i ' : LOCAL THURSDAY. MAY 1, I84 Subscription Rates xmiss writing for Information on matters ad jgS Tin this paper will please say-' 'advertised Id the Wau lunun." Ice Creaui saloou were open yester- p " " Sweet pea and radishes arc beginning to make their appearance ou the dinner table. - o- Workinen are doing some tjou at tl' National Hotel, to occupancy of some sort. reeonatruc preparatory Tuesday and Wednesday of this week w9re watm enougli to bring out the makes and make the bees swarm. O' The Junior Editor being , absent from the county on business will sufficiently account for deficiencies iu his depart eeut. We regret to learn that Mr. J. M. W'eatlierly, Superinteudcnt of the Graded Sclioor, iva obliged by sickness to keep iiU bed Tuesday.. . o The present weok has been delightful for farm work, aud it has very perceptn VJy diminished the number of people on our streets. o We are glaiHo see bnokin our midst Mb- Kjchaup Ea'mks. Jr., after an ab sence of about a year, speut mostly, in Houduias,ou a mining mission for a large Company North. Mr. Chas. M. Swicegoml, is having orscted, on Main street, opposite C. F. Baker's, an Ice cream saloon, and when puislied city. will be the handsomest in the -o- Tobacco sales have lccu quite lively foi some days past, and some fine sales wade. One farmer realized an average of 21 per hundred foiJiis entire crop, lues included, - .. . - - TT O ; : :.. . MrCUasi. Brown, native of tbjs plact, but fur a number of years a eiti of Washington, N.C., where lie has '-greatly prospered, has been here on a .visit to his mother and other friends this week. . "Bolsd to KciN tue County." A merchant held up before us yesterday a handful of Chattlel Mortgages with the reiuark '4oik at that ; its bound to miii the county." Just then u darkey woman was -ollering ..to mortgage her l.i. ma fmr lirll'L of III ill I III. a V .. I" l V. ...'..a . -. o Miss Mollie Julian JTas been spending a few days with Mrs. J. V, Ramsay. She U thu.s far on her way to Atlanta, where lie expects to meet her brother, Rev. K. P. Julian, who has accepted a call from the 3rd Presbyterian church of that city. Fixjsiiinu. R. J. Holmes, Esq., is put ting the finishing touches to his four beautiful store apartments. Each apart -ineut hiis an amide cellar, elegant sales room, and two suits of upper rooms con veniently arranged for a family, for it lawyer or doctor's office or for stoiing goods. o The wheat and oats crops iu this part of the State was never more promising at this time in the season. Wheat har vest in some parts of the oonnty is like ly to come on towards the latter part of My. With the exception of, corn grain Js abundant. Flour is felling here at i- irom to $2.50. Choice lots of family retails at $2.75 per bag, Xot betug in attendance on the delibera tions of the 7th District Convention of rpublicais, which met hereon Saturday last for tlie purpose of appointing dele gat te the national republican conven tion, we quote the spicy report of the Charlotte Observer's Salisbury corres pondent, whose humerous account will to MMul with interest, tO i The health of our town has beeu very CM xvitli the exceptiou of some cases of Mtaral affection. Dr. J. J. Summerell is just eut after a sharp attack of this stare and Mr. J. W. McKeuzie is yet a mj&rer from it. ! t is reported that there 'auase of measels in West Ward, also t cases in the East Ward, which l'ould be guarded against to pi-event preailing. Rkceitiox.