he Carolina Watchman. ' V 1 Tj IS Hf S5STT " .-.nl ntMM mfTTTlTl l3HTVO CATTCT)TTTV Iff n Tn7PT7MTlPP OR 1C0A : 9"5HBIMHMMit HE WFALL & WINTER GOODS "ft b 4 a m- 1 r; Jill- llfn I .a 7 . mosm i "IX" ("j-i i.ovejrane wt tnc LAwiKSi anu mosi PLETE Stock f; DRY GOODS and NOTIONS in ' Weftern North Carolina. 1- And we are prepared to offer seasonable and staple ioods at LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE. We ha?e a Urge assortment ot ' to which we invite the especial attention of buyers - Ladies' Cloaks from $1 up. We have a good line of RflSSJAH CIRCULARS AND DOLMANS. We have Underwear for all. We are agents for the PEARL SHIRT. - WE HAVE Boots and Shoes, Very Cheap. We sell the unexcelled HESS & BRO'S. fine Hand Sewed Shoes. We have a larse assortment of Joiin MENDEL! s SOLAR TIPPED Children's Shoes. NOItTH CAKOLIXA'S EXHIBIT. New Orleans Times-Democrat. The exhibit made by this State will he just what might be expected of its thorough-going and practical people. It will he Mjhstantial, of the best qual ity and sufficient for the purpose for which it is designed. Comparatively little attention has been bestowed upon ornamental features. Enough to relieve the ensemble from a look of heaviness, but decoration is treated merely a setting forth what is valuable and not as constituting it. The material for the exhibit has bfen collected under the supervision of the officers of the Agricultural De partment Hon. M. McGehee, com missioner; Dr. G, W. Dabney, State chemist ; Mr. P. TVI. Wilson, secretary, and Mr. S. G. Worth, superintendent of fish and fisheries, and Prof. J. A. Holmes, of the State University. It would have been an easy matter to fill double the space allotted to the State. But the fact that the Director General had all the sister States and Territories to assign space to was re spected, and the purpose adopted and pursued has been to use a just econo my in space, to fill it with the best material and to classify and erect the exhibits bv relative and scientific ar- 'i still mean t l V. K L (new cron). ml o supplv vou with the best FLOUR, HAMS, PURE LARD, roiV Buckwheat Vlour, Oat Meal- Grits, Rice, Suttar, Syr- mm . TAinMi Coffee Tea. and fanev new Deep Sen, .o. 1 MAtaAKtL. "t, TOBACCO. We have the largest stock of Tabic Si Sawware in town. A new supply of 5 cents tricks. Agents for the Light Tabic nn ii vii" m,.u: ,,l riat' Soon Cotton. Remember, wa will liav Ku you the hi nd see am) Bfll vou uoods as low as the Inwes. Conn "hcsl prices ior vuui j" KLUTTZ & REHDLEMAN. W. W. TAYLOK, 1 fVl It. 184.1 - 1 J - I -t 1 n JK ROSTIAK. oaiesnicii. and J. A. NEELY. ) rangemcnt. BRUNER.EAMES &CO. DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR LANDS? a.S OPPORTUNITY Is now offered to Land owners who may wishlo dispose of FARMS, FORESTS, MININGLANDSt t ' or WATER-POWERS. HEADQUARTERS FOR STUDEBAKBR akd TENNESSEE FARM WAGONS. CoLCMBUs, Watertown & Cincinnati Buggies & Spring Wagons. Bickfokd & Huffman Grain and Guano Drills. Thcmas II A Y RAKES Aveky's Hilling and Walking CULTIVATORS. THOMAS1 HARROWS, Telegraph Straw Cutters, Avery and Dixie PLOWS, Dexter Corn Slicllcrs, Engines and Boilers, SAW AND GRIST MILLS, Piping, Engine and Boiler Fittings Guns, Pistols, Shells, Cartridges, Wads and Caps. JLnvder and Shot, Dynamite Fuse and Pri mers Axes, Shovels and Spades, Building Hardware, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, HOME-RAISED CLOVER SEED. And everythinir else usually kopt In First Class .... . . uHard ware and Implement Stores. I have on hand Havin- leen instructed to act as Agents a full 8tock (.f ,he above. & offer them tor the next fur the North Carolina Department of Im-, thirty days, lor less money than they have ever migration, we will state to those having becn ia lhls country . nroLrrtv of I he above deseri ot ion 1'or sale. Salisbury, Oct . 