Cciroliiici Watchman, VOL XV. THIRD SEMES: SALISBURY. N. C, AUGUST 14. 1864. NO 44 jtpiolHtmi?4its of Gen. Scales. The Democratic State committee announce the following appointments for Gen. A. M. Scales, at which Dr. Tvre York, the Republican candidate has been invited to meet him, and a joint canvass maybe expected: Newton, Saturday, August 2d. Marshall, Monday, August 4th. Bnmsville, Wednesday, August 6th. Bakersville, Thursday, August 7th. Marion, Saturday, August 9th. Morgaiiton, Monday, August 11th. Lenoir, Saturday, August 16th. Boone, Monday, August 18. Jefferson, Tuesday, August 19. Sparta, Wednesday, August 20. Trap Hill, Thursday, August 21. Wilkesboro, Friday, August 22. Eikin, Saturday, August 23. Dobson, Igonday, August 26. MocksvilleVednesday, August 27 ; iSalisburyr Thursday, August 28. ; iBemocratic paifcs circulating in s- the western par are requested to co Face to Face Diedrieh Mutfer, d his hunt- iniftime in South Afric tpnenpd up- ou one occasion to come very sudden ly upor.'a lion. The lion did not at tack him, but stood still, -as though he would "have paid : "Well, what do you want in my country ?" Muller alighted from 1 1 is horse, and took de liberate aim at the niraai's forehead ; but just as he drew trigger the horse gave a terrified start, and the hunter missed his aim. The lion sprang for ward hut, finding that the man stood still for he had no time either to remount or take to his heels the lion stopped within a few paces, and stood still also confronting him. They stood looking at each oilier thus for some minutes. The man never moved, and at last the lion slowly turned and walked away. Muller hastily began to reload his gun. The lion looked back over his shoulder, gave a deep growl and in stantly returned. Could words have spoken plainer. Muller, of course, held his hand, and remavU motion ' loss. The lion again I'-vm!!', wa rily, as , before. The f.;ij Mbegan softly to ram down his biCJAgain the lion looked "back and "gave a threatening growl. This was repeat ed between them until the lion had retired to some distance, when he hounded into a thicket and disap peared. Allen Pinkertoii's Joke. A Story of (he Detective that Recalls n Episode in the Career of Mulbery Sellers. Chicago Herald. The late Allen Pinkerton had a company of gentlemen at his country $eat, near Unicago, one cold day a few veare a 20. For 1 winter in Hour he took them about his place, show ing them this, that and the other, and when at last they arrived at the house they were thoroughly chilled. "Now, gentlemen, i want you to try some of this old Scotch whiskey," and his guests partook quite freely of his hospitality. Then he invited them into the library, where there was a largetove, of the type known as the gas burner, apparently glow ingly hot, and the party seated them selves about it holding out their be numbed hands to catch the warmth. Here they chatted for a tune when suddenly Mr. Pinkerton remarked : "It strikes me that stove doesn't end out much heat. How do you feel ?" And each and every one replied i iie ieu tl( Mgnttully warm, too warm in tact, and suggested that the stove door be opened. Mr. Pinker acieu on ttu .ggestjou and, to the astonishment of his guests, re veal - u two lighted ca;;dlcs resting on Se block ot ice as the tents. K.. 111.... t " uly con- w- gcuuemen, sum lie, saiu tie, wuai " vivid imagination and a little Scotch whiskey will do." Death of Rev. Dr. Druky Lacy, U will, we are sure, . give a shock of pain and sorrow to many a heart here to know that Dr. Lacv is dead. A noble man, a true ChVis t'an, a shining example of all the Virtues which mark the perfect aud "t'i'SNt man, lias home. 11 in., -i . . gone to his loog Dr. L acy was at Jonesboro, at the onie of his son, Rev. William o.' Lac C -J i icy. x esterday even inc: at " o clock Dr. .Lacv was walk ins: auout in the yard, anmrondv In b; usual health. At 7 o'clock some one ent to his room to call him to sup wuia Untl him '"g on t,,e I"!, AV ' a fa" iu ,,is hand7 dead. Rev. J. O. Lacy who was on the train on his y, ami at San fowl learned of D iail, death. News-Observer. WF Religious JDogs. The famous St. Bernard dogs are very carefully train ed. A traveler who visited some of the munastries of the monks of St. Bernard, a few years ago, found the monks teaching their dogs from the earliest stages of puppy hood. Not only is physical and mental training included in this teaching, but spiritu al culture is by no means neglected. At mealtime the dogs sit in a row, each with a tin dish before him con taining his repast. Grace