M ;V" A T ...Mr PAY. APKIL g4, letH, hst-wj yc - 1 Kates the Carolina Subscription .. ...it.tioa rate ,;: , :is Co! lows : ,u,,i, (Miv1'3m'3B iln .i " "i u ' H"KBUJ rrrt hir.iK rr" . ... (he Ppri" at ihe Tolmcco'Waie- eek --flush jnce. Commissioners will soon clean up and annual .1.111 -o The Republican held a county con vention in the Courthouse last Saturday to? the purpso of nominating delegates to represent Rowan in the State Rep. Convention. Two white and two negroes were placed in nomination. The latter were r Ic-ctt i to eerve. A a compromise a white uian nas tolerated to act as alternate. Alter souie discussion it was thought best to allow the Liberals t act with them. The meeting was not full of vigorous and hopeful animation, hut rather ou the go slow order. Pity that the republican whites in -Rowan were not present on the gallery seats to witness Lite doers and doings of those who lead them in politics. It Verily looks as if the whites had deserted and left the entire managemeut 4;o the ue- S.ilUb.i;-y's T iwaG v jr:ra:it. I Mr. Eli tor: A- the ttwaJi ne trat hm l whsn wa in the ! should h ive in I a i jj gleiaeiit, Eq-i . ..!n nr Snrrv ...i iiinir sick. !! n the Li.iu. in In Lecke Township, this coun- s ' .1. v : l Iih lust, josepn iiiiiou the 2$th year of his age. i)e Western X. C. Railroad authori al! 4$ iirto the Slate Treasury by first of M.v M),000. This amount ... inn the. State, and lie 1 reaij " -? consequenco lliere will ue no oi.u ... thi veal'. get. J- a- paminereii, now paster n i., i, .ri hi el: i! it'h in Tarboro. tnei'v ... ; imirin-. Humpies pulpit Here on next ii ... lav that gentleman being ni alien .wl l'tisItTtl'V. With the Danish Embassy. A let- is filling Solicitor tev from Capt. Wai. M. Wiley, to tlr Court, the last Watchman, dated 1 rieste, April 1st '64, says: 4Ve arrived here on the D.ii Urt. alter an unusually length voyage of 78 days. Among my accrued mail I find nntri e roars copiesof the Watchman whbh seemed like meeting an old friend. Incited partly by the ever increasing de pression in shipping ntfairs, aud partly by other motives, I have here resigned the commaud of the Rialto aud accepted a temporary position as attache of the Danish Embassy. The Rialto-proceeded last week under the charge of the chief officer to Pirano a small seaport about 12 English miles from here. Alter remain ing there a few days slier will proceed to Holland, probably Rotterdam." -o "Afrer Many Years. Some days ago the members of our former and de- error is in judgment and not in heart. Outside of this, there is no occasion to ridicnle the officers of Rowan for not doing auvthing for the county coming Statu Exposition ; for reason that . i . . -i . i : fc . a . l -. i : i .... - f iiik inHier, wtMwa,im.iwniHmiMr prevjat i.a.;orr t- i I ov-r ! doubt but that they will act, aud they auother ye ir. S i;o . t; 1 a i I eifiururU . . .i . ... l i. i . - .e i- .. will do whatthev deem best For tlie ;s iup.v p t.. ... oy o;u in,,;,, the county and give good -and sufficient tnve hail aa elo -li i i fir oir 1 ,V I If . ft. thesitnple! 1 ,,wu u,u A vl u ' lii:" J si.;i they have not aeted at all In t1. , :, , Mlj . i .,,.... reason for so doing. Again, there will probably be no State taxes this year, so that the county officers may ti;.d that they can afford to show up the county in the Exposition without maiming to any seriou extent the conuty excheqnr. skiff & G.iy lord's Minstrels played w . nil I... t nn' It lO a Uou Mouse. ft ii i- m -nieht for the last tunc. in n ' ....". ti I.mI to i ii i na of lie ' i - l ..1 ,.l lUa in-, i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i rwt . en'H 1 til I M'M i.. I'-" " v ........ , .MrKniulinfr them to return to that i.... r,,r sFi'iinil time. They will -be iT T ...A hWnn iimneeiati ve audience. Sl"PIen : Death. Mr. Jhn Bi ingle, well a-....t. iv I -miwii bv n lai re iiortiou of this county, fell" dead on bUltome Friday morning last, just after getting nut ol 'bed. He was highly re ipected by his neighbors and others as an nniiiit 'i"(l honorable man aud useful citiztn. AiM 72 years. o 1 Itr. 4vJ. .Brunei- is attending a meet- . 1 1 ll..l.fii.rr .. t l!..llml lug nt v.Miitiu i itoujutij eiiarcb, near Davidson College, liy the Wp of the report of tha town fiuaqce ceniUtse, tiro Jr. editor has beeu eia bied . ( "lill "l1'' tl:e paper without fhe voluntary assistance of the poet and his paemy'-Hoary winter thrusts his frosty ni,uiiwi tlif fi-nrrile form of Siniir." ftl III ill "inn. ' ' . . . . . . . - I O O - According to the Exposition Atr, twenty-tWe counties have made appro priations, to the State exposition, giving Mime twelve thousand dollars to have their respective localities shown in this great State ente rprise. I Bowaii'sj the wise part f Do our people w ish to be left out? ceased townsman, Mons Rouoche's family were thrown in a pleasant aud sudden excitement bj the unexpected arrival of their aged kingsman, Mous. Pierre Roue che of Texas. It is seldom one has the gratification to behold vigerons old age as in this instance. Mr. Roueche is a man who has a histoiy and a noble one that is if energy, enterprise and bravery con stitute that title. Mr. R. came to the United Stales in fb27, traveled in sever- i f . a i m i jo? i:..t tlie lloor of iai 5ia!t't' "Cm to lexas in ioou, ennsieu as a volufitecr and helped to free that great State from Mexican oppression and receives now a pension aj a veteran. Af terwards filled the important and ardeut duties of Guido and .intcrpretor to Gen eral Z.ich. Taylor, and is now the possessor of a Medal for meritorious and faithful Gambling. Probably nothing, uot ex-, cepting the fashionable drinking saloon, makes more frequent and peisisteut calls on the pocket book of the youug, inclu ding both sexes, than the various forms decent, genteel gambling. In scope it reaches from cotton futures, options in grain aud pork and other dealings in margins, to the colossal lotteries, faro banks, and down to t he ordinary game of cards "draw" they call it. Working people of ail classes, who are hardly able to supply necessaries, are indulging in gaming to just the extent their limited means will allow. The mere carefol only indulge in lotteries. Wonder what a list of names taken from the Louisiana lottery books would reveal concerning the people of Rowan county t Would it only embrace the reckless and unsettled classes of the community f or would it uot rather embrace a long list of influen tial people, young aud old, and perhaps some interesting personages of the other sex. But be uot frightened the L. S. L. will take good care of the names, aud the money sent. Why are people forsaking the old, established methods for doing busiuess and gaining au independence, for the more exciting and reckless forms of "dealing" iu any of the ways of gamb liug. Poiut out a mau who has won at 'dealing,' and n ho has succeeded in life, or who is iu a fair way to succeed. Where is he T Where is the man who laid the foundation of his fortune to a lucky deal, and who has maintained an honorable standing among his fellow men ? It does not pay. Young man, you make money by believing this statement without prov ing it by a test. ! viz: Mr. .McU ril'. We admit all the Examiner s ivs of Mr McC.nJtle being a g ol Liw.yer, Chris tian Ge:itlem in, b it it seems to us that it would have been a great deal more satisfactory to our citizeas a well as the present officers titeassel ves, to hive had the opinion of ome one else, (our Attor ney Gen. for instance) upon a matter so uncertain as the construction