TheCaFelina - " 8AU8BTOT,ir. CHOVBMBER 18. 1884. ff t 11 W - , MMKKMMIH ' - - - - WM.rc i riii ' r' , Miiii .THIRD STALL & WINTER GOODS "J . e k T.ARfiRST and roost COM- jPLCTF S.k of DRY GOODS and KOITOHB U Western North Carolina. ,' Ao.1 ore prepared to offer .ea.on.ble and .t.ple IoV.ER PRICES THAU EVER BEFORE. lnr assortment oi OfIcIaE VOTE -ROWANCOUNr Hot. MIwPjS!!!! We have. smr um especial attention of buyers to which we invite the from $1 P oa Ladies uloaks Wc have a goou uuc v mssuh meuuBS aid doiui& We have Underwear for alL We are agents for the PEARL SHIRT WE II AVE Boots and Shoes, - - f- -aa r.,0t;r, vs. senate T President. Governor. Uongr, rr-TT 1 , I P P f bTTT? hPII PI ft r I i 1 111 Sift o . ; iir r r j r ' 1 s I f it f r MM -illi 509 396 005, 4U -Y! 01 243 911 243 91! Z43 wi S 243 98 241 99 249 97 243 91 4 viJ ft2 108 w ? S3 7 2w lfu! 661 107 67i 105 m M JXo o ill 87 100 100 wn -212 JaZn i til 90 100 ! 91 g 2fl-a-a j So M 67 60 5 S H x 5s ftft 65 60 65 WH w -( - - 10R 7fl I JH H .21 a if! Til 109 76 109 TO 1W - -Jg 109 m HSU 123 106; 122 1"? fff re I OtTi RQ OOR M 110 54 1W 1W goo 55 198 M w 2 ' OS 2 206 57 rr; 23 93 Ufl 5 .T?l ,H m i 9 ft iS S2 iS 60!! i6i 541 oi a n :rx fi 2i ""o ;i7 72 155 74 153 ' - o? ldn 19 2IB fl qq ! 100 20 102 11 il fi : oft u 19?! m oT; tes 9i 16! 9i a to 1 rii aa uii n w i5il Si 105 16 103 m iw, ;a U ins ao 105, ZK ivo w loa, xi . luo, w, -I " ... ii4 w xih r: oo iaI $jn' I47h bi i oi vn tt ri Tii na Iff) kJI I I I T W " . . d MM 1 IB-C ll 111. 1 If 1 149 MBW HV7 151105 17 104 r I i U n 11 r. S M 1 r . ft Ml ' 1 -l , i! I Hll -HCJC WWl"'" John fcl. A- Swlrfr. T .J"I. Monro KLUTTZ'S WAREHOUSE. For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco Salisbury Jf North Carolin a. Salisbury . . Franklin . . Unity . Mt. Vernon . . Third Creek.. Steele Mt. UHa..... flolemans Sto Enochville . . . Locke China Grove . BosnX Roads, Heilie's Mill. Gold Hill.... Bernh't Mill.' Morgan Hatter Shop.. Rowan Acad. 12042,1372 12636 1372 2571 D. A 1393 '2630'1352 2605 J90 1306 2642 1343 2688 1315 Very ' . Aivod 2666: Haltom, 1315. A. Atweii, lor MiUer. 1332. C. Bernhart, tor uoumy j-" fine Hand- .. . i urea Jfe RRO'S. We sell the unexcei k R88ortment of Johk Sewed Shoes. WchaTea shocg COlKKSSIONAL VOTE. ..i tr aimnlv VOU Wo fit I J i Bl" l" ""IT.' ' . 1( I K ..i' l r I new (TOW . !' MBI ' ' . . rTTR HAMS, PURE LARD, with tne orits, Rica, Sugar, Syr- " " 'TWn Sea. NO. 1 MA"BU- f r r' i tl.o largest stoca oi i . r i . o ,r o tup. lariffcsv trieks. Agents for the Light Rnmetnuer, w " y-j . .,, nave over 20 of CHEW '"" E5 w- jg ac? . . jBSft spool c . nJimrtie Scwins Maciunt , price, for ,o - . RFNDLEMAN MU I ifc w W W.TAYLOR, ) D. J. BOSUA, COUKTY. Rowan, Davie, Iredell, Catawba, Randolph, Davidson, HENDERSON. 2,571 1,038 2,608 2,250 2,009 1,918 Ynrk' vote, remarking that the only conceivable result of ending : t ntuair. i i tn wnn nnoi wuuiu A Remarkable BrMfe. 1,38:? rr:: : hlection with a Demo i',733 cratic House of Kerpresentative. 