Carolina WatcbmaD. THURSDAY. VKC 9, W4. km Imme ha prtita here in Charlotte for ue time that the Blew utood Dan v 111 Hail road was inimical lo Charlotte' interest, and ft here U gentleman In Salisbury, who brings snjt mid gets judgment, eeatilo the l(. & D. t. to. i fiuiilutte as com lief inn poiut iu arranging its ti eight cbediile, th Geu. Cliugumn himself claim used jwMhnps, not a commonly as mostard plasters ami horwsraduli leave are uneo in certain wiws, but often employed wiihr out eh ought of Its erer surprising an one or of its becoming ?he nuhjeet of so much wwsfMpet talk. If this be admit ted, har unfiling to say against any effort in behalf vf Geo. LlfegMl in connection, hnt ire are not Willing silent ly to see an untruth thrust uku the inso- lle in thi Way, neither if e uelleve Charlotte Oierrrr IIil not "born use the H. tin) discoverer." He has brought it wore . . . . 9 . . I P. lias re- I prominent I v before the public it mmt rv,ei m . . m 1 .1 A. mm I. A a AJkllfuffiAil Charlotte as a competing point in was neiore, anu iu mat " mrrmniiinir its freight schedule," but be- a public good, for which lie is cerwuuij mm m m a . a . . I V At. nnlkllA Mas the Richmond and Danville lias vi- i entitled to tne uiauKS m imm ruw... ulited a nlain law iu the statute book. which expressly provides that it should The Univmbity. The newspapers not discriminate in its freight charges to are discussing the question of making detriment of intermediate t,oM 8 .n annual State appropriation to the long its line. Cotton buyers and ship- ej of m m throwing her. have been TL open its doors to all desiring an eduea- hard and uujust treatment, they think, iu u'w u lion iree or cuare. Progress is good or bad according to the results. The proposition in this folk. Vs., at 31 cents less per bale than ease would not result in unmixed good, the Salisbury eottou buyer. In. other jt wouJd make the Univeristy an over- of the facts of the case, W Itat are they t A cotton buyer at Charlotte may hip his cotton through Salisbury to Nor- rertls, the K. D. gives Charlotte deal- gbadowinir and (to other literary insti- rs 44 m imospor auo jrrr, cru8hing educational power i adds to itaiceuts as a bonus, against ! . in Salbury dealers. Why is this done? Kvi- the State. Many of our people have dent I v to attract ft eight to Charlotte as a bn laboring and giving of their means shipping point, liut it-Is an ouorott and for years to build up ether institutions, unlawful discrimination against SaUsbu- and several of these are now the equal rj. It opera t es greatly to our damage, I jf not in fact, thj? superiors, of the V ni- ud sets up Charlotte fur beyond the reach of competition of cotton buyers fa. Suit was brought by Mr. ltoss against the K. 6i D. Co. for violation of the statute. The penalty t $200 in each There is no use to have laws un varsity in educational capacity. Shall all these be first crippled and at last crushed out by an act of the State's law makers voting away the peoples money to erect a colossal free school at aa they are enforced against those who Chapel Hill? If there is wisdom in such violate them. an act it does not he on the surface ; it But it is not alone in respect to eotton is not obvious at first -sight, and the that Salisbury lias for years been disci im- having the responsibility resting lusted against by the R.&D. We do n them wonW do well to glow not say mac ,o ,a ter cooinia n. u, doMesa they wiU until public and her varied latere. We believe the opinion shall have made itself known eautrary, i.e., fht partiality to one poiut m te premise or another along the line, never entered into the plan of arranging the freight lists, Caught ix the Act. The Davie Tims bat that it is d)e entirely to some mil- relates the death of Peter Jones, colored, road rulo or practice which ignored every while in the act of carrying off stolen other consideration but that of making corn from the crib of Mr. Eph. Gait her the road pay. hut if in carrying out this (t is supposed he died of heart disease, rale injustice is done to intermediate with which it was known he was aftiic points along the line of the road, and that ted. lie folded his hands on his breast injustice is a violation of one of the laws and straightened himself out iu decent of the State, either the railroad or the order near the com he was carrying oft State must