VJ -!-!'! P--' ,-'T - -i'l" " --'"" r- : f: . - i -. : - -. . , l t . . I , . . .-- - - . -..-': ";. u l : ... i t --. a A r - -I 1 - "-r H J .Lf ,. r i . v . - vi A ; -. : - i : v i - i - WAAMAi- liji-. ,' A - '- ;; '? i: --' 1 f '"!!. i.V 1. fi-f -- 'N ' s kchmat) Carolina W rilUKSDAV. J At '!! A -. i- . ' , ' 9 em il as Solk-itor Giienil of i ine Hiake UielJuce of Hon. SI F riiiHipsJj We f UeHeve . Mr. Fowle wjmJd be a hmI appointment mid Imv Ikii gradfiet to see tlie Denoenttic ptt-ss of j t!w StJ,tc X k iiuiiien:i1iniUj suigcltion with Iiqaity good wili." Hon. J. McCuriT, ent of the body Educational 'Fnubjins written a . lengthy letter in fiivor (f the ;wsage of tbe Dlair educational ! bfll by lie House of Kepreseritatiires. Tjiis bill proposes to donate to the States i I.-irge stun ol tUe sarplas money i the liationaL tre.isury lor school purposes, 'ija-re is no csti- tutionat provisions fori such disj)osition of public funds, and itdjt'icnds very lunch on tlie provisious of th bill ;whether or 1 pot the jneasuie . will piHiveji blessing to tbe country. 3 . A hew way of making up' matrimonial matches has been inveuteu in r bourn. Cjiroliiwi. We are to suppose many ladies nd gentleibien present at some sort of a party. 'J Jiey ckct,a presiuenr, who is hsworn to secrecy. Ladies qtiul 'gentlemen are then requested to writ? their names on seim nitu si ins oflnsiiieri, and under '9 .Outrivacions and. good, humored friend of the StAtesviHo LandlnarJc tries to con- viee o,sj that the ' inaui ration of Cleve- land will bo such nu KXtraoidninry and Interesting evtf it to tliose young Demo- j eratt who never saw a Demociiatic presi ji dent that they ought o . go and see it ; ?; And having heretofore expressed his in tention of beingone of . the nniuber, lie takes except ion to sonic remaiks of ours vbereiMvo deuouncedioffice-eekiiig, and Kiid that tiioso who went to Washington vnch nanielthe naiuo of lh4 person they w(Mild;lieswtlling" to wed. jTho slips are then inspected by tho- presiiient alone, and H heji'mls a lady and gentieinau wlio has chosen! eac'.i other, iie onietly in forms iheiik of, it, and three times oct of fonr the man rage is coiisuinniateu.7' iNo oihj but t hi? -president is ailoied'to' kmw of. thecfailores. and he is bound to keen the secret.; The Charle.ston ''Arr"siiys that at a ( wedding parry; In that State where thi.f plan was tried, there- were twelve ngreeinents, resulting in tight and that others would follow. marriages The old ence Hall J bilion Oi leans. Liberty JJcll fron Independ Phihidelpliia, willi bo pn exhi- tho Woild' Exposi ion, New after an oflice would up and come back frankly confessing thit his sensibilities were thereby stniiewlnit touched. - If itjwill afford our vro haf c no liesitatiou go with thtir tails with them down, friend any! relief in declaring that t we never --'once wthce seeker. In- liat he would" not we had overlooked Jiil promised visit to Washiiigton,- "and tin though t of him as auN. deed, it is believed t 'give uii the XamlMail for- a gohrjmine, or anytiuHg betweeuj Washfngton city and San Fiancisco. Kow, if this ails t0 satisfy, our red hatijeti friend lie-may a hip the first, ugly Irian; he meets on the'sireet. ' Siillsliitrv's Scliolil TilX In 183.'