i BOOTS, SHOcS A CA ITERS , made to ei-Jon-Aii work Kfist class Seventeen Years F.x- e. AllnAterta! of the best grade, and wort v made wori ulnars on harxl Benalrtng and promptly done OnUrabv mallprompt . Win. J. Basic. 1:1. '.JU.I8Hl;r. N . C DRS. J. J. & E. ffl, SUMMERELL. CORNER MAIN AN1-BAXK STREETS. otfice noons : 8 to 10 a. m. and 3 to 5 p. m. AGENTS boos ever sold tar lees th-vtt twit taateut illinj boolc frt America. , wanted for The Lives all the Presidents the U. S. The larg- L hai (lsouiest, best boos ever sold far less that twicse our price. The taste swllinx boo In America. Immense profits oa-trts. All intelligent puopl want it Anyone Can become a successful acent. Terms free. mujrrr Book Co. ortUno, Maine. I3fiy THAIS, TIF C01! Dor Stock Constantly ReBleiMei UNDER THE FIRM NAME OF PLunnKit at morgan. Wm J. I'm: umk long known as the bei Harness and Saddle Maker who ever did biis mem in Salisbury, presents bis compliment to olil friend and patrons with an invitations to call and see his present stock of new tlarnesCy Saddles, Collar?, dw. lie warrants atifaelion to every purchaser of New Stock, and also his repair work. Rates u low as a eod article will atlmil of. Gall and fee. PLUMMER & MORGAN. WESTERN N. G. RAILROAD. OFPICBOEX. PAHSBNdEK AOENT, Salisbury, N. C, MAY 11th, 1884: SCHEDULE. WEST. Train Xo. i, EAST. ; Train No.' l, WEST. STATIONS. 53K Ar. 1.5s a. m. Salisbury I. v. 12.05 a.m, " Ul " I Statesville Ar. 1 03 " H.17 Newton r " ll a p. m. 1 Hickory i" s.so 10.3a " i Moreanton I " t.31 " I Marlon H " 5.44 " " 8.40 " Old Fort 1 1 " 6.80 T.5 f' Round Knob l 0.58 - 7.14 " Bl-tek Mountain 7.!ta til Aslieviile j " S.M " - . I Alexander's- I" 9.4$ ' " 4.5 I darsball " 1.38 It. 4.00 I Warm Springs " 11. " Tratn No. 8.) i Train No-, t WEST. KAST. i STATIONS, 440 p. in. lAhhevlllo Lt. 9M 2.40 ;Puj:. on Uivr . 11.12 12.83 I4W llWayi lynesrHte Trata 7 and 8 run dally. Train tfo. 3 connects at Salisbury with R. & D. R. ., from all points sout h . Trail No. I Connects at Salisbury with R. k D. R. TJ. from all points North and from Raleigh. Connects at Stateavllle with A. T. & o. Ulv. of C. C. & A. R. R. Connects at Warm Springs with E. Tenn., Va Oa. B. R. for ii orris town and pomta West, 8. w Traifi No. 2 Connects at Warm Springs with E. T.Va. A Ga.R.R. from Marrtstown Jt the West&S.W. connects at SUtesviUe with a. T .& U. Div. of C C. A A. R. R. and at Salisbury with DilkD.lt R. for all points North and East and for Raleigh Through Tickets on sale at Salisbury, StatesvtHe, Ash evi lie and the V Springs to all principal cities. W. A. TURK, A. O. P. A. PROFESSIONAL CARD& XKHH,CIU10E. L. H. f'l.KMKXT. CRA1GE & CLEMENT, SAlisbuht, ' fth. 3rtl, 1881 1 BLAOKMKR & HENBSftsON 4'.toraeys, Counselors and Slit ors.M Slisburj, N. fjt Jan. 22d, '70 tf4 4, M. M0CORKLE. -p. tf. iLt)TTZ Hoi Oltk LI & KLITTZ, ATTQBNEYS ahd COUNSELORS Imwjgr, N. C; (iftk-e Oil Council Stroet opposite the Court House-. 37:tf HARDWARE. YOU WANT HARDWARE AT LOW FICrtJRES Call on the undersigned at NO. B. Granite How. D. A. AT WELL. A x aat for kh i :CardwellThregker.M lAlib try, N. C, Jsne 8th tt. WHEN A TALE OF TWO ttWTCHCS. A Well Known Citizen of Atlanta Lays Down his Crutches. I hare only a few worts to say, which are to state that I have been confined to my bed lor two months with what was called Nervous Rheumatism, or Sciatica. I was only enabled to hobble about occasionally by the use of crutches, and in this condition I commenced the nse of B. B. B.f fonr bottles of which en abled me to discard the nee of my cratches and attend to bosiaesa. I had prevtooarj used all well recommended medicines without