The Carolina W ate h man VOL XV. THIRD SERIES SALISBURY. N. C, MAT 22, 1884. 90 32 Great Fertilizers FOR PINE Bright Tobacco What the South Says. Norfolk Landmark, Dem. The vote striking cut the enacting of the Morrison bill was pass ed by a very slender majority four only. and the result will be that an s I "STAR J BRAND" O -t'?-S IP IS O XJkEa-- The Voice of the Press. An International Romance. The Expected Visit of Count Von Borcke Recalls his Career in the South and in France. Charlotte Observer. "Count Von Borcke will visit this country in May, to ee once more appeal will be made to the people of some of his old Confederate comrades, the country. Whether this will be He will visit Baltimore and while done in the November contest, or in there will be the guest of General the elections for the next House of Bradley T. Johnston, Generals Wade Representatives, is a question we are Hampton, Fitzhugh Lee and others, not now prepared to answer; but, who will welcome him and tender sooner or later, the struggle wil I force . itself on the politicians of the coun try. TOBACCO MANURE -1865 1 him a reception. "Some thirty years ago, young Von : Borcke was a Junior officer in the Royal Cuirassieurs of the Guard, a crack regiment of the Prussian army, result, and mninlv officered bv the nobilirv. Norfolk Ledger, Dem. We cannot but regret this It is a triumph of the Republican He was tall, fair haired, handsome, party over the rights and interests of the heir of large estates and of a no the people by the aid of recusant ble name, for the Von Borckes had Democrats. Notwithstanding this from father to son for generation held The Man Who Grew. The Strawberry Industry. A IICW inrlnatrv flw Pkni-loO. : ili. One day last week a Detroit me- j shipment of strawberries and the mag chauic was going down Michigan av- ; pitude which it has already attained enue, and became favorably impress- j '8 raething surprising. Every af- ed with a pair of pants haneine in Msr,,oou IO,r evera Pt, the km mm tront of a cheap clothing store. The price was low, the goods seemed all right, and he made up his mind to purchase. "I gif you de won! of Andrew Shackson dot dose pants are shust pavement in front of the express of fice has been piled with crates wait ing shipment. Most of these straw berries are shipped to Richmond where they are sold at 35 cents per m mm a quart, mey retail here at 8 cents rants dem efery dime. After th ree or four days' wear the purchaser found the bottoms of the pants crawling towards his knees. It was a sad case of shrinkage, and he went back to the store and said : "You swindled me on those pants See how they have shrunk !" The dealer looked him all over, felt his head, pulled on his pants, and finally said "I shall gif you one thousand dol per quart. The strawberries are rais- Pii nil I'iniic adinininn tli. like iron," said the dealer. "I war- ! cultivation l.;..rm l i " ' - - - s. t v iiw mr KiSi I J I1IU3L ly confined to the gardens about the city. Messrs. Lyles and Cald wel I are the two most extensive growers and they say that they have realized haud some profits from their venture. It is predicted that within two years from now the whole country around Char lotte will be one big strawberry gar den. Char: 06s. defeat more than two-thirds of our i,ig, piaCes in court. He had won, lars a month if you will travel with congressmen stood by tneir pledges t0o, the heart of a fair and noble dam and were true to the declarations, us- sei 0f the court, and all his life seem ages and practices of the party. All ed bright before him. Led on by his honor to the Democrats who were j0iy reckless companions of the me." "How what ?" "You are shust growing right up at the rate of two inches a day, and I faithful to their party obligations Guard, however, this young officer, dakes you arouudt the country on ex- FOR THE TWENTY YEARS during wliicb we" have been selling and manufacturing Fertilizers, we have made the Tcacgo Crop the subject of special study and ex tensive experiments, with the object of making the best pos sible Fertilizer for that crep, without regard to analyses or book valuations. The retative value of the difierent fer tilizing materials has been studied in the Plant-Bed, in the Field, in the Barn, and in the Salesroom. Our 5 ex TOBACCO MANURE is the product of the information and skill gained in this continuous effort to improve, and we offer it with great con fidence as being the VERY BEST FERTILIZER