! the towri laid 'd schooltax of IGj cents on: tlie hundred dollars and 50 eeutoti the poll. This taxtprod need the net. amount of ua2.4S, o)T winch the el-' ored people paid and reteived $74; aud the whites paid and received 6iy58.43. luirug i me saiueear ii:u sucria coi lecteI a school . tax of t cents on the hundred -IdoUars and il.ild on the poll. Mv first! object is to ascertain what was .1 i- L.. II.: LI .1... I tlie net. hiiiouiil coii.ciu(i uy uiu sjiciiu fi om the 4 hite people of Salisbury under lis tax. . A" The sheiirTs books will not show this, because tne hook ior, our cownsiuii is made out 1 all together, and von cannot tell what le4ons to the'town, and what Iji the towushin. There is aAvay how ever to aunroximate the amount. Or.thc 1958 towln school tax iaid bv the whites. alMiiu $10 as poll tax1 anil $ldl8 pro- leity tax. Aiiw it a tax of 16$ cents on the iro)eirry or saMDurvi nettea Slclo, a tax of 20 cents would net $-2181., And if poll tax of 5U ceuts ou the "white of Salisbury.' netted-$140,i a poll tax of $i,I2J would net $o"l5. So tlie net school ax. collected trom the white people of Salisbury by thosiienlf in 1883 was about 82181 plus which is $441K!. What ' became' of this inone?f The w hite children of our DisMict got Wjli') of it. Uat as about 48-of them live outside artrs We "till mean to surj aK MEAL,' (new crop) T. WE have one of the LARGEST and most COM PLETE Stock of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS in ' Western North Carolina. : " And we are prepared to offer seasonable ind staple vCr j-i -r.- Goods at LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE We Ijave a Uie assortentot y " to which we iqvitc the especial attention of buyers . Ladies' Cloaks P 1 ; from $1 np. . We have a good line of. mml CIRCULARS A1?D D0LMA11S. Wo have Underwear for all. ... ! - ' - ; : ; , tWe are agents for the , I SHIRT WE HAVE ools and Shlfes, i J IVcry Clieai. ;We sell the unexcelled HESS & BRO'S. fine ITand Wued Shoes, i We have a larixe assortment of JoiiK Mcndklis S0LAU TIPPED ChilUreu's Shoes. CoLNfr TiKAsunii:Tiiirtyi6ix.of you have failed to maUe report of receipts and disbursements of the school fijnd, as required by the Cmhf, p, Supeiiu tendent Scarboroan KGov. Jarvis are -after yoti with a shall sticks You had better send in your reports beforo you eat your Acw.j ear's i inner. l' v The Florida TnncsFiiio) annomices a oeAT cotton ilanf, a cifoss , of the coinmouJ, cowon on the okra iI;ut. The new plant produces but ojiellowpr and one bol!, but s the latter-grows to i lie as large as a co- C- Vllch I'd yields a handful pf cot- toil tt n voi-ij uii".. . X.-.... I : " . . ; fujui ! ijuainv, r ive or ViS. ill..: . ' , .' ' oi.auyu lino iiersiinmpii seed at tlie bot- ; torn of the pod completes the story. . RichardnA. Pi octorf believes the earth :00O,00O years olov Other learned men have conjecturetl ita-ngeF Iwrt none come uuuer JU,(),O0QHd Newton said the water is slowly dlhiinUhinitnd that tit the oreseut rate itrwill all be gone at the end of about 15,()0(),0()() Vears . 3 ' ' .B . ! a .e.vo uiivoau .in ( itaieiirn lor ji burglary committed1 at Clayton, NTC ami taken to that place fofexarhination jcto; sentenced toiair foi-trial. While in the hands of the guard they were for cibly carried off iuyt masked men and .thrown tVom a bridge into Neuso river wud drowned 1 1 te was a tearful and most disastrous earthquake in the province of Mala -a u. . .... - i i"inij,. rase weck-j tollowcda few davs rater: by a destructive luirricano 'which AYP.11 lliirli - o" vv.iiinjricu.uio l lllll or ouiiuiu'rs in the district., Hundreds of lives were lost .by ihe .eartliquafce. : . . le is Mr. S. II. Fleming, editoriuid nro'ni ter of tiie Lamp Post, Marion, NiC.,W wr iuur yiears of toil, hasold out h l. . lift . T-V . . . . t-iici 10 uie rTjicowell liugle Cm." We .r,wuiuny wim .Mr. Fleming, who ve suppose, will gu into some oilier line or business. - 1 . i .. The Masonic Temple in Cincinnati - una hn I'lifil lion Oln. rri i i . ' ' n11' -t". 4 ne ouiidiug cost? ..UUXI. I was insured -for $123,000 inoro than sullic:e,.t;to cover the dama-e. 1,lts Vl,arhle losses consisted ik lib.