' .v . - ' - - t '- -.- '..-A . V' " '- .'' ' -; ' A ... " V- tsSL;,- - - ft i . - I Carolina Watchman. THURSDAY, SEPT. 4, 1684. ational Oeiiiori af c Ticket. Foil PbKjJIDENT, OROVER CLEVELAND, OF 1TEW YOBK. Fob Vice Pbebidenx, THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, OF INDIANA. FOB ELECTORS AT LARGE : W. tt: KITCHIN, v JOHN N. STAPLES. DIIOCBATIcJtaTE MKT. rOR OOVKKKOtt, ALFRED M. SCALES, or ocilFord. FOB I.JKVTEN ANT GOVEKKOR, "'CHARLES M. STEDMAN, OF NEW HAKOVEK. rOR HECRETART or 8TATK, WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, or ORAKOE. rOR TREASURER, DONALD W. BAIN, or WAKE. fOR ATTOKNKY GENERAL, THEOiiORE P. DAVIDSON, Or BtJXCOUBE. rOR AUDITOR. WILLIAM P. ROBERTS. Or GATES. FOR suf't or public instructioe, 8. 31. FINGER, Or CATAWBA. VOB ASSOCIATE CSTICK SUPREME COURT, AUGUSTUS 8. MERRIMON, or WAKE. rOR ELECTOR, 7tII DISTRICT : R. C. PURYEAR, of Yadkin. CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION The delegates of Rowan County to the 7th Democratic Congressional District Conreution held on 7th Aug. are heieby notified that, in consequence of the decli nation of Kerr Craige, Esq., the nominee f said Convention, the Democratic Con gressional Executive Committee have called another Convention, consisting of the old delegates appointed heretofore to tha Convention on the 7th of Aug. to saeet In SALISBURY on the 9TH of SEPTEMBER 1884, to nominate another candidate. L. H. CLEMENT, of tha 7th Deiu. Cong. District Committee. Senator Vanck w ill apeak at Winston next Saturday, the 6th instant. The prahibitiouists of Michigan are iu motion and will probably make a State Ticket and support St. John. Big Time To-Day. At Shelby, where there is a barbecue given aud Senators Vance, Wade Hampton, Captain Kitchen, 0. Coke and Col. W. H. H. Cowles are expected. The anti-monopolists and Greenback -era of Illinois have agreed on a fusion ticket with the Butlerites aud will come before the people of that stction as "the people's party." The election in Vermont on the 2d, hows a large falliirgff Of the republican vote, (2,660), the democrats showing a loss of KB. The lepublicuu representa tives is greater iu number thau iu 1480. Tha Connecticut Democracy have re nomi usted Thos. M. Waller for Governor of tha State. The New Hampshire Republicans in convention endorse Blaine and Logan, and nominate a State ticket. It i worthy of remark that the demo crats of almost every place visited by Gen. Scales turn out by hundreds to es cort the Geuei al to his quarters. He had a ueonted escort of 300 at Shelby, on Monday. No honors were paid to Mr. York, though both arrived there ou the trauiv The Massachusetts Democracy were iu Cod vent ion in Worcester, on the 3d iast., for the purpose of nominating a State Hcket. Wm. C Eudicott, of Salem, was nominated for Governor. There was con siderable enrtajsjasm iu the Oonveotion. Every MM'mron xif Cleveland was cheered. The republican convention of this State has nominated Geo. D. Robinson, . for Governor. The people o!' this country have taken t into theirtieads to turn out of office the rascals who have beeu plundering the public treasury by all sorts of jobbery, and ridiug rough shod over them by their revenue officers, and you may not be sur prised to hear them cry out ruin, ruin. The only rain threatened is turning out dishonest radicals aud putting in men iu Whom the people have faith and confi dence. Covrerfeadeuts tell us that the discus- aiou at Concord, last Friday, passed off fluietly, and thai lor behaved himself rery well. He certainly had room to improve and it is pleasant to nscord good nf him. y the way, k is reported that a con li ft) wae-held here of the magnates of the jrty ,aM Thnreday night at a late hour, iu which the candidate's methods were idfecuased. Whether or not the caudi- date's improvciiicnt in manners at Con- lord wastfie result of the meeting allud ed to is not positively Id.wwii : it is to be hoped it was. The cholera in Italy and France is Jowly 'dying our. From present iudica lkm4t a iiJ s;..ii have finished its course.. "Bourbon Methods in North Car- olinfl. 