23, v4. W. Olfll I riULKLi that wc are in position to place such pro perty iii the hands of over two hundred n'tive Agents, who are making it a regular business to sell lands to Immigrants and others coining into North Carolina to live. Lands placed above market value are not desired. -o THE BEST SMITH IN THE COUNTY ! The undersigned Is prepared to do nil kinds of re pairing lo all kinds of watches, clocks, ac., and at reasonable prices. Leave and get your watches at We have etiblih.H i Tlwi Fstitp nml ! Kluttz & nenilleman's Store. Salisbury ; and try the n e nayc established a I(eal estate and b t ,tn , th county. It. Lr m.o X. Apr. 10, '81:11. Misiso Bcrkac in addition to the above ad are in position to place to dttntage mining properties of all kinds, developed and undeveloped. Large tracts of Lands in Western North Carolina, and JoEaatTean.. mav be olaccd through us to ad vantage. We can offer inducements heretofore-unknown, and land owners will nmttth their best interest by calling on or ddressing BRUNER, EAMES & CO. Real Estate, Mining & i Immigration Bureau, , , Salisbury, N. C. -Maps, Assavs,; Reports and Estimates on wort notice, f f ranies contemplating going to Texas: do well to Consult us, as we have farms "Ml partsof that State, and will giadlv a Information. 37:6m PIEDMONT WAGONS FDR CASH or ON TIME. er ritWrs and the steep pjdes of the ... a.t m 4 Blue Itulge like n cio.u ot gold. There will be lour pyramids filled with the wines of the largest vine yards of the State; silk in all its forms, from the cocoon to l ne woven patterns Wbere a Western Man got a Wife. A western builder, rfmnforl fo 1i worth over $100,000, who always vis its one of the clerks in Castle Garden when h comes to New York, that of dresses of pur grandmothers ; j-ite, j gentleman being one of his friends, diicv nific a amrrv lime UgO JUSl Miss Bertha Heinz, a beautiful and vivacious blonde from Hamburg. rXiX JkJSm WINTER MILLINERY! B. determincd to continue (hi Mil wj busioeas at my old stand, I ask my 'enoiand customers to hold thei: crders r"e, as I have ordered tlie Prtttie-t lot ot 1T8, RIBBONS. FEATHERS. , , FLOWERS, &C., had in store. Evehythiko will "Mihelt New and Fasuionable. 8i;.k.. W- BARKER. , TAPE WORM. An MBmment German scientist has recent iS1 trom a root extract, an also .f'i' for TapeWorm. to nd is not distress g He patient, but is peculiarly sicken g m stupefying to the Tape Worm, PmS,1.9,u 6Wf its victim and eotirflv ,ln a na,rnl'nnd easv manner, WJ whole, with Head, and while still -ceases. To suit all classes of purchasers, we have u.ade arrangements to sell these celebrated Wagons eltl -er tor cash or on lonj timr. So all who heed wagons bad belter call and see us soon. JOHN A. BOYD EN, Ag Dt, Dec. 4th, 1SSL Or, J. OT WHITE. lias used this specific in WitllOIlt i air..lo Worn, -. " """- '" 10 lt rw, " V'"re-. success jUaranteed HAY! HAY! HAY! 500 Tons of No. 1 Valley of Virginia Timothy llav for sale bv l Ii. StTBLETT & SOX, 43:6Q- Staunton, Va. POTJTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS No head. i iZ, : V ni." "moved with r .or circular and terms. HEYWOOL Al co , jo J Place, New York. ?tyttoana,1wKW,U PyoutomoteC sSEWaaofi1 ln world Ail W, iC-iy " - Co., Augusta, Maine. 'KOt. 0T v . . .! W8. p lrs nre aed in time ' MA e?e? l?nlrVn,;TeiS mT of milk anil sweot ' n,Rkc u,e bultcr flrn PAVID E. TOUTZ. Proprietor. BALTUTOHE, MB. The work of settinz the exhibit in position bus been under the immedi ate charge of Mr. Frank B. Duncy, of the Agricultural Department ; Mr. 1. K. Br uner, the mining: ediior of the Salisbury Watchman; Prof. Jos. A. Holmes, of the chair of Botany, Univesity of North Carolina, and Mr. S. G. Worth, superintendent of fish eries. Their previous experience in similar work at the Boston Exposition and the North Carolina Stale Expo sition is stat ding them in good stead, and the results of their labors will proclaim their merits. "What will be shown?" the repor ted asked. "Eveiything of economic value and representative of the industries of the Stale, came the answer swift on the heels of the query. "North Carolina stands on the dividing line between C7 the NoHh and South 'hat is to say, many Northern growths find their Soul hern limits and Southern growths reach their Northern limit within her borders. It is not a new fact, but a fact nevertheless, thai this State has no blank in the census reports. Ev erything that is grown in the Union can be grown there. It has an ex treme length of 500 miles, and falls in terraces from the summit of Mount Mitchell, nearly 