Carolina Watchman. THURSDAY. AUG. 14, 1884. Rational Democrat? Ticket. GflOVER CLEVELAND, OF NEW YORK. Fob Vick President, TflOMAS A. HENDRICKS, OP INDIANA. FOR BLBCTOBS AT LARGE ; W. H. KITCHIN, JOHN N. STAPLES, DIMOCRATICJTATE TOT. FOR GOVERNOR, ALFRED M SCALES, OF OVILFORD. FOR LIEtJTKJiANT fiOVERnOB, CHARLES M. 8TEDMAN, OF KSW HANOVER. FOB SECRETARY OF 6TATE, WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, '"' OF ORANGE. FOR SrREASrRER, DONALD W. BAIN, OF WAKE. FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL, THEQDORE F. DAVIDSON", OS BUNCOMBE. FOR AUDITOR, WILLIAM P. ROBERTS. OF GATE8. FOR SUP'T OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, S. M. FINGER, OF CATAWBA. York's Record. Yerk'a unenviable political character, his third-rate ability, and his general aud special unfitness to be Governor of North Carolina, are think i enough te deter honest, fir-imjided men from voting for bias. But if these objections to him are not sufficient a glance at his. record ought to satisfy any one: In 1877, while a member of the Senate, Dr. York voted against a bill appropria ting money for the completion of the Western N. C. Railroad. Again, in 1879, while a member of the House of Representatives, Dr. York e other way. fused to vote in favor of the Western Railroad. In the same year be voted against the sett lenient of tne State debt. Dr. York voted against the establish- Gen. Scales had a grand ovation on his arrival at Concord, Tuesday, on bis way to Poplar Tent. He was met at the depot by over three hundred mounted men and a great company on foot, and with ban ners and music escorted to his lodgings up town, That old lady who was. reported, as making a confession on her death bed in Union county of having killed her hus band by pouring melted lead intohis ears, made no such confession and there was uo husband killed by her in that or any ment of the Department of Agriculture of the extremities to which they w a piece of legislation tending directly to the advantage of the farming population. He voted against the Negro Insane Asy lum at Goldsboro. Intelligent negroes should remember this fact. And Dr. York voted against the Mor - ganton Asylum. ASSOCIATE JUSTICE SUPREME COURT, AUGUSTUS 8. MERRItfON, , -1 OF WAKE. FOR CONGRESS,. 7'M1 DISTRICT KERR CRAIGE, of Rowan. FOR ELECTOR, 7TII DISTRICT ! R. C. PURYEAR, of Yadkin. Gen. Scales, will meet Dr. York here n the 28th August. Lot there be a grand contrast with declarations made rally of the citizens of our county. Come oat and here both sides of the question. KERB CRAIGE. Dees Tyre York's record itself to youf Scales' record before the war, as a legislator ; during the war, as a soldier, and since the war as a legislator, togeth er with his integrity and ability, is a guarantee that his administration as Governor of North Carolina will be hon est, efficient and respectable. Judge Bvnum's Sentiments. In view of recent publications made about Judge Bynnm, the following paragraph from the HickorTziVess is fraught with interest : "In conversation with a prominent Republican ot Bandy township, he told u'b yesterday that he had received a pri vate letter from Judge W P Bynuni, one of the republican leaders of the State, desiring to know the sentimeuts of the voters of that party in his section, aud advised him not to support Dr. York tor Governor, but to vote for Scales. Our informant told us that he could scarcely fiud a Republican in that section who will support Blaine aud York." T'hja reads well, but it is strangely in by Dr. Ramsay iu a speech in the Repulican con vention held here on the lth. The two Doctors, Ramsay and York, were profuse iu their predictions of what the RepubM- the eye. The different county delega tions were divided off into sections, with printed snspension pieces marking the place of each. Tne whole arrangement was excellent and the Salisbury band lent its presence to enliven the occasion. Mnj. Bingham, at the conclusion of his excellent remarks, called Mr M H Piunix, of Davidson to the chair as temporary presiding officer. This gentleman made a nrst-rato speech and subsequently proved himself a capital chairman. Mr, T. B. Eldridge, of Davidson, was chosen temporary secretary, and the roll . of counties was called for the names of members of committees on pcrmauent organization aud credentials. The fol lowing names were handed in ; Catawba Organization : J S Tomllu son. Credentials ; Dr Q M Little. Davidson Organization : H Hambeth. Credentials ; C L Heitman. Davie Organization : C F Bahuson. Credentials t H B Howard. Iredell Organization : Dr S W Steven