1 " 1 "ArMtd Democrat Thrtatcn the Republi can Candidate for Governor Sot fright tned hy Their Thrtals." Vy Ttltgrapk to the Sem Tort Tribune. Osecnsboko, N. C, Aug. 23. A disturbance wok pce rtuil uk the d.scusswoa at Salisbury yesterday between Gen. bcaiea (oeui.) and Or. Vrk Utep. caudlda tea lor Governor., oeneral Scalets was met by about ISO horseiuea, who acted as an escort and remained mounted, rtdlog amid tUe crowd. It soon became evident Uat trouole wan brewing. WneJ nKcurreu bS'ci mach excitement. In nls rejoinder Gen. Scales made an appeal to the preioice of Ue pwplf, awlbasteoi wounds received in the Wiuerate cause, or. ront retonea inai d mu uwrawmc one aj the bat nanus TT" " not inve nis auinoniy ae was u nui uuu Several Democrats crowded upon tbe stand, exnio- some time ttae excitement was intense. Banners wltn cievclaad's picture were snaxen arotura uv V2L"F2E!? vYxexnlbUed great eoolnesa, and denounced tne proceeding as rcmeunateu ami ub " I ..m Kut trtn onwnmiv rn kiu nim 'inere was uu hlnndahAd ' H i V, WW WW . I The Writer of the above paragraph starts out with a false statement, to wit : "Armed Democrats thicatew the Repub lican candidate' There was nothing of the kind done here nothing that bore the semblance of such conduct. It is to tally false. The only weapon seen ou that day was in the breast pocket of a ItenuUlican. who was pointed out to a Rmil.lu.aii Sfnrnr. who failed to have . I , . , .., ..... i. lum arrested. "Geu. Scales was met b3 auoui too noraenicii, cc. o I . . i n u ... n... bv 387 by actual count, not including nAn.nifan ami those in humifies aud car- uiaMmnMlnU.nnteil. ridinsHtw i' - neighborhood of the V 7 "7 . Z anno tne crou. x ins i mwe. v o became evident that trouble was brew-1 inc." This is false. There was never a letter hnmoied croxvd drawn toeetber. I .... , 1 "A ngut occuneti iu tne street msmr UJ I which caused much excitement. A Uglit I did oeenr. but to av it caused much ex- citenteut is untrue. "Severn) Democrats , ,..,.: croueo ,.pon u.e .,..,..., tols." False m toto. "Shouting, down with him." Pa I se again uo such words this pistol pointing at Robbins, aud no were uttered. "For sometime the excite-1 body to hold him! After a moment or two meat was intense." Yes, for sometime , ... less man a minute, peruaps. -nuiiners "Banners with Cleveland's picture were shaken around Dts York and near Irs face." i There were a good many ami pictures on ine grounu ami at tne . , m. . I stand aLd it may lie they were offensive I toDr. York, but they were neither brought ...... .,a.i ..- i. ........a.. . ah i lit. I x. Bil not u I VI i i n I i pill ' lall UIO 1 1 enorts to proccwi were mane useless iy jells." Yes, so long as he continued his abusive language the iudiguaut people rM.,r.d it itl. .!.... vlu..lr nrm.t. u. aa vv ff III M Vlllldi'l 4iinni 1 ! Illll I eu aura, a uiuuu ui nu. intiig ..uuui mm, a mr , 111 I but it is very likely that his signal defeat in the discussiou wruuii; froui hir.i tiie I fl.. annla "m-iWdifiit il" ami Wivl : , ,. .V , ... ... .. eiHKiii iK'iiii uut Hnicunuiiio 10 kiu mm. . . . Nobody wanted to kill him. A bragado- cio himself a mouthy, uupiinciplctl dem- amnrue. he had the reeeotion he deserved " ' .1.... i .i liiilt iiuu iioiiuii" iiiiiib. i - .. . . . ...... I he following trom the Kaleigl. ieir- Observer shows into what channels the Republicans are attempting to drift the campaign 'The imputation made bv Dr.York on Gen. Scales at Salisbury was as lidiculous as it was improper. Gch. Scales went in the war at the beginning with a musket on his shoulder: was elected lieutenant and went up step by step to a brigadier generulcv. No man during those four years of trial established a finer reputa Hon for personal bravery titan Geu. Scales He was cut down at Gettysburg iu tin very jaws of death. How shameful then A? X Mm. It A 1 ior w,a surgeon or rne riome uuarus to impute cowardice iu battle to such a sol .1: i ii 1 1 . oier: now 1 unctuous, ii was 100 low a charge coming from that source to merit even the attention that Gen. Scales gave to it. The whole State would laugh at it, and Dr. York only augments the low opinion that is entertained of him by making such au imputation, and the peo pie will repudiate Dr. York as he deserves to be repudiated. Why should