7,000 feet above the sen, to the Atlantic shores. This great stretch of con u try has many climates, and consequently the forestry and ag ricultural products of these climates. The geological formations embraced in its area furuisded soils and miner als almost unequalcd in variety. It is a good storehouse to draw from. As you leave the comfortable office, where will be found the North Caro lina papers and a North Carolina wel come, will be placed the wonderful varieties of rough ami heavy ores. Most of the specimens are large enough to make a practical mill test. The gold ores, from scores of mines, silver ores, copper ores, magnetic and hem atic irou ores, will prove as interest ing to the capitalist as to the man of science. There will be an array of building stone which will surprise and delight visitors marbles of delicate tints, granites of exquisite and intricate pattern and of almost every hue. It will be difficult to decide whether the fancy will incline to the curious leo pardites and its dentritic forms or to the startling and novel orbicular gran ites. racing these will be mounds of phosphate rock taken from the newly discovered deposits in the eastern sec tion of the State, aud heaps of coal from the Deep river and Dan river basins. There will be handsome piles of tin ore (first identified and located by Dr. Chas. W. Dabnev in North Carolina L corundum, garnets, etc. There under glass will be found the rarer minerals, emeralds, amethysts, zircons, beryls and the lustrous and beautiful hid denite. There will be a pavilion cov ered and glistening with mica (of wuivii mineral North Carolina is the chief source of supply) in which will be shown North Carolina gems, cut and polished, and nuggets of gold worth over $2,000 each. Passing into the agricultural section, a tastily arranged pagoda is thatched with wheat, rye, oats, barley, buck wheat, rice, sugar, corn, etc., every cereal from subfrigid to luxuriant subtropical growths intertwined in its roofing and sides. One of the most interesting displays in this section will be the beautiful tobaccos. Every grade shade and texture of tobacco, from the j black African, h reach and Austrian shippers of the valleys of the Dan and Ked Koanoke and the red and ma cotton, wool, and their fabrics. Fruits also, of wonderful beauty, nreserved and in the natural state. will be a tempting feature to young 1 landed on American goil. The lady was taKen uy ine irank countenance and cordial manner of the builder, who is a widower, and inquired of him in German: "Can vou tell me. sir, where girls go to secure employ ment?" A conversation ensued, the result of which was that that the builder procured a situation for the yonng lady as a governess in a family in Tarry tow n. On bis part it was a case of love at first sight, but he took the precaution to conceal his feelings until he had satisfied himself by care ful inqury that the girl was respecta ble aud worthy to become his bride. It came out that the young lady was a person of refinement and education, who was forced to earn her own liv ing because unlucky speculations had ruined her lather, and sickness, which followed, had sent him to the grave. The result, says the New York Mali and Express, was the marriage of the happy pair, and atrip to the Western home of the groom. and old alike. Passing out of this division one finds oneself flanked by rows of trunks of splendid trees. I hey run the whole range of botany, almost. Grouped in families are the oaks (a section of six feet in diameter cut seventeen Feet from the ground of a sturdy white oak attracting immediate attention), pines white, yellow, curled, swamp, short and long leaf cypress juniper, monn- tain mahogany, elmes, noble ashes, linns, enormous curly poplars, wal nuts and stately cherries. Above these trunks rise pyramids of discs of the various trees of the State. The spe cies will be indicated by the fruit aud each of its kind, so that identification will be easy. The beauty of the grain of these woods and the high polish which they are capable of receiv ing is shown by planks furnished for museum specimens aud arranged in rows, rising in tiers. The manufactured woods are shown in