The barolina XV. THIRD SERIES SALISBURY. N. C, HAT 29, 1884. NO 33 W atcnman. 134 ,lAMSH BARQUE R I ALTO, t w: Towards J. new, ilonday,Jan, 18, 1884. Lat. 36 HN. Lon. 8 13' W. Lrst night i . i il,. c , i. 1 1 bt odOCK we saw uhs mnm giimmer T .. i . . r T7 T. .LJ .l . ,rr htC HI fjU IIW. IL 1Y2SH I.I1H a fiii i i ' u. w r - r - " Eriih1 g'esi,B light-'10086 n KLsan Vincent, South-west ex- Jhitv of Portugal.- In connection fith our sighting this welcome Wul conitliere was given a striking exam ple bf" the wonderful exact itud at hibh the science of chronometrical horology has arrived. After tea the officjei were gathered around the sa looq table engaged in 'working out' the polar altitudes taken in connec tion with the chronometer for obtain ing 'the ship's longitude. That work being completed we proceeded to paric ont 8r posittion Tn the chart joilote of the officers remarked that toctrding to the results we were at that moment only two minutes of arc froit? the radius of Cape San Vincent jigl t. Hardly had he uttered the wonis when "Light on the port bowl" an ringing down from the look out in t is fore top. Between our real bittion and that assigned to us by ibrpnsmeter there was a difference of only one second of time, equal to fif teen seconds of arc or one quarter of mile. Our chronometer was set ith Greenwich time last September tndi has been neither rated nor com MfUVuice. At dawn the land was pisijuly visible. This 'dawn by the wajj, was a splendid example of cos miil fraud, not at all like the spe cies which is held out to the credu lous public as an inducement to this upfr-extolled region, but a misera erable hybrid affair, a cross between . L&ndon fog and a Scotch mist. ibe vista wai not one to cause a person to rush into a stream of rhe toripal euthusjasni. ii fact there is a strong family resmblanee between Portugal and her exiled offspring theiAzorcs. The-country is neither msiintainous nor level, but covered witji a kind of knobs, resembling aoniewhat one of our Eastern saud flat! sprinkled over with Gorgontuan hajj-stacks. Unlike her less fortti nale children, however, Portugal abundantly makes up in historical association all that she lacks in pic taresque attraction. You forget her undeniable homeliness in listening to tne wonderful tale of her ancient rabdeur and proud conquests which le wafts to your entranced car on le whispering land breeze, On this very spot oik hundred and jvfn years ago on Valentine's morn hen love lorn maids and amorous oujths filled Hie land with 'yum ura' effusions, and the wrath and urjlen of the postman alike waxed eaVy, a very una in a to us scene was ranspiring. Mars had profaned Cu id's Sabbath, and Madams Brit tan ia ern matron was at her accustomed ipationf endeavoring to convince e skeptical Frenchmen that she was e bnl v and original mistress of the a- ffere was that doughty old sea a Sir John Jervis, whose undis- Ujed eon tern nt for vp mnlish h rench- 51) was so great, busily engaged in m sgreeabTe task of eradicating po licial errors after the old theorv - r ' - " which treated heresies and liArtirc as inseperable propositions anathere fore to be exterminated alike. Very fatigued indeed did the Frenchmen become with Sir Johns red hot argu ments and very much -mutilated did they get with his comical persuasions on that memorable lover's anniversa ry. Many a sturdy Briton and gal lant Gaul went down that fateful day into the unknown depths, united in the dread fellowship of death, that mighty warrior who knows neither Briton nor Gaul, neither Goth nor Roman, but whose enmy is all man kind, and whose battle field is the world. Some years after that, Ad miral Rodney and a cargo or two of Spaniards had a difference of opinion about Gibraltar, on the same spot, during which argumeut the Angel of Death claimed the majority of the Iberians, It has been a long time si nee this trifll ng 1 iU!e ooTitty , along whoae shores we are now gliding has played more than a (snpeV part in the great drama of Europe, and of late she has been satisfied with a seat in the pea-nut gallery. Far different was it with Lusilauia when Emanuel the fortunate held sway over the realm. 