LOCAL. THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1884. Subscription Rates The subscription rates of the Carolina I Watchman are as follows ; f i v(iir, puid in advance, 1 1.50 1 pavm't delayed 3 ino's2.00 f paytn't dePed 12 iuo's2.50 qgva anting for Information on matters ad- in this piper will please say-"advertlsed U.an"& Meroney's Laundry, recently opened is doing very well, and may have to be extended to accommodate their customers. -o On Tuesday last, the Democrats of Gold Hi" raised a Cleveland and Scales flag, which, we are told, floats from the eud of a pole 125 feet above ground. The neatest and most handsomely ar ranged business office in our town is that of our genial insurance man, J. Allen jJrown. One feels comfortable to peep into it. A little boy iu ibis vicinity has a name that combines all the elements of great man, though be has not as yet expressed any deir for a big office. Here it is : John Heury George Washington Joseph Levi Peter Alexander Kicard. o The First 1 lag. Some young folks near our office have laised Democratic up a rlag the first of the . I A ..... - . . I - t L . . OUt g" the tow MINING. T.K. BRUNER, MANAGER . R. E:ime, Jr. M. E. of the fifm Braner and Eames, has gone north. TEIililBLE RAILROAD ACCI-UEXT. A Boiler Explodes on the Murphy Branch a(ih turn Jinytneer Cripple the I oeutan Kills a Convict and Bcalds fourJJthers. Uftt just beyond the Tuckaseige River u vvne i unnei, s miles from here yesterday between 12 and 1 o'clock, the uuiier oiany Warner's eugine unrated, Kuuug nun and a convict, wounding his n i emau and badly scalding four other tram hands. We got our news this morn- v m pt Bergen w,, brouglit rumors uouy aim trie wounded tire man to town soon this morning. 1 he engine had ran off the track and The Phoenix miue.in Cabarrus county, euorts were being made to get it back on, is about 300 feet deep in the main shaft. ZZJ . T P i They hare been in successful operation the engineer's head was badly torn and , 9 ... . f. . ins body blown 40 yards away. The fire- ,or uear,J u,rc" Jc,ro " - " man was thrown Mmm litnn ,, nf I nhuret ( iron carrvins cold and is ins eves Kuocued out and badly bruised, treated by chlorination. n. warner was a very promising litHiwf i wfi t w h Mfl. ' 1 Z 1 l . 1 U r'lhr,'..: At the Biles ,uine in 8U.I, eeeet,, sociates and all who kuew him Mm have struck another rich pocket of His body will be transferred to his white quartz with the gold showing parents at Salisbury on theVegular pas- freely on the quartz, making beaut iful seuger train to day, whom we do not mnJmmnm At the Crowell mine they are down about 130 feet in the R rami ret h shaft and are driving to strike the east vein. The Russell mine in Montgomery county are running 10 stamp mill and concentrating. mi p pose fortune.- 1 - imve learned or ins sad nils H ay it est i lie Newt July 19, The story so briefly told, was one of the saddest that has reached our town in a great while. Harry Warner was high ly esteemed here by all who knew him. The whole community deeply sympa thise with his father, mother, sister and brothers, to whom he was most dear. His funeral took place at the family rest deuce Sunday evening last, the Rev. F. J. Murdoch officiating. His remains were accompanied to Oak Grove Cemetery by a very large number of our people. specimens Ivy and Crowell have just completed the erection of a five stamp mill with which to work the ore of this mine. iog the girl in a deep toned firm voice, told her she could not she shonld not, do him as she had done others, and fixed nnon her a look of adamant. Bat she 0f' siltiling handed him a billiard cue and told him to hold it steady. The mental and physical Hercules commenced sway ing from side to side, Klowly at first ; bat very soon he was capering aud plunging over the stange iu his vain efforts to hold the stick, and had he not been caught by the coat tail by the manager and others and hauled back, would have plunged head foremost among the exeited specta tors. People go to these exhibitions by hun dreds to be amused, aud they are wonder- stricken and amused to the full. But is it possible that this wouder is not to be explained T That Miss Lulu is to go on drawing crowds to be amnaed, raking in the cash as her