rill Ine Carolina Watchman. ,01 Xtt-THIRD SERIES SALISBURY. N. C. OCTOBER 3D, 1884. NO 3 j - - - zz -mmsss Creeping Up Stairs. COMING in pverv day, and when all are received, will show to our friends : the 1 - and i - Fall and Wniffcfc 'stock of goods in all desirable lines that ever was shown in our town. STORE HOUSE will be full from top to bottom with goods at lower prices than ever before known for many articles. - REMEMBER ! In the soft fading twilight O. a weary, weary day, With a quiet step I entered Where the children were at play; I wan brooding o'er some trouble Which had met me unawares, When a little voice came ringing: "Me i creeping up the atair." All, it touched the teuderest heart strings Wi:h a breath and force divine; And such melodies awakened, As no wording can define. And t turned to see our darling, All forgetful of my cares, W i if n I saw the little creature Slowly climbing up the stairs. Step by step she bravely clambered On her little hands and knees, Kee -big up h movant chattering, Like a magpie in the trees, Till at last she reached the topmost, When o'er all her world's affairs, She delighted stood a victor After creeping up the stairs. Faulting hevft, behold au image Of man's brief and struggling life, Whose best prizes must be captured With a noble, earnest strife ; Onward, upward, reaching ever, Bending to the weight of cares, Honing, fearing, still expecting, We go creeping up the stairs. On their steps may lie no carpet, . By their side may be no rail; Hands and knees may often pain us, And the heart may almost fail, Still above there is glory, Which no sinfulness impairs, With joy and rest forever, After creeping up the stairs. POLITICAL. Thin-man on the Situation. He Delivers a Conservative Opinion , on Democratic Prospects. Hon. Allen G. Thnrtnan, of Ohio, 1 1k.T "XT i l arrived in iew loru. Aionuav. to H11 un engagemenr to address a Dem ocratic tnaiis meeting at the .Brook lyn R uk last evening. "What do I think of the result in Ohio?" lie said Ho au interviewer. ''Just what every body thinks. 1 lie result is a little better than I anticipated, that is all. The Democratic vote was the largest ever polled in the State, and in view ot the strenuous efforts made by Mr. Blaine and his speakers it was a more than creditable showing. In all my political experience 1 have never seen such close hand to hand fighting. Jbvery inch ot giound was contested. The result ot October elections is usual I v to strengthen the winning; party, and while many Republicans voted their ticket in October who will not vote for Blaine, still I do not think the result will be material ly changed in November." "And how about Indiana? "That is in my opinion another close State. That the Democrats will carry it I entertain no doubt, but it will be at the expense ot hard earn est work. Gov. Hendricks feels very sanguine over the prospect. McDon ald, chairman of the Democratic State committee, feels equally sure of suc cess. Hendricks declares that the State is sate enough, and these men are better able to judge than I. My opinion is based on elections in other years. Still, there will be some strong righting in Indiana, and 1 go irom here direct to Air. Hendricks State to assist in the work. New York seems safe enough, and so I go where the chance ot doing good seems best. "Then, in November, you ex pect?" "A Democratic victory. It we ever expect tu be successful, now is the appointed time. All the signs point The Blaine Programme. New York Virtually Owen Up, and Fiaht to be Made in hdiana and New Jersey. A New York dispatch says : The Blaine plan for the remainder of the campaign has been fully developed here during the past forty-eight hours. Many leading Republicans have been here in consultation. Among these was Pension Commis sioner Dudley, who managed the late campaign for Blaine in Ohio. New York is substantially given up as about certain to go tox Cleveland. It is recognized that it Is up hill work to carry this State.? Little money will, therefore, be sfeut here. The Republicans will make a noisy and demonstrative campaign in New York, and the Blaine caravan will go about, but this will be done to divert the attention of the Democratic managers. While all this noise is being made keen, Republican managers will be Dudleyizing Indian, New Jersey and Connecticut. By these methods the Republicans expect to get Indiana certain, and New Jersey, if desperate means will accomplish the result. This would elect Blaine, provided he carried the hitherto Republican States, even though New York go against him. The Democrats are basing some hope on