son. Credentials : P C Carlton. Montgomery -Organization; J M Brown. Credentials ; N M Thayer. Randolph Organization : E A Moffit. Credentials: A C McAllister. Rowan Organization ; W G Watson, Credentials: H C Bost. Yadkin Organisation W H Douglass, Credentials; Or J H Wolff. The committees retired and while they were absent Col. John N. Staples, one of the Democratic candidates for elector at large, was called for and responded in an eloquent address. The committees returned and that on nui'iiiDnaiit onMiiinMiui iniini tail f-Ii mil erli I f CaIxiI'. Ill 1 . (k Millli l.kf,lA I , , i - ' mr. dviiu., .u ... ,tg chairman nt s w SteveiiBOu : t ei Brooklyn independents, thoroughly ven- permanent chuirmain, Geo S Rradshaw of A sensational story is in print abent the cannibalism of Gieely's men in their unfortunate arctic expedition-, There is no use in manufacturing horrible stories driven doubts fact. in their sufteriugs ; for no one they were fearful enough in ing. One shoe factory in Massachusetts turns out by patent machinery, in twelve months, as many pal of boots and shoes as 90,000 shoemakers in Paris make by baud in a year. The Bureau of Ethnology will make a irranhic dUnlav of all the races of the earth at the Worlds' Fair at New Orleans. The Egyptian mummies who lived 3,000 years ago will be represented side dv side with all the races left of the mound builders and other peoples now extinct. The World's Fair was started as a cot ton centennial. The industrial part is now by far the larger one, bat there will be a bis cotton exhibit nevertheless. Twenty English manufacturers of cotton machinery will make a peculiar and siguiticant display such as the world has uever before seen. The sugar exhibit at the World's Fair, of the products of Louisiana and Mexico promises to be the most complete yet seen. Visitors during December and Jauuary will be enabled to visit planta tions not remote from the World's expo sition grounds aud witness the manufac ture ot sugar. Yellow fewer Rt Masatlan, Mexico, caused four deaths iu May, eight in June and fourteen iu July. U. S. authorities commend are guarding against the introduction of the disease in our country, Sell u rz on Blaine. tilated Blaine's record, read some of the M ulligan letters aud other documents to prove the correctness of his charges. We clip the following as an illustration of his clever rqethod ot discussion : How often have yon had to read and to bear these days that, as Mr, Blaine is pursued with charges aud abuses, as mm w . it 1 . . 1 were wasinngton aud Lancoin pursued, and that between these three there is really little difference. What a com parison ! It is true Washington was called by his enemies a monarchist and Lincoln a baboon. But we cannot learn that either of them found it necessary to defend himself against the imputation. It the friends of Mr. Blaine want to estab lish a real parallel between him and them they should carefully examine Washington's and Lincoln's private cor respondence. Among Washington's let ters they would have to find one some what like this : Headquarters Continental Army. To Yr Fifher, Esq., Army Contractor : My Oear Mr. r isher Tour offer to The nomination of tb$ gentleman by the dj strict convention which met here but Thursday was a most agreeable sur prise to his friends in Rowan aud else where, and of course was a surprise to bim. He had been frequently spoken of for the place, and his friends here had resolved to propose his name ; but the chances of success were not regarded as very flattering against so many other prominent gentlemen in the district. It was well known that Mr. Armfield had a large following iu Iredell, Catawba and YadUu ; and that Messrs. Pin nix and Robbius of Davidson vera strong men iu that direction ; aud we knew of Mai ma duke Robbius in Randolph, J. A. Wil liamson in Davie, and Mr. Brown of Montgomery. It was foreseen that Mont gomery would probafely unite with Ran dolph or Davidson and Davie with Rpw an. But it was impossible to see to the end, and therefore the friends of no one candidate could know who would be nominated. The almost unbouudedjoy of the Rowan delegation on finding that thsir favorite had been chosen was there fore most natural and grateful. And so it would have been fer the delegates from any other part of the district under the circumstances related. We are not prepared to say that it is pot the best nomination that could have " been made. On the contrary, we are sus tained by the decision of the convention that it was the best the best for the peo ple who are to be served. We kuow that