It IP 1 'i UK 1 .. r5; 1 m E2 UBT. WEST. j , ! . j . . iii naaa smiiin - - ' ' I I fife? rKafiS9S j jpfjB RM 10.32 ' i it as i Ar. LSI. m. Salisbury l.U " Statesville " lf.IT " Newton m ll.rp m. tiiCKorj 10. M . 1 " s.4 Oi - T.15 " - Lit . : Aneni' ' '" M3 Ale. a rider's I " t.H : "Marshall fcjrl - Warm Sprtnps Moreno ton Marlon ,old Fort ; Round Kno b m.n k Mountain - Train No. s. STATIONS, 4.40 p. m. IIAshcvilleii M " Pigeon Hirer L30 Waynesvtile (Train, No. V EOT. iu.T. 9.'.0 Ar. 11.1 4: ronn Train T and 8 ran dally. j Train No. 3 connects atiSallsfeiryfitD K.tD.K. ..from all points south. v Train No. 1 1 at Salisbury with K. & rj. R.. t alfooints North and frotn Italelybl'8 connects at Stateavllle with A. T. t o. Div. ofje.C. A. K. H Connects at Warm Spring w4th h. Tenn., Va. If K. H. tor Morrlstown and polijth efet,A S. Wj Train No. 8 I ' at Warm Springs with K.t.Va Oa.R.R. Morrtstown & the West &S.W. Connects at til with A. T. Hit. Dlvt of p. C. &. A. K. R at Salisbury with It. I). K for art point? orth and East and for Raleigh. Through Ticket on sale at Salisbury, statesville, AspevlHe apd the 'fir Springs to all principal eitlesj. W. A.-TUEK, - i a. a. P. M Arexou failin-. try Weu.s' Ukalth Rx- newsj, a puru, ciiii " u"4l,r t ti- vmtm fnmsch. Liver, Kidney. Long!!. Au tneqaalctl InTitforaat. eurea 4 Headache, Ferer, Ague, CP' DEBILITY WEAKNESS. Nice to take, true merit, aqusled for 1 H tpi Mr boL 6 teOODrjPETl 1 1 E. 8. wmiJerscy Ciiy, N, J.. U. - JB A Fortune from a Flower. The gorgeous dahlias which ! so j brilliantly ornament the gardens, antV ate so effectively used in decorations, are oT Mexican origin. They were first introduced into Germany by Dulil; their name was then "Bidens Magni fieri;" afterwards they were caMed dahlias, in honor of the man wlio found-them. They were, when discovered, quite single, having only oik ray of petals about a golden disc; the colors were scarlet, yellow and thite, the latter being distinct from the other, having smaller flowers, and being of a dwarf habit, with nTr.TTaXntTTl n nnnr.... riiunmuflu & UAH V lLLE B B PROFESSION A Aims. XtW GKAIOE. MrH. CLEMENff CRAIGE & CLEMENT, :,, L T4 - J ?Ai.iSBunv, i; v.,. Tlie lion is not brave , he is a coward when the royal Bengal tiger, regard ed as his ewral, is presented ; he hesi- tates, makes a great parade, but does not get very near. The .dog, on the other hand, will assail a lion, a ti j;er, a grizzly bear, an elephant, a do&, or a man, and lie does not stop to count . the size of his opponent. Many a man has been saved because his little dog, who is as quick as a flash, has anny ed a bear, beffi nd, that was pursuing the man to death ; he would turn to take care of the dog, which would of course dodge back and keep out of The Doff the Bravest Animal.. Liked to Meet HiM.-"jj?t's lorn titi trraf ami !. VII..... in. 1 t i i iikxi iiiui ieirua Peop e sjieak of "brave as a non. j ain," sai.l 'man to a coinpanion wmi Kwim iic was waiKinw. "Why didn't you speak just now if you have busine& with him ?' have no business with Mml' "Then .why do you wish to meet him again? "Well, you see I used to owe him, and in consequence would avoid I meeting him. lleceafiy I pud him up, ami now i like to meet himl Its like Mark Twain's story of the boy who found a dime. He kept throw ing it out iu front of him to find it again. Come 6a, I want to meet him. 1 wish I had nothing to do b'nt to meet him all day." Arkansaw Traveler. Feb. 3rd, 1881. - BLACKMER i Attorneys, Counselors J and Solicitors. ilisbury, N. C. . ; T' 4. v . Jan. 22d, '79 tf. " . . J.M.MOCORKLE. S T. F. KLfTI'Z. Jlcl ;tRKLE & KlilT'J Xi ATTOKKr'S axo CUXSELOlt Salisblky, X. CV O.Tice on CotiDcU Street, opposite tin Court House." . ,y 37:tf Buchu-Paiba Remarkable Cares of Catarrh of the Bladder, Inflammation, Irritation of Kia neys and bladder. Stone or Gravel dis eases of the Prostate Gland, Dropsical Swellimrs, Fema!o Diseases, Incontin ence of Urine, all Diseases of the Genito iTHnnrr QramAa in either sex. For Un healthy or Unnatural Discharges use also "Chapci's Inject ion Ileiir," each m. Tor SYPHILIS, civ-r contracted or lioroif-irir raint. npo Cuanin's Constitu tion Bitter Syrup,- ?1.X) jfer bottle, and nhnnin'o Rvnhii ff in villa. ..00: anoCha- a Svnli'ilitifi Salve. S1.00. 6 bottles 111 - r i Svrup. 2 of Pills, 1 Salve, by Express on receipt of S10.A0, or at Druzjists. K. rt. wells, jersey ity, aa - TUTT'S H BB lLa 0 ltill ill V'llLtil 'lllll ii . ! I 1 I 1 L I 1 I 1 .. . . a . the way d the bear, while the man f I III I'.ilir .'i ll'ni'll 1 III! tll'Sl I Vi ' Vila I -. ""iiian nnv ..4 ..... . m it" .1 "t 1 would be gaining distance, and when to attempt tue donbunj: ol the Dah- m- 1 . 1 , . . .1 the bear luriieu lor the .;-,! . i.i .i ..1 I dojr was at his heels bitting his ham (.! l.M Ulw'V II Hi Ml 1!) I MIX' 111 charge of them were sworn to secre cy as to their cultivation; it was con 25 YEARS USE. BLOOD '-r j' s . r Ami its an pa rill I el led abuses, are fully and ; friaclj discussed in a neat )2 psie ln4k. ' mailed fre: to nay address, by 111 nod Ilahn a H A.I ll - v -, . . ' - r- Drcrp a postal lor it, as every and woman ne rds it and Will be delighted with its valuab'e and entirely inew revelations. 1 SMALL VOICES E it -r, I- Sometinies shake a Nation of people njnd arouse t lie in to action. Expressions simi lar fo the following, fronv a well known Druggist.of' Atlanta, pour in from sections where B. B. B. lias beeu used. Ati.anta, June J2, 1884. It is our fltm VR-lief thtt B. B B. is the ui-.kT Blood Purser on the market. We are sejbag f'ir orw bottles of it to ONE of any other preparation of the kind. It has failed in no instance to give entire sat isfaction, Merit ,is the scen t. W:P. SMITH & CO., Drugoist. This is the only blood medicine known 4hat combines nick action, certain effect, cheap price ami unbounded satisfaction. The Greatest Msdical Triumph of the Age : SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of appetite Bowclx costive, Ptaia ia the head, with n dall sensation ia the bach part, Pain andcr tho shoulder blade, Fallneas-nfter catinc with a dis inclination to exertion of body ermind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with a feeling of having ncslcctcd some duty, Wcarinecs, Dizziness Fluttering at tbo Heart, Dots before tho eyes, Ueadacho over tbo right eye, Restlessness, with fitful drcaai9, Highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. TFTT'S FILLS are .especially adapted to such cases, 011 6 doso effects such a change of feeljnsas to astonislithcsufierer. They Isicrease the Appetitc,itndcause the badjttf) Take 011 flesh. th?ia the F.vstena i nourished, and by their Toaic Action oa the Iiscsti-. c Organs. itesnlar Stools rro tutts mm ml Ghat Hair or Whiskeus ehanged to a Glosst IiL.c:c by a single application of this Dtb. It imports a natural color, acta instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of 81. Office, 44 Murray St., New York, strings. We know of nothing but a dog I hat will fight a foe forty times l.i.mnuw it riiiA if lid nvtrn Lriiiil s.dered a great pri' ilege even to see 1 , O O II I ; t .. .1 1 I. .....I. ,...,.1. . ... . . -'re arm oiguess to ueuiu. witii suuu uu- . a ii I.- qualified and eminent bravery: and double fl iwers appeared, and ulti- 1 J . , . , . , lii- tneieiorc wc uuiiiu tue oog me oiuv .,,.ii.v t i-i i-i't fliill i U ( :l I l:l V:lS 1 I 1 i .i - .K., i : !... . i i l i lest ioiii"T mat mw. i hi trnuiuuiLui OlilIMV. II j .1 i I I v l I oi'ivi ..7. .,v , t i p v n . I r - .ii. 1 ". AAA ft' " i niaiii. viie i rower licucu do-u vuu i w w in two years from bw crop. A Siiiariilnr Itoacl Bed. There is a "Of course tastes differ; but Cleve land might have suited the public taste better if he had accepted the m -r - a -ti i a . vast bed of roc'.c salt in iNcwtouuctlanU ting ami declined tnc the Colorado Desert, near Idaho; and Vanderbilt palace carJ'PiUsburg the Southern Pacific railroad in lay- Wtspaich. inn the track to the salt mine have T,,is I terrible charge of riding in been! obliged to grade the road for Vunderbill's car originated with the .f a a i twelve hundred feet with blocks of -xew lorn oun, wiucii oegins early these beautiful lumps of ?a!t crystals. t( fultil ils promise to treat the new This is the first instance of a railroad President with fairness. The simple roadbed bein' laid and bellasted onJtruUi aGoul this incident is that Cleve- B-i.1 of vvl.w.l. W. l.nvo -mv L-., no) lailti UUtfc IIO CIlOlCC as lO IMS IllOUe Ol fhe sea that once rolled over this conveyance. He was asked to be place dried up, and left a vast bed of Ureseut at a cimrity ; ne was waited salt about filly miles in length. The P11 toJ 11 committee wno urougm witn om .IWv ; cl,,o, i, ,,.i,l tlm l s... them the ear in which to escort him to T. . J 1 11 ; K.T-.T1 nil . I ... exhaustible. Grasshoppers of enor- e I nat me committee ciiose moivstize and giant centipedes have to secure the handsome car ot Van been pickled in this chloride of sodi- derbiltjhat was their business and not uiu, and are today, alter the lapse of Cleveland Louisville Courier Jour- cen tu lies, m full size and perfection Ml Wea rs Tii km H imskIF. "He's got 'em on ! He's got 'em on f tri umphantly exclaimed Johnny Jar- pbly at the breakfast table. "Got wot on?" asked his mother in surprise. "What ails you, Johnny? What are you pecking under the ta ble for? Wliy don't you sit mp straight and eat your meals?" "Pah's got 'em on ! I see 'em !" emphatically asserted Jarphly's heir. "Got wot on, sir? Wot are you talking about sterol v asked his fa i her. "Why, you got your pants on and heard Mr. Smiff sav he thought Mali wore 'em. Pittsburg Telegraph. "A train behind lime,' remarked jones, secin ? an elderly maiden tricked out in full flowing " robes. Phila. News. Why is a cornet player like a sig nal service storm observer ? One blows the notes, ami the other notes the "blows." Jingo. . .1 f . ; - England now has marine monsters that weigh 81 tons and shoot IftiiQ nound shot. The babies in the Ameri can navy are but as toys compared with them. Wil. Star. ' :k s r .. r- i A statue and tablet to the memory of Edgar A. Poe, have just arrived in New York from London and will be at once erected in the Metropolitan Muse um of Art -: i ;- , The shortest and most direct road to popuhrrity is for a man to be the same as he wishes to be taken for. The best lung protectors are dijy feet and warm comfortable body clo thing, no exposure, and an abundance of sleep and rest, aud uo late suppers or uissipatioii. N.C.WVIS1GK, CONDEIKED SCHEDULE, TKAlNSOOIXq KAST. .4 r.j Jan. Uiu, 1SS4. Leave Uhatlolte... . ' Salisbury ..... M High Pjiut .. A rr. Greensboro . .. . Leave (J reenoro . Arr. Hillslioro.... 4 Ihirliam " Baleigl) ....w.. L,v. " Arr. Goldtborq,.. Not 61. ' i v- - B tip WE PROVE That one-sinjrh; bottle of B, B. B. will do its much work in curing Blood Poisons, Skin Affections, Scrofula, iriTreyTnSnblcs, Catafrh and Ithumatisin ns ix bottles ol anv other preparation on earth. " One titty-yenr-old chroiiic ulcer ci itetl ; Scrofula of children cored with one I ottle. It never fails. We hold liome proof in liook mem. Send lor it. Large bottle ft.CO six for $.1,00. H Expressed on rrcclgt of p iec, if jour Druggist ean!t supplv yon, address BLOOD BALMJL O., Atlanta, Ga. CO t?d o M E3 'SI cD 2. 3 i Sill td 8 iV'-'s'vjfiM , i'Ti...?iWT( of shape. This vast salt bed will be valuable to the reducers of ores in California, Arizona and New Mexico and can be supplied in boundless quantities. Work of the Newspaper its and Romances. Vines on Houses. The Nashville American takes this Hj,ritmas ? A DRESSING GOWN MADE USEFUL. Mrs. Do Blank What are you going to give your husband this Li"- - - r i- ucrA is: iff .t.v j . v w btbtti M . r 3 B.x BOOTS, SHOcS & GAITERS, made to order: At. v one Firft uiass feeientten iftais Ex perience. All Material ol the fct hi grade, aud work lone to the latest styles Ready made woi 1 always on hand- Rftnalring aeatly and promntfy done. Orti is hv mall prompt v.'iiiea. vrt jcn. i. 3tlc-c. 51:ly. , .ii.isbt.. v. :.C. WESTERN H. G. RAILROAD. OFFICE GE!. PASSENGER AGENT, Salisbury, N. C, MAY 11th, 1884. SCHEDULE. view of Southern men in the new Cabinet : "If ihc se1ection of a Southern man or tvvoTor such positions would set the country ablaze aud weaken the Democratic party and administration, we of the South must forego that luxury for the present. Woukl such be The defeat of Ulaine was more than the defeat of a bad man it was the utter discomfiture of sectionalism. 'lucre are doubtless, some heart-bo rniirgs left; but, with the firm grip and clear perception of the Democratic President elect, no sensible man fears a reaction on ac-count-ofany Southern man or men iur. tieveianu may ciioose to ap-- i;oinl." Mrs. Do Lank A dressing gown. But you gave him one last year, and the year before, too, if I remem anght. Yes, and the year before that. Dear nic ! I can't understand how out so fat. My bus- not put his on oik e a The American Garden notes the prevailing opinion that vines make houses damp, for which reason there are not nearly so many cottages and bouses beautified with vines as there should be. It is only when the dim ers are allowed to cover the eaves and obstruct the gutters, or find their way under the shingles, that they become objectionable, ami these objections should, ot course, be caretully guard ed a-rainst. To the same effect the Gardener's Monthly remarks: "Vines should always be kept cut down be low the roof. It is a little trouble to do" this once a year, but we cannot get even our shoes blackened without some trouble. Those who know how beautiful ajod how cosy looks a cot tage covered with vines will not ob ject to the few hour' labor it requires to l?eep vines from stopping up the cutter. Vines really make the wall dry. The million of rootlets by which they adhere to the walls absorb water and an examination will prove a vine overed wall to be 'as dry as an old bone.' One great advantage of a vine-covered cot tage,not often thought of, is that it is cooler in summer and warmer in winter than where there is but a mere naked wall." "Rough on Bats" clears out Rats,Miec locts. "Rough on 'Corns,' for Corns, Bunions. 15c. ' I Thin people. Wells' Health Renewer restores health and ,vigor, cures dyspepsia, dec. $1. - - "Rough onToothache," instant relief. 15c Ladies who would retain freshness and vivacity don't fail to try "Wells' Health Renewer." "Btrchu-paiba," great kidney and urinary cure. Flies, roaches, ants, bed bugs, rats, mice cleared out by "Rough on Rats.11 15c. "Rough on Coughs,'' troches, 15c: liquid 25c. J For children, slow in development, puny and delicate, use "Wells Health Kenewer. "Rough on Dentist" Tooth Powder. Try it. 15c. Nervous Weakness. Dyspepsia, Sexua Debility cured by "Well Health Renewer." I. Mother Swan's Worm Syrup, for feverish ness, Ayorras, constipation ; tasteless. 2oc. Stingirig, irritation, all Kidney and Uri nary complaints cured by "Buehu-paiba Night sweats, fever, chills, malaria, dys pepsia, cured by "Welts' Health Renewer. My husband (writes a lady) is three times the man since Uaini: "Wells Le newer." f 1. j If you are failing, broken, worn out and nervous, use f Wells Health Itenewer." $ 1 Prevalence-of Kidney complaint in Amer ica ; "Buehu-paiba" is quick, complete cure, $1. f 5.31 f Q.4T V 7.2? ' 9.40 M 11.41) f 12 27p.m. J 3.00 " 5.15 5U0 10.42 i 11.15 No. 15 Daily except Saturdr Leave Greensboro ;4 20 pm Arrive at Raleigh il .54 n m' : i ' , ,. HM- .111. o. I c onnecis ai wreensbots wli 1. 1 . t.: R R for all points Korlhi Eksl and J! ; Danville. Ai Sali6bury wj1i W X c. llSM all points in uesiern a u At Ge!dk7 I w i IV Jb V K K rial V Vo ;i Tr 5 " .11 v v v. w - " A' va, t) I ',Yfi connect at Greenfrboro with K & 1) n i "y. or ail nouns on me. oa.eiu iraiHl). . i " i TRAINS GOING WEST. Jan. 6ta, 1884. No. 50. pMily. i LeaveGohlsboro ... l.l.j5 a. m.1 Arrive Raleigh .... 2.15 pm Leave " .... 6.10 . Arrive Durham ..... 6.27 " " Hillsboi 7.p8 " Greenaii ro... I 9.25 " Leave " 9.65 " .1 Arrive HiahPiont i 10.87 " Sarb.bury.i7:.. 1 12,05 " " Charlotte 1.58 a.m.' ind J baijf. 10.17 ' 11:28 12.53 r.n. -t No. 16, Daily ex. Sunday-LvsGold8l'oG40r i . ' i rcnitiro ata No. 50 Connectn at Salisbury i t h all points on W N C R R and at Charlotte, till A. & C, Air "Line for alihpoiuts SoufV. No. 52 'Connects at Charlotie wiin 0. C. & A. U.K. with all points South and SouMi'fi and with A & C Air-Liae for all uinu SonU N. W. N. C. RAILROAD. Going South. No 50 Daily, ex. Sun. No. 52 Daily, Lv. Greensboro Ar. Keniersville " Salem Goikg Nouth. 11 30 p m 12 36 " 116 " No. 51 . Daily, ex. Sun. H'OOain 1104 " 12 53 pm No. 53. Dailjv Leave Salem Ar. Kernersville " Greeurtboro 1 25 . iu 8 05 Jl 15 536 a m pt)5 " 710 " STATE.UHIVERS1 Y RAILROAD. rr No. r s. GoiXGNoRjn Daily ex. 8nn. Lea Arn ve Chapel Hill ...... I 1.0.20 a ive University............ j 11.20 a Goiso South. in a m No. 2. Daily ex. Sun. In Pennsylvania, where protection abounds and the doctrine of liob lioy is endorsed by almost the entire press, there are 61,000 idle men. Bradsrteet's says there arc now in the North 303, Mien connected with "industrial cm- This they get worn bantl does mount. Mine never wears his at all. He IriiK it mi fMi nt in nfi nnwniiwr lnril: ..L..,u,l w,.iL'a iifsiimil ,liuv,i i Dlovment" whoare out ol work. takes it off and never thinks of it is a desperate condition, r or twenty - - i odd years a high war tariff has . . . . . 1 nnrr:itiiKi'. o ver-sf.l I II ! I III t I'll !T I r t i. i ' i . "1 -3 J --- - i terns and colors. 1 give him the same one every Christmas. BRAVERY IX PRIVATE LIFE. again. liu t then, wh give inn so nra ny IASHIONABLE MILLINIRY! v ' U' MRS. EATE MEDEMACH. Is- pleased to announecj tot1ie laities ol Salislmry and surniu n ding country ,t hat Khc has opened a MILLINERY STORE in Crawford's new bail ling on Marn.Steot, adjoining the room formerly occupied by Black nu-r & Taylor as a Hardware House SHc is prepared t till orders and respect fujly invites ladies to calll and inspect her atock. Can supply on hort noticp any article not in Store. Relieves her work Svill not only give satisfaction but pleasure. r Will nil orders promptly and at charges as moderate as possible. IndelRblc stamp- pngon anjt Kind ot, material tor Braiding ,i ad embroiltry. aligo free hand drawing I lor Motts, Hat. I ands. Handkerchiefs, &c, airv size, plain to elaborate. Mar. 27:tf. TAPE WORM. An eminent German scientist has recent v ly discovered from a root; extract, an- nbo 1 iute tptcific for Tac Wortn. It is pleasant to take and is hot dislress ing tat he patient, but is (peculiarly sicken ing ii stupefying to the Tape Worm, which Jocsens its hold of its victim and V paa away in a natural ai d easy manner, eiiWrelwhole, with Head,' arid while still alive. w - .J L . " One physician has nscu tills snnclfih ln- over 400 cases, without a; single failure to Toid worm entire.,Succei guaranteed. No pay required until Removed - with head. Send stamp lor circular and terms. HEY" WOOD di CO., 19 Park Place, New York Ma? 30, '34.-1 y r j. , QSTETtE kv fc fc STOMACH -l I -s To the needs of the tnnriat. rAmmmlil traveler and new settler, Bosfetter's Stom ach Bitters is peculiarly adapted, since it strengthens the digestive organs, and braces the physical energies to unheaith fnl influences. It removes and prevena malarial fever, constipation, dyspepsia?, healthfully stimulates the kidneys ani bladder, and enriches as well as nurifiei the' blood. When overcome by rati cue, whether mental or physical, the wear and debilitated find it a reliable source 6 renewed strength and comfort; For sale all Druggists and Dealers generally, APriz e HAY! HAY 500 Tons of No, 1 Valley oft Vir-inia Timothy Hay for sale by P. B. SUBL 43:6m. HAY Send 8lxceits postace. and itcelve uvt. a eusttv box ! of goofKs wuich will help yoi to mure niiuuiv riirhr aww iKm apyChlng eis- in tins v.rll. All. oi either sex. suc XSS?m?r ,10Ur- '1 be broad mad to fortune opeasbet.vetho workers, and is -absolutely sure. Atonce ahtrtes, Tuck & Co., Augusta, Maine;, T PO TJ T Z 5 KCR3E AKi) CATTLE POWDERS ETT & SON. Staunton, Va. BttOUT- F0UTZ Ji HOW IS THt TIME Tfi Silfi- SCRIBE FOR THE , CAROLINA WATCHMAN. Sl.tsO. V t, .. ?w irr prevent Oafk I iw Nwta! JiffiJSn FSf l.mtltv of milk iin'l mtSl pt r cent-.n'1 uiakctlie butter firm For 7-! rnh an'1 l"tt,e are bJt. DAVID r. TOVTZ, Proprietor. BALTIiroaE.MO. When Moody, the evangeliist, was in New York in Sanitary last, he painted Lee aud Jackson as devils ami matte Grant a saint. Mr. I. D. Core a well known citizen of Rich mond, Va., says of the (I "In the caur.-e of his remarks it suited his purp. se to illustrate the character of Jesus ChiTst am) the devil but how? He said, in sub stance, that it was the custom of Jt sus Christ, in his parables, to use, as examples, those persons, characters, aiul'scenes with which. the people to whom he was speaking wore most familiar, anil, said he, "I will do jkewiee. The rebel leaders, Lee and Stonewall Jackson, ami the pe rless patriot Grant, arc names which are fumiliarlo you all. He then pro ceeded to divest Lee ami Jackson of every Jionoi'able characteristic. In their religious characters tht were worse than the followers of Mahomet. In their moral lives the life of Nero in comparison was as white as the driven snow. 'In a word,' said he, 'by every illustration and animus of their l.ves and actions, they more forcibly represented the character of the King of Dark ness than any names which my knowledge of the world's history enable me to call to mind since Jadaa betrayed the Lojtl of Glory ' lie then proceeded to clothe General Grant in all the grandeur of a god, so far as the extent of words conkl do, in robbing heaven of ils glory, and Gcd of his attributes with whicli to adoru his hero Grant his itlcal representative oi Christ." Mr. Moody, if correctly reported, proves how the devil sometimes deludes even the best of preachers. He sets them np and makes them utter wickedness and folly. "It doesn't take the din and smoke of battle, with the rattle of musketry, the roar of cannon, the charge and retreat, to bring out the true bravery been induc tion and creating unnatural, unheal thy and dangerous conditions, and behold the fruits. Wil. Slur. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST for ShrineVs Indian Vennifuge and it' he fails to supply you, address the proprietor, DavhlE. Foutz. Baltimore, fjd. VALUABLE - PLANATION FOR SALE. p y virtue of the power In a Mortgage executc- lj to me oy 4. morgan ami wwe Alice l. Mor tem, on ioth March, psu, to secure a debt. Interest. costs and ctiarges, and registered in Public Hegtstry ot Howun. Moitcaire Bock f.T. o a.s, I will Sell for caU on tt:e premises on Th.uoiday, the lMh dy ol .ianu-ry. l in Kowan county, t public outcry. tu the highest bidder, a plantation t critic ting or ls5 ueies, merger less, Miuaien on t reeK, two uniei fr'.'iii 'I'Mrd iH'ek Station aiu' :td Joining the I.andi- oi Jolin.KnoX, Miss Lou iiraiiam and otueis. There i are a resldeirce, touaeco barusatid out houses, upon ' thf uceE-it.ies, aticl tr.ey nre nitapteil to ine, growth I if Tobaeco, Wheat. :ottoiufoi!i. The snie oeuui:: at. the hour of KM. and It Is made ' iJj) satisfy tlieadori.!id debt. )S j For-further particulars eddress my aitorneys,"f t Uobbnis a l,ng, Mnteii:e, . t . or me uudir- .signed at Van. t' ., luedell ooutiiy, N. (.'. UAVIU . KXOX. 1 U.-e. 11, j. 4t JIvrt(:atec. Leave University ... Arrive Chapel Hill 1-2.05 p tn 2.25 p ra The two liny sattelliles of Mars, which were discovercil by Professor Asaph Hall in 1877, have dia miters less than ten miles each,-and are the smallest celestial bodies known. in a man s nature. "Thai's a fact." "Iu the humble walks of every day life may be found hosts of heroes braver than many who have led ar mies to victory." 'Yes, I've made tho same observa tion myself. But what inspires the reflection ?" "I was just reading in a paper about a wo. nan who has just married he- eighth husband." Blizzard. ELOQUENCE INDEED. "I hear yon are highly satisfied with your new minister, Brown?" "Satisfied is a tame word to ex press our opinion of him. We are delighted with him." "He is very eloquent, I under stand ?" ! qtienl ! Why, sir, when he is preaching he affects the congregation so powerfully that there is hardiy any interest taken iii the flirtations of the choir." Boston Courier. Blaine asks that his friends "will do him the favor to discredit utterly all ami any alleged expressions from him which' are not made over his name." It is difficult to know how to take Mr. Blaine at all times. Not long ago he was as discredit numerous expressions that were made over his own name. Chicago Timcs,Jcp. It'is time to insist on the Scrip ture meaniug of the term "evange list." He is not an evangelist who goes about to well organized Church es, and with the co-operation of pas tors aud members holds revival ser vices. No matter how great a stir iliat man may make, or how great a revival he may lead, he is not an evangel ist. Southwestern Metlwdist. A slow match Sparking, but nev er popping. Should a mustard plaster be classed amoug drawing materials? With the drunkard life is reel. Mittenwald. a little town in Bavaria, which, as its name indicates, is situat ed in the midst of forests, has for over two hundred years been given over to the single industry of violin making. The very best of material is found right at their very doors, and in every yard in the place are seen violins suspended from roties and pole3 to dry. All kinds of stringed instruments violins, guit ars, and even banjos are manufactnred there, and sent all over the world. The Wilmington Star says: kTwo tramps were lodged at the station house Tuesday night. They were released yesterday morning, and were warned to be out of the city by this morning, with the alternative of a birth in the House of Correction." What has become of the vagrant laws? Tramps have been about as plen ty here for some weeks as dogs without a color. 'ffic follow ing compliment to Sena tor Vance comes from an unexpected quarter, the Philadelphia Press, a rabid Radical oran : "Senator Zeb Vance, lof North Carolina, is going to re-elected without turning a hair, and we are glad of it. If there is a man in the United States Senate whose head is full of horse sense, and whose Interior department contains a full quota of the everlasting milk of human kindness, it is this same Z.'b Vance. The only strange thing about such a man is that he has remained so loog a Democrat." Far DysKrifs, C o s t i ve n o s 8, jSleli Headache, C h ro n i c Diar rltcsa. Jaundice, Impurity of tb i.;iooa, i'ever and Ar;ne, Malaria, end all Disease IB caused by De rangement of Liver, Dowels and Kidneys. SYMPTOMS OF A DISKASED LIVER. Pad Breath; Pain in the, somttimes the pain is ft It under the Shoulder-blade, mistaken for Rheumatism ; general loss of appetite; Bowels generally cofitiw. sometimes alternating with lax; the head is troubled with pain, is dull and heavy, with considerable lors of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of leaving undone something which ought to have been done; a slight, dry cougn and flushed face is sometimes at. attendant, often mistaken for consumption; the patient complaint of weariness and debility; nervous, cosily startled; feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation of the skin exists: spirits are low and despondent, and, although satisfied that exercise would be bene ficial, yet one can hardly summon'up fortitude to try it in feet, distrusts every remedy. . Several of the above symptou.s attend the disease, but cases bave occurred when but few. of ihem existed, et examination after death has shown the Liver to bave been extensively deranged. It should be ii se'l by all persons, eld and ' young, whenever any of the sbvTt symptoms appear. Persons TraveUne or LI ring: la Un healthy Localities, by taking a dose occasion, ally to keep the Liver in healthy action, will avoid DABBYS PROPHYLACTIC JtAJID. A LXoagehold Article for Unirertil . Family Use. - I T ' is I or Scarlet sad! Typhoid 'Fever , Diphtheria, ali vaUon, Ulcerated Sore Throat, Small Fox, Measles, as 1 JlU Contagions Diseases. Persons waiing( the Sick should use it freely. Scarlet F-verU never betn known to spread where the Huidvni used. W-Ho-.v I'cverha been . t.rcd itli it awf black vomit h;d isfti'ti place. Tfilwwa cuses of Diphtheria yield to it. TTcvercdand Sick Per- SMALL-POX sons re-freshed and and i Bed Sore prevent- PITTIN'O of Small ed by bathing wijh pox PKKVESTED Darbyi Fluid 1 A memlier ofay&sv , 11 f"-r ilv wastaM nnrmii'CK r.:i i 1 . , For Sore-Throat it is a sure cure. Contagion destrdyec!. For Frasted Feet, Ohilllaiiis, Piles, j Eradicates 1 Chafliiers, etc. Rbeumatisin cured. Smallpox: 1 usedtM Fluid ; tlie pitient wa not delirious- VAS,a pitted, and was bout the lioue again intlw week, and nn others h.i.t it - J W Pw insow, PhilatWpqu. Many men do not allow their princi ples to take root, butrpull them up eve ry now and then, as children do flowers they have planted, to see if they are growing. It is i great misfortune to have a fretful disposition. It takes the fra grance out of one's !ife; and leaves on all Malaria, Bilious al lacks. Dizziness. Nau sea, Drowsiness, Depression of Spirits, tc. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but is no In toxicating beverage. If Ton have eaten anything hard of lltrestion. or feel heavy after meals, or sleep less at night, take a dose and you will be relieved. Time anil Doctors' Bills will be saved by always keeping the Regulator " in the House! For, whatever the ailment may be, a thoroughly cafe purgative, alterative and tonic can never be oat of place. The remedy is harmless and does not interfere with business or pleasure. IT LS PURELY VEGETABLE. And has alt the power and efficacy of Calomel or Quinine, without any of the injurious after effects. A Coventor's Testimony. Simmons Liver Regulator has been in use in my family for" some time, and I am satisfied it is a valuable addition to tne medical science. J. Gili. Shostek, Governor of Ala. Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, of Gau, says Have derived some benefit from the use of Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a further trial. 'VP only Thing that never falls to Believe,' I have used many remedies for Dys pepsia, Liver Affection and Debility, but never have found anything to benefit me to the extent Simmons Liver Regulator has. I sent from Min nesota to Georgia for it. and would send further for such a medicine, and would advise all who are sim ilarly affected to e, ve U a trial as it seems the only thing that never fails to relieve. mi- -P M' JaK!,et' Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. T, W. Mason says : From actual ex- tty practice I have been and am satisfied to use andrescjribe as a purgative medicine E-Take only the Genuine, which always has on the Wrapper the red Z Trade-Mark and .Signature of J. H. ZEILLN & CO. . yojt.SALB Y ALL DRUGGISTS. Soft White Complex ions secured by its use. Ship Fever prevented. To purify the Ureal b. demise the Teetb, it can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved aitd cured. , Erysipelas cured:. Burns relieved instantly. Hears prevented. ' ct. Darbvs Fluid raf Jlysentery cured. Wounds healed rapidliK mi-ni of Iimhthcria. Scurvy cured. A- bToi.Li NwsSCX.J An Antidote for Animal -Greensboro, All. or Vegetable roisons, Mings, etc. Prevented. The physicians best se Darbys Fluid very Tetter driedP- j Cholera prevtateo I used the Fluid dunng r-cJk .1 our present affliction with U err po" Scarlet Fever with de cided advantage. It is indispensable to the. sick room. Wh. F. Sani- ford, Eyrie, Ala. vwvKmsra aVsmmmmLSmmmmmmaKi Scarlet Fever j Di cHsesof De 5 should he usw?? . i the crjse-rffj j prevenl any aPW ! ant imell T I The eminent W jlciu,XMA2 SIMS, St IK York, says- I ,i,S.i nrbti convincearr prophylactic rh valuable diiinlcco Fanderbllt University, NashvffJ. Jj I testify to 4he most excellent iiualiues , fXarhvs Prtifhvlactfe Fluid. As a aitnleCtr , . - . 1. . I. . - rA oetergeni 11 is uoin iiKiircin..ii i,KiinC' superior to anv preparation with s-hich 1 quamted. N. T: LvntiN, Prof ChenwsW Darbys Fluid to1BecornmenIfJ. Hon. Alkxamder Hi Stephfs,, cf (swrv, Rev. Chs. F. Desus, V.V.; Church Strangers, N. Y.; . cr I los. LeConte, Columbia. Prof iti Rev. A. JTBattlr, Prof . Mercer Lsig Rev. Gao. F. Piekc-. H. E tj-;. INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY HO Perfectly harmless. Used . internaUy externally for Man or M3 The Fluid has been thoroughly te-teo, w have abundant -vdence thu it ,jne'i 0 here claimed. For fuller informant K " -Lruggist a pamphlet or sen-J to the propr.eio- , J. H. ZEILIN .& r L p jj H 1 A ST 1 . I Uw.t. HilLAfti The YallBv Motoal Life istm .,,-.1111 A -nOM E Or'FICl-!, S 1 At N Ufe The Cheapest. Safest, ad M'si i'rtuo' ihVai- surance now offered the ptibUo i' 01D ' at p licy at an actwal average cost ti ' Foi further Information,, all"" ,r"'" 4(BMlt J. W MCKENJf g. May20.iss3.1 : -TN stH f afa weel at bome: IT f?f?iiit.dy sure." No rl. -jfl hJIUlJ.rullrli nersonsot ell fi art or old. can make great paj JH ffenVg&l with absolute eert;ilnt.v . lahd. 11 . II AI.LM I a. s i .; - . I 13:ly ' WfllfiHT'S INDIAN FOB TUB VECETABUPl Wfietlief riding, tlriving or walking alt ly rank weeds where a cheerful disposi-' wars tai?n to the right on meeting another tion would cause flowers to bloom. in the war. LIVER Ana an m-ZZ. Js: t 4 1 1 4 -1 : . . - -

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