LOG AL. THURSDAY. MAYS, 1884, Subscription Rates 'phi. Aiibscriptioii rates of the Carolina on. H'atchiaan are as ionuws ; 1 vear, piitl in advance, $1 V uayni't delayed 3 rao's2 j .50 .00 xym't del'ed 12 rao'2.50 imvr)NS wrlUng for Information on matters ad Ji e l in this paper vih please say "advertised InUu- aiclunan." Several cases ef mcasels are reported i town. o ? r$f Ve acknowledge tickets of invita tion to attend the commencement exer t jr-, of Catawba High- School, Newton ; and North Carolina College, Mt. Pleas ant, N- C. Gov. Jarris has issued an order for a jfogrial Term of Rowan Superior Court, to Wlu ell Hie uini, muuuaj jiiCTouiug tbe cUse of the regular Spring Term. in Ship will i nside. -The special jurv fr same in pub! had elsewhere. Gentlemen from Stanly and Montgom ery counties report sus .11 grain crops as verv promising. Fruit trees on elevated ground well filled. Iu low places, in Montgomery, the fruit was killed by frosts. Dr. E. Rose Dorsett has several acres uth of Salisbury, planted in Strawber ries. It i in a Cue state of cultivation. He was seen just a week ago feasting in the most approved manner, in the midst Jr ..; itrai natrli. Later the Dr. has VI fa" - i senttlie Watchman a bowl of magnifi c:nt, luscious berries fresh from his truek farm. o - - Xkw Ice Ctkam Sai.oox. Mr. C. M. Swicegood has built and furnished an Ice 'Cream Saloon next door to his father's residetfte, on Main Street. It is a pleas ant and quiet retreat where ladies and gentlemen rijay be seA-ed to ices of all kinds dun qg the season. He has placed this paper under obligation. o- An unknown man of rather handsome face, tlnew himself on the railroad track . -ii i i . . l ... !.. near cms yiacn, r iuuy ia?i, juh i" train was coming in from the east, and t.i instantly cut in pieces. A lady near Itim at the lime and seeing his movements was satisfied that it was a deliberate act of suicide, disbelieved lie wasa "tramp," and that Aw all that can bo Raid about him. An iaquest was held, and the facts found as al ove. O Prof. Hamilton has favored the Vatch- jnwith a invitation to the 8th annual commence! lent exercises of the Yadkin Mineral Springs Institute. This school Las been greatly improved, and its roll is larger than ever before. The school is doing goodj work. The Salisbury Band Under the leadership of Mr. E. B. Xeave, nu net soloist, will make the music for the occasion. By-the-way, this Band should give an occasional open air coucert, say from the new balcony of the old National Hotel Buihing. They are playing some fire music, including some tripple tou- gtung solos of high grade. WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEM PERANCE UNION. I - Mis Henrietta G. Moore, one of the Organizers ;of the National Association Sbove uanjed, will visit Salisbury on Tuesday tjie 13th iust., in the prosecu 01 f i- i i won oi temperance worn. ue win lec ture in the Hall of the Young Men's Christian Association Tuesday aud Wed Msaay night. She especially desires to meet the ladies of Salisburv at the Hall. She has labored with success in Alabama, Teias and about Asheville in this State, nd thence on he way here will stop and lecture at intermediate places along the line The day on which the Salisbury muni cipal election is usually held, passed off s most dajys generally do here. The sun Fpeared at the usual hour in the morn ing and passed around the town keeping respectful distance ; bearing a little to South about noon, and. finally disap peared in! the, west. Yet there was no change in the governing spirits of this ancient and lime honored spot. Tho old Board holds over. The precedent is es tablished. Who will tight it iu future? The law says thoy shall hold until their successors are w1-" Thiswill make fhwr acts legal, and the town goveru- ""out wj)l