part of the business, and the world have no reasonable explanation of the phenomenon 1 The reported man ifestations of modern "spiritualism'' comes nearer affording a solution of it than auytliiug known to us, but we have seen no such claim set up for Miss Hurst, and if it be that she is apparently uncon scious of it. Exposition Notes. pole and run Ml till aeefully at u hetgbjC igMljklUJ ' rn. 1 Tobacco raisu.g 11 u payinxk s best 'ML ItiiKiness in tins colli: K suppose, ll n lesi there was a large , s,ct convenient for the truck products. A countryman was Jn our office Saturday last, who, three or four years airo, was in debt more than a thousand dollars for a traet of land, .By his own personal industry, with no other help than one or two girl children, be has paid off t lis debt, aud is uot in receipt of handsome sums from his tobacco crop. His sales at the Ware house last Saturday of tobacco raised on 1J acres, netted him $170 averaging about $22 per 100 lbs. -o . The N'kgrq Festival, Friday night last, in McNeely's Hall, resulted iu a ne gro row with closed doors about 12 o'clock, as a finale of thCexercises of the evening. How it originated is, a question couceruiug which there havo been sever al reports. Some say it was about a piece of roasted chicken ; others, -that it was about a piece of pound cake, and others still, say it resulted from disparaging re marks made by some i irate gent concern ing one of the dusky mat rows, whoso hus band went for the offender, lie the origin as it may, the row was noisy and bloody, though no one was killed. Perhaps they took our ajce and left their weapon sat homo. " Death rides on every paaaipg breeze, And lurks In every flower; Each season lias its own disease. Its peril every hour." " The rising morn cannot assure That we shall end the day ; For death stands ready at the door To take our lives away." -o- Dkmocratic Convention. A Demo cratic Convention is called to meet at Hatter Shop, Providence Township, on SATVBBAYJL UQ USTVd. at 1 o'clock, P. M., for tho purpose of electing a Town ship Executive Committee, and delegates to the County Convention which meets in Salisbury on the follofriug Saturday to neniinate all, the candidates for County officers. Every man who expects to vote the Democratic ticket in November, is requested to be present Lewis Aguei, S. A. Earnhardt, Dr. . M. Poole,- Alex. Peeler, Cornelius Kesler, Executive Con. wittee. Dangerous Responsibility. The Commissioner or other person haying in haud the work of laying a conduit near the comer of Fisher and Mam streets, cut Jus ditch nearly a week ago across the pavement near our office and there left the work. It is the best place in town vt eiippung a man or woman, it one should meet with a serious accident bv falling in this ditch it might cost tho town thousands of dollars. Our econom jwu ooara of Commissioners are not aware of this, or if they are, are strange j uufiiiuulc ji me nsK oi such an opening. A suit against tho town for $20,000 damage would be an interesting ous to the public generally, and of espe cial concern to mat part of the Board who pride themselves on their officia 3 e . . uignity and desire to retaiu their position to the "latest syllable of recorded time According to previous announcement the Democrats of Salisbury met on the public square of the city last Monday night to ratify the nominations made by the Na tional Democratic Convention at Chicago. Bonfires and speeches enlivened the oc casion. The first speaker, Hon. F. E. Shober, who arrived last Saturday on Ids return from the Chicago convention, delivered a short but very encouraging address to quite a large audience who were eager to hear the goodly report, The speaker gave his opinion, as gather ed from the outspokeu views aud senti ments ot many of the most prominent leadiug politicians, of both parties, iu the North and the North West, that the nomination of Urover Cleveland, of New York, for President, and Hon. Thos A, Hendricks, of Indiana, for Vice-President, win, oeyouu an perauveuture, prove more acceptable to that independent vot ing element which always carry the bal ance of power. Not only this, but the speaker thinks, judgiug from the numer ous expressed sentiments of a large por tion of the most prominent