2 Tlie Qarolina Watchman. - - - ' - I. '' ' 1 ffi A r - - m '' "" ""' '" " " " 1 " " "' 1 ' " i " " i ,' "T " II ' "' i bsisss-----s- fOL XW. THIRD ISERIES SALISBURY. N. C., Df EMBER 11. 1S84. 509 & WiNTER GOOflS! tiJ.TJ,"ve Vl,e "f the LARGEST and most COM- wrLx.it. smock or dry GOODS and NOTIONS in nestern .North Carolina. i And we are prepared to offer seasonable and staple LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE. - --- We have a large assortment ot to which we invite the especial attention of buyers Ladies' Cloaks from $1 up. We have a good line of niRf'ITLARS Aim JinijriiTfl. We have Underwear for all. We are agents for the PEARL SHIRT. WE HAVE Boots and Shoes, Very dionp. We sell the unexcelled HESS & BROS, fine Hand Sewed Shoes. We have a larce assortment of John Mundklis SOLAR TIPPED Children's Shoes. We still mean to supply you with the best FLUIM, HAMS, rimr, haww, MEAL, (new crop), Buckwheat Flour Oat Meal' GritRics Sugar Syr- cat.... Tin nnn tiincv new ueeo sen. io. i mavuii"". e nave me mifjesi. 3n-v,i Agents lor the Light Remember, wo will pay lr..a the htehest prices t i imiTT7 Hi. RFNULtMAN. W. W. TAYLOR, J D. J. BOSTIAN, Salesmen. Bet 16, 1 884.. and J . A. IN r.t L, l . ) New Orleans Letter. New Orleans, Dec. 3, 1884. Since my last the work of making ready, both on the management of the Exposition and of the exhibitors, has advanced very materially. May I not add that the advancement must con tinue until the material is all in place, and my humble opinion is to the ef fect that the glorious sun will n-o down on he hew born year of '85 e'er all is reaci-and the greatest Exnosition eration to ! within W ...,wls le- ever known to the world's hislorv mav 1 eritimate invi-.mnr j t be pronounced complete. What is likely to be the nraclicnl i the ground snmc thino sppm result, if any, of this great outlay of to belong au,liAfl v...; r.aiis ..oPv.I fimft .w .... in i-.ti.aMrrn mjuu come i very iW.neT mod learning Hue use ol out of it: if so who will reap the re- I the saddle. The sight is a pleasing , r. . , m.. x.. i arranged, suffice it that thsngnm? of necessary to institute a search for it. her people will swHl with ide when One of the brakemen, in looking under they behold her array. Is the ear- the cars, found the head, and drawing it nest endeavor of those; inrharge, to out carrjed it in his hands and laid it make North Carolina's dispy of such he The man wag identi nature as will best serve o induce m J , , . the more rapid developnnt of her ed as Mr. b. Pemberton. His head bou nd less resou rces, not so mch by i n- was not crushed nor was his body man- viting capital from the Nrth, as by gled, and it was evident that he had stimulating her own peoul, and in- been knosked down by the engine, fall- ducing the more valuable '-art of the mjr with his neck across the rail and his head had been cut off as if with a knife. The opinion is given as a cause for Mr. Pemberton's persistency in re maining on the track, that he was ine- Knoluvl at thp time- Mama pan he tragedy. Charlotte Obseiver. KLUTTZ'S WAREHOUSE . For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco Salisbury MXorth Carolina English, French and Gertan immi- I have seen in passing t and from Jlolasses, Tomatoei ::-S-;7.U have over 2Q kinds of CHEWING TOBACCO. We 1 T.l.ir nnd Glassware in town. A new supply of 5 cents tricks. Tuwanu ui ifo-KSn.. and Ci.iit's Suoo Cotton. es tor trur produce ana sen you goous us mn n i""-. BRUNER.EAMES & CO. DO YOU WANT TO SDL 11 LANDS? ANT OPPORTUNITY U now offered to Land owners who may whjh to dispose of FARMS, FORESTS, MININ&ILANDS, or WATER-POWERS. HEADQUARTERS FOR ST U DE BAKE R and TENNESSEE FARM WAGONS. Columbus, Watertown Cincinnati Buggies & Spring Wagons. BicKFono & Huffman Grain and Guano Drills. Tlwmas HAY RAKES Avery's Ruling and Walking CULTIVATORS. THOMAS' HARROWS, Telegraph Straw Cutters, Avery and Dixie PLOWS, oxtor Corn sneiiors Engines and Boilers, SAW AND GRIST MILLS, ; PipinfEngine and Boiler Fittings Guns, Pistols, Shells, Cartridges, Wads and Caps. ! Powder and Shot, Dynamite Fuse and Pn mcrs Ax.es, Shovels and Spades, Building Hardware, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, HOME-RAISED