001 1,805 of the CauipaltfM. . .,. i Salesmen. BRtJNBH,B AMES A CO DO VOU WANT TO SELL m LAfiBS? AN OPPORTUNITY Distant about an hour's ride by rail from Avignon is the font au waru ur Bridee of the Gard," a great bridge, or aoueduct, built here by the Romans at . a f ime when this part of ranee was uc- cunied bv the soldiers and colonies of ff " . ... rt l that DeoDle; and next to tne oiosbcuiu considered the grandest and most perfect piece of Roman archi tecture now standing in the world. It is an immense stone bridge, stretch- I : Hi whole vallev. It consists process, wu i uig . .1... 1 AnA ami term i-1 of three rows oi aruueo, "" PARMER'S REMEMBER KLUTT S WAREHOUSE has sold THREE FOURTHS of all the Tobacco sold on this market this season, and can aliow the highest averages for crops and a general average second to none inHhe State for the same grades of Tobacco. Kluttz's Warehouse Is the BEST LIGHTED, BEST ARRANGED and the only house in the place that has STORAGE ROOM FOR PLANTER'S TOBACCO. If you want the HIGHEST PRICES for your Tobacco sell at KLUTTZ'S WAREHOUSE where you will always find a full turn-out of anxious buyers. JOHN SHEPPARD, the Champiok Tobacco Auctioneer of Wester North Carolina, has orders for Tobaccos and will pay HIGHEST PRICES for all grades from the Ground Leaves to Fancy Lemon Wrappers. DAILY SALES. HIGHEST PRICES GUARANTEED. Your friends truly, SHEPPARD, SWINK & MONROE. Salisbury, N. C, June 4th, 1884. nincnuo PURGATIVE nil I 0 AN HONEST CONFESSION. m.i. a.... cUm ft TTm aud Find mam vis" . . Consolation ia Defeat. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Is now offered to Land owners who may wish to dispose of i FARMS, FORESTS, MINING LANDS, or WATER-POWERS. I Tlds powder never varies. latflrMiruinim (impfiltlon irtit, alum ,3 KUYAL 1 marvel of OUrlty More economics len instructed to act as Agents ' 101 V . ft 1 1 :t r 1 " r ' a t . i i - r III l ill- klndv an eaanoi ije ao t,,u Nrt, Carp hna u wttu he mniuuu j"" m;,.tion. wc will stare i -" orpnosinaiepour,a . ---- m ft,Mve description lor saie, Basing iwukk.. , proper. j - , i . .n rvnen 111! LU Iff I f V i t int we uiu ". m Montaomery is reported to have elected DaVaNPOUT, la., Oct. 3-Asen- . . ta J.L r from ton to I war created nere rrw j the wnoie - - - . , ,k streets bottom, but exacc " . " 1'8" ;r " li m.mlers of . . ta hlfP rii r . r ,Ant Till V Villi Mil intiit ii'v- Yadkin county . rep.tW " n IN. .. ii nan. r- apm 111 ili'v uilimi Republican by majoruy. r. . W"V A ft. all .i-.,'B mninritv in tlie uiainci. w... litlWV" V I ft - aboat3,500. Itm.y ry . few v.... anJ poke bonne. . -- - one aboTC the either way from the tBr. pae. - , . row six A r I 1 Aft M 1'kv II' 1 A A VJ ' ' - " " Lll. 1 im1mv of which a member oi h Verv large arcbes; aoove hub i '""ft" comoanv personating the woman 8 1 row Q eieven smaller arches; and over condidate tor tne raw"? a . i - .....Ann elaborate ana WKing spe.. f row ai u -iro-est crowd of -e top wi w rr . xt v aw 7 -The Eve- ir roug... "? . th ummit of the brMige, i jet, or waverw-'-jf. - this vast bridge seems almost as and perfect as when first built; and we can hardly realize tne iaci mum, it has stood there for nineteen centuries. Tt, was erected solely for the purpose of carrvinir water across the valley, and i ...vt- f rnf v-tivp nrna nn rr OT illl iiuucuuvt, t..v,...j From the account of "The Battle of . constructed by the Romans - ... in ........ ..i i ... p Bull Run," by Ucnerai oeau.r.v., duct the water of the springs oi in the November ymury, wo 4 . . their towil of Nemausus, now .ii 11 II m.,, i ii i i w i - the toliowing : " e , of Nimes. :At ;thpr a military man oi a n.g ' -l t order, or a politician of the nrsi c.a TT 11 ' .1. . U'l Willi nil - (such as no we.. - The3e M ...- 1 -v - 2 I III- ii 111 111 llft ..w. MM-IIIIII 1 V tary p.ete--. ... nf 4lr- and other ma- I nnm KH OV tle mere gunpons W wu,v" " " . l I 1 .1 ...... L nA nLines hv which tne massive swm ro&ressed. We raiaea w uu"u'"h ninuTOE iiBrts fir H B Q El El La m UN f id am n tv.J a. t.- r . A ' II. " ..lkft A MSB AwlA , camoietely chance tbo blood la tne enure system m iu. muu,.,. "ff And Will COmpifM-iy . . . . . , him Iw nitAMd IA lomiil hn wUl take 1 rul eacn mgnt irom x - . . ESS? Sth be poible. or Female ComptainU thee Pill. bar. no eouaU ptlM them for the .are of LIVER and KIDNEY dleeMe. Sold e.orywbere. rnysician u cr!VITina. Circular free. L S. JOUSS05 A CO . Boston. Matt. or sens aj nau Croup. Aima. Bronchitis, Nenral eta. KbtfumatUm. OIINftoSK ANO IV NE LlMAIbNT for Jntemalatut Extrmal Utt) will iii.iiiiatieJu!I.T relieve l!ire tcrriliio rilseftaet, aiwl pislilvelv care nltic cm? .... .......l..n iVnl will . fi fi l W Oil! OI U'll. Jliu'liiiau"" r- . fenl fn' liv mH. linHiniiijiiitumwu H l'rcvciiuon is better Uin cure. JOHN.SON'S ANODYNE W.WJf.Xa. l'vrtVr- ,,,r',',;JuViJr ' fS-"rS 3d Sphere. Clreatal. free. I. aJQ.i - ; It It ft well-known fact that most of tMs Hone and Cftttle I'nwder iU In this cmin- Kothlnc on Earth will jnake hen . v . M.n'i rendition l ow- j" , nose one teaspoonf ill to each pint of in-ni.f KoideTerrwhere.orientbTinftnfor25e.ln fcod.' ITTray present irta iraf ftTM RHDLBIf t. Circular tree, I8.t w,i a. ". ;3 r-f. 6. rv3 Dec. 26, 1S83.-10-.17 pu blicans TAPE WORM. An eminent German scientist has recent- h discovered from a root extract, an tkueeifie for Tape Wora. It is pleasant to take anu is nut ui lingtotlie patient, but is pecunarij s"'1-" above to all kinds, i i t .f nipr two nunurcvi W "-"i" . " ,brnffit a regular wtivr Asenwi wiw p. , , business to sell mnas u xuiu..H.. r others coining into North Carolina to live. Lands placed above market value are not desired. I We have established a Rkal Estate and N nrstupefyi to the 1 ape or, MlH1Ka bobkau " . A .,-!. .iw tu nil ol IIS VICIHU .....I nrn in PWwb r .v . , I II IV II l" wv-n n . n il I I - - a p :- ; ,wl nrtav manlier. ...... !n nir lirODCrilCS Ol mk away in u imiu. - auvauiagv -""or--v eatirelv whole, with Head, anu wnuc developel ana uouc.r- "? . iBve. ... L,f Lands in Western Noith Caroim,awl Ouenhvsician lias used this specific in . t Te3 may Oc piaccu i ver 400 cases, without a sinale failure Jto to We can offer inow mid worm entire. Success guarantee! . ,eretofore unknown, an.. .um until removed with Heaa. COBsult their best intcreM addressing tva . nn lilt L) i jii-.o i Real Estate, Mining & "Immigration Bureau, ' Salisbury, N. C. Maps, Assays, Reports aud Estimates on wli.irf notice. ' . rw. to i exas I .1 1... e lionn Piefteu i . : in vote nnd ery county nas wsui UrruMl humor J. .fi ..