Carolina Watchman. THURSDAY, OCT. 23, J 684. National Democratic Ticket, For President, GROVER CLEVELAND. OF NEW YORK. For Vice President, THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, OF INDIANA. i 5 ron ELECTORS AT LARGE ? jW. H. KITCHIN. JOHN N. STAPLES. DISTRICT ELECTORS : , UtWUson H. Lucas, of Hyde connty, rid Donuell Gilliam, of Edgecombe coun ty, ad -Charles W. McClammy, of Pender connty. 4tli Benjamin H. Bnnn, of Nash county. 5tli Robert B. Glenn, of Stokes county. tli Alfred Rowland, Robeson county. 7th Richard C. Pin-year, of Yadkin connty. 8tb Reuben McBrayer, of Cleveland connty. 9th Michael H. Justice of Rutherford county. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FOR GOVERNOR, ALFRED M. SCALES, OF GUILFORD ' FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, CHARLES M. STEDMAN, OF NEW HANOVER. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE, WILLIAM L- SAUNDERS, OF ORANGE, FOR AUDITOR, WILLIAM P. ROBERTS, OF GATES. FOR TREASURER, DONALD W. BAIN, OF WAKE. FOR sup't OF PURLIC instruction, S. M. FINGER, OF CATAWBA. FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL, THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, , OF BUNCOMBE. FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE 61PREME COURT, AUGUSTUS S. MERRIMON, OF WAKE. PEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES FOR CONGRESS ist-'-T. G. Skinner, ol Periiuiiuaiis couu- 2d F. A, Woodard, of Wilson, 3d Y. J, Grenn, of Cumberland, 4th W. R. Cox, of Wake. 5th James W. Reid, of Rockingham, 6th R. T. Bennett, of Anson. 7th John S. Heuderson, of Rowan. 8th W. II. H. Cowles, of Wilkes. 9th Tho. D. Johnston, of Buncombe. COUNTY DEMOCRATIC TICTET. For State Senate- 30t District. Dr. J. W. Wiseman. For Blouse ReprescntatircsL. S. Overman. For Sheriff Q. C. Krider. ForBeyister of Deeds II. if. Woodson. For TeasurerJ. Sani'l UleCubbins. For Coroner D. A. AUcell. For Surveyor J. C. Bernhardt. The Blair Bill. The Republican or ators of this State, from Dr. York down, are constantly charging that the democrats are opposed to education, schools, &c. They know it is a lie they know that the Democratic party has done all that has ever been done in this State, to build up schools ahd promote education. The Republicans while in power squandered the educational fund and shut up the school houses. And yet they harp on the Blair bill as if there was something in it. Ask them who objected to taking np and passing the bill. Ask them who is Mr. Hiscock, of New York, aud-if he is not the Republican who defeated the Blair pill. The Radical Mahoueite Governor o Virginia? a fair sample of the Tyre York school of politicians, actually appointed negro directors, (or committeemen) over ft white school. York uud the Republican party of North Carolina have planted tbemseves tquarely on the National Re publican platform recently adopted at Chipagp, aud ou every stump declare that they endorse it, civil rights and all. Now then, if the voters of North Carolina place the State under the controj of the Radi cals, ? hat assurance have we that when theyJtave elected Radical county com missiouers they wjll not appoint negro committeemen over white schools f What assurance have we that they will not elect a negro Connty Supt. of Public Instruc tion i White voters of our laud, think of these things wheu you go to cast your ballot on the 4th of November. The Democratic State Executive Com. raittee of Ohio have issued a circular np. pealing to all in their State, who love their country and want an houest admin istration ef the national government, to agaiu rally. They assert that the Repub licans carried the late State election by the basest, umst corinpt and shameful methods ever kuown in political history. The Committee assure their coqqtryrnen that if they will make the same strong determined effort Ohio will be certain for Cleveland and Jlendricks by a majority of at least 10,000 in November. The outlook is very flattering and good men can but hope that these expectations may bo more thau realized. The Democratic platform of 1876 as serted that for every 'dollar of taxes that went into the United States Treasury from customs 'the iniquitous and oppres sive system of protection" took four dol lars. But we will call it Arc W one, and we have $9.7(K),O00,O00 wrung from nine tenths of our population to eurich the re maining o::e-tenth. The Traitor