Republican papers North, as well as the almost geu- eral bolt of the German Republicans of -tlie West, that a vast body of honest, thinking Republicans will undoubtedly support the nominees of the Democratic party by casting their votes for them on the 2nd of November next. After con gratulating the party on the flattering irospects ofachieviug a magnificent victo ry uext tall Mr. feuober thanked Ins fel- ow citizens for the honor paid him in calling him out. Lee S. Overman, Esq., was then lustily called for, who promptly mounted the plat form and responded in an eloquent and fiery speech, arousing the audience to a degree of enthusiasm rarely equaled. Then came, after many calls, the sedate but solid talker, John S. Henderson, Esq., who; assured the people that there was was u mistake about our prospects look ing more than ever before encouraging, yet to make our success doubly sure, all must go earnestly to work by organizing Democratic clubs in every township, and to nearer cease working until the sun goes down on the day of election. Jus. M, Gray, Esq., the lust speaker, in his usual happy style, paid eulogistic tribute to the persevering valor of the Democrats of the South, and iu a few encouraging remarks urged all to be firm, determined, and a victory far more glori ous man mat ui joo would crown our efforts. The Greely Rescue. v ashington, July 22. The President has received the following cable message from tjueen V ictona : London, Jul v 21, 1884 President of the United States, Washing ton, JJ. v.; The people of Rowan may judge from the almost absolute apathy of those who should be most interested in the State Exposition movement that but little has been done, and that it wont be much of a show. They are much mistaken, and will so confess when they come to Ral eigh next October. The whole enter prise has assumed a magnitude unexpec ted and is growing every day, expanding aud tilling . in, so that the people of the State will have a treat, the value of which cannot be estimated iu money. It will be worth more iu an educational point of view to her young niei and maidens than a year's schooling. It will be a complete picture of the State from the seashore to the mountain tops, em bracing every branch of industry wheth er manufacturing, agricultural, mining or otherwise. All kinds of manufactur ing machinery may be Been in motion, making everything useful aud ornamen tal. There are to be many distinctive features presented to visitors. Space has been granted the various counties which have made appropriations, and they now have committees at work in gathering materials to be used iu their displays. More than one half of the floor space of the main building has been taken up by these counties, aud they intend to spread themselves. The North Carolina Agricultural and Live Stock snow will make an award ot premiums (see premium list), aud the North Caro liua Industrial Association (colored) have secured oue half of the old Central Hall building witere they will make full exhibits and award premium. But the chief and most celebrated fea ture will be the display of the maguifi- cent exhibit of the Department of Agri culture as showu iu Boston. This exhibi t will be arranged as before, or as near as possible. A distinguising feature and much improved over what was shown in Boston, will be the display of Fish Com missioner Worth. He has done an in calculable amount of work and will pre sent a display which no State in the Union can show, aud which-can only be equalled by the Smithsonian Institute and National Museum iu Washington city. His exhibit will bewilder the peo ple of the midd e and western sections of the State, and alone is worth a trip to the Exposition. All kinds of food and other fishes will be shown, and the most scientific means have beeu adopted to make tbp display natuial aud attractive. But I will uot anticipate further what I know will greatly interest aud please the people of the State. Before leav ing the Department of Agriculture I will state that Commissioner Mc- Gehee is fully alive to the interests and demauds of his department, aud thuugh pressed with an unusual amount of the regular work of the Station, is thoroughly organizing and preparing to present to the people of the State such