Mr. Craige will bring iuto the service if elected all his energies to perform his duties faithfully and well because it will be his duty to do so. That it was best for him personally, is a very doubtful flatter. We speak our individual con fictions on this poiut. No man can sac rifice a good business at home and go te Congress without the hazard of sustain ing lues in the end. Observation sus tains this proposition as a rule, so that he reflecting friends of a man nominate d to Congress scarcely know whether to offer him congratulations or ceudelence. For our part we pity the man who is sub : jected to this hazard, notwithstanding, when one is to be chosen we want a good one. Wo have great confidence in Mr. Craige and sincerely trust that he may Qr I 4fHgd hy the honor which, his fellow citLreub desigu to confer on him j aud so far us they concerned they are most solemnly bound to do all they can to sustain him in the responsible position in which, unasked, they have placed him. This we believe they will do, and that Mr. Craige will be triumphantly elected. cans were going to do in the ensuing elec- admit me to a participation in your beef tion. How one of the most respectable men of the Republican persuasion can consistently support Blaine for President aud York for Governor is an unsettled problem. There is considerable trouble iu the camp of the republican party iu the oth district. W. H. Wheeler was nominated for Congress by a com rent ion which met in Greensboro, a man not thought of before. A small, packed convention of revenue officers, it is alleged, did the work. This has stirred up lots of pro tests, the calling of another convention, &c. It is none of our funeral, so we shall not recite particulars but leave them to settle on one, two, or three can didates just as it suits them. One of the Radical speakers, at their con vuntion here last Tuesday, acted the vulgar clown hy casting scurrilous slurs and cou tempt upon many of the noblest ladies of the State because they favored prohibition in 1881. The language he used is too low to reproduce. Shame, that any mau should so degrade himself as to resort to such extremes ; though we arc glad to know this man is not a native of our noble old State. cou tract is very generous. Accept my hanks. But I want more. You spoke of your friend Caldwell, who has the flour coutract, as willing to dispose of a share of his interest to me. I wish he would make the proposition definite. Tell him that I feci I shall not prove a ueaunead in tne enterprise, l see various channels iu which I know I can be useful. Siucerely vour friend, Geokqe Washington. P. S. Iu looking over my .order books I find that when Mr. Caldwell delivered the last lot of flour there was some irreg ularity, which induced the commissary of the army to refuse acceptance. I promptly cut the red tape by ordering t e on iisary to accept the delivery at once, so that I saved Mr. Caldwell much trouble in getting the flour passed and in obtaining his money. Tims, without knowing him, I did him a favor which must have ben worth much to him. Let him hurry up his proposition to me. G. W. Or in Mr. Lincoln's private correspon dence they might look for a letter some what like this : Executive Mansion. Pom j. ap. The unanimous nomination of all the old county officers shows that the "ring" is popular that the people are pleased "with the manner in which their county business is transacted. Yes, there is a court house ring a ring of clever gentlemen faithfully discharging their public duties, and striving to please the people. And the unanimous voice of the people endorse them. The Radicals and Liberals say that the Democratic party is the enemy of popular euucation. is tins true i Many or our readers will recollect that when the Rad icals ruled the State, although taxes were collected for the purpose, no free schools were taught in North Carolina. What is the ceudition of the free schools in the State to-day The facts iu the case give the He to this assei tiou of theirs. fctrnuge disclosures are said to be coin jng qut in respect te tie money praised by the Republican party for tbe Garfield campaign. Four millions were put upufor electioneering purposes, but it is said only $ 500,000 was so used the balance, f J,500,000, having beeu absorbed by greedy fellows who had a chance to take care of No. 1 and did it V. ty'e judge of a man's future eoud net by iiis past. Judge the Radical party the same way : Is tho past record of that patty ftuph, as te recommend it to you above the Democratic party T tk. - A e . . j or iuc just jjt.Leeu yeiu's tue onore re spectable elewout of the Republican par ity has been gradually joj ni ug the Demo cratic ranks. This will continue until the rag-tag and bob-tail alone will be Never before jn pur recollectiou have Democratic convention? National, State, congressional and County been more harmonious and enthusiastic. The rule seems to be to forgot personal favorites and to sacrifice private preferences for the good of the common cause. This is as it should be, and means a" great victo ry iu November. V a. S 1 JI a . ji is impuunnuy claimed by the ene mies of Democracy and good government, that the Democrats oppress tho farming population with taxes. Is this true! Farmer friends, compare your tax receipts of even last year with those you received under Radical nile. Figures can't lie. My Dear Mr. Fisher Your agent, Mr. Blaine, a very smart young man appa. rently, who got your Spcucer Rifle adopt ed by the Ordnance Department, brought me your very generous oner for a share iu the contract, for which accept mv thank.s. I learn, also, of your friend Mr. Caldwell's disposition to let me hare a share of his interest in the manufacture of belts and cartridge boxes. Let him make me a definite proposition as quick ly as possible. I tell yon I am uot going to be a deadhead iu that enterprise. 1 feel it. There are lots of channels in which I can make myself useful. By the way, can you tell Mr. Caldwell that I did him a great favor some time acta without knowing him. A large lot of belts and cartridge boxes were detained here because the ordnance officers want ed more time to inspect them. But the troops needed them, and I ordered them to be hurried to the front, and Caldwell got his money, ou seet I want him to send me a definite proposition at once. Yours truly, Abraham Lincoln. Well, if such letters could be found among Washington's and Lincoln's mi. vate correspondence, and if it could be further discovered that Washington aud Liucoln had publicly declared that the interest they had in those contracts was only such as any other citizen might have purchased on the Boston market, aud that they could not have exercised any power with regard to those contracts, be- cause in the one case it was the business of the commissary, aud iu the other of the Ordinance Department j and f Wash ington and Lincoln had taken those let ters from Mr. Fisher's bookkeeper with out aujhoiity and kept thein, notwith standing a promise to return them : and ii wasinngton and JLincoin, before a committee of Congress investigating these .inn-, uau nine una again protested against inquiry into their private busi ness ; and if Wasbioeton aud Lincoln had accumulated large famines while in office theu, I admit, the parallel wonld be justified, and Washington and Lincolu too, might be enrolled in the order of Americans with a big A. Randolph : for iiermaueut secretaries, T B Eldridge of Davidson, W G Burk head and R K Br van of Catawba. At Mr. Bryan's request his name was with drawn, and that of Mr J i Murrell was afterwards substituted. The committee on credentials repor ted through its chairman, C L Hepman, that all the coup ties were represented and there were no contesting delegations, Both reports were received and adop ted. Mr Bradshaw, on motion, was conduc ted to the chair by Messrs. J S Tomliu - son of Catawba and H W Douglass of Yadkin. On taking the chair he made a neat speech and called the convention to order, announcing that it was ready for business. The roll of counties was called for nominations. When Catawba was called Capt R B Davis put Hon R F Armfield in nomination in a very handsome speech When Davidson was called Mr M H Pin- uix nominated Capt F C Robbius. When Davie was called Mr Frank Brown nomi nnted Mr J A Williamson. Wheu Iredel was called M A Leazar sconded the nom ination of Mr Armfield. When Mont gomery was called Mr Simmons nomina ted Mr J M Brown. When Raudolph was called Mr Crocker nominated Mr M S Robins. Wheu Rowan was called Mr L S Overman nominated Mr Kerr Craige. Mr Theo F Kluttz seconded the nomina tion of Mr Craige. Wheu Yadkin was called Mr R C Pnryear seconded the nomination of Mr Arinheul. Mr C r Lowe seconded tho nomination of F C Robbins. Mr E P Wood seconded that of M S Robins. Mr W K Gibbs seconded the nomination of Mr Williamson. The roll was called aud on the first ballot Catawba, Iredell aud Yadkin voted for Armfield, Davidson for F C Robbins, Davie for J A Williamson, Montgomery foj J M Brown, "Randolph for M S Robins and Rowan for Kerr Craige. Result : Armfield 102, F C Robbius &5, William son 18, Brown 14, M S Robius 40, Craige 40. Total, 349, necessary to a choice 125. No nomination? The second and third ballots were past the same way. On the fourth ballot Montgomery went to M S Robius, giving him 54. The fifth ballot was cast the same way. On the sixth ballot Mont gomery went to F C Robbins, giving him VJ. The seventh ballot stood the same way. On the eighth ballot Randolph aud Montgomery went to F C Robbins, giv ing him 89. Ninth ballot same. Tenth ballot same except that Davie went with 18 to Craige. After that followed Mont gomery and Randolph to Craige aud on the 14th ballot Yadkin went for him, giving him 130 votes aud the nomina tion. On motion ot R B Davis, of Catawba, the nomination of Mr Craige was made unanimous, amidst every demonstration of enthusiasm. Die Rowan delegation aud the galleries went wild. Mr. Craige appeared aud made a brief speech in acknowledgment. After him followed Messrs. F C Rob bins, Williamson, Armfield, M S Robius, Brown, W M Bobbins and Shober, all making patriotic addresses, and accep ting the nominee of the party as their own. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND ! AT the Court House door in Salisbury on Monday the 6th day of October 1884, 1 will sell, at public sale, that valuable tract of land formerly owned by George Cauble, situated five miles south of Salisbury ad joining the Reimer Mine land, aud the land of David tiler and others, containing about 185 acres. The sale to open with a bid of eleven hundred and titty -five (f 1,155) dollars. Terms of sale: One-half of the purchase money will be required as soon as the sale is confirmed, and a credit ot six months, with interest at eight per cent from day of sale, will be allowed for the other half. By order of Court. J. M. HORAH, Cl'k Sup., Court Rowan Co. Aug. 11th, 84. 44:4t. MILL STONES, &C. Do you want Mill Stones, cut ot good sharpe granite 1 Do you want Door and Window Sills of beautiful gray or white granite? Do yon want Stone of any kind either dressed or in the rough ? The un dersigned is prepared to furnish Stone or Stone work of as fine granite as the State affords. Uall anil see me at quarries, miles south of Salisbury, or address me at Salis bury, N C, box 91. Good btone, good work and promptness in filling orders is mv rule. Good refer ences given on application. JOHN D. A. FISHER. 14, '84 lmrpd. You Can Have It."Mv would I give to have vour hairt" ;1 said by middle-aged ladies to 0tin Madam, you may have just gneh Parkers Hair Balsam will give it to wlut often one, hair. It will stop your hair from falling . u utnre the ni'iinil r-rtlrir orwl i.6 ' fC ... . 0- . 1 muKe it thick, son, ami giossv. lou inn DC? nt standi I lt Ui is not oily, not a dye, bat i8 ai( ,,. dressing, and is especially recommend' for its cleanliness and purity. Notice of JLanfl Sale! the POWDER Absolutely Pure. TkLnvnlMnanrrnriM A m:rVPl Of PUT. t' strength, ami wlioleaomeness. More mmhhw than tho nrrtlnon kin .Is and C&DJlOt be SO id In rnmnpr I nn wlltl tne multitude OI IO'.v Mi, nuvii. wPKrhf nlnm nr nhft&nhate nOWdBf. Sold Only In cans. Koy l Baking Powder Co.. 106 Wall St. K T. University efjirti Carolina. The next session begins on the LAST THURSDAY IN AUGUST, on which, and on tbc succeeding two days, examinations for admission will be had The instruction embraces not only the uold curriculum," but also branches of especial value to teachers, farmers, merchants, ami other business men. A Law and Medical School attached. For Catalogue and for the report of the visitinsr committee of seven Trustees on the instruction, discipline, morale, &-, ap-fi ply to PRESIDENT BATTJs-. or to W. T. Pattkksoh, 8f'y, 43:1 1. Capet Hi,,SC By order of the Superior Court of a. T Z t 11 f uu cuuuij,- win sen lor partition premises, at public auction, on Saturday. August 30, ts84 the tract of land known as the-i'01d p, mer Place," about two miles eastr Enochville in said connty, adioininr, r Deal, Wm. Cavin, and others, conLifJ1 213 acres, about half of it timbered I II good dwelling, barn, outhouses, well fin rchnrrl ami nfkni- I . ' u"ft -, .iu Mi w fluent-; PPr sons wishing to view the place beforeW can call on Mr. Raymer on the prenmi u.s.....g .u.icr miorniation abonr opjii i iu me uuurrsigneu or to L. Kilpatrick at Mooresville, X. C. Term of Sals - Onp hu -u " , . uau ias Hla rm ..... V" . "V'""1' oona and good security bearing interest from date tit retaineed till purchase money is paid GOODMAN " July 31,1884. ) Commissioner. 41 till d of s LAND FOB S5U ! lot i. valuable tract of laud - Ulr township, Rowan to ek. c south-wefTof Thrrfl acres; about half in bu I a n uflMkt i ulie r i 1 Superior Court. Aug HAY! HAY! HAY! of Virginia 500 Tons of No. 1 Valley Timothy Hay for sale by P. B. SUBLETT & SOX, 43:6m, Staunton, Va. Administrator' Notice. Having qualified as administrator of Harrington C. Warner, dee'd, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against his estate, to present them to ine on or before the 8th day of August, 188o. Wallace R. Warner, Admr. of II. C. Warner. Dated Aug. 4, 1884. 43:6 w. pd. Administrator's Notice, Having qualified as Administrator of E. E. Phillips, dee'd, I will have a public sale ol Ins personal property at his late residence on Monday, the 25th day of August, .1884, when I will sell one horse a lot of cattle, hogs, farming tools, household and kitch en furniture, some finely cut mill stones, and a fine lot of wheat and- oats, with many other articles not mentioned. TERMS ol SALE CASH. All "11. . , .. aii persons indented to tne estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against the eastate are notified that they must present them to me, on or before the 8th day of August, 1885, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. HENRY PEELER, Admr , of E. E. Phillips. August 2d, 1884. 48:till d of s. Theo F Kluttz nominated Mr C Pur- year, of Yadkin, for elector and he was chosen unanimously. Mr Fury oar was called out and responded briefly. Afcer a vote of thanks to its officers, the convention adjourned. NEW ORLEANS EXPOSITION- ITEMS. Tie Great Sontbern Prize Tarnip. IT has no equal for Root or Salad. IT stands extreme heat and cold. THEY d" mt pith or become spongy as other turnips. IT produces salad two weeks earlier than any other turnip. INSECTS do not injure this as they do other varieties. IT produces larger root thau any other turnip. 11 is tne oest turnip lor winter use in the market. For sale at ENNISS' Drug Store. 43:2t State of NORTH P A ROT.TV A Rowan County. S Fall Term, 1884. Orin D. Davis , and Samuel H. Wiley. Bankers under the firm name of Davis- & Wiley, AGAINST Mrs. E, A. Parks, John II. Wilborn and J. D. Williams. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that J. D. Williams, one of the alove named defendants, is a non-resident of this State, It is ordered by the Court that publication be made in the "Carolina Watchman, a newspaper published in Salisbury, N. C, notifying the said J. D. Williams to appear at the Court House in Salisbury, on the 9th Monday after the 4tli Monday of Septemler, 1884, and answer the Complaint, which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, within the first three days of said term, and that if he fail to answer the complaint during said term, the plain tiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded ui the complaint, 28th Julv, 18S4. J. M. HO KAIL C. S. C, 42:6w. Rowan County. WAGONS! WAGONS! Wagons Big. Wagons Little. Wagons Tor EVERYBODY. Stop the bleeding! Stop the outflow of our lire's blood ! Buy home made articles every time and keep your money here! A car load of 1, 3'and 3 horse Piedmont wagons for sale ! These wagons are manufactured at Hick ory, N. C. They are good honest work and every one of them w ill be sold with a written guarantee of the Company's. As money is scarce and times hard they will be sold at low prices for spot cash. As with the buggies, some time ago, so with the wagons now. I mean to sell them at prices that will astonish that will make those who have recently purchased, wish they had waited a little while longer. Come and see us, then you'll know how the cat jumps. JOHN A. BOYDEN, Agt., Salisbury, N. C. ) or 1st, 1884. f JO. O. WHITE. 42:tf. srici a fine bam bUiidHlfg. p easy. 38:1m- inted in Mt tv, -i iniie 'ation and th lying nearly old mine ia ooU sneciinerK nf ianl and' dwell 1 ncr her necessai v out asonrble and trni THO Vs ww w, hAF mi Hi alloV CA2Y PATCHWOEj r Having a large assortment or remnant S :i Till nlost&o of handsome brocaded silks, satins ana velvets w are putting them in assorted bundles and furnisliln t.bem for "Crazy Patchwork" Cushions. Mats fl dies, &c. tx. XA,cl.A,ffe Uo. 1-lsa. handsome bundle oi exquisite silks, satins aud bro caded velvets (all dlfferer). Jxiai thf thiny torthn most tuperb patUrn of fancy work. Rent poetMld for 56 cents In postal note of l-cent stamps Package No. a-contalnlng three times as much a..