Dr. York have brought forward a charge never be fore uttered by any man ? There could be only one purpose iu view to bring about a collision. It was well calculated to arouse a gallant man like Geu. Scales, to stand up 111 his presence and, before hun .1lilu nl 1 1 1 A ,,1.1 a.kl.li.if tiifei.nt,, ,.,.,.. ...1 . imm t,. i.itu The natural feeling of a man under such provocation would be to answer with a blow. Wc know that Gen. Scabs had that feeling. We know how it was re- strained. We know that he exercised sclf command. But the charge was too , foolish to be treated even as seriously as the Uenernl did treat it. Or. York'a pol icy being to provoke a collision we hope that Geu. Scales will be somewhat ou his guard aud not suffer himself to be drawn into a difficulty that will only play into the bauds of Blaine." POLITICAL SCENE AT SAL ISBURY. Gen. Scale's rejoinder to York's speech last Thursday, created great enthusiasm, aud a crowd of his tiieuds rushed upon the staud aud before he was aware of their intent, lifted him over the railing and carried him on their shoulders. The editor of the Raleigh News and Observer who was present, then proceeds to report, us follows : The Doctor had been a qqie(i spectator of what had taken place. We sat witbJn two ieet ot him, on the stage, and when Scales was makiuir his ebisimr atMwJi which was one of the most effective we ever heard in its effect ou the crowd for the speaker. Dr. York was reuini' himself worked up. He had the appear ance of a man determined to do some thing unusual. His face was percepti bly flushed ; his features enlarged, but yet he seemed very sell-possessed. Beginning .quietly, he said we have all seen such things before; I have seen it betoro ou this canvass. I saw it before with Maj. Bobbins. What has been this speech; what does it amoaut tot Noth ing. Blaine is uo prohibitionist, I sup port him, he beiug an anti. prohibitionists and iu favor ot the laboring wen. He says that York is a man without political principles; and .thai the pr.old au anecdote to illustrate t lt the Democrat ic principles were hard to find out, which received cheers and laughter, lie referred to Fool as having stolen the I'eabody fund and would have stolen the rapitol if he could. He referred to "the drop of Union blood," nd said that Dr. Hackett m:n .have given -Mime such err . tificate, but who was Dr. HackettT He was one l Mie uiijr jhiiks secessiwi- ists in Wilkes, a mail who was iu bad repute nttd who would give any certifi rate that would be of sal van (age to the Democratic party. Dr. Hackett is a good, true and honor able gentleman; no one deserves to staud higher than he does. Ed. N. & 0. Geu. Scales had said he was wounded. Oh yes, lie understood he was wounded the 'in the back of leg ! This caused some laughter, bat on the Wirt of other much indignation. Atones a thrill seemed to ,ss through the peo- plo. General Scales sat immediately behind mwniI;n tn i,5m ftf Verr ii. .-j.... a r... V . .1 ... n 1 C.l , ...! ut. iuik mi um w vciinni nmw niRK;nff sestura said. "Sit down. Gen era! Scales; keep your seat (or words General Scales, however, arose and standing by ihe side of Dr. York the i....v mtk awitad anfil. atter a w j ' IL'estlli eto I tie CrOWU TO O0 Q.U1VI. UV. , , , I M. it X York lied iu his throat when he said I had a wound behind me." The excitement inci eased at this, there being great-shouts of "Hurrah for Scales." ; -w r 1 1 1 a a . B f a. Dr. lot k saiu u nau neam it. General Scales, still standing by Dr. York, said : "Dr. York has said that he heard a man say it. Now if Dr. York is not a coward, a liar aud a scoundrel, he will tell who that man is." The uproar areatlv increased . ,,v 1i tl T UV. I oi'K sa hi : "luucnniuuuj nr. There was then some niiuutes of tre- oitMnt.ut t a , 8tmMi be- fore the stand with liis hand on his plstal ... i . T- - half drawn, showing the butt, and atteu tiii was directed to him, which increatsed stand. This man was the Kepuulican noin!liatet for the senate bv the Kennult aD of Rowan a few days ago Joues by name, perhaps ; a man who frequently get into figlits bat who wuf fosaaj him self iu a ridiculous situation. It was in tl court house at Salisbury. Bobbins