'Twas then "The voice of Enterprise spoke from Sagre's tower," and the heart of the daring young Vasco de Gama echoed to her call. Then flourished the gallant Camoens, at once soldier, sailor, poet and exil ed adventurer. Those were the days of Gomery, of Cartereal, of Cabri 1 lo and of a thousand ether fearless spir its and ocean knights. The very names of tbe Portuguese explorers and navigators of that awakened pe riod would fill a book. Then the "Portugee" was a stirring individual and spread himself over the face of the earth, exterminating and convert ing, pirating aud exploring, swap ping the Scriptures for slaves, trans porting a cargo of Jesuits and relig ion to Africa and a cargo of 'niggers' and misery back again, and carrying the insane gabble of Portuguese tongues and the vile odor of Portu guese garlic into the remotest regions of the globe. The Portuguese Per icles is dead now. Enterprise grown hoary from unheeded adjurations no longer 'speaks from Sagre's tower.' The 'Portugee' having abandoned the search for El Dorado about the same time that he abjured the use of soap and water looks back upon both, with the contempt of superior loJigbt enmeut, as vaiu dreams of a roman tic epoch. The people having rent ed their country and coasts out to England tor a battlefield went to sleep as one man aud at latest ac counts this nation of sleeping beau ties was still slumbering. The "Great Allied European Circus" with a de cidedly novel attraction called Carlo III arrtved in the somnolent realm ou its way to pain and sec up its show in several Portuguese villages but it did not seem to take well with the Lusians, so it went to Spain. There the novelty drew in a manner that exceeded the wildest expectations of the managers. It attracted an immense amount of attention. In a little village called Brihuega it drew the attention of a gentleman named Duke Vendome who attended the f si a i periormance ana Drought such a crowd of his friends alone that the proprietors were seriously incommod ed, and so embarrsed that a good many of them never got over it. The survivors tore up & good deal of Por tuguese territory in their frantic at tempts to get over it, and remarked when they had regained the sea-coast that they had brought out a Carlo .III, but he bad proved to be a car load too before they got through with him. In spite of all the surrounding hilarity the lazy Lusians slept on. The earthquake came along that way cooped in a quantity of them, and jolted op the survivors ; Napoleon arrived on the scene and stirred them up in his character of fairy prince, but the sleeping beauties only grunt ed, said an expletive and snored again. I will wager that if we were to laud at any one of the little white sepulchre villages past which we are now sailing we wonld find five men and ten dogs asleep to every hundred square feet of sunshine. The remain der of tbe population would proba bly be slumbering in the shade. Just on our port bow lies the lovely little. city of Lucas de Barrameda. Up there on the brow of that gently slop ing hill, bristling with fortifications and