-Mi-. aud Mrs, J. S. Mc Cusbpis held a reception at their resi on last Saturday evening fu honor "f the 2Ut birth day of Mr. J. F. McCub bus. There were some 40 or more guests present, aud the evening was an exceed "'Sly pleasant one. Me. McOubbius has reputation for entertsiuing iu the most ehsruiing manner, and this was one of wr most happy efforts! John P. Cotton ,J Vl,irot,.... ..o -o- y - "'rci'""!., una 0,1 Tuesday, with a Rtmill package of rtgoinry county gold. He-reports opening of a new miee on Joel anTTV 1,aCl'' "ear Ekloraa- HMcli is ... Tery nch. He brought up also, - r ol"c, round ou his place, very used bv tha cn like the hand nenof the East mills f iu ancient times to corn. They are un- Find their lit I"l i 1 riu Wtckmt are as follows : D I i Vtr, paid in advance, $1.50 I - iiavm't delayed ."lino's 2.00 - nVHi'cared I2iuo2.50 V doubtedly relict v iin 8 t n very ancient date. Dr. J. P. Dronagoolc, of Atlanta, Ga., representing the "Blood Balm Co.," of that city was here yesterday, to initiate a biiHiuess relation with this part of the Stated See his notices elsewhere. o .Bye. What, whiskey! Ny rye for pasture for feeding a cow. What about it f There ts said to be a great secret iu it. A milk man Who served our town several years ago with milk, got hold of the secret and as it was to his interest to keep shady on the subject he never men tioned it. But some how or other John M. Knox has got hold of it, and as it is not in his especial line, can't hurt him to tell it he wants to let it out, so call on him, by letter or otherwise. A Hion Compliment. Prof. W. H. Xeave, who has declined Mr. Dodworth's proffered engagement, as slide trombone soloist at Brighton Beach, is in receipt of letters from that gentleman, who regrets Prof. K cave's inability to accept, except for part of the season. Mr. Dodworth states that he especially wanted to "pit" Prof. Xeave as a Counter attraction against Innes, the world renowned slide trombonist, who is engaged with Gil more at Manhatten Beach. Prof. Neave's en gagements here prevented his going for the season, but he expects to play with Dodworth's Band sometime iu the Sum mer. A New Poet. The Winston Sentinel has found a Poet in our old friend, Ed ward Payson Hall. The gentleman has been wi itiug for years--before the birth of the Sentinepr its Editor, he was making verse. He is the Poet Laureate of the Watchman. On the first page may le found Hues from his pen which may carry us back to Auld Lang Sine. Were all the poems from Mr. Hall's ten, which hare been published in this paper, colla ted, it would make a volume nearly as large as Burn's works. . o Primary Meetings. The time for holding a County Convention to nomi nate delegates to the District aud State Conventions is approaching. The Coun ty Executive Committee has not yet fixed ou the day, but it is likely to be held about the first of June. The Democrats in the several townships should begin to think, talk, and act on this subject new. Xo part of the community is so deeply concerned as the owners of the soil in the preservation of good government, and it is therefore eminently fit that they should take a leading part in the politics Lof the country. Let them move and the reef will, follow. o FraNklin. The people of Franklin will have additional post office facilities. A new office will be opened there the 1st of May, under the name of Zeb, and they will have a daily mail by the Mocksviile line, passing -to - aud from Salisbury. Franklin, like .post of our new towns, is goiiig"up, aud piospei ity seems to be the lot of the place. Mr. J. L. Ketchey has a large store there, and another is spoken of as iu the no distant future. The loca tiou of the town is healthy aud ery pretty, and if proper care be taken iu time to lay it out iu regular streets and lots it can be made a perfect gem, with a rural chasing of unsurpassed beauty. They have a good school, aud neat chinches, all supported by an iutelli- gent and thrifty community. -o- A Biulliant Wedding took place at the Presbyterian chinch at 8i o'clock last night, between Mr. Arthur Frazier aud Miss Sallie, eldest daughter of the late E. H. Marsh, Rev. Dr. Rumple offi ciating. The church was splendidly dec orated with flowery wreaths, festoons and arches, and crowded with a gay aud joy ous audience to its utmost capacity. The principals with ,their attendants espe cially the ladies were beautifully attired. The bride, almost unsurpassed at auy time was, ou this occasion, the fairest of the fair. The music, arranged by Prof. W. H. Xeave. for this occasion was elegant, aud executed with artistic skill by himself ou the slide trombone, supported by Miss Lillian Warner at the organ, was a most eat lancing addition to the scene. But as no description of ours can do it justice, we shall not attempt it further. China tiroye Items. Deax Watchman : - e Our farmers are busily preparing the soil and planting. 1 lie growing crops are looking very promising and should nothing interfere we shall certainly reap a bountiful harvest in this section of the. county. The health of the comiuuuity is very good and prospenty smiling. The young people of the community together with representatives from Enoch- vine ana cauarrus couiirv, nave nau a very interesting picnic atSechler's pond, abounding with innocent amusements, aud later speut the evening at the resi dence of Mr. Seedier in social converse, iuterspered witd excellent music by ac complished performers. Toward night the parties dispersed, all perhaps feeling that they had been benefitted by the oc casion. A hymen ial fever has recently become prevalent ill tlie community. Une case already proved fatal, aud others if exter mil indications be considered, will soon follow, unless an effective antidote be soon prescribed. ArT. P. Steele Items. The heavy rains iu March and drying winds in April gave the farmers a hard tune to get laud iu a good fix for plant ing a crop. The frost checked the growth of wheat but it is not thought to be materially in jured otherwise. Rev. J. Alston Ramsay, Pastor of Thyatira, has been invited to Monroe. The figures the Monroe church makes look somewhat startling, but we are not read to let him go yet. Steele is booming up in the way of im provements, notwithstanding the hard times. Mr. Brookfield, from Fauquire couutv, a., is building a new store at his new goods. Mr. B. is a Southern Murder on Long Island, murder in 111 i soldier, a clever gentleman, and will get; nois, murder in Pennsylvania, murder all a good trade beyond a doubt. j over. It is almost impossible to convict W. L. Kestler, Esq., is ahead tip to date on barns. He lias finished np his magnificent new frame barn with all the modern improvement. His hay fork anil apparatus for unloading and hoist ing hay, works like a charm. Welling ton believes in stay iug head iu all things, babies excepted. Our old neighbor, J. M. Harrison, the noted stockman, has commenced work on a cow barn which he intends, when fin ished, shall eclipse any like building in the county. Mack will accomplish what he undertakes. Mrs. Mariah Cowan, an aged and much respected lady, the mother of a large aud influential family, is very fee be at her old home, the residence of Mrs. B. S. Krider, Wood Grove. Wonder how many of our Salons when they meet on the first Monday iu June, will think they ought to be elected Coun ty Commissioners f Disappointments of tlus kind are sometimes blessings in dis guise. Clod Knockeb. What Judicious Advertising will Accomplish . Mr. J. T. Small, of Lewiston, Maine, makes the statement that "the beet in vestment Hie State of Xorth Carolina ever made was the money spent in making an exhibition of her resources at the, New England Exposition last year. It caught the attention of hundreds of Xew Eng enders who were looking for homes, and carried many of them to Carolina. I myself bought a tract of 12,800 acres, near Edeuton, and wdl occupy it with good Maine farmers. Capital has gone into the State to build railroads, improve lands and develop mines. Through Xew Englaud you hear more of Xorth Caroli na than any other Southern State, and all