was speaking at, tl Jones cetting liuid drew his nistol and leveled it at Bobbins. The e,owd was about to jump hiai when Robbins told them to stop. "Let him ,M-,lwie; glloot Kobbins; "here, 8jloot . aua Jones found himself, with K,e f?"1 hi. piatol up, a quieter and very foolish man. But to return: It was soma time before order was restored ; and even then I . . -v when some one interjected a remark, in lork would ban try words with the au lifiir'M uml null tin-in a limb, and Raid ..IV I X V. M I I ' I -V. ,! - mmm v v - - mm-. mmM tIJ. , fc the b propoaed to take him utf the stump: that they could not take him oft' the stump, and otherwise appealed to seek to mnuence t lie people ' , , , t . ml tn iinf tliptii in t if mi M Ml tn do w in Kvtned to wish them to try. He suit it was the policy of the Democrats to carry the Slate by storm, by violence as at Danville, where they sliot down inuo J . nuiit nut. anal of I itld'i i 111 IllABUftinni VTlb Ily II1IU tl V- ' ' ' i i i saa .n io.m.-wi j-o. Tlinr Win w.mlil li l.etd and lie WOuld rieht matters. "Don't undertake to shout me oft this stump." "I will say t m . a 1 a- i 1 tlllS I tlllS Very CtOWd WOUIU 11 lUey dared do it ; would shoot York right oft I., ,, ., ... i I lie sunup." oucu iuiosb as tnh ncm pwitMi wjth some intermissions. He liowever said "Gen. Scales wants me to say who told me he was shot in the back I... I .!... I t I .1 ......... oi Hie irir. I noil t kiio. i ne.ini buhic . . " . , . , , oiner oovs laiKinu it. i uon t reuivuiuei . That w,,at Dr ackett jiad written about him was as false as hell. Aud then he said to Geu. Scales that the General had mentioned him iu connection with the penitentiary and that was tne occasion of his pcrsounlity. (Gen. Scales1 remark is above stated. Ed. N. & O.) That if Geu. Scales would treat him gentlemanly he would treat Geu. Scales gentlemanly. He continued however jeenug the crowd until his time beiug up, he begged them to vote for whoever thought was the best man aud the scene closed. Up to the time when Dr. York made his imputation of cowardice iu battle ou Gen. Scales, it was a quiet meeting. That stirred Scales' old soldiers greatly and although Dr. York could so easily have said that it was not his purpose to make that charge, he rather stuck to it by say ing that others had told him. Subsequently he apparently sought to provoke the friends of Geu Scales to do some act of violence. There was only one pistol spoken of on the ground, and that was iu the possession of Dr. York's friend. There was nothing said about shooting, and yet Dr. York charged the audience, whom he called a mob, with wishing to shoot him on the stand ; said they would, it they dared, which wus iu itself a dare and a challenge. The Statcsville American. J. J. Mott s lapor, says : There are four negro newspapers in the State against York. This is all light, let them iro for whom thev please. The American stated at the outset of ths pies- cut management that the Bourbons be- fore the coalition did not carry the State without the help of the negro vote. They have always voted a large number ot them West of Raleigh at least. All we ask is that they be allowed to vote as they please, and that the votes of those who do go tor York be counted fair. The only interference with free voting we have ever kuowu here was republicau negroes try ing to scare off those of their color who wauted to vote the Democratic ticket. The counting will be fair. It has rarely been otherwise iu North Carolina. The newspapers are still talking about the cnuabalism of the Greeiy party. Let the next arctic expedition be composed exclusively of those horrified editors who love so well to talk of Greeiy aud his partjj France, ic seems, is uot very blood thirsty tewards China. She will stahd ip the attitude of preparedness for war, and go op working certain Chinese mines until the government is ready to pay the indemnity demanded of her. Cholera. This desease has made its appearance in Spain carried thither by a family from France, There was also a sudden and remarkable increase of cases in Naples ou Sunday, causing much alarm A total of 42 cases w-ero reported. At Geneva it is believed Ihe danger