long lines of glaring white bar racks, lies a spot of emerald green upon which the eye loves to rest from the gleam and glare of the intensely white buildings. Here it was that h er- dinand de Soto, three hundred years ago, mustered his brave band of adven- urers, the flower of Spanish chivalry, with Portuguese glittering iu burnish ed armor,and Castilliaus" very gallant, with silk upon silk. Upon the steps of yon aged, gray cathedral, whose ta- ering spire towers above the sur rounding foliage of olive and cork trees, stood the venerable 'padre' when he invoked tbe blessing of Heaven on the devoted band who carried a cross to erect ou the banks of the Father of Waters, and mana cles for prospective slaves. From hat lovely land-looked bay, rippling in the sunlight, they sailed, the most of them never to return. Far away, across the fertile valley of the Gua dalquiver, a few white spots are bare- y diseernable, gleaming amid the luxuriant vineyards. These charm ingly situated villas are the outposts of the town of Palos a name which deserves the eternal remembrance of Americans, for from this place de parted the intrepid mariner who gave them their land. (lobe Continued.) REPORT OF THE AUDITOR OF THE TOWN OF SALISBURY, N. 0. For the year ending May 14th, 1884. To the Hon, Mayor and Board of Com missioners of Salisbury, N. C: Gentlemen: 1 have made a careful examination of the Books aud Vouchers of the Mavor, Clerk, Tax Collector, Cotton Weigher, Hav Weisrber aud Treasurer, for the vear just ended, aud respectfully make the following Keport. it u ACE'S WAREHOUSE ! NION STREET, - DANVILLE, VA. ip 7i0v opened and ready for business. We have e of the LARGEST and most COMPLETE rehouse ever built. B THE S ALE OP LEAF TOBACCO. the best leaf market in the United States. Trial Is All W Ank. Pace Bros. & Co. PROPRS. rrompt returns aud close J pqnal attention to consignments. C9BRE8KDKJ(CE SOLICITED. m. DAVIS, Furniture ileaier, upholsterer, AND UNDERTAKER. FINE WALNUT SOFTS, - $58 Cottage Suits, 20, 25 and $30 Woven Wire Mattresses. $7.50. ARLOR SUITS, 35 to $100 $2.50. FINE LINE OF CARPETS. yng Machines Weed and Hertford. Uu ; V ATVTTrTI f ACTIVE AIYD WTELLIGEXT film akMJM i And county to sell our rur xmh July 3 Bill Jamison street wark U .4 it ti it E K James hauling Dick Hill cl'ng calaboose " Ed Crowell W smithing " Jerry Townsend cl'ng wells " It L Shaver hauling G J Long judge of election " Bill Davis street work Henry Tatum str't wrk " Joe Robinson str't work " Charles Allison str't work " Tom Pinkston str't work " Jackron Henderson col'd cemetery " Dick Wallace dug wells " Andrson Ford street work M Joe Robinson street work u Jackson Litaker street work July 31 T B Beall corn's on till 10 " Bill Jamison street Work " H M Jones treas' salary " 'Salisbury Gas Co. Gas Aug 4 C W Pool police salary for July " Salisbury Gas Co. Gas for Jane " Reubin Mitchell street work " Rich'd Wallace cl'ng wells ' Rich'd Wallace cl'ng wells " J J Bell sexton " "J A Caldwell rent of office " GA Kluttz el'k of election " Noah McCubbins hauling " G J Long police sal'ry part "CW Pool police salary bal " G J Long " to June 15 u Julius Reeves street work " B J Black well police sal'ry tor June " B J Black well police sal'ry for July T B Beall corn's $87 60 G W Smith jail fees & board gU li ti ii it aSalisbury Gas Co. Gas it tt it b tt it ii tt tt tt 4 5 2 25 500 1 00 1 00 too 1 00 4 00 3 75 3 75 2 25 300 2 25 4fr 300 3 56 4 50 4 12 5 56 4 50 100 00 26 15 25 00 24 30 393 1 50 150 25 00 64 53 200 20 00 8 50 20 00 12 50 4 50 18 33 25 00 4 48 15 82 4 00 38 25 36 45 61 65 48 60 24 30 10 00 12 00 10 00 ti Aug 4 bSalisbury