is said by one of the monks, the dogs sitting motionless with bowed heads. Not one of them stirs until the "amen" is spoken. If a frisky puppy attempts to sample his meal before grace is over one of the older dogs growls and gently tugs his ear. The intelligence displayed by these animals in rescu ing unfortunate travelers among the mountains is absolutely wonderful. Many a man who -lies down in a snow drift to slrep owes his life to the sa gacity of the St. Bernard dogs. At lanta Constitution. To Remove a Finger Ring. A tight ring may he removed from tie fihiger by the following process : Thread M needle flat in the eye with strong tf bread ; pass the eye of the needlewith care under the ring, aud puVi the thread through a tew inches toward, the hand ; wrap the long end of the -thread tightly around the fin ger, regularly, all down to the nail, to reduce its size. Theu lay hold of the short end of the thread, and un wind it. The thread, pressing against the ring, will gradually remove the tightest ring without difficulty, how ever much swollen the finger may be. Melon Brandy. The newest ad dition to our already long list of in toxicating drinks is melon brandy. M. Levat, a French chemist, is said to have succeeded in causing that wa-tery-fruit to yield a potent spirit. He took the juice of six pounds of watermelon pulp, and, having added a certain quantity of free sulphuric acTd, he warmed the mixture, upon which the sugar became transformed into a mixture of glucose and levulose. The product, which ferments directly, yielded ten quarts of perfectly normal alchohol. New York, August 5. Wm. Hayes Ward, editor, of the Indepen dent, together with several indepen dent Republicans, lately visited Buf falo to formally investigate the char ges of immorality against Gov. Cleve land. 1 hey spent several days at the work, going to the bottomjf the matter, and to-night they say that the charges are monstrous calumnies. They are preparing a full' report, which will be ready by Thursday, when it will be given to -the press. Albany, Aug. 7. Gov. Cleveland left Albany for the north woods this afternoon for a vacatiou. He will Slop over night at Plattsburg and proceed to his destination, the Pros pect House, Upper Saranac, at Bloom- in gel ale, 1 .hssex county, to-morrow. there was no unusual crowd at the depot. The length of his stay in the woods is not determined, but it is likely he will remain at least a fort night. His letter of acceptance will probably not be issued until his re turn. When a driver comes to a difficult place in the road he begins 4o inspir it his team so that it may not fail in crossing. The team soon gets to under stand it, and a slight rise or sharp hill exert their energy. We are all meeting these sharp points in - life, and, however quietly we have gone along on the levels, we need to do our best if we carry ourselves across the lift in safety. A sharp, quick pull is a frequent necessity. United Presbyter iun. TroyN. Y., Aug. 7. Wm. J. Lansing, a lawyer at Cohoes, was ar raigned in the police court of that city to day charged with drunkeness. He tried to kill himself in the court room with a large stone paper weight, cutting his head badly. When he was returned to the station house lie seized a kerosene oil can and drank a quantity of oil. Lansing was once a brilliant lawyer. - It is thought that he is insane. very cm in should be tangnt to pay his all his debts, and to fulfill all A A .1 contracts, exactly in manner, completely in value punctually at the time. Jfivery thing he has bor rowed he should be obliged to return uninjured at the time specified, and everything belonging to others which he has lost he should be -required to rep I ace. Dwight. "Ton aeres properly cultivated are worth fifty half done." This was wisely said by the retiring .President of the New York State Agricultural "Society at the 1 st annual faceting. A countryman was sowing bis ground, when two smart fellows came rfding by, one of whom called out with an insolent air, "Well, my good man, 'tis your business to sow, but we reap the fruits of your labor." The rustic replied, "Tis very likely you may, for just now I am sowing hemp Buffalo, Aug. 7. The stopping of pool selling at the Buffalo trotting park to-day was accomplished by means of warrants sworn out by the law ami order association against the track authorities. It created consid erable excitement among the fraterni ty, but is generally approved of by the people. "If I were in California," said a young fog in company the other ev ening, "I would waylay