-... lies; aud paper y and as such yefy urnch if greiieu. Wc still mean to supply you with the best FLOURvHAMS, PURE LARD, ATT T Tnew cron1iu.:k wheat Flour, Uat iuear unis, jiic?, ouiiar, MtiALf, (new Crop ' ft.... K-T 1 Al APk'Vl'Ff. Tomntnni tiffee lea. ami murv new v . v. ...r OA kin( anf CUj- lijr iuuav . " w.v v.... ... Airents ior.ine iiyni un?. Molasses, nil! 11.116 - "V .. . . . Wi - v,ni : i,.,n new sunn v oi o cents n' TA'! T I Ci.nnnnllnr.hinr- Rn( Ul I S DIHIUI WIMK'K. lull. W.I ..VI , " " "... ij yr rrr:yyr.r:" "ZL,t. n.i u,, oods as iow ds the lowes. come youjue lilgucsi prices iot jruut iMwv a- andee. ll IITT7 RCHni CMRH W. W. TAYLOR, ) i . . I). J. IJOST1AN, V Salesmen. Oct. 16, 1834. and J. A. ) J. M. 3Honxoo .Tolin SlieppfilHl. KLUTTZ'S WAREHOUSE Y. x For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco. ! Y; : Salisbury? North Carolina. lobacco S eed L HE largest stock of SELECT j V ARL ETtES of. NEW and PEDIGREE SEEDS, suited to every type to choose from. Quality guaranteed, and prices ower than ever. PriceXist free.! - . 1 10:2m:p V R. RAG LAND, Hrco, Ya. SALE OF LAND! By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Rowan County, in the case of J. i?. Kobinson, Administrator ot Joseph N. Dolibin, Ueceased, against Wrlhani Dobbin and Josepli Dobbin, I will sell j on the premises cm ,' .1 Tnssiav. 6th cf January, the following land, to wit : A tntct adjoin ing the lands of Mary Ann Dobbin Horace Nail. Crissey Graham and others, 'contain ing about 46 acres, i terms: One-third cash, one third in six months, and one-third in twelvej months, with interest on the-deferrod payments from late at the rate of eight per cent. ! . .1. F. ROUiNSON,! Dec. th, 1884. 4t Adm'r. ASK YOUK DltuduiST WHAT UK knows about the merit of Shjiner Indian Vermifuge, the poplar remedy. ' " ; m , . . FAIIMEII'B UEAIKMBER KLUTZ'S WAREHOUSE has sold THREE FOURTHS of all the Tobacco sold on this market this season, and, can show the - . . ..-ii the corporation, aud therefore, a t $ 1 .50 the highest averas for crops and a general average second to no.it m head gpt J?TJ, the white children of . . m i nttM OVdW IOr lire SUUIC aiuuca.vi I what was left, that is town got only $358. Sii the I white people of town paid tire aherrtl a sclioot tax which netted about $241X1 and.' got back about $853, leaving a oaiaiiee oi to bo aeeounteu tor. What liecfaine of this? Tie. colored chil- treu ot tins disti ict cot $310. out of xhich it fs probable that the colored nice tiaid iii arlv .i-JK), Si silumr. ftilil'l -! KLUTTZ'S WAREHOUSE ) i Is the BEST LIGHTED, BEST ARRANGED and the only house in the place that has STORAGE ROOM FOR PLANTER'S TOBACCO. If you want the HIGHEST PRICES tor; your ToDacco sen at pant nearly Slil So siliout, SOO'J was given 'to them. There lis yet another $1000 to account for. comparison of these; figures with mv former jii tide will show that the white where you will always find a full turn-out of anxious buyers. under the oresent law. oav for their JOHN SHErrAKL), THE Uhampion xobacuo AU'iwtt8 own education, and then have to rT,,lar.-ra aYirl .Will nflV HlllH Kh I I IlILXLiO tribute a round sum to educate the L , . ' iV u t W,. colored folks, so the whites dM not ior all grades trom tne urounu ueaves w ru "lun"a get -a cent of this $l0iO. It'went to edu- A -t- HIGHEST PRICES GUARANTEED. t ! Your friends truly, SHEPPARD, SWINK & MONROE. caio uio coioreu cuiiureu outsulo our district. So that year, out of the taxes collected froni the white folks of Salis- Imry a grtt of about $G0O was made to the colored , children iu our district. and another gilt of about $1000 was maiU- to the colored children of the