C10YER SEED. ! And everything else usually leapt In First Class n i i t tr i (. : Hardware and Implement stores. I have on hand llavins leen instructed to act as Agents fllll st.. thp ,..u,vt orrpr them for Che next. -O for the North Carolina Department of Im migration, we. will state to those having property ot the ahove deseHptionJ'or sale, ; Hot we are in position to place such pro Iperty in the hands of over two hundred jrtivc Acntf; who are making it a regular IWHness to sell lands to Immigrants anil 'tbers coming into North Carolina to Lands placed above market value are tot desired. - We lmve established a Real Estate and IXdUXQ Bl'RKAI in ttflilir-inn to the ahove "d rc in position to place to ltntsge mining properties of all kinds, Wi'lopetl and undeveloped. Large tracts h'Lmds U Western North Carolina.ilnd atttft;m., mavl)e" nlaced throuirh us t'tadvautaue. We can offer inducements '"retofore unkno wn and hind owners will "Oil their la-st intorat hv rallinr rm or 1'UrOjsin.r I BRUNER, EAMES & CO. Real Estate, Mining & Immigration Bureau, Salisbury, N. C. m. Ass l , ' . 1 v l j kkv j i lilt m K v, 11 , 9 thirty days. lor less money than thry have ever heen sold in tins eouuiry. Salisbury, Oct. 23, '$4. W. SMITHDEAL. THE BEST SMITH IN THE COUNTY ! The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of re pairing to all kinds ot waulies, clocks, &c., and at reasonable prices. Leave and get your watches at Kim i z &endleman's Store. Salisbury ; and try the best smith In the county. K. L. B-OffS .Cpr. 10, 'Sj:tl. Poultry. Tlic cold wpather has now effectually cut off the supply of insect footl and unless the fowls are furnished with a proper substitute eggs will soon begin wards? The Times-Democrat the lead- lone, lhe trainer is perched on a ing journal of this city, in speaking of lexas pony, wmie arounu mm on the result has this to say : very diminutive donkeys are from . . i . . O I'll "Do the people of the Crescent City tnirty to iony ciuuiren oeiweeu realize what all this rush and bustle fouraiid fourteen, in the greatest 1 t i i ii n of nrenaration menns to them and glee, lhe little ones are lull ot - i "I . . r i . i ! i . : .: i t - "o theirs? This gathering of the nations joy, anu tneir ueiigiu is percepiiuie to become scarce, and as the holidays at their doors; this pilgrimage ot as tne sounu oi uieir suouis oi giau- are apnroaching eggs will be in de earth's great men ; this universal con- ness is wafted on the evening breeze. maim at goo( pricei.,80 it will be well gress of industry, art, science and mil- me uimmuuvc uoiihey is appareuiiy ain w,se t0 g,ve tie j,ens aj tue meat t .1 j ' i I hl!i?!niio L. flin t 14-1 ii 1 1 1 r iro n i i I t sicr uoive yet oegin to anpreciaie u,,,,uua "'"o' scraps, rei use bones crushed hue. what this wonderful national and in- spends about half the time iu nibbling Qlie Qe tiie best eiro diets we knuw of i. i ----- ------ v. ternational Exposition may result in the green grass which grows in such fortius time of year is cracklings, to tho material future of the United profusion along the suburban streets, treatwl in the following mnimor. TuL States, the South, and particularly to Another thing, not met with in other the State of Louisiana? Think what cities, is the provision tor smoKers on may be the effect upon the local cir- the street cars. Every third car is dilating medium alone! Experts, labeled "smoker. i lie others, "no trained in the experience of former smoking. Again, there are some great enterprises of the kind, at Lon- very liberal people in the show busi ness nere. une or tne greatest evi dences of their liberality is gleaned from a modest street car ad vcrtisement that reads something like this: "A present to every visitor which exceeiU the admission fee. Admission is onlv don, Paris, Vienna and Philadelphia, assert that, at a moderate estimate, 4,000,000 people will visit the World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Ex position, at New Orleans, between Dec. 16 and May 31 next. treated in the following manner: Take a chunk about the size of a pint meas ure and put it in an iron pot and pour on six quarts of water, or better eight quarts and let it boil down to six quarts, when the cracklings will, by that time, have become pretty well dissolved; while it is boiling stir in corn meal and wheat middlings until it is so thick and dry you can hardly stir it ; then remove it from the stove and let it cool. This used for the morning feed, and in connection with and FARMER'S REMEMBER KLTJTT'S WAREHOUSE has sold THREE FOURTHS of all the Tobacco sold on this market this season, and can show the highest averages for crops and a general average second to none in the State for the same grades of Tobacco. Kluttz's Warehouse place thai has ST(mA15Fm( i?If you want the HIGHEST PRICES for your Tobacco sell at KLUTTZ'S WAREHOUSE where you will always find a full turn-out of anxious buyers. JOHN SHEPPARD. the Champion Tobacco Auctioneer of Wester North Carolina, has orders for Tobaccos and will pay HIGHEST PRICES for all grades from the Ground Leaves to Fancy Lemon Wrappers. DAILY SALES. HIGHEST PRICES GUARANTEED, Your friends truly, SHEPPARD, SWINK & MONROE. Salisbury, N. C, June 4th, 1884. tusmi 1 PURGATIVE J St. .3 O. Lt. X. si? PHI S "But our local money gain is a small charged to avoid a crowded house." it a miscellaneous diet of grains itter when a broader view is taken How considerate ! It sounds so ex- green food, if the fowls are prot on notice. Ifyties eontemnhitin'r rrninr In Tovne ,; wl to consult us, as we have farms ! 18 ill l,;irt8 of that State, and will r iad ly 3T:(5m. tumi.it iMornuuion i4 AIVD WIKTTER. MILLINERY! n lunMuiu u immune iu. Mil- I! 'll.v I... ' " y uu'ess at my old stand, I uk my nus anrcust,omcrft to hold thei orders MI liave ordered the Prtttie-t lot of HArs, RIBBONS, FEATHEES, L , . FLOWERS, &C, jeeter hud in store. Evkrytiiinq will wrnjusLY New asb Fashionable. S:1i;.,... ;MRS. W. R. BARKER. TAPE WORM. I uainan scientist has rccent- PIEDMONT WAGONS ESFOR CASH or ON TIME. To suit all classes ot purchasers, we have made arrangements to sell these celebrated Wagons ettl -er for cash or on lonj tiur. .So all who need wagons had betier call and see us soon. nerlv elusive! New Orleans, however, can- housed, will keen them lavinir the en- not claim institutions of that nature tire winter. Of course we take it tol as exclusively peculiar to herself, granted crushed oyster shells are Most of your readers have heard of wliere the birds can have free access Dr. Palmer. He occupies the pulpit lo t,er3 you have no shed to strew of the First Presbvteriau church. It tt 10. leaves in vnii nin cfuttr tliom in the hen house, provided it is scrupu lously clean, and scatter small grain therein. Fowls must have healthful exercise in winter, and this will afford the double purpose of giving it and teaches them to scratch for their liv ing. If their combs should get touch ed with frost rub well with glycerine and alcohol four ounces of glycerine to one of alcohol. Study the charac terics of your fowls, their wants, and if you take good care of your flocks r.'st assured they will return the com pliment. Any one who keeps fowls and docs not do so with profit need not lay the blame to the fowls. If you don't believe in keeping chickens, 1st the boys or even your daughters have a chance, and charge them for all the feed and let them sell all the egs and surplus stock, and at the end of the year Ihy will have a snug sum 011 the credit side of the ledger, be sides the healthful recreation. A bus iness spirit will be inculcated, and if the children can be taught to feel they have a personal interest in them, at tractions are lormed which will result in manifold good. Farmers, be more liberal in this respect and encourage the children with their pets and poul try, and you will fi.id they will not be so anxious to leave the farm as soon as thev tret alontr in their teens. In matter of the results that must come indirect ly to all Southern interests through the enterprise. Here will gather thousands of Northern and foreign capitalists, representing sections and countries where monev investments nav a return of onlv 2 or 3 oer cent, is a handsome edifice and fronts oer annum, and who for the first time La Fayette Square (so called, per will realize that the South, with its haps, because its centre is adorned by almost fabulous wealth of land, for- a statue of Ben. Franklin) and is ests and minerals: with untold possi- quite commodious. The inside finish bilities for prosperous agricultures and is of the plainest character. All the industry ; with a strong, industrious seats are cushioned and are free. It and intelligent people, presents the is not the church structure, or choir, greatest attractions to legitimate in- that attracts the vast audience which vestors ever offered on the face of this gathers there every Sun ay. 1 he lode nlanct. stone is Dr. Palmer. He is c.illcd the "Together with such considerations Beecher of the South. Why, it is hard will also annear the onnortunities of- to imagine: for he is not sensational s i ii ' fered by Louisiana and other South- in the least, nor does he put on any ern States for successful emigrations airs or indulge in extraviganzas. His from the crowded States of Europe, sermons are deep, learned and lengthy, Able and representative men from all but natural and interesting. He rare parts of the Old World will be here ly talks less than forty-five minutes. to make a special study of that ques- generally longer at least my expeti tion in its relations to the New South, ence has been under the latter head and it like attention is bestowed upon bile there are a great many church it by our own people the results should es here, and good preaching in them be important and apparent within all I, am not of the opinion that they two years. With this in are ever so much crowded as to hang view it should not be necessary to out the sign : "Standing room only." even hint to the people of the Crescent The truth of the matter is that Sun City of the South that the coming Ex- day is a fete day here. List Sunday position presents opportunities never for instance, on coming out of church before enjoyed for the promotion of and approaching Canal Street, found our common interests, for the enlight- both sides of that beautiful boulevard enmcut of capital as to our resources; littcrally jammmed for miles with for the cultivation of a sensible feel- English, French, Spanish, German, ing of brotherlrood with our fellow Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, Siamese citizens of all States of the Union, and and other people and all seemed an x- for a better understanding of the great iously waiting for the approach of I keeohit? ooultrv remember there is dignity we possess in being free citi- some interesting or wonderful thing. non,i, that will show neglect quick- zens ot a great and glorious nation. On inquiry I learned that Sell s Bio- er xv,j0 fr t,e amout of labor and i.i . i . I' A .1 fU 1 ... . .1 1 A. -l . . A II. . wiu tuuijucitij cuuio mo dhwu la us fniire system in three months An person who wlU take 1 PU1 each night from 1 to 18 weeks, may be restored to sound health, if snch a thins: be possible. For Female Complaints these Pills have no eq uaL Physicians nse them for the euro of LIVER and KIDNEY diseases. Sold everywhere, or sent by m-Jl for 25c in Stamps. Circulars free. I. s. JOUNSOS & CO . noston. Mass. Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Neural. glA, Kheu.natiMii. Jo!lSN S ANO DYNE LINIMKNT ( for Internal and External te) will iiiftuiiuiieirtMly relieve these terribls disease, ami will pnMijvelv cum nine cues out of ten. 1. dilution tlmi will sre may lives sent I'tv liy mall. Don't delay s inoiuvu!. rrevemion is better than cure. JOHNSON'S ANODYNE LINIMENT CCRES Influenza, nircrtimr at the T.ihht. Hoars. Diseases of ths Spine Sold everywhere. ness, Ilaeking Couch, Whoopinc I'ouvh, Chronic Diarrhoea. lyentery. t-frolera &Jortu, Kidney 'J rouble. Circulars tree. I. s. juumvu.. a tiostoti, Mass. It Is a well-known fact t lint most of t'ie norse and Cattle I'owder sold in this conn try is worthless ; that Sheridan's Condition Powder Is absolute'vpure and veryraluable. Nothing on Earth will make liens lay like Sheridan's Condition l'oir rinr. rtoaa. one teaannnnful to each Dint of food. It will also positively prevent an1 cure I noe Cholera, c. Sold everywhere, or sent by mall forlSc. la a a sUsB EB A stumps. Furnished in larcc cans, price tl.Ot); by mail. SL3Q. VniVnibll VII Vtosaiiini I Cu-euiarstreti. i. S. JOUou. & CU., Uosiyu, Dec. 20, 18S3. lOtly ENS LAY titers inatumouth two-ring: circus was Dec. 4th, 1SS4. JOHN A. BOYD EN, Agent, Or, J. O. WHITE. HAY ! HAY ! HAY ! 500 Tons of No. 1 Valley of Timothy Hay for sale bv P. B. SUBLETT & SOX, Virginia I Tape Worm. ktZ ' ' ' to tftk nd is not 'distress- ia,i r m)tJ but is pwsttKarly sicken . an(l StUDeleln., - :i,fI. J ,.r n,. . I ' IS ' 43:6ni. t lie T,n, U'h, - - ... AftllV. 11 1,1 III. wsm hold of it vUini ..w. -NMritwi- .ln a.nstaraUtiU" easv manner, .!ive. ' lwU'' xv,tl Had, and while still " USC(J tl,,s specific in WotmS W,l,?Ut !l 8in-lc failure to CdLU,U11 ?moil head. aiuP lr circular and t..r,e HEY WOOD di CO u lye free, a costly box ,,t J.wX a-.-h.r WIW Staunton, Va. .ix ;JMM else m this woi-in si , H.-if -: w Co., Augusta, Maine. IP O TT T r' HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS ... 'W i J A F0UTZ No nmsss will dtp of Olic P,ot n, t Vw vsr. It Fontrt , I-owder. are t,i LrN F Fottte's ' wu!'" an" vem'noG Cnor.rRa. y?ru7 m J. I1, PfCTetrt Gapks JX Fowls. i "derR will increase the onantitv of milk VTiZ'rX'Yr wnl Pnro ?r Prrmt almost . "w nlr" Morses and ( attle are DAVID E. rotJTZ. Proprietor. BALTIITOKE.MB, -C.- I f; rSEttWs eew- It is not to be doubted that the peo pic, and all of them, here Hud else where, will heartily approve the oc casion." Granting that this flattering aspect of the situation be true so far as Lou isiana is concerned, will the results extend beyond the immediate locality; or in other words, will tliere be any perceptible practical results iu North Carolina. I think so, for several rea sons : First, because of the prominent spread over the country. position sotueot our citizens have tak en in the management, and sccomily, because of the attractiveness and com pleteness of the Slate's exhibit of re sources. Dr. C. W. Dabney, Jr., is the secial commissioner of State ex M. DAVIS, I Wuie Dealer Upholsterer, AND UNDERTAKER. -a mi WALNUT SUITS, --150 , Cottage Suits, 20, 25 and $30 JaW; ' A "A . , J ITT TTT ' Hru. AIT T A ws- wovctt wire mam casus, 5.du, PAULOR SUITS, 35 to $100 CHEAP BEDS, $2.50. FINE LINE OF CARPETS. Sewin&r Machines Weed and Hartford. U R. sfeyfeSftJtgi .4Kt rc,:i. - t: r a . a. . tc c rat c i mm f a TTmTlTi ff ACTIVE AI) HfTEL.L.IGKIT A ii i:TS in every town AAT A N B Kll J and eouuty to sell oar l'olTLAK NEW BOOKS and f'AMII.V BlllLES. Ministers, uachers and others, whose time is not fully ocoupi.d, will find it to their lntcrak to correspond with us. To farmers' aona and other yountr men just coming; oil the neld setion, tMs (ratines otters manvudvantK both mss mean of mnUine money and 1 sel f culture . Wntefor SWMsA rmsto A F. JOHIfSOW CO., 1,013 Main Street, Richmond, Va. STANDS AT THE HEAD! sEi T. K. B. Beheaded by a Train. Mr. S. Pemberton. a well known cit- hibits, and has the entire control of izen of Anson county, met a frightful the Government and States' buildings, death yesterday, by being run over by tie is necessarily thrown ni contact the passinger train on the Carolina Cen with all the leading men of the vari- .i a -Aani u.,, nanr ous States and territories and is in D n . n t v v 1 -t-t-ositiontolofmnchSn, v;trt w-i. Polkton. Capt D. K. I. Witt was Carolina. He ii a brainy man, and conductor of the train, which was speed make his presence felt. His educa- ing along towards Charlotte at a lively tion, whieh was completed in Ger- rate when the man was-seen walking KV1.LT many, enables him to convese freely wiin tue representatives ot that coun try. Mr. P. M. Wilson, one of the best writers iu North Carolina, is Sec retary to Dr. Dabi ey, and besides the potent pen he wields, his familiarity with the French language renders his services almost indespeusible. With these two gentlemen, in high position, throwing their influence towards the Old North State, taken in conjunction with the State's magnificent showing of the products of her forests, fields, vineyards, mines and manufacturing industries surely some of the good results must fall within her borders POUTZ'S Horse and Cattle Powder at I A slall i ot at this time describe what $1,75 per doz,at ESNISS Drug Store. we have to show, and how it will be time siient nothing on the farm will to paraue, anu open tne season inai prove as profitable as the fowls. all . .1 . I I evening, ah oi me tneaires ana drinking saloons arc open Sunday; in Telepiionutg Extraordinary. The fact, most artists of any reputation most remukable piece of telephoning yet open their engagements on Sunday attempted has been just accomplished evening I just know the good Scotch- b en ineors of the International Irish and Dutch settlements ot liow- r, m , ? , an would sit down on that kind work Bel1 Telephone Company, who success- iu their neighborhoods if the practice fully carried out an experiment by which were to break bounds an J ben in to they were enabled to hold a conversation between St. Petersburg and Bologne. it distance of 2 Ifio miles. Blake transmit ting and Bell receiving instruments were used, and a conversation was kept up notwithstanding a rather high induc tion. The experiments were carried on during the night, when the telegraph lines were not at work. The Russian engineers of this company are so confi dent of further success that they hope shortly to be able to converse with ease at a distance of 4fM'5 miles: but to ac complish this astonishing feat they must c 3m bine all the conditions favorable for tha transmission of telephonic sounds If it is found possible to hold audible conversation at such extraordinary dis tances, it is possible that this fact will be speedily improved upon, and we shall be enabled to converse freely between London aul New York, luid by and by between London and the antipodes. Chambers' Journal. on the track ahead. The engineer sup posed of course that the man wxmld step off in due time, but as distance between man and engine began growing rapidly less and no indication was manifested on the part of the former of any inten tion of stepping aside, the engineer com menced pulling his whistle cord. The brake3 were applied, but the train had scarcely slacked its speed before the man was under the wheels. The first sight that greeted the passengers' eyes as the train came to a stop, was the headless trunk of a man lying in the ditch a lit tle distance back. The Philadelphia Time remarks that "apparently Governor Cleveland is not onlv Governor of New York but also of himself." This is a fact. Gov. Cleve land's utterances during the campaign, The head was no ftnd since tho election, show him to be a jygj WgM"jTjjjr nassisi m THE LIGnT-RCNXIXO "DOMESTIC." That it is r.hi acknowledged Loader is a fact that cannot be disputed. MANY IMITATE IT. NONE EQUAL IT. The Largest Armed. The Lightest Running. The Most Beautiful Wood Work. AIVD IS WARRANTED To be made of the best material. To do auy and all kinds' of work. To be complete in every rtsect. Agents wanted in unoccupied territory. Address, DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., Richmond. V a. For sale bv KLUTTZ & RENDLEMAN '84 3:ly. Salisbury, N. C. kii )m: i n:i v . .", pke .. w. c: coart, Sao Total Assets, $710,745.12. A Home Company. Seeking Home Patronago STBONG, ! PBOMPT, RELIABLE. LTBWsATi Term Policies written on Dwellings. Premiums payable One half cash and bal ance in twelve months. J. ALLEN BROWN, Agt., 2:J:Gm. Salis'.'ur-, N. C. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All persons having claims against the 11 H ,1....',! u ru Kirp- estate oi Auani i. iviuno, .. by noti A u! rrn October l88-, or this notice will be plead ed iu bar of their recovery. A. M. CRUSE, Adm r Oct. 24rh, 1884. 8:6 w. tVsicHT s Indian egetable Pills I OH I H ! . L 1VER And all Bilious Complaints Male t t;iki l-:i'"-' purely vwe'aMe; nognp iu. lYiee cl. All Oruiisu. NOTICE itied to present the same lo the un- DEBTOR" OF BERNHARDT BROS : ned on or before the 29th day of indebted to the late firm tf Bernhardt Brothers must settle up on or before the 20th day of November. 1884. Vo further indulgence will be given. KERR CRAIGE, Assignee of BTeruhardt Bros. where to be seen and indeed it became remarkably level headed man. lb. School Book EC" of a'l kind I m-fifinrv 1 1 i - S. WMl'ltl 15 ililil nnni'c j'" at ENSTS.V.

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