some miner with a bag of gold, knock out his brains, gather up his gold. and run." "I think you would do better to gather up the brains," quietly responded a young laely. We remember reading in a news paper some time ago that chestnut trees are gettiug scarce iu the United States. They are not scarce here in Ashe and several aeljoining counties. "The woods is full of thenj." Jeffer son Philosopher. Having thrashed out the Peruvians, the Chilian government has now de clared war against the condor, and offers five dollars reward for every one killed or captured. Rome. Aug. 7. Some earthquake shocks were felt early this morning at Trascatt, Albanoand Costelli Row ani, a few miles Southeast of Rome. Recent statistics give the number of flouring mills in the United States and Canada as 25,050. . The dentist deserves well of his party. He is always ready to take the stump. Dr. Mott Writes a Letter. Mr. R. H. Battle, chairman of the Democratic State executive committee, has addressed a letter to Dr. J. J. Mott, chairman of the Republican State com mittee, advising him of Gen. Scales' ap pointments as far as made out, and say ing that he would be pleased to consult with hinvDr. Mott) with reference to further appointments if the Republicans desire to have a joint canvass. To this letter Dr. Mott responded in a very spir ited style, informing Mr, Battle that ho (Dr. Mott.) is not the person to consult in the premises ; that Dr. York being a Liberal Democrat, Mr. Deverenx, of Ral eigh, chairman of the Liberal State com mittee, is the persou to be counselled, with about the matter. Now the fact that everybody- has long seen though this Liberal business, and that this pretence no longer deceives even wayfariug men and fools, was sufficient justification, it seems to us, for Mr. Battle,in piercing the shell and going straight to tne Kernel in the best essay on the subject of "!Selt alr. Devereux, the lieutenant, aunnortinsr employment for ladies in th brushing Mr. Devereux, the lieutenant, aside and addressing himself to Dr. Mott, the head and trout ot the opposition to Gen. Scales. But a more potent reason still exists in the fact that the Republi can party is the organization which nom inated Dr. York, and that the "liberal77 party was the one which endorsed him. Two years ago, if we remember aright, the case was exactly reversed. The Lib eral sideshow nominated Mr. Dockery and the Republicans endorsed him. At chat time, Mr.. Coke, the Democratic chairman, corresponded very properl with Mr. uocke, me iioerai cnairiuau. i ins m v-4 i i t ;i . t ; rTM year me cnairman oi me party wnicn nominated uea. bcales, addresses the chairman of the party which nominated Dr. York. Even if the Liberal and Re- ! publican parties were not merely differ- j ent divisions of the same organization, as everybody now knows they are, Mr. Bat tle, it seems to us, has the advantage ot Dr. Mott on the technicality which the latter lias raised. s There is a humorous side to this cor respondence, as there is to almost every thing in life. The anxiety which Dr. Mott shows to depreciate the importance of the Republican party, the apparent ." i i i ' lit tv lil-' t ! n'h to na ! VmI'It 'o oi n no i i.u a i ."ii. ii in i n i: i i niu nuii iirui i i' i m, i i lered organization which bears the same relation to the Republican part? that the knot does to the log it is on, cannot be contemplated without a smile. It is no wonder that, with its record in North Carolina, there should be made an effort to keep the name and fame (?) of the Re- publican party in the.back-grouud during this campaign ; but when th "Liberal" .,a,.tl. tthTn. I,,-,! in ti.a iiemil.lira,, n., t.r. th. Intter is mora hidden than is the foolish ostrich which sticks it head iu the sand and vaUily imagines that it Is out of sight. Staft tes- rille Landmark. Easily Recognized Differ keck. The people are not slow to recognize the difference between the professional office seeker and the man who neither seeks nor shuns the duties of public service. Mr. Blaine is as disstjoctly the type of the former as Gov. Cleveland is of the latter, and it is no insignificant augury of Got. Cleveland's success that all of the Presi dents who have been elected siuce the time of Buchanan have beeu found among those whs? were not distinctively known ns candidates for the office, and anglers for the nomination, while ail those who have taken great pains to secure it have been disappointed. Tnict laying will soon be commenced R. R. between on the Yadkin Valley Greensboro ami Walnut Cove. General Taylor's