of the Act under which they claim the right to hold over, particularly so when it is well known that good Lawyers of our town disagree with Mr. McCorkle. If (as Hie Examiner claims), the 8th section of that Act qualities the whole act (evhrch is certainly a very rational conclusion) then there can be no authori ty for holding over another year, and as the best remedy for evils is t avoid them beforehand, it would certainly be best for all concerned to have the matter set tled authoritatively before difficulties should arise. This ii not a quest ion of individual or political rights iu any sense, but strictly a question of Law, that must involve every act ef our town authorities after the first Monday in May, 1884, from which (if neglected) many difficulties may grow out. Tbo people ef Salisbury have a very high opinion of Mr. McCorkle as a Lawyer, but thev aro net sure that he has not made a mistake iu his published opinion and we do not think the present Board can afford to force themselves upon us and do uot believe a majority of them are willing to do so unless the law sustains them iu so doing. Very Respectfully, A Citizen Salisbury, April 21, '84. BUSINESS LOCALS. services; is entitled . and will -receive a pension as a Mexican veteran. Mr. Roue che is not a poor man he is now in inde pendent clrcu instances and has retired from business. He is 81 years of age, very Healthy, of a cordial and decidedly spirited manner, and foels capable of making a tour of thousands of miles. Mrs. it. and her daughter, are in Vittoria Texas, their home, and a son in Nebraska. Mr. R. left here on Sunday night accom panied by Mr. John Roueche, his nephew, and intends to visit his old home, Alsace France, after that thev will visit the most memorable places iu France, Switzer land, Germany and England, and will rest on his return iu Salisbury. Mr. Roueche has a large experience in farm ing and stock raising, and it is not im probable that through, his advice and guidance some of the hardy, frugal peo ple of the old historical aud war-ridden Elsace and Loraiue, will be induced to come here. We have no doubt that such testimony as his own person and coudi- COTTON AND "NONE BETTER MADE. EMPIRE GUANO, ' THE GREAT COTTON PRODUCER, K'krk Ckakjk, Esu.- This gentleman's name is frequently spoken of in connec tion with the Congressional nomination for this district. He is not an oflhe seek er and has an unblemished record,", two things to start with which eminently qualify him to hold any office. He is it ltarued and true man, true to his princi- tion will furnish, will go a great way in pies and to his people, a worthy son of! deciding many." These few facts were one of Rowan's most distinguished men , ! handed to us by our neighbor, Mr. Med- JUST RECEIVED. Fresh Oranges, Lemons, Cocoauuts and Northern Apples At A, Parkkk's. Property to 1? AiyerM fir Taxes. t SPECIAL NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. I am compelled by law to settle the tuxes at once, and I make this last announce ment, fames having property on which levy can be made must settle on or before the 19th inst., or property will be adver tised and sold for Taxes.' Taxes due from persons havihg no property on which levy can be made, will be reported to the Coun ty Commissioners as insolvent, if not paid by the 19th inst. C. C. KRIDER, April 15, "84. Sheriff. FOR ELdVPINISHEb PHOTO graphs and Ferrotype, call at Mbdek nacii's Galleuv. ui stairs, Crawford's Buildin; Satisfaction fl I'lVl II t I .ill 1 i . I . II II iv v FOil SALE!