relief. It has been over two months since using B. B. B , and I consider myself a pemancnlVj cured man. t. P. DAVIS, Atlanta, Ga. (West End.) FRIGHTFUL NASAL CATARRH. Pieces of Bbrte. For four years I have been afflicted with a ttry troublesome eatarrb of the head. So terrible has its nature been that when I blew my note small pieces of homes wouhl frequently come ont of my moutb and nose. The dis charge was copious and at (tines exceedingly offensive. My blood became so hnpore' that my general healtu was great'.; impaired, with poor appetite and worse digirtl-. Numerous medicines were used without relief, until I began the nse Of B. 13. BET, and three bottles acted almost like magic. Since their use not s symptom has returned, and I feel ia every way quite restored to health. I am an old citizen of Atlanta, and refer to al most any one living on Butier street, and more particularly to Dr. L. M. Gillam, who knows of nay Us win mall on application to anyone inter ested in Mood and Skin Diseases, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Kidney Troubles, etc., wonder ful and unquestionable testimony Of cores effected by the nse of B. B. B.t the quickest Blood Pot 'tier ever known. Large bottles f l .60 or sz for $5.00. Sold by all Druggists, or i on receipt of price. . BLOOD BALM Atlanta, Ga. For sale in galrslwry by J. H. Knuiss. The Yalley Mutual Life Associatm -HOME SK-lciWif NTOS. YA -The escape. Safe.-, and Moat Kelhtble Life in surance now offered tbe public Is found in the Yal ley Mutual, which enables you to carry a $1,000 lite Policy at an acirml average cost of $s.50 peri annum. For furtber lnrormitlon, call on or address i. V. Mi'KENIE. Agent, May 20, 151. ' SjIlisblbt. N. C. FASHIGMiFlSUNERY! IIIIS. KATE M3DSHNACH, Is pieased to announre to the ladies ot Salisbury ami surrounding country, that she has opened a MILLINERY StRE in Crawford's new building on Main Street, adjoining the room formerly oex-upfed by Blackmer & Taylor as a Hardware House. She is prepared to fill orders and respect fully invites ladies to call and inspect her stock." Can supply on short notice any article not irt Store. Believes her work will not only give satisfaction but pleasure. Will fill orders promptly and at charges as moderate as possible. Indelliblc stamp ing on any kind ot material for Braiding and embroidery, also free hand drawing for Mottos, Hat bands Handkerchiefs, &c, any size, plain to elaborate. Mar. 27:tf. A Prize Send six cents postage, and receive free, a costly box of goods which will help you to more money riirht away than anything else in this world. All. of either sex, sue ceed from first hour. The broad road to fortune opens before the workers, and is absolutely sure. At once address, Tkik Co., Augusta, Maine, THEO- BUERBAUM has just received M m FIBBING TACKLE of all kinds, BALLS, MARBLES. TUPS, ff 111 f I CROQUET S etts. v Now is the time to PAPER YOUR ROOMS and make home raf e. 'I have the largest assortment ofo ' WALL PAPER New Patterns, New Stock, with tasty and nice bordering to match. My line of FRENCH CANDIE8 is the best ip town, every week. I receive fresh goods Do you want something good to eat ! I keep just the nicest FANCY GROCERIES You ever put into your mouth. SCHOOL BOOKS? STATIONERY, NOVELS. aOR?tD BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and IMALARIA. 1 WJP lacse .