- package No. 1. Sent postpaid for $1.00. These are all ot the very t,trt ,naiity and cannot be equalled at any other silk works in the U. S. ot three time our prices. They will please am lady. One order always brings a dozen more Lsadies' lMCaxiual of FAn.' C"V Orli, wiin 4hi Illustrations and lull Instructions for artistic fancy work, handsomely bound, postpaid, 50 cts Orter M. r Address, Tii liocttKBiBK siL o., uocacsier, 1. DISSOLUTION. The firm heretofore existing under the name of Morgan & Bro., lias been tliia day dissolved by mutual conseut. J. J. Morgan will continue the business at the old stand. All persons indebted to the firm will come forward and swttle their accounts at once. Morgan & lo. I take tl the public bestowed nlcte sUn &3:4t. V v.mufi -Slap A CARD ! tod to return thanks to very liberal iatiuag us 111 the past. A ooiik 'gars alwavs on hand. Respectfully, J. M. MORGAN, Auk. T. K. BRUXER. RICHARD EAMES, JR SHERIFF'S SALE OF Horticultural Hall is as cood as com pleted, and will remain the permaueut property of New Orleans after the Expo sition closes next May. The roof cover ed with metal and glass presents a sub stantial appearance. The green-house, 250 feet long, is ready te receive plants. The mam hall, 600 feet lone is free of pillars except the four uprights that sup port the high glass tower. There is to be a stream 01 water 00 teet men. There is a reserveir at least a dozen feet deep and forty teet in diameter built of solid masonry aud set iu the ground ready te receive the grand fountain. Choice plants ....3 a. 1 1 a . uu trees ure now oeiusr oroimnt rrom - , -i o n 1 -1 nr a foreign countries to be placed in Horti- ISt QaV 01 beptemDer, 100 Honest, patriotic men can't stand Lib eralism long. TUey are returning to t lie Democratic partj in (his count v. And we confidently predict that ere the ltli of Xoveinber nearly all of them will be in favor of reform and the honest adiniuis t rat ion of the government. r -':gpt- - It' bull ring and braggadocio wonld elect York he wonld be the next Governor of North Carolina. But be and his party will fiud to their utter confusion that this won't count worth' a cent ou the 4tl of November. THE DISTRICT CONVRYTinv 4 aT9e aw Harmonious Meeting Mr. Kerr (Jrauje Nominated for Congress and Mr. Ji. Pur year for Elector. From the Statesville Landmark. a 13 oclock m., 7th instaut, in the court house at Salisbury, Mai. H. Bing ham, of Stateville. chairman' ' of the Democratjc congressional district execu tive committe for the 7th distriet, called uio couveuuoii to order and announcetl tuat iw ousiness was to nominate a can- oiaaie lor cougress and for district elector. Maj. Bingham counseled harmonv and wisdom iu the deliberations aud propnesieu a splendid victorv if these prevailed. It is proper to note at this poiut that the court house had beeu verr handsomely decorated for the occasion By virtue of an execution issued out of the Superior Court of Rowan county, in favor of M. A. Smith against Catherine Earnhart in my hands for collection, I will sell at public auction, at the Court house door in the town of Salisbury, on the DO YOU WANT TO SELL Yfll LMDS? AN OPPORTUNITY Is now offered to Land owners who may wish to dispose qf , FARMS, -FORESTS, MINING LANDS, or WATERPQSVERS. Tax Notice! I will attend at the Mayor's office in tfio town of Salisbury. N. C, for the purpose of listing the taxable property in said town. Will commence taking the list on Monday, the 9th of June, and continue for 20 days from the hour of 11 a. 111. to 1 p. in. InQ from 3 to G p. in. daily. All person Tivin in or owing property in said town subject to taxation, are hereby notified to appear and make a true list of, their poll and real and personal pn pcrty during-the time above specified. All per sons failing to appear and make said list will be subject to all the penalties of the law, which will be rigidly enforced. Yoq can also procure checks for your dops at t lie same time and place. Get your check and. save your dogs, as the proper officers art positively instructed to destroy tnose oa, which the tax has not been paid in accord; ance with Ol d. XX of the town laws. P. N. SMITH. C. B.C. Mav 26th, 1884. 35:4t. The Eagle Telephone! The undersigned having purchased tat ri'ht of Rowan and Iredkli. counties to this invaluable invention, has the pleasure to give notice that he is prepared to erect lines wherever required. He will warrant the instrument to-do all that is promised for it ; and in order-that you may know sonie thing more defiuite ot its capacity aad quality, please read the subjoined tcstisio nials : - .. Mt. Vernon Hotel. P. A. Fri1VFT Salisbury, X. C Juirc -Hi. . cultural Hall. The exhibition of foresti v aud arborcnlture will be the finest ever seen in America. The United States Geological Survey will furnish a fine exhibit of minerals, ores anil rocks from all the States and territories. It has