because of her show at Boston." The reason why more is heard of Xorth Caro Una iu the Xew England States is be cause Xorth Carolina is the only South ern State that made anything like a re spectable display at Boston. It pays to advertise. American Lumberman. According to a religious census recent ly published in the Xorth, there are 17-, 207,878 members of churches in the United States. The leading denomina tions are thus credited : Roman Catholics 0,832,954 Methodists 3.943,875 Baptists 3,330,553 Presbyterians 900,437 Lutherans 785,987 Congregationalists 387,019 Protestant Episcopal 351,099 Dutch Reformed 243,825 These figures are misleading. The number reported for the Catholics is for the entire Catholic population. The total Christians in the world is put down at 425,000,000. Of these the Catholics have 2f5 millions; the Protestants 122 mil lions; the Greek Church 80 millions, aud the lesser bodies 8 millions. But here again the figures are misleading, as the whole population is included iu the Greek as iu the Romau Church. Wil. Mar. COTTON AND GRAIN CROPS! NONE BETTER MADE. EMPIRE GUANO, TFIE GREAT COTTON PRODUCER, FIXE AND DIIT. Over 200 AGEHS have Soli It ! OVER 7500 Planters HAVE USED IT! MANUFACTURED JJY THE QOWOlMMt OF BALTIMORE, Md. Read what Merchants say of it : C. A. DUNWOODY & CO., Roswell, Ga., writes: We believe the "Empire" equal to anv we have ever handled. D. R. MOSEBY, Micholson Station, Ga., savs : J he cotton where it was used is well fruited and stood the drouth finelv. G. M. GAFORTH, Shelby, N. C, writes Alongside of Acid Phosphate, mixed with cotton seed, ''Empire-' paid best. J. F. TOOLE, Wadlev, Ga., savs : I like the "Empire'' best because it is quick in taking hold and slow in letting go. HOWELL & WILLIAMSON, Rome, Ga.. writes : We arc led to believe one ton of your "Empire" is worth as much as one and a hslf tons of any other fertilizer sold here. ADDITIONAL TESTIMONLALS : Salisbury, N. C, Feb. 25, '84. I used the htnpire Fertilizer on cotton last year, and say bevond doubt it is the best I ever used. W. M. RrrcniE. Salisbury. If. C, Feb. 20, '84. 1 he hmpire r ertiiizer I used on cotton last year I am satisfied is as good as any other.. cj. A. Canur. Wc have used different Fertilizers for the last ten years and the Empire Fertilizer we used last year on tobacco is the best that we ever used. Fisher & Cress. Toe Basis Fertilizer Company, OFFICES, NOS. 3U AND 22 SOUTH STREET, BALTIMORE, Md For sale by M, L. BEAU, Salisbury, N. C. BASIN FERTILIZER one or the desperadoes. Yonr law ngaiust jnurder is a failure. Dr. Talmage. Chairman Battle. The election of Mr. Richard II. Battle to the chairman ship of the Democratic executive commit tee, in the place of Cap. Coke, resigned, is a fitting acknowledgement of the polit ical services long performed by that esti liable gentlemen. Mr. Battle has been a member of the committee for fourteen years continuously, ha ing been appoint ed in 1370, since which date he has zeal ously discharged every duty imposed ou him by the committee or by the ' party. During" tliese long years there has beeu no one ou the committee, or outside of it, who has been more earnest, mere con stant, more true iu his devotion to the cause of our party than the gentleman whose merit has been so appropriately acknowledged by the executive commit tee. News- Obserrer. Tobacco and its Effects. The editor of the Greensboro Bugle who has been on a visit to Winston says : We spent yesterday afternoon in Wins ton ; but dou't ask us any thing about the trip if you have any regard for our feel ings. Two hundred tobacco wagons spent Weduesday night in town. It took from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m to sell the tobacco in the Piedmont, and two large ware houses were not reached. Not a vacant dwelling iu either Salem or Winston. Twenty-seven tobacco factories complet ed and full of tobacco, with some hands picking. Several more houss going Up or tobacco lactones. The Durham Tobacco Plant who wiitcs to state facts only, says relative to the thrifty town of Durham : It is not our purpose to blow, or misrepresent facts, but we come to-day with undeniable figures. It does not require any prophet ic vision to sec Durham, in the neur fu ture, as a considerable city. Only three mouths of tho year 1884 have passed. aud uiuety-tive dwellini; houses linvu been erected. Col. W. T. Blackwell has built forty-two, T. S. Christiau live, J. A. Bivens eighteen, C. W. Bennette five. W. H. Stevens seven, -aud T. C. Oakley nineteen, making a grand total of ninety tive. This is over one house a da v for every day, Sundays included, since Jan uary 1. And these houses are being oc cupied as soon as they are completed. Every contractor is busy, aud they se- IWIl'f fill' llllMfi.ll. Ha I. IK. Ill ! II If 'I'liuaiu iim facts, carefully collected ; iu the view of; whicli we repeat that Durham will soou be a rousing little city of teu or twelve thousand inhabitants. "Cock and Boll Stories." The people are so often culled with such stories that they have become Incredulous. The effects of B. B. B. In the cure of blood dlseaees, are so uninls- table and wonderful that the proprietors are not compelled to cry "mineral poison." and thereby ap peal to your prejudices. Tfte rapid and unprece dented march o( B. B. B. has been attained by posi tive cures oi tnose Diooa poisons wnicn otners could not cure. Botanic Blood Balm B. B. B.) Is not ne cessitated to traduce and pull down others In order to oecome popular, tub broken columns and fal len arches of other remedies must be the result of Inefficiency on their part., as B. B. B. can ride the waves inumpuanuy witnout imagining tnat all blood diseases are created by mineral poisons. MARRIED. On the evening of tho 26th of Apiil, 1884, by J.,L. Sitterd, Esq , at his office in China Grove Township. Mr. Carson Roseuian and .Mrs. Matilda Roseiuau, all of Rowan. BUSINESS LOCALS. Deviled Crabs on the shell or by the can, at Alex Pahkeu's. The ladies of Salisbury and vicinity aire respect iu iiy mtornieu that Mrs. .ucu ernach has opened a Milinery Parlor up stairs, adjoining the Photograph Gallery. Xew and Fashionable Goods every week. Latest Styles and Bottom Pi ices. Satis faction guaranteed. Please call. FOR WELL-FINISHED PHOTO- graphs and Fenotyps, call at Medeu nach's Gallery, up stairs, Crawford's Building. Satisfaction garrantced. FOR SALEI-A small Bay Horse, nine years old--a good traveler aud plow horse. Enquire at this Office. March 20, 1834. STATE OF Iu the Superior North Carolina ltowan Count v. Court. Hannah Dougherty, Pl'tY) against Ann Grinisley & Petition to husband Win. Grinisley, Elizabeth Hicks hus- (. sell land band Wni. Hicks and others, Def'ts. J for Partition. This cause coining on for further direc tion, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Elizabeth Hicks and her husband Win Hicks two of the defendants above named ate ncn residents of this State. It is hereby ordered that publica tion be made in the "Carolina Watchman," a weekly newspaper published in the town of Salisbury, for six successive weeks noti fying the above named non resident defen dants to be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Rowan coun ty at the Court House in Salisbury on Mon day the 23rd day of June, 1884, and answer or demur to the petition, which has been filed in the above entitled action : and if they fail so to answer or demur, the Plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the said petition. J, M. Horaii, 28:6w C. S. C. Rowan county The Old Reliable. 