is ever. Cholera is still prevalent in a large num ber of Italian towns. The Republicans have two candidates for Congress in the 4th district of Virgin ia: James D. Brady, internal revenue collector for the 2d district, aud Joseph F Evans, colored. It seems that the col ored man and br. ther is striking for his sl aw t f the honors aud-the spoils. her- self bankrupt. Powkrfll Abuaignmekt. We pub- iah in this issue a reuiukuble dtH-uuietit sent ont by the Independent Republicans of Boston, setting forth tne reasons why hey cannot vote for Blaine and why they have determined to support Mr. Cle vi ¬ and. It is a Uriel recital of many of the disgraceful acts which have shocked ami offeuded the honest members ot the party iu all parts of the country. The reader! who wishes to be well iufornied should read this recital carefully, scut forth as it is by members of the Republicau party alarmed for the safety of our free mstitu tious. "An Ovation" -a "field day" a "grand demonstration" any and all of these term together will hardly convey to the distant reader the honors paid to Gen. Scales by the young aud old Democrats of Rowan ou Thursday last. They were here by the thousands. It was like aii old time general muster a joouaday and ! friends who rarely .. i i i meet grasped each j other's hands with a vigorous, satisfact ory grip, accompanied with congratulato ry words. There is a revival abroad iu Rowan. She is wide awake, aud thouh we hate the word, we must say her De mocracy is boomimj ! That means she is np and roaring, and is bent ou making drift wood of Radicals and "liberals" (if there be any) iu November. But we shall not attempt to report the proceedings of last Thursday. It has already been done in a very satifactory manner by one of our young townsmen, Mr. J. W. Rumple, which report we present on the 4th page of this paper. Read it and refresh the mind of tha grand occasion it describes. Martin Weinberger, a Jew, was hanged for murder at Pittsburg, Pa., Tceaday morning. It is said he is the second Jew ever hanged iu the United States. Egypt is reported as announcing V HfiA jfl LB. TOaKfi1aft i ilaaVrfllaaV i "" if- aWnSP Q BjKSaBHaa JBV. aHUtf KBSafisS- aarf '75mSmrmCmmmimWi tV V'aiaHS&fEaSkl I - WE DESIRE TO CALL THE THOUGHTFUL ATTENTION OF FARMERS TO THE NVPERIOB MERITS OF ORCHILLA C3rXJ-A.TXTO A3 A FERTILIZER F03 WHEAT AND GRASS. The advantage? resulting from Its ue are not only an increased yield, but the permanent improvement of the soil from the abundant growth of grass which is sure to follow. '01CHIXX.A, is no new thing. For eighteen yeirs it has been undergoing t iaL aud well has it stood the test. At first, its progress to f nor was naturally slow; but merit will, sooner or later, have its reward, and nov its sales every ye ir aro largely increased over those of the pre ceding j'car, a. id the friends of its early days are its bet friends now. It has b?en uod extensively hi Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia, and from its abundant success everywhere, we are justified in recommend ing it t" you as being well adapted to your soil. No fertilizer for your use has had suc'i unvarying success and continued popularity. Some of the largest and best farmer In these three States use it almost exclusively. It la Successful, because it is Nature's own provision for her ex hausted fields. It I Low Priced, because we have none of the expense of manu facturers and, without regard to its high agricultural value, we base Up price solely upon its actual cost to import. We refer you below to some of the fanners who have used if, and ask you to enquire of them as to its merits. ORCHILLA FOR WHEAT. It Is a remarkable fact that the complete analysis of Orchilla Guano shows almost identical resnfo with the analysis of the allies of a bundle of wheat in the straw. This doubtless furnishes the reao:i why Orchilla is a good wheat producer; it contains all the elements of wheat growth within itself. .IOII.H ill. 1 M ALLY, Eq., of Ratlin, IV. ., June 23d, 1884, says: Those who used Orchilla last fall speak ii mist fluttering terms of its result, in whic'i I concur, as my f iture purchases will demon strate. I can see where I used Orchilla