- Ul XV. third sesies SALISBURY. K. C. MAT 15,1834. ro si rj u -n . " lhe 0 m Larolma Watchman. Greai Fertilizers 4 FOR PINE-- Different Paths. Bright Tobacco "STAR & ADDrtvw Jf I ins BRAND" 0 FECIALS I H -i8$5 1 (Every other Saturday. I lately talked with one irho strove, To nhow that all my way was dim, That his alone the road to Heaven; And thus it wa I answered him: "Strike not the staff I hold away, Yon canoot give mo yours, dear friend; Up the steep hill oar paths are set In different ways, to one sure end. "What, though with eagle glance upfixed Ou heights beyond our mortal ken, You t lead the broad sure stones of Faith More firmly than do weaker men. "To each according to his strength; But as we leave the plains below Let us carve out a wider stair, A broader pathway through the snow. "And when upon the golden crest We stand at last together, freed From mists that circle round the base, And clouds that but obscure our creed, cloud which men cill night. Now the j modest island unveils itself and, like the coquet isli Senoritas who dwell among its hills and dales, comes shy- ly forth in the mystic gloaming to I meet the admiring gaze of strangers. I Its volcanic origin is clearly evidenc ed ly the jagged and and serrated ap pearance of its mountains. This harsh I feature is effectually toned down by its high state of cultivation. The whole island is tesselated with geo metrically precise green fields, each surrounded by a wall of lava, like an enormous mosaic of emerald and jet. The island rises in abrupt precipices from the water ami over these fall numerous cascades, which from this distance look like silver threads shimmering iu the last rays of the sinking sun. In the east end of is land rises the symmetrical cone of Have wander'd wide apart, dear friend, Jo pathway can be wholly wrong That leads unto one perfect end." DANISH BARQUE IS I ALTO, On Voyage from Wilmington, N. C, Towards Trieste, Austria. FOR THE TWENTY YEARS during which we have been selling and manufacturing Fertilizers, we have made toe Tomcco Crop the subject of special study and ex tensive experiments, with the object of making the best pos sible Fertilizer for that crp, without regard to analyses or book valuations. The relative value of the different fer tilizing materials has been studied in the Plant-Bed, in the Field, in the Barn, and in the Salesroom. Our 1 SPECIAL TOBACCO MANURE is the product of the information and skill gained in this continuous effort to improve, and we oiler if with great con fidence as being the VERY BEST FERTILIZER FOR BRIGHT TOBACCO yet made. Crops raised with it bring the highest average prices in all the markets of Virginia and North Carolina. 'We shall perceive that though our steps Fico Passo 3040 feet high. There : is a range 01 mountains running in a westerly direction and terminating near the centre of the island, culled Serra Agoa de Pao, 2700 feet high then a stretch of low, fertile plain, and on the extreme western end a group of mountains ranging from 2000 to 2770 feet. Pico de Cruz, forming an amphitheatre, in the midst of which two miles distant from the sea and 1800 feet above k, lies Lagoa Grand, crystal clearv and unfathoma ble deep. The whole island is rent by those frightful convulsions thro which it has passed into deep chasms or canons, on the sides of some of which '.he black, rugged lava is still exposed. In the bottoms of these narrow valleys nestle numerous little white houses, from many of which now arise thin spirals of blue smoke which indicate that the humble Por tugee is preparing his frugal evening meal of fricassed garlic and castor oil soup. With the last rays of the sun a gen tle breeze arose and we must hasten Darkness as thick and black as "free lunch coffee" has fallen from the wings of night and the island lies outlined against the sky like a Titan ic silhouette. Not a light is visible except the faithful light-house on Cape Arnel which sends its clear beams far out to us In the darkness which broods over the face of nature's capricious child. (2o be Continued.) We4use