platform declare in fa vor of "eliminating from American poli tics, once and forever, all sectional strife and party hatred." They profess one thing and do mother. They have done more to rekindle Rectioual strife than all others. And their party is essentially a party of hatred and revenge. Their lead ers hate ihc Democratic party because they were not reward with office. Ask Price, Leach and Johnston if this is not true. A railroad train breakiug through a bridge and falling fifty feet into a liter is a frightful subject to contemplate. Down goes the engine, followed by the tender, the baggiige car and the passenger coach es, one on top of the other. What a mass ofcoiifusjou and destruction of proper ty, and what wails of the suffering and dying people! It is a terrible thing to think of, and yet it sometimes happens. All the railroads in this country put in one straight line would form fire rings around the globe. Trains pass over thou sands of bridges every day and night thundering along at almost lightning speed. The accidents are few, marvel lous as it may seem. And even such as we have pictured above, sometimes hap pens with small loss of human life. There was one in Ohio, a few days ago which happen as stated above, aud only four or five lives lost. ' 'HURRAH FOR OHIO! REPUBLICAN BY 20,000! WEST VIRGINIA i'WheeU into Line and Goes Bepubliean ' by 1000 TkeSolid South Lusted!" M Victory is Votplete " The above is according to our back woods friend, Mi. Goslen, of the Winston Republican, which is too pievious by right smart. His paper was issued two days after the election in Ohio and West Virginia, and before it was definitely as certained how the elections had gone. Subsequent reports from those fields of battle are as follows: Special to the Observer. New York, Oct. 17. From the returns, official aud otherwise, considered reliable, received at the-Democratic headquarters in this city, the Republican majority in Ohio may be set down at between 10,000 and 1,000, whjle in West Virginia, the Democratic inajoiity will be over 10,000. We regard both results as splendid vie tories for the Democracy. W. H. Rarxlm. Later reports reduce the Republican majority in Ohio to about 5,000; and gives West Yirgiuht to the Democrats by a majority of b',000. The New Orleans Exposition will open on the 1st of December. This is to be the greatest show ever exhibited iu this country. It will exceed the Centennial at Philadelphia in 1870, because it will comprise exhibits from Countries, not not seen there. The floor space is double that of the Centennial , and every indi cation points to a magnitude and gran deur far exceeding anything of the kind of whiclt we have seen any account cither iu this or any other country. If the Republican National Committee thiuk the carrying of North Carolina "a mere matter of finance," let them send their men aud money here and try it. They will fii d tottheir chagrin that our honest ypomenry are not like 4-dqmb. djveu oattle." A braver and better peo ple than ours never lived. Buy North Carolina ! Let the Republican Commit tee save its fnouey for fuueral expenses. White men, how would you like to he arrested by a negro constable and tried by a negro inagistiateT This is what will happen to your fellow citizens in Eastern Carolina if the present system of county government is destroyed, and it will be destroyed if the Traitors and Radicals carry the Stale. The white men of the East beg you to spare them this degrada tion ; cau you refuse their prayer f The Republicans are circulating auoth er campaign lie, This time it is an at tack upon Geu. Scales. It charges that he was iu fault for not insisting on his couiuiit tee's reporting favorably a bill to raise the wages of the public printers, iu Washington, rhe General has refuted the attempted slander iu Raleigh Obser ver of the 19th instaut, which we regret is too lengthy to copy in this paper. His reply proves the charge utterly false in toto. An ex-Judge jnid a distinguished law yer, appearing in a case of some impor tance, on opposite sides, in the Louisville, Ky., court on the 18th iust., fell out and pitched ipto each other like two mad cats. Their brother lawyers parted them before much damage was done. On the stnmp Dr. York has openly declared that "every Confederate soldier was a traitor." In his speech iu Granville he said he was in favor of "placiug both