county outside 01 our district. IVI...I. ...A 1- 1 ' i tir niii leiucuj can oe proposeui we may nave a lew enacted, suclv as that which governs the Winston fchool, whereby all school taxes of everv sort collected in this district are oaid to the district, under ; siicli a aw we town i r ...... rolks would save the JIOOO that went outside ot our district, and all we would " w . .' HTIT T " UflTTTl T A a Tin 0 have- todothen, xvould be to educate HRffffieS & 001111 W affOIlS. H I K il V ..i if 00 A :- 111 II II I I llllll I I II 11 I 111 : Salisbury, N. C, June 4thj 1884, , HEADQUARTERS FOB STUDEBAKER akd TENNESSEE', FARM WAGONS. CPLUMBCS, WATEKTQWX ft ClSCISNATI BRUNER,I!AMES & CO. DO YOU WANT TO FOR LADIES Ony. A REMEDY eixioied by the Lett IIijm ciaiiH and UruUutx at its home. A REMEDY that Mr C W O'Neill. Uood- waler. Ala., itavrt raided his wile from an invalid'rt bed, mid lie believes nartd her lift A REMEDY of which a prominent Allanu , uiel'cnanl said . "1 would have given $500 as soon okI would a nick I e for i what' two ' bullies of your medicine did for my daugh ter." A REMEDY in regard to which; S J Cas sell's M D, Krugtfist ThomasvSlle, tJa., says. "1 c;fn recall instanced in which it afforded relifj nfter nil tho usmt remedies hud failed. A REMEDY about whicli Ir K li Ferrtll, L:iUrane, (ia , writes: "I have usedTor the last . tweniy years the medicine you are putting up and consider it the best combi nation ever gotten together for the disease for .which it is recommended. A REMEDY about av ! ich Dr. Joel Branham Atlanta said: ''J have examined tberecipe, and have no hesitation; in advising it's use, and confidently recommend il." A REMEDY which the Kev II IJ Johnston, near.YiarietUf, (ia., says lie has used in his family with the "utmost satisfaction" and '-recommended it lo three families "who found' it to be just:vhat i.- is recommended. A REMEDY of which IVmberton, Iverson & Uenuison say: 'We have been selling it for many years with constantly increasing sales. Tire ariicle is a staple with us, and one of absolute merit." A REMEDY of which Lamar, Rankin & Lamar say;' We sol,d 50 grosHin four months .arid never sold it in any place but what it was wanted agaiiu' - A Remedy by which Dr Baugh of L-.vG range, (Ja., says: cured one of the most obstinate cases ol Vicarious Merstruatiox - that ever came within my knowledge, with a few bottles.' A Remedvof which Dr J C ITns?, Notnsnlga Ala., says: I am fully convinced that it is unrivaled for that 'class ol diseases which 1 1 claims to cure.' A lC2iedy about which Maj John C Whitner ol Atlanta, well r nu favorably knovn all over the United States ns a General Insur ance Agent, says: 'I used this remedy before the war, on a large plantation: on a great number of cases, always with abnoliite Mtecess.' A Remedy aloul which Mr J W Strange, ol Ctileiville, Gn., certiliefc that one ' bottle etired two members of his family of men strual irregularity of many years standing. This Great. Remedy is BraflfieMs Female Replator. Send for Treatise on I he Ilea 1th and Happi ness of Woman, mailed free. Bradlield Regulator Co,, Box"28, Atlanta, Ga. SALE m liAHOI Bt virtue, of a; decree of the- Superior Court of Rowan County inl'the-Vase of lC A. Shimpoch, Administrator of A. CL Earn- har; against Fnnccs p. Earnhart, ,1. will Sell j at Gold HU1, on Monday; tne otn or January r 1885r the folotriri? lauds,' to wit : One tract of about Sixty Acres, adjoining Slauriey, Jolia Cnlp, and BuxWell Smith, known as the home place. Another tract of about Fillty Acres, adjoiningjlenry Williams, Ste phen IJ ruddy, John Williams, and others, Known as me r cnnel lantl. f Tkkm one-third fah, bne-th'kd iii six