3 yfh e 9r turn if, VEiVio 0 maw S. A. Ashe, Editor, Kaleigh, ST. O. The largest and best paper published4n the State. We give full reports of religious, educa tional, business and political meetings, all the news, accurate market reports, serial stories, &c. We will give as a premium A WATERBURY WATCH 111 RE Free to any person sending us a club of 6 aunual subscribers to the weekly. Take your local paper and then sub scribe for the Weeklt News and Ob SERVER. Wrcekly one year $2.00. Price ? ) Daily one year 7.00. Send your name for sample copy. April 10, '84, THE PROPOSAL- He. My darling, you look irresistibly lovely to-night ! She. Do I ? Thanks very much ! you are handsome as a Prince, Charley, iu your dress suit. He. Give the credit to the Diamond Shirt, my love, which I wear for the first time to-night; it is that which gives tone, to my toilette. Here is its prototype (slip ping the Diamond engagement ring on her linger). She. May our love be as enduring as the fame of " The Diamond Shirt.'' Tableau. If your dealer does not keep it, send Kit address to Daniel Miller & Co., sole manufacturers, Balti more, Md. DBS. J. J. &E.M. SUMMERELL. O FFIC: CORNER MAIN AND BANK STREETS. office nouns : j ;8 to 10 a. M. and 3 to 5 p. 37 6m NOTICE!! All prcsons indebted to me. either on accouut or note and mortgage (for Guano), Hrc ,,erel,y (lu'y reminded of such mdebt- "C!".' n,m aiu reauwiea " noine settlement promptly, otherwise tlie ac counts wHl be subject, without further no tice, to collection by legal process. Respectfully, Dec. G, 1883. J. D. McNEELY. . ill j . . a BULLION GOLD MINE And Machinery For Sale ! This mine is well situated in Rowan county, miles southeast of Salisbury, N. Carolina. The machinery consists of 2 Engines, 2 Boilers, a Ten Stamp Mill, a Cornish pump, a Steam Hoister, and an Ore Crusher. Also a lot of Mining Tools of various kinds. Most of the uiachineny is but little worn, and is in good order. Any person wishing to purchase will apply to M. L. HOLMES, 12:3ml Salisbury, N. C. FARMERS! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES! Don't be deceived by high sounding advertisemets, but go right to mii DUCT a vmm I New Brick Warehouse With your TOBACCO for high prices. And If you want the lltghest Grade TOBACCO FERTILIZER SOLD IN NORTH CAROLINA For your next Crop, you can get It right there. Take notice we have a New Firm aud Intend to conduct the WARE HOUSE Business on bus- luess principles. Our New Auctioneer, MR. J. S. GRAHAM, OF WINSTON, Is well up with the times and will always see that your Tobacco Is sold tor the highest prlee. BEALL, B0ST & FORD. March 11, 1SS4. 22:3m THE BEST SMITH IN THE COUNTY ! tiia linrtnrsiornprl is DreDared to do all kinds of re pairing to all kinds of watches, clocks, ft c., and at reasonable prices. Leave and get your watches at Kluttz & hendleman's store. Salisbury ; and tryXhe best smith In the county. R. L. BROW N. Apr. 10, 84:tt. CHILLARINE ! CHJLLARDiE ! CHILL4RINE, the Great CHILL CURE nfthedav. Warranted to CURE every j,r.o tUf irnvKT ukkunded. For sale onlv at FNNISS' Drug Store. ASTHMA CURED! Ma?ic Asthma Cure. Persons af flicted with this distressing complaint should try this Medicine. A few hours use will entirely remove all oppression, and the natient can breath and sleep with perfect ease and freedom. Price fl. For sale' at ENNISS' Drug Store. Salisbury ToMcco Market. CORRECTED WEEKLT BT JSO. SHEPPARD Lugs, common to mcd. Lugs, med. to good, Lus, good to fine, Luiis, tine to fancy. Leaf, common to med. Leaf, med. to good, Leaf, good to fine, Wrappers, com. to med. Wrappers, med. to good Wrappers, cood to fine, Wmniiers. tine. 4.50 to 6.00 COO to 8.50 8.50 to 11.00 11.00 to 18.00 5.00 to 6.25 6.25 to 8.50 8.50 to 15.00 15 00 to 16.50 16.50 to 25.00 25.00 to 40.00 40.00 to 55.00 Wrappers, fancy, none offered. New tobacco breaks for the past week have been light. Prices stiff for all grades. Good, rich, waxy fillers, smooth cutters and lur smokers are in great demand and prices a shade stiffer than the