white and colored insane in the jame asylum," aud at divers times aud places he has saiij he was iu favor of civil rights. There is strife between science and su perstition in the cholera districts of Italv. tne people repelling the physicians and putting their trust in processions and mumtneries, Jt is no new thing for science tP have a hard time in Catholic couu trips. In view of all the eircninstances, we believe Cleveland's chances td carry Ohio are as god if not better titan Blaiue's, Pructically it makes little difference which way this Stare goes; for Cleveland will be triumphantly ejected, whether Ohio votes at all or not. The State Exposition at Ralaigh, is still attracting large crowds. Numbers left this depot night before last destined for the Fair. Ail who have seen it declare that it far exceeds their expectations, and that it is worthy of the study and atten tion of every man who desires to kuow the value of our State's resources. It closes on the 2Sth of this month, unless the time shall be prolonged. Give Tar Heels muskets and they will do their fail duty. But a grand fight is before them with ouly ballots for weapons. Remember that they are silent but effective. They have the power of purifying your government and blessing the country with peace and prosperity. Columbus discovered America, aud Ed ison invented the phonograph, but it has remained for Dr. York to produce the greatest political wonder of the ages : '-A mule in politics" a politician without a party. Blaine attributes whatever success he has attained in life to his wife. Don't beljeve it. Don't believe that anybody but the could have made such a per fect political villian. A steam cotton gin and bucket factory at Mt. Pleasant, Cabarrus county, was destroyed by tire last week. No insu rance. The business portion of Edgefield, S.C., was burned on the ldth instant. Loss es timated at $75,000. Every honest man who loves his coun try, detests corruption and abhors trait ors will register aud then vote riyht. Gen. Scales will speak at Statesville on the 30th instant. The Democrats don't have to defend the official character of Cleveland; while Blaine is on the defensive at every point. The Old North State expects her every sou to do his full duty. The Vote in Ohio. Columbus, Oct. 19. Returns by coun ties complete do not change the plurali ties heretofore given. Unexpectedly the Prohibition aU Greenback Butler votes increase proportionately with those of the Democrats and Republicans. The Prohibition vote last year was 8,30x1. This year it is 9,510. The Greenback vote last year was 2,937. This year it is 3,700, showing no coalition, but that party lines were closely followed. The total Prohibi tion and Greenback vote is 12,447, or 1,126 more than Robiuson's plurality. The rest of the Republican State ticket lias an average majority over all of over 5,000. The total vote is 780,373. Last year it was 718,108. In October, 1880, it was 716,180, and November, 1880, it was 724,907. There was no change iu Congressmen except an increase of 150 in Romcis" majority over Hurd. "A Single Fact is Worth a Ship-Load of Argument." M. W, B- Lathrop, of South Easton, Mass., under date of Jan. 7, 1884, says : "My father had for years an eating cancer on his under lip, which had been gradually growing worse until it had eaten away bis under lip down to the gums, and was feeding itself on the inside of his cheek, and the surgeons said a horrible death was soon lo com,e. We gave him nine bottles of Swift's Specific and he has been en tirely cured. It has created great excitement in this seclipn. Twisted Bone. Mr. J. R. Stewart of Macon, Ga., a well known and trustworthy gentlemen, makes the following statement : "My son, who was be tween three and four years old, was all drawn up with rheumatism- His bones were twisted, ahd he was all doubled out of shape. He suf fered intense pain, had lost his appetite, was cross and fretful. He was reduced to a mere skele'on, and had to be carried about on a pillow. As these cases of rheumatism, where the bones were twisted and the joints were ail crooked, had for years balHed the skill of the most eminent phvsicians, 1 determined to use Swift's Specific, as I had seen testimonials from men whom I knew to be trustworthy, of similar cases it had cured. I used two large size bottles of S. S. S. according to directions, .L . r e 1. m wiin me raosi saiisiaciory results. jjy son commenced improving with the first dose of tbe medicine. His sufferings diminished daily and his appetite increased : he became cheer ful and in good spirits. Gradually he regain ed the use of his limbs, the twisted bones and joints straightened out and in less than two months he was entirely cured, and could walk and get about as well as any child of his age. Beware of imitations of Swift s Specific, got ten up by unprincipled parties to deceive the public; some of these frauds bear the lie on their faces purporting to be vegetable reme dies, when thev are really nothing but strong solutions of mercury and potash. 