Notification. The Washington correspondent of the Baltimore San writes as follows concern ing Gen. Taylor's letter of acceptance after his nomination for the Presidency at Philadelphia, June, 1848 : "The chair man wa the Hon. John Morehead of North Carolina. On the 20th of that month Governor Morehead addressed Geucral Taylor a letter officially notifying him of his nomination. On July 32 the post-master at Baton Rouge, where Gen. Taylor lived, addressed the Postmaster General a letter saying that with the report for th current quartet from that office two bundles ot letters were forwarded for the dead letter office, they having beeu declined on account of the non payment of the postage by tuu senders. It was iu lO-cent and nun -prepayment time. Of the 48 letters thus forwarded to the dead letter office, the Baton Rouge postmaster said a majority were addressed to Gen. Taylor, who had declined to pay the post age on them and take them out of the of fice beausehis mail expenses had becouio burdensome. The General had since be come aware that somo of the letters were of importance and asked for their return. 1 In due course the letters were sent back to Ba ton Rouge. Among them was Gov. Morehead78 letter notifying Gen Taylor of the action 6f the Philadelphia conven tion. Gen. Taylor's response was dated Jaly 15, a month aud five days after the letter of notification was written. It had lain in Baton Rouge postoffice four weeks, after Gen. Taylor refused to pay the 10 cents postage. Gen. Taylor's acceptance was couched in respectful terms, in a let ter not ezcoeding 250 words. He ex pressed his thanks for the nomination, said he did not seek it, aud that if ho were elected President, for which posh sition he did not think he possessed the requisite qualifications, he would do his i best." Governor Cleveland. In the few remarks made Gov. Cleve land when replying to the formal notification- of his nomination, are to be found some gems of political thought. He siad : "We go forth, not merely to gain a partisan advantage, but pledged to give those who trust us the utmost benefits of a pure and honest admiuistra-ion of National affairs." "If in the eontest upon which we now enter we steadfastly hold to the underly ing pirnciples of oar party creed, and at all times keep in view the people's good, we shall be strong." "The party and its representatives which ask to the entrusted at the hand of the peo with the keeping of all that concerns their welfare and their safety, should on ly ask it with the full appreciation of the sacrcducss of the trust aud with a firm resolve to admiuistar it faithfully and well. I ani a Democrat because 1 believe that this truth lies at the foundation true Democracy. 1 have kept the faith because I believe, if lightly and fair- ly administered and applied. Democratic doctrines and measures will insure the happiness, contentment and prosperity of the people." Self-Support lor Our Ladies. Industrial South. Since die publication of the premium list of the Virginia State Agricultural So ciety, Mr. Joseph M. Blair, of this city, has offered a prize of $25, or a gold med al of that value, as a special nreinium for Soul hern States." We are requested to state that the award will be made at the Virginia State Fair by a committee con sisting of three ladies and three gentle men, to be appointed by the executive committee of the society. Coutestauts will forward their articles to George V. Mayo, secretary, Richmond Va., on or before October 15, 18S4, signed with a fictitious name and accompanied by a sealed envelope containing the real name and postothce address of the writer, 1 which will not be opened until after de . t i . i cision on tne merits is inane oy me coin- onttee appointed. The object is one which is worthy ot the best thought of our best thinkers. Republican Assessments. Baltimore Snn. The circulars of the Republican nation al committee, calling for assessments, have bceu received by the. officeholders in Baltimore. Unfortunately for the cause he represents, Chairman Jones put at the end of the circular the following: "The committee calls the attention of I every person holding office under the tt..:- i"is.... ..:..i .,...7,. .i...f it . , ! ou.tra .suu -" . - I ucexeiiou ... cuu.u, ,. . J l" ; f ivi sei vice law 10 mean u , liable to imprisonment should they give n ly . for campaign purposes and consequently will not subscribe Others, 1 however, say that they construe the en- " of the committee as meaning th t they cannot give money to other office- I political purposes, .lor