The Carolina I- -aa m m . - ivi- l V $31 f - vi&M'i tiz t ju ut iiz t v f 01 XV.--TaiRD SERIES! SALISBURY. H. C, AUGUST 28. 1884. r.xSi h NO 46 ents of Gen. Scales. Twe Democratic State po the following an announce U.e jor committee nointmenis which Ur. .1 1 .,,1 i.lnln . v . 'nun i ira 1 uiuuiuaw) i. t if iiri'ii"'"' Tyr! invite i to meet him, and a tBnrl 1, expected Wilkcsbor", trinay, Elkin, SuOuy, AgSt 23 Dobson,, Aligns 26. MoekSvi!le,Ve1lneSday,Ag5t27. Salisbury, Thursday, Ag. 28. memoentic papers emulating .n tbel eslern part of North Carolina fo.l tO COPV.l and ou the same, lav pa$e1 tt th ee readings by 87 to 19. It oh me up in the Senate on Fe mary 12, pass hg its second reading, 24 to 12, and on the 20th passed its third reading; 26 to 10, and became the la. Rnl (gh Register 4 V, oi Letter. Gov. Cleveland to His Brothc The following letter was written" Gov. Cleveland to his elecrion to t lie Ing Executive the It is a letter thai it, aiul indicates f reform Governor oi by brnthpr f.' trust ot W'. American Arlstocriidy SSSMS Ta K IS IT 1 882. I Haven's Office. B bven nr Flir Brother! r havp inst voted. I Mayor's ottice atone, SoYofan artist from Frrleshe a newspaper, who is sketching the office. If mother was here I should be writ ing ,o her, and I feel as if it were ..' ... writP to some one who Visitors to Long Branch are suf fering injury to their eyesight by the by the splendor in which Attorney General Brewster lives. His coming was preceded by seven horses and a pony, eight vehicles, sixteen trunks, four valises ami a hat box. Six rooms in the hotel and two outside are oc cupied by his forces, which cousist of himself, Mrs. Brewster, their son, a private secretary, a valet, a coach man, a footman, and a maid. His Victoria coach is ten feet high and painted gold and black, with broad red wheels, and the coachman and foot man are stupendous to contemplate. Mrs. Brewster is said to have eighty toilets ; her husband, apparently, has only one, for he looks just the same LaU tin? time, but that one is magnifi cent enough for eighty". The Brews ters propose to paint things red while they can, for the 4Ui of March draws on apace. His pomp is said to cost the Attorney General but $450 a week, the landlord throwing off $100 for the sake of the advertisement. Died at 104. "Aunt Katie" Lew is, no doubt the most aged person in this county, died at the residence of Mr. Jacob Hair, in Chambersburg township, on the 8th instant. She was 104 years old older than steam or telegraphy, and almost as old as the republic. She retained a fair share of activity to her last days, and retained a good-part of her mental vigor. Statesvule Landmark. fr me to wnie U) some on- I I III will believe what write, 1 have been for some time in the atmosphere of certain success, so that 1 have been sure that I s!ouhlassume the duties tor whicii i nave hard, in .1 of .hellish ofoce nnnu'il.i 1 have tnei UVV" 1 thelightoffchis fact, to properly ap predate the responsibilities tnai vi rest upon me, and they are much, tc Ra 1 ei gh News- Observer: Gen . CI i ng nian, whose name has always been a tower of strength among the people of Western North Carolina, and who is certainly one of the most remarka ble men North Carolina has ever pro duced, strongly supports Cleveland and Scales. Copt. Wm. M. Cocke, who was at the head of the so-called Libera committee last campaign, al so supports our ticket. A bauk director died a few days aeo very suddenly, just after he had entered the bank. It is supposed that he went down with 0ie intention of taking the bank's money but found that the same idea had occurred to the cashier a snort time before. such a plan, nor did lie advocate it, nor did lie mention it. He was a very active member of the Senate, and did a good deal of talking : bat of "his plan" he did not talk, nor even once did he hint at the possession of a "plan.'" If be hail any such plan, all that he had to