1 realise on Blood aud Skin Diseases mail ed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3 Atlan ta, Ga.. 159 W. 22d St., N. Y., and 13Q5 Chestnut St., Phila. tfoc Turner. Joe Turner, it seems., gjot the inside track with the Republicans and they preferred him to Mr. Moring. He is their candidate and as such he will have all of the influence of the revene oli garchy. Doesn't it seem odd? And yet it is alas too true! Joe Turner and the revenuers! Still Joe makes a sham of talking against these people while looking to them with longing eyes for the support which they dole out to him. In their interest he goes careering over the counties with the only effect of sow ing seeds of discontent among the white Democrates; or rather of trying to do it! When the Democratic convention ten years ago offered him the nomination, Joe would not accept it. Our impres- sion is he hoped to be sent to the Senate of the United btates. At any rate he would not accept the nomination to Con gress, but of late years he has been so anxious to run for Congress that he runs "mit de darkeys," with no hope of doing anything except creating a diversion in behalf of the revenuers. News-Obs. I.dn't Do Any Such Tiling The following paragraph is from the Statesville American (or rather the Hal-ci-h American, as it is uow published in Raleigh): "Keep it before the people that a Democratic House refused to pass the bill to give seven millions of dollars to educate the children of North Carolina although a Republican Senate passed the House with their prayejs. Talk it;" A Democratic House did not refuse to pass the bill. It took two sessions of the Senate to pass that bill, although there was a Republican majority and then it was passed by Democratic votes, some of its warmest supporters being Demo cratic Senators from the Sonth Vance and Ransom from this State both support ing and voting for it. When it came from the Senate to the House a motion was made to suspend the rules, take it from the regnlar older and put it before the House for consideration. Objection was made by Mr. Hiscock, Re publican from New York, aud his objec tion made it impossible to take the bill up for immediate consideration. In reply to the charge that the Demo cratic party of North Carolina is opposed to popular education, the following fig ures, showing the amount ap prop in ted and expended for school purposes in the years designated, give an emphatic de nial : In 1877 $289 213 In 1878 324 287 In 1880 352 882 In 1881 409 bofi III 1332 509 736 In 1883 725 000 In contast with these figures, iu 1870, the last year the Republicans had control of the legislature, they expended $42-, 862 , the yepr before that nothing. And yet in the face of these facts aud figure8 Dr. York, who knows better, aud the Radical stumpers aud writers, who kuow better or should kuow better, persists iu falsely representing the Democratic party as opposed to popular education, with a view to cheating honest but unsuspect ing and uninformed people out of their votes. Dr Qrissoui's Opinion of York, As a North Carolina I cannot look at the facts before tne without percciriug that all (he material intercuts of the State, her financial condition, her charitable and educational institutions, her progress at home and reputation iu the eyes of the country will be jeopardized by the elec tion of a man of Dr. York's antecedents. London, Oct. 20. It is reported that a great exodus of Chinese from Shanghai is taking place, caused by the fear that the French are going to bombard the city. The Chinese Embassy at Berlin received a dispatch from its home government confirming the report. The Chinese forces under Lien Ming Schuau defeated 800 French troops at Tamstiei on the 15ih of