rocelTO it from anv one tor the same purpose There has bceu no general discussion of the subject, but it is understood that the majority of the clerks in government em ploy will accept the kind suggestion of the Republican committee and keep their money in their pockets. Baked Milk for Consumptives. Baked milk is an admirable food for consumptive people and most inva lids. It is made iu tiiis manner: Put a quart of good milk into a stone jar, cover with writing paper, tied down. Leave iu a moderately hot oven for eight or ten hoars,. till it has the consistency of cream. The amount of nourishment to j be derived from it is marvelous. It most closely resembles condensed milk, and does not differ much from a milk-rice , pudding, the rice being a digestible addi- tion. This reminds us to say to many anx- , itius inquirers that the perfect cure for ' the most ineverate 'habit of constipatiou i is simply to live ou wheaten groats aud j auy kiud of fruit. We have never known a case which this diet failed fo cure. fir. Xiehots. STANDS AT THE HEAD! THE I-rOHT-RUXXING DOMESTIC." That it is the acknowledged Leader Tact that cannot be disputed. is a MANY IMITATE IT. f NONE EQUAL IT. The Largest Armed. The Lightest Running. The Most Beautiful Wood Work. A1D IS WARRANTED To be made of the lest material. To do auy and all kinds of work. To be complete in every respect. Agents wanted in unoccupied territory. Address, DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., Richmond, Va. For gale by KLUTTZ '84 36:ly. & RENDLEMAN, Salisbury, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA, Rowan County, June 5th, 84 PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. At the Court House door in Salisbury, on Monday the 4th day of August, 1884, I will sell that valuable plantation formerly own ed J)y George Cauble, situated five miles south of Salisbury adjoining the Rimer Mine land, und the land of David Eller and others, containing 185 acres. This land has a number of G8L0 VEINS on it, and is believed to be rich in minerals. Terms of sale. One half of the purchase money will be required as soon as the sale i9 confirmed, and a credit of 6 months, with I interest at eight per cent from day of sale i will be allowed for the other half. Tlv order of;nfnniirt T M TTOli A T-T Plorlr Superior Court, Rowan Co. j 35:1m i Tornado and Fire Insurance. THE HOME INSURANCE CO. of H. Capital $3,000,000. Cash Assets $7,492,751.11. Is now prepared to Insure property not only against tire but against loss or dam age by Wind Storms, Cyclones or Torna does. Hates reasonable. Policies written one to five years. One half cash and bal ance in twelve months. For further particulars apply to J. ALLEN BROWN, Agt. Salisbury, N. C. May 30, 1884 -2m VALUABLE STOIll I TO RENT! Thk large and beautiful store room for merly occupied by Bcaruhardt Bros., is for rent. The building is two stories above ground with a large and dry cellar. Depth of store room 1 IU feet; width, 25 feet. It is elegantly finished, and arranged for Dry Goods and Groceries ; and considering the advantages of the location in the cen ter of business, is one of the most desira ble places in town. ALSO, TO REIT. TWO STORE ROOMS in my new four room block on Main street, between the public Square and the Court House, two being already occupied. The block (66x 90 feet) is two' s:ories high above ground, divided into four distinct suits, six rooms, (includfug cellar), in each suit. The store rooms on the ground tloor.a re large enough lor nietumiui handsomely finished and most conveniently arraned in respect to warming, lighting, ventillating, aud access to the upper rooms (4 in number), which may be used either for a small family, for storage, or for sub renting. A separate front entrance to the from the street. Gas fixtures thrnnohout. The Express Office will oc cupy one of the suits of the block after the 1st July. THANKS. I am pleased to thank my customers for the trade of the Spring and Summer and i desire to say that no efforts on my part chMll be lackin' to keep on nana a siock of Goods fullv equal to the wants of the community favoring me with their patron age. The men in my employ are experi enced, competent and obliging, and ever readv to serve customers with promptness and politeness. J. liULMs. 33:4t. Established 1 istheonly in School for 3 Boys in s,.h i-.ith GAS LIGHT, a drst-cias t-lVirWASTITM. and a first-class BATH rrnTTQT? The course is PREPABATOBY.or FIH- TQxrTsrn. There is a thoroughly equipped School of Ti7T-l7.OTR.APHY. Special terms to young men of small mean-; i. . i on.L IS 1st Session oegins juijr ouiu. For Catalogue, address. w . Maj. R BINGHAM. 