Hie Carolina Watchman. XV. THIRD SERIES 701 SALISBURY. N. C, OCTOBER 9, 188$. HO 52 COMING in every day, and when all are received, will show to v our friends the and JFall and Winter stock of goods in all desirable lines that ever was shown in our town. STORE will he full from with goods at lower prices than ever before known for many article s. PLEASE that we will pay you the high est prices for your cotton, (fee, end sejl you GOOD as low as they can be bought in Western North Carolina. J, D. GASKILL. HOUSE ton to bottom REMEMBER GOODS MISCELLANEOUF. Peace. SUSANNA O world, great world, with all tliy busy ' day And rushing tides that fill thy great high ways, Thy varied merchandise and costly show, ; What is the greatest gift thou canst he stow Y O Life with all thy strivings and thy schemes. Thy fond desire and erer changing dreams, What wilt thou gjv us for oar eager J quest T What are thy choicest treasures f Peace and rest. But peace by striving only may be won The sure reward of duty bravely done j And those who labor aad endure the best. After long toil, shall know the sweetest rest. DANISH BARQUE IM ALTO, On Voyage from Wilmington, N. (?., Towards Trieste, Austria. Off Isle of Zante, Ionian Sea. Sat urday, Feb. 23, 1884. A week to day since we quitted the plutonic shades of Strom boli ; a week to-night since we bade defiance to the terrors of iScyila and Chary bd is, and a week to-morrow since "Etna's peak witli umbrage blue" melted into "Sicilia's pastoral plains' It was our fate to escape Scylla and Charybdis only to fall into the clutches of Boreas. Du ring the whole of this period we have been battling against a violent "north er" which sweeps down with irresist able fury from the mountain regions of Montenegro and Dalmatia, and is called Bora by the shivering inhabi tants of the Isles of Greece. This morning it was evident that the hours of the Bora were numbered. When I went on deck at 4 a. m., there was an expectant hush in the atmosphere, as if nature was awaiting with bated breath the impending change. A mass of dusky clouds looming vast and fantastic in the Uncertain light like mountains in dreamland, hung around the eastern horizon as though await ing the coming of the "God of glad ness" that they might catch the first golden beams. A gleam of lambent bursts from the waves higher aud hijher it ascends as the "Lord of light" rises from his billowy couch. At last his lower limb barely oscu lates the glowing horizon. It is "morn ou the waters, and purple and bright, Bursts on the billows the flushing of light." There is one cloud that melts not with the others beneath the blazing flood of light. An examination with the binoculars proves it to be land, the "Hyacinthiue isle of Zmte," 'Iso la D'oro," "Fiar di Levante." Fnir isle that from the fairest of all flowers, The gentlest of all names doth take' Yes, that mass of misty purple can be no other than aicient Zuiuhysus, and that snow-browned monarch di rectly ahead of us is Mt. Euos on Keplialonia. What tiny isle is that hiding behind her larger sister's pur ple robe and peeping timidly over her snowy shoulders? It is Ithaca, where "sad Penelope o erlooked the wave, and which the ever faithful son of Laertes through all his long wander ings looked back upon and loved "non quia larga, seA quia sua" to which and to his ever faithful wife his heart was eyer constant through all the enchantments of the Hesperi an garden of Alcir.ous and the se ductive charms of the Princess VaU- cisca. When Calypso "the fair-hair-. ed nymph -with every beauty crown ed" attempted by ravishing songs to prevail upon "sad Ulysses" to re main with her in her "violet isle," amid scenes where "If a god should cast his sight A god might gaze and wouder with de light,"' he maintained a sad silence "While wistfully he eyed the barren deep, Wept, groaned, despairing sighed, aud wept again.'' Until Calypro, becoming disgusted with bis lugubrious ungallantry, fitted him out with some cold victuals and a canoe, and told him to paddie out. What a noble guide book Homer prove to these regions of song. How the sublime descriptions of the "son of Jos." the "-star of song" the "grace of graces, puts to shame the drivel line of "Bradshaw's" and "Baedek er's." He who can visit the scenes of the Odvssev and Iliad and believe Homer to have been blind, must then he prepared to impute to him the powers of divination. In no other manner can the accurate descriptions in that immortal work be accounted for. The sightless author of Paradise Lost also wrote striking descriptions, but chiefly of abstractions, or of such things as the conversation of others might