a display of material resources, together with the proper scientific information relating to them, as will lest serve the people iu their efforts to improve and develop these various resources. In fact all indications point to a successful aud nicliiy instructive exuositiou and oue that the people of the State may justly feel proud of. To the uuccasiug energy and laborious devotion of the President, Mr. Primrose, and the Secretary. Mr. Fries, is all this due. They are both We have received a beautiful picture of the Southern Exposition, which opens at Louisville, Ky,, Aug. I6th, aud con tinues until Oct. 25th. The view is of the main building, which is one of the largest Exposition buildings ever erected It covers thirteen acres of ground and will be lighted throughout by five thou sand electric lights. Panama via Galveston, July 22. l lie number ot eases ot yellow tever is increasing daily. A canal chief, a priest aud two staff uthcers died from the dis ease last night. There are 176 cases of dysentery iu the city. The hospitals are crowded both here and in Colon. Seven deaths occurred in the caual hospital last night. The Isthmus is in a filthy condi tion, and cholera is expected. As vet no precautionary measures have beeu taken to prevent the introduction of that dis ease. The revolutionary movement in Bogota may yet become general . It is said that while Gen. Bntler may not openly support the Democratic ticket he will not do anything that iu his opiu ion will help Blaine. The Cholera Death Roll. Paris, Jnlv 23. There were 21 deaths from cholera at Marseilles last night aud 15 at Toulon. Several apothecaries at 1 onion threaten to close their shops, because the city is distributing medicines free. A large meeting of colored veters was held in New York Saturday evening, at which the merits of Blaine and Cleveland were discussed, after which the Cleve laud Colored Camplaign Club wasformed, and a resolution to stippord Cleveland unanimously adopted. Don't Give up Yet. It doesn't follow that a patient will die because the doctors have "given him np,"or that he willrcovcr because they promise to"pqll hjin through It is never too late to try the great virtnes of Parker's Tonic. Mr. Michael Quiltoyle of Birminghamton, N. Y., was cured o Rheumatism by it alter ten years of un speakablc suffering. Mr. li. W. Mosher druggist, of same city, certifies that he has sold over a thousand bottles of Parker's Tonic throuL'h its reputation for this and and other cures. At the residence of the bride's father, July 17th, by W. A. Camdbell, Esq., Mr. Adam I. Morgan to Miss L,va L. toner, all of Morgan township, Rowan county. fH . rn. 1 KAMI'S. J IIP ftn ill total nf n tvnmiV e . II in o business in this world, is to get through each day of hU life at the expense of some else than his own. Tramps wilLnot work. That is settled in their theory and practice. They will practice all sorts of lying for tile sake of accomplish ing their ends aud think uolhijigafik That is business -of their sort. One ot these gents visited the residence of Mr. J. L. Ribeliu, 2i miles ou the Stokes road a few days age. He was dreadful sick had had a chill and wanted whis key. Mr. R. had no whiskey but set him out a quart of blackberry wiue, which he gulpped down iu no time and ked for more. Mr. R. soou after dis covered that the fellow was uudserring of pity, and that he had wasted his kind ness on him. It is not comfortable to feel that we have been deceived, and that the fault was not ours: but that is about all the consolation that can be drawn from such a case. mIn1e"ator (Hmiical) Pool(J' "bootee uTaf. 7U,rtlj a. party leader " tills State. iivi1i,.ta ri ... -i. The Queen heartily conzrrntularca the President and people of the United States young and both have labored with a zea ou the rescujyieut. Gieely and the and patriotism for the good of the State gallant survivqI the Arctic expedition. !. i;k nf which hna not been seen for She trusts that, beeu received o (Sigued) have vorable reports the sufferers. The Queen, Windsor Castle. The President replied as follows : To the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, n inasor vasne : 1 he President, for himself and for the people of the United States, sincerely tiiauKs tne Liuecn lor liei