continue with its usual ft reader may put it in his own way nre ; for j there are but few citizen who "ate not original sayings" adequate and pre-eiueotly fitted for the omission. Mai. DcJgs. Mr. Joseph Horah of this Place was somewhat disturbed by an iu lry from a little dog at his house last week. The dog had been unwell for sev erid 'lays, and behaving out of the ordi nary way ,j was confined for tho couven le"ce of watching him. Mr. Horah, iu tempting to administer some oil for his Wlef, was holding him by the jaw. His ""I Bhppld and two of his fingers were aerated by the teeth of tho dog. It t"n cecum e,l to him that perhaps he liad usta.ned a serious injury. The dog died 6 tollow'"g night, and a postmortem of DJ Ml ihade by physicians, revealed T"IB8 calculated to relieve th ie fears of Mr. ii "", OUt Ot aftliniPint untw.i .!. Jrt ham,, left the next day iu J 7nad stone," which ho expo E"tf.u Virginia. search xpected to MINING. T.K. DKUNER, MANAGER. Dunn's Mountain mine continues to improve, as the work of developing goes Snpt. Stewart is sanguine. The water is being kept down at Gold Hill, preparatory fur a resumption of woik this summer. They are sinking a shaft in tire hamlet of Eldorado, in Montgomery county, and have cut a small talco-slato voia, which promines to lead to something better. Mr. R. Eames is making a survey of the "Jones" and other mines in Randolph county, preparing the way to a success ful working of those properties. Conrad Hill advertises in another column for laborers. They are pushing vigoronaPr aud successfully the develop iueit of the famous Conrad Hill mines. Thanks are due Col. J. F. Cotton, for specimens of gold ore, and curb, of cop per, from Montgomery county, and to R. T. Cowan for Brown quartz ore, show ing sulphides, from near Rowan Mills, in this county. Mr. Lofflin contiuues to develop the B. T. Coggins Quaitz vein in Montgomery county. The material yields an average of four dollars per ton, while some of it runs into twenty odd dollars per ton, A fine vein of about -H feet has been ex posed for 30 yards. A C Lillian Mill and Ai raster are the only means of reducing the ore. The sale of the Bright miue, recently jjll L III I 11 made, s directly attributable to the Bos- ion ,xnuit. A he ores were The ores were iirst seen there, aud it was there that the buyers learned enough to make them visit the spot to verity the facts given them in Boston. Finding that the facts verified the statements, aud that the property was even better than represented, they made the purchase. Do not fail to make a thorough exhibit of your resources at Raleigh this full. It pays. TIIE BRIGHT MINE. As important sale took place last week in Montgomery county, in the transfer of the Bright mine, owned by Jack Peu uington, Esq., and others, to parties in Newberryport, Mass., New York City and Franklin, Peun. The Bright comprises one hundred and six acres lying in tue auriferous regions of Montgomery county, between the Uwbariie river and Troy. A branch i u uuiiig through the property has been worked for a great many years bv the natives witli hand rocker, for placer gold, yielding fair wages. There are two out crops, or ledges, running parallel and something over two hundred feet apart. Those ledges, and the material between, which is an argillaceous talco formation, shot with stringers of quartz, is all gold bearing, and forms an immense de posit. A shaft has been sunk 40 feet, which proves the formation to be regular aud unchanged to that depth. The purchasers are active business men, and they have deckled on a plan which is commendable for its cheapness and economy. The lay of the ground is such that the material may be blasted out, saving all shaft work, hoisting and pumping,- thus reducing greatly the workiug cost. These gentlemen also have