hickory, oak, ash, maple aud birch squares, spoke-, aud dogwood aud per simmon shuttle blocks, tables made of forty kinds of wood, gum plates, trays, chairs and every fashion of woodwork. Allied to this is the exhibit of medi cal herbs, made by Wallace Bros., of Statesville, the largest dealers in this commodity in America; and one of never failing interest, especially to Northern people who are unfamiliar with it, is the long leaf pine industry or the tar, pitch and turpentine indus try, from which was burrowed the ap pellation for North Carolinians. One passes next into the fishery exhibit. Among the most interesting exhib its to be seen, not only in the N. C. space, but in the whole Exposition, is that of the fishery interest. One mil lion dollars a year are derived from the fisherv industry, and persons un familiar with its importance can he pie find a pleasant presentation, fishes of all sizes and colors, measuring from six inches to seven feet, are mounted in lifelike proportions, and will be seen on screens from all sitles, repre senting as perfectly as positile the real live fish. Jars in numbers contain ing salt herrings represent the largest individual salt preparation in the South Atlantic Slates, and show the roe of the fish as well as the cut, gross and roe fish. The salt mullets are freshly packed in glassware as well as blue fish, spots, oysters, shrimps, etc., etc. The wa ter fowl of Currituck Sound are rep sented by recently mounted specimens and include the canvas-back thick, rid head-, black-head, sprig tails, and many others, John Sheppnrd. !. A. rS winlc. Monrc v X W A T V TT T" TT W AKLriU UoE a a KLUTTZ'S P For the Sale of Leaf Tobaceo v f: Salisbury Jrth Can FARMER'S REMEMBER KLUTT-'S WAREHOUSE has sold THREE FOURTHS of all the Tobacco sold on thia market this season,, and can show the highest averages ft crops and a general average second to none hf the State for the same grades of Tobacco. Kluttz's Warehouse Is the REST LIGHTED. BEST ARRANGED and the only hoaeelWiie place that has STORAGE ROOM FOR PLANTER'S TOBAOOOw i i M IJIf you want the HIGHEST PRICES for your Tobticco sell at KLUTTZ'S WAREHOUSE where you will always find a full turn-out of anxious buyersr- J0HN SHEPPARD, the Champion Tobacco Auctioneer of Western North Carolina, has orders for Tobaccos and' will pay HIGHEST PRICES for all grades from the Ground Leaves to Fancy Lemon Wrappers. DAILY SALES. HIGHEST PRICES GUARANTEED. Your friends truly, SHEPPARD, HYVTNK & MONROE.' S ilisbury, N. C, Ju le 4th, 1884. whistling swan, while netting and models of nets and boats, aud photographs of fishing scenes go to show the materials used in cipluring the fish and the methods employed. The exhibit of fishes, besides show ing the variety and excellence of N. Carolina product, teaches an impor tant lesson in taxidermy. Over 125 specimens of fish averaging about 18 inches, some reaching stven feet, are mounted on wall space, where the size, shape and color are accurately pre served in a durable and economical way. In the preparation the skin is preserved with. the scales aud fins perfect, and the preservation is com plete and without disagreeable odor. r I ... in nearly every specimen the eves have been hand-painted after nature, and the resemblance to the natural fish is more striking than in any other fishes presented in so large a collec tion to the public. The process is new, and is known as Dav ulsou's ie-thy-taxidcrmy. and is the iuveuti n of Dr. H. E. Tavi (son, of Boston, who has a national teputation as the in ventor of the Davidson Buhl Syringe. The work of preparing the fishes was all done in tl e Sta e, under the di rec ti n of the Board of Agriculture, ex cept the collection of Clarke & Mor gan, of Newberne, which confprises thirty specimens, mounted on plaques, originating, however, from the same source. Boston has led in the Dar vidsou process, but North Carolina has been the pioneer in turning it to practical account in presenting her fish ery industry to the world at a great international fair. These are some of the things which the visitor, with less curiosity than a reporter, can fiud in the North Caro lina space, and there are enough more to fill a book. The round