-ioaicos arlso Uiico-fourths of UiQ dijeaaes of tho limnan rao. Theso symptoms indicate tholrcxwtencc : Im g '.JSf?. lrrfteb4Uty of temper, Iw spirits, A feeling or liavln noclected motn amy, JMzii jom, Flnttc ri n jr. at tlio ltnrt, Fotj before tlio f yes, hlgUly col ored toriue, corjSTiPATionrf ana de mand Iho nso of a remedy that seta directly SSih-QJ-ivcr' aWmmedWuoTirriHi PILLS bavo no oqui Their action on th KldneysnndSkiala clso prompt : rcinovinz o. i byiiem," prcKiucitKf nnpa utv, sound dijicstton, n-frular stools, a clear Bkinanilivigorouabodv. lAliJ,r,riiiVnr,T Sn,? nau?a or giiptog nor interfere vrltn dully work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. holdevfrywli.rp.a5e. Offli.41 Murray 8t,,?LT. TUTT S m DY I I " joaxs ob wnisBXBs cbai "tantly to a GLOS3T Ulack bv rt a pUcatian of this DTE. Sold ly D or seat byexpres3 on receipt of 61 . otneo., 44 ilurrny Gtreo.t, Kesv Yoik. TUH'S MANUAL 0? U3EFUI RECEIPTS FREL HOW IS THE TIMFTn sun. SCR!3c Fu(i THE nflRnTlH TJXF8 aclie. fulliac.3 after cut.ui?, ovr ion to exertion of bod v c- rr-AA. 'ATCK MAN, $1.50 POLITICAL. PUBLIC SPEAKING. The Candidates for Cmigif M in the 7th District, Hon. Joint S. Henernoii and Dr. J. G. Kanisay , will address the people at the following times and places,. viz : MONTGOMERY COL' NT V. Eldorado Thursday Sept. Why not Friday Sept. ii 25 26 t 27 29 30 DAVIDSON COUNTY. Jackson Hill Saturday Sept. Lexington Monday Sept. Maden's Store Tuesday Sept. DA VI K COCNTT. Shady Grove Wednesday Oct. r Lr; Jerusalem Thursday Oct. The Credit MoUilier exposures sent Speaker Colfax to private life and obliv ion. And vet the Credit .MobiUer bears no conlparlson in crookedness to the Little Rock business. While Blaine is b. iug stirred up by the Mulligan documents and other vexa tious matters, Cleveland is calmly aud sereuelv attending to bis regular duties as executive of the great State of New York. Charlotte Obiervtrz Tr. York favors making the people of North Carolina pay two prices for uH the manufactured, ar ticles they buy. The purpose is to ad vance the interest of Northern manufac turers. The effect is to keep our people poor. For the first time in the history of the State government there is a candi date running for the office of Govern or who refuses to tell the people to which party he belongs. Dr. Tyre York, of Wilkes county, is the man who will not answer the question when it is put directly to him. He is asham ed, and feels his degrading situation, and the old line Republicans are asham ed of him. Charlotte Democrat The Democrats in North Carolina are divided on this subject ( Blair's bill to take money from the U. S. Treasury mid give it to States for educational purposes.) There are probably a third of the party that stand faithful to a strict construction of the Constitution and do not favor its violation in letter and spirit even to get possession of six million of dollrrs for either education al or any other purpose. The tenden cy in the North is to centralization and we regret to see that so many men in the South professing to be Democrats seem willing to surrender the great fundamental doctrine of State Rights at the altar of imagined progress. We rejoice to know that there is a scnool in the South, as there has been from Jef ferson's time, respectable for numbers intelligence, education, purity and pa triotism that is true and loyal to the teachings of the Constitutional fathers and to the true expounders te Madi son, to JefEevson, to Calehoun,to Bled soe, to Jefferson Davis. WU. Star. It will be a sad day for this country when the people of the separate States begin to look for and depend on boun ties issued from the United States Treasury for any purpose. Sad for lib erty, sad for independence and sad for jlhe manhood of the country. Why jrill good men be blinded by a little tem porary sop from the Public Treasury ? Oh, that they would stop and