nothing in its manufacture but materials of the highest grade, which are known to be specially adapted to this crop. We use no fiery ammoniates, ground leather, horn, hoof, shoddy, or wvcl waste, or other inferior or in jurious arnmoniates. ' ALLISON & ADDISON, Manufacturers, - J&'FOE SALE by Agents at alt points in the Tobacco-Growing Sections of Virginia and North Carolina. J. -VLLKX BROWN Aont for the Above, Also KCR THE STAR BRAND GUANO for Cotton, Cora, &c. r?OIlEKS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TOi PACE'S WAREHOUSE ! UNION STREET, - DANVILLE, V A. Is noil- opened and ready for business. We have one of the LARGEST and most COMPLETE F0 THE S ALE OF LEAP TOBACCO. in the hest leaf market in the United States. A Ti-idl I All W e AkIc. i-"" Prompt returns and close 1 personal attention to consignments.' CKRKSloNDEX( K SOLICITED It. Pace Bros. & Co. FR0PRS. M. DAVIS, Frtire Dealer Upholsterer, AND UNDERTAKER. FINE WALNUT SOITS, - $50 ?S3SkS fra Wipfi Mattrfissfis 17.50 PAR I. Oil SUITS, 35 to $100 CHEAP BEDS, $2.SO. FINE LINE OF CARPETS. MachinesWeed and Hartford. .., ! ACTIVE AXD I.'trr.LLIfiEXT AGEXTS in every town ..,,.1 .....f. tn ooll mi. 1'ilPlTf.AR NRW HOOKS . rifl V A M T T V Minister, teachers and others, whose time is not fully occupied, will And it to their interest Til nn-i . ' , ' MUU UIUTII, HUWV k 1 1 .... .o U , ,.,.'n'1 w,t" u. To farmers sons iind other vonnsr men imtcomins? on the field of motion, this urm. 2 -crs avinr uilv.mtnir-s, Wn n s s, mean of ma'.insr money and of self eulture. Write for special u. F. Joj:;,so. 4b CO., 1,013 Slain Strtct, Bichiuoud, V. I shall always remember with de light that I was once the means of making an Azorean perspire. One beautiful bright Sunday morning iu August we were lying becalmed be tween the islands of Corvo and Flores, the most northwesterly of the group. We were on a long wear isome voyage, and the sight of these beautiful green islands sleeping on the bright blue vaters was indeed refreshing to the eyes. When men have been revelling on salt horse and wrought iron biscuit for ninety days or so, they yearn for something more substantial than a feast of the optics. The knowledge that these ocean gems abounded in tropical fruits without being able to do anything more than ; away. he on eight miles in the broiling sun and look at them was rather too much after the Tantalus style to be endured. Accordingly, in the hope of attracting a bum-boat, I set our colors, forgetful of the international maritime regulation which prohibits vessels showing their colors when off a port unless desiring official assis tance. Shortly after hoisting our fl ig we discovered through our glasses, a liny 'boat pull off from Flores and head towards us. Wc rejoiced in our hearts and "got away with" a quan tity of fruit in our imagination. Af ter two or three hours had elapsed I was surrmoned on deck by the an nouncement that the boat was along side. I went, steeling my heart for an exciting argument with the supposed pomological pedlersovcr the value of their merchandise, which I knew would be exorbitant on account of the exertion which they had been obliged to make to reach us. Imagine my surprise when I found, instead of a boat load of ragged ped dlers, a corpulent gentleman of dark complexion, arrayed in a high-toned uniform, seated in a boat from the stern of which floated the naval flag of Portugal, and propelled by six sailors in Portuguese naval uniform and the regal 'chevron' on their sleeves. I knew from former experi ence that there was a good deal of red tape about Portugal, (for instance, five qua routine doctors to decide whether a man came to his death from yellow fever or a boiler explo sion,) but to send such an auriferous grandee as this to peddle oranges seem ed carrying the thing a little too far, and I began to feel troubled in my ef mind. bones from the kitchen could be util ized in furnishing the vines with the best possible food. A dozen Concords or a single scuppernong would supply 4 large family. Index -Appeal. The payment into