this 6pri ig a very perceptible dil ference. It is tooc.uly I:i the seasjn to report results. It. It. DOIIiO, Eq.. of Clio, Iredell Co., 1. C, July 15, 18S4, says: ''I have us-'d the Orchilla Guano for three years on light sandy laud f .r wheat and clover. It h is given sat f3faction. My neighbors who used it last fall an; well (leased. Weu-ed from one to three hun dred pounds to the acre. We expect to use it again." Dr. F. CHAHHRRS L1IRD, Haw River, Alamance Co., HL C, July 16, 1884, says: "I have used Orchilla for two years, and am well pleased with the result. I expect to use it more largely this fall. I am convinced it is all you claim for it." 9Ij. A. II. DREWRY, of Weslorer, Claarles City Co., probably the most extensive firmer in the State, says: '"Orchilla Guano does quite as well on my wheat as any fertilizer I ever used." Col. PEYTON 8. COI.F. of INtoutevillc, A' be marie Co., Va., equally prominent in the community, says: "Orchilla has made wheat for me when everything else failed to do so." ORCHILLA FOR GRASS. If Orchilla has a specialty, it is In making grass. That never fails. CoL RANDOLPH HARRISON, Commissioner of Agri culture of the State of Virginia, Richmond, says: "Orchilla certainly possesses special clover-producing virtues, or, if that is an inac curate word, it enables clover to take held, and helps it to stand drought, a great point. I watch its effect on my crops with much interest." !0rSend for our Book of Testimonials from farmers who have used Orchilla Guano for years, and who say: "It has made our poor lands rich." Respectfully, TR AVERS, SyjJAJJ & CO IMPORTERS' AGENTS, RICHMOND, VA. FOR SALE BY McXeely &. Johnson, Salisburv, X. C. W. F. Hall, Statcsville. N. C. Jacob Lore, - Concord, X. (. 4: 2 in. ftcmvi POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength, and wbolesouoeness. More economical than i hu AKlln.pv L-lnila anrl nnnnnr. tw Rnlri In competition wlih the multitude of low test, short weurnt, alum or pno&pnaie iwwaera. suiuumjr w can ioYAL baking I'owuer Co.. ioe Wall st. N. Y. Sale of Land ! On Saturday, the 27th day of September, 1884, I will sell at the Court House door in Salisbury, a tract of two hundred acres of land, situated in Providence township. five miles from Salisbury, on the Miller's Ferry road, adjoining the lands of Jesse Mahaley, Luther Lyerly and others, on which there are a number of gold veins. The tract contains over fifty acres of tim ber land and is well watered. This land belongs to Jane Brown, wife Moses Brown, for life with remainder to her children. Terms of Sale : One third cash, and a credit of three and six months for the oth- er two thirds, with interest at eight per cent irom day ot sale on the deterred pay ments, fiv order of Court. JOHN M. nORAH, Aug. 20th, 1884 -lm C. S. C. Th. nrst bale of Cotton at Norfolk, this season was receiver u , from Richinud coanty, N. C. The cotton factories in and about Pe tersburg, Va., have stopped work, throw ing out of employment a large number of men, woman and children, among whom it is feared there will be much digress. Cause: excessive production. For Sale or Rent ! a stein WAY PIANO. Apply to Mrs. J. M. Cornx. 46:tf. or THE GRADED SCHOOL! The annual term of the White Graded Scool will begin on Monday, Sept. i A Hiirh Sehoo i etiurt nu'i 1 1 has oecn atiu 1. so that mi nils that have completed the Graded School eonrae can couuuue - their stndies iu the High School. F. J. Murdoch, Sec'y S. G. S. Com. 45:1 m EVERYTHING NEW ! NEW STORE! HEW MODS! R. C. PALMER has jast opened a new and full stock of Family Groceries, Confections, Canned Goods, &c, &c, iu the handsome new brick store, ou Main St.. one door below J. D. McXcelv. It It will be to everybody s interest to cai i. a .i i it a a a on me. Jims and sells all Kinds ot coun ti v produce, at highest market prices. 