get ont of the way. Which Also, a rare incident: a Crow chas- ahall move T that is the question. jng a hawk is caught in the claws of the The Railroad are operating under latter iu the air, aud both come to the charters granted by the State, and must I ground together. therefore be subject (under their char ters) to the Legislation of t he State. If the Statute on which Mr. Rosa lests his case is in violation of the charter of the R. &. D. Co., then the State has erred and should repeal her law. Ou the contrary, if the law dees not violate the provisions , Washington Letter. Prom O ir Regular Correspondent. WAsthUKTow, 1). C, Dec. 20, 18S4. This last week iu Congress has been one of unusual interest. Early iu the Week the Senate declared by a majority of ten in favor of the admission of Dako ta ; then Senator Beck and Sherman de bated the silver bill ; the naval appropri ation bill was discussed ; secret sessions were held ou the Spanish treaty, aud Secretary McCuHoch waa confirmed as Secretary of the Treasury in spite of the opposit ion of Senator Riddleberger. Iu the House of Representatives Reiv? gaii's Inter-State commerce bill has held the floor through nu interesting and, at times, exciting debate. It was on the point of passage without an impairing amendment wheu the colored member, U -liana, from North Carolina, moved to amend the bill by the addition of a pro viso that there should be no discrimina tion in aecommodation on any train ot cars against color or race, but that those paying first-class rates should be permit ted to ride iu any ttrst-claaa car. This wilt pet haps kill the bill, by raising the ojd sectional ghost. A bill promoting the Bureau of Agri culture to the rauk of a Government De partment has at last been passed by the fmin. H it. Khali be able to run the gauntlet of the Senate Mr. Cleveland will lave another Cabinet officer at his couucil table, and the present Commissioner ot Agriculture may perhaps enjoy for a brief Charlotte Obtierrer: The water works of Charlotte failed, on test a few days ago, to have sufficient pressure to force the water as high as it was expected and desired it should. Johu 0. Hollern, a Orrlcc-Seekers From the South. Philadelphia Times. The swarm. of office seekers from the South with which the country has hen threatened for many years, whenever a change of party has been discussed, dms not appear to be forthcoming. Inquiry at the hotels in Washington developes the fact thata smaller numberof Southern peo ple will come to the inauguration ou the fourth of March than have witnessed any similar cereiuouv siuce the war. Thus far the one city of Philadelphia has fur- uished more applicants for hotel accom modation than all the Southern States together. It is not probable that any serious difficulty will be experienced iu finding a sufficient number of men willing mid anxious to fill the offices in the South, liut it is plain that the rush for place will not bo anything like that predicted or even so large as it will beat the North. For eight years all the Southern States have been securely In the grip of one par ty and yet there has never been the struggle tor official distinction iu that section which has characterized the North. m the Southern people have been tpo busy and have had too much at stake to trust their advancement iu life to the chances of a publice position. They havt an interest iu Seeming good government but it will require many years of exper ience before they can hope to compete with the politicians of the North in Bud Villi It it ii. .1 .1 . ii.iJ T ...1 ITa "'8eu uic meeting, i kmms aboui 1e maoe a speed, it, which he thanked these ladies for the honor they proposed con ferring upon him. "But," aaid the eelf posseaaed yofpg gentleman, "you must understand, ladies, perfectly wolfc that I cannot marry yon all , moreover, yon are all so charming (many of them were hor rible witches), it would be. utterly im- possiule for me to choose amongst such lovely creatures. 1 his, then, is my proposition: Consid er me as an object put up at lottery. You number make 200 tickets at 250 francs ( MM each, nnd the moss sum realized shall be the fortune of the lady who draws the lnckv nuuibor aud whom . . -. . i pledge to marrv immediately. 