-A small Bay Horse, nine years old--a good traveler aud plow horse. Enquire at this Oifice. March 20, ISiL CUPID v D'w- When cupid wears the Diamond shirt, His conquest's sure of hearts so tender, For when they see this manly guise, The ladies always quick surrender. Surely the ladies are attracted by neatness of dress, which adds so much to the general elegance of one's appearance. What's more vital to a well-dressed man than a perfect-fitting, smooth-setting shirt? If your dealer does not keep it, send his address to Daniel Miller & Co., sole manufacturers, Bain more, Md. DBS. J. J. & E. ffl. SHRILL. O FFIC : CORNER MAIN AND BANK'STREETS. OFFICE HOURS : 8 to 10 A. m. and 3 to 5p. M. 37 Cm NOTICE!! All presons indebted to me. cither on account or note and mortgage (for Guano), are hereby duly reminded of such indebt ness, and are earnestly requested to make settlement pisompti.y, otherwise the ac counts will be subject, without further no ticc, to collection by legal process. Respectfully, Dec. G, 1883. J. D. M'cNEELY. SPRING OPENING, 1884. M. s. Howrs EMPORIUM Is the place to buy your Clothing the very latest and Lest this Spring's new styles are more attractive than ever. If you intend to buy Clothes it will be to your interest to come to me aud -buy NEW, FRESH, STYLISH GOODS of the best quality, made up this Spring. Do not fail to see these goods, even if you do not buy. In fact I am better pre pared to offer induce ments in CLOTHING, HATS, . BOOTS AND SHOES THAN EVER BEFORE. One Thousand Suits of Clothing! Two Thousand Hats cf Every Style; (STETSON'S A OTHOB.) Three Thousand Pairs of Boots and Shoes ! THE HANDSOMEST LINE OF Ladies1 and Misses' Shoes and Slippers EVER BROUIIT TO THIS MARKET, INCLUDING BERT'S AND ZIEGLER'3 MAKE. BULLION GOLD MINE And 3lachiiieiv For Sale I FINE AND DRY. Oyer 200 AGENS m Sel4 It ! the Superior Court. OVER the late Hon. liurton Craige. It ia well known that lie is tbe choice of the people f this county and of the Watchman for our representative in Congress. He can carry the district by four to six thousand, mount no oe given tuo uoinination. The mortgage business in this county is aMumiui enoi-nnins nro tortious, aud j 4 i , cauuot help but do harm. One day last week mortgages were recorded in the ftffcjster office. A constant watch must be : kept over mortgaged property in order to secure payment at the time the the mortgage comes due. In lumo in tance8 meu runaway, takiug with them the mortgaged property chatties and never return. Again, instances are known right here of men who mortgage borrowed teams. Actually borrow a team and mortgage it for supplies, or advance ments for agricultural purposes. So that ernach, Europe. who is also from that part of 7500 Planters HAVE USED IT! MANUFACTURED BY THE BASIS FERTILIZER This miuc is well situated in Rowan county, miles southeast of Salisbury, N. Carolina. The machinery consists of 2 Engines, 2 Boilers, a Ten Stamp Mill, a Cornish pump, a Steam Hoister, and an Ore Crusher. Also a lot of Mining Tools of various kinds. Most of the inaclijncny is but little worn, and is in good order. Any person wishing to purchase will apply to M. L. HOLMES, 12:3m Salisbury, N. C. mm. CSS" "3 Imposition . A Salisbury correspondent to the Charlotte Observer, under the captiou of : "When Rowan's Ineffable Glorj Shall Appear," says some very ugly things and tries to heap lots of odium ou our Board of County Commissioners aud magistrates for their inactivity in the great Exposi tion matter how before the people ef the State There is considerable previousneas iu the writer's statements, aud a most wonderful amount of ignorance as to what is really expected from the joint meeting of Commissioners and magis trates in June. - For a highfalutin attempt at extrava ganza the communication cmmends its self. The writer is evidently a friend of old Rowan, aud is distressed that she OP BALTIMORE, Md. Read flat MenM say of it : C. A. DUNWOODY & CO., Roswell, Ga., writes: We believe the "Empire equal to any we have ever handled. STATE OF In North Carolina ( Rowan Count v. ) Hannah Dougherty, PrtT) agaiust Ann Grimsley & j Petition to husband Win. Grimsley, Elizabeth Hicks & hus- f sell land band Win. Hicks and others, Def'ts. J for Partition. This cause comiug on for further direc tion, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Elizabeth Hicks and her husband Win Hicks two of the defendants above named are ncn residents of this State. It is hereby ordered t hat publica tion be made in the "Carolina Watchman," a weekly newspaper published in the town of Salisbury, for six successive weeks noti fying the above named non resident defen dants to be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court ot Rowan coun ty at the Court House in Salisbury on Mon day the 23rd day of June, 1884, and answer or demur to the petition, which has been filed in the above entitled aciinn : and if they lail so to answer or demur, the Plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the said petition. J. M. HoRAn, 28:6v C. S. C. Rowan county. My usual line of Gent's Underwear, Cravats, Tiea, Handkerchiefs, Di Shirts, Tennis or Woolen Shirt : Iu fact everything a man deeds to clothe him; and every man in this and adjoining counties is invited to call and see how cheaply and comfortably he can be fitted in any of hit needs M.S.BROWN'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM. FARMERS! TAKE CARS OF YOURSELVES! Don't be deceived by high sounding advert isemots, but go right to BEALL, BOST & FORD'S New Brick Warehouse Wlthvour TOBACCO for high prices. And if you want the Highest (irade TGOAOCO FERTILIZER SOLD IN NORTH CAROLINA For your next Crop, you can get it right there. Take notice we have a New Firm and Intend to conduct the WARE HOUSE Business on bus iness principles, our .New Auctioneer, MR. J. S. GRAHAM, OF WINSTON, is well up with the times and will always see that your Tobacco la sold tor the highest price. BEALL, B03T & FOUD. March 11, 1884. 22:3m tlie whole business is fraught with evil, fcontinucth to fetch up in the ienr, ami is and leads to ninny ticts, questionable prac- Rowan County. This county has 13 Townships ; 2;t post otliees; GS churches; 41 water mills for grinding corn, wheat, &c; r2 gold aud copper bearing miuea; 75 schools, (public and private) and about ;&0 miles of pnblic roads. These facts are from thn new map of the county recently finisLed by Dr. Rumple and the Mining Editor of the Watchjhax. Be sides theseTTierc are some 8 oi more steam grist mills; about 40 water and steam fiw mills; a number of steam cotton gins and cane mills. - Quarries of the best content to play the part of the runt in the litter. It is not best to turn to jest this important matter, as the board of County Commissioners may at their June meeting do somethiug to surprise hopeless newspaper correspondents; though it nniat be confessed that there is uot t he si igh test suggestion of a shadow of a reason for believing or chronicling a hope that this body would act with out consulting tire people, aud then meet face to face an enraged populace wlrose hard fought struggles to bar from their own entrance the portals of the almshouse, and to meet patriotic obliga tions to the State in the way of taxes, has well nigh leveled the contour of the face by the obstinate holding of the nazal appendage to the slow gi hiding D. R. MOSEBY, Micholson Station, Ga., savs : I ne cotion wncre it was uscu is well fruited and stood the drouth fiuely. G. M. GA FORTH, Shclbv, N. C, writes: Alongside of Acid Phosphate, mixed with cotton seed, ''Empire'' paid best. J. F. TOOLE, Wadley, Ga., says : T like the "Empire" best because it is quick in taking hold and slow in letting go. The Old Reliable. inn Mmv man vm (mi di m HOWELL & WILLIAMSON, Rome. Ga.. writes: We are led to believe one ton of your "Empire" is worth as much as one and a half tons of any other fertilizer sold here. bfil't jrey granite ami syenite to be found ; edge of the novaeulitic orbit : thus leav- m -the State. The soil of the conuty produces as fine corn, wheat, rye, oat, cotton, golden tobacco, hay grasses, clover, &c., as can bo produced in the State. Nearly two-thirds of the county is in forests --pine, oak and hickory pre 3oininatincr. " eannt u l - i If it should be determined to make nn exhibit at Raleigh this fall, but few couu ' ties could enual tfaa dinlir that T?., i w i a i l n b i iug them iu melancholic contemplation of surroundings with no means of susten ance save the yearly recurring fruition of the juicy blackl erry and the persimmon with its puckering.. proclivities which is nature's motherly barrier to starvation. But we look for belter things, notwith standing the Observer's correspoudent to the contrary. It is deemed best not to reproduce in the Watchman this letter as it might wound the feelings of some ADDITIONAL TESTIMONIALS : Salisbury, N. C, Feb. 25, '84. I used the Empire Fertilizer on cotton last year, and say beyond doubt it is the best I ever used. W. 51. KITCUIE. Salisbury, N. C, Feb. 20, '84. The Empire Fertilizer I used on cotton last year I am satisfied is as good as any other. V. A. Canup. We have used different Fertilizers for the last ten years and the Empire Fertilizer we used last year on tobacco is the best that we ever used. Fisher & Cress. Tie Basin Fertilizer Company, OFFICES, SOS. 20 AND 22 SOUTn STREET, BALTIMORE, Md. ti l llilt ft iV r II l I S. A. A she, Editor, Raleigh. 1ST. C. The largest and best paper published iu the State. We give full reports of religious, educa tional, business and political meetings, all the news, accurate market reports, serial stories, &c. We will give as a premium A WATERBURY WATCH Free to any person sending us a club of G annual subscribers to the weekly. Take our local paper and then sub scribe for the Weekly News and Ob server. i Weekly one year $2.00. Prici: Daily one vcar $7.00. SfScnd your name for sample copv. April 10, '84. Tin and Copper Hi! WILLIAMS BROWN Is again doing busings in bis own name. His shop is In the rear ol the store ronnrnj by Brow u & Oowan. His entrance, on Fisher street at the sign or the big Coffee Pot. Is doing all kinds of work in Tin. Sheet Iron. Brass, Copper and Zinc. -Roofing, Guttering, Stills and Pipes done to order. Repairing promptly executed. WILL KEEP ON HAND, A good assertment of heating and cooking stoves id all kinds of Tin Ware. Please call rf t' THE BEST SMITH IN THE 'COUNTY! m. .!.., .i,-n,-. isi nren.ired to do all kinds of re pairing to all kinds of watches, clocks, ac, and at reasonable prices. Leave and get your watches at Kluttz 4 r.endlemarrti store. Salisbury ; and try the best smith In the county. It. L. hitou N. Apr. 10, 'Sl:tf. CBIL1ARIHS ! CHILLARIUS ! For sale by 22:2m II. L. BEAN, Salisbury, N. C. and yourselves. 2.:na. CHILL4RINE, the Great CHILL CURE of the day. Warranted to CURE every time or the money refunded. For sale only at FNNISS1 Drug Store. RXagiC Asthma Core. Persons af flicted with this distressing complaint should try this Medicine. A few hours us will entirelv remove all oppression, and the patient can" breath and sleep with perfect ease and freedom. Price $1. For sale at ENNISS' Drug Store. Salisbury Toiacco Market. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY JNO. SHEPUARD, Lugs, common to meet. Lugs, med. to good, Lus, good to tine, Lugs, tine to fancy, Leaf, common to med. Leaf, med. to good. Leaf, good to tine, Wrappers, com. to med. Wrappers, med. to good Wrappers, irood to line, 'Wr.inners. tine. ir,-.,i,iir9 fancv. none offered ,,,., . r- , New tobacco ureass lor uic " have been light. Prices stiff for all grades. Good rich, waxy tillers, smooth cutters and lu.r smokers are in great demand and prices a shade stilTer than the quotation. YY rap- r- ii I - I,wr!i .mil .;l'('rlv pers oi au u.t "-" : ,7 7- TIME & MONEY SAVED To the FARMER and PLANTER BY calling on the undersigned before purchasing elsew here, for what you waat ! , e f COMPOSTING MATERIALS AND GUANOS. Havin made this my special business for the last sixteen years, during which time NKAiil.T A I-!- TUB STANDARD BRANDS now off. red or sold here, HAVE PASSED THROUGH m I1A.NU, I can ucarkteb to satisfy von both in QUALITY AND PRICE of my Goods, which have PROVEN THE BEST AND MOST RELIABLE iu the market, and ihe grade pronounced by our STATE CHEMIST to be the HIGHEST SOLD Inst year. My Goods are FRESH AND SEW. I hare now in store several car loads of GENUINE GERMAN K A IN IT, (or potash salts) with full directions how to use and compost. Hav also the . ."WMDO"WASSA" AND "PACIFIC" ACID PHOSPHATES. And in AMMOMATED GOODS the "OLD RELIABLES," SOLUBLE PACIFIC, STAR BRAND, NAVAS- SA and LISTER'S. ... t i,.,,ii n. HRAT FERTILIZER roR TOBACCO. THE Will alSO COIli - i" uaimiw - - - STAR BRAND SPECIAL TOBACCO MANURE, surpassed by none. Special adver tisement of same will soon appear. A large lot of Agricultural Lime at reduced Prices. 4.50 to G.00 6.00 to 8.50 8.50 to 11.00 11.00 to 18,00 5.00 to 6.25 6.25 to 8.50 8.50 to 15.00 15 00 to 16.50 16.50 to 25.00 25 00 to 40.00 40.00 to 55.00 18:3m J. ALLEN BROWN. F&CB'B WAREHOUSE ! UNION STREET, - DANVILLE, VA. -i 7 7. . . nZ , . , c . TTVj T ft VtA Is now opened and reaay jor uuwiooo. rr one of the LARGEST and most COM PLETH Warehouse ever built. FOR THE SALE OP LEAF TOBACCO. the best leaf market in the Lnited Mates. M. 111 A. ) turns and close 37 x f personal iichuu i- -0 , CORRESPOXBENCe SOLICITED. "V Pace Bros. & Co. PROPRS. NOW IS THE TIME TO SU3- could make, provided she makes her dis-! of the Wat people in the couutv who are .' indication of her ' acting as magistrate and commissioners, mit- theogh it is evident that the writer's North Carolina College. MT. PLEASANT, CABARRUS CO., N.C. A FULL AND EFFICIENT CORPS OF n e . t;;.-.. . , . ..n t c ;, :ulv in ;it- m.'Lil.- e ft'jn 1A upr I . ,i,t oftiir P anters wouUi u) well session of ten months. Members of the puttinff some of their good t.bacco3 on the College Benetit Associatian secure tuition . market at tins ume . Fa... nr ni a ! , at f20 to au per session oi a-u un" Board in the eolle-re at less than five dol lars per month. With these superior ad- this institutiou non" '" hTKik ever sold for less tnan.yw vantages, AGENTS ZJZ- ,,-r tor less than . SCRiBp FOB THE CAROL! HA1 P. ff ai. .h. . iliaSKli. . i Pnr nirrii-n rs address. lu ai -....fiii nw-at. Ter:u--s free. ! pEy Q M sell AEFFE R, A. M Pres. wa iTmBoo! Co., Peni-aa, Maine. ijAiunnan, i.oo. NOTICE 1 TO MY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS: Having secured the services of a FIKSlVCIiMS BAKER. I am now prepared to furnish Fresh Bread i and Cakes at short notice. V nl also coin- wanted for The Uvea t of all tue Presidents 1 mcncc to manufacture of tue U. S. The larg- j est. handsomest, best . . n Tp-pxrHTT HATlTr. our price, rae X'jj.lii iiujiivu. , Immense, protlts i . w v n T)l.'c- few davs. ai-iv. i aimi.i. Mt, Pleasant, N. C. i 21:2m. DISSOLUTION NOTICE! The copartnership heretofore exist ins be tween "Williams Brown and J.P.Gowait was thisay dissolved by mutual consent. Per sons having unsettled business with the firm will call on J. P. Go wan without delay. Williams Brown will continue tbe TIN, COPPER and SHEET UiVX omiinees u heretofore at the obi stand. WILLIAMS H1WW. J. P. GOWAJi, J-April 1st, 1884. Un. 5c 1 - - I

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