October. The French operations at that point were frustrated by iueansof tor pedoes. A sign of the progress! veness of the times is the fact that recently Rome journeymen artisans, a class of workmen who, from time immemorial, have trud ged on foot the highways aud byways of the Fatherland, as well as of the neigh boring countries, were seen riding on bicycles, their slim bundles strapped be hind them. Ex. Hut this progressi veness is too costly a luxury for the United States, whose manu facturers of bicycles walled iu by a pro tective tariff and put up their prices far above the reach of journeymen artisans. Bicycles in this country, suitable for road set vice, range from fifty to one hundred and sixty dollars. In Europe, not more than half these prices, There have beeu 844 more failures in the first nine months of the pres ent year thau for tho same period of lg83, iu the first nine mouths of which year there were 7,358 against 8,302 the present year. As against the year 1882, the increase this year iu 2,995, a gain of more than 56 per ceut. The ascertained liabilities of 1884 as compared with 1882, shqw an increas of $125,000,000. The assets of the current year are larger than in the two preceding years, and afford only small comfort iu view of the whole subject. People are living beyond their income, and if they keep it up a little while longer a financial crisis must arise iu which millions of debts will be wiped outas lost. The stronger may live through the storm but the weaker will perish. NOTICE. THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders of the Western North Carolina Railroad Company will be held in Salisbury, N. C, on the 4th Wednesday in .November, lb4, being the 26th day of the month. G. P. ERW1N, 2:1m bee. & Trcas. NOTICE TO DEBTORSF BERNHARDT BROS : All persons indebted to the late firm of Bernhardt Brothers must settle up on or before the 30th day of November, 1884. No further indulgence will be given. KERR CRAIGE, Assignee of Bernhardt Bros. B:8w SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE! Uuder and by virtue of a writ of "Ven ditioni Exponas'-' from the Superior Court of Rp wan county, I will expose to sale to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in Salisbury, on Monday the 24th day of November, 18S4, the following describ ed real estate, to wjt ; 1st. Lot N. 8 in the division of the lands of Hugh Dobbins, dee'd, among bis heirs at law, containing about 81 acres. 2d. Lot No. 4 of the same division of lands, containing about 81 acres: the said two lots adjoin each other, and are in Steele Township of Rowan County, adjoining the lands of R. F. Graham, Mrs. Laura Barger and others, and are now occupied by Mrs. Jemima Black well. C. C. KRIDER, Sh'ff Oct. 17, 1884. of Rowan Countv. 2:1m , DAVID E. FOUTZ, Baltimore, Md., Dear 8ir : Your Shrincr's Indian Vermi fnge is ready sale with us. Our customers say it destroys and expels worms effectual ly. We have sold all we had. Send us an other supply at once and oblige. Carmi chael & DeVault, Ashcville, N. C. How Hk Got a Position."! applied for a position in a banking bouse in Wall street six months ago, and although I proved my competency, they would not take me. I had been down on my luck aud looked old ami shaby. An idea struck me, I got op a new growth of hair with Parker's Hair Balsam, raised a decent suit of clothes, applied again, and they took me in a min ute." So writes a clerk with 2,000 salary. The moral is plain. Parker's Hair Balsam gives a person a new face. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUB SCRIBE FOR THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN. $1 SO. Runaway, "ICY son, P. M. Wensil, aged 17 years, a bout the middle of August last, with out cause. This notice forewarns the pub lic against trusting him on my account, as I will not be responsible for any of his acts. H. A. WENSIL. Oct. 23, 18.84. pdlm OTHER ARE YOU TTfrnTTTCT T?nWith nv disease pecu JLlW UUIJIlilliar toyourgentle sex? If so, to you we bring tidings of comfort and great joy. Yon can BE CUBED and restored to perfect health by using Bradfield's Female Regulator ! It is a special remedy for all diseases per taining to the womb, and any intelligent wo man can cure herself by following the direc tions. It is especially efficacious in cas-s ol suppressed or painful menstruation, in whites and partial prolapsus. Jt a Surds immediate