37;3t,pd. Bingham School, N. C- iOOll TT 1 - 0 m . KLUTTZ'S WAREHOUSE For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco Salisbury, North Carolina. FARMER'S REMEMBER KLUTT'S WAREHOUSE has sold THREE FOURTHS of all the Tobacco sold on this market this season, and can show the highest averages for crops and a general average second to none in the State for the same grades of Tobacco. Kluttz's Warehouse Is the BEST LIGHTED, BEST?. ARRANGED and the only house in the place that has STORAGE ROOM FOR PLANTER'S TOBACCO. If you want the HIGHEST PRICES for your Tobacco sell at KLUTTZ'S WAREHOUSE where you will alwavs find a full turn-out of anxious buyers. JOHN SHEPPARD, the Champion Tobacco Auctioneer of Western North Carolina, has orders for Tobaccos and will pay HIGHEST PRICES -for all grades from the Ground Leaves to Fancy Lemon Wrappers. DAILY SALES. HIGHEST PRICES GUARANTEED. Your friends truly, SHEPPARD, SWINK & MONROE. Salisbury, N. C, June 4th, 1884. PARI! And win completely clir.nge tbo blood In the entire system in threo months. Any person who wm take 1 PU1 each ni?ht from 1 to 13 weeks, may be restored to lonnd health. If such a thine: be possible. For Female Complaints theso Pills have no equal. rnysinsna use mem lor i,u cure ot ana diseases. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail for 85c. In stauips. Circniars free. L S. JOllNSQN A CO., Rottoa. Mast. H H M HIS Si M It M n K3 : l ,1 f y m e a m m n ?! e n fc'.V i- i ta hum JOfcNSQW'S AiianYNG LiN'fclENT ness. Hacking t ouh. Whooping ( oopH, enmnic liinrtriea. Jiys nterv. ( no Diseases of the Spine. Sold everywhere. Circulars tree. It Is s well-known faet that most of the" Horse ami Cattle Powder sold In this coon try is worthless; that Sheridan's Condition Powder is sosolute'ypure and vtrv valuable. Nothing on Earth will make hens 1 C 1 ll.l jsyuHesacriuan suiiiuiuun ruw- tts Uni. nna tofi.rwmnftil tn M.h .inlnf ' food. It will also positively prevent anl ctire I CHICKEN t I Dec. 20, 1S83. 10:1 y PACE'S WAREHOUSE ! UNION STEET, - - Is now opened and ready for business. We have one of the LARGEST Warehouse ever built. FOR THE SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO. in the best leaf market in A. Trial In We Awk. "Prompt returns and close) PpjPP RpOS (flO personal attention to consignments. m ConRESPONDEXCR SOLICITED, Fnrnitnre Dealer Upholsterer, AND PARLOR SUITS, 35 to $100 OHEAPBEDS, $2.50. FINE LINE OF CARPETS. Se wins: Machines Weed and Hartford. Ui, j . rm'7ST ACTIVE ASD I.Mf.M.Kil'T AGESTS in every town WANTED ! and coa.Uy to sell our POfLXAtt NEW BOOK S and FAMILY mULT MinisTers, teachers and other,, whoseiime is not WML1! S "iVSSu tn p ... rmnnnil with us n riu-mers" sons una otiicr kmn..i ntfr r v ailvantliiffps. hoth ns s rnean or iennsto B. F. JOHXSOJS 4c CO., RHODES BROWNE, PBK.. W. C . CO ART, SEC Total Assets, $710,745.12. A Home Company, Seeking Home Patronage. STRONG-, PEOMPT, H VA ELS. LTBEEAL. Tcnn Policies written on Dwellings. Premiums payable One half Cash and bal ance in twelve months. J. ALLEN BROWHT, Agt., 23:6m, Salisbor-, N. C. - -FwrivEMi I ft f& & & f riLLd Croop, Asthma, BroncMtin, "ymral- Kin. ui'uiiiatiiitn. .;i n s is s ml C i v' u P"ui- uro nine cases (2Vvl cut of ton. Information t! -l will iave man ?5 il NriA lives sem free h r.l. I). . t delay a moment. fSiSum m Ifwrtiun s belter than cute. CURE3 lt,Pnirt. TO. r.o at IV I.nni-. Hoarse-' holers Morbus, Kklnev '1 roubles, sod. I. S. JOHNSON & CO.. llostoil, Mas,. ITojrCholera,ftc. Sold everywhere, or sent by msll fnrXe. la ftamos. Furnlsncd inisrce csns. price si.00: brmail.SlJD. circulars ires. i. a- ytuisojx & co., jmmiob, , - DANVILLE, VA. and most COMPLETE the United States. W w - munis. DAVIS, UNDERTAKER. FINE WALNUT SUITS, - - U Cottage Suits, 20, 25 and$30 Woven Wire Mattresses, $7.50, touuk m -...... -7 msitmtr money ana 01 mi ciutnrv. r; rite for epeeisA 1,013 Msilss Street, BitlimsnJ, Vs. Ian )oetable Pills .r.J D !ious Complaint - t.iU, 'x-.n purely vj'allei no gnjs- in '. lVier ; eta. All DruiuriSU. SAVE YOTIE FRUIT I Scarr's Fruit Preservative Without the use of Sealed Cans. Th ONLY SUUE KINP CHEAPEST and KNOWN. Peiui and try it. !.Y li.VUMI.E89. Cu; ENNISS Drco Store. l:tf. NOTICE! There will be a mectinjr of the. Stock holder of the Western N. C Railroad Com pany in Salisbury, N. C, on Tucsdny tht 25th,Junc, 1884.' By order of the Prci dent. Geo. P. Ejwi?, Sec'y dPTrej.s Salisbnrv, N. C. May 21, 1884. FOB THK LIVER v