1 hev hesitated a moment, but the vouth was good look hi r. anil the ladies were nnx- ious to many. One of them determined to accept the proposition, aud the rest followed like a flock of sheep. As if to reward the venturous fellow for his cour age, his fortunate stars directed that he should fall to the lot of a youthful and pretty girl, whose greatest fault is an un happy paasiou for practicing on the piano. True to his word, the young man married her, and, by last account, the young couple thus strangely bi ought together were passing a very pleasant honeymoon. ASK TOIU DBUUU1ST WHAT ilK merit of Shriner Indian Vermifuge, the poplar remedy. i m.wau, jBurnpure lion -.7 , " 'tm,. of the Superior easu on tCe premises Xrh,VrL:- u' :,1 in Hu mm if It I January, isss, in Kowan count i l'tii. , in llie ast 01 it. to th., hio-i,f 1,1,1,1... ' "win. ilt ,,,'f fc Jl ...... I unturfu ii.t ... Fuitn.. "J ....... ... ...... . I " I nor 01 a. V'. uni 11- nv-icn. iiiurf or iss vin. T V IMrl iio r 1. ' . SALE OF LAND ! feKHS; Bv virtue of a decree Court of Rnwaa County A. Shinuioeh. Adminitr hart against Frinces D. Karnhart, I will Sell at Gold Hill, on Monday, the 5th of January, 1885, the following lands, to wit: One tract of about Sixty Acres, adjoinin g E. Mauney, Job ) Culp, and Bui well Smith, known as the home place. Another tract of about Fifty Acres, adjoining Henry Williams, Ste phen Brsddy, John Williams, and others, known as the Fennel laud. "Tkkh one-third cah, one-third in six months, and one third in twelve months, with interest 011 the deferred payments from date at the rate of eight per cent. It. A. SIII.uTOjH, Adm r. Dec. 81 h. 1884. 4 w U I I 1 " IWm irom rniru Cnnk Kt.utnn ' n i jjmm the premises, nnd rtnv are fcu.,lS tontMjr.tae atoresatd debt '-'ilb1 For rarther p;irticnlars ai,i e Koooins & Loaa, statesin. v ,? m sig-nea a, vanee V. o., latu, n ;,," Dec. 11, 18S4. II WIN r Aorp money Uian.itarn ti i r. - 1111 nr. vi. 111. .ill I I L'TT U.., .. . . J , ,., , , -' w-k m,. i.. ".'in.- u . , ....... uAixr.i 1 lHJj K OV. 2f, '84. y 1 Mj "1 leriod the honors tor which he has so loug ing where the fat places are and in get- striven. tng them. It is safe to predict that The inauguration promises to be sue- more requests have been preferred from cessful at least so far as numbers, enthu siasm and mouev can make it so. The Philadelphia for the blue book, as well as for hotel accommodations, than from 11 umber of civic nnd military organ ixa- the entire South. tious that have sent representatives here No mo,c gratifying fact could be pub to engage quarters for the inauguration is ij8i,eti than the above. It would be a unprecedented. Among the features of great pUiut gnjued if our young men ol the inaugural procession there will be a tllo South, could be taught to depend military company from each State ot the entirely on forging out a busiuess of their Union marching in the order of the ad- own OII which to rely for support. A man mission of the States to the Union, the wjlo is ma8ter of his business is iu a thirteen original States coining first. Vir- fortified position, impregnable to politi giuia I believe is to take the lead, anu Dakota will not appear iu this procession. A number of organizations from New Yolk, l'hiladelhia aud other cities will come iu Pullman cars and will lodge iu the cars during their stay. Others have engaged quarter at hotels, aud boarding offive gj., ,,e mail . t,ut cve tilcM1 houses. A number of military organiza- officeholder, for the time, becomes a 1 tious will lodge in halls and warehouses. cal changes, whereas he who depends on obtaining a publia4 office loses self respect, nnd is liablep become a cring ing bootlick a pupny-with little of true manhood . in his mmc. up. It will do, sometimes to take an office when the the pub lic servact, and must surrender the ease The voting population of Florida has increased over 8,000 siuce the census of 1880. 62 ACRES OF VALUABLE LAND FOB SALS! Lies seven miles from Salisbury between the Mt. Pleasant and Concord ltoads. Apply to the under lined. J. Wr. MAUNEY. Dec. 21tll, 1SS4. lm.pd REAL ESTATE IX pursuance of an order of the Superior .Court of Koivan county the undersigned, Commissioner, will sell at public sale, at the Court-House In SaUf bury, on Monday the id day of February, ls., a lot ol land containing 1? acres, known as the Bur roughs lot, situated on the Western N. C. Railroad, at Tuird creek station, in Rowan eounty. Terms cash. i. M. HORAH, Dec. 15, lsS4. 