the State Treas ury of $600,000 for the State's inter est in the Western North Carolina Railroad, relieves tax-payers from the payment of any State tax this year. Is not that something to the credit of a Democratic administration ? Is not Gov. Jarvis entitled, along with those who co-operated with him, to the gratitude and confidence of the peo ple for good management ? Does any sane tr.au really and heartily think it would be right to take the Govern ment of the State from the hands of Democrats, when it is seen and re membered how much prosperity has been achieved under Democratic ad ministrations ? Let the people stand by the party that has stood by their interests. Char, democrat. A North Carolina Carpet Factory. Mr. P. Johnson, one of the owners of the carpet factory established at King's Mountain, about one year ago, by two enterpris ing Germans, was in the city yester day, and says his success has been sat isfactory. He now has seventy-five patterns, and is supplying ingrain car pets to the trade all over the State. During the past year he has hardly been able to keep pace with his or ders, but oy next fall he will be pre pared to more easily meet all de mands, as his factory will be greatly enlarged by that time. They manu facture the most beautiful ingrain carpets. Charlotte Observer. The Strawberry Industry. A new in.lnstry for Charlotte is the shipment of strawberries and the mag nitude which it has already attained is something surprising. Every af ternoon for several days past, the pavement in front of the express of fice has been piled with crates wait ing shipment. Most of these straw berries are shipped to Richmond where they are sold at 35 cents per quart. They retail here at 8 cents kt quart. The strawberries are rais ed on farms adjoining the city, their cultivation hitherto having been most ly confined to the gardens about the city. Messrs. Lylesand Caldwell are the two most extensive growers and they say that they have realized hand some profifs from their venture. It is predicted that within two years from now the whole country around Char lotte will be one big strawberry gar den. Cliar: Obs. Grapes as Food. Variable as is our climate in win ter, and severe as are some of our summer droughts, taxing to the ut most all the sap resources of the vine, yet it is a well-atteled fact that the grape thrives wen we should say The Wilmington Star says there is a good deal of disgust among the Republicans of New Hanover at the nomination of a mongrel for Governor by the gathering at Raleigh last week. That's the news from all directions. The men who pushed York forward were really his enemies instead of friends ; but let no Democrat be too sanguine about an easy victory over the Mongrel party we must work hard and earnestly in order to make the victory sure. President Arthur, and his Revenue strikers and office holders throughout this State, will do all they can to help York re member tha. Char. Democrat extremely well in all Many old established FitiKXDsiui. Life is to be fortified by many friendships. To love and be loved is the greatest happiness iu existence. If I lived under the burning sua of the t quator, it would be a pleasure to me to think that there were human Deings on tin". t li.r eiili nf thn tvnrhl whii vi'tra riloil his section. I and rts,)ected inc. I could net live if I vineyards, or single isolated vines, and the great variety and profuse luxuriance of wild grapes in our forests and swamps, prove this beyond a doubt. And vet grape-growing, though it be only to much as would suffice for family use alone, has never become anything like general in this part of the Union. Perhaps the chief reason is that we have so many other sources of food supply. It is easy to make a living in Virginia and the South. As we lately heard fall from an old and practical farmer, "It is hard to keep a workiug man out of a living." And yet, despite this affluence of food resources, the boast and the bless ing of our country, there is no reason why another item should not be add ed to the list. Especially when the item is one so palatable, so whole some, and nutritious as is the grape a fruit cheap to raise, very proline, Afteraereat deal of nuffiner and capable of mauy uses. It has and blowing, and Portuguese profan ity, this brass -b. und official gained the deck, and when he had regained his breath he inquired in mutilated English, with much irascibility, what we wanted. I replied, that about the only thing I yearned for at that mo ment was a fair wind. "Fah weend!" he said excitedly, "Santa Maria madse del Jesu ! Is that all yon want? Why did you raise your flag?" he inquired. It would never do to confe.