reflect on the evil they are laying up for them selves. Char, Democrat. Appointment of U. S. Treasurer. Washington, Sept. 25. A great deal of speculation and comment has been occasioned by the state of affairs in the Treasury Department, much of which has been condensed in an arti cle in the &ar this evening, from which the following extracts are made: IWL Star The fact of the appointment of Judge Gresham was not generally know until this morning, and it caus ed great surprise. Among the mem bers of the Cabinet, however, it has been the subject of talk for several days past, and Judge Gresham has known that lie might be called upon to take the place. The contingency was inability to obtian a decisive an swer from the gentleman whom the President had in vciw for the Treas ury portfolio. This gentleman is be lieved to be Hugh McCullongh. Judge Gresham accepted the position as a matter of accommodation to the President, and his intimate friends sny that it is only a temporary ap pointment. The duration of the ap pointment is commonly fixed til the 1st of October, when it is believed that Gresham will accept the Judge ship on the Illinois circuit. The Plumed Knight, Time was when knightly honor and chivalry were the highest terms of honorable praise. And "Sir Knight" was the mirror of all that was noble in human character. James G. Blaine has been dubbed the Plum ed Knight of America but it would seem to be more in derision than in earnest. Faucy an old-time knight and gen tleman writing to my dear Mr. Fish er, as follows i "Keen my name ouiet." "I note what you say about the importance of Keeping all quiet here. "No one will ever know from me that 1 have' disposed of a single dol lar in Maine." "I have endeavored in writiu&r not o oc inuclicitte. ''It will be in mr power to caC anchor to windward in ynr behalf." "I can do something, I . feel very sans: line with Thoma A. Scott." "Its persona' hardships to me are bitter and burning and humiliating to the last degree." "If you knew the agonies I have suffered in this matter during the past six months, yon would pity me." "I see various channels in which 1 can be usefuL" "I do not feel that I shall prove a deadhead in this enterprise if I once embark in it." - "Burn this letter." Verily, verily, is this the Plumed Knight ! How to Cook Watkr. I must tell von the old story of bow tbe late Charles Del ii i on i ou used to talk about tbe new hot water cure. He said the Deliuonieos were the first to reeotnmenil it to guests who complained of baring no appetite. "Take a cup of hot water and lemon and you will feel better," was the formula adopted, and tbe cup of hot water aud tbe lemon puce take away the insipidity. For this anti-bilious remedy the caterers charged the price of a drink of their best liquors twenty-hve cents or more and it certainly was a wiser way to spend small change than in alcohol. "Few peo ple know bow to rook water," Charles used to affirm. "The secret is putting wl Fi-oah .rot,.,, hit,- ni.t buttU oL 3: . 7; Zr to boiling quickly, nud then taking it - J i - , r right oft to use in tea, coffee or other drinks, before it is spoiled. To let ifr team and simmer aud evaporate until the good water is all in the atmosphere, and the lime aud iron and dregs only left in tbe kettle bah ! that is what makes a great many people sick, aud is worse than no water at all." Every lady who reads this valuable receipt of a great S"3.wwtow to cook water. Tbe Carthage Gazette, speaks in'bigb terms of the incoming tobacco crop of Moore county, and expresses the hope that a more extended business in that product may be done. WE DESIRE TO CALL THE THOUGHTFUL ATTENTION OF FARMERS to Tin: superior ".:.kiis or AS A FERTILIZER T0Z WH2AT AND GRASS. The advantage; resulting fro-n it n o nr? not only an increased yield, but the permanent Improvement of the so l from t'.u ubu idant growth of grass which U sure t j follow. "OIICIIII.X.A' U no new thing. For eighteen ycirs It has been undergoing trial. and well has ir. stood t'e t t. At first, its progress to fvor w.is natur.dly slow; hnfe merit will, somc-r or later, have it- reward, and now it sales every ye u a o largely lucre ised over tiiose of the pre ceding year, aid the friends of i 3 early days are i sb; t f. iemU now. It has haon n-scd extensively i i Maryland, Penn- lvni.-i and Virginia, and from Us ab'vidant succes. everywhere, we ar justified in recommend ing lt ti yon a-i b'dag well sitl-ipte 1 to your soil. N fertilizer for your use has had suc'i u iva'-yi-ig sue -ess n id continue I pipula-lty. Some of the largest and best farmers i 1 thes thr -e S at . im it almost exclusively. It In Successful, boeiusc it s N.i uso's own pr ividon for her ex hausted fields. It is Loir Irl"el, boRima we bavo non f the exjense of manm facturer-, and, without regard t: its high agricultural value, we base itr price solely upon Its actu .1 co-t to i .nport. 9 We r'fttr yon bthio to sow : aft'u f.tr;nars who have used t and ask you to enquire- of them as to its merits. OROHILLA FOR WHEAT. It is a remarkable fact th t th ? c nnpl;te an ily is of Orchilla Guano shows almost idtnlicut rem' wi'li th" analysis oc tlie .a bos of a bundle of wheat in the straw. Tlti doub les f irn sIhm the re 1 o 1 whv Orchill 1 la a good wheat produce ; it contains all fit il:m:ri's of w'tzat gr ,iclh within itself. .IO!frH. rUrAl.IT, H , of Rafln, 7f C, .Tunc 23d, 1884, says: Those who no I Ore' ilia last fall sp-.-ik ii m 'St Hiftering terms of its r suit-, in whic'i I co-i;;ur. as 111 f itn c purcbas will demon strate. I can see where I us d O e iil!a th s : i g a very perceptible dlfe ference. It is tone .rly i 1 t ie sea-; 11 to r port r ul s. R. It. IOIiO", Es-i oTC io, ir M1 Co., If. C, July 15, 1834, says: 'I hiveus dthe OrJiHI 1 (iiw 10 for throe years on light sandy laud fr Wie t and cl.)-re.-. Itihisgtv 11 s:i if action. My neighbors who used it list fall ari well 1 is d. W:u ed from o ae to three hun dred pounds to tbe a :re. Yj expe t to u c i agaLi." Ir. CJIAtinS I'VRI, EIw Mirer, Alamaace Co., If. C. July 16, isst, says: "I lave u-ed Orchilla for two years, and am well please I v. 'th the rc-ult. I expect to use it more largely this fall. I am convinced it is all you claim for it." - BEaj. A. II. DREWRY, ofWetwr, Cliarlos City Co., TaM probab'y the most extensive f rmcr in tlie State, says: ''Orchilla Guano docs quite as well on iny wb at as any -fertiliser I ever used." Col. I'MVTc- N. ( OI.B, f ftoiiteville, A bomarle Co., Ta., equally vromient in t'10 c immunity, says: "Orchilla has made wheat for me whan everything elsj failed to do so." ORCHILLA FOR GRASS. If Orchilla has a specialty, it isi:i making grass. TlIAT xhvkr fails. Col. RArVDOIPII HARRISON, CommisM n..r of Asrrl enUnre of the State of Virini 1, fctlcli mond, saysi "Orehi la certainly possesses special clover-producing virtu s, op, if that is an Inac curate word, it enables clover ioloke hclii, and he!ps it to stand drought a great point. 1 watch its e.Tect o 1 my crops with inudi I iterost." tTSend for our Book of Tes'imoni ils from farmers wlio have used Orchilla Guana for years, and who sav: "It ha madu our poor lands tich.' Respectfully, FOR SALE BY McXeely & Johnson, Salisbury, N. C. W. F. Hall, Statesville, N. C. Jacob Lore, CoucmiL X. C. 45 2m. Mrs. Dr. Divis stid Mrs Sue J. Dlotson are to commeiiee tTte' jWrbli c ttion m Shelby of a literary wews' iwpcr, in few days, having aiwnaon ed their magazine, "The literary World." Newspaper Lsws. Read them carefully and avoid any misunderstanding. 1. Subscribers who lo not give ex press notice to be considered wishing to continue their subscription. 2. If subscribers order the discon tinuance of their papers, the publish ers may continue to send them until all arrears are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their papers froru the office to which they are directed, they are held responsible until they have set tled their bills and order them dis continued. 4. If subscribers move to other places without informing publishers and the papers sent to former direc tion, they are held responsible. 5. The courts have decided that re- fiisinar in tako a npwsnaiipr from the . - office or removing and leaving them uncalled lor, is prima facia evidence of intentional fraud. 6. Anv person receiving a news paper and n akiug use of it, whether he ordered it subscriber.' or not. held to be a 7. If subscribers pay in advance. t,ey are bound to give notice to pub- lishers, at the end of their time if i , . , . . they (io not wish to continue me pa- per otherwise the publisher is author ized to send it on, and then subscri bers will be responsible until an ex dress notice, with payment of all arrears, is sent to the publisher. TBA VERS, SNEAD & CO IMPORTERS' AGENTS, nrnt.' (Ti-iiTn Ul- For Headacbe, tever, aruj, Yrr' DEBILITY & WEAKNESS. jwr M mLTm rufA bnpcc fZf&rK TfexTafl Decline. rlf euunrpn,B Buchu-Paiba Bemarkalile Cares of Catarrh of the Bladder. Inflammation, Irritation of Kid neys and Bladder, Stone or GraTel Ws eases of the Prostate Gland, Dropsical SweUincrs, Female Diseases, Incontin ence of Urine, all Diseases of tho Genito urinary Organs in either sex. For Un healthy or Unnatural Discharges use also "Chapm's Injection Fleur," each f 1. For SYPHILIS, t i -r eontracted . or ImihIMiii 11 taint, use C':wpln's Constitu tion Bitter Syrup, $1.00 per bottle, and Chapin's Syphflrtie Pills. S2. 00; and Cha pin s Syphilitic Salve, $1.00. 0 bottles Syrup, S of Pills, 1 Salve, by Express on receipt of f 10.00, or at Drusgists. K. fl. Wxixa, Jersey City, N. J., U. S. A. MT. PLEASANT FEMALE SEHINAEY Will open August 4th, 1884, with BKWMM, m 7 - mOTXTIO Faculty in number and qualifications, ful ly up to the requirements of a first-class Institution. TERMS. To those boarding in the Seminary, Board, Room, Washing. Fuel, Lights and Tuition, iflO per month. French, Music and Painting extra. Instniction thorough, climate hoaltMid, terms m tvierate. Fr particulars addivs, I::v. .1 A. Lin n, A.M Principal, 0i;4t.J Mr. Pleasant, N. C. GOTO H. & L. WRIGHT'S STORE, oh Main street for gooJ, cheap fish. MACKEREL, 12 to 75cts., per dz. WHITE PWH, 6 ct per pound, by the 100 lb or 7 cts. retail. Ml' LLE l'S, 7 cts. Sugar 11 to 13 lb foi $1.00 Fine surgar, irranulated standard and white, 11 tts. for $1.00. All other goods in proportion. 