Gas Co. Gas " Win H Horah hauling ii ii U It It " C T Bernhardt finance com " Salisbury Gas Co. Gas for May 12 15 " cMrs E N Grant interest on note to 11th April 48 00 Kerr Craige att'y in M & C 20 00 R J Hal torn repair's bridge and lumber 5 00 Oct 2 A L Roan special police 50 " TB Beall corn's on $609 30 45 M Junius Mcars street work 75 l IVtm Pinlrstnn ti ii A Kft " Wm Kelly " " 2 25 " Floyd Young " " 75 " Wm Jamison " " 75 " QP Woalmesby repair'g hay scales 7 00 " Wm H Kcstler gravel on walk 3 00 Oct 20 Bill Davis street work 4 50 " Jno Henderson str't work 3 75 ,l Jim Bernhardt str't work 3 00 44 Wm H Horah haul'g on str't 13 00 44 bChas Price attorney 25 00 44 Nat Pharr street work . , -3 75 tt ti tt it it g 44 Wm Kelley 44 44 8 75 44 Anderson Foard str't work 8 75 Oct 20 Win Davis street work 8 75 44 Julius Reeves 44 44 8 75 " J J Bell sexton salary 25 00 44 N C Wyatt supt str't hands 23 75 44 Jackson Litaker str't work 3 75 41 Washington McGehee street work 2 63 Washington McGehee street work 3 75 44 Jno Holt substitute for police 5 83 44 J J Bell sctxon salary tor July 25 00 44 Jackson Litaker storing coal at Graded school " E K James hauling on street Good Words for Girl. A writer in Women at Work ad visee girls, if they would be happy in the married life, to marry a gen tleman. He thus defines what he means by the term : A t r. TV .1 .1 : x a . . i a i ruu,n8 H,e unoewaaa young vt.m, au oeen a great flirt. When the clergyman asked the question, "Who gives this woman awayf a young man present replied: 44I can, "but I won't." Shreteport, May 13. The river has risen six inches, and is now thirty-two font Ma in.l. -1. 1 . A . ', . " uuve iow waier, and six . i generous and mcues below the disastrous March floods. xia regards another's ban- l n .. i . .... it is reported that Logan and Lincoln 44do not speak as they pass by." This ia not one of those things, however, that 'eclipse the gayety of nationa." unselfish. pinesa and welfare aa well as his own. You will aee that trait running iu all hi8 actions. A man who is a bear at home among hia sisters aud discour teous to hia mother ia just the man to avoid when yon couie to the great question which is to be answered yes or no. A man may be ever so rustic in his early surrounding, if he ia a true gentleman he will not bring a blush to your cheek in any society by hia absurd behavior. There ia an instinctive politeness inherent in audi a character) which everywhere commands respect, and makes its owner paas for what he is one of nature's noblemen. Do not despair, girls ; there are such men still in the world. Yeu need not all die old maids. But wait until the princes pass by. No harm in delay. You will not beapt to find him in the ball -room, and I know he will never be seen walk up frem the liquor sa loon. Nor is he a champion billiard player, either, for he has had too much honest work lo do. Six political national convent ions for the nomination of candidates for Presi dent and Vice-Presidents are to be held the Anti Monopoly, in Chicago, May 14th; the Green back -Labor, In Indian apolis, May 28th j the Republican, iu Chicago, June 3d; the American Party, in Chicage, June 19th ; the Democratic, in Chicago, July 8, and the Prohibition, in Pittsburg, July 23d, the date of the laet having beeu postponed from May ist. Ii nVWnNexIDW fflfflSNDMarw IB imitf JSBtmue3t3 BMMrWIKPiiB&SM lvEiis9EHMBEes3SIEiHiwwviH NOTICE!! All presons indebted to-me. either on account or note and mortgage (for Guano), are hereby duly reminded of such indebt ness, and are earnestly requested to make settlement promptly, otherwise the ac counts will be