a collection ot inter esting fossil animals aud fossils exhibiting another tract consisting ol 122 the characteristics of animals and plauts morgan townsnip, aqjoining tne now extinct, it has models ot extinct volcanoes, the Grand Canon of Colorado, Yoseinite Valley and the National Park. It has nl an 8 of the Coaistnek and nf.liAr great mines of the country. To describe Dated Salisbury, Aug. 4th, 1884. all the right, title, interest and estate of the said Catherine Earnhait, in and for the following real property, viz. : A tract of and consisting of ol acres, more or less, situated in Gold Hill township, Rowan county, adjoining the lands of Adam Earn hart, Burwell Smith and E Afauney, Also acres in lands of Saml Moyle, Lindsay Gordy and others. TERMS CASH. C. C. K RIDER, Sheriff of Rowan county. By R. P. Roseman, D. S. the specimens renreaentine: the life of former ages, fishes, reptiles, gigantic quadrupeds, uow extiust, shell fish that have lived iu ancient geological periods, wouia require a large volume. Siuce the patent Office was established 43:till d of a. AGENTS WANTED ! For the Lives of "CLEVELAND AND HENDRICKS" and "BLAINE AND LO- iu 1836, nearly 300,000 pateuts have been GAN." As this will be the most excitine with flowers, evergreens, DartrmitZXV' ..y vvv .llt pieastng ti in practical operation iu the issued. Man v instructive models will h selected aud sent to New Orleans. These will serve to illustrate ail the industrial aud scientific pursuits of the American people. Besides the patent models most full size may be seeu main build- Campaign which we have experienced for many years, agents can coin money selling these books. Address at once Bullett & Mono AN, Publishers, Kaleigh, 42:3m -pd. N, C. Having beCn instructed to act as Aaents for the North Carolina Department of Im migration, we will state to those having property of the above description for sale, that we are in position to place such pro perty in the hands of over two hundred active Agents, who are making it a regular business to sell lands to Immigrants and others coming into North Carolina to live. Lands placed above market value are not desired. We have established a Real Estate and Mining Blue at in addition to the above and are in position to place to advantage mining properties of all kinds, developed and undeveloped. Lame tracts of Lands in Western North Carolina, and in East Tenn., may be placed throusrh us to advantage. We can offer inducements heretofore unknown, and land owners will consult their best interest by calling on or addressing BRUNER & EAMES, Real Estate, Mining & Immigration Bureau, Salisbury, N. C. Maps, Assays, Reports and Estimates on short notice. 4 Parties contemplating going to Texas will dor well to consult us, as we have farms in all parts of that State, and will glad I v furnish Information. 37:6m. VAiinn Jtr kll'.ium C-Il L AKCill!' Telephone oents: nnnrc TUe"Kagle Telephone" erected by you "?. Ung my hotel and Livery Stables, y,1", entire satisfaction. I atii pleased to state uwi 1 constructed upon scientific princlples.aiid is a pertect transmitter or Umv. but also 01 eL of tone, the individual voice bein PcctV nj nlzabie. Signed, P. A. FKEKC'KS, CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & AWtWl R. Augusta, ia..Airil. Hi. " TMpssrs Younc M Kllhani. Gentlene-n: The -Eagle lelephose" put up lor u month since, has had a lair trial; and we are i ed to testily to its mei Its. It works very sau rily, and we, are mueh pleased with it Uirrntwl Vt H.jnBUrfD. ..;, r 4" A. I have a great many testimonials of hi$ character, which may be seen by any who desires stronger evidence ol the t ciency and utility of the "Eagle TcK" r Persons interested in the subject invited to address me at Salisbury ,J--JOHN M. JWKQAS, IJunelSth, '84. 35:tf. A A I Ator the working class. Send i 1 ( Rill rp8tife, and we will 11 U UL U royal,8 valuable box ?t?$t that will put you In the way of making n ( In a few days than you ever thpugiit PfSrt TOu business, capital not required. ''". onV You can work all the time or in spare The work Is universally adapted U' i y young end old. You can easi . TtmJ tr tr ?...,.rv ovpnlllff That all WtlO W .10 JfK ' to $5 every evening. That all wno v , . y offfr: test the business, we make this annual (0 1 ! 1 .... I - t ... 1 TCf Will w ail uu ai c uuv t u pay for the trouble of writing us tnrectls. etc.. sent iree. KuiLparuc-r those who give their wuoie ,ielly. Stn Great success absolutely sure. 'V,,(Ma"iw. M5-l their olute now. Address tinso mwtuum time to tue

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