months, and;one-third; in twelve juoiiths, w4th interest on th deferred paynieuts froni (date at the rate of eiuht per cent, i ; 11. A. SillMFOCII, Adm'r. ,Dtc. 8th, 1834., 4wj A Notice to Creditors I ,li persons having laini8 ajrainst thecs tide of A. C, Eainhart, dee'd, are hereby notified to present the! same to the under signed on or before thb 11th day of Decem ber, 1883, or tJiis noticje wilt be pleaded in bar of their recovery. I i U I , A.'SllIMrOGII.Adm'r. Dec. 8, 1884. Gw i ? J R'Ei -Ammj r -WHENj YQUT WANT ' i " AT LOW FIGURE! CtA.11 on uie uuucrsrgnm it Kow." .,",'! j I). Agsat for th3 Car4 , Salisbury;, N. (J., Jund 62 ACRFA Lies seven miles than' saiil,bir- b - Ph)kU3 n t rm I V v.4 ,1 1 , mum wuvi vau.i ll'l f I lit I ,u ,i. , h slgrned. ' . Dec. 2Uh, lSSi.Vmpd A GREGORY'S Dyspicj IMire REAL EBTATH ' t"T r... .1 n i w ...Jl J ..... . 1. . . . . .-. ot uowuu uoanty unut riijn-l. cr.i.h.h vnu sen ai, pn-'nu? sue, ;n ust- t'o;u un bury, on Siotid iv the sd da.rfof 'reln-tr,, 1 Ol liUHl eOUUIUilli 1 i it 1 lilnl Civek Mato3j, Ui 1 Tenijs cash. S Dee. 15, lssi;.V A TOSITIVE AND PERMANENT CURE i - - . , .. FOjlt . irSTSPEPSIA and j INDIGESTION. Prepared ly l)u. W. V. UKEGUUV Charlotte, N. C. our own white childree, ami the colored children of i our district. Hut the resnlt would be that, it the present school, law remained in force, the rest of thecouutv would have to provide an extra $1000, to make up Ior the one we paid, or cut down the amount allowed to . each child in order io have enough to provide the extra sum lequired lor the colored chiU UFcn. It is time for nil to be thiukiu what is i beat to be done. 1 - F. J. MUKDOCH". Modest men must stand aside or "blow their own horn." It is perfectly ridicu- Ums the way suggestions are being made, by interested persons, about the selec turns for places in the country, Poor as-' piling office seekers, how immodest! llar.ltf are Paints. Oils and Varnishes. . Grain and Guano Drills. Tlicmas HAY BAKES Aveuv's Riding and Walking CULTIVATORS. - THOMAS' I1ARROWS, Telegraph Straw Gutters, .Avery, and Dixie PLOWS, Doxtor Ooxrxx JSla.ollox's, 1 Engines afld Boilers, SAW AHD GRIST HILLS, Piping, Eiisinc'and Boilvr Fittings Guns, Pistls, Shells, Cartridges, Wads and Caps. Fowuer and Shot, Dynamite ruse ana rri mers Axes, Shovels and Spades, Building Char. Dem. Her. J. B.nthonv. of Mt. Pleasant. biibumis county, formerly of Trout- maii s, ireaell county, has sustained a second stroke of paralysis and at last accounts was m a cntical condition. y gave com mie cus- 111. they same service. A Cleveland, Ohhyjury recent P wnn ot 5,00() against a rai aiy in ihat State, for eliargin .V.U"-, "igner rate of fresght th cnargeu another for the - Tlie ewYork XewsnaheV TT..'?nn pstabli&l,ed a branch house at Char ' "f N C ihe iniriK)89 of more con veniently furnUhing -patent outsides" to southern newspaper pirblisherp. jf atp1'1;, .-1 other jper ,vero lost 111 the hiin,; ,1 iumo Hast. on jsubscribing to the railroad extension lhigl. that coutit. Kesult; 1CG4 for subscription and I4U against iLf a ( Jtacfue, j Wisconsin. opera Monday iture of South Carolina to repeal "tlie existiiU lien law of that SttUe, wits defeated iuUlie Senate J;lst! wee!;. ' ! . Congress took a holiday . rf eemq Dec. 21, until the 5th of Jautinrv mX The Xey York , and other Northern or ange markets arc ulutted willi FImuM-. oranges to such an extent as to make the industry practically valueless. e TWENTY-FIVE CENTS expended for one bottle of Shi inev's Imti liige will save your chiUl froni tbe horri- "" 01 oeing eateu by worms.