FOR BRIGHT TOBACCO yet made. Crops raised with it bring the highest average prices in all the markets of Virginia and North Carolina. IMPORTANT We use nothing in its manufacture but materials of the highest grade, which are known to be specially adapted to this crop. Vc use no fiery ammoniaies, ground leather, horn, hoof, shoddy, or wool waste, or other inferior or in jurious 'ammoniates. ALLISON & ADDISON, Manufacturers, IFOR SALE by Agents at all points in the Tobacco-Growing Sections of Virginia and North Carolina, J. ALLEX BROWN A.jjout For the Above. AIko FOR THE STAR BRAND GUANO for Cotton, Corn, &c tyoKOEKS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO: and their party fealty. Their defeat is but temporary and their eventual success assured. As to the Demo- Jacksonville (Fly.) Time?, Dem. in one way or another, became deep- lubition. Dose pants are shust as ly iuvolved in debt. His father was long as efer, but you haf grown oudt stern and strict, and breaking with ' of dem." crats who aided and abetted this re- hine, young Borcke determined to! "I don't believe it 1" shouted the suit, they have the satisfaction of COme and offer his sword to the Cn- ' man. "I am forty years old, and knowing that they enabled the Re- federacy. He distinguished himself quit growi ng long ago." publicans to maintain a measure im- in tie army of Northern Virginia,! "I gif you do word of Andrew portant to their success, but in oppo- anf won a colonelcy and vote of Shackson dot you vas growing." sition to the rights and interests of thanks from the Confederate Con- j "I don't care whose word you give the masses of the people. gress. He was severely wounded in I say these pants have shrunk nearlv w 0 a. j 1863, and being wholly unfit for ac- a foot !" tive work in the field, was sent by "Has de top of dose pants shrunk That the one-fifth, by allying the Confederate Government in 1864 dowu ary !" softly asked the dealer, themselves with the Republicans, to Englaud to look after arms and! "Why, no." were able to defeat the four-fifths, is a suppiies He served faithfully there ! "Shouldn't de vaistband hrik fact of no vital importance so far as ' anJ to Hie end, being left after the 1 down shust as queek as dose bottoms the party is concerned. Party poll- j surrender, without a home or country. should shrink up ? If it's in de cloth cy is dictated by the majority and Ht could not enter the Fatherland oue part should shrink like de oder not the minority ; and though, by , because of proscription." eh? When I sold you dot elegant confederating themselves with the "In 1866 he wrote Prince Freder- pair of pants for tree dollar I don't Republicans, the forty-one renegade! , ick Charles for leave to serve as a ' suppose you vas growing so fast or I may defeat a party measure in the ! privalc in tne prussjan ranks against ' shall haf put zum straps on de bot House, they cannot alter the fact that j AlwtrJa. 0 account of his Coufed- 1 toms." the parly to which they nominally era(e service he was paraoncd, his fa- I "Well, I don't like this way of do- ueiong is commuted to a reuuctiou oi ther forgave him, and the Emperor ins business," said the purchaser. w m i NOTICE!! All presons iadebted to me, either on account or note and mortgage (for Guano), are hereby duly reminded of such indebt ness, and are earnestly requested to make settlement promptly, otherwise the ac counts will be subject, without further no J. RHODES BROWNE, Pr.. W. C COART, SCO Total Assets, $710,745.12. A Home Company, Seeking Home Patronage. STRONG, PBOMPT, UBB A Tr Term Policies written on Dwellings. Premiums payable One half cash and bal ance in twelve months. J. ALLEN BROWN, Agt., Salisbury, N. C. 23:6m. t r. . i iciy 3 iNDiAN Vegetable Pills FOR THK tice, to collection by legal process T I . A nespectmiiy, Dec. 6, 1883. pro fnlh J. D. McNEELY IVER And all Bilious Complaints ale to t;ik". IhmiIR pup'ly Vi'aUle f-i. I'ri'WcU. Ail ltnii Niuanta. .i . v rrl 1 j tnetann. ine appeal now nes 10 (tien King William) restored him to the people, and the majority should hia f . nr0nioted "Shust like me. I sells such ele gant pants as dose to a man, and he ... i . p .1 see to it mat revenue reroira is maue and Fervetl ou the Princes staff anj ' gr0ws out of dem, damages my trade, a prominent plank in the Democratic his father became tremendouslv nroud You haf damaced five hoondred dol- of him. j And now for the part that J lar, but I haf low rent, pays