do was to hare moved it as an amendment to the bill. Instead of moving to strike out the appropriation, it would have been jastns easy and the natural thing for one with a "plan to have done to move that the appropriation be applied to the execution of "his plan." Of coarse, Dr. York's "plan" is an af-tcr-tiiongiit, a pretence. It means simply that Dr. York sees in 1884 what it would have been wise for him, whose business in lite wt -'making a retrenchment and reform record," to have done in 1876. But in 1876 Dr. York had notion that he would be a candidate for Governor in 1884. Raleigh Register. Law Suits. A word to the people of Durham coun ty, or others to whom it may concern. I will advise the people to stop and cou- oiiliip -mil thin If t 1 1 !.. tiniPA lll't'olC lIlCV BlUbi I. . v i ..... f . ... . rail. goto law at the courts. For the law- MAN I IMITATE IT. yer's are growiug fat off ot the people's hard earnings for nothing, comparatively nothing. If you go to law with your fellow man and employ a lawyer, you are worsted then and there; if you lose the cause you are worsted ; if you Rain the suit von are worsted : so it will be J - blAINUb AT THE HEAD ' , J01"1 Slaepparel. D. A. Swinlt. Jf. X.'Monrr e. KLUTTZ'S WAREHOUSE For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco Salisbury, Mrth Carolina. TUB LIGHT-BUXXIXO ( ( DOMESTIC." That it is the acknowledged Leader is a fact that cannot be disputed. FARMER'S REMEMBER KLUTT'S WAREHOUSED sold THREE FOURTHS of all the Tobacco sold on this market this seiSon, and can show the highest averages for crops and a general average second to none m the State for the same grades of Tobacco. Kluttz's Warehouse Is the BEST LIGHTED, BEST ARRANGED and the only house in place that has STORAGE ROOM FOR PLANTER'S TOBACCO, g If you want the HIGHEST PRICES for your Tobacco sell at KLUTTZ'S WAREHOUSE thr He that wants money, means and too much, underestitnaieti. iut me thought that had troubled mo is: Can I well perform my duties, and in such a manner as to do some good to the people of the State? I know there is room for it, and I know that I am honest and sincere in my desire to do weir,' but the question is wheth er I know enough to accompjish what I desire, The social life which sce-.Mjj await roe has also been a subject f53xuus thought. I have a notion that I fcan regulate that very much as I desire j aud if I can I shall spend very little time in the purely ornamental part of the office, in point of fact, I will tell you, first of all others, the policy I intend to adopt, and that is to make the matter a business engagement be tween tlie people of the State and my self, in which the obligation on my side is to perform the duties assigned me with an eye single to the interest of my employers. I shall have no idea of re-election or of any higher political preferment in my head, but he verv thankful and haUDV if I can -j -- well serve one term as the people s Governor. Do you know, that if mother were .Jive I should feel so much safer ! i . aVe always thought that her prayers had much to do with my success; 1 s..all expect you all to help me in that way. Give iny love to and to -, he1s with you, and believe me, Your affectionate brother, Gkover Cleveland. The scoundrel in the shape of a preacher, who originated the slanders against Mr. Cleveland, once lived in Indiana, and is thus described by a newspaper reporter who knew him : "A Courier-Journal representative who was down at Owensville yester day interviewed several prominent people, from whom it was learned that a number of years ago this eame Ball preached to a small congregation, from whom he filched money under various pretenses. He finally became noted over the country as a great liar, and one in whom no trust could be placed. Ball not only became noted as a liar, butane who imbibed very f requently a little too -much bad whis key for a preacher. He was finally expelled from the ctmich, and he left the county. He is so well know down in Gibson county that Republicans as well as Democrats brand him as one of the monster frauds of the country. These facts are authentic and can be verified at any time. content, is without three good friends. As you Like It. And he that has money, means and content, has any number of good friends, and they will remain good friends as loug his money lasts. every time. Lvery man that -goes to law loses mere than he gains nine times out of ten. There is more money spent in law unnecessarily than it would take to support the county, on an average, all of which could be saved if men Would think three times before they moved iu law and would pray to be led in the paths of duty and uprightness, to do as you would be done by. If yoa have a difficulty with your neighbor or any other person, instead ot going to law, choose you two where you will always find a full turn-out of anxious buyers. JOHN SHEPPARD, the Champion Tobacco Auctioneer op Wester NONE EQUAL IT. ' North Carolina, has orders for Tobaccos and will p;iy HIGHEST PRICES for all grades from the Ground Leaves to Fancy Lemon Wrappers. DAILY SALES. HIGHEST PRICES GUARANTEED. Your friends truly, SHEPPARD, SWINK & MONROE. Salisbury, N. C, June 4th, 1884. The Largest Armed. The Lightest Running. The Most Beautiful Wood Work. AND IS WARRANTED To be made of the best material. To do auy and all kinds of work. To be complete in every respect. Agents wanted in unoccupied territory. Address, DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., Richmond, Va. The friends of the unfortunate insane, white and black, hve the benefits of good hard seiistt 'men, common sense men, and state the case te them ana let mem these noble public chanties without thanks to Dr. York who is now askiug for votes to elect him Governor of the State. Aye, not only without thauks, bnt iu despite of his persistent opposition by his votes as a member of the legisla ture. This is a matter worth looking iu to:forit very clearly shows that Dr, York is not the man to take the place of enter law suits. Governor Jarvis, who has done so much to advance the fame and prosperity of the State. Here is the record : Dr York's Asylum Record. choose the third man, and as they decide stand to it, and you will, nine times out of ten, get more justice tliau you will to go te law ; you will save the lawyer's fee and cost, and by doiug this, you will stop our protracted courts. Instead of two weeks court, there will be four das, and the lawyer's would soon get tired of sit ting in their ornces waiting lor you 10 For sale by KLUTTZ '84 36:ly. & RENDLEMAN, Salisbury, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA, Rowan County, June 5th, '84. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. tUSm ? PURGATIVE nil (i F!UL& 2 n if "Some of or Democratic papers seem to have forgotten that the lack of a joint canvass defeated Merrinion in lbiz: tnai me neaiim, jmirt wm- vass in 1876 elected Vance by about fifteen thousand majority ; that the sudden breaking off of the joint can vass between Jarvis and Buxton eost Jarvis several thousand votes, and that tlie want of a joint canvass in 1882 came near defeating Bennett. I.Pt the ioint canvass continue. New- j bem Journal. Yes, certainly, by all means let the ioint canvass continue. iet us all bcr Dr. lork to stand up with Uren. Scale before the people, and say what le has to say. V e are willing to give Dr. York a .guarantee that he shall not be hurt only by bcales exposure of his record and general bad conduct Home-Democrat. In the Register of July 30 was printed Dr. York' Record as made by himself in the Legislature against each and al. of the measures which have had so much to do with the State's unexampled progress .inil iirosoeritv under Democratic rule. 1 . . Ill il a lv.. t was stated in this "uecoru tnai ui York voted "AGAINST TI1E ASYLUMS. 'The Western North Carolina Railroad was unable to command Dr. York's vote. rhe Cape Fear ami Yadkin Valley Rail road was unable to command ine nrtmttsition to settle the State debt was equally powerless to do so, and so was the Liepartmeni oi Agriculture. uv these were material measures that made no appeal to the instincts ot common hu manity, but ouly to the more sordid in- i j . i stincts of our nature, vv hat men was Dr. York's record on measures of humani ty T The story is a brief one. Dr. York wasnsdeaf to the appeals for help to Imprisonment for Debt. Four DonXs. Thev would soou resort other business for a living. You are very much iu your own light for keeping up and supporting the lawyers and court officers. You can save your hard earnings by thinking three times and considering soberly and dispassion ately before you move in a law suit. Law suits are bad customers and they can be avoided nine time out of ten with beuetit and profit. -Cor. Durham Tobacco Plant. The courts in London have decided that a mau may not keep iu his back yard a dog which barks and howls. The Judge stated that the best protection agaiust thieves and burglars was a small ilnir ill siil. the house, which would quickly alarm the inmates, and was 111 Hnitelv more feared by the fraternity. Neither was it lawful for hand organs to play when forbidden, not for parties to keep cocks which crowed at early morn ing or parriots suspended out of windows or anything which acted as a disturbance to those living near. With all the sneers at the money wast i -il i n lmildiiifT worthless shins for the x-. . .-- n , r- suffering humanity as he was blind to Americau navy, it appears that other na measures for material progress, auU iu this he regarded neither race nor color, nor locality. -, ,. , "The bill that resulted in its establish ment found him . . . - - ii V.. turns sometimes ninnuer as u. laud speut 5,000,000 on the Ajax and Agamemnon, which were nearly eight years under construction, and are mow pronounced failures. Bat a private firm on the Thames built a 0,000 ton ironclad for a foreign Government in the space ot two years, with all the latest iiuprove mftntiii this class architecture, at a quar ter of the amount squandered ou the At the Court House door in Salisbury, on Monday the 4th day of August, 1884, I will sell that valuable plantation formerly own ed by George Cauble, situated live miles south of Salisbury adjoining the Rimer Mine land, and the land of David EUer and others, containing 185 acres. This land has a number of G0L3 VEINS on it, and is believed to be rich in minerals. Terms of sale. One half of the purchase money will be required as soon as the sale is confirmed, and a credit of 6 months, with interest at ciht per cent from day ot sale will be allow ed for the other half. By order of Court, J. M. HORAH, Clerk Superior Court, Rowan Co. 85:1m. Tornado and Fire Insurance. THE HOME INSURANCE CO. of N. Y- Capital $1,000,000. Cash Assets $7.192,3l.ll. Is now prepared to Insure property not only against lire but against loss or dam age byVVind Storms, Cyclones or Torna does. Rates reasonable. Policies written one to five years. One-half cash and bal ance in twelve months. For further particulars apply to J. ALLEN BROWN, Agt. Salisbury, N. C. May 30, 1334 -"-im W 4? And will completely cliango tlio blood la the entire system ta three month. Any person who will take 1 Pill each eight from 1 to 12 weeks, may be restored to sound health, if such a thing: be possiblo. For Female Complaints these Fills hare no equal. Physicians nse them for the uro of I. TVER and KIDNEY dlseacec Sold overywh. ro, or sent by mail for 25c. in EtampB. Circulars free. I. s. JOUNSON & CO , notion. Uass. Group. Asthma, Bronchitis. Near! Bin, Khtii:iatisiii. JolINNiiXS a.NO 1IY N E U MM t.N I (or Jn'.rr na I r.u 4 Sfrins I'tr) Kill liiM4lil.'.IKiuIy relieir ilirt trrrllilfli d.eiM-K, aiul mil ..M'iol ruie him a. x rut of ten. ji;f mutton tlia ll .are mavr lives eul t .-' l-y mail. Itaat't tlckg- s BSBSSSSJfc I'rcvcuiicia u Inrticr Mum cure. 'S ANODYNE t-INSfrfiEriT TRES lnnnenia. Blcedlntj af the Lass n-Hirse-icti WhoopiiH l', etimnic iHarrlioea. Dvaenlery. ITiolera Mrt.ii-, KWney lruuUea,saa ine. SoUl evcrvwlicre. Cimilnrs five. 1. S. JOilNSON A CO.. ltostoii, Mass. J 1 ae.l ness. Harking Cou Diseases of th? Spi It is a well-known fact thnt most of tlie norse and Cattle I'owder sold in this coun try is worthless; that Sheridan's Condition Towderis absolute'vpure and very valuable. Nothing on Earth will make hens lay like Sheridan's Condition Pow- Hav nrv tatwinflll I:i o:.f'i nintnf food. It will also positively prevent ani cure nop Cholera. Ac BoMweowrrr.orsfnt hvmsll for Mfcjp KT it tups. F liriUinw an "Mir siii,hrt i u.i ii. eisva CHICKEN Dec. 20, 1SS3- 10:ly "AGAINST THE COLORED INSANE ASYLUM AT GOLDESBORO. "It was pass by the Legislature at its aoaainn of 1876-7. aud Dr. York, who was then a member of the Senate, voted Ajax aud Agamemnon. against it. (See Senate Journal l7b 7 pages 691 aud G96-) "AGAINST THE WESTERN OR MORGANTON As persistently and boastfully as they have claimed for the Canby Con stitution the honor of first making provision for a homestead raw and personal property, exemptions, the Re publicans have claimed, lor that in tfrmiient the doing away with inipris- AH t n 11. wr wunem ior uebt. Upon tins claim, too, was -rounded the toploftical de claration that the (Janbv Constitution 'was the grandest producti n of hti roan wisdom that ever emanated from ill A . . le urain ot man. lhere is just as much toundation, and no more, for the claim in one case as in the other. Last week the Register showed where the homestead law came from. This week, it will point out the ori gin of the debtor law. TheCanbv Convention met in 1868, Jd in that year adopted the Canby oasUtntion. Most readers of the agister can find in their neighbor hood a copy of the laws of 1866--'67. I F 1. !.. uiey win take the trouble to get volume and turn fo pane 85, they Mil . I o y nna "Aii act to abolish impris onment for debt and this act was precisely what was jiut iu the Const i Jution i 1368y the Canby Conven ion. In 1 866j negroes d id not vote m wl,'te nien then, as white men are now, were. Democrats. The Legisla te was white, and of course the Leg mature was almost nnanimously Deru ralc. The bill to abolish impris- nt for ebt was introduced into w, xoviy uy Jin. Don't be a busybody, for, gracious me ! is there anything so disgusting as a person who is continually minding everybody's business but their own? I like to be neighborly, and have friends, but I don't like to be too fa miliar with people who always want to know all about your private affairs. Don't copy after your next door neighbor. Always try and have some thing new. Try and be original. Don't brag about what you are go ing to do ; but do it, and then show the world. Don't become a novel reader. It is a good thing to speud part of your time in reading interesting and in- a If. i struct! v-6 matter but don t waste your time in romance and deep fiction. ASYLUM. Dr. York fought most viciously, aud that too even after a great part of the work had been doua towards its erection. On February 20, 1877, the Senate took npthe been bill to construct the Western Insane Asy- compensatin So far as our observation extends, the rescue of the Grcely party has been made the occasiou for an almost unani mous expression on the part of the press iu opposition to any more Government Arctic exploring expeditions. The waste ot lite iu these expeditions has already fearful, and it is evident tnat no results can ever oe ex- r - .. . .i . al ..a. I 1 1 t,t in... nr. York was a nieuioer oi ine uecteu irom iiiimwi ouw. ........ fomrl.t the bill iu everyway. Ouc tion. The little addition to our geograpn . v,,...., o; - v - - I - Da referred rp-an n A n 7 . .xiisuu, a iemocrat : was on the 9m h xtlle of three Democrats. Messrs. McKay : was re- F lcu irom committee on the 30th, If Southern laud owners would plant their surplus lands in hickory, walnut, and other wooffs tnat com merce demands, they would add much to the inheritance of their children. Char. Observer. So FAR as our observation extends, Hio rpwMio u( the Grealv uarty has mv aiwuv. - . a mf been made the occasion for an almost unanimous expression on the part of press, in opposition to any more Gov ernment Arctic exploring expeditions. The waste of life in these expeditions has already been fearful, and it is evident that no compensating results can ever be expected from further ef fort in this direction. The little addi tion to our geographical k low ledge that can ever-be attained by these ex i.Wfltinns is of a character that can : " :- never be of any practical benefit to commerce or otherwise. i. ri-.t ...m avi- Im nttitmed of the ameudiuents lie proposeu was 10 icni Kuuw.euge ... "Strike out $15,000 tor the year 1877, by these explorations is of a charactei and 1878, and insert $50, for each year that can never be t any practical bene- to keep an ordinary board roof on the fit to commerce or otherwise. a " ."i.i walls for the next two years, or until me State can sell the same.'" (See Senate Journal 1876-7, pages 491, 4li and 4iW.) "Such complete ludifteience to the ap- j- A' . I ........ i i , it - MSI lllt til peats oi sunernig v - vl.(.1,t;ollslU v taverable con cieu noui a uiucuciug imj - i siiiiu.i.s . r 1 . I . ' i - a . . . . . i . t 1 1 ir ii The Boston Advertiser calls attention to the wholesale destruction of forests by a ...i i... u-sMviiiiau'fl axe. Ntwitn- UI19 UN. V" . haveoeenexpecieuirusuap.tsvMv.uis - , . , . . i .tiri.t.tkj lias iiasa-a. v - - . -.1 a. 1 .L.tlikllC .,w... of the utter inadequacy of the then means keep pace wun u l " ..... ..r : . i i Kctim-itMi riiiir. o.uuo.wuu " " existing iiiciiiLiea s yV ' .;.,l f t,ea. while not more than 10,000 acres are annually rc- nhiuted. Not less that is,ww,uw auice 1 . ... .1 I c,,., luit .in th been destroy eu wj rertaiulv he had proof of the inadequacy of those facilities tor tne wnue insane in the western part of the State. But so it was the appeal of tne sunenng me..", whether white or black, east or west, was ntterlv powerless to move him." Confronted with this "Record" on the stump. Dr. York does not dispute its accuracy. Were he disposed to do eo, it would be silly ; the Senate Journals are easy of access in every couuty, and the Journals show that the "Record" is abso lutely ti ne iu letter and in spirit. But Dr. York makes a defeuce of his votes tim Asv nius. tie says in ins have last teu years. against peephes that he was not opposed to in PACE'S WAREHOUSE ! UNION STEET, - - - DANVILLE, VA. Is now opened and ready for business. We have one of the LARGEST and most COMPLETE Warehouse ever built. FOB THE S ALE OF LEAF TOBACCO in the best leaf market in the United States. A. Ti-iul Im Vll Wo Ask. Pace Co. PROPRS. r-yPromDt returns and close personal attention to consignments Correspondence Solicited. VALUABLE STORK ROOMS TO RENT! Thk lar"e and beautiful store room for merly occupied by Bearohardt liros., is for rent. The building is two skmius nw". .'round with a large and dry cellar. Depth nfntnrp room 110 feet: width, 25 feet. It is elegantly finished, aud arranged lor Drv Goods and Groceries ; and considering .t... ...i.