subject, without further no tice, to collection by legal process. Respectfully, Dec. 6, 1888. J. D. McNEELY. JOHN A. RAMSAY, Mayor. To Fines and Penalties collected, By Salary, Treasurer's receipp, THOS. B. BEALL. Tax Collector, To General Tax Book 1883, 1 Unlisted 'J axe Bog Tax, ' SDecial Taxes. By General Tax collected special " Dog " Remitted Taxes " Erroneous " ' Uncoilectable Taxes, Cr. Sj00 00 74 02 Da. $574 02 S5T4W S574 08 cr. Pa. $6325 9 6 45 34 00 1975 00 S4098 43 175 00 34 00 85 80 62 67 105 17 18361 07 D. D. DAVIS, Trbascrkr, Cb. To Amount ree'd from late Treas " cash from T. B. Beau, T. t General Taxes, Cash from T. B. Beall, T. C, Special Taxes, " Cash from T. B. Beall. T. C Dog Taxes, " Amount for Graves, " cash from Hay Weigher m . cotton ,T m Gas Dividends, it m Major, Fines and Penalties n excess of Salary " 640 Clerks Checks Paid $8022 22 " Cash on hand, 16 18 it $8361 .07 Dr. 70 64 6184 SB 1075 00 34 00 55 00 45 61 35 00 464 00 74 02 $3938 40 $8038 40 Your Treasurer paid Cheeks audit ed by former Boards aa follows : Ca. $48 28 174 40 1371 64 Dr. 14 Tt 600 00 225 20 3 90 4 30 478 99 432 48 1498 59 AGENTS in vry town NEW BOOKS and FAMILY Ministers, Uaehers and others, whose time ia not fully oceupii d, will fiud it to their interest to r Hiamsn, icaciiers ana outers, whom tune is x gorrespond with us. To farmers' son and other yonns 'new offers many itdrant.-ises, Wth as a mean of mak ir wa,ttt B. F. JOHNSON 4b CO., l.O ? nSn jnst eomins; on the field of aetion , tan n money and of self culture. Write for special 013 Maim Street, Richmond, V. Board of 1880 and 81, Checks, m iggi and '82 . 4 " 1888 and "83. es " Accounts made by proceeding Boards, audited and paid by your officers : Board of 1878 and 79, 3 Checks, - " 1880 and '81, t " 1882 and fa, 81 " Accounts made by this and previous Boards, audited by this Boai-d aud Unpaid : Board of 1878 and 79, 2 Checks m 1882 and "S3, i " 1888 and "84, 56 Due Graded School Fund Town Debt reduced $9407 86 $8407 26 In the following list of Checks paid by your Treasurer those issued by the Board of 1880 and '81 are marked o. r . .. 5 1881 and 88 ? " t. 1888 and " " . Accounts audited and paid by this Board and mad6 by Board of 1878 and 79 are marked . 1890 and 8i " d. f 1882 and "83 ' " e. June 16 pd Salisbury Gas Co. Oas 12 15 " Q D Davis agt. Mre E N Grants in'st on note 48 00 " Bill Davis street work 4 12 " A Ford streetrworlr: 3 85 " JJ Stewart printing -e-J4 50 M J Allen Brown judge of election 4 Joe Robinson street work Yorke Owens " " Anderson Ford " Elisha Mears " M Henry Benson repairs to G S House Ben Caldwell repairs to G S House Andrew Walls repaire to G S House Elisha Meares street work Jno Henderson " " Andrew Mack " M A linn Mil lor it " " dO D Davis Ex of E N Grant paid note and interest " C W Pool police salary for September "PC Hall police salary for June " Mrs Mary Ann Bruner inter est on note to Oct 11 '83 Dec 4 aE Rose Dorsett medical aid to M. A. V. Muni us Mears street work W C Fraley repairs to lamps E K James hauling A Parker repairs to Truck B H Marsh repairs to Fire Engines C W Pool attend'g to Town Clock " J A Rcndleman judge of election " F D Irvin el'k of election " Moran Hampton street work " A Hampton " Junius Meares " " " Wm H Huff hauling Continued on 2nd page. a u ii ii ii 1 31 6 00 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 1 50 1 50 75 3 00 8 00 300 2 62 626 66 25 00 25 00 20 00 10 00 4 50 8 90 1100 2 45 10 18 20 00 4 00 2 00 3 75 4 50 3 75 32 50 One of the causes of the New York flurry is said to have been that money was too plentiful. The banks had their coffers full and did not knew