45:1m. R. C. PALM'"? SALE tvr vjm iiaei e i Aunt Ur vMa.UHDL.La &.HHV. - AT the Court House door in Salisbury on Monday the 6th tiny of October 1884, I will sell, at public sale, that valuable teact ol lann tormeriy owned oy lieorge cauoie, situated five miles south ol Salisbury ad joining the Kcimer Mine land, and the land of David Eller and others, containing about 18.1 acres. The rale to open wish a bid of eleven hundred and fifty five ($1.1.15) dollars. Terms of sale: One half of the purchase money will lie required as soon as the sale is continued, and a credit of six months, with interest at eight per cent from day of sale, will be allowed for the other half. By order of Court. J. M. HORAH,Cl'k Sup., Court Rowan Co. Aug. 11th, '84. 44:4t. MILL STONES, ftG. Do you want Mill Stones, cut of good sharpe granite ? Do you want Door aud Window Sills of beautiful gray or white granite ? Do yon want Stone of any kind, either dressed or in the rough ? The un dersigned is prepared to furnish Stone or Stone work of as fine granite as the State affords. Call -and pee me at quarries, 5 miles south of Salisbury, or address me at Salis bury, N C, 1mx 91. Good Stone, good work aud promptness in filling orders ismy rule. Good refer ences given tin application. JOHN D. A. FISHER. Aug. 14, '84 lm:pd. HAY! HAY! HAY ! 500 Tons of No, 1 Valley of Virginia Timothv Hay for sale bv P. B. SUBLETT & SON, 48:Cm. Staunton, Va. Administrators1 Notice. Having qualified as administrator ol Harrington C. Warner, dee'd, notice is hereby uiven to all persons having claims against his estate, to present them to me on or before the 8th day of August, I88r. WALLACE H. WAItJS'ER, Admr. of H. C. Warner. Dated Aug. 4, 1884. 43:6w. pd. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as Administrator of E. E. Phillips, ilec'd, I will have a public sale of his personal property at his late residence on Monday, the 25th d'ay of August, 1884, when l will sell one horse a lot of cattle. fcojxs, farming tools, household and kitch en furniture, some finely cut mill stones, and a fine lot of wheat and oats, with many other articles not mentioned. TERMS of SALE -CASH. All persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all ocrsons having claims against the castate are notified that they must present them to me, on or before the 8th dav of August, 1885. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. HENRY PEELER, Admr., of E: E. Phillips. August 2d, 1884. 43:till df s. SHERIFF'S SALE OF By virtue ot an execution issued out ot the bupeiior Court of Rowan county, in mwvri ui hi. A. oiiiitn againsc uatlierine karr.hart in my hands for collection. 1 will sen at public auction, at the Court house door iu the town of Salisbury, on the 1st day of September, 1884, aii tne rignr. line, interest and estate ot .11 A- I - - 1 . the said Catherine Earn hart, in aud for the ionowing real property, viz : A tract ot land consisting of 51 at res, more nr les situated in Uold Hill township. Rowan county, adjoining the lands of Adam Earn- hart, Hurwell Smith and E Maunev. Also another tract consisting of 122 acres in Morgan township, adjoining the lands of Saml Moyle, Lindsay Gordy and others. TERMS CASn. C. C. KRIDER. Sheriff of Rowan county By R. P. Roseman. D. S. Dated Salisbury, Aug. 4th, 1884. 43:till d of s. AGENTS WANTED ! For the Lives of "CLEVELAND AND HENDRICKS" and "BLAINE AND LO GAN.' As this will be the most excitintr Campaign which we have exjeriencc I for , nanv vears. aicnts can cmn ninnv m, Im.r J . .... rhesc botiks. Address at once Bci.i.ktt & Morgan, Ptibli Iters. Raleigh. 1 42:2m pd. N, C. YoriCAx Have It. "Mv would I give to have votfr hair'" il , at said by middle-aged ladies to VOun.r Madam, you may have jnt such h Parker's Hair Balsam wilkjfive it to lr It will stop your hair from falling ff'Tu- store the orisfinal color and m:ik it 1 hick, soft and glossy. You need . telplessly envying the eirls. The n, is not oily, not a dye, but is n ..JZ dressing, and is especially recoup,,,."; or its cleanliness and punt v. of Salt! By order of the Superior Court nf p. an county, I will sell for partition. n ti premises, at public auction, on Saturday. August 30, 1884 the tract of land known as the "Old u ' mer Place," about two miles east nrA r Enochville in said conntv, adioinW t.J Deal, Wm. Cavin, and others, containing 213i acres, about half of it timbered with good dwelling, barn, outhonses, well fin orchard, and other improvements Per sons wishing to view the place beforehand can call on Mr. Ray mer on the nr,;,, and those desiring fuller information about it, can apply to the undersigned or to X L. Kilpatrick at Mooresrille, X. q. " ' Terrnt of Sale: One halt cash, and oa half on 6 months time, with bond and o00d security bearing interest from date: title retaineed till purchase money is paid E. T. GOODMAN, ' July 81, 1884. ) t'oinu.iss.ioner " 41 till d of b S'ate of NORTH CAROLINA, pen or Cgu.t. Itowan County. Oiin D. DaVie a Bankers under the nr if it., . - sa ' V 5? -e ''born tod i n. ii 1 1 ii . 