relief and perm inently restores the menstrual function. Asa remedy lo be used during that critical period known as ''Ghaxgeof Life," this invaluable preparation has no rival. Saved Her Life ! Ridge, McIntosh Co.,Ga. DR. J. P.HADFlEl.Tl Sir- T !.r InL-. en several boll les of your Female Regulator r I r . . . ... lor laiimgQi tnewoninanu otner (1 ileuses com bined, of sixteen vears standing. nH I rp.nllv believe I am cured entirely, for which plea.e accept my neartlelt thanks and most profound gratitude. I know your medicine saved my life, so you see I cannot speak too highly in its favor. I have reoommended it to several of my friends who are suffering as 1 was. Yours very respectfully, MRS. W. E. STEBBINS. OurTreatis on the ' Health and Happi ness' mailed free. Bua field Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. MILLINERY! :-o-; Having determined to continue the Mil linery business at my old stand. I ask my friends and customers to hold their orders for me, as I have ordered the Prettiest lot of HATS, WBBONS. FEATHERS, SILKS, FLOWERS, &C, I have ever had in store. Everything will be Entirely New and Fashionable. MRS. W. R. BARKER. Salisbury, N. C, Oct 12, 1884. 2:1 m HEADQUARTERS FOR STUDEBAKER and TENNESSEE FARM WAGONS. Columbus, Watertown & Cincinnati Buggies & Spring Wagons. Bickford & Huffman Grain and Guano Drills. Thovias HA Y RAKES. Avery's Riding and Walking CULTIVATORS. THOMAS' HARROWS, Telegraph Straw Cutters, Avery and Dixie PLOWS, Dexter Corn Sliollers, Engines and Boilers, SAW AND GRIST MILLS, Piping, Engine and Boiler Fittings Guns Pistols, Shells. Cartridges. Wiirls !iml Puna Powder and Shot, Dynamite Fuse and Pri mers Axes, Btiovei8 and Spades, Bqilciin" Hardware, Paints, Oils and Varnishes HOME-RAISED CLOVER SEED. And everything else usually ka'pt in First Class Hardware and IjnBlemtnt Stores. i have on hand a full stock of the above. A offer them for the next thlrtv (lavs fnr Ipsa mnnur than .k... w j ben sow fi thft country ' J ua4C cvw Salisbury, Oct. 23, -S4. W. SMITH DEAL, REDUCED PRICES ! By having you Prescriptions filled At ENNISS' Drug Store. ltf 500 Pounds of Blue Stone At Low Down Prsccs at ENNISS'. SAVE YOUR MONEY By buying all your Medicines, Drugs, &c., at Reduced Prices at ENNISS' Drug Store. Cancer For Five Years. The interests of humanity seem to de mand the publication of the following facte: Two months ago my attention- was called to the case of a poor woman who was said to be aflicted with a cancer. I found her with an ulcer on her shoulder at least live inches in circumfrence, angry, painful, and giving the patient no rest !;:; or night for six months. I obtained a supply of Swift's Specific, which I persuaded her to try. She has taken five bottles, the rcsidt of which is that the ulcer is entirely healed up, no -tning remaining but a small scab not largcj than one's fingernail, and her general health is better than for five years past. She seems to be perfectly cured. I consider its effects wonderful almost miraculous. Ret. Jesse U. Campbell, Columbus, Ga. Price, $1 per bottle. Six bottles for 5. One dozen for $8 to the trade. For Sale at ENNISS' Drug Store. ltf ' 9 M Congressional Canvass. Mr. John S. Henderson and Dr. J. G. Ramsay, Democratic and Republican can didates for Congress, will address their fellow-citizeus, joiutly, at the following times and places : CATAWBA COUNTY. SheiriU's Store, Thursday Oct. 23. Catawba, Friday, October 24. IREDELL. COUNTY. Statesville, Saturday, October 25 Mr. John S. Henderson, Democratic address the candidate for Congress, will people at the following times and places: DAVIE COUNTr. Mocksville, Tuesday, October 28. YADKIN COUNTY. Longtown, Wednesday, October 29. Yudkinville, Thursday,, Oct. 30. Conrad's Store, Friday, Oct. 31. DAVIS COUNTY. Farmington, Saturday, November VM They Speak Lond. Corinth, Miss., June 2, 1884 I can safely say that B. B. B. gives bet ter satisfaction and cures in a shorter time all blood diseases than any medicine I ever sold. My customers who have used it, speak loud in its praise, and will have no other blood purifier. It is a wonderful medicine and the only speed blood remedy I ever-handled. Yours, Ac ('has. M Green, Druggist. We will mail, on application to any one interested in Blood and Skin diseases, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Kidney Troubles, etc., wonderful and and unquestionable testimony of cures effected by the use of IS. ts. ii., the quickest Blooa Purifier ever known. Large. lwttles fl, or six for 5. bold by Druggists or expressed only on ceipt of price. RLOUD BALM CO., 50:3t Atlanta, Ga Notice to Druggist and Storekeep ers. I guarantee Sh l iner's Indian Verm ifuge to destroy and expel worms from tho human body, n here they exist, if used according to directions. You are author ized to st-1 1 it on th- ai-ove condition. uavid E. roiitz, Proptietor, Baltimore. 