furnish him the grouud work, aud his active imagination the re mainder. Milton's affliction came on in later fife after his accute powers of observation had stored his mind with countless visions and vivid memories .of the visible world of nature. Ho mer, that "lord of mighty song" as Dante calif him, combining the at tention to minute details of Crabbe and Hogg with the glowing imagery and rich vocabulary of Byron and Moore paints word pictures of such topographical exactness that the most unobserving could scarcely fail to re cognize at a glance any scene describ ed in the wanderings of Ulysses. I even thought I could discern "faith ful Argus" in the group of sore-eyed, scalded canines on the quay. Perhaps I wrong the brute in question, but judging from the general expression orbis features 1 would hesitate awhile before trusting to his powers of mem ory after a separation of twenty years. I would prefer to place ray depend ence on something higher the back fence for instance. About mid-day the unexpected re turn of the Bora compelled us to turn our backs upon "fair Greece," and thread our way among the groups of islands which add beauty to the land scape, but danger to the navigation. How thickly associations cluster iu this region. The history and civili zation of a world is comprised within a territory no larger than Rhode Is land. Almost every spot of ground in this vicinity is immortalized by song or battle. It was not a sense less fable which made Clio the sister of Calliope, it was the thoughtful al legory of a philosophic and observing mind which beheld the intimate rela tions of poetry to history in clothiug with amaranthine fame the scenes of wars or verses. What the Punic wars did towards establishing the undying renown of aucient Carthage, the songs of Homer have done for the Ionian isles. What the deeds of Leon id as, Themistocles aud Miltiades were to the ancient Greeks the verses of Lord Byron are to modern Greece. Late iu the afternoon when the sombre shadows of Mt. Enos were ly ing far out upon the waves and the "God of gladness" was shedding his parting smile we sighted Santa Mau ra aud about twilight ran in under "Leucadia's far-protecting rock of woe," where tradition says that Sap pho committed suicide, but where Welcker, that heartless Teutonic icon oclast of romance, says she did not. Put Sand iii Your Craw. An Old Chicago Sufferer Asks About the New Cure for Dyspepsia. Some time ago the Constitution pub lished the following special from Athens : The most wonderful cures of dys pepsia are being made around Athens by taking a spoonful of fine sand af ter each meal. Parties who have been suffering for years areentirely relieved. There is a good deal of excitement over the new remedy. This was extensively copied in the northern press and brought, among other letters, tlie following : 1127 Wabafh.ra venue, Chicago, Il linois, August 3lt, 1884. Dear Sir : Please find enclosed stamped envelop and clipping from to-day's Chicago Telegram, clipping quoted from your paper. Would take it as a great fa vor if you will let me kuow if there is any reasonable foundation to the story or is it merely one of the nu merous items I uui an old chronic sufferer, and if there is anything in it would be glad to know it. Respect fully yours. V. V. Poweb. p. s. Would like to know of some one who has tried it. The whole matter was referred to Col. Gantt. of the Athens Banner Watchman, who answers as follows. We will state that there is nothing humorous about the above, but it is an old remedy that has long been iu practice in the rural districts around Athens, and hundreds of cures have been effected by it. Of late it has broken out afresh iu Oconee county, aud persons who have been sufferers from dyspepsia for years are now entirely cured. The sand taken must, of course, be very fiue grains, aud is best when gotten from the run of a spring, where it bubbles up with the force of the water. Take a tea spoonful after each meal. The effects are not at all unpleasant or injurious and after a few days patients can eat any kind of food and digest it thor oughly. Mr. Webb Bar bar, former ly a citizen of Athens, substituted pulverized glass for sand, and took a small quantity T after each meal for years, aud says he never suffered with dyspepsia afterwards, aud the glass always kept his bowels regulated. The remedy is simple aud costs noth ing, and from the statement of many reliable parties we can guarantee that there is nothing injurious about its use. If uecessary, we can give a number of certificates from parties who suffered for years from this afflic tion, and ate now entirely well from the