-..sfitJn.i of the results as-1 g0011 ,,U,M 1 a caremi vn.." rl sure Gov, Cleveland a plurality o. i iwi ;n the State. Ihe vote mi OHO on either side ol Will ""i- , . these figures. New York gives Cleve land enough votes to elect htm. viw 7MiiZ has devotetl all its en A . iwnrds securinr another result and it now reluctantly states tliat the nnl inn lm been deciiled different . . I. aL... from its desire, because it J believe x .,.;tmn of the will ot a prompt icw -the majority is essential to the main tainanceaud preservation of American institutions. So lonfeas the people ol iu United States have decided to ,-,f tho fofteral administration to n-.rot;ff nartv we are elad that lilt; iiuwti.."' i j , . r r i ho opeision has been made in favor ol rk.,nt from New York State. a ArCIll - i I mm :.. F.mni re State, which 1 lie pnuv in .. ' f...,;Khe(l onlvone President to tli '" - . ii : TTnited States. Martin Van raireu, ... iqqc ...wio.-.btedlv ffives to every cit ;.o If th State a bias in favor of his I .V. il WW w-- fellow-citizen. Why the Southern Confederacy Failed. K. M. DAVIS, Wtttttm Dealer, U pnoisterer tS&r- nun TTMDF.R TAKER. Sfla1'C;Mi! f.i 77-.Pl La Korth but it was nibbled away lit A., w . - - , . .. . 1 1 IWTMIIIKO ltS PX" at all suies auu c.iv.a ecutive head never gatlierea anu w.c.- .1,1 :c rpt utrenffth under ine reau ucti .i6 . . i. advantages that greatly - neutralized its aaverearjr annor ioritv. It is out anon.- er of the many proofs that timid di rection may readily go with physical courage, and that the passive deci sive policy may make a long agony but can never win a war. can also see the square indentations m the stone work which were made there to support the scaffolding of the Roman MT required Send stump for circular and terms. HETWOOD 6l CO., 19 Park Place; New York. Miy 30, '34. ly Death To Worms. UlDOIWAT. S. C. 4fmanl tor your "Worm Killer." It Is thews Ttrmltuee I ean get. A farmer bougat a bottle oi mt itM wftoka tm.mT one dos tolusouim . ame in next day wijh a -cbow-clioW jar Jjj?? furnish lsformation orms, me result oi one aose. ouiw vuj K, W. J. DA IS- Iirci CsskZn. C May 8th lSSl. .Boyttn, Carmer t Co., Baltimore, Md.-Oear t; mr. A Kudd. a very resoouslble customer of mine, gaTe a half teaspoonfut "Worm Killer to a eSIld last week and the result was 3 worms, mt. lUnit-i 1'iiu-. nc.,1 it ,viiii utm natter result: worms from oue chdd : ot course my sales wlU6 tjthaT THE LEASING- PAPEES SAY. no t t til :i tin-' come will do well to consult us, as we have farms TJ lti t that State, and will filndly in an : ' a7:.. Read the foUowlnKtrom one of the most promt- SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE! Uudcr