11 Mil I HPv but, ction of the Vm die f on resident l ourt, tnav . . Jov of this State, 1 br tl Court that nubUpation , ,!Kwonna Watchman Per DBbatU-:' Salisbury, N, 5., lwi arV 9tl ifvfng the swt D. Williams to appea t the Court Salisbury, on the .uondav after tin 1th aiouuaj i cifjittujucr, icc. nmi answer the Complaint, which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of theSuperiorCourt of ti id County, within thefi rst three dajs of said term, and that if he fait to answer the complaint during said term, the plaiit tiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint, ibth July 1884. J. M. HO HAH, C. S.C., 42:Cw. llowan Count-.. WAGONS! WAGONS I WagonsBig. Wagons Little. Wagons for EVERYBODY,, Stop the bleeding ! Stop the outflow of our life's blood ! Buy Ironic made articles every time and keep your money here! A car load of 1, 2 and 3 horse Piedmont wagons, for sale ! These wagons are manuiacturetrst Hick ory, N. C. They are good honest work and every one of them ill be sold with & written guaranty orhe Company's. As money is sareeaid times hard they will lc sold -;tAWWri( es for sj ot cash. As with tJkleWpies, some tune ago, --to with the yragons. Vv. I mean to sell tlitui at prices that will astonish that will make those who have recently "purchased, wish thi-y had waited a little while longer,. Come and s e us, then you'll know how the cat jumj s. JOHN A. BOYDEN, Agt., Salisbury. X. C. ) or Auc. 1st, 1884 .10. O. WHITE. 42: tf. T. K. BBUNER. KlfllAKl) EA.MKS, Jit DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR N OPPORTl'NITY Is now offered to Land owners who my w ish to dispose of FARMS, FORESTS, MINING LANDS, or WATER-POWERS. Having been instructed to net as Aent for the North ( arolini Department ol 1m inigration, we will state to thosejiaviiijj property of the above tlescription for sale, that we" are iir-jiosition to place such pro perty in the hands of over two hundred active Agents, w ho arc making it a regular business to sell lands to Immigrants and others coining into North Carolina to live. Lands placed above market value are not desired. We have established a Real Estate asu Mimxg Bureau in addition to the sls and are in position to place ' advantage mining properties of all kin . developed and undeveloped. Large tract of Lands in Western North Carolina, ana inEastTejn., maybe placed t Ii rough nj to advantage. We can offer inducement heretofore unknown, and land owners consult their best interest by caTliug on addressing BRUNEI! & EAMES, Real Estate, Mining & Immigration Bureau, Salisbury, Nr. C Maps, Assays, Reports and Etimate short notice, Parties contemplating going Vl will do well to ctmsult us, as we have t" : n ... t- o.... ..,,,1 i ! irisun ui .til pitria ui unit .Tint" . .... i furnish lsformation. 7:6oi. ocebtsfor- am nioriue woruiei.i. Saill lipostage, and we win man . ,- Kjn UUtUroyal, valuable box c.rsamplf T that 111 put you In the way ol making nio't w la s tew days tban you ever tUout;iii &u r v0U biijjliiess f 'antjl not rpouired. We will ' frtt. "'good Vou can work all tUe time or lo sp re'TVes, I'be work is universally adapted io f'V;' -9 fy v oun end old. You can ea&uy earu " ,.KD1aT o $5 every ereulug. Tbai all wbo tvui'f. "1h nfftr: lest the ni siness, we uiafce tins unp.n-' , ti to r ..II nl.,. -m. . tfoll LMll.li, H Will ! ' T ir ail n uu uo uw II mi i 1.-111 u v i.iv for i he trmihlc i.r w i ! 1 n - us. van W5K In-i.iilw ot. tui n t rn.n V. ,P1 it n f4 W t 1 1 I in..-. -: Notice Laid m r (a-l M R ' sit iu LAIS? tliose wlio give tbelr whole time to i"c Jreat success absolutely sure. Don't de w nov. Addre-is Stixson Co.. Portland. " i;i'ti wt'f-siirt i

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