4t Commissioner. Tobacco Seed. HE largest stock of SELECT VARI ETIES of NEW and PEDIGREE SEEDS, suited to every type to choose from. Quality guaranteed, and prices lower than ever Price List free. Notice to Creditors ! All persons having claims against the es tate of A. C, Eainhart, dee'd, are herebj notified to present the same to the under signed on or before the 11th day of Decem ber, 1S., or this notice win be pleaded in bar of their reeoverv. U. A. SHIMPOCH, Adm r. Dec. 8, 1884. Ow GREGORY'S Dysjeplic Mixture. A POSITI VE AND PERM AXE.' IT CURE , FOR DYSPEPSIA and INDIGESTION. Prepared by Dr. W. W. tiKEGOHY, Chailo te. X. C. Charlotte, N. C, Nov. 29, 1884. Dr. W. V. Gregory : I hereby certify that 1 have recently used your Dyspeptic .Mixture with very great benefit to myself and cordially recouimeiul it to others. . P. Waiiiso, Member N. C. Legislature. WE ASK ALL" Interested in Ilhl p,,.., . , ' 1,4 n (x Feathers, Becsvvax, Batter, fliee P Dried Fruit, Poultry, Hav :in.) p mnn' n lr r . ..,,.1 .. . JlJBh ..v. ... .-v.,,, lul nur p.. r m rrumni returns on nu r m .... v.MM-nQ inai blupments R. L. WILLIAMS a rn General Commission Mi m ,,,;. Solicited l:ly young men be taught to situation. Let aspire to the dignity of man in reliance on the labor of his own head or hands and let the whiuers after an office be marked everywhere as the class least worthy to be trusted iu one. man bavins a family in South Carolina f the chartered rights of the Koad, the but fm. moBtll8 Uvlnje iu Charlotte Company must be required to arrange Ulojied with a widow from Wadesboro, H- freight Itrts 111 compliance with the Momirty nig,t. E. Merrill, a barkeep tm muici t' net uv coarse to be pursued. other reasonable er of hitherto respectable character, rob bed his employer, Cant. Lee Hand, of If the Slate has made a bad bargain Saturday night, and lit ont he should st and to it, nevertheless; but justice would demand that she should indeiuiuify those of her citizens who are the especial sufferers by it. On the other hand, if the II. & I), are wholly at fault, they should not on ly suffer the jienaltj but pay such other damages as may be shown to have been committed. Negro horse thieves who stole a horse aud mule in Mckleuburg, were trucked by the owner of the animals to Albe marle, and there found uuder arrest. It is to be hoped that the weather will be aml colllf0,.t 0f one wi,0 is ,liastei of the better than it was the last, Garfield's inau guration day, it cannot be worse. There is considerable excitement and interest in political aud official circles in relation to the Spanish treaty and the Nicnraugunn canal. The latter is cousid ered much the more important of the two, while the control of the canal by the U u i ted States may seem to be a departure from our traditional policy. It must be conceded that the control of the Panama Canal by a warlike aggressive people with a powerful navy justifies a departure, or rather necessitates it. We have hereto fore been able to livu with small military and naval establishments because our supremacy in this half of the worhl has not been manaced. But the moment our -,,.1.L I, j. in Aid 1 iiiiwtita ikt L ii iiitn I WBeu.c i i'unc1"" i- friends who are not mad The Colp Wave which swept down from the north last week was felt iu all rtiita iif' tin, ITitifrtftjl Qhtla. ..I .1... But the Observer leaves the subject i i4 mSmmmt . . . . rocky monn tains. It was a great sur- matter involved in the suit lnmin br Jf r. Ross, to make, as it seems to us, a most unnecessary and in evelant fling at tere oaiisoury , tuns : And why, pray, shculdu't Charlotte be considered as a comj etiug poiut T Her people and Mecklenburg county have in Tted a million and a half dollars iu railroads to make it so. How much has Salisbury, or Rowan county, invested? Salisbury Is not combating any inter est of Chm lot te. Mr. Rosa hail no ap prise at New Orleans, but uot at all dis aderous, so far as we have seen, either or in Florida. A co-temporary speaks of it its a great Democratic wave, "J. R. R." writes from Washington to his paper, the Augusta Chronicle, con cerning the Davis-Sherman "spat" as follows : "The publication of Jefferson Davis's harmless letter to Governor Vanee has put General .Sherman iu a ridiculous attitude. He should emigrate to Alaska, or volunteer ou the next Polar expedi tion. It must be gall and wormwood to General Sherman to feel that Mr. Davis 10:2m :p R. RAG LAND, llyco, Va. NO i ICE TO TAX PATERS, All Persons who have not paid their taxes are hereby notified to conic for.vard and pay the same on or before The first day of January, 1831, and save cots, as my books wi'h from and alter that date, be placed in the hands of officers for immediate col lection. C. G. KINDER. Sheriff. Dec. 11th, 18S4. :t Charlotte, N. C. Dr. W. W. Gregory : I take great pleasure in adding my testimony to llie value of your Dyspeptic Kerawlv. 1 have used it with great relief, and cheerfully recommend it to any one suffering from dyspepsia, indigestion and a torpid condition of liver and bowels. D. A. JENKINS, N. C. State Treasurer. For sale by J II McAden and T C Smith & Co., Charlotte, N. C, and J II Enni.-s, Salis bury, N. C. 49: iy than to ourselves we must take defensive steps. The canal may cost us a hundred millions of money, but it will cost less for him. Mr probability. express soi rjw Davis will, in all human never again be molested bv any civic or military antagonist. Ue will than a war, and will completely neutral- (je wUisf;,;ti(, of .1 . . C 1. ......... . 1 - .... I O izc the vantage of France who, without it, will soon be in a position to cause us great concern. There w ill doubtless be much opposition to the Nicaraugitnn ca nal. The ship railway scheme of Capt. Kads across the Isthmus of Tliauutopcc Judge lilack and Gcucral Sherman ictire iu discomfort," Tbc Juke on 31 r. Hume, . that knew no East, no West, no North, I will of course oppose it. Mr. Eads is a W;ime' tJle 1hlstr;m PalwSL one most unblushing lobbyist and a man of I UitJ UJ lu oiick ui raiiiDurgii ensue uo South. From the IVil. Star. ; Mr. Clevoland's advent to ofiiee means a new sy ; tem of bookkeepiug aud a close 0Tiiniin!iliiin of tta ui-ahin I..... sign sgslnst her, why then make thi. pa. vailed for twenty Howerer thm.. rade of hat Chai lote had done for rail roads with the sneering inquiry of "How much bat Salisbury, or Rowan count v, invested r Not a word of all this touch es the merits of Mr. Ross suit. It was wholly gratuitous, and comes from one who hadn't ought to said it Mnch or little done by Salisbury and Rowan is not the question, (though it is well known that bat few counties and towns in the State have done more) and has no rela tiou whatever to the alleged violation of oee of the Statutes of tlie 8tate, upon which the sqit referred to is based. Tle mrrer$ zeal for its town is therefore without time, fituess or discretion. otigh the scrutity it will not be possible to discover but a small proportion of the frauds. But that much rascality will be uncovered we may well anticipate. The officeholders are already alarmed at the prospect of the investigations ahead. Col. McClure writes to his paper, the Philadelphia Times, from Washington, as follows : "It is an open secret that Gresham was transferred from the Treasury, before he became warm In the chair,, because of exposures which were inevitable had be remained, and it is known also that there are a number of subordinates iu the Treasury Department who cau fear ful tales unfold when relieved of political dependence. Indeed, there is hardlv a rather remarkable tribute of praise paid department of the government that is To ijen. Uiugmnu in connection with the ,n a fromor ver the probable over great wealth and plausibility. He lists a plau to build a troad gauged railway where the ground is very swampy and the footpath narrow, inadvertently across the isthmus and take ships over- tumbled inao the bo. where he stuck not being able to extricate himself. A washer woman happened to pass at the time, looked at him and was travelling on. when ho shouted after her to lend him her assistance. "Xa, na," replied the woman, "you are Hume, the infidel." "Well, well, no matter," replied he : "you kno good woman, your Chris tian charity commands you to do good even to your enemies." "Na. I win- We see iu some of our exchanges of tobacco leaves for fresh bruises ami hauling that is to come, and the P.o itie hurts. The editor of the Health and Home Railroad magnates, the Alaska fur iob- of Philadelphia, makes an earnest aud al- uer8 ,w0 'eat land and subsidy crab- most pathetic appeal to the public to con- hers aud scores of other great interests tribute to raiso a purse to be presented to w,,ic" have long rioted in the Washiuc- lien. Cliugman, who, it says, "gave you P4"1 Mbies and public departments are pi despair at the advent of honest government. They know what honest government means and they know tliat it is the death knell of the race of lord" ly jobbers who hare ruled here until they acquired utter contempt for public interest".1 land from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pa cific Ocean. He has built a model at a cost of $6,00(1, which he has on exhibition in one of the Senate committee rooms. Mechanical and naval engineers differ in opinion as to the feasibility of his project. Should he be able to carry it out, it will furnish a shorter route by nearly 2,000 miles foj Hie passage of vessels than the one upon which M. DeLessepsis working. Hut whether the government builds a railroad or digs a canal it will have to be at the additional expense of maintain"- ing an army and navy to hold it. Iy ex tending railroads from our Texas border through Mexico we can easily reach the proposed Thauu topee ship railway aud we would in this way occupy a strategic position with which no foreign country could cope. It would not then be diffi cult for us to throw a hundred thousand SALE OF LAND! By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Rowan County, in the ease of J. F. R ihinsnn, Administrator ot Joseph N. Dobbin, deceased, against William Dobbin and Joseph Dobbin, I will sell on the premises on Tuesday. 6th of January, 1885, the following land, to wit : A tract adjoin ing the lands of .Mary Ann Dobbin, Horace Nail, Crissey Graham and others, contain ing about 4G acres. Terms: One third cash, one-third in six months, and one third in twelve months, with interest on the deferred payments from date at the rate of eight per eent. J. V, ROBINSON, Adm'r. Dec. Oth. 1 SSL--It Positively the Last No a it " aii persons indebted to me l.v T .... . i - - j l tr Ik. December, 1884. All uuJe "3 nif i r ai v tw it..,. i . "I? . V ' I J1 I'll. 1 il I t - i I I t - the hands of my Counsel i mi en ii C'i i. . .... i i a. i ..... -uiii: ,)., i ii i m i i ii iv v rr m.... ..... i J "r wta r " '"U mc. KLHH'CtflllN- s.i,.bury, on. t, ,4:f ;!ITUI, MILL STONES! The undersinrnf..! h.. l i.. known Mill Stone Quarry of E. E. PfjgjLl ucwmhxi, ana win continue to mimlrAJ public demand celebrated ri it for Mill Mones lrumiu Orders a.ltli's..,l at Salisbury, N. C, will receive prompt? tention. This quarry is s well knotl actual worlcmg proof it needs no furili comment. John T WrkZ Oct. 27,1884. 3:1 v " FOUJND! THE GREATEST AM) BEST: The Large Double Weekly, Religions and Secular, NEW YORK OBSERVER. (Est.vki.isiikii 1823.) Unctonominational, Unseotarlan, ISvAngelioal and JJational. No papr in the coantrv has a more EX PEKIKNCED and ABLE" ('OKI'S of EDI TORS. Besides the regular Editors, the OnsEit VKlt has a host of paid contributors and correspondents all over the world, includ ing home and foreign missionaries, t ravclcrs, scholars, divines, poets, and literary men and women. The Departments of Agriculture, Busi ness, Sunday-school Teaching and Religious Work are conductechby experts, who write clearly and to the point. The Obskkvkh does not tilT its columns with long essays and sermons. Tha NSW YCSK OBSSEVEP is A LIVE NEWSPAPER Furnishing eaeh week A Uki.ioiois Siikkt, full of instruction, eitcourugeinep, and truth; and A Six i i. a ii Shkkt containing ad the news. Price $..l.- jer year. Special terms to Clergymen. Spec imen Copies Free. Address, A'EW YORK OBSERVER, 8;4t New York. Now Due. All persons indebted fo me t ither W Note, Mortgage or Accounts, are m.tiWii come forward and pay the same. SuaJ these have been standing long -A -mfg dosed. R. J: IlOLlEI Nov. 18, 1884. G-.v ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. On Monday the 8:h day of IknniW next, at the late residence of J. W.FMc 1 will sell all the personal property U-iw ing to his estate: Consiting in wrtfl Corn, Wheat, Hav. Fodder anil liiickt md many other articles i.ot (Humeri: feruis ol sale CASH. All persons indebted to the estate: requested to make immediate ?rit'irwfj ind all persons having clniins aa estate are notihcd that tln iniM'iiwtl them tome on or before the 20th, fail November 1885, or " t his notice wiU H plead in bar ol their remvery. J. R. FlSHKIi. Adm' JOHN W. FISHQL Nov. 17th, 1848. C:tdot:nd. na,"1 said site, 'unless yon will first re peat the Creed and the Lord's Prayer." Having no alternative, he was forced to accede to the terms. pious woman s KafRiug a Husband. A young Frenchman, of fine family, though impoverished by the Revolution, soldiers iuto Southern Mexico. But to aspired to a post undci the Government, extend the railroad to Nicaraugna or to to occupy which it was mcessaiy to fur- Paunina would lie almost as great a task ih a certain sum to deposit as security the results of his life' UiM,M .. i.i -"vmrw n IIIIUIII luouey aud without price. Had he been of m sordid nature he would have had his discovery patented and then would have doted it out to you at so nmoh a bottle, mt his great sympathetic nature and his Jove of doing good impelled him to act otherwise," &c. We would not detract one iota of praise really due Gen. Clingman for bring iug prominently before the public the ralue of tobacco as a remedy for wounds aud hurts succeeded by inflaniation. But ha is no more the discoverer of it than hundreds of people in almost every coun ty in the State, It i an old domestic remedy that has boon known for years, alHMs line talk of L,llgulau, "discove ry.' notwithstanding. It has been in oc casional use in all parts 0f the country- Let the books be opened nnd let every rascal be exposed as far as is possible and ineu punished if living. Some of thieves have gouc to their place, the is as to build a new Hue across4jie conti nent. Dkatii ok Mus. P. M. Hale. Mrs. Mary Badger Hle, wife of Mr. Poter M. Hale, editor of the Ualeigh Register, died at her homo in this city yesterday eve ning, nged about 48 years. Mrs. Hale was the oldest daughter of the late Judge George . Badger. She has been for a long time a victim to that fatal disease, uuiisumpuou ; and despite the skill ol Our hero could not obtain the requisite amount from his friends, and at last hit upon an expedient to put an easy cud to the difficulty, lis caused an advertise ment to appear in one of the journals, as follows; ,4A young man occupying an honorable position, wishes to many a lady well brought up, and possessed of 250 francs.' Two hundred and fifty fiances are but 10; aud as there are many women iu the world Who would be glad to purchase physicians and the attention of husband y,,ng lmnls0,1,e ni,d l,urW children, and friends, her life has been buml n 8lu,, ,mU'rate te, ms' f wa A Goon IIit.-TIic Durham Plant responsible for the following good hit: "A wag iu Raleigh upon being written to by a friend for a list of the candidates lor speaker of thc next legislature cut the list of the members elect from the News Observer and mnrkiiig out the unmes of lHicniw not it tu y gradually wasting away. Five affection ate children and a devoted hnsband sur vive her, with whom a host of friends are in sincere sympathy. The funeral will b Christs churoh to-morrow (Snuday) after each f the al,l,,ica,,ts llitii,r a place noon at 1 o'clock.-Chronicle, Dec. 20. !'nd ,,0Ur when !'e 8,,"U,d ? tl'eUI alt0" quite natural that the advertiser iu tho course of three days, during which his no tice appeared iu public, should have re ceived many letters and applications. The vounsr man addressed a uote to FOR LADIES ONJLY. A REMEDY endorsed by ihe beet Physi cians and Druggist at its home. A REMEDY that MrC VV O'Neill. Oood water. Ala., says raised his wile from an invalid's bed, and he believes saicsJ .; life. A REMEDY of which a prominent Atlanta merchant said 1 would nave yiven jj.joo as soon as 1 would a nick I e for what two bottles of vour medicine did for my daugh ter." A REMEDY in regard to which, S J Cas- sell's M D, Rruggist 1 homanville, ,ua., sayp. "I can recall instances in which it afforded relief after alt tho usual remedies hud faded. A REMEDY about which DrK B Ferrtll, Latirauge, (Ja., writes: "1 have used tor me. last twenty years the medicine you are putting up and consider it the best coinhi nation ever gotten together for the disease for which it is recommended. A REMEDY about which Dr. Joel Branharo. Atlanta said: ''I have examined the recipe, and have no hesitation in advisin its use, and cinfidently recommend it." A REMEDY which the Rev II Ii Johnston, n .-ar.Marietta, Ga., says he has used in his family with the "utmost satisfaction" and recommended it to three families "who f nnd it to be just what i? is recommended. A REMEDY ol which Pemberton, Ivereon & Denni8on say: 'We have been seMi ig it for many years with constantly increasing s iles. '1 he article is a staple with us, and one of absolu e m.n." AREMEDY of which Lamar, Rankin & Lamar nay.- We sold oO uro.-sin four months and never sold it in any place but what it was wanted again.' A Remedy bv which Dr Baugh of L iCirange, Ga., says: 'I cured one of the must obstinate cases ol Vicarious Mkbstbuatios that ever came within my knowledge, with a few bottles.' A Rcmedyof which Dr J C IIus?, Notasnlga Ala., says; am luMy convinced inai ii is unrivaled for that class of dueasis which it claims to cure.' A Remedy about which Maj John C Whitner of AtlaniH, well md favorably known all over the United States as a General Insur- MOTHERS TftlEND! No Mora Terror! No More Fain ! No More Danger ! TO FULL STOCK O F Fall & filler ti My stocks his Fall is muisuallr Whs Elegant. I shall not give particuU HY OLD I TOWERS mid Friends will find inc tlnujrlih f pared to supply theniT even better m usual. Call aud see me. R. J. HOLMES. Nov. 18, 1884. 6t This invaluable pre paration is truly a tri- lUiuph of scientific skill, and no more inestfma ! ble benefit was ever be 'stowed on the mothers ;of the world flfegrlt not only short ens the timeof labor and lessens the intensity of nam, but better than all it greatly diminishes To Mother or Child ,5", Li .S nd leaves the niothe in a cotionion favorable to speedy re covery, and far less lia ble to flooding, convul sions and other alarm ing symptoms incident o lingering and painful abor. Its truly wonder ful efficacy in this re spect entitles the Moth er's Friend to be rank- el as one of the life b.iv -1 ing appliances given to he world by th.edi.Fcov. 'es of modern science. Fr mi the nature of the c ise it will of course he understood that we can not publish certit c.ues concerning this Remedy without wounding the delicacy of the writers. Yet we have hundreds of such testimonials on hie. and no mother who OF. The Dread of Motherhood Transformed to HOPE and JOY. A Radical Cure for 2IERVOUS DEBILITY Organic Weakness, f PHYSIC Alt DECAY, InYouns St Middle Hgeomen, Tested for oveo8ix TEAOS BY USE IN MANY Thousand Oases. ogee TRIAL PACKAGE. TBT.AT3LEXT One Xonth, - $3.00 Two Xoatht, 6.001 Threo Months, 7.001 urnifHn0tUllll lUecarJf1i25 ician,, ,"SL outhfuli,12S nrhrainwort ik. imnnutiO troublff. not '"'r!! Min or ul"Zt . man orfrint" The M i rf fr? I :S WtW! t ' L T - 3O0X N. Tent'i 3t,W.MW;'0V Dli CTURED f LiKse. v-itfC v Ask fort rros-'"Vr--. Safety and Ease TO Ml I IT t m mT-m. mrm. . -. t t. nil Sufforiag Woman. !ronce ired, j wi. ,everagam be without it jin her time of trouble. A prominent physician lately remarked to the proprietor, that if it weie adiiiinxiihle to ance Agent, nave: ;I uedthis remedy before make public the letters we receive, the "Moth . . i i ...i i. . l.i ii .... . . Die war, on a l:ire jaiinauoii on ;i yrt.n gether, nnd politely invitiu and look at him ' all to come Whether riding, driving or wnlkiug, nl- The evening indicated they came, and Another car losid of UI ' MAUES, which tJlbs m k m at m I ;,. r.lor to make ro(in lor mr is no ii r it tut Come at once an otber Ufiim :e at once aim rf M0 HEAR PflM er' Friend" would outsell anvlhins on the number of cases, ulwaus n ith absolute success.' market. A Remedy about which Mr J VV Strange of j raost earnegt, enUeat . , Caitersv.lle, Ga., eert.hes hat one bottle . to be uL .r !ltf cured wo members ot 's unniy o, men- c ,td whh lhi j wi adll I am Btrual irregularity of many years standing. , , . r-LfL. ...1 V I - TIllS Great Remedy IS I have neveJ known it to fail to produce a safe I am s'i rt f rootn and wn g T)nr1finl' Pnmnln Dorrnlotftli ; and lirer, , I er than ev. r betorc ni a p . DlaUUClU u T DlliaiD ADII.UIQIU1. J- ULMES, M. D., Atlanta, Ga, Send 'or Treatise on ti e Health and Happi- dchiminetl noi ' r rui&j 1 1 ium 4H ww auv House in ne. of Vyotnni mailed free .... .. ,u tMO ngn ou meeting (mother it is said the company tuuuoercu iuiy ni i;dfield Regulator Co, in the way. Send for onr Treatise on "Health and Han Box 2, Atlanta, piness of Woman," mailed free. tiUA.OtKLO EeIT03 C - ' ! 23 uon i warrant all niv ltl V'.' ..'A.; raclve vehicles i. . 1 i .- f Kcspec :iu- .ipf W. I Pec. 8th, 11- il women. When all had ats mbled the Ga

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