Wisconsin, but it is not a good re liance unless there should be a Cleve land cyclone. Should 151 a ine get the naturally Republican States, Cleve land will have, to get New York and Indiana, or New York, New Jersey and Connecticut to be elected. He could not spare Indiana and Connec ticut nor Indiana and New Jersey. This is now the Democratic danger It may be discovered when it too late. Dudley goes at once to Indiana, where United States marshals and govern ment officials will be employed as in Ohio, to debauch the State. The New Jersey campaign will be managed from this citv. Money will be poured into both States, while all over New York a ceaseless racket will be main tained. There is not much danger that the Democrats will lose New York, but they may be caught nap ping elsewhere. Driven From the Field by Cam paign Charges. What They Say in Ohio. The Democratic executive mmmit tee of Ohio have issued an address ' irom which we make some extracts: A million dollars rnisfxl Uv thy stock-jobbers and mononolists was sent into the State. With if ri ma - - - . W M... Inn ennui 4l. a . i ox... .M, vi me counirv. imeves - -- etecu tr. A. S3 wink. X.jVX. Monrce. T ohm Sheppardi KLUTTZ'S WAREHOUSE For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco Salisbury. North Carolina. o ir ! 1 SiCTS; T rSSE ' FoRT 2?E WAREHOUSE - THREE chief of the pension bureau. AltES fv u I f " U thk market thousands of widows, ornlian- nnd the tagbe8t averges for crops and a general average second to noe in tk. . . ... t manned State for the same grades of Tobacco. Kluttz's Warehouse Is the BEST LIGHTED, BEST ARRANGED and the only house place that has STORAGE ROOM FOR PLANTER'S TOB4CCG If you want the HIGHEST PRICES for your Tobacco sell at ' in the i .J l Muuiers nave been wait nur patiently for years for pensions prom ised thcni, and due from the govern ment, large numbers of emnloves and special agents from the pension office, headed by their chief, and non-residents of Ohio, spent four weeks in the State under government pay engaged in preparing tor the trauds committed last Tuesday. In addition, two thou sand men, many of them outlaws nnd , i . . . . i ... ucrme nimner, and but few of wnere you will always find a full turn-out of anxious buvers mem citizens of U no. were-sworn m TAUXT airier r rr " as deputy marshals in Cincinnati, ' wOIp I0N T0BA Auctioneer of Wester armed with weano n,,rel,fil lJ 1 0RTH Carolina, has orders for Tobaccos and will nav HIGHEST PRWFft the corruption fund furnished by Dud- j a11 STades from the Ground Leaves to Fancy Lemon Wrappers. J3A.IL Y KLUTTZ'S WAREHOUSE Philadelphia, Oct. 23. At a late hour lat oi-ht Wm. W. Hirt, Dem ocratic candidate for city comptroller, withdrew from the ticket in a letter to the Democratic executive commit tee. Hirst is at present comptroller and was nominated to Succeed himself. His private financial transactions with a friend a year ago afforded room for charges of forgery against him, which have been widely published in the present campaign. Hirst says in his letter of declination that although he has denied the charges under oath, and exposed the motives which influ enced their authors, he feels that his usefulness as a candidate has been se riously impaired, and seeing that suc cess to the Democratic ticket, local aud national, imperiled he resigns. Election Frauds in West Virginia. Charleston, W.V A., Oct. 21. In vestigation vesterday revealed the tact that at least five hunderd illegal votes were cast in Fayette county in this (the third) district against Wilson, Democratic candidate tor uovernor The increase iu the vote of the conn tv over that cast two years ago is more th;in thirteen hundred. It is claimed that way and it appears impossible mt oes from Virginia were hir- (Vif unv tnint to rpsit. t in linn wnvp I . . P . ... rr .vr. .v " ""'v w hv the Kenuoiicans tocome io jeay -- i ..... that we will pay you the high est prices for your cotton, &c, and sell you GOOD GOODS as low as they can be bought in We stern North Carolina. J. D. GA SKILL. of opposition to the republican nomi nee." We shall have a better lighting chance too, for those United states marshals who acted so disgraceful in Cincinnati will be called in, at least in Ohio." "About the letter, Senator, which Mr. d mu uds wrute to a friend in Vermont denouncing Blaine for op posing the railroad tax bill which Mr. Edmunds worked for. Is it true, as asserted, that whenever you made an attack on the monopolists, Biaine jumped from behind the breast works, musket in hand in dele use of Gould V "Well," said the Senator reflective ii" ette county and