many a long day. More anon. T. K. B. Lclu Hurst, the Georgia girl of 16 years, who recently discovered that she possessed most extraordinary power over ootn animate and inanimate matter, is mo.it welcome creating quite a seusatiou iu New York . '"'" icscukui liiem. citv, wiiere sue is giviug exhibitions oi tl it t v-In-Ii t i i aUU 18 MP!E l er wonderful force. that tavorab t re. noils avo rppfi rvil na t their health. The President takes this tlmes canea electrical, sometimes mes occasion to express anew his high appre- uieric, and by others magnetism, has bat t- .... i K ... - 1 t' l. IT i .. - iiuiiuu uu io.il wi mo jit-oj'it oi me uui- ned the wise men ot Uotbam. and con- ted Mates tor tbe timely gitt ot the Alert fonuded tbe ,t By the aim pie touch which generous act added spirit and eu- . . couragement to the expedition. (Signed) Chester A. Arthur, President of the Uui ted States Mate, nredift-A W get UO electoral rotes. of her finger the stoutest men-brought on the stage, seem to lose all self -cootie and powers of resistance, and are hurled about as so uiauy puppets, aud retire from the test dumb with amazement I he scientists have uot agreed as to the character of the force. An electrician to London, July 22. The loss from the great hie Saturday at Orane Wharf, it is j now believed, will reach the large amount ot ,5U(),(XJ0. Among the merchandise consumed were 9,0(X) bales of wool, valu- declares that it bears no semblance ed at $600,000 ; 2,000 tons of coffee valu- anything known of electricity ; aud mes edatf,000.audJ,t)00tousofpepper, mMilt.r have never Htnniil o . titnwi m z i i i r www iuiju mi tut- vuuie MUCK III XUUUUII. valued at 320.000. Besides this 1,350 a,,y Pwer over matter. ions oi gum, tnpioca, sugar, shellac seed wan iameu ior ins win power weut upon iand oilier pnaluce were destroyed. (he stage a few nights ago, and address- MARRIED. Business Locals. 5th ok August. To Asheville akd ftETURJi. Don't forget that D. K. Julian's Excursion tj Asheville leaves at 7i o'clock iu the morning of the above day and returns Wednesday night about 10 o'clock. Every arrancemeut for com fort will be perfected. Bound trip rates very low. Few such opportunities will be offered this year. J. Clay W ilbokn will take charge of Franklin High School, August 5tb, 1884, aud continue 10 mouths. Board $7.50. Tuition $1.00 to $3.00. AWOlXCEnEMS, We aie authorized to announce D. A. Atwell as candidate for re-election to the office of Coroner, subject to the action of the Democratic County Convention. We are authorized to announce J. Sam'l McCubbins as a candidate for re-election to tbe office of County Treasurer, subject to the decision ot the Rowan Democratic County Convention. We are authorized to announce C. C Krider, Esq., as a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff, subject to the deci sion of the Democratic County Convention. H. N. Woodson is announced as a candi date for re-election to the office of Register of Deeds, for Rowan, subject to the deci sion of the County Convention of the Dem ocratic party. Cheap Reading. We present below the cheap rates at which the Raleigh (weekly) ATr is offered during the cam paign. The yews, a every body knows, is ono of the best paper iu the- State, and those who get it will get vastly more than their money's worth. The Cheapest Campaign Papek in the State. The weekly NeM and Ob- ten et club rates from uow until Decem ber are as follows : 5 coines, $ 2 00 10 copies, 3 75 20 copies, 7 00 50 copies, 15 00 100 copies, 2S 00 Get up your clubs at once. You should see that every voter in your county has a eopy. Address, News & Observer Co., Raleigh, N. C. CAMPAIGN RATES. The Watchman will be sent to clubs until the 1st December uext, at the fol lowing low rates : fo Clubs of Ave $2.00 ten 3.50 twenty.. J 7.00 And iu the same purport ion to large clubs. To single subscribers T- 50 cts. Send in your orders. NT"'- c fcr- THE TIME HAS COME AT LAST FOR sr I will from this date offer mv entire stock at GREATLY Reduced PRICES. If you want a good suit of cloths, now the time to buy cheap. is i. THE NEW HOME Serai MACHINES. The Lightest Running on the market. For sale by C. M. Atwell. I will also keep constantly on hand all the latest improved attachments for all Machines. Am prepared to repair all kinds of Sewing Machines on short notice. C. M. ATWELL, Main street, Salisbury, N. C. 3S:lm 39 at your own price. SHOES, SHOES, SHOES ! If you want to buy shoes come and see me before buying as I have determined to reduce my stock and will sell them cheaper than ever before. Have just receive a nice line ALEPACA & LINEN COATS, DUSTERS, Ac. Come and see what great bargains 1 am offering. M. S. BROWN. "Rough on Rats" clears out Rats, Mice. locts. "Rough on Corns," for Corns, Bunions. 