1 "W ASK iLL." Interested in Hides, Furs, Wool, Roots, Feathers, Beeswax, Hut ter. Cheese, Egsg, Dried Fruit, Poultry, Hay and Produce gene: ally to send for our Price Currents. Prompt returns on all Consignments. Trial Shipments Solicited. R. L. WILLIAMS & CO. General Commission Mehrbants, Office, 169, William St., New York l:ly DURHAM BULL FERTILIZER! TO THE FARMERS ANB PLANTERS OF THE SOUTH; We aie "lad to say to you that the Dur ham Bull Fertilizer has proved a success beyond our most sanguine expectations, and we believe wherever used this year it is the Most Popular Fertilizer, And Justly so. because no Fertilizer has surpassed and few equalled U In field results; every planter sees in it a permanent improver or the sor. We guarantee every bag we sell to be composed rf th5.ry B,et. recognUed materials for Fertlllztr with tUe addition ol lobaeco Strms, and we onr VOOO to a uy person who can show that we use h sl.igle pound oi --shoddj " material In manufactur ing our goods. e nave joined hands with you In trvlng to make orth ':trnlin:i thp !..-.,Hnr ..,.., .i. , , ortn Carolina rhp ivnimr uo-hhiiiM.i wf.. we ask you to sustain us by your patronape. and thereby enable us to build up the manotaciurlnz Interest of North Carolina. K A Few Reasons for TJsii2 Durtnm Bull Fertilizer: 1. It is compost of the very best recognized ma terials for Fertilizer, nun the addition of Tobacco Stems, which Is of itself one of the best Fertilizers 2. Ve guarantee the pujUy of all our goods. 3- They are as free froivwaler and dirt as It Is possible for us to make them. 4. It IS a home IlirllWlrv unH mnrll.- . . . l 1 1 li nivma lilt: ujii u UilU of home people. v fa 5. It Is as cheap as any first-class goods on the market. 6. uur eoods nrovp Anii-i tn QTr n k .... is e ldenoed by numerous certtflcates .Belng.nue aud perfectly dry sows well In any lieli.lhlp w . on application. " "ur aenib -DURHAM FEBTILIZEB CO- FOR SALE BY e.T. BERNHARDT. A?t., J:6w Salisbury, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA In Tiie Supe kiok coukt. Summons for KU WAN UOUNTf . John YV. Smith, Plaintiff. Against Ocha B. Smith Deft. Relief. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA In the above entitled to the satisfaction of thr Otmrt k.t , e , r nun i lie defendant is a non resident of thi and cannot after due diligence be found within this State and that a causo of ac tion ior divorce exists in fv- r the plaintiff and against the defendant. it is ordered by the Court that publication be made in the Carolina wwmpvii. i newspaper in Salisbury, Rowan County, N. C-, for six successjve weeks, command ing Ocha B. Smith the defendant above milieu, iu ue ana appear before the Jude of our Superior Court at tOnnrt t, k hr.A for the Countv of ffnvn .. n House in Salisbury, on the 9th Mondav after the 4th Monday of September 1884, and answer the complaint which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, within the first three days of said Term, and let the said defendant take notiee that it she fail to answer the said complaint durin" tbe Term, the plaintiff will apply to the Coflrt for the relief demanded in the complaint. Given under my hand this 3d dav of October 1884. J. M. HORAH, Olerk Superior Court of Rowan County. 52:6w. J FOTJT'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS J l??8 wl" die of Couc Bots or Lvso F if Foiiu-s Powden are med in time. Foiiu;s lorlfr will rnreapd prevent lloo fnoi.EBA Fot.rzs Powrters will prevent Oapbs ih Fowxi. Foritz s Fowfier will Increase Uie qnantity of milk and cream twenty per cent, and make the butter Arm an1 sweet. IT Footz g Powders will rnre or prevent almost mar Dibkask to winch Horxe and Cattle are snbteet. FOCTZ'S PoW-nEKS WI1J. Ol Vk Satisfactiox. 