-s my real motive, as I would then lay myself liable to prosecution for making un necessary signals. Hermes came to my rescue, and I told the perspiring Lusian that the laws of my country obliged me to set my colors every Sunday whether in port or at sea. Then he became very much agitated and said some very strong tlijng about maritime laws of Denmark and the sauciness of sea-faring Americans. He went, but he was the warmest, madest Portugues that I ever had the pleasure of conversing with. He left a strong odor of profanity in his wake and for a long time the sound of his wrath came floating back in which the only distinguishable word was "gran diablo," which has led me to suppose that this word meant American, as he was evidently refering to me. It is evening and the fleecy clouds which all day long have hung so lovingly over the island screening it from the gaze of the curious, have re liuquished their charge, and floated off on the wings of the evening wind giving place to that vast, sombre been asserted that a man can live and ! work on a diet of bread and graPes quite as well as on bread and meat. And it is said that in parts of Spain Italy and France, the peasantry, for a part'of the year, subsist almost wholly on grapes and bread, and that those who do so live are noted for their froedom from scrofula and con sumption. This example is cited to show what the grape is capable of, rather than to persuade people to leave their meat diet for one of grapes. Though we doubt that if they would do so to a certain extent, they would not only be healthier but richer and happier. From the ripe grape, through all the various forms of dried, preserved, canned, cordiaied, jellied and jammed, this fruit is a wholesome and ever welcomc food. And if one does not choose to make of them wines and cor dials, still there are way's enough of preparing them for use to leave no excuse for lack of variety or for not haying always on hand some accepta ble article of dessert. As then the grape is so useful aud valuable as food, and as it can be grown here in any quantity with as much ease as the potato or cabbage, we trust the day is not far distant when its cultivation will become gen eral, not only for home use, but for market. Even the city dweller on were all alone upon the earth and cut.otf from ttie reinembrauce of my fellow-creatures. It is not that man has occasion to fall back upon the kindness of his friends. Perhaps he may never experience the ne cesitiy of doing so; but we are governed by our imaginations, aud they stand there as a solid bulwark against all the evils of life. Sidney Smith. The Raleigh News and Observer, which believed that the Morrison bill would pass, consoles itself over its defeat by the reflection that if the bill had passed the House it would not have passed the Senate, which was one of the leading reasons urged bv the Democratic opponents of the bill iu the start against agitation of that question at this time. The Farmer and Mechanic thus paragraphical ly speaks of the out come of the Republican Liberal per formance at Raleigh : Arthur, Dr. Mott, Johnson aud Price, The Liberals propose, The Revcnuers order, The Republicans adopt, The Negroes swallow. We are authorized to state that Judge R. T. Pennett, of Wadosboro, will be a candidate for re-election to Congress, from the Sixth District, as now composed of the following nm ed couutie : Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, Stanly, Union, Anson, Richmond, Robeson, Columbus, New