trip tickets to New Or leans were put on sale in this city yer terday, and one was sold, the person Did you know there was such a sec tion as this in The Code? Section 1070. "Any. person in behalf of one who is deemed an inebriate many file a petition before the Clerk of the Superior Court of the county setting forth the facts, duly verified by the oath of the petitioner, whereupon such Clerk shall issue an order, upon notice to the supposed in ebriate to the Sheriff of the county, com manding him to summon a jury of twelve men to inquire into the state of such supposed inebriate. And he shall proceed to appoint a guardian of any person so found to. be an inebriate." Section 1071 defines what an inebriate is as follows: "Any person who habitually, whether continuously or periodically, indulges in the use of in toxicating liquors to such an extent as to stupefy his mind and to render him in competent of transacting ordinary busi ness with safety his estate.shall be deem'd an inebriate within the meaning of this chapter: provided.the habit of so indulg ing in such use shall have been at the time of inquisition of at least one year's standing.'" T. Richard Dednam. of Mark's Creek township, had under this law been adjudged an inebriate, and a guardian had been appointed. To-day. upon proof of his reformation, his pro perty was restored to him. Raleigh Chronicle. It seems right odd that a committee of Congress should report a bill provid ing that no tersons other than citizens of the United States shall own land within the United States. Queen Vic toria and other crowned heads have made considerable investments here and the drift has leen to induce other foreigners to do likewise. They buv railroad bonds secured by mortgage if the mortgages are foreclosed may they not purchase and hold the roads? Indeed there are many reasons why this proposed measure should not be come a law: and among them is this: Congress ha- no right te interfere in such a matter. It is for the States to say who shall lie capable of holding lands within them but Congress may legislate for the Territories. Up to 1870 aliens could not hold land in rsorth Car olina. They could take but could not hold. The legislature then altered the old common law in that particular. We would like to know the constitu tional provision which it fa suggested confers the right on the Federal govern ment to take the proposed action.- News Observer. PARSONS'! purgative nil i n FTSI7III I ILLU -a - buying it being a colored man. The hogany leaf of the Piedmont to.the Pn $25 50, which is a reduction FOLTZ'S Horse and Cattle rowder, at bright golden, Jemon colors of the from the original " figure 8. 11 .75 per do., at E x NI8S Drug StoeaT weed that covers the ridges of the low- o now. Char. 01 server. Nothing of the Kind Hkrk. Last .Sunday the Xew York Herald published a list, of nearly seven hundred divorce cases pending in the courts of Chicago. Yesterday it printed the names of tl.e parties to more than seven hundred suits on the dockets ot the Philadelphia courts, and also irave a similar catalogue for New York city, but its length is iusiguif icant compared with others. "Fourteen hundred applications for divorce pending ill two cities,"' hhvk the Herald, is a starting fact, whose an nouncement is well calculated fa nil est public attention.'' Loose swearing, i he rittshoro Record, in discussing the defects in the present unequal system of taxation says: "More men swear to lies in listin their property than in doing any thin else, and not onlv that but they think it no sin. but look upon it jus something smart. A man in one county is com pelled to pay more -taxes on the same quantity and quality of laud than an other man in an adjoining county. The same kind of a horse or mule is valued much higher in some counties than in others.'f And wUl completely change the blood In the entire system in" three months Any person who will take 1 Pill each night from 1 to 13 weeks, may be restored to sound neaitn, ir suen a tblngr be possible For Female Complaints these Pills have no equal. Physicians use them for the urof LIVER and KIDNEY diseases. Sold everywhere or sent by mall for 85c in stamps. Circulars free. I. s. JOI13SOX ii CO . Bestos Man. ' Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Xcnrml Kia, Rheumatism. 2e.UXSo.vs an. lt XK LIS IM 1. NT (fur Internal and External I'u) will iuttautaneuMi n-lierfihwMrHfeJe discuse s, and will paiurclv cure nine rates oat of-trn. l;ii. nnatimi thai wnii mtc nutty livis miii free l,v mail. Itoirt iklaj a SMiawtS rTcvcniioit is butler tban cure. JOHNSON'S AWCOYKE t.iKitYENT ("UTJES ln.lncnza. HWiline at tho I.i:n Iloaria- npss. Hacking rough, wlionpimt t'cch, Cnrnnic Iharrhoea. Ityaenterr, Tiolra Morhun. KkJm-v 1 rualik, uiseaacs 01 las nn:ne. 3.m cvrrvwiierc. v irraari lira i. o. awn u -v., imstuu, hoji. ,1 Tl 'it MAKE Iii LAY It is a well-known fact tht tnntif the none ami Cattle I'on-ilcr su in this -.mi-try it worthies: that Sheridnn's Condition mwrier is absolute"? nor a no TerrvainaDie. Nothine on Earth trill make hens lay like Sheridan's Condition Paw Am. Dose, one leasnoonful to each nint of fbod. It will also positively prevent and core I no Cholera. Ac. Sold everywhere, or lent hr mall for SSe.hl f tl I f g CWi pUnl 27 D A stamps, riirouhcd Inlart-e cant, price f 1.00; l.v mail, tl JO. Dec. 20. 1SS3. 10: ly M. DAVIS, taitire Dealer Upholsterer, AND UNDERTAKER. ptmd wnimm nnimn dim Woven Wire Mattresses, $7 .5U, PAULOR SUITS, 35 to $100 CHEAP BED3, $2.50. FINE LINE OF CARPETS. Sewing Machines Weed and Hartford. U XVT Ik VmVT t ACTIVE AW1 WTELIJE1ST AGENTS in ererf ' Iowa A IVXEjJ I county to sell our I'Ol'L LAU NEW BUOKS and FAMILY Tl! l.LKS. Ministers, teachers and ofhera, whofe time ia not fully oeupi- d, will find it to their interest to correspond wit h ua. To farmers' sons und otber yonnp mt n just cominR on the fleldof sStloo. this business offers mativ advantMVs. hefh :.s a mean- of makirr money and of self culture. . Wntefor irssisl SnTS B. F. aoHawoM A CO., 1,013 M.ln Street, Itichmoud, Va. STANDS AT THE HEAD ! TIIR MC.nT-IU NSISG i ( DOMESTIC." five cents We'll all NOTICE TO CREDITORS. AH persons hnving claim against the estate of Adam T. KlutU, dccM., are here in notified to present the same lo the un dersigned on or before the 29th day of A vonnc ladv of Kuoxvillf. Tennesaee, October 1885, or this notice win oe pieau- bct with her lover, aud promised to give ed iu bar of their JJ, AdlBv. him a kiau for eaeh electoral vote for Qct 24rj 18gi jj.gw Cleveland iu the event of his election. ' That it is the acknowledged Leader is a bu t that cannot be disputed. MANY IMITATE IT. NONE EQUAL IT. The Largest Armed. The Lightest Running. The Mot Beautiful Wood Work. AM) IS WARRANTED To be made of the best material. To do auy and ail kinds of work. To Ikj complete in every respect. Agents wanted in unoccupied territory. Address, DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., Richmond, Va. For Fale bv KLUTTZ & ItKNDLE.M AN 'g4;j6:iy. Salisbury, N. C. I ' fi- S y ! ftla?'4 iter " s' HBil ).V iii, PltlJS. w. C. CO ART, 8BO Total Assets, $710,745.12. A Homo Company Seeking Hume ItronageJ STEONCJ, ! PEOMPT, . : RELIABLE, Term Policies written on Dwellings. Hremitims payable One Imlfcash and baV anec in twelve tnontlis. J. ALLEN BROWN, A&t., 2:i:6m. Salis'.ur-. N. C. itei&ST s Indian Vegetable Pills tiH THK LIVER And all Bilious Complaints Sate i inkf, Ih'Uw iin-l Tege'aNe: iiJrip Huh lur working people. Send 10 wots post Lnire. sd1 we iil miJl you free, a royal. valuable sauile box ot rooou tnat wm e, sou we u:ih.e K:tui nui you In the way of uiaklug more aion ew davs thanyou ever thought possible at In ...,.,( II - aiy business. (Sipiul not reqUr. Voo can lite st home and work 1 u spare time only, or all the time. All Sfotb sa of all ages, grandly successful. Wets. SSwS ; earned every evening, mat all who aS work may test the busing, we ma e tWa un- narallplea Oner : lou wuy m uu. 1. )l W will send tl to pay for tne troume p.Ti i nartlculans direcitona. etc., sent .baniutelr sure lor all wno start y for the trouble of writing ua. IIW. IISIKOH aionce Pon't The young man ia to have two kisaea per School Books, Envelop and writing pa- jSrtay. Addw8ruoii Co.. rortund, Maine week until the debt i paid.- Clnoniele. er of all kind? at ENN'lL'o'.

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