38:1m H. & L WRIGHT. I W CELEBRATED STOMACH To the needs of the tourist, commercial traveler and new settler, Hostetter's .Stom ach" Bitters is peculiarly adapted, since it strengthens the digestive organs, and braces the physical energies to uu health ful influences. It removes and preveca malarial fever, constipation, dyspepsiQ healthfully stimulates the kidneys ant bladder, and enriches as well as Durifiri the blood. When overcome by fatigue, whether mental or physical, the Wear) and debilitated And it a reliable source ol renewed strength and comfort. For sal by all Druggists and Dealers generally, -SEfiS For Dyspepsia, Cos live n is s. Sick !iedacbe C hronic Dlar rlsrsa. Jaundice, Impurity of tba u!do:, Fever and A-ue, Malaria, aud ail Disease caused 1y Dei rangement ol Liver, itowcls and Kib(ey. SYMPTOMS OF A DISFASKD I.IVER. Had Breath f Pain in the Side, sometimes the pain is fell under (he Shoulder-blade, mistaken for Rheumatism ; general loss of uppetite ; Bowels generally costive, sametimcs alternating with lax; the head is troubled with pain, is dull and heavy, with considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of leaving undone something which ought to have been done; a slight, dry cough and flushed face is sometimes ar, attendant, often mistaken for consumption; the patient complains of we-riness jid debility; nervous, easily startled;, feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation 0 the skin exists; spirits are low and despondent, and, although satisfied that exercise would be bene, ncial, yet one can hardly summon up fortitude to try it in fact, distrusts every remoly. Several of the above sympton'.s attend the disease, but cases have occurred when but few of them existed, yet examination after death has shown the Liver to have been extensively deranged. It should bo used by all persons, old and young, whenever any of the above symptoms appear Persons Traveling or Living In Un healthy Localities, by taking a dose occasion, ally to keen the Liver in healthy action, will avoid all Malaria, Hilious at tuck , Dizziness, Nau sea, Drowsiness, Depression of Spirits, etc. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but is no In toxicating beverage. If You have eaten anything hard ot digestion, or feel heavy after meals, or sleep less at night, take a dose and you will be relieved. Time and Doctors' Bills will be saved by always keeping the Regulator In the House! For, whatever the ailment may be, a thoroughly safe purgative, alterative and tonic can never be out of place. 1'he remedy is harmless and does not interfere with business or pleasure. IT IS PURELY VEGETABLE. And has all the power and .efficacy of Calomel or Quinine, without any of the injurious after effects. A Governor's Testimony. Simmons Liver Regulator has been in use in my family for some time, and I am satisfied it is a valuable addition to tne medical science. J. Gill Shorter, Governor of Ala. Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, of Ga., says : Have derived rnic benefit from the use of Simmons Liver Ke..i..tor, and ttUh.lo give it a further trial. The only Thing that never fall to Believe." (have used many remedies for Dys pepsia, Liver Affection and Debility, but never nave found anything to benefit me to the extent Simmons I.iv r Regulator has. I sent from Min nesota to Georgia for it, and would send further for such a medicine, and would advise all who are sim ilarly affected to give it a trial as it seems the only thing that never fails to relieve. P. M. Janney. Minneapolis, .Minn. Dr. T. W. Mason says : From actual ex perience In the use of Simmons l iver Regulator ia my practice I have been and am satisfied to us and prescribe it as a purgative medicine. 'Take only the Grnuinc, which always has on the Wrapper the red Z TraleBIark and Signature of J. H. ZKILIN St CO. FOR SALE ny ALL r'RWSTS MT. VERNON Livery Sita . irj Y Present h. coni,,liment s id respect ful I v Rolit.it . Ivf'P "dement. U is coeie' ? V urements of first cuJu.. ' ihtr,.. and tal quirements of first class h ' '- " "'t te. Kor, Busies, Carria wagons, &c. A1TNP. W'' it e . T actios bpecial provision and ivnr.i , Boarding and keepinM10rab,c rat"for -DrovRra will t; 1 J5 V . es- at this place: ' Ma,ls i Shed Special accommodations fr th , ol Commercial Travelers. lnefi street, Salisbury, R. c 36:tf I o I.f vrs. p.T;r, MSHb ai: i-.