Hanover and Brunswick. Char. Observer. Rowell, the English walker, is said to have made 80,000 in his walking matches. The receipts at the late Madison Square match were $:15,000, which illustrates how willingly the people pay their money to enrich humbugs. Charlotte Observer. NOTICE!! All presons indebted to me. either on account or note and mortgage (for Guano), are hereby duly reminded of such indebt ness. and are earnestly requested to make settlement promptly, otherwise the ac counts will be subject, without further no tice, to collection by legal process. Respectfully, Dec. 0, 1883. J. D. McNEELY. J. RHOOES BROWNE. PRE8.. W. C COART, SC Total Assets, $710,745.2. A Home Company, Seeking Home Patronage. STBONG, PEOMPT, RELIA3LE, LIBERAL. Term Policies written on Dwellings. Premiums payable One half cash and bal ance in twelve months. J. ALLEN BROWN, Agt., 23:6m. Salisl nrv V f j , ... . Vi.iCilTSiRDIAH VEGETABLE P ILLS FOK THK LIVER And aii 3 lious Complaints r-tie to tako. Muz iwiry veze:ihte; no grip This Space Reserved FOR SHEPPARD, SWINK & MONROE, PROPRIETORS KLQTTZ'S WAREHOUSE For the Sale of LEAF TOBACCO, Salisbury, N, C. P PURGATIVE i. r rum ? PUS And will completely chauge tho blood in tho entire system in tUrec months. Any person who will take 1 1111 each nifrt from 1 io 12 weeka, may be restore-: to Bound health, if such a thinjr be possible. For Fc-mslo Complaints thcao Pills hare no equal. Physicians us them for the arc of I.IV1ZR ccd K1UNEY diseases. Sold everywhere or sent by mail for 23c in ftaiaps. Circuit; 3 free. 1. S JOHNSON & CO . Eoiin. Mais. r- mm -t r" i Ti 91 N I In ? ' fi fh'uiiitiim. .'Mil son s ax X M TU R3 C ' ' M I'te) vflllii..ia:i:.i:t..nl.vrell.-v.iutr tent I 1 rfeN li f t4 ', :nl will positively cni nine cm i J ,1 i L W. : 'JJ9 : iiuwhoh ibst ,n vr m (4 mM r '4 T KM r- I iffcW I ..... . .. I . ! .1 . I ' I'rpveiiliosi is Letter than cure. JOHNSON'S ANODYfiS LUJI.SHT TES lr.1enJa. r.Vt at the Innr fa. Hacking ( oul-Ii, Wiioop.ne ' U'-'h, Orotic:, Inn'" :un. ) -s-f. '.ulcri SIimI'Upi. Kilnrv 'irm iscasci of the Spine Skl cwrrwhrrc. l irrubr. trctf. i. o..aoN . t o , llostuii. Mat. Croup, A!'ira, DroncMtlK. NcunU- XO. Ljirrnal rriMe rases nr It is a wcll-ltnown fact tint mr nr t-ie f Horse and Cattle t'owder soll In this conn- Fjft try Is worthless : that Slicridan"s Condition fKl Powder is absoliite'ypure and vcrvvaliiable. n1 Nothing on Earth will make hens n lay like Sheridan's Condition Pow- U Inr. ttosa. one teasDonnfnl to each Dint of food. It win also positively prevent and enre 1 noj: rholera, 4c 80M everywhere, or sent hy mat t for Be. hi 111 iFl f J f I CPA 'ir: Furnished in latve -in.,pnee flftl; hv tsail.$L40L IWnaill wiiwsitinni urctuan tree. i. a. juusu.i m co., Uoatou, Dec. 20, 1883 10: ly esq(dsj mm OFFKH SPECIAL BARGAINS! CUKAP tlm moat ron fin pd onartcrs mav have; a few vihes, anil the soapsuds and any wheelman. Charlotte Observer. American travel to Europe promises to be larger this year than ever before. Al ready the leadiug steamship lines an nounce that all their principal staterooms are engaged for the months of May, June aud July. It is estimated that America" travellers iu Europe speud iu the aggre gate $30,000,000 or more aunnally Char. Observer. The gold medals for bicycle races on the 21st have been received and are on exhibition in Butler's show windows. They are beauties, ami cost j respectfully 20,$25,$30. Either one j of them will be a proud trophy for 1 Elias Howe Leather-Machine, - - - $ir.00. 2 18-inoh arm for lieavv Leather, Chock as new,) 40.00. Original cost $125.00. 4 New Family Singer Machines, - - $1Ho $ir 3 American No. V, $10 to $1.1 2 Wheeler Wilson? .... 12 and $15. 2 Home Shuttles, - - - - - $5.00. 1 Weed, ------- - $12.00. The above have been used . some but warranttnl to do good work. We also sell the New Davis, A.merica'nand oyal St. John's, at bottom prices warrantee! for 5 years and guaranteed:-to rive SATISFACTION . i I W J 4

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