how to invest it. In order to utilize their funds they lent money on stocks at low rate on call. Men who never hypothecated a security with brokers were this induced to change tbe nature of their leans from time to call, depositing stocks with the banks aa collaterals. When the stocks began to depreciate rapidly the leans were called. The owners could not sell on the weak market without heavy less. They therefore had to borrow again on call and money en call ran up te 3 per cent a day, equal to 1,000 per cent a year! That waa interesting te the parties con cerned aud shows where much of the real weakness lay. All Skreme. It is safe to say tbe panic is over. The storm baa spent its force, the sky has cleared and an air of serenity prevails. 'Nothing now remains to be done but the clearing away of the debris aad the resumption of business on a firmer and more aubstan ttwl basis. 8tttt thtr-ryclotie vraV ra 'terror' while it lasted and had it not been for the union of the banks it would have .raged with greater devastating effect. The lesson we have been taught is a severe one and if we are wise we will heed it by proceeding at a more cautious gait. N. Y. Stock Report. Philadelphia Record : If Gen. Graac had nndertaken to do business in the rear of an army as a sutler, instead of at the head of it as a General, ho would have doubtless proved a failure. He has shown himself a competent commauder of men and au incompetent partuer in a brokers shop. No man is so many sided that he is a great man in every direction. All the old California mining towns are in a decayed or decaying couditioH. Some of them, most flourishing from 1849 to 1854 or 1856, are blotted from existence and lost to memory save in the immedi ate neighborhood where they once stood. Nearly every oue ot the placer mining counties has some sush melancholy un written histories ef its owu. Ex. Virginia (Nev.) Chronicle: Statistics show that the population of a country will double in forty years by natural in- Crease, l lie OU,UW,uuu Ol American io- ple will soon need all the lands of their country for their own aud their children's support ; and yet we find those lands ac tually controlled, under onr outrageous laws by people who never set their feet npon American soil, and probably never intend to. Thus far Ben Butler has cot away with the ether Presidential candidates. He has already been nominated by two con ventions. A mau with a head the shape and color tif a cult's ia now on exibition in Paris. He is doubtless the original dude. Whr ia it that when a man sits ou paint the paint and his trousers are nev er the same color f Hens may be a little backward on eggs but they never fail te eeme to tue scraccu where flower beds are concerned. Outlived His Policy. In 1846, Chas. Barrett of Ashburton, Mass., came to the conclusion that he might die before having accumulated a for tune sufficient to make his family comfortable or render his widow a desirable catch. While in this state of mind he went and insured his life for 1,000. He was then 60 years of age, which makes him 98 now. A few clays ago he was surprised to re ceive a check for the amount of his policy, together with a note explain ing that he had reached the extreme limit of life according to the tables on which that company baaed its busi ness j therefore he waa dead to them. It is stated by an experienced life- i nsnra no.a event, that this is the first oLjase in which a man has beaten an 30 H $ Tygon tax remitted 00 policy. d Yn ra the greatest woman 1 ever h&rd of." said the dot to bis mother "rnn tll ma I have a bad temper, an yet blame me for losing it."' Do von know." as a gentleman, "wby rabbins' are more inellieent than henst" "No " waa the reply. "Because they are better posted in the higher brauches." A man in Texas raises goats for their Aaah hot when the festive creature grew np they raise him jnst for the fun of tbe thing. The followins excuse was written te a Southbridge school teacher: "Toraie stade hnm' rnz he had no close and that exenz enuff god nose'. Tomie was "exkused." "T elnm in the window," explained a MnriUnn avrnne bov to his mother." "Clum!" eentlv inquired the lady by wav of correction. "Well, dim, then," amended the boy. There are said to be in the United States thirty -six varieties of oak, thirty -four of pine, nine of fir, five of spruce, four of hemlock, two of persimmon, twelve of ash, eighteen of wjMow and. nine of poplar. J. KHODRS BROWNE, Pea.. W. C. CO ART. Total Assets, $710,745.12, A Home Company, Seeking Home Patronage. STEONG. PBOHPT, RELIABLE, LIBERAL. Term Policies written on Dwellings. Premiums payable One- half cash and bal ance in twelve months. J. ALLEN BROWN, Aajt, Salisbury, N. C. 23:6m. Wright s Ihdiah Vegetable Puis roe the LIVER And stl Dilious Complaint raie lo tak, iieiug purely vpjretaNe; tw ah unitonets. hit'. Bnnn nj w 8nT eaV ICnnt? aOna Hak.M?K9 . - jk aawQaesaei HkBl BTr"nl aS ' H( BpMnKjnTHWBlBte,' yeS'" This Space Reserved FOR SHEPPARD, SWINK & MONROE, PROPRIETORS KLUTTZ'S WAREHOUSE For the Sale of LEAF TOBACCO, Salisbury, N. C. PARSONS 1 rmm nil i o Aad Will completely change tho blood In the entire system in three ruontht. any person wno win uum i rm eat a nigral irom 110 u wee its, may be restored te i health. If each a thine: be poeeible. For Female Complaints these Pills have Physicians nse them for tho -urc of LIVEB and KIDNEY dlaeaeee. Sold everywhere. or sent by mail tor zoc in stamps, circulars tree. i. s. JOHNSON a CO . Doaton. Id 5t1 tJs Ha tt IBS L i '-. S3 art U M rUJ Irl l i Si ia H M U U K K K efl Va Yi SEP a yS U, m L; RfeS & J.'. -.iLi S3 Croup, Asthma. Broach Kle. Seenel XtIK IllllHllxm. JUII.NSON S IjYXE l.l.MJIEM (for Internal and l tr:r) -UI intaiitencoaaT relieve ihe ler 6ise;ies, a i..J will uositlrelv cure nine raaea l: of in:. luti.rinaUon n ill ur. man livi-t fcni free by mall. Don't t! -it inriaMsf irt;rcncio:i U itctter than cure. 'RES Influenza, R!oei!nff at the Lnnp Ifnsrst noss. Harking Coush. WhnooiliK ("avh, Cnr.oi : Dlarnioa. ltrfmrry. noin nonnu. kwii'v n Diseases of the Spine. Sold CTcrrwuvre. Circular, tree. I . J. " ' tv., WlWi, aw. It Is e well-known fact that most of the Bone end Cattle Powder sold in this coun try la worthless; that 8heridan't Condition JOHNSON'S ANODYNE U NSMEHT thes ess. Harking Coush, Whooping V-avh, Chrvwc Diarrhoea. J-f MAKE IEIIS LAY Powder is absolutely pure and ver- valuable. gotblne on Kartn will make nens f like Sheridan's Condition Pow dar. Dose, one taaaocinnful to each Dint of food. It will also positively piwrent aad cure I n.-Cholera,c. Sold ererywhere. or sent Aiiiiaai sMsTl EDA stamps, rnrnished in Urrettm, price $1.00 ; ly maU.SLSs. af ee vnaaii ws s'w ssaess - i uiesieisnea i- p. tvuuuwj vw., Dec. 80, 1883.-10:ly OFFER SPECIAL BARGAINS! CHEAP Elias Howe Leather Machine, - 2 18-inch arm for heavy Leather, (good as new,) Original cost $125.00. 4 New Family Singer Machines, 3 American No. 1, 2 Wheeler & Wilson, - - 2 Home Shuttles, 1 Weed, - The above have been used some but warranted work. $15.00. 40.00. $10 to $15. $10 to $15. $12 and $15. $5.00. $12.00. to do good We also sell the V New Davis, American and Royal St. J ohn's, at bottom prices warranted for 5 years and guarranteed to giva SATISFACTION. . .r , .