oash for does no accord so well with the light mein goods, and make you dis fifty and progress of the nineteenth centu- cent tie for five cents." rv. but takes us back to the afore The man walked out to the curb mentioned old romances. In all his . stone, and turning around, shook his wanderings, through all his sufferings, fist and said : platform for the coming campaign. What tlie North Says. im mindful of distance and time wearying separation, his love Brooklyn Eagle, Dtm. To the Eagle it proves that the man who looks to the Republican party for any genuine tariff reform is a fool, and those who trust the Dem ocracy have thus far had their faith abundantly justified, and that the ' " I inn M ora mnrnorl uml 1111 act vmt u in - old wounds, the are simply so many can be depencd on at all times to sell to the highest bidder. and had been true to him. He found his sweetheart of olden days, a lovely ! woman now, still trusting aud true. account of his old wounds, the need which PACE'S WAREHOUSE ! UNION STREET, - DANVILLE, VA. h now opened and ready for business. We have one of the LARGEST and mast COMPLETE! Warehouse ever built. ?0K THE OF LEAF TOBACCO. in thebest leaf market in the United States. Pace Bros. & Co. PROPBS. HTPrnnipt returns and close Prsjtial attention to consignments. COUUKSPO.N I) KNC K SOLICIT ED. Huston Poet, Dem. By his treason Mr. Randall has probably purchased his pew in Con gress for another term ; Mr. Eaton has redeemed his pledges to the Re publican manufacturers of Connecti cut, and the Morrison bill is defeat ed defeated by the votes of the Re publicans in Congress and their ren egade Democratic allies. If this his father had of his help and care in managing his estates, and may we not add his own desire to spend some part ot his hie in the quiet ot home, he retired from the army when peace was declared. His castle was in the beautiful region of the Risescn Ge birge, and on the death of his father, some years ago, he became the head ! of his family. An old Confederate comrade visited him on his pressing ' invitation, a short time ago, and, i . . i ii. a : meant simply opposition to a measure , onving up 10 um casu, smw uuum.g .. :o immaihi l th.t wmibl ' from the turret the German flag, be one thing. But it does not. The R. M. B A VIS, WtHrfi Dealer. Upholsterer, V ,1 AND UNDERTAKER. 1?twp wnunm ommo rum iiiiuuui ouiio, 7- $50 Cottage Suits, 20, 25 and 130 Woven Wire Mattresses, $7.50, SUITS, 35 to 100 CHEAP BEDS, $2.50. FINE LINE OF CARPETS. Jfewintr Machines-Weed and Hartford. U PARLOR TXT" a . J V I' b Wm f A TIVE AXD INffFI.LIGEKT AGENTS in rery "'''LETiuT. . J w H"d eut7 to ell iur l'OPULAH NEW BOOKS and J" cfresponri wTf h lc;,c"" una otuew, whose time is not fully oecupit d, mil fiua it to their town FAMILY interest otl-Mm , """""err oiis una oilier yoimsr men j nil coming on ino neiu of ao: ion, this any uUrantue n, Nth uieunx of mukinff money nd of aclf cuiture. Write for special - JO! 4, CO., 1,013 Miiia Street, Wchinoud, y. measure has come to be accepted as embodying the great popular move ment for revenue reform in this country. 1 while the other bore bravely towards ! the heavens the battle-scarred flag of 1 the Confederacy. Von Borcke wore amid the dozen decorations that cov ered the breast of his unforni, and right next to the Iron Cross, the badge of the army of Northern Vir Columbia, S. C, May 9. James S. Coleman (col.) was hanged in jail ginia, and it was to meet our "South- here this morning. He had a prayer ern Guest" that all the notables were on the scaffold and expressed him self as being assured of salvation. His crime was a most atrocious one. He killed his sister-in-law, outraged her while dying, and outraged anoth er sister-in-law in another room, in December, 1882. He had at one time taken a leading part in Repub lican politics, taught school in Lau rens county, holding at the time a four years certificate of qualification. Coleman left a message for his family saying: "I want them to know I will be hanged to fulfill the law and not to please them. As they are go ing to hang a gentleman, I wish none but gentlemen present. Good-bye ; I am going home.," invited. His heart still beats warm ly for the cause and for the people for whom he fought so bravely and shed his blood these twenty y?ar ago." Car Wheels from German yj The steamship Vaderland brought o Philadelphia last week from Ant werp thirteen car loads of steel-tired car wheels manufactured