vote. uov. vrnson says he intends to sift the alleged fraud to the bottom. It is also charge that mnnv illoor:il Votes WITC Cast ill this county, Kanawha. The matter wil be investigated. The election of Sam not Kurdette. Republican candidate j i for uroscciiting attorney, will be con tested ou the ground of inelligibility The Blaine Hippodrome. The Tntlnnttd Man Makes Another Bloody Shirt Speech. Terre Haute, Ind., Oct. 23. Mr. Blaine left Evansville, at 8:30 this morning, having before him a long ley aud his gang. They surrounded the polls iu that citv, voted where they pleased, bull -dozed, beat and shed blood at pleasure, interfering ? . . ' .. . . wimi our citizens m tne Uischarge of their most sacred duties. "The enumeration of male inhabi tants iu 1883 shows that there were 66,298 males, of which number 1,683 were colored, and yet over 72,000 votes were polled at the election iu that city. The enumeration taken in 1883 included all persons over the age of twenty-one years, whether they were naturalized citizens are not. Yet within a period of fifteen months from that. date we fine cast iu that city 7, 000 uiore votes than there were citi zens only a year previous. At least 6,000 votes cast in Hamilton county last Tuesday were fraudulent Repub lican votes cast by United States mar shals and non-residents. "The battle has just begun. The men, the money, the methods which gave the Republicans their unholy aud discreditable but meagre majority ou October 14 have disappeared. We mean to carry Ohio in JNovember for honest men and an honest administra tion of an honest government. It would take the same men, the same methods and the same money to give James u. Blame one-halt the majori ty in .November that the Kepuhlican State ticket secured in October. Their entire gang must be brought back to maintain their ill-gotten victory. Ohio will give a Democratic majority n .November tor Cleveland, -Hen- IricUsand honest government. Pledge yourselves anew to the great work be fore you. Stand by your gnus and tush the enemy along the whole Hue. "Renew the ti 'lit by school districts. Gather in your school-houses aud re solve to wrest Ohio (T-om corruption. a Go to work at once and in less than ten days we will have the Republi can mangers crying out in alarm, call- ng on Blaine and .Log:in, aud Due- ley and Davenport, aud Clayton and Filley, "Come back and save us or we sink. "Democrats of Ohio, let us share in the glorious victory that awaits hon est government in November. We must keep the Republicans busy in Ohio. At the beginning of this cam paign we engaged to fight the Repub lican party ot Uluo in a State election. Thus far we have been in contest with the Republican party not only of Ohio, but of the United States. Now we have tliem single-handed ami in a contest iu which we can win if we make a proper effort to do so. Let every Democrat in Ohio Irom to-day forward again enter upon the nnd cense not his exertions until the polls close on the evening of the 4tl day of November." 1 'he Ohjo Republican State com mitlee has issued a congratulatory ad lrc.-s to the Republicans over the re suit of this election iu that State. Tin address concludes.- "While we con irratulate you upon this victory, we also ask vou to enter upon the contest which will close upon the 4th ot iNo ..oLiiusr with renewed vieror and en 1 LUIUVI " - thusiasm. The enemy have renewed the struggle, and by the unscrupulous use of the State, county and mu nicipal governments, where they con trol them, will attempt to rob us of SA.H1ES. HIGHEST PRICES GUARANTEED. Your friends truly, SHEPPARD, SWINK & MONROE. Salisbury, N. C, June 4th, 1884. PARSOIS'JllLLf And Win eomnletel'v rlmn. mi . . pcr.on who win take 1 PU1 each uiSUt fro ZlTJZLj 0 health. tfMcfc thing be powiblc. For Female ComplalauiiiU WlE haf 2Sf Phyleian. nsc them for the -arc of LIVER and lLlb:x?oM or sent by mall for 35c. la ia.P. Circulars free, t S. JoilNSOS i ootw!, 7,7.. OS ffS tlFS 3 li-F? Cronp. AUirrx BroncMM, KeunU. m -10 SSH ' i Lji ,. Ji 'tl r M ? "'V""nc'nl.y relieve u.rnbte M El H H Kj 9 IB fil t A win ftw l.v mini. i dt-U,v n n ... . ? JOHNSON'S ANODYNE LINIMENT cth ncss, narkmtr i ouph, whooptnsr Oiosh, Chrnnte Diarrtiaca. J nrnttrr rholera MorhtM, Kidney 1 matte t Diseases of tho Spine. Stld cvrrytihvre. i'imilars tree- 1. S. JU;!NStN & t)., Boston, Mass. j it a uciur ioaii cure. ly, dropping liis eigar end into the day's ride to LaFayette. At lerre glowing graie, i nati rauier not Haute he maue a anon speecn iu wiireu in k about that. lou know, and I ho rlrnw the listinction between tne everybody knows as well as