and hy virtue of a writ of "Ven Min Exnonas' from the Superior Court vaaa j masons St. Nicholas. wo' w a a Am FINE WALHUT SO ITS. - - - PJ 4 Cottage Suits, 20, 25 and$30 Woven Wire Mattresses, Jiiil, PARLOR SUITS, 35 to $100 CHEAP BEDS. $2.50. FINE LINE OF CARPETS. Sewing Machines-Weed and Hartford. U ... .a . ACTIVE m'mMm'AiUBm "W LZjXJ l to St'n0''UV,lvoccup,d wi and it ta their interest Tr,T.rfTer?im,l others, AfWOTLl- ttel.l of .otion. this , : n. ..,...' noils I .,Ir..nnn Vllliui. i " - ; t" xrm to BABt i . ... i . .,..,1 ftirnnoru In . l. ......, v I Will eXDSc ll - u, aim WXlK&OWn mySICiaua uuu -- I OI nuWMItuuni;,' - . . . . J A Cleveland Certsialy PnnniraeT can lount New York, Nov. 7. --The Herald m-dav savs that New York State is rtmJLMt that the oflficial returns iUIWIv , 8how it, that these returns and no others will be recognized by the btate i ..r ....ounrii and that it t her; is Doaru oi uinaa.i . m.....;Mm to steal the rresioency '""T' . . ... f aim vice inawwiv; -e candidates whom the people nave re- iectetl, cannot possibly succeed. . ' n T. rnr linn rs The ott says : x , . more have passed and the result in State of New York, and in u Miinin at laree remains uude- n.miwr Returns come in slowly, CI IIIIHV". ,p, -..,1 with roiiHictinsr effect. Ihese " . . unon wnicn nerciu.i cai VffiTvfi Man's Shockieo Sui it..; N. H.. Oct. 31. On Tuesday evening Horace ueium.,. . I .(- n M il l ll Brookfield, aged eighteen ycu, -.-ed himself to a brush-heap near Ins father's house, then set tne orus.. wu 6re and deliberately hurnea n.ui: to death. His body was discovered virdav. A gash was found on the tA f his throat, made by a razor, . l - fi.....t ninr bv. A note WHICH wan - .una IftillKl directwl totiis tiarents, say i. -c tired of living:. He gave o . ..... i... : a tlmiiorht .....dam tiir imp nni. nut it io no iciwu" . - . . j i. ... n.ini v uurrmmeu love. uth Caroltna. He. writes. "That a ne?ro glrlio -arsom Dt;ir him. took two or three noses oi mc worm Killer, and passed worms." Dated HMgeway, s. c. May ih. 1S4. " R. 11. EDMUNDS, M O. rio 23cts I ox- Bottle. Ask your Druggist for it or send to Bkin, Carreer & Co., Bait. 34:3m. y - . i . . . , w i-l kiiau the highest bidder, ai uw wiu. door in Salisbury, on nono.j - of November, 1884, the tollowingescnb- j ed real estate, to wit : . 1st. Lot No. 3 ia the aivisiu.. ... of Hugh Dobbins, aec u, b at law, containing about 81 acres 2d. Lot No. 4 of the same div.s.on of lands, containing about 81 acr; thetarf two lots adjoin each other, and are in Steele Township of Kowan Coanty, adjoining the lands of K. F. Graham, Mrs. Laaira ! . .. .M niw fftccumed bv Mrs. and otners, uu Crodked Post-OfficeOfficiaia -Washington, Oct. 31. The annual f ThUf Post-office Inspector Sharpe shows that during the last fis !i iUr were 756 arrests, of from sources upon wn.c r nnat masters, have been accustomed to re.y, - men of, clerUs. 25 those wnicn our m assistaiu puw - . 