sand cure. Athnta Constitution. of Hot uiu liters . Says an English paper; In 627 the heat was so great in France and Germany that all springs dried up; water became so scarce that many people died of thirst. In 879 work in the fields had to be given up; agri cultural laborers persisting io their work were struck down in few min utes so powerful was the sun. In 99$ the sun's rays were so fierce thst vegetation burned as under the action of fire. In 1000 rivers ran drv un der the protracted heat ; the fish were left dry iu heaps, and putrified iu a few hours. The stench that ensued produced the plague. Men and ani mals venturing in the sun in the summer of 1032 fell down dying ; the throat parched to a tinder aud the blood rushed to the brain. In U32 uot only did the rivers dry up, but the ground cracked on every side, and became baked to the hardness of stone. The Rhine, in Alsace, nearly dried up. Itally was visited with terrific heat in 1139; vegetation aud plants were burned up. During the battle of Bela, 1260, there were more victims made by the sun than weapons ; men fell do wn sunstruck in regular rows. In 1303 and 1304 the Rhine, Loire and Seine ran dry. Scotland suffered particularly in 1265; men and beasts died in scores. The heat iu several French departments d nring the sum mer of 1706 was equal to that iu a glass furnace. Meat could be cooked by merely exposing it to the sun. Mot a soul dared venture out between noon aud 4 p. m. In 1718 many shops had to close ; the theatres nev er opened their doors for several months. Not a drop of water fell during six months. Iu 1753 the ther mometer rose to 118 degress. Io 1779 the heat at Bologna was so great that a great number of people were stifled. There was uot sufficient air for the breath, and people had to take refuge uudcr grouud. In July, 1793, the heat became intolerable. Vegetables were burned up aud fruit dried upon the trees. The furniture and wood work in dwelling houses cracked and split up ; meat went bad in an hour. The rivers ran dry in several provin ces during 1821 ; expedients had to be devised for the grinding of corn. Iu 1822 a protracted heat was accom panied by storms aud earthquakes : duriug the drought legions of mice over-ran Lorraine aud Alsace, com mitting incalculable damage. In 1832 the heat brought about cholera in France; twenty thousand persons fell victims to the visitation in Paris alone. In 1815 the thermometer marked 125 degrees in the sun. About Dog's. A Bad Dog and a Good Dog. I'otl .and Revisited. I Adoi? belonein? to the B s. which D OCT W was a great favorite of theirs and re garded as of thoroughly irrenroacha- ble training, was charged by some of their neighbors with worry iner sheen j a at night. The family rebutted this charge on the ground that the dog was fastened into their kitchen at night, and was never let out uutil the servants came down in the tnorniner. o The farmers, however, persisted that they knew the dog well, and had been him going from the sheepfold, thnuirh he had managed to escape w O o s them. When this was urged so strong- lv us to make it imperative on tue j g to take some further steps, oue of the daughters volunteered to sleep in the kitchen aud watch the dog's behavior. When they made up the young lady's bed the dog seemed very rest less and strange, but by and by he .it settled down, and all was silent. A little after midnight he cot up, came to the bed, and sniffed about uutil he had satisfied himself that the ludy was uot awake. 1 hen he lea ped into the window seat, lifted the catch nf the shutters and opened them. Then he undid the latch ot the win dow, which he opened, aud then dis After a long interval he came buck, ,.nP nd fastened the window and shutters, and fiuiahed by licking his own feet, and the marks wnicn ne l.u.l loft bv snrinyimr Oil the floor. To the terror of the seeming sleeper he now came and closely scrutinised her : but she kept still, and he at last crept off to his own bed. As soon as she heard the servants stirring, the lady rose softly and slip d th run oh the door. Bui the guilty dog had marked her. He sprang up and made a dash at tier witn iquh mj ,i;.,M,;a,.