- tlie 3 FOR SALE! On the 20th of Jaiiuiirv. lfWS. 1 trill r. fer for sale at the Court-hons il.w,i- i. Salisbury, N. C, my tract of bmil. ivi.. 011 bxtl sides of Town Creek aud on both sides of the Br iugle , Ferry Rojid, where the ritd crosses tlie reek mile south east of Salisbury. Terms cash or banka- HOME-RAISED GLOVER SEED. Ana everything else usually kapt in First Class Hardware and liuplemtnt Stores. I Have on hand a lull stock ot the above. &. offer them tor ibe next thirty days, for less money than they have evei' been sold in this country. Salisbury, Oct. 23, 4. W. SMITHDEAL. IEDM0WT ... - 1 FORCASHlorONTIMi ! To suit aU classes ot purchasers, we have made aTangemerits to sellhese celebrated Wagons eltL er for cash or on toiij time. So aU who heed wagons bad better call and see us soon. 1 , r JOUN A BOYD EN, Agent, ." or. ' f STANDS AT THE HEAD! S OPPORTUNITY Is now offered to Land "owners who may I ' wish to dispose oij FARM?, - FORESTS, r ' MIXING LANDS, or WATER-POWERS. -Q ft'GEN-TS wanted tor The Ltves ot aU tu Presidents of the U.S. Theknr nsf hiriniu..i ...... boos evtr soid for less than twice our orice ' Th steslselilugbook la America. Iminense broiiis vo agents. AtllnteUigent peopl.ant it. Anyone nan become a suocessljiragetitXTenns free ' " ; " IUllktt Booti't'o- "orUaindv Maine, y JCRS CF BISuHaWITCS. v Dec. 4th, 1SS4. A J. O. WHITE. 1 THE BE ST SMITH III THE COUNTY ! The un Jerslgned is prepared to db all kinds of re pairing to all kinds of watches, clocks, c.i and at reasonable priees.. Leave and get your watches at Klutu & itendleinan's store. Salisbury ;'and try Ihe Dest sailth In the county. il. L. bOWN. Apr. 10, 'S:tf. ; ; - j II RHIflP Send six cents for DSstaire. and alTfllL C. "etve tree, a costly box of goods which riu help you to more mon ey right away than any thing else la this world. All of either aex. succeed: from II rev hour. The broad rmut ti rnrtnnii niutnu hofAm 1 1. . ...... . . " ' . " .. - I . . V .w. Vj ..ii.- ... Am 3. 1 lyRure. At once add -ess, ,T:;ie Co.v Augusta, Maine. Not, 27.J11, ly Having been instructed to act as Agents for the North Carolina Department of Tin migration, "wc wjll state to those having property of the sifeove tlescription Iot sale, that we are in position to place such pro perty in the hands' of over two hundred active Agents, who are making it a rcgtilnr business to sell lands to Immigrants and others coming into North Carolina to live. . Lands placed above market value ar not desired. We have establishel a Real Estate and MixiXa Bureau in addition to the above and' are in position to iIace to advantage mining properties of all kinds, developed and undeveloped. Large tracts of Lands in Western No:thCarolina, and in East Tc in.; may be placed through us to advantage. We can offer inducements heretofore unknown, and land owners will consult their best interest by calling ou or addressing '' BUHNER, EAMES & CO. ' Heal Estate, Mining 5c Immigration Bureau, i. ' ' Salisbury, N. C. 3faps, Assays, Reports and Estimates on short notice. , PArties contemplating goinir to Texas will do well to consult us, as we have farms and will giadly UT:Um. THE MOUT-ItUNXlSO DOMESTIC. in all parts of that State, furnish dsformat ion. 1 that it is the acknowledged Leatler is a fact that cannot be disputed. MANY IMITATE IT. NONE EQUAL IT. The Largest Armed. The Lightest Running. The Most Beautiful Wood Work A.D IS WARRANTED To be made of the best material. To do any and all kinds of work. To be complete in everv respect. Agents wanted in unoccupied territory Address, DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., Riclrmond, Va For sale by KLUTTZ & RENDLEMAN '8-4 B(:ly.. Salisbury, N. C. for workinsr Deonle. Send 10' cents post t'i2e. and e will mail you frte. a royal valuable sample box of goods tbat will nut you la the way of making more mon ey in aiew days than jou ever thought pott I neat any business. Capital not require, ou can live ut home and work in spare time only, or all the time. AU ,r both sex, bl ail ages, grandly successful. 