control of a process with which they claim to take out 80 per cent, of the gold contained iu ores. The process has takeu $30 per ton out of N. C. ores, which only yielded at the mine $3. They propose workiug this process, and should it do as they claim, there is but little doubt but that it will be adopted all over the State. The gold at tfie Bright miue, however, is perfectly free and can be amalgamated without any difliculty in the ordinary manner. Important to Granite Owners. Philadelphia, Pa., April 24, 1884. T. K. Bruncr, Esq., Salisbury, N. C. Dear Sir : Will you kindly send inv by mail small samples of your granite T These samples I shall in all likelihood have analyzed (if you have not already done so,) as I want to obtain a uniform rock, and in large quantities that will closely conform to tho following formular : Silica 75 to 80 t it. l nm ii t A 1 ii tn ini I t st nor nan f ' - t 1 I 1 . , r f ' 'V a V V lit.. soda, Lime, &c, alone 10 per cent. Such a rock is to be fouud iu your State, and in Dr. Geutirs report., he gives analyses winch are almost identical with the above Will you label the samples, and give mw the extent of deposit or quarry, aud the location, tiiat is, it .located en the It. K or if there is teaming aud how far T also if rock runs uniformly in character, or has veins of foreigu.matters through it, if vein, how thick the rock vein or strata are, or whether massive iu character. Yours very truly, Chas. E. Rolaldfree. Persons living on the grauite belt iu this county will confer a favor by leaving at this office, specimens of white and gray granite, of four pounds aud less in weight. They will be forwarded to the above address, at once. WANTED ! Miners and Hammermen. Steady, and good pav. Wages advanced 10 to 15 per cent., trom May 1st 1884. Apply at Conrad Hill Mines, six miles trom Lexington ISorth Carolina. 30:2t MARRIED. ( the 6th iust, in St. Enoch's church, Enochville, by Rev. W. R. Ketchie assis ted by Rev. W. A. Lutz, Mr. U. R. Plaa ter aud Miss Liuuie H. Torrance. All of Kowan county. A number of the white citizens of the town sincerely sympathize with Burton McNeely, colored, a well known and worthy man, in the loss by death of his oldest daughter, Florence, aged 17 years. o Morgan aud Crawford have opened a saloon on Main Street where they pro pose to dispense creams and ices during the Summer. Thanks for compliments extended to this office. i m County Commissioners. In regular session, last Monday, the Board of Commissioners transacted the following business : The report of the Keeper of the Poor showed 22 paupers were cared for during April. Also the teport of the County Supt. of Public Instruction was received and approved. The usual number of petitions for re lief from outside paupers were heard and the necessary aid rendered. Ordered, that the sum of $100 be ap propriated from the school fund for the holding of the annual session of the Rowan County Teacher's Institute. The following is the report of the Fi nance Committee showing the state of the County's treasury : COUNTT FUNDS. To cask on hands at last report " " received since $2220.20 4357.50 $6578.24 Total By couaty vouchers $1428.21 " poor " 393.53 " bal. in Treasury 4756.50 Total $6578.24 $11084.38 1057.35 1900.00 SCHOOL FUND. Ta flash on hand last report II V IU WVUVV . 1 -C O V 4 collec'd since last report Total $14041.73 By vouchers $7612.46 bal. in Treasury 6429.27 Total $14041.73 The report of a committee appointed to select and purchase a site for a school house in white district No. 3, Franklin township, was approved. An order for a special term of Rowan Superior Court having been received from the Governor, to begin on Monday the 9th of June next, the clerk was or dered to give due notice of the same. The following are the jurors drawn for the special term of Rowan Superior Court: J H A Lippard, Heury Klnttz, A W Sloop, Peter Albright, Alex. Tate, D M Brown, Jesse Miller, H M Brown, M L Bean, Geo. V Overman, Micheal Beaver, C J Deal, Thos. Niblock, John A Arey, Peter J Swiuk, W G Rice, Sam'l L Can up, J A Leotz. A number of county claims were pass ed upon. a - COTTON AXD GRAIN CROPS! it NOSE BETTER MADE. EMPIRE GUANO THE GREAT COTTON PRODUCER, FINE AND DRV. Over 200 AGEKS have Sold It ! OVER 7500 Planters HAVE USED IT ! MANUFACTURED BY THE BASIN FERTILIZER QOMSMMT. OF BALTIMORE, Md. Bead what Merchants say of it : C. A. DUNWOODY & CO.,Roswell. Ga., writes: We believe the "Empire' equal to any wc have ever handled. D. R. MOSEBY, Micholson Station, Ga., says : 1 he cotton where it was used is well fruited and stood the drouth finely. G. M. GAFORTH, Shelby, N. C, writes: Alongside of Acid Phosphate, mixed with cotton seed, 'Empire" paid best. J. F. TOOLE, Wadlev, Ga., says : I like the "Empire" best because it is quick in taking hold and slow in letting go. HOWELL & WILLIAMSON, Rome, Ga., writes : We are le1 to believe one ton ot von r ""F.mTiir" ii v n r 1 1 1 na much nc nnc and a half tons of any other fertilizer sold Kpre ADDITIONAL TESTIMONIALS: Salisbury, N. C, Feb. 25, '84. I used the Empire Fertilizer on cotton last year, aud say beyond doubt it is the best I ever used, W. M. Ritchie. Salisbury, N. C, Feb. 20, '84. The Empire Fertilizer I used on cotton last year I am satisfied ig as good as any other. C. A. Cajtup. We have used different Fertilizers for the last ten years and the Empire Fertilizer we used last year on tobacco is the best that we ever used. Fisher & Cress. The Ba.ii Fertilizer Company, OFFICES, NOS. ZU AND S3 SOUTH STREET. BALTIMORE, Md. For sale by M. L. BEAN, Salisbury, N, C. 22:2m. . The University Normal School. The next session of the University Nor mal will be held at Chapel Hill from June 17th to July 17th, 1884. The Board have been fortunate in securing the ser vices of several distiuguied instructors and feel assured that the success and reputation attained in previous years, will not only be sustained, but greatly increased the coming session, which gives promise of being the best ever held, and one of nnusual interest and practical benefit to those who may atteud. Prof. J. L. Tomlinsoh, Sup't of th Winston Graded Schools, will bo the Superintendent, aud will bring to the work a very successful experience in the management of Normal Schools. The full corps of instructors is not yet com plete, but the following are comprised in the list : Prof. E. V. DoGraff, the distinguished Normal Institute Instructor of New York. Prof. H. E. Holt, tne eminent teacher of Vocal Music in the Public Schools of Boston. Prof. T. J. Mitchell, Sup't of the Gra ded Schools of Charlotte. Prof. A. L. Phillips, Principal Clinton High School. - Prof. A. L. Loazar, Mooresville, North Carolina. Dr. R. H. Lewis, Principal Kinston College. Mr. E. L. Harris, Artist, Raleigh, North Carolina. Mrs. M. O. Humphrey, of the Golds boro Graded School. Rev. C. C. Newton, will be Secretary. Stanly Items. Norwood, May 1st, 1884. Mr. R. Harris died iu this place last Saturday, at 5 p. in., of typhoid fever. He had relations liviug in Rowan county. His remains were buried at tho Presbyte riau church, Sunday evening last. Miss Rosa, daughter of Prof. Andrews, has been very sick, but am glad to say is improving. Wheat and oats never looked so fine as now, at this time of the year. Fruit of all kinds prospectively plentiful.' Capt. D. N. Bennett is furnishing the poor peo ple of this community with corn. There was none made last year, and were it uot for Mr. Benuett, I do not know what would become of the poor. He was a member of the last Legislature, and his worth, abitites aud cleverness entitle him to fill much higher positions. Our people are workiug hard to re deem tho losses sustained by the drouth last year, aud with the faror of Heaven will do much towards it. L. The revenue ring has triumphed, and maiolaius its mastery over the destiny of j the Republican pat ty in this State. The policy inaugurated is one that have but one ending the entire disruption and disintegration of the Radical party. When an organization throw up tho spouge, admits its weakness and takes as its leader a former opponent it shrouds itself in its gravo clothes, and makes preparation for its funeral. Such is the teaching of history. Dr. Mott, wheu he invented the ''Liberal dodge," thought that he was striking out iu a new chan nel. But substantially the same course h ts been pursued in Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, States in which the Re publican party 1ms practically disap peared. In Louisiana it is no better for the Democrats have just carried the Pelicau State by nfty thousand majority. Per haps be draws comfort from Mahone's success in Virginia three years ago but if so, be iias overlooked a most impor tant element. Mahoue injected into Vir ginia politics a new issue a popular issue; there is no such issue iu North Carolina. Tho county government sjstem has beeu before the people eight years, has beeu attacked each year aud is not novel. There is nothing iu common between it aud the issue that carried Mahoue into power. There is no foundation for the hope that Dr. York will gain a single Democratic vote outside of those coup-tie iu which he is personally known. He got his full strength in those counties at the last election. Hie vote was 11,415. Garfield's vote iu that district was 11,583 and Buxton's was about the same. York then got fewer votes iu that district than Garfield aud Buxtoa did. These are the facts. And it is ou such tacts as these that Dr. Mott expects to elect York Gov- . 1 a. 1 I ernor. w nat a oasis ior so great a nope: York will not poll as many votes as Bux ton did in any of the nine districts in the State. Buxton was personally popular iu every district. York is personally popu lar iu half a dozeu counties, ana lie is very unpopular iu mauy other counties. He will fall largely behind the Rcpubli- . . 1 ! ! II k . . ..... can electoral ticaer, wune diuiuu mu close up to Garfield. He cannot rally the Republicans to his support aud he cannot draw a single Democrat away from our ticket except in a few of the northwestern counties where his personal popularity lias already been measured aud ascer tained bv the figures above given. There in no jrointf behind the returns iu this matter. -Vcirs and Observer. - - a "Cock and Bull Stories." The people are so often trulled with such stories that they have become incredulous. i ne enecis oi B B. B. in the cure ot blood dlseaees, are so uumls thiP nnri wonrtprful that the Droorletors are not coraoelled to cry "mineral poison," and thereby ap- npai ti vour nreiuciices. ine ra iu mu uuumr dented march of B. B. B. has been attained by posi tive cures of those blood po' sons which others could mi nn itrvranii- Riood Rnim (B. B. B.) is not ne cessitated to traduce and puU down others in order to become popular. Tiie oroken coiumua ami .al ien arches of other remedies must be the result of Inefficiency on their part, as B. B. B. can ride the waves triumphantly without imagining that all blood diseases are createa oy mineral puisuua. CHILLARINE ! CHJLLARINE! CHILLARINE, the Great CHILL CURE ofcthe day. Warranted to CURE every time or the money refunded. For sale only at FNNISS1 Drug Store. ASTHMA CURED! XttaiTic Asthma Cure Persons af- Good, ncn, waxj Bum,iuv... flicledwith distressing complaint JhZat should try this Medicine. A few hours use a shade s iffer than the qaoUUon AV i rap will entirely remove all oppression, and the pers of all classes are high and eagerly natient can breath and sleep with pertect For sale at ru Store. ease and freedom .... . . . Price $1. ENNISS' Dru What is it? It is the best white dress shirt now offered for sale. Why is it the best? 1st It is made of the best materials Wamsutta muslin, Brookfield 2100 linen, Clark's O. N. T. spool cotton. 