15c. Thin neonle. "Wells' Health Renewcr" restores health aud vigor, cures dyspepsia, &c. tl. "Rough on Toothache," instant relief. 15c. Ladies who would retain freshness and .... ..... t r Ul vivacity don't tail to try "Wens1 neaun Renewer. "Buchu-paiba," great kidney and urinary cure. Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats, mice, cleared out by "Rough on Rats." 15c. "Rough on Coughs," troches, 15c: liquid 25c. Fcr children, slow in development, puny and delicate, use "Wells' Health Renewer." "Rough on Dentist" Tooth Powder. Try it. 15c. Nervous Weakness, Dyspepsia, Sexual DfihititT cured bv "Wells' Health Renewer.' - J $1. Mother Swan's Worm Syrup, torfeverish- ness, worms, constipation ; tasteless, ,25c. Stinsinir. irritation, all Kidney and Uri nary complaints cured by "Buehu-paiba. 1. Night sweats, fever, chills, malaria, dys pepsia, cured by "Wells' Health Renewer." My husband (writes a lady) is three times the man since using "Wells' Health Re newer." $1. If you are failing, broken, worn out and nervous, use "Welts' Health Renewer." $ 1. Prevalence of Kidney complaint in Ainer ica; "Buchu-paiba" is quick, complete cure, $1. SCROFULA. Are any members of your family thus afflicted t Have they scrofulous swellings of the glands Have they any scrofulous sores or ulcers ? If so, aud it should be neglected, tbe peculiar taiut, or poison, may deposit itself in the substance of the luues. producing consumption. Look well to the condition ot your tamiiy. aim n thus afflicted, give the propor remedy without delay. But that which makes ab solute cures in tbe shortest space of time. The unerring finger ot public opiuion mints to B. B. B. as the most wonderful remedy for Scrofula ever known, xou i . , need uot take our word you need not now our names merit is all you seek. Ask vour neighbors, ask your druggist, ask or write to those who give their cer tificates and be convinced that B. B. li. is the quickest and most perfect Blood Purifier ever before known. UNITY HIGH SCHOOL The exercises of this school will open on MONDAY, AUGUST HTH, in charge of the undersigned as Principal T.nnrrth of session nine months. Rates of tuition per month $1.00 to f&00. Pupils charaed from date of entrance till close o tprm unless SDecial arrangement to the contrary. Convenient board can be had at reasonable rates. For particulars ad dress, R. W. CULBERTSON, July 23, 1884, Woodleaf, N. C. 41:lni Administrator s Notice I Hmran Countu : Having duly qualified as administrator on the esUte of John M. Coleman, deceas ed, on the 14th day of July, 1884, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the estate of said John M. Coleman, to make immediate payment to me ; and al nersons having claims against said estate will preseut them to me for payment on or .. ' .. j T..l IWtil this betoj'e tne 2111 uaj ui ow, notice will be plead in bar tor their recov 4lV,v. Administrator. 110,000 POUNDS Dried Fruit and WANTED km m Berries AT OBiRVlB The Old Reliable. THE NEWS I S. A. Ashe, Editor, Raleigh 1ST. O. The largest and best paper published in the State. We give full reports of religious, educa tional, business and political meetings, all the news, accurate market reports, serial stones, kc. We will give as a premium A WATERBURY WATCH Pr..A tn nv nerson sending us a club of al subscribers to tbe weekly Take your local paper and then sub scribe for the Weekly jnews asd ub SEBVEU. I Weekly one year $2.00. PniCE ) Daily one ycar-7.00. r3T"Scnd your name "for sample copv. April 10, '84. WE have still one of the LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE STOCKS Simmi AND SUMMER GOODS in Salisbury. WE have just received another large lot of 6 and 8 cents Lawni and Calicoes. SHOES very cheap and to suit