50 cts. to 5 easily earaed every eveuitiflf.' That all w ho w ant work may test the ba-Juess, wejnake this un paralleled oner: To all w ho are, not well satisfied wem send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. FUil particulars, direcdons, etc., sent free. Imm-use pav absolutely sure tor all who start at once. Oon't deiay. Address Sti.nson & t'o., Portland, JUaihe. Sov. 2T, 'st.-ly AJ X3MTEH MILLINERY! :;.! . i-o-i Having determined to continue tho Mil linery busiuess at my old stand, I aik my friends and customers to hold their orders for me, as I have ordered the Prtttie-t lot bt HITS, RIBBONS, FEATHERS, SILK I j FX0WERS, &C, have ever had in store. EvEnrrnixo''vyiLL be Entirkiy New anp FAsuioxAnr.k. t MRS. W. R. BARKER. Hen CiiAULjOTTrc, N C, Nov. 2U. 13S4. . Dr. W. W. Giegorlc : I hereby certify that 1 have recently used vour Dvspeptic Mixture with very grrat benefit to myself lud cordially recouinieiid it to others. i R. T. Wakixo, Member N. U. Legislature. CilARJ-OTTE, N.C; Dri W. W. Greorv :,T take great i-leasure in aduing my testimony to the value of your Dvs)ei)iic 1-Jemeuv. J ;Uave used it wnu great relief, and-cheerfully recommend it to anv one snneriiig from oyepepaia,' ln ligestion and a torpiu conuiiiou 01 liver aiui uoweis. . ID. A.JENKINS, K. (X Stale Treasurer. For sale by J II McXc'en and T C Smith & Co., Charlotte, N. Cj nd J IL-Enni.-s, Salis-4 bury, N. C. j 49: ly VALUABLE i worn 3,'Y vm-io or ih. Ji Kiiuwn :'.;iU:i4 vwtj If J,1 fwm II T irie Ol I 111' ,Ji: TT J II L) lo me iy J. N.."jiiraiu auM 1 gah.'on win .Maivh, im (,i s-i-e ci.'w.saTni cuanres, air, iv- wis re i 11 of UowanT.Mortjrio Hon i;. n . cash on the preriilses on TlriHMi.i January, isss. pi Ki)van .c(fi:!ii . , ! -to the highest bidder a jilahtati.Mi i a-re.s. more tir less.;tuiU dl on mi l.'i! ltd a'll iliam aw: irns ami ) ad;ipici 1 Tui, from Thirl Creel; HtatlS!) of John Knox, Mjsk lUUi arc a residence, tobaeeM oa the premises, and tliev an oi Tobacco. "Vlicat,viitoji 'oi 11 1 ne siii- mvursat tin l;.iiirofrjf to satisiy rae ntorenalditvi: l-or lunaer n.irU'.'iibus uue r. v.. raeaeii 1 1.1 D.wm Dec. 31, lfSl. 4t Kobblns signed at Y aiiV.re.- 1'..N. ; an' I. Kit. nurr. 1 1 mo!f mney than. it su!!" an agency iortlu- Iji a ,. giiiiiers su-ced ri'dlv.' "oiie r.. i lUl.LKlT LiKk CO., I. Nov. 27, 'U.iy V1 - 1 I '-!!! :lt ii -i. T!'L 1 THE GREATEST AM) BEST: The Large Doable Weekly, , Iteligioas and Secular, NEW YORK! OBSERVER. i . (EsT.VHLISIIKD 123.) TJyiclonorn lata..-tjaxvl, TJuiseotarlan, Evanigolioal .xxcl IMAtlozial. No paper in thecouiitrv has a more EX PEHIENCED and A.13LE COUPS of EDI TOliS. i . Besides the regular Editors, the Obsii Vkii has a host of paitt contributors niid correspondents all over the world, includ ing home ami loreigii missionaries, travelers, scholars, divines, poets, and' literary, men and women. The Departments of "Agriculture. Busi ness, Simday-schootTeaching arid Kcligious Work are condurteH by experts, who write clearly and to the point. The OnsifuvKit does not till its columns with long' essays anyl sermons. j The NEW YOEE ' is A LIVE NEWSPAPER ' Furnishing eacl'r week A lliii.ioious Sheet, full of instruction, uncouragemcro, and truth; and, . . A SF.cri.AU Sheet containing ail the news. Price $;.1." pci year. Secial terms to Clergymen. Spec inien Copies Free. ' Address, xk w roiiK onsEii vmi, . 