The fl 1 Larolma o i 1 tvi o BBS. 1 m XV.-TEIRB SERIES SALISBURY. H. C, SEPTEMBER 4, 13&. 90 47 sssM 1 ssm 1 M ssH I bsV IB H n sm Jepvbucan- puotest. dad BepuUiean n.h, Arraiqned by the hide- Blarv 'uicans of Massacliu- have hoped that the party, which was I Mt. Vernon, N. C, Aug. 4, 1884, s I x ; a : . . I I ?. greai? "V"1, craaPae Dear Watchman: irom t n e control ot the men who had peni setts. degraded it and reasserted its original character. Instead we now see these men promoted and their influence in creased, while under their inspiration tlx. nnrtv funis its MM nni mum an1 In i i... Rpnnh lean I "! r a 1 i issued uy i , i i piace oi declarations ana unmaniy ap- Bostos, August 10. u- in the nublic which lias iust bee" ,w' Hundred, lately !epub- iC i, ,oe One Hundred, Jl the Anti-Blame I ppsm ,rT mescnt their reasons iu. l',nst,,'!Lfinn of Blaine to the Kini trv is certain to make a pro 1 .. founn "" '',,.,, !1S it cons from a lim j - - j Vm Knir com m ittee it i 0f the most anie, rcspeei- tMi lie f i and consiste."1 - . - S.J. it. unqualified indorsement of SevW a tl,e ,(,ida.te represent- honest goveiii- , jficant, coming as it does, just ahcious social scau- his ene- mg gieni most in da!9 had ken resorted tc- ffllta- THE INDEPENDENT A DUKE. t Trtls BLICAN past of that hat weare 4 m a. jaiK.---r I in our bee or in 1 essiof when s 'en and s name lancet if-pub We are toW fliat party is glorious refore bound to L.. .n-rlav. We yit at lis irreut aci Motion to its pru the lesson of iU PJf8t iU princFIc!j areltban 40ne cannot CMmand Thp nuestion ;s not wb jican partitas done, but what it will L. not what it was, but what it U ; not whether Lincoln and beward and Sumner and Andrew and Stanton and Fessenden were greaynen and leaden- but whether Blaine and Robeson and Keifer and Elkfns and Clayton and Kellogg are men to whom we can safely confide the future of our coun try. For many years corruption in high offices has bten conspicuous. It has shown itself in every department of the public service. W e have seen a Vice President driven into private life by proof of personal dishonesty ; a Secretary of War impeached for par ticipation in felony ; a Secretary of the Navv charged with corrupt practices ' and leaving office under a cloud of luspiciou, only to appear as a Repub lican leader in the House of Repre aentatives ; a Secretary of the Interior forced from his office by cWtrCs af fecting his personal and officii char acter; an Attorney Genera1lAnpro miswl bv evidence of nettv il jJs.We j , : . have not forgotten Colfax and riel knap and Delano and Williams. RECORDS OF REPUBLICAN JOBBERY. In the Treasury Department we have seen prominent officers implica ted in Sanborn contracts and suspect ed of complicity in the gigantic con spiracy to defraud the revenue know m the " Whisky Ring" and the Pri vate Secretary of the President indict ed as a conspirator, while the Minis ter who sought to punish the criminals was dismissed from office. In the Post Office department we have seen an Assistent Secretary conspiring with Senators of the United States in "Star rout" frauds and the conspirators boldly defying the government, which was powerless to secure justice in its own capital city. We have seen the last Republican Speaker disgraced by proof that he had shamefully abused his appointing power, and in face of this evidence, whioh has destroyed the confidence of his constituents, again the chosen candidate of the Republi can party for the same high office. In the Signal Service we have seen a Superintendent, in the Treasury De partment a chief clerk and in other departments trusted officers guilfy of stealing t he-public money. We have wen the guilty protected, but we have vet to see them punished. We have peals to a prejudice, seeks to secure votes only to perpetuate the power of its managers and not to advance the prosperity of the country. WHY