1 Bewitehiag Wedding Dress. rru Rafr. niohe has this story: A very singular case has come out recently jjANDf, AT JH HEAD1. in regard to a young girl who x eaced to be married. She was poor and her intended husband Dougni. u wedding dress at an expense of 50 dol- Rpfftre the wedding day tne inienu- . . i i j;i ed bridegroom was taken sic aim TV. Kride-elect mourned tus loss, anu a. ii finally imagined that he was preae about her, and that sne wouia stm mrrA to him. She told her parents ... . , i i how she felt, and they told her tnat sne must get rid of the wedding dress. She sold it for 10 dollars to an acquaintance and soon recovered her spirits. 1 ne gin ,u Wmrht the dress after she got it imagined that she would lead a bad life, wwl fhat she was out of ana was "" her head, and her parents sent tne areas back; when she recovered. No 1 was soon affected as before, and so much so that Mt the dress back to No 2 again, OU dVi." J(U1. THE BEST SMITH IN THE COUNTY ! The UUderHinii la nrnnrsxi rto all kinds of re- D&lrlnir tA blmilaffJ iAaI-GI ami at v t) I . Alr it' ..I I finable prices. Ieave and get your watches at Jcra,m " c n KRIDER, Sh flf "'"wdleinaa-s Store. Salisbury ; and try ihe . r Hat.ii CountV. we ferinsr own sources of in we infer from returns to hour of going to press . . f wholly mmjmmm . r-' i .i c,crk8, formation su ppiy, letter carriers, o i 0 "l MM.MMcf a i w I . I.-. iiiiivibio. An man earner" o up Ullii , . ...i..tail .11(1 I those arrested 4 were wu . ' . " tted. The amouui oi uu. collected aggregateu thus received that rv , id has a wlurality e3 acqiii . r , tivm l m). The Sun and uenalties n aie ui m w v. 7 . i also says there is no cause for alarm $26,927. or suspicion, because ot aeiay . n v IN TRADE. -There is RoeiyinR . , ar 1 u ll article ot tricts, and adds: 7 1 he .-w made or imported TIIR LIGHT-RUNKIKO "DOMESTIC. That it is the acknowledged Leader is fact that cannot be disputed. and then recovered. No2w"T MANY IMITATE IT. affected nd an attempt w made to NONE EQIAL IT. to No. 1 but her return 0 a smith, ih the county nl'r. iv, :8j:tt K. l. blown. Oct. 17, 1884.J 2:1m New Polling Places. NOTICE is hereby given that the fol lowing new polling pieces have been creat c in Hawan Cotantyto wit : Heilig MM n LHaker Tovvnshin. ffl..J. IV 1 , ... lfilli (N I Ktnkn'a l,,itn,.i- roci- ?oe in Mt. Ulla Township. Bovan Academy, in Providence Town- Mlip. tevrt X Rmd4n Steele Township. trd Creel; in Scotch Irish Township. .BJ order of the Board of County Jpom missioners. H. N. Woodson, Clerk, fcpt. 1st, 1884.-2m MILLINERY! manufactured in the York will be earried by the man who -" ' - 7 iu .duller 1 I a a . . lilt n I I I I I I A k r ft. ff A L v has received the niosi votes a..u Mj - in8 : and there are 'HI ;a n ..u'or HIT i 1 UII5 . . , raw material tuai b ! UUV IV to the iieople of this country to inti poHiuuiajr . .... i . hon ... 1 l.aam our it VPHI'S COmiKI " ' " committeu ag..