8:4tJ New York. "WE ASK Kxru Interested in Hides, Fur. Woo'l. Feathers, Beeswax;, IJutt-cr. Ciieesc, Divcil I nut,-' Poultrvi Hav arul g em$ al I y t-- send i r Prompt returns on. al Ti-ial SJiipiiio K.LrvTLLIAIS;& our Pi nr ('(j ats SeliciticL 1 i G ENEKAL ;COMM.lfs U N Mt:i:i:fl.-Yi l-.ly. Office, ICH, Wi 11 P iUtj. rilto ! ranis Hon Tsrrcr! -No More Pdn! No More Danger 1 TO KERR CRAIGE. . L. II. CLEMENT. CRAIGE & CLEMENT, A ' ' SALisnL'nv, N. C Feb. 3rd, 1 S3 1. , B LAC KM E It cc HEXDERSOX Attorneys, Counselors .' andSolicitorg.fJ Sulisbury, N. C. Jan. 22d, ?9 If. ; This invaluable pre paration is truly a Iri ,nui.h of Meieniili'e skill, and no more inelinul jble benefit was ever be stowed on the mothers u the work!, j fcrIt Jiotonly short ens tlie time of labor and lessens the intensity -ol pain,l)iit better lli'an all ,'t greatly diminishes ToMotherorChild th?1daTr lo tUeA,1 UA u . both motlytr and cluldr and leaves the mother lll-il L-OIIUIIIOII Itlfill.V lr.jiii..ii.u 1.. 1.. . ' covery, and fur Iess4ia ble to flooding, convnl doiiK and other alartii Ing ymj)toms incident :o lingering and j.aiiil'ul labor. Its .truly .wonder ful ellicacy in" thin re spect entitles the Molli er' Friend to be rank ed as one ofhe life sav ing appliances given to tlie world by tl:edifc6v eries of rnodern science. From tlie nature of the Case it will of course be understood that We can not publirtlui-erlific-ates concerning this Remedy without wounding tnV delicacy of the writers'. Yet-we have hundreds ofmieh testimonials on hie. a ncbho mother who has .pnce, used it will ever again he without it in her tim oi trouble. " HILL.. jSf OSES! The undersigned ia hmiht tet3 known .Stonei Quarry ol K. K. lliiflip,f deceased, and1 will r:nfinui- to iiti(fr Ik' public" demand lVkiljH Mc-us lrim4Lai V I .A 1 ceieiHaicu gnr, tni -r? at Salisbury, N. 0., ji tention. This i;'inn V 1 actual work iii'r iToH" comment. Oct, 27, 1S84. V.-.n- FXiiA ;i!iinMilj toft 'receive. jH'iijiiptllj ' o. w t il kiiimtv W it iikI.s liiiifurfljd Juit.v T. W'xri STOCK rifitorGul Iv stock this Fall is m;u-tm!!v FnlliM Elegant. - P'slialj ink ui'. c 1;iiticuirs,l ati d" Fi iohdi w i 1 1; li i 1 i n - J 1 1 " .ron!yrpif pared to supply?: 1 1 cm, tun- k-ttfcf til u-uaL . Call anil'sc nuv - ": E. J. HOLMES. Nov, A 1$, 18S4.; (. A Radical CurS FOp i;! frwlBf? 1 J n,i.rmUlT- 1 5 Vi' 2 The Dread of j Motherhood! t Transformed to : HO P E and j JOY. I USafst7 and Ease TO Snffering Woman. ! I ; A prominent physician lalely reruai fced to Ihe proprietor, that if itrie adiriissahle io make public the letter we receive, the "Moth er's Friend" would! ouUell anrtLing on the market. i i '1 ! - - I most earnestly entreat every iVmtde ex. peeling to be confined to nse.IolherV Itelief; Coupled wiilLthia entreaty I will add thai durin- a long obstetrical practice (44 years), 1 have never known it id fail to produce a safe and quick delivery A " ' U. J. HOLIES, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. Semi for our Trekliie on -Health and llap- pines ol om:in."jmiiiled free. ISECAY, Ir.Younff & Middle Hgea ivion. Tested fob ovnCx YhKhs a us- iN'VAr. TTtEATSIEXT. HT"? .:(... iua W .TT- . Til jinx !TtllJ 1 '" Ono Mocth. -i S3 dCS - i.rrf-ntbw te 'i:- t-.-,, or. m .n i r;rw :f - 2".ir;!7ii.' p5, irT' ipic it STOP Another car hjad PIAGES, wj.u li . Must 6 in order to ma-kt. 'Sou' is Ifonr tihi I'Av.tf lt.- u it.-t ur 'L n - A A uorutlcrff. I" am dctt rmlnc'l arv IIilusc 10 , 1 .Mill At ir!r) UA, Come at qnce an 1 0 amine oij jj y ' MDi Him b UJJM i "(Sarolii not to :u x' ,rii J41 " ;,.0Kr I am short of toof) oq ' . lr vdpMh er thar. cvtr Ucfort.aij alter ri - nrr:.Mt all IliV -rfieleS iif . 1 Dec. mb, if-! J -a. -t . i i 1 4 . 1 I! Salisbury, N. C, Oct 11.-2:1111 A; --.i .. ! . ..: . - . . .