Mr. Ed munds aud I, what Blame did. J 1 is record as it appears in the Congress ional reports shows that. He was generally regarded as the agent of those Western railroads in the Senate. But that is a simple matter of record aud can be easily seen by reference to the Record. We always found our st ro'gest opposition came from Blaine." It is said cocoanut trees will grow in this country, and the directions for planting is 20 feet apart with the stem end of the nut down. We do not vouch for the story. new and old South. The new seek ing the industrial development of this section and laboring: to lead the peo pie away from the prejudices of the past ; the oiu prejuuiceu, unier um hostile to Northern interests, devotee to the "Loet Cause," narrow of vision and incapable of taking in the sweep and magnitude ot onr great tuture This old South, constituting, he saiu the main element of the Democratic nartv. was striving and hoping witl the aid of Indiana and New York to set control of the national governmen and it was now for the people to say whether thev are prepared to ban over the government to that element. It is a well-known fact that most of the Bone and Cattle I'owilor sold ip this roiut try It worthless ; that Sheridan's Condition Powder is absolute'vpure and vc-rv valuable. Noth i n g on Earth will make hens lay like Sheridan's Condition Pow der. Dose, one teaspoonful to each pint of food. It will also positively prevent and core I nog Cholera. Ac. Sold everywhere, or sent hv mail for .v in chicken cholera j?pi: t!11 . "n-i-9? ux I Circulars free. L S. MOMOH CO, Boatgo, Dec. 20, 1883. 10:ly K. M. DA TIN. 1 Furniture Bealer,uphoisterer, AHO undertaker. FINE WALNUT SUITS. - - -158 :Ii5iiv-;--4i-; ' - " - mm wire mnresses, $.du, PARLOR SUITS, 35 to $100 CHEAP BEDS, $2.50. FINE LIKE OF CARPETS. Sewincr MachinesWeed and Hartford. U T7 A TaTfnX'T t ACTIVE AX9 IKTEIJ.HJE.VT AGENTS in everr town VV L.S JLdU I nnd cnuuty to sell our POPCLAli NEW BOOKS and FAMILY BlliL.Ua. Ministers, teachers una othera, whom time is not luiiy oceapita, mil nua it to their interest to correspond with us. To farracra' aona nnd other younfr men juat coming on the field of ac'ion, this busi new oners many advanttie-.!, wf n ns a mean ot rjak-ine money ana 01 aeii ciutnre. v rite tor special VS. vtrra ) to B. F. JOIIA'SO.V tk CO., 1,013 Main Street, Kichuioml, STANDS T THE HEAD! THE LIOIIT-IIUXXINO ( c DOMESTIC." our victory Mr. Blaine was exceedingly anxious for vindication against the implied charges of the Indianapolis Sentinel in reference to his marriage; so eager was he for it that he instructed his lawyers by telegraph to institute proceedings at once. They did it. The Sentinel accepted the challenge and reiterated its charges. Result the trial has been 4. f fVii-rmorli Rljune's counsel till Fui wii " r , i the 23rd of December, neariy two Tliat it i the nfiknowledcred Leafier is a fact that cannot be disputed. MANY IMITATE IT. NONE EQUAL IT. The Largest Armed. The Lightest Running. The Most Beaut ilul Wood Work. AI IS WARRANTED To be made of the best material. To do aay and all kinds of work. To be complete in every respect. Agents wanted in unoccupied territory. Address, DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., Richmond, V:. For sale by KLUTTZ & RENDLEMAN 'r3436:ly. Salisbury, N. C, Executor's Notice! IUO;m 3K3.VX3, P.i?.s . W. C. COART, SH Total Assets, $710,74572. A Homo Compaiiy, Seeking Home Patronage. STRONG, . PSOMPT, SELIABLE. LISE2AL. Term Policies written on Dwellings. Premiums payable One half cash and bal ance in twelve months. J. ALL E IT EOWN, Afjt, 23:0m. Salisbu. . N. C. .AN c,iTA:L!?iLLS :d all S Ileus Complaints against the hereby . are NOTICE. All persons bavins claims estate of Tobias File, deed, ., i , ii i j i ... riio aiif i iiii; ui ij.i - months after the election, mr , --n the 2d da, ot OctoVr, ! THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING Ar nf sppm as anxious as be .was. tMX nnt. ;ii iw nP!U in bar cf of the tockhldcrs ot the Western North vr- - lojg, ji i - . , .. overv. And all those indebted to the uafoiina iwi ... 1 1 i1 The fact is he admits everytnmg tne rcc Sentinel charged, save the interrogative implication, and he has no case to go into court upon. Char. 01 f. lroaid Company wiil-be held in in Ui . a, 1 1 VI fait aww-w 1 - I a llf 1 1 d estate are requested to make early Salisbury, N. C, on the 4th Wednesday in tlement of the same. i November, 1884, being the 26th day o the -M. S. FHALEY, Executor. month. w Sept. 27th, 1834.-Gw:pd. I 2-:" P. ERWIN, 14 iff

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