8old everywhere. DAVID Tt. FOUTZ. Proprietor, BALTIMORE, M2. HAY ! WW 500 Tons of No. 1 v,,,,., VtMh. bu ; v alley of Vi im,uul.' "y ior sate by P.B. SUBLETT & say 43:6m. Oluuton, vt Now A' ttx-.rxotl AT CULP'S STORE Store below Lower ston nLnw de.Partnr. .. goods, a new clerk and new n mi J;ew bouse the public to call and see nh- andE and country produce KeneraUv ,tB,n?"8 S? and see him. "-ruu at fair prtp("H,to Oak Grove, Sept. is, S4.-:lln. Jv E culp.1 PEACH TREEsP PLTMOHTfl BOCK CHICHI I have for sale. 7nn crt-. 'u very choisest, from t Jisest, ironv the earliest tn .u the year old, and ready t , V' ht' . vhich I win Ji? ' irPt est, one this fall than nursery trees can be bought 'i are beiter as they are not as fi "d their fruit, as the budded trei i rot nurseries are. us the Also, 40 thorotioiihr Chicken, at reasonable ?Wk put in your orders befor and e an are sold. Call Sept. 18th, 1884.- 4dAt'. R Fli- ' wagons. Wagons t "-e-"ig. wagons UWo Slop the bleeding; st's blood ! r. Oiun Tip W - . ony fi t, . of ever u me aii A ctr load o wagoni for wile s ' teles e! - Piedmont TheMWft''on n. Thev turedatHirir. ffood honest Wo and ever j one i.iviU be sold khU "the Vommi' written jMl As rooi.ey will be sol AM wit anu tn, - J i4r(i fw pnchj for sp. i- abb J22Kv. sok e timp witb . c .ronw. IlaC8 .f I " V "Rt iU astonish -that wiP make tfeoseo haw recently purchased wh Die" i,ad wrn'f . IT., , ased. Coiul see us. then von'll t-.,-. ? ' the cat run. ' " uo Salisbury, K. C. . ' iUg, JO. 0. WHITE. 42; tf. W BRUNER,EAMES & CO. DO YOU WANT TO SELL YODR LMDS? iN OPPORTUNITY Is now offered to Land owners who may wish to dispose o!' FARMS, MWIXG LA Nt)S, or WATER-POWERS. Havins been instructed to act as Amenta lor the North Carolina Department of Im migration, we will state to those having property, of the above description for sale. i Miii we aie in position 10 place SUCH pro ucrtv in The hands of over two hundred ai tivc Agents, who are making it a regular husiness to sell lands to immigrants and others comins into North Carolina to ive. Lands placed above market value art not desired. We have established a Hkal Estate and Mining Bcreac in addition to the abova and arc in nnsttinn to nlacc to udvantasrc mininor nrooerties of all kinda. D - D , I developed and undeveloped. Large tract of Lands in Western North Carolina, and in East Team, may be placed through u to ad vantage. We can otter inducements heretofore unknown, aud land owners will consult their best interest by calling on or addressing BRUNER, EAMES k CO. Real Estate, Mining Immigration Bureau, Salisbury, N. C. Maps, Assays, Reports and Estimates ob short notice. Parties contemplating going to Thm will do well to consult us, as we have firm in all parts of that State, and will ciadly a - - 9 . furnish lsformation. S7:6m. AAI 11 for the working class. Send incebtsfor 111 L llpostage, and we will mall you r,i u wiroyai, vaiuame dox oi sampi w that win put you In the way of making more money in a few days than you ev er thought possible at an V... .1 . . . . , . ..... Lin o..rt TAI wuMiicats. capital not requireu. e o w You can work all the time or In spare time only, The work Is universally adapted to both vouog end old. Yon can easily earn fromSficty p $5 every evening. That all who want work test the business, we make this unparalleled ob to all who are not wall satisfied we will send f ler ay for the trouble of wrltlmr us. Full partlcalaiw roectla, eta, sent free. Fortunes will be maae 7 wase who give Ihetr whole time to the von. w nse who irlvp. t success absolutely sure, uon't ae laj Address Stumon Ca, Portland, Maine Start SALE OF LAND! On Friday the 14th day of November next at the Court House in Salisbury, I will sell a tract of 84 acres of very valua ble land belonging to the estate of E''2" beth Lyerly ; the land adjoins the land of Joseph Graham's heirs, the Boyden land and others. TJiere is a fine meadow the place of about 7 acre and all the bal ance of the land lis in timber. Terms of sale : One third of the purchase mpney i to be paid as soon as the sale pi cpnfirmea and a gredit of sir and twelve months, with interest from the day f sale at eigpv per ccpt wl be given for the other two thirds. BY order of Court. MONROE BARGER, Adni'r. f Elizabeth Lyerly, October, 14th, '84. TAL POUTZ'S Horse and Cattle Powders t $1.75 per doz,at ENNISS Drug Store. Go to ENNISS and buy Kerosene Majbine oils. and School Books, Envelops and writing P per ofai kind,, at ENNISS'. .aau 24 r -

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