at Essex, Germany, by the celebrated gunmajk er, Krupp. The steel tires have been commonly in use in the United States but not the entire wheels, which are different from those used here, hav ing spokes and rims similar to a wag on wheel, but heavier in construc tion. The goods are in bond await ing withdrawal by the owners. "You are a liar and cheat, and I'll dare you out here !" "Such ding sink deep into my heart," signed the dealer, as he took down his pipe. "I dinks I sells out dis peesness and beddles some vases around t. Den when I sells to some pody it makes w difference how much dey grow." Detroit Free Press. A Move to Capture Irish Votes. The Irish Republican Na tional League is in session here to ar range for campaign work in the in terest of the Republican party during the coming presidential canvass. It was decided to maintain headquar ters in Chicago, New York and Washington. Speakers sent out by the league will be urged to attack the free trade theory, as the surest means of alienating Irish votes from the Democratic party, on the ground that free trade is an English measure. Twenty-three States were represented at the session. J. Curran Keagan, of Colorado, was elected general secretary. The United States Senate is against free ships. Twenty Democrats voted for them, but three Democrats and twenty-eight Republicans said no. This, too, in the face of facts that are n shame to the country and mmmm - m m mm - an eternal condemnation to the party in power. American shipping has almost disappeared from the high seas. Forty years ago our sails whi tened every ocean and bay and inlet. Republicanism has done "that for .the country and now let it die. Senator Vance made a vigorous speech in fa vor of free ships. Wil. Star. ' Vjpff SjHummmki ' ,jf3mmmwm mmmmmmmmm JfBmmJmmmmTmrS f ' mmmmm' mmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmS9m!m mvSmmW ' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmWmU mmW " This Space Reserved FOR SHEPPARD, SWINK & MONROE, PROPRIETORS KLUTTZ'S WAREHOUSE For the Sale of LEAF TOBACCO, Salisbury, Y. C. PAIMS1PPILLS And will completely change tho blood la the entire system In three months. Any person who wm take 1 Fill each l.: .-!.: from 1 to 13 weeks, may be restored to sennd health, If such a thing: be possibles. For FemaleConplaints these Pills hare no equal. Physicians use them for the uro of 1. ! V t :K and KI1JNKY diseases. Sold everywhere, or ssnt by mail for 25c 1a starcps. Circulars free. I. S. JOHNSON A CO.. Roston. Man. a H BPPSk n sr fw JOHNSON'S i R B si t i i L-'t Si. Ithcmiiatiin. JOHNSON- a? Kj fcl H L? i fc? I3i4 1JVNE I.INLMfcNT ( for Interttcl and Erttr 1 t:Z r ! . v S.J '--') iii-ta:.tiinc.ol rebovc iliw tcrr :7 frfy": l kr' )j K I J, ami will positively euro nine ra 71 L . k lC ' L3 r inrorniaUon will narr uu m tii.ii mil k.ivp miif livt-s Fi'iil l'rv hv mail. Dnu'l delay a mamtaL i'rcvtiitioii is bctier than cure. ANODY('S Llfill.'lEIT U1ES ln-jpra. r.lrcdins st the Tjin ItoarM. ncs, Uat'&mc t onpli. Whoopitur u.n, unrouic i.irintra. I n-:.t mrr? . i tm-rn worou. iviuney i rouutct, I K.vjsos ot trie frptne. Sola cvcrywii tc. i mnun in c. i. o. .-"., a. kj., waiw, man. It is a well-known fact that nv of t!:j norse and Cattla I'owitrr all in this nm:i try tworthles : that Sheridan's Condition 1'owderls atwolnfe'yjmre and rerrvalnahle. .Not hins on Earth will make hns lay Uke Sheridan's Condition i'ow- J. TViaa. one tAflnnAonfut to oaeh nint of food. It wiU also positively prevent and core I Hoc Cholera, Ac. Sold everywhere, or sent bv mall for e. la aj PSJ fUfll FQ a i s tamps, r nrnunea in ianr-cans, price at.ui; hv mail. vniVIiill vnwiiainniiwcaunim. i- jou&oit a. w.t Dec. 20, 1S83. 10;iy ENS LAY OFFKU SPECIAL BARGAINS ! CHKAP xLQ 1 Elias Howe Leather Machine, 2 18-inch arm lor heavy Leather, (good as new,) Original cost $125.00. 4 New Familv Singer Machine a -J 3 American No. 1, $15.00. 40.00- 'S. 7 2 Wheeler cfc Wilson, 2 Home Shuttles, 1 Weed, .... The above have been usel s)ine work. hut warrantee $10 to $15. $10 to $15. $12 and $15. $5.00. $12.00. 1 to do irood We also sell tlie New Davis, American'and "- -s s . w sa Th greatest oleomagariiie fraud yet j JTiOyal bt. cl Oil II perpetrated in the labeling the buck- m eu with a ferocious billy goat to in- at bottom prices warranted for o years and gtY9 dicate genuine butter. Atlanta Con-j S TIF f 'TION stUution. i " 1

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