-.-.V tat fre too, . . .. . J2JIE8 Of m,.7,T 1" ' I nres-01 'd to me. either a 1 account o lorfffa.-eforttni. are hereby linded of sutti indS ness, and ai settlement J.v rfmiesU-il to n19lr. fLV, otherwise tho i. counts will stdasct. Without furth..r.n tice, to col -iMrby lepal process. RcspectfttDr, S J J. 1). McXEELY. bee. C. M. AT WELL, AT KBOXWIXDQW OF Main StkketSa lisbury, N. 0. - Will repair CloclL Watches. Jewelrr Ttc All work warranted.'. Will also keep's faU line of Wew Pirst-Class Clocks. Try me and save money hy having goo work done at living figures.' " . March 18, 1884. 6111 ' a week at home. . nmm im. in.. solutely sure. No risk. Caplua not n Tiiircd. keadt-r. ir von wnt hiwii,. r- .. .. . uu.)ijiii3 .11 U Ii li- I lliMXi hi- . it ..ill,... . ... .... Or old, eaa make jrn-at pay all the time they work lth absolute t en ilniy , write for parUcnlare to ' II . IIaixett i Co., Portland. Mainf RICHMOND & DANVILLE 1 1 y. c. division. CONOENSED SCHEDULE. lNCiOING EAST. J aiiTtiiir, igfc4 I No 51, No. o,. Daily Daily. LaVfe Charlotte... . " Saliaburr M High Point Arr. Greensboro.... Lm ve reeushuro . Arr. Hillsboro 14 Ihw-ham " liaieigh Lv. " A rr. Gohlgboro 3.38 . .11. .03 1. m. 9.30 10.42 " 11.15 " 5.31 " G.47 " 7.27 " 9.45 " 11.49 " 12 27p.m. 1.43 " 3.00 " 5.1o " No. 15 Daily except Saturday, Leave (ireeusboro 4 20 p. m. Arrive at Raleigh 11.54 p. m. Arrive at tioldsboro 5.00 a.rn. No. 51 Connect at Greensbors wit b R&D I K R for all points North, Kast and West of" j Danville. AI Salisbury with W N CR Rfor .all points in Western N C At Goldsboro ! Willi VV & W R R daily. Nos. 51 and 53 j connect at Greensboro with R & D R R and 1 for all points on tbe Salem Branch. TRAINS GOING WEST. Jan.Glh, 1884. No. 50. IVi I v. No. 52. Daily. LeaveGoldsboro . Arrive Raleigh Leave " .. Arrive Durham ... " Hillsboi .... Greens! ro.. Leave " Arrive High Piont " Salisbury.... " Charlotte.... 1 1.55 a. m 2. 1 5 p ni 5.10 " 6.27 " 7.08 " 9.25 " 9.55 " 10.37 " 12.05 " 1.58 a.m. , 8.43 a. m. ;i0.17 M 11.28 " 12.53 p,-. No.l6,DailYex.Sunday-Lv.Goldsb'o6.40p Ar. Raleigh 5.46 p Lv. ' 6.21 pu ' Ar. Greensboro 5.40'jq No. 50 Connects at Salisbury with !' points on W N C R R and at Charlotte wib A. & C. Air Line for all points South. No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with C. U & A.R-R. with allpoints South and Southeast and with A & C Air-Line for all points South N. W. N. C RAILROAD. No. 50 Daily, ex. Sun. No. 52 Daily. ,Goixq South. Lv. Greensboro Ar. Kernersville 44 Salem 11 30 p tu 1236 " 1 16 " 10 00a 1104 " 12 53 p No. 51. Daily, ex. Sun. Going North. Leave Salerq Ar. Kernersville -' - Greensboro 7 25 p m 8 05 " 945 u STATE UWIVERSIfjfAILROAUx 0. Going torth Daily ex. Sum Leave Chapel Hill Arrive University 10.20 a bi 1 1 .20a m No. 2. Going South. Daily exSuB Leuve University... Arrive Chapel Hill 12.05 p m 2.25 p m 1 x&ii ia No. 53. Daily. 530am G05 " BoiTet Sleeping Cars without Chttf On trains 50 and 51. between New and Atlanta, and between Greensboro aaq Asheville. , Through Pullman S eep'" cn -and 53 between Wash i 1 gton and Aug Danville and Richmon 1 , and Wash' B New Orleans. ttfThroagb Tickets on sale at G e Raleigh, Goldsboro, Salisbury and and at all principal points South, So Weal, North and East. For Emigrant Louisiana, Texas, A rkansas and the o address M. SL v r 1 1 Grr. ' 21Ht I 1 I 3 4

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