(l fnrv. for he saw that his secret was discovered and his charac-. ter blasted by one vlmm. he regarueq no m li.it (it'll I SUV. Fortunately she got the door fast shut in time, ami at once alarmed the l.hM Hut the dour was now so fu rious ' that no one dared go into the kitchen,and at last a gun was brought, pointed through an ajierture, and he was shot dead. John Sheppard. CP. A.. KLUTTZ'S WAREHOUSE For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco Salisbury, North Carolina FARMER'S REMEMBER KLUTT'S WAREHOUSE h thrct FOURTHS of all the Tobacco sold on the highest averages for crops and a general average second fco none in ths State for the same grades of Tobacco. Kluttz's Warehouse Is the BEST LIGHTED, BE.ST ARRANGED and the ; u place that has STORAGE ROOM FOR f i vou warn ine niurnuisr PIUUES for your Tobacco sell at KLUTTZ'S WAREHOUSE where you will always find a full turn-out of anxious buyers. JOHN SHEPPARD, the Champion Tobacco Auctioneer of Wester North Carolina, has orders for Tobaccos and will pay HIGHER .PRICrS for all grades from the Ground Leaves to Fancy Lemon Wrappers. DAILY SALES. HIGHEST PRICES GUARANTEED, Salisbury, N. C, June 4th, 1884. nsnonuoi purgative " completely ciiange the blood In tho ZZ1 from l if ach thine be possible. For Female Physicians use them tor the euro of LIVER aad KIDNEY diseases. Sold everywhere, or seat by mail for age. la stamps. Cireoiars free. L S. Jomsos a CO . Do. Lst. DPHTHi JOHNSON'S ANODYNE LINIMENT tTRES influenza. RlenBne st the T.nn i: .. nets, lurking Cooks, Whooping ,-uh, Chronic lnurrhira. hvarnterr. cholera Mort.u. Ritasjr TaaUskSad lJijeasej of thrs Spine. Sold everywhere, tlrrular free. 1. S. .luilNSON fc VU., liostan, .Man. It Is s well-known fart that terwt of the Bone snd Cattle Powder aoid In this coun try Is worthless : that Sheridan's Condition Posrder is absohite'vpore and vere valuable. Nothing on Earth will make hens lay like Sheridan's Condition Pow der. Dose, one teasnoonfnl to each n'Mef food. It win also positively prevent and cure I nog Cholera,. BoM everywhere, or sent hv mall for e la fUlffaf PIM PUAI ETDA h""" f'trnished inlanre envpriee$l.Oi; bv mall. S1JU wiiiwibis wrss'wuwaws 1 1 Circulars Dec. SO, ; M. DAVIS, fWtuTfi Dealer Upholsterer, r ."aw r sasi: 0 - i AND PARLOR SUITS, 35 to $100 CHEAP BEDS, $2.50. FINE LINE OF CARPETS. Sewing Machines- Weed and Hartford . . ! ACTIVE AD and eountv to sell BlllLES. Ministers, teachers and others, whose time is not fully occupied, will fled it to their iaiereet to correspond with us. To farmers' sona and other young men just sjssslaf on the fielU ot aotion, this busin cm offers many advanawH, both as s mean of making money and of self eaKnre. Write for special terms to B. F. JOHNSU CO., STANDS AT THE HEAD! THE LIGHT-HCXXING ( DOMESTIC." That it is the acknowledged Leader, is a fact that cannot be disputed. MANY IMITATE IT. NONE EQUAL IT. The Largest Armed. The Lightest Running. The Most Beautiful Wood Work. AND IS WARRANTED To be made of the best material. To do any and all kinds of work. To be complete in every respect. Agents wanted in unoccupied territory. Address, DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., Richmond, Va. For sale bv KLUTTfc Si UENDLEMAN 'a436:iy. Salisbury, N. C. Executor's Notice! All persons having claims again estate of Tobia File, deed, are hereby notified to presents the same to me for pay ment, on or before the 2d day ot October, 1885,-or this notice will bc njead in bar of recoverv. And all thoc indebted to tk.e said estate are requested; to make early settlement of the same. M. 8. FKALEY, Executor. Sept. 27th, 1884. 6w:pd. "ijjHjv BaaeaaaV sasS-gPSsas tSSSSn 'i. J, M, Monrc r, this market this season. nd W PLANTER'S TOBACCO. S wink. Your friends truly. SHEPPARD, SWINK & MONROE, 1PILLS tiro system la Hires las A ay I t . . . . entire system in thm l m7 bs restored te sound Complaints flma Pill. h. - . Croup. Asthma. Eronehltls, Nrural jria, Rhvuii.ittUtn. .'oiixson s .wo IV.K LIMJUhM KforlmtrnatattdExUmal Vie) will in-Uiilaii -..u-lv relieve itirjte trriihlo divaM-. uu will iK.Miivelv cure );UtJ out of ten. liil niiuiK.ii Unit will uvciiavy l.vei iu free l.v nmil. lnot iklav a nfcuKu rrevoitiuti u better than cure. Mil HENS LAY B V KZH J U M free, h 8. JOiUi&OX CO., aottue, UNDERTAKER. ME WALNUT SUITS, - - $50 Cottage Suits, 20, 25 and $30 Woven Wire Mattresses, $7.50, 1TKM,IEST AGENTS la every town our 1'OfULA K NEW BOOKS aad FAMILY l,OU laaus traes, iieaaiaasi, vs. I .V.VE, PuK. W. C. COT, 80 Total Assets, $710,74512. A Home Company, Seeking Home Piit-ronage. STBONG, PB0HPT, RELIABLE, LIBERAL. Term Policies written on Dwellings. Premiums payable One half cash and bal ance in twelve months. J. ALLEN BROWN, Agt., 23:6m. Salisbury N. O. wricht s Indian segetadlePiu rn thb LIVER And all Bilious Complaint V.U- to lako. uHj v"w'alt; 'i ,'ns it:-, rriceeta. Ail imiisw. SAVE YOUE FRUIT Scarrt Fruit Preservative Without the vflc of Sealed Can. T' CHEAPEST and CtNLY SURE K KNOWN. P:niK( n. t Hakmleis. C. and try it. At ENNISS1 Drug Sio l:tf.

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