-.mi.i.riK nt thn oration in tne ceu- l n u i -1 . . . . - - of the most desira- tUl V 1 UUJI xw, ble places in town. ALSO, TO RENT. TWO STORE ROOMS in my new four- room block on Main street, between the public Square and the Court House, iwo Ixiin" already occupied, The block (66x 90 feet) is two siories high above ground, divided into four distinct suits, six rooms, (includfng cellar), in each suit. The store rooms on the irround floor.are large enough for merchant doing a medium business, are handsomely finished and most conveniently arranged in respect to warming, lighting, v-ntillating, aud access to the upper rooms (4 in number), which may be used either for a small family, for storage, or for sub- renting A sepanne uuut cuncw ii M. DAVIS, Firnitie Dealer upholsterer, AND UNDERTAKER. FINE WALNUT SUITS, - W Cottage Suits, 20, 25 and$30 Wotbb Wire Mattresses, $7.50, Gas fixtures ice will oc- of the suits of the block after the A Question to the Point. Richmond Dispatch (Deni). nM ..... ti mm nSxrm voters in this 1 MCir iiir " O ----- Vii.A.iAiitlis. if not more, of them i...lo.Ml lv white men. Nine-tenths til V V'li I ' .7 s. ..e si.o. will mta for Blaine. Could an a vivsas " - . V . v. t I ijsi-i i mill !14W for better proot than .i.:. .r.i.. r.nt tii it thA Memo is as free ... .'.it. llol'A MS the white ui in is in any I. f W W ssvs ---- . . . . a .1 I I i.I.iii AH c easing the accommodations for the in- Northern city T VVeasK tue 'SmS me of either race : that he was in favor Journal if it wm name oue to u in ex of"5einS theS'tbr both races; and England where the white men would feel oi luciwo.-a '.. , f t trnket which their em- aud that nis pian o nvn . Ub - - . . a new asylum at. Morgan ton for white plovers did not want them to xote T peoide aud one at Goldsboro tor colored neonie. out iu uuuu t.nv 1Q m ; .i - ... r i. r ,, I p,nivviTTi. Aneust It. the contin- SC w55 hwMbn for th. MHomAtitn " Jime mo, TS to L State b, U.Ti.g tl.i. ....oilier Uin-t W one man.ig."nt instead of l.e nao- Ibeooco "PJ""" Sh51S beto rWJtSeS!. . rart plan would have commended itself on the nearly three weeks. 1 he to u ' . . s ,.t i. i.nt ,,). the skv clear. ot economy ro many peopie iuiuuh is vcij from the street .i.i...,i.n,,t The Ex nress Office will oc llliuuzuwu.. . cupy one 1st July. not by any means to the Register), and .i. it 1 , V.iil- h nl r-it hiM iii'ooosed or l 11.11 II Jl . " -! - - advocated such a plan, the "Record as j " ' " ;m;5 lod2i with 14,160,543 be unjust i ' The present numerieal strength of t ., i n-ni 111 l. printed in the Register would THANKS. I am pleased to thank my customers for ii.u inwln of the SDrin-' and Summer and desire to say that no efforts on my part shall be lacking to keep on hand a stock of Goods fully equal to the wants of the community favoring me wun u.e.r Fu The men in my employ are expen i .Amiuitant Sill 1 obliLMUL'. and ever euceo, A-nvu. ? , " ready to serve customers with promptness and politeness. 38:4t. t..tii lire u o him. But Dr. York did not propose members. r Fi.hlUhed Utheonlj Rohnnl for i. ... r l5 1 1873 J Boys in the South nith OAS LIGHT, B"5 U4arAfiTnir. and a first-class BATH rmfroiinie is PEBPAKAT0EY or FIH I8There(is a thoroughly equipped School o ttt van s PTTV Special terms to yonng men of small meani FmC""-"'Ce bihoham. .37:3t,pd. Bingham School, a. C PARLOR SUITS, 35 to 100 CHEAP BEDS, $2.50. FINE LINE OF CARPETS. SewintT Machines Weed and Hartford. W WANTED ! arifSrjSj If All " ,,rm ,rM , ;mP not fiillT OCTUpl' d. Will find It to tbur lOtSTSSt HDDS) BROWXE, Pkks.. W. C. COART, SfcX Total Assets, $710,745.12. A Home Company, Seeking Home Patronage STBONG, PEOMPT, Ssi'l BLE, LI3SHAL. Trm Pnlieies written on Dwellings. Premiums payable One half cash and bal ance in twelve months. J. ALLEN BROWN, Ag., l:6m. Salfsbur. 1. C .f :.!UHT S JiOIAH ECETABLc,PlUS voit ti:k LIVER And all B.ilous Complaint -'rft? i" takr, tc'..i- imrly vreale: nozr.jr u;. I'riwascto. All Itt-asjdat. SAVE YOUR FRUIT ! Scarf's Fruit Preservative ! Without the use of Scaled Cans. The CHEAPEST and ONLY SURE KIND KNOWN. Perkfxtlt Harmless. Call and try it. At ENNISS' Drco Stoke l:tf. NOTICE! There a meeting of the Stock holder rff the Western N. C. Railroad C. :.! panv in Salisbury, N. C, on Tuesday tha 25t li June, 1884." By order of the Presi dent. Geo. P. Kk win. -e'y & Titm Salisbury, N. C. Maj 21, 1864. fc - - :1a

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