BLAINE IS OPPOSED Its candidate for President is a man Lcharged with the basest of public crimes the abuse of official power for his own pecuniary advantage who for eight years has never dared to demand that full investigation of the charges which his political associ ates would gladly have accorded and by which alone those charges can be met. Upon the evidence already pro duced we believe him guilty, and we know that many of his prominent supporters share our belief. Their declarations before his nomination, their silence or their guarded language in pubthrd dresses since, are conclu sive evidence of this. He ie convict ed by his own statements of deliberate falsehood on the most solemn occasion. The men who iu the past have dis graced the Republican party are uni ted in his support and admitted to a controlling influence in the conduct of his campaign, while ot the honest men who are joined Jwith these, the leaders are largely either holders of or candidates for public office, who urge their fellow-citizens to follow them more to preserve the party than because they approve its, chief. In fine, the Republican parly has to-day no policy which it dares to avow and a leader whom it cannot defend. At this very moment it forms an alliance in West Virginia with the advocates of dishonest money ; in Washington political assessments are attempted You and I, old fellow, will have to lay our cracked fiddles up on a high shelf, for good and all. The young men will now assume control of affairs. Young Messrs. Cleveland and Scales, (I do hope and pray not young Mes srs. Blaine and York,) are mounting the driver's seat and snatching for the lines of the National and State omni- Raffs from all tbe World. Few people are aware that more titan half the rags used iu the manufacture of paper in the United States are drawn from foreign countries. In the last fiscal year there were thus imported 151,000, 00t pounds of old papers, rope, bagging and other paper stock, or a total of 220, 000,000 pounds. About 100,000,000 pounds of this stock came from England, though much of that amonpt was not produced STANDS AT THE HEAD- Jh Sheppard. I. A. Swink. .T.M.lMourc c. KLUTTZ'S WAREHOUSE For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco Salisbury, Mrth Carolina, THE LIOUT-KCNSING DOMESTIC." That it is the acknowledged Leader is a bus. We'll help 'em up on tbe high there but was brought originally from cushion and Ijand 'em the strings and other quarters of tbe world. The value the whip ; and then, if they drive to of all the foreign rags, &c., imported into the devil we wont have anything to the United United States averages $5, do hereon the ground but stare at 500,000 a year; and when we consider 'em and pray for 'em to be turned that the total exports of paper and sta aside by timely accident into the lucky tionary of all kinds from this country are harbor of purgatory. but $1,500,000 per annum, what has been Well, it's about time we old fogies 80 frequently said by the Bulletin about had a rest. It is now in the best of the importance of our home market for order for us to take a nap or go on a manufactured goods will be better appra iser snrce. Let's make a vacation trip dated. down to Beativoir. Miss., and ero a- Chiffoniers with their baes and pokers fact t,,at cannot be disputed fishing with a very gray gentleman by overhaul all the ash heaps and dust bar- j r v y TlfTT ITp T'P the name of Davis. Wouldn t you ra 0f the large cities like Boston aud fAXTl? 17 enjoy a release from your printing New York, and remove every scrap of re- ofhee orison and chatting with that fnse which can be possibly utilized. In , 1 he Largest Armed. antediluvian coon from whom tbe I tie COUnti v districts pedlers and rag col- present superior differentiated 'species lectors are generally indefatigable. And j are evolufed ? We ll try aird get rro- vet great is the consumption of paper fessors Agassiz and Huxley and Kerr in tlti United States that we not only use to go alone, and we'll examine and up au o( oor ouj rngeg but pay tlte peo- pat his curious old fossil bones till pie cf foreign nations $5,500,000 per an- we're satisfied. ,,um for a portion of theirs. The largo Conic to set it in the blaze of my 8Ubstitution of wood pulp in place of rages everlasting old electrical light of his- ag a pnper material in this couutry of tory, this "new departure is aoout ate years is all that has saved our paper right. Adam was only a baby when makers from much inconveuience iu se he took charge of Eden. Noah was a cul.jng materials. As it is, good rags are mere stripling when he bid his sailors jligier to-day in spite of the prevalent cut the ark's mooring cables for a good dauneM than raw materia lin most other FARMER'S REMEMBER KLUTT'S WAREHOUSE has sold THREE FOURTHS of all the Tobacco sold on this market this season, and can show the highest averages for crops and a general average second to noue in the State for the same grades of Tobacco. Kluttz's Warehouse Is the BEST LIGHTED, BEST ARRANGED and the only house in tlte place that has STORAGE ROOM FOR PLANTER'S TOBACCO. If you want the HIGHEST PRICES for your Tobacco sell at KLUTTZ'S WAREHOUSE where you will always find a full turn-out of anxious buyers. JOHN SHEPPARD, the Champion Tobacco Auctioneer op Westers NONE EQUAL IT. North Carolina, has orders for Tobaccos and will pay HIGHEST PRICES for all grades from the Ground Leaves to Fancy Lemon Wrappers. DAILY SA.1L.ES. HIGHEST PRICES GUARANTEED. Your friends truly, SHEPPARD, iSWINK & MONROE. Salisbury, N. C, June 4th, 1S84. The Lightest Running. Tbe Most Beautiful Wood Work WD IS WARRANTED To be made of the best material. To do auy aud all kinds of work. To be complete in every respect. Agents wanted in unoccupied territory. Address, DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., Richmond, Va. under disguise. PARTY REFORM HOPELESS. It is idle to hope that, with such lead ership, the abuses of the past can be cor rected or the party reformed. Under tbe influences which now dominate its coun sels the tendency must be downward ; r and there is no clearer proof that this tendency exists than the factihat honest men are found ready to tolerate and ex cuse offenses which a few years ago would have made tlte offender infamous. We see in increasing fideWty to party great dan gers to our government, arid it is an omen of disaster when this fidelity leads men long float. David was a "wee bit of brancheg of trade. a tinesey Wmesey teller when ne floored Uoliath. rioorah lor me r ing generation ! Well, now if the Younff men are 7 - - - w wise and smart enough to manage all the fools and rascals and "scentorifer- ous black men" in this country, why, bless their dear soals, they are the boys to do it. We old-timed loggerheads can't do it no how. Let 'em try their hand. Their daddies will be mighty proud of 'em, should they succeed. Some folks have been objecting to the young men. Now, would you have thought it possible they could have had the effrontery to do it? Who fight our battles? Who marry theeirls? Who build our railways and factories and make all the money? Who, my friend, but the redoubtable ouns America ? And ain't we proud of him ? And ain't this all we have got to say to hi in : Go sorter slow, boy ; your dad- For sale by KLUTTZ '84 36:ly. & RENDLEMAN, Salisbury, N. C. PARSONS I PURGATIVE nil I O MS7 PILLS of character and position to throw men b(?en throug1 tbere ong ago; influence in favor of honesty and to mis- ,,.-rnnU niui gamll,ars were nretty lead their fellow-citizens by misrepresent ing tbe facts and obscuring the issue. The fascination of tbe name "Republican" has made men blind of offenses which otbet wisetbey would coudemn. It is ouv imperative duty, therefore, to disregard tbe appeals to party spirit, which in tbe language of Washington, it is "the inter est and duty of a wise people to discour age aud restrain," aud to consider bow best we cau stay tlte progress of corrup tion in tbe govarnment of our country. (partisan or honest government. Leaving to Congress tbe great questions of oolicv. which must be questions of i;aiatiti mid rpserviuir the rijgbt to fe ' 0 vote in Congressional elections for such men as represents our opinion on these questions, intending in tbe State to vote iu tbe future as we have in tbe past, we See in tbe Presidential contest a simple issue. Out platform is tbe single priuci ! nnnu Imfc men of proved iuteuri- IIU VIV tv should be supported for public and that the use of official power for per sonal ends is a breach of trust, which .l.nnl.1 iliftnmilifv for the public service thick ; and he had to crai. look out for a E, P. H. a Widkima The Sunrente Court of Iowa recently rendered a decision which embodies a world of truth and warning that should interest every young woman io the land. A wife had made applica tion for a divorce on the ground that her husband was a couflrmed drunkard, when the evideuce showed that she had knowl edge of his intemperate habits before she had manied him. In refusing tbe peti tion the judge said : "You voluntarily chose a drunkard for a husband, and you should discbarge tbe duties of a diunk ard's wife. His failure to keep a pledge of reformation beforo marriage does not T f .M iustify vou in deserting mm. nimug knowingly married a drunkard you muse make Yourself content with the saercu w m m relationship." Hard on the wives oi drunkards. But let ns hope it will be a warning to those who are so conceited as to believe they can reform husDantis when lovers defy their appeals. Noble and self-saved is the girl who refuses the hand of a drunkard ! Dignified and Magnificent. And Mighty Fond of Brandy. NORTH CAROLINA, Rowan County, June 5th, '84. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. At the Court House door in Salisbury, on Monday the 4th day of August, 1884, I will sell that valuable plantation formerly own- ed by George Uattble, situated nve mues south of Salisbury adjoining the nimer Mine land, and the land of David Eller and others, containing 185 acres. This land has a number of GOLD VEINS on it, and is believed to be rich in minerals. Terras of sale. One half of the purchase money will be required as soon as the sale is confirmed, and a credit of 6 months, with interest at eight per cent from day of sale will be allowed for the other half. By order of Court, J. M. HORAH, Clerk Superior Court, Rowan Co. 35: lm. And will completely change the blood In the entire system In three months. Anjr penon who will take lfU each night from 1 to IS weeks, may he restored to I mind health. If inch a't h in pr he possible. For Female Complaints these Pills have no equal Physicians use them for Uic t are of LIVER and KIDNEY diseases. Sold everywhere,, or sent by mail for 25c. in stamps. Circulars free. I. S. Jull.ssos CO-, notion. Uau. . Croup. Asthma, BronehtUs, Neural gia. Rheumatism. JollNrioN ANO DYNE LINIMENT (or liitrrual and Aif.rwsl Cm) will fti.tMiitanronitly reucri- Um-w trrrlMst dnciiM. suJ Mill puklurely cure nine tases out of tt'ii. Information thai will are mavy livos hoi 1 1 frrf by mall. Ilrm't dvlajr s ovucitU l'revuutuui ii betlrr Utsu cure. ntss. Diseases JOHNSON'S ANODYNE LINIMENT CVRES Influent. Bfetdhw at thp T.nnir llnsrS Iscascs of ths Spine. Sold everywhere. Circulars free. 1. S. JOHNSON a CO., Boston. Mass. MAKE HENS LAY Tt is a well-known fact tt nwf of Hie Horse and Cattle Powder sold in this coun try is worthless: that Sheridan's Condition Powder is absolute'y pure and very-valuable. Nothing on Earth will make hens lay like Sheridan's Condition Fow- J TV., t.a.nAAnril tn asoh mint tf food. It will also positively prevent ani cure Hr Cholera, Ac. Sold everywhere, or bv mall fbr e t UIMPSI S-tUS-al I7D A simp. KnrnUhiinlar?eean,price1.00;!.r' X CHICKEN CHOLERA, Icircuiarsfres. 1. S. JOttSSON A CO., ttoaiuu, Mess. , Dec. 20, 1SS3 10:ly the Re- tbose who are guilty of it. A party nota een the whole patronage of the ietl- .nation which violates this principle prn nrrti'urMn,n.. ... .l .-I.. I mnct iwr milv forfeit our SUOnOl'l, bill 111 b IIIIICIIl UJ"CIII IU ..... . port a leader in Virginia whose prin- cur our unswerving opposition. By cipje is repudiation and whose nielli- nomination of James G. Hlaiue the ods violate every rule of political mor- publican party has thrown down the '")'. e have een the public bus- gauntlet for partisan government, in i .i i ll Democrtic party answers tne cuanengc. 11 lervice sneered at and politic al as- Its candidate is the acknowledged ettam- sessments levied in defiance of party pion of reform and political honesty, i ne Promises and mil.lw ntuninn until tlioi ioan. ia tlma ioincd .' The leatlers are vim iiiiiii i notiv I? j ave of ponular indirrnatibn forced a raun-sentative men, the foremost of their reluctant Congress to inaugurate re- kind, and we cannot for an instant hesl- form. The evils of a-debaseil curren- tate in our choice or doubt what the true cy have been disregarded ; our navy interests of our country demand. We do J a monument of maladministration : not ally ourselves with the Democratic lhe surplus, with all its tern u tat ions Mn v. still less saudiou or approve its to extravagance, remains substantially p;,8t, but its present candidate has prov ed his fidelity to tbe principles we avow an. lin the election he commands aud will receive our support. AIA. URGED TO SUPPORT CLEVELAND. For these reasons we orge all our fel- unaiminisbpd party honoring men who Idegrad- ED IT. Finally, we ha e seen the party re- 'yUlg for its COntiuunnM in iuitvpr nut Harper's Drawer. Auotber new anecdote of Daniel Web ster is recorded here merely to illustrate bis unfailing dignity of manner and the magnificence of his liberality in common things. Journeying once from New York to Boston in the cars, he occupied a seat with a gentleman, who relates the story, to whom he said not a word until the train was approaching New Haven. Turn ing to him then, in his profoundest voice he asked. "Can you tell me, sir, of any place in New Haven where I can get a glass of first-rate brandy t I am not feel ing well." His companion did happen to know a little bouse opposite the station, famous in those days to the iuitiated, where tho unadulterated could be bad, and it being without sign, he told his i: qnirer how to find it to cuter the door and go up stairs to the little front room, and ask for a glass of brandy. And stay ! tell tbe man to give it you out of the black bottle un der the counter." Tbere was not mnch time to loss, but Webster found the place, and mounting to the little room, astonished the keeper by the raaguificent depth of tone and air of authority with which he asked fon a glass of brandy, aud that, too, without delay. "And stop, sir," said tne states man, slowly raising his band and point- inrr Ilia eloouent finder : 'I waut it from "c "a that black bottle under the counter." The awed keeper obeyed. The great man poured out a nearly full tumbler, poured it down with expanding satisfac tiou. threw a bill on the counter, and turned to descend. Results of a Bolt of Lightning. Last Thursday afternoon, about half an hour after the storm, Mrs. H M Sossaman, who lives at Wadsworth's farm farm, near the citv, was knocked down and Be verly stunned by the concussion of a bolt of lightning thnt struck a tree near her. She was standiug on the front porch; the rain had ceased, the sun was sinning and a single black cloud was seen floating in the skies. As it neared tbe bouse, a vivid flash of lightning descended and struck a large cedar tree in tne iraui yard. The tree was snivereu l"" i. aiilintPi R were cast in all duec- tions. Several ot tne spnuic.o Mrs. Sossamon. The shock stunned her and she fell inseusible to the floor. It was several hours before she regained con sciousness and it was only yesterdaj that she was aids to leave her bed. Mr. YV il more, the Bible ageut, who was in the house at the time was severely atanuwl, but was out next morning. Charlotte Obterver. Tornado and Fire Insurance. THE HOME INSURANCE CO. of N. Y. Capital $1,000,000. CaiOi AiatU Is now prepared to Insure property not only against tire but against loss or dam age by Wind Storms, Cyclones or Torna does. Rates reasonable. Policies written one to five years. One-half cash and bal ance in twelve months. For further particulars apply to J. ALLEN BROWN, Agt. Salisbury, N. C. May 30, 1884 -2m VALUABLE STORE ROOMS mm PACE'S WAREHOUSE ! UNION STEET, - - - DANVILLE, VA Is now opened and ready for business. We have one of the LARGEST and most COMPLETE Warehouse ever built. FOR THE S AJ,E OF LEAF TOBACCO in the best leaf market in the United States. A. Trial Iw Va.ll We Pace Bros: & Co. PBOFRS. fPronipt returns and close personal attention to consignments. Correspondence Solicited. The Charlotte Obterver relates witii evident pride and pleasure, that New combe Brothers of that city have rigged up a steam saw machine to go through the TO RENT ! The large and beautiful store room for merly occupied by Bearnhardt Bros., is for rent. Tne Uiuiuing is two .' around with a large and dry cellar. Depth of store loom 110 feet ; width, 25 feet. It iselcantlv finished, anU ariangeu iur nrv a.,nlaand Groceries; and considering the advantages of the location in the cen ter of business, is one ot the most desira ble places in town. ALSO, TO RENT. two KTORP. ROOMS in my new lour- X ?T V " - . . . . .!. I lie M. DAVIS, FuTIlituTB M8F, Upholsterer, AND UNDERTAKER. FINE WALNUT SUITS, 559 Cottage Suits, 20, 25 and$30 Woven Wire Mattresses, $7 AO, m .V 1 a i -..' l.r..L- vnnl nml cut ui l Alain street, oetwecii City IO BTcrj hisii o " j- room unn-v 7 Li.fir.woo.1. A cord of ooU operated pubHc and the Court House two . .ix.or mmm enSie .nd . SSt,,1! . I saw is ouieuiv wmw' towards freedom for the white man low citizens to unite witli us 111 our enons to secure the election of Governor Cleve iml to nrtriinize hi their respective I - - HUI . tiunio L.J M L VII I, ...... c) out to enCMIMffa ll t ncn m Iclii 1 - ro I m i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nods, that the vote of Mnssa- OrHr.v it... ..I .1. , ... I.. V..f.mli.l' r.,i. "oi mnr I mm ir 1 . . . . t .. .. . I a ni.t ra mni w r iu nuitiiiwi , u , u t i ucil tUU II I IJ Orwin""" o expfnse, they miirht be furnished with honest government. 011 ts own achievements, but on the Mistakes of its opponent, and we have icon I , 1 . lis leaders not seek me to prevent. ar... . fevnuefl sior their continuance in jwer. We have seen all these things J ,,ave oeen told that the party must preformed from within: that onr , ' '""' la.v m its caucuses and con "Unions. We challenge the State on Irish pota toes. Last Monday Rev. J. R. Littleton of this town, had dug from his potato patch au Irish potato weighing 3i ponuds. for voars uu Imvo v Utdnd rhiA scciiis incredible, but it cau be prov- 0 I'ns advice ami have stuiglcd ed $ a u umber of reliable witnesses, and against the men who have soiiglit to I we are one of them. From this patch be se the party for base personal ends, realized 50 bushels from 2i bushels plant- meswe have them beaten, aud'ed.-Tie SMfjObterrer. 'Ston. sir." cried the mail "your change." Webster turned with portentous soletn uitv nnd in the tone that often thrilled j the Senate exclaimed : "No, sir ! A man who gives a glass of brandy like that to a thirsty traveller should nsver give change for a dollar." -When the astonished bar-keeper rela ted the incident, he learned who his im posing customer was. Cuue for a Cough. A strong decoc tion of the leaves of pine, sweetened with loaf sugar. Take a wine glass warm on Another step mlf that sucked two cows ; servatiou I made was the more he sucked tbe greater calf he grew." ftft fret i divided into four distinct suits, six rooms, (including cellar), in each suit The store Lmi on the craund floor.are large enough .l - - Kimillim KncinftcA :irr . . f nHni.inT riiiiiiir :i iiiii a i u ill w Sir Win. B. being at a pansn ...cC....b 7- ,. mnst -.mvenient v . , . aitiii i 1 v 1 ian.ii made some proposals which were object- ' .in 1 in reSpect to wanning, lighting, ed to by a farmer. Highly enraged, "Sir," ventiUating, aud access to the upper rooms .n l, to the farmer, "do you know tliat 1 (4 , number), wntc 1 .... r h7ve bn to two univerities, nnd two col- for a small W, 7be leges in each university f1 "Well, sir, ,",r1-om8 tr'om tho street. Gas fixtures a. fo..Ar lmt ot tliatT 1 uau a T ie Ex uress umce i" MIIU lilt lillinv.., " IUIUUSUVM " . ' ,. . , I I ..I. ..-t.,ntl.n the ob- ,,ne nf t 10 suits OI Uie uiuciv . - - 1 I.UI" 1st July. THANKS. t iorl tn thank niv customers for 1 (i 1 11 IIILU7V.V. , 1 1 a. rt t 11 Dili 111 l: "- From Dublin is reponea to sa y that no efforts on my part .tr.- f i liniieas eatinn lier own . ,, ... !,, ,n l-pph on hand a sioch. "j j ... 1 siian Lt , i.v ..... , . PARLOR SUITS, 35 to 100 CHEAP BEDS, $2.50. FINE LINE OF CARPETS. Sewinc Machines Weed and Hartford. Uir Tour.iilinirftlSherrantl other., whs time-is not fall JJM.J' to eonMposd with us, Tofun'jou. .nd '"7JZZttmitmWtti oaow many iuivuun.. -------- , Main Street, ttltlu.a, verm, to B. r tail. One day she removed twelve incnes wf Goods fully equal to tne wants a -of it, and, though efforts were made to nity 2 heal the bleeding stun.p, the lioness con- ass Tht meu m .J and cver tinued to eat the tail until it had almost entirely disappeared. One of the lore then attacked, aud it was oe- pis n Q n " lhrretl that tbe operation self-destruction. would end in rainf to lied, and half an hour before eat- i delegates. . i 1 churches are invited, ing, three times a day. Tbe 8th anunal State Couveutiou of the Youug Men's Christian Association will be hefd at Greensboro, N. C, September 12th, 13tti and 14th, at ten o'clock, a. m., closiugon Suuday tbe 14th, with a farewell address. Tbe Association at Greensboro extends a cordial iuvitatiou to allAsso-i ctatious, each beiug entitled to send three . . . B 9 Pastors of all Evangelical .r..o.l enniuetent :r..l tn serve customers with promptness and politeness. R- J- HOLMES 3S:4t. Wright s Indian if ecetaw-ePois FOB THC la 8 V E R r And &I1 3 I ious Complaints Knit? to t.tU-. Ik'.5 ir-ly ve5pi-ile: no frns litg. i'rice iieu. Ail OrHCOsSs. mvi hi Established istheonly I u.i i r... n ncnuui IUI U 1 1873 i Boys in i tirst-c la and s tirst-iliss BA1H the South v.ith GAS LIGHT, GYMNASIUM Tbe"n i. PREPARATORY or FIH- jeeTlTri SJ,B,f' . 1.1- tt.,innel School of There is a i mn j mTT rn.P A PTTV Special terms to young men n...-. ISlst Session begins July 30th. For Catalogue, ldre?s. Maj.R BINGHAM, 37:3t:Pd. Bingham School, M . t u i : aa vm, pres.. w. Total Assets, $710,745.2. A Home Company, Seeking Home Patronage. STRONG, PSOMPT, RELIABLE, LIBERAL. Tprm Policies written on Dwellings. Premiums payable One halfcash and bal ance in twelve months. J. ALLEN BROWN, Agt., I:G.ii. Salis'.ur- N. C. SAVE YOUR FRUIT ! e Scarf's Fruit Preservative ! Without the use of Sealed Cans. The CHEAPEST and ONLY SURE KINr KNOWN. Perfectlt Harmless. Call and try it. At ENNISS' Drco SToaa. l:tf. NOTICE! There will be a meeting of, tbe StocV holder oTflie Western N. C Railroad C pany in Saflsburv, N. C, oa Tuesds 25th June, 1884." Bv order of the Pie i ,Pi,t F.o. P. Ki! win S s'j V TrSa Sslisbury, N. C, Ma 21, l8tJ4, 9 I

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