quotation. Wrap pers of all classes are high and eagerly ought after. Planters would do well by putting some of their good tobaccos on the market at this time. wanted tor Tbe Lives A ffl r mm ot ail the Presidents., mm mm mmt mmmr -mm mai toe u. . ' "c ft M ftp I w w- Took ever sow tor lesri thun V est, handsome, lA book ever twice our price, roe taste lMK.mn.j- ean-STaS. Temsfre Ail lDUCIli rui rr.yj. . Portund. Matoe Hxllctt Book Co. 1)3 DMLL SPRING OPENING, 1884. M. S. EMPORIUM Is the place to buy your Clothing new slyles are more attractive than ever. If you inteud to buy l Clothes it will be to your interest to come to me aud buy NEW, FRESH, STYLISH GOODS of the best quality, made up this Spring. Do not fail to see these goods, even if you do net buy. In fact I am belter pre pared to offer induce ments in CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES THAN EVER BEFORE. One Thousand Suits of Clothing! Two Thousand Hats of Every Style, (stetsons aomEEs., Three Thousand Pairs of Boots and Shoes! THE HANDSOMEST LINE OF Ladies1 and Misses1 Shoes and Slippers EVER BROUHT TO THIS MARKET, INCLUDING BERT'S AND ZIEGLER'S MAKE. My usual line of Gent's Underwear, Cravats, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Dress Shirts, Tennis or Woolen Shirt: Iu fact everything a man deeds to clothe him ; and every man iu this and adjoining counties is invited to call and see how cheaply and comfortably he can be fitted m any of his ueeds at IVvT Q ID O V AT TvT ' C JY1. v. CLOTHING TIME & MONEY SAVED To the FARMER BY calling on the undersigned before the way of COMPOSTING MATERIALS AND GUANOS, Having made this my special business for NEAKLV ALL. THK STANDARD BRANDS now off. red or sold here. HAVE PASSED THROUGH MY HANDS, I can Gcasxteb to satisfy vou both in QUALITY AND PRICE of my Goods, which have PROVEN THE BEST AND MOST RELIABLE in the STATE CHEMIST to be the HIGHEST SOLD last year. My in store several cak loads of GENUINE GERMAN KAINIT, (OR POTASH SALTS) with full directions how to use aiid eonipoat. "WANDO; "NlfiSSA" AND "PACIFIC" ACID PHOSPHATES. Aud in AMMONIATED GOODS the "OLD RELIABLES," SOLUBLE PACIFIC, STAR BRAND, NAVAS- SA and LISTER'S. Will also continue to handle the "GREAT FERTILIZER for TOBACCO. THE STAR BRAND SPECIAL TOBACCO MANURE,"-surpassed by none. Special adver tisement of same will soon appear. A large lot of Agricultural Lime at reduced Price l8:3in J. ALLE5 BROW. FACE'S WAREHOUSE ! UNION STREET, - DANVILLE, VA. Is now opened and ready for business. We have oneofjhe LARGEST and most COMPLETE Warehouse ever built. FOR THE SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO. in the best leaf market in the United States. A. Trial I All Wc Ank. 3fPrompt reMirns and closei personal attendee to consignments I CORBESPOSDEXCE SOLICITED. NOTICE! TO MY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS : Having secured the services of a FIRST-CLASS BAKER. I am now prepared to furnish Freh Bread and Cakes at short notice Will also com- mence to manufacture . AVH PPPWP.JT f, A TJTiTR. , rUJUM A u ALEX. PARKER. put " J ?J:2m. 4w BROWN'S the very latest and best this Spring' 1J 1 W VV IN O EMPORIUM. and PLANTER PuncnABiXG elsew here, for what jou want In the last sixteen years, during which time market, and the grade pronounced by our Goods are FRESH ASD XEW. I hare now Have also the Pace Bros. & Co. PR0PRS. DISSOLUTION NOTICE! The copartnership heretofore existing be tween Williams Brawn and J.P.Gowan was this day dissolved by mutual conncnt. Per sons ha ving unsettled business with the firm will call on J. P. Gowan without delay. Williams Brown will continue the TIN, . i 'irt-i.'-i l nVT 1 -- i t.,f,.r . tW ..Id fnni1. . wt, t i . tia dimiwm i7ftwiv j . i . w April It, 1884.-1W. Mill Bridge will soon have it ready for 22:2nj 13:1 y

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