2d. Its workmanship is unequalled Everlasting Stay Attachment, French Placket Sleeves, Reinforced Bosoms 3d. It will fit, elegantly Tall men, Short men, Fat men, Lean men, Big men, Little men. HAHVr ACTUBED BY DANIEL MILLER & CO., Importers and Jobbers, Dry Goods and Notions, Gents' Furnishings, 32 and 34 HOPKINS' PLACE. If your dealer does not keep it, send his address to Daniel Miller & Co., sole man ufacturers, Baltimore, Md. BUSINESS LOCALS. G-o to H. & L. Wright's, Mclntvre's old stand, Main street, for White Sugar 12 lbs. for 11. The Old Reliable. i mi 0 p. lyW0 Oc S. A. Ashe, Editor, Raleigh, N". C. The largest and best paper 'published in the State. We give full reports of religious, educa tional, business and political meetings, all the news, accurate market reports, serial stories, &c. We will give as a premium A WATERBURY WATCH Free to any person sending us a club of 6 annual subscribers to the weekly. lake vour local paper and then sub scribe for the Weekly News and Ob serve... Weekly one year $2.00. Price ) Daily one year $7.00. tiFSend vour name for sample copv. April 10, '84. STATE OF In Worth Carolina Rowan County. ) the Superior Court. Hannah Dougherty, Pl'ff) against Aun Grimsley a j Petition to husband Wm. Grim.lcy I Elizabeth Hicks & hus- ' sell land band Wm. Hicks and others, Defts. J for Partition. This cause coming on for further direc tion, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Elizabeth Hicks and her husband Wm Hicks two of the defendants above named are ncn residents of this State. It is hereby ordered that publica tion be made in the "Carolina Watchman," a weekly newspaper published in the town of Salisbury, for six successive weeks noti fying the above named non resident defen dants to be and appear at the affice of the Clerk or the Superior Court of Kowan coun ty at the Court House in Salisbury on Mon day the 23rd day of June, 1884, and answer or demur to the petition, which has been filed in the above entitled action : and if thev tail so to answer or demur, the Plain tiff will apply to the Court lor the relief demanded in the said petition. J. M. Hon a h, 28:6w C. S. C. Rowan county FARMERS! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES! Don't be deceived by high sounding adver tisemets, bat go right to 51 5 New Brick Warehouse With your TOBACCO ior bljrh prices. And if you want tne nigues. uruue TOBACCO FERTILIZER SOLD IN NORTH CAROLINA vnr vrmr npTt. Cmn. vou can flret It rltrht there. Take notice we have a New Firm and intend to onrinnt the WARE MOUSE Business on bus iness principles, our New aucuo toneer, MR. J. S. GRAHAM, OP WINSTON. is well up with the times and will always see that your Tobacco is sold for the blgnest pnee. BEALL, BOST & F0BD. Maroh 11, 1384. 22:3in THE BEST SMITH IN THE COUNTY ! The undersigned is prepared to do all Kinas or re Dalrinsr td all kinds of watches, clocks, c.,andat reasonable prices. Leave and get your watches at Klutu 4 Kendleman's store. Salisbury ; and try the best smith In tne coumy . " Apr. 10, l:tt. Salisbury Toteo Market. COUUECTED WEEKLY BY JXO. SHErrABD Lugs, common to med. Lugs, med. to good, Lugs, good to tine, Lugs, tine to fancy. Leaf, common to med. Leaf, med. to good, Leaf, good to tine, Wrappers, com. to med. Wrappers, med. to good Wrappers, good to tine, Wriinners. fine. 4.50 to 6.00 0.00 to 8.50 8.50 to 11.00 11.00 to 18.00 5.00 to 6.25 6.25 to 8.50 8.50 to 15.00 15 00 to 16.50 16.50 to 25.00 25.00 to 40.00 40.00 to 55.00 Wrappers, fancy. none offered. New tobacco breaks for the past week hrn been litrht. Prices stiff for all grades. 1 I 1 , , K - nwa nnn putting some of theirood tobaccos on the 1 market at this time, j sougUt auer. ro.--j mm OBSERVER urn BEALL BOST FORD'S SPRING OPENING, 1884. M. S. BROWN'S EMPORIUM Is the place to buy your Clothing the new styles are more attractive than ever. If yon intend to buy Clothes it will be to your interest to come to me and buy NEW, FRESH, STYLISH GOODS of the best quality, made up this Spring. Do not fail to see these goods, even if you do not buy. In fact I am better pre- pared- to offer induce ments in , CL0THIXG, ' HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES THAN EVER BEFORE. One Thousand Suits of Clothing! i Two Thousand Hats of Every Style, (stetson mothers.. Three Thousand Pairs of Boots and Shoes ! THE HANDSOMEST LINE OF Ladies' and Misses1 Shoes and Slippers EVER BROUHT TO THIS MARKET, INCLUDING BERT'S AND ZIEGLER'S MAKE. My usual line of Gent's Underwear, Shirts, Tennis or Woolen Shirt: Iu him ; and every man in this and adjoining counties is invited to call and see how cheaply and comfortably needs at A A C JVl. v. CLOTHING TIME & MONEY SAVED To the FARMER BY calling on the undersigned before the way of COMPOSTING MATERIALS AND UUANUo, Having made this my special business for NKAKI.X AI.I. IU- STANDARD BRANDS now offered or sold here, HAVE PASSED o satisfy veu both in QUALITY AND TIIE BEST AND MOST RELIABLE in the STATE CHEMIST to be the HIGHEST SOLD last year. My in store several car loads of GENUINE GERMAN KAINIT, (or potash salts) with full directions how to use and compost. "IAND0," "NAYASSA" AND "PACIFIC" ACID PHOSPHATES. And in AMMONIATED GOODS the "OLD RELIABLES," SOLUBLE PACIFIC, SA and LISTER'S. win continue to handle the "GREAT FERTILIZER for TOBACCO, THE STAR BRAND SPECIAL TOBACCO MANURE," surpassed by none. Special adver- tisement of same will soon appear. A large lot of Agricultural Lime at reduced Prices. 18:3m PACE'S WAREHOUSE ! UNION STREET, Is noiv opened and ready for business. We have one of the LARGEST and most COMPLETE Warehouse ever built. FOB THE S AL.B OF LEAF TOBACCO. in the best leaf market in the United States. A. Trial I -11 We Ask. jp-Prompt returns and close personal attention to consignments. CORRESrOXDEXCE SOLICITED." NOTICE!! All nresons lnaeDiea io mc, c.iut. w either en ..-.f rr nntp and moriiraiie u ana inui lJac . ie. arc hereby duly reminded of such indebt ness, and are earnestly requested to make ....i-menf promptly, otherwise the ac counts will be subject, without further no tice to collection by legal process. Respectfully, Dec. 6, 1883. J- P, McNEELY. PAR AE!-A small Bay Horse, nine years old -a good traveler and plow j borae. Enquire s 1 March , 14 Enquire at una uawc. very latest and best this Spring Cravats, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Dress- fact everything a man deeds to clothe he can be fitted in any of hia U C A T KT'Q JJ1VU V V IN EMPORIUM. and PLANTER purchasing elsewhere, for what you want in the last sixteen years, during which time THROUGH Ml 11AIDS, I can Ucarntm PRICE of my Goeds, which have PROVEN market, and the grade pronounced oy our Goods are FRESH AND NEW. I have now Have also the STAR BRAND, NAVAS- J. ALLEN BROWN. - DANVILLE, VA. Pace Bros. & Co. PROPRS. 1 DRS. J. J. & E. H. SUMHERELL. 1 m -wr- . i , i .ni. . -.---. . ....-. ... OFFICE HOURS : 8 to 10 a. m. and 3 to 5 p. m.J 37 Gn AGENTS wanted for The Live of all the PrPalaents ot the C. S. The larjr- est. haridsomeKt, t.-V book ever sold for less than twice our price. Th fastest selUDK oook in Aruent ijia iic fiuu,.. to agents. All IntelUtrent phj1' want It, An one canoecome a successful are nt. Terms free. HixiJtTT Hoof. Co. orUaad, Maine. way