everybody. WE are selling our Stock ot Clothing very cheap. WE have over 20 kinds of CHEWING TOBACCO. ... ... A. 1- ,.f d.. - OnATnn ....1 Ifnl.MM in ) We have one of the largest and nest assortments u ogr, vuurc, u which we oner very cneap. We have the largest Block of FRUIT JARS, TABLE and Glasi Ware in the place. We have a full supply of FIVE-CENT TRICKS. We still have a full stock of FANCY FLOUR, Meal, Shorts, Bran, Corn, Bacon, Hams and Pure Lard. We Sell the Celebrated PEAEL SHIRT. WE are Agents for the LIGHT RUNNING DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE. WE are gente for COATS' SPOOL COTTON. BWE sell the Unexcelled WK- Be sure and sec us before you buy or sell as we mean todo you good, lie sure anu TAYLOR j Salesmen. THE BEST SMITH IN THE COUNTY ! fnv. tii(rnp,i is nrftoared to do all mna& or re pairing to all Kinds of watches, clocks, Ac., and at r-" "AiX, i.iav( a.nd iret your watches at KSS HPnrtlftm'an-s Store. Salisbury ; and try the best smith In the county. R. L. BaOW Apr. 10, "Sl:tl. Salisbury Toteo Market. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY JSO. SHEPPARD Lugs, common to med. Lugs, med. to good, Lugs, good to tine. Lugs, fine to fancy. Leaf, common to med. Leaf, med. to good. Leaf, good to tine, Wrappers, com. to med. Wrappers, med. to good Wrappers, good to fine, Wrnners. tine. Wronnprs fanrr. none offered i.rc.iks for the past week Hova lfin li'rht. Prices stiff for all grades n. rich waxv fillers, smooth cutters and lu smokers are in great demand and prices a shade stiffer than the quotation. Wrap-nr-rs of all classes are high and eagerly Lnatit ftftor. Planters would do well by- nutting some of their good tobaccos on the market at this time. 4.50 to 6.00 6.00 to 8.50 8.50 to 11.00 11.00 to 18.00 5.00 to 6.25 6.25 to 8.50 8.50 to 15.00 15 00 to 16.50 16.50 to 25.00 25.00 to 40.00 40.00 to 55.00 RENDLEMANS June 25, 1884. D. J. BOSTIAN, and J. A. KEELY. ) TAPE WORM. An eminent German scientist has recent ly discovered from a root extract, an abso lute specific for Tape Worm . It fa pleasant to tase anu is uui inr to the patient, but is peculiarly sicken ing and stupefying to the Tape Worm which loosens its hold of its victim and passes away in a natural and easy manner entirely whole, with Head, and while still alive. .... -c Oue physician has used this specific in over 400 cast,, without a single failure to void worm entire. Sueccss guaranteed o pay required until removed with head. Send stamp for circular and terms. HEY WOOD 6L CO., 19 Park Place, New York. May 30, '84. ly DAVIDSON COLLEGE, MECKLENBURG 00. , N . 0. , 1 SS-i-SC The next Session opens on THURSDAY . SEPTEMBER 11. For Catalogues apply to the CLEhk f THE FACULTY. 81::Jm--pd. SALISBURY MARKE I Corrected wekly by J. M. Knox A Co. Salisbcrt, April 3, 1884. Death To Worms. KIDOXWAY. S. C. ti r,.vkU Curmer & Co. Gents. 1 have quite vfi?S?e 1 can eet. A farmer bought a bottle of IUK c v-. - ---- -- , , ch . ,d me a lew weew ju, -.. with came in next uay '" V"""-r" !r..r..,t m It womsTUe result ot one dose. Mnceuwn Dccx Cesxk, X. C May Sth i&M. novldn. Carmer JC Co., BalUinore, Md.-l-ar siM? K RuVavery responsible eustoiner ol mine wve aSteaspobnfui -Worm Killer" to a UdlaVt weekand theresult was as worms. Mr mnlel used It witb still better ill :. wo?ms mfin one cbdd : oi course my sales wlH be large. Read tbe following from one of the most proml nenTaad best Known Pbyslclana and farmers In Kb arollia. He writes. "That a negro girl 10 Sold neaThim, took uvo or three doses of the Worm Kmer. and passed 3$t worms." Dated Kldgeway. 8. C. May 5f BDMrKim, M. D. Price 25cts 3F9i- Bottle. Ask yonr Druggist for it or leud to Bo kip, Carmer it Co., Bait. H:-u- Bacon 10 to 12V Butter 15-25 Chickens 12 to IP Eggs 55 -"' Cotton 7ittti! Corn 80 to V Floor 2.25-2V' F.iatbers Fodder 70-7 Hay 35-4 Meul 90-l(h Onto 5 u Wheat 'JOtoJ.OO Vool 3.- Administrator's Notice! Having qualified as administrator, with t lie (7 annexed of the estate of Richar Harris dee'd., I hereby notify all person -having clahna against said estate totr hibit thein to me on or before the lt duv of May 1885. B. B. BARULS. administrator Cum testaments mr.eev Richard Harris. April 27th, 1814. 2fc6t

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