-x:; - - . . . . ply family declined to receive it. A police officer was sent to laae vuc ux .a. D fof,ion Wltn counsel, ut- aiber ., . neither party would receive it, ana now the friends of the officer are iooiuuk -see him oil his base on account of the Tt would seem as thougn tne oiu dress. The Lamest Armed. The Li"htest Kunning. The Most Beautiiul Wood Work. AND IS WARRANTED To be made of the best material. To do any and all kinds ot work. To be complete in every Agents wanted in unccupied territory Address, aaoDB-s aaiwxB. raas.. w. u.., Total Assets, $710,745.12. A Home Company, Seeking Home Patronage. STEONO, 1 PROMPT, RELIABLE, LIBERAL. Term Policies written on Dwellings. Premiums payable One half cash and bal ance in twelve months. J. ALLEN BROWN, Ag. r determined to continue the Mil- Havin lincry business at my old stand i as riends and customers to hold their orders for me, as I have ordered the Prettiest lot of law that shall honest busi- alike to ness; a law ui" -rrv - . .u- Ziu onffl the iioor: a law inaio.. lire iiv.. -.- , ' ., ... IIS Willi L al.n mail wIlO Se . . .. tL. .in ha steals IIS .lie man hats, anJSAOT. silks. , . . . tiTT V . t iiana over had in store. UivERTTHiisw w be SvnsKWV New akd Fashionable. gtates MRS. W. R. BAWWriifc. Salisbury, N. C, Oct 1 1884.-2:lm he reoeated." ti,a World savs: There need be no " . ,. . i. : ' ai.a,.li. about the result ol me rrebi- dential election. New York has gi ven iaaa,a.An.l a oluralitv of not less than ! o He has beeu fairly elected and le tne next i i'i,cui. ' i." ,i III uc hi , ... , .1.. j , t ip man Who UCU ICS LUC WW s.iv " false i..,i.,nno ilif:nne : , . . i...n 1.1- ..I laraanil ' IL UW tliai ! '" iw w , II.. that makes anu sens tne a ish th "T "1: : VJrTc SEWING MACHINE CO.. Salem witches possessed the dress, anu - Richmond, v a. . , i kf f ho mrment may 1 i. itt I'TTZ A ItENDLEM AN IS bareiy pu n - i or suliaburv. N. c . i iu, xei" i . - , . I H I " J oe uuiucu. ft in the Time Democrat r Lmn Roiiire says : bhei iff iru.ii . ' ffi:.... Bates has just returneu irom . . :a .iirrent and reiiorts tnai a ru...w. thereof the murder by negroes o I three persons, father, son and neph- . rc. narish. a lew OW. HI SJV, A 23:Ciu. Salisbur". N. C. mun Executor's Notice! vf..ii.arhwniEonii3is.?ius KiK TUB And all OiliousCompla1nt rale u. take, 5fSL Full Mir. rER CW. IU IJV. -a. y a dava aeo, and tluit a possee pursueil, iB?a.,..!S,.n.l hamred fouTof the mur- . ;nd tin- All persons na." a....--- -o . rr.. ..j hi If'. II 11. - .V. ' rt t e same to me for pay- ment, on or ; - DIead 1885, or taw - -- -d tothc are requested to make early NOTICE. me tor pay- vgUIAR ANNUAL M ot October, THE Rfc"V ifira of the Weal ad ia bar of of 2 wUl Tt also rk . . a a - -a 1 XIaib ' mi 1 atMl !1 of any successtui aueinpi iuow. "-- - i. I . 1 . j-t III. I II 111 l ift LAlft-v - - " A counterfeit article ot mere ta, .r were on the track ot Kes i - the ma C luaaaa couutertcit coin. tfenfu. I others. recovery. a'ul estate Element ot tne ALEy, Esecutor, 2Tth, 1884. w:pd. MEETING stern North . , .1 nnnilV VIII UC V Uarniin- - thg 4tll Wednesday i November, 18b4, oein BRWi:i, luontn. 2:lm Sec. & freea Sept. BBMMMaBBmKBkmk--KkkB--k-BBBmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaMa