU rMf AAJ limn O l T TT TT J . . . w - -- j v , i, nuiai i .s oacKson Henderson i i . icoiurea sexton g 9a 4i Jas Earnhardt (st work) 37 1-001 poncing 30 00 44 Wm Davis street work l 50 44 Jackson Henderson sexton 3 35 2 62 6 25 4 00 4 50 " J D Gaskill merchandise Ed Crowell bl'ksrai thing 44 Jack Tatuia street work 44 Wm Davis street work 44 Jscksin HJendcrs-on soton 375 do - do 8 75 Ed Croweil brksmithiog 4 55 Jackson Henderson sexton 3 75 " T H Vanderford st work 26 24 Geo Mowery draying 16 30 "JD NcNecly shingles &c 18 75 Gas .Company 24 30 " J A Brown election el k 3 00 "DR Julian (finance com) 10 00 Sept 1 "HM Jones (exchange) 75 Wm tielley street won i oo Cal Wiseman 4 50 " Geo Murphy " " 4 50 "HM Jones 44 " 2062 C W Pool policing 30 00 44 Vanderfont & Shaver hauling 70 00 44 Jackson Henderson sexton 3 00 44 Brown A Verble 2 30 J F Pace policing 30 00 do do 30 00 44 Jackson Henderson sexton 2 62 44 C W Pool policing ' 00 44 J H Verble 3 00 44 Brown & Verble 2 00 44 Hiram Beeves street work 4 50 44 T H Vanderford eom's 27 33 do extra service 175 00 44 W L Rankin Treas salary 75 00 10 44 J J Boll sexton 25 00 " W Smithkeal hardware 40 83 "JF Pace policing 30 00 44 J J Bell sexton 25 00 " C W Pool policing 30 00 44 J D Heilig hauling 41 00 44 J J Bell sexton 25 00 44 Geo Mowery hauling 59 50 "JR. Keen lumber 12 50 44BLuwdick 44 10 75 44 Mrs A C Davis interest 40 00 44 J J Bell sexton 25 00 Gas Company 24 30 44 J J Bell sexton 2500 ,4 Gas Company 14 15 44 T H Vanderford corn's 13 35 44 C W Pool policing 30 00 4i B Cauble paint g sch'l h 20 00 44 J P Ross street woik 15 00 44 J J Bell sexton 25 00 44 C W Pool policing 50 00 44 Gas Company 12 15 1883 Nov 1 44 Mrs Sarah Johnson in'est 20 00 44 J F Pace policing 30 00 44 M L Holmes freight on school furniture 112 57 44 on Dr J A Cald wells note 35 47 44 44 Jno I Shaver judg't 80 66 44 street hands 86 19 44 Geo Mowery brick 62 00 44 Gas Company 49 95 44 J J Brunei- printing 47 47 44 J J Bell sexton 25 00 4- C W Pool policing 30 00 4i Gas Company 36 45 44 Win Smitlideal 14 97 44 Kerr Craige att'y fees 30 00 44 J F Pace policing 30 00 44 J J Bell sexton 25 00 "ML Holmes salary 319 50 44 Kerr Craige finance com 10 00 44 E B Ncave cl'k 44 44 10 00 44 H N Woodson on sch'l h 20 00 do do do 44 20 00 44 Gas Company 76 50 44 51 : 44 Wm Murdock on sch'l h 50 00 44 street hands 7 11 44 Isom Ford street work 3 00 41 Isaac Mauuey street work 75 44 C D Crawford asst cotton weigher 44 Rachacl Waugh refunded tax 44 C F Baker registrar 44 G A Eagle & Co well wo'k 41 Sandv Hargrave st'r work 10 00 I lou 2 76 40 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 3 75 4 50 3 75 4 50 12 00 30 00 4 15 4 31 4 50 412 4 12 4 50 4 50 2 62 2 2.) Dec 5 44 1 44 Anderson Hampton ,4 Cal Wiseman u tl 'I .1 44 Bill Davis 44 Sandy Hargrave " Rill rtovia 41 Sandy Hargrave 44 44 4i Jas Bernhardt 44 44 44 street hands 44 street hands 4 Shaver & Arey hauling 44 J F Pace policing 44 J 31 Horah 44 Sandy Hargrave st work 44 do 44 44 Moran Hampton 44 44 Anderson Hampton 44 44 do 44 44 Moran Hampton 44 44 Jackson Henderson sexton 44 , do 44 44 Moran Hampton st work 2 25 44 Anderson Ford 44 4 4 3 5 6 44 Andserson Hampton 44 3 56 44 Jerry Townseud cl'ng wells 5 00 44 44 44 44 44 5 00 "44 Jackson Henderson sexton 44 Chas Allison street work 44 Anderson Ford 44 44 4 44 Moran Hampton 44 44 44 Anderson Hampton 44 44 Jerry Townseud cl'ng wells 44 Joe Ballard street work 4 R J Holmes 44 44 2 62 4 30 3 93 4 30 4 30 50 3 00 4 50 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 37 44 Moran Hampton 44 Chas Allison 11 11 41 Jackson Henderson aex'ton 44 Anderson Ford street work 3 75 44 Jack Litaker 44 Junius Hears 44 Sam Carter 44 Elisha Mears 44 Sam Carter 14 it ... n 11 300 3 00 3 00 3 00 4 50 4 25 4 25 4 50 4 50 35 4 50 4 50 3 35 4 50 44 Monroe Hampton 44 44 Anderson do 44 Jack Litaker 44 Isom Ford 44 Henry Bitting 44 Elisha Meais 44 Chas Allison 11 11 11 M 11 11 it 41 44 Jackson Henderson sexton 44 Sam Carter street work 44 Anderson Hampton 44 4 5 3 35 4 50 2 25 4 50 3 00 4 25 4 50 3 35 2 60 40 00 3 93 3 93 3 93 3 93 3 93 3 93 3 93 3 93 9 26 3 93 44 Moran do 44 Anderson Ford 44 Bill Davis 44 Chas Allison 44 Isom Ford 44 Jack Litaker 44 Elisa Mears 44 Julius Reeves 11 11 11 11 11 .1 11 11 44 Jakson Henderson sexton 44 Mrs M A Bruncr interest 44 Chas Allison street work 44 Anderson Hampton 44 44 Moran Hampton 44 Julius Reeves 44 Sam Carter 44 Jack Litaker 44 Junius Mears 44 Anderson Ford 44 Wm Smithdeal 44 Elsh Mearcs u u it M 11 '( 1. 11 it 4 J M Horah court fees 24 15 44 Mrs Sarah Johnson inter'st 20 00 44 A A Brown 4 50 44 Keen & Marsh 29 10 44 J D Gaskill matches fcc 5 00 44 T H Vanderford kill'g d'gs 4 55 M do corns 156 34 44 W J Milk witness fee 2 00 44 Jno Henderson cl'ng wells 1 50 44 W S Brown Hauling 00 44 Anderson Hampton at work 3 75 . 44 Chas Allison " 44 375 44 Anderson Ford 44 " 375 44 Bill Davis 41 " 375 44 Jackson Henderson sexton 3 35 44 Kerr Craige atty fees 50 00 44 A Parker repairing engine house 1 go 44 Edwards Broughton ijk Co tax books ' 2 73 sa ufoweu urksmithinr 3 20 cmaver cs A.rey Lauling 2 00 Dwc. . po v n llorah hauling 8 25 Jno Henderson policing 1 00 " Chas Allison st. work 2 60 Sandy Hargrave st. work 2 GO 4 Andersou Hamptou st. w'k2G0 44 Bill Davis st. work 330 44 Jackson Henderson sexton 3 35 44 Beu'Caublo policing 150 "US Lowder 1 50 44 J J. Boll sexton 25 00 4,TH Vanderford (remitt ed tax to members of Fire Co. 54 00 "TH Vanderford (remitt ed tax to members of H &LCo,) 25 50 " St. Hands 42 70 44 T H Vaudeiford (refund ed tax to A. Ford) 3 00 44 J J Bruner printing 36 70 44 J D Gaskill mdse 6 75 The. Buerbaum 120 44 Geo. Murphy st. work 300 44 Ed Crowell blacksmithing 3 35 44 Geo Murphv st. work 4 50 44 E B'Neave clerk 3300 44 J A Ramsay (sal'ry 1881) 35 67 44 Merouey & Bro., sup plies 100 00 44 E K James droving 8 00 44 J M Horah probating deeds 2 75 44 Merouey & Bro., lumber 11 40 21 44 C W Pool policiujx 10 00 44 J J Bell sexton 25 00 44 Mrs C'Kerr (witness fee) 1 00 44 Titos Mowerv policing 1 50 188: Jan. 5. 44 Cal Wiseman st. work 4 50 44 Ed Crowell blacksmithing 5 40 44 J C Sheppnrd policing 1 50 44 Wm Rusher 44 1 50 44 R J Holmes pd col'd sex- ten 3 75 44 C W Pool policing 10 00 44 Wm Davis st. work 4 50 44 Juuius Meares st. work 4 50 44 Elisha Meares 44 44 4 50 4 Anderson Hamptou st w'k 4 50 44 Anderson Ford st. work 4 50 44 Chas Allison 44 44 4 50 44 Henry Hackett 44 44 4 50 44 Jackson Henderson sexton 3 75 44 T H Vanderford killing dogs 1 75 44 Ed Crowell blacksmithing 2 15 44 1 H Vanderford commis sions 72 79 44 Moran Hampton st. work 4 50 44 Chas Allison 44 4 4 4 50 44 C W Pool police duty 20 00 44 Bill Davis st. work 4 50 44 Henrv Hackett st. work 3 75 44 Jackson Henderson sexton 3 75 44 E B Neave salary 50 00 44 E B N'eave 44 25 00 44 Jackson Henderson sextou 2 25 44 Jno Henderson policeman 4 00 44 John Holt 44 7 00 44 T H Vanderford 34 00 44 L S Overman Alt'y fees 10 75 44 C P Baker election judge 3 00 44 J A Reudleman electiou judge 3 00 44 C T Bernhardt Fiu, Com. 10 00 44 Mills overseer 11 00 44 C W Pool policing 30 00 44 J F Pace 44 30 00 44 W S Brown hauling 25 00 44 End Browu police duty 1 50 44 C I) Crawford assistant cotton weigher 10 00 44 W R Crawford assistant cotton weigher 10 00 44 J F Pace police duty 35 00 44 Crawford & Co hardware 5 23 44 44 44 44 9 80 44 Jas Smith and son work on School house 25 75 44 Anderson Ford st. work 4 50 44 Jno M Horah register fees 4 20 44 W J Mills over. e r 9 75 44 Brown &. Gowau stove and pipe 2 20 44 Verble & Heilig hauling 1 25 44 Sain'l McCubbitis 44 28 50 44 Wins Brown seal'g scales 1 (K) 44 Geo Mowery hauling 15 (X) 44 J J Stewart printing Jl 75 44 Henry Fisher st. work 75 44 Ed Can hie rep. scales 3 50 44 Kluttz & Rendh mm (i.'eo McNeil's fees Morrison case 6 40 Feb. 2. 4 John Shaver hauling 4 50 44 T II Vanderford well b'ket 60 44 Ed Crowell blacksmithing 3 95 44 J F Pace policing 35 00 44 W I! Trexler hauling 12 00 44 Jno Beard 44 16 00 44 R R Crawford 44 59 00 44 E K James 44 1 1 00 4' T H Vanderford Corns. 35 41 44 Street hands 14 22 44 Brown & Gowan I 05 44 Mrs. E H Marsh 30 78 44 L M Julian police duty 1 50 44 M .M Bailey hauling 13 80 Mar. 2. 44 Jackson Henderson sexton 3 00 44 Bill Davis street work 44 Joe Ballard 44 44 44 Bill Davs street work . 44 Jno Holt 4i 44 44 R R Crawford hauling 44 Moran Hamptou st work tl 44 II 14 II II 44 Geo Mowery hauling 44 Jno Holt police duty 44 Baker & Co., repairing school house roof 44 C W Pool police duty 11 .1 ii 3 75 3 25 3 93 4 50 21 00 3 75 2 60 4 50 27 00 3 75 7 95 20 00 15 00 44 Jackson Henderson sexton 6 00 44 Anderson Hamptou st w'k 4 30 44 .Mora 11 Hampton II o o 44 J F Pace police duty 44 Bill Davis ctreet work 44 E B Neave salary 44 M L Beau sireet work 44 T H Vanderford Corns. April 6. 44 Wm Whittey st work 44 M Ford 44 44 41 Street hands 11 11 ii 44 E K James hauling - 44 Street hands 11 11 44 44 Merouey & Bro., lumhei 35 00 1 70 25 00 14 60 23 83 4 50 4 50 21 75 900 27 50 1162 1725 892 44 Anderson Ford st work 4 50 44 H M Jones nd street hands 8 61 44 Street hands 7 50 44 J F Pace police dutv 30 00 11 i. 11 35 00 44 R R Crawford & Co., 28 60 44 Henry Jmikius cleaning well 1 50 44 J J Bell sextou 25 00 44 J F Pace police dutv 30 00 44 C W Pool 44 44 30 00 44 Dr J A Caldwell 66 13 44 T H Vanderford Coins, 14 77 44 Goo W Smith jail fees 1 97 44 T H Vanderford 5 60 44 Street hands 6 95 44 T F Kluttz stationery 60 May 9. 44 Jackson Henderson sextou 3 00 44 Keen & Marsh 67 50 44 J J Bell sexton 25 00 44 C W Pool police duty 40 00 44 J J Bell sexton 25 00 44 Ben Canble police duty 18 00 44 J J Bell sexton 25 00 44 C W Pool police duty 35 00 44 Wm Valentiuerock 10 80 44 A G Richardson election judge 4 00 . 44 T H Vanderford Corns. 32 48 14 Bob Lord street work 3 75 44 Joshua Murphy st work 62 44 Wm Kulley street work 1 85 44 Henry Murphy street w'k 2 62 44 Andeisou Hampton t w'k 4 10 44 Jft.dus Mears street work 3 35 44 Pink Allison 44 44 3 35 44 Wm Ballard 44 44 3 35 44 Abram Miller " . 225 44 Street hands bv T H Van- detford 101 24 44 Street hands 7 56 11 . 27 70 44 Jackson Henderson sexton 2 25 44 J F Pace police duty 30 00 4t J D Gaskill mdse 3 95 44 C W Pol police duty 30 00 4 Kerr Craige legal service 10 00 44 Cap Cole street work 1 12 44 M Fultz street work 225 Wm Ballard st work 4 10 44 Dick Hill street work 300 " N Pharr " 44 4 50 44 H Tatum 44 4 4 4 50 44 Andy McRee st work 375 44 Junius Mears st work 4 50 44 Auderson Hampton st w'k 4 50 44 Moran Hampton 44 44 4 50 44 Bill Davis street work 4 50 44 E Mears 44 4 4 4 50 44 T H Vanderford extra ser vices 200 00 44 T H Vanderford remitt ed taxes 206 08 44 T H Vanderford st work 12 00 44 E B Neave listing taxes 40 00 44 Geo Mowery hauling 1 00 44 Jackson Henderson sextou 2 25 44 C F Baker registrar 476 44 On school furniture 200 00 44 C Sheppard repairing well frame 2 00 44 Sam'l Taylor hauling '8 00 44 J P Weber blacksmithing 4 85 Cash ou hands 70 64 11 $6533 46 Respectful! v submitted, S. II. Wiley, 1 W. Smithdeal, v Finance C. T. Bernhardt, S Committee. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of punty, strength, aed vholestrueneLS. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Roval. Bakino I'owdek Co., 10 Wall st. N. Y. Si? The most successful Remedy ever dis covered as it is certain iu its effects and docs not blister. Read Proof "Below. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Denver, Colorado, April 22nd, 1882, Dr. B. J. Kendall & Co., Gents : Four years ago while in the employ of A. P. Pt r ley & Co., Dan vers, Mass., we had a horse that became spavined during the first year of my stay with them, and remained so for four years, though we used every remedy we knew or could hear of but no avail. Some time during the fifth year, (fori wtis in their employ between five and six years), we were recommended to try Kendall's Spavin Cure, and after using it two months the Horse was cured the enlargement hav ing been entirely removed, and thus believ ing it to be a valuable medcine I fully re commend it to all who have occassion to use it. Respectfully, P. II. Lyons. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Fremont, Ohio, Sept. 24, 1883. Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., Gentlemen Having had au opportunity of seeing your "Treatise on the Horse" this Summer for the first time I was induced to try your Kendall's Spavin Cure on a valuable horse that had been lame since the first of April, from a bone Spavin. I had blistered it several times aud concluded that my horse would never get over being lame. Five weeks ago to-day I commenced using Ken dall's Spavin Cure and after using it three weeks the lameness entirely disappeared. It has been worth $80.00 to me. II. II. House. Mount Prajric, Minn., Sept. 24, 1883. Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., Gentlemen: Last Spring I had a valuable young horse that from some cause got a very large lump about half way on his shoulder and was very lame for a long time. I had the best horse doctors examine her, some called it one thing some another, one said the shoul der was broken but none could cure it. After I had tried the cure I went and bought one bottle of Kendall's SpavinX'ure. I did not use one half of it before it was all smooth and clean. Lameness all gone too. As a horse liniment it is invaluable. Respectfully, Andrew Orr. Tawas City, Mich., Sept. 1, 1883. Messrs B. J. Kendall Co., Gentlemen: Please send me a package of Prof Flints Condition Powders. I have used Kendall's Spavin Cure a number of years on a good many horsos and never saw its equal on man or beast. I have given away many of your Treatise on the Horse but if I could not get another would not take $25. for mine Yours etc., F. Rollins. Alderson, West Virginia, Sept. 18, '83. Please allow me to tpeak in the highest terms of Kendall's Spavin Cure for what it has done for my sou, in fact it cured him of a bone affection about the knee that baffled the skill of two of the best M. Ds. in our city, Schenectady, New York. D. Van Vranken, Supt. of S. & Y. D. Greenbrier, West Virginia. Send for Illustrated Circular w hich we think gives positive proof of its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such unquali fied success to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. Price $1 per bottle, or six battles for $5. All Druggists hate it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors. Dr. B. J. Kendall & Co., Enosburgh Falls, Va, SOU) BY ALL OBUGGISTS. NeW GoodS I AT KLUTTZ & RE1LEMII WE have one of the LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE STOCKS OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ia Salisbury. i DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS IN ABUNDANCE. OUR NUNS VEILING, WORSTED, POPLINS and LACE BUNTING are ven cheip and pretty. OUR Prints and Lawns are very handsome at Q cents aad upwards. SHOES cheap and to suit everybody. LADIES' and Men's new style SUMMER HATS. WE have a HANDSOME STOCK ot CLOTHING, WE have 20 kinds of CHEWING TOBACCO. We have the largest and best assortment of Sugar, Coffee, and Molasses in town. We have the largest stock of Table and Glass ware in theplace. We have a new supply of 5 cent tricks. We keep a full stock of Bran, Shorts, Flour, Meal, and Corn constantly on hand. We Sell the Celebrated PEARL SHIRT. We are Agents for THE LIGHT RUNNING DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE. We are Agents for COATS' SPOOL COTTON. And we hope by FAIR DEALING and LOW PRICES to merit a call from jou all be fore buying or selling. April 1st, 1884. Furniture Dealer, Upholsterer, 0M--X UBZ PARLOR SUITS, 35 to $100 CHEAP BEDS, $2.50. FINE LINE OF CARPETS. Sewinar Machines Weed and Hartford. r TV O D Si. .. -.-. ... .... 4.. v - i - H i iff :V. V RT f v ,,. t P Tf : .- I if H M h & M M M lA r,i f-. FOR THE TWENTY VuARS utni-.g whicl, wa have been selling :ui.J masiiiricrrii iujr Furtiliw vs. wehavo made the Tobacco Ckci- tlit; su!jyi:t;lVjwci:il iiuy and tensive experiment wiih the uyd il m:kii:g tlie lcst pos Bible Fertilizer for thai erwp, wiilior.t n-nl lanalvs?s or book valuations. The relative 'vaiuu uf live (liiiercut lcp tilizing materials has been stuIicl in the Plant-Bed, m the Field, in the Barn, aad in the Salesroom. Our TOBACCO MANURE is the product of the jnfo 'nnljon nnd skill gained in this continuous effort to ijnpiovc, ;::.d uc ellei ii with groat con fidence as bein the VERY BEST FEHJiUZZFl FC.l .:;?fT 7CDACC0 yet mad-. Ciops raised v'tli it bring the highest average prices in ail Uit muiktu of Virginia and North Carolina.- - " We use tiothing in it manufacture but tnutcria's tbft highest gnsdc, wi.irh are I.imv:i to be s;e.i.t!iy ad;pH'J to this crop. We r..e no ji.;y (r;;;;;.-;..;. z, r; ::::.! horn, ho-jf, lliodJy, or uwl' uwf vs- r.j c.r cr jit "SO SALS ty at t.!l T. ALLEN BROWN Agent for tlie Above r UK TftK STAR BRAND GUANO for Cotton, Corn, OKIJIKS 'PROMPTLY ATTENDED TOC W A TVTTrTI T active a LrrErj.n;u.T akits fo V ilil JLXdU I and eouuty to sell our POPULAR NEW UOi K nir u BIBLE:). Ministers, teacher and others, whose time is not fully occupitd, will fra " l"f to correspond with a. To farmers' eons and other young men just coining on the hew Metal vtsnM vo Mi. m vu.isu.i a vvi, W. W. TAYLOR, ) D. J. BOSTIAN, Sal J. A. NEELY. ) esmen. and AVIS, Cottage Suits, 20, 25 and $30 Woven Wire Mattresses, $7.50, KM? FT L J x 1 J ' - ' .......... J. 4. 1 AiXO 1 f P ! .